Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Oct 1908, p. 1

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Jkstertirn Jlbirant^. TfiUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" •• PBlA'OIPLEb NOT MEN." . XXVI. NO 1376 Flestterton, Ont., Xhursclay, October 22, 1908 W. H. THURSTON, EDITOB BOi-uiiiTOB Newest Things leweiiery Can always be found at tfie Flesh- erion Jewellery headquarters. atches& Clocks To suit all tastes and all pocket : books. ivellery For thfl ladies in gre^t variety and latest patterns. pride ourselves In having a great vaiiety of the choicest (;ood8 minuFactured from which to choose. Come in and lot us show yuu what wo have. .A.ARMSTRONG Maxwell Items Eagenla. 9 disagreeable smoke for the ^last ays has been a nuisance and made s unple.isjint. Some careles-s pei-sons at tires iiiid Saturday and Sunday it ad for a while is if Eugenia village urrounding country wo-s going to be id out. The people turned out and d water in Mr. John Williams' r tank. Others fornifd a bucket ,de and kept the fire from spreiuling 1 the huuies, but at time of writing rind lias changed and for the present anger, we hojKs, is over, e harvest home on Thursday evening was (juite a, the ladies of the byteriau church thank all those who id to make the prograniiue a ^ood one, »11 who, by their presence, cheered \i on ill their good work for the cr's cause in this place. Bcecroft of Edtriivale has gjne to iends at Creumore. John Walker, who hiis been assist- buildin>> Miss Beecroft's house,ha8 ned to his home at Creonioro. Susie Taylor of Mavkdilo was the of her sister, Mrs. Will Ducket, for week. Magi^ie Wilson has been spending 1st couple of weeks with friends at Ic. Mosier of Fleshorton, and son, the guests of Eugenia friends <m all were pleased t« welcome the L>ia lady, and Mrs. Dimald MacDonald are over another addition to their tine boy. Wesley Latimer of Toronto us visit- is parents at Eng«uia. James Raid andjs»>n of Singhamp- 3re the guests of her friends hero Jund.iy. Wdlis Deaglo intends to keep the ill running this ooniini; winter and )on start getting in logs. Jo.seph Pedlar is very poorly at t. and Mrs. Thomas Ttylor of Mark- aid a short visit to their daughter, (uckett. le picking is almost over. The as been a good one, more especially ly varieties. ! dry weather still continues, fires swamps are doing .1 great deal of ;e. A good rain would be a bless - lie fighting fires in his bush Mr. Paul beciune overheated and now Ty ill. Tlie Women's Institute held their regular monthly meeting in the Methodist hall on Wednesday, October 14, at 2.30 p. m. There was a good attendance and Mrs. Joseph Gamuy gave an excellent report of the Woman a Institute Con- vention at Chatsworth. At the close of the meeting cufiTee and cake was served and a very inteiestiog social .\ftemoon was spent. Kev. Mr. Laidlaw of Eugenia, preach- ed a very interesting and instructive sermon Sunday evening to a larjro con- gregation . _ Mr. R. Kinnear lias been improving his store l>y adding a coat of paint. Miss Anderson of Wareham, visited at the piirsonage a .couple of days lost week. Mr. Alex. McLean of Mclutyre visited at Mr. Ed. McCallumn's, Lkst Sunday. Miss Robinson and Mr. Taylor of Siughampton, visited recently at Mr. T. Andrew's. Mr. and Mrs. Service of St.ayner, visit- ed with their daughter, Mrs. T. Andrews, last week. The entertainment in the Orange hall a week ago Monday evening in aid of St. Mary's church, was a decided success. Dundalk people favored us v/ith excellent talent and our home talent was also good. Rev. Mr. Morris kept the audience in hiughter, telling about the Irish wakes in Ireland. Mrs. John Ross is visiting at present with (Rev.) Mrs W.-ilter's Falb. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Blakely of Flcsher- ton, ca'led at Mr. W. U. Guy's last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clinton and family moved this week to Heron's hollow. . Some of our youna people t<xik in the party at Mr. Robt. Sceley's, 4th lino, la-st FriiUy night, and report a gotnl time. ' Mrs. Nichol of Toronto, who has been McFARLAND & CO. MA-I^KDALK 0>?'rAl<IO New Clothes For Men in "Sovereign Brand." 8th Line, Artemesia Farmers all around are busily lighting fires the last few days, as the swainpa are heinK almost destroyed iu some places by fire. Miss Ethel Carson returned homo Thursday afier a week's visit wi'h her aunt near Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Whiteford of Normanby returned home after spending a fortiiii>ht with the latter's sister, Mrs Wm. Caiuer- on. Mr and Hn. Tom Genoe and son. Rile, are spending a few days with friends in Tbornbury. 'At. Isaac Sari;eDt visited at Mr. Jaa. (Jai'Soii's last week. Mr. Charlie Hopper reiurned to hisi t . t, / . it . : o . . 1 . ^ . • x» _ T! J c . I,,, I comfortable (a very esaenlial feature in a well constructed aannent.) home in Ivow Liskeard after a month s \ -^ .... . » / visit with his parents here. Vi'e must coiijjiraiulatu Mrs. Geo. Lawlor in carrying otf three prizes at Ferersham fair. Andrew Schenck. President of the Genntmii Fire Insur- ance Co., ReconiDieiid.s Chamberlain's Cough Reuuily. I haveused CbaniberUin's Couith Rpinedy in my family for over a year, and t^an say taac it hae never failed tii ciu* the most stubborn cuiieh 01 cold. I cau ruoommend it to any family as a sure and nafe children's c<iu(;u Remedv. â€" .\mirew Schenck, Ayton Out. I'his Remedy fur sale b W. E. KivhardBou. visiting her sister, MLss McDonald, dur- ing the p.Lst three ii-onth.s. loft hist Satur- day to V sit a week, with friends in Flesherton. From there she will return to her home in the city. Miss Ganiey of the Glen, visited last week with her sister, Mrs. Fred Sfxifford. Mr. Robt. Kiauear, Mr. F. Blakey. Mr. Albert Heron and the Morrison brotliers have returned home from the west. Stomach troubles would inoro quickly disappear if the idea of treating the cause rather thou the etfect, would come into practice. A tiny, inside, hidden nerve, says Dr. Shoi.p, governs and pives strength to the stomach. A branch also i{o>.'8tothe heart, and one to the kidneys. Wrien these '"iuside nerves' fail then the organs must falter. Dr. Shoop's Restora- tive is Uitccted speciticnlly to these fail- ing nerves. Within 48 hours aftci start- ing the Restorative tre.ilinent patients say they realize a gam. Sold by all dealers. For Chronic Diarrhoea. I in the army In 1863 Iwiw taken with I diarrhoea," says tJeorRe M. Kelton >>f liibsun. Pa. "I bave since tried many >a but without any perniaiieiit relief, Ir. A. W. Miles, of this place, iiereuad- S try Chamberlain's Cobc, Cholera and k 'Kemedv, one bottle of which stop- 1 once." For sale by Vv. E. Richard- East Mountain Still it remains very dry and everyone is wisbihu for raui, it would do every- thinsj good. .\ few small tires were rag- ing in this part last week and bad to be carefully watched. Win. Humbetstiines h.\d a card party on Friday evening. Miss Nettie Martin is hcnu from Chicago. Robt. Allen is holdinn an auction sale. Oct. 29th, and intends leaving for British Columbia soon .ifter. John Branift is home from the west. Miss Irene Leitch was tho guest of Mrs. Samuel-Sm-»rl for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Martin and baby, Wilda, visited friends near Cbukshurg last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Allen of Reilickville vis- ited the teacher, Miss Allen. .Mr. Robe. McMulleu is on the sick list and Dr. Carter is attending him. Mrs. J no. Martia and Miss Nettie vis- ited iu Redwing on Sunday. Kimberley. Editor Irwin of the Duiham Chronicle and daughter, Reta, were visitors at Mr. M. K. Hamtuond's on Sunday last. Mr. Thos. H.iU and aon Henry of Dundalk wero visitors at Mr. Jos. Ferris' recoil lly. Mr. Louis Pedlar of Rockva'.e wty a visitor at Mr. F. J. Weber's on Sunday last. ><- Mrs. Robert Fawcotl. sr., who has been the k'uest ot her sun here for some time, returned to Healhcote last week, Mr. M. R. Hammond ba« purchased a new piano. Rev. Harold Wclwood, R. A., B. D., of Chatsworth, will addroR.s the Sunday School here on Sunday afternoon, Oot. 25tli, at threw o'clock. He will also have chariie of tho evening service. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ferris and family, of Heiiverdalc.wore the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ferris on Saturday last. Mrs. Chi.'. Baxter, of Bayviow, is re- newing old ac>|uaiiitaiice» in thi>» vicinity ar present and is the guest of her sister, Mr«. Oeo. MoConnel. Mr. F. D. Golf of Clarksburg occupied the pulpit in the union church on Sunday evening; last. Mr. and 51 rs. Geo. Stuait aiidehilJron of Flesherton wore vi.sitors here 01. Sun- d,iy last. Mr. Donald McLean of Thornbury visited friends here on Sunday las:. Mr. and Mrs. W. Plcwes and family, of KirkviUe, vi.sited friends here recently. Quite a number from here attended the fowl supper at Eu.;onii on ThursJiy evening last and report a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Allen of Mclancthon, Dufferin county, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs Jjlui Plewis duriujs the past week. Miss Millar of the Iltli li-ic,Euphiasia. was tho guest o." Mrs..!. W. Ferris on Saturday. Miss Ethel McClung, who has boon the guest of her sistpr, Mrs. John Wyville of Markdale suburbs, for some time relumed home. We have received and pa.«sed into stock .several linei of new suits for men and many of which are the famous "Sovorei.;ii Brand" make. Here are soma points of real importance in clothes niakini; â€" poinis that aio worth thinking about because they mcf.ii luuf^h to the app«.iraiice and wear «{ the cloth s ynu buy. L./ok at one of those SoveJeiun Brand Suits and observe tho close fi'ting ci.Uar. It never .stands out at tho liack or on one side, i;, always fits chwe u;i to the iieci*. Tho shouldeu are slightly concaved and litsmoothly without a wrinkle, the aimbules are large enough to ba Tho fiontsand lapoli arc taihired add needle moulded so that these important parts of the garment always rutaiu their shape. The miterials used in "Sovereign Brand" garuienta are thonughly shrunk before being cut. These are only a few of the features wo call your special atiention to as we find them in this lino of clothing which we harp to oSor 70a fo- the fall and winter. Our stock of new suits consists of Blue and Black Worsteds, Serge.*, D.ark Fancy Worsteds, English Tweeds. In "Sovereiuii B.-and' the prices rang^ glO.lX) U CO 11 50. 12.50. 14.00. 15 00. Sizes 30 to 44. Iu other makes tho prices range $5.50, (i.OO, 50, 7.00, 7-90, 8.50, 9.00, 9.50 aud 10.00. Sizes :56 to 44. New Overcoats for Men. The concern that makes good Suits can make good Overcoats. The Overcoats tint we have to show you were made by the same big company that produces "Sove- O'i^n Br.ind" suits, thorefori! no doubt about the hiijh standard of the garments The fabrics, in<>Kt in vogue, will be Black English Mel'.ons and Bever clothes. Cheviots and I'weods in dark plaid cfT-cts. and we have them in largo variety in sizes 34 to 44, and prices at $5.00, 5.50, 6.50. 7.03, 7.50, 8.50, 9.00, 10.00, 12 50 and 15.00 We have a liaiidsouie sho*'.ng of nev suits for lx>ys fr.iiii 52.50, to 7 50, and Over- coats, Reefers, Pea Jackets, in largo variety and all sizes. Don't f.iriiet us when ynu are looking fnc tho new things in ladies' Mantles. Children's Coals, Furs of a'l kinds, Dr-'ss Goods, Custom Chnlies, Mens Made-lo- Measure Suitiiiijs, Trouserings, .Men's C'oih Caps, S: luticlds 1,'uderwear, (best in tho markit,) and miny other linos we could meniion but space will not permit us doing so. SMALLTUINGS ANDS.MALL PRICES, decfiraled Colored 72 cards Men's Lever Collar Buttons 4 on 1!) only Hands.ime Vases, regular 50c. on sale .it each 19c. 7.T assorted «h:;pes in Wooden Pipes, worth from 25 to 3jc, your choice loj.' 144 mediuni weiaht Glass Tumblers, reg- 4oc doz , while they per doz. 25c- 30 large Broad Knives, for each 10c. 12 doz. Dresden China Siucers, reg. 7o., yours for each 3c. 30 boxes Fancy xnd Plain Frilling, 3 in box for 10c. 81.00 Ladies Dressed Tan Kid Gloves for 69c. d 350. .card, per card 6<., fid'zen Men's Grey Wool .Soctj,' 15 an: 18c kind, 2 p.iir for. 25i 10 dozen Ladies' Black Bibbed Hr«e, «r«eiul two pair for 25c. 5 dozen Fancy Obluog Ivory Beauty pins 00. 3c. So. ppeoial 2 for ijc MoDso Traps for 6c Stove Lid Lifters for 5 While Cambric Handkerchiefs, size, for ladies' lOc. McFARLAND Si COMPANY has received a lull stock of mouth 1 (Hohners) from ICc. 35c. 5Cc. 60c. at Richardson's Drug Store. I letter was received at the ys^'. kepartment, andsent to the Post- I General. The letter came from a I postmaster at a suiall postuffire Falling out o^a high fir tree from a height of 60 feet, near Berlin, Ore .when (â- hot by hunters, a black bear, weighing 4v10 pounds, struck squarely on a hound va'ued at |6.00, killing (he - siantly. Ceylon's N Up=to=nate Store. On Wednesday, Sept. 20lh, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Jas. Douglass, in ihe Township of Osprey, Mrs. Murgaret G. Bewell, widow of the l:ite William Bewell, died at the ase of 75 years. Mi-s. Bewell whose maiden name was Uambon, was born near Bel- fast, Ireland, and came to Canada at an early age. For a short time she resided at Montreal, but latci- became one of the household of tho Rev. T. Goldsmith of Toronto, where she remained until married over 40 years ago, to William Bewell who had been farm manager for t'le late .lojeph Hartman, M.P. for North York. They at once removed to the r ^ ^ T ow i.s the time to buy your shoes for the, Fall In order to make room for our new stock we are selling shoes at half price. Call aud let us supply your wants. f u Gro'xries we carry afresh and up-to-date stock. /i nother shipment of Manitoba Flour just arrivetl, also Ontario Flour â€" Bran â€" Shorts and Feed Flour. \mF indsor Salt in .sack or barrel lots. Ceylon's Leading \_Merhants COlLiI^II^ SON BBOS animal in-] Township of' Osprey, where they hewed out a home in the bush, and lived happily Bo« with hats on the back of their .until Mr Bewoirs death which occurred Sodsmutty words in thoir mouths l.bout^four years a^o^^^^^^ Bewell was In accordance of the rules Jof the are cheaper than wor" aeut, I write you to inform you next Saturday I will close the I for one d.iy, as I am going on R [mt. I am not asking (lerniission, , can discharge roe iC you want to. rill advise yon now that I am the an in this country who can read heads and smutty words in thoir mouths I about (our years ag... Mrs arTcheaper than worn .,at her-.. No- : one of the bi.est types of true Ch.islian l^y want, them at any pri«. Men ! women known and beloved by a large iMxiy wauw iiiv ^ j j- ^^ _ ^ ^.^^^^ ^ ^ friends. Her suffering for weeks waa intense, but borne without complaint at any print. Men will not employ them; girls r ill not marrvthem They are not worth their, .--..â-  , , , , u j .u ffio anybody, and Ihey will not keep u.Uil the kind angel of death cursed the ,he.n.elve' An, boy who happens to threshold, and called her ,0 a Wd free read this description let him take a look 1 fron. pain and sorrow ^m, M« t1 .»' . . . j^jg c(,nsci«nco U. Bewell. and one daughter. Mrs. Ja*. at himself and do says is best to do. what Douglass, both of Opprey, survive. The C. P. R. solicitor was in town the other day and made a settlement with the brothers and sisters of the late Rob*. Carr, who was killed in tho Caledon wreck, in September of 1907, for the sum of $1,800. By the strict letter of the law the radway waa nut liable to a claim for damages, the deceased being unmarried and having neither father nor mother living. G. M. Vance handled tho matter for tho Carrs. â€" Shelburne Economist. Dundalk cemetery is being fitted up ' wi*h a new iron and wire fenoe. Lame Back. This ailmeDt is usually oauae<l by rheuma- tism of tho muscles of the small of the back, and is quickly cured by applying Chamber- tain',-! Lininiont two or three times a day and masiUMtiiiK the ))»rl.» at each application. For sale by W. E, Richardson. I>R. BURT 5peclallst In diseases ^ol the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Ottioe lyFiostSt. . <>weni3ovina At the Revere house. Markdale, 1st Friday each month frvm 8 to 12 a. m. >w\

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