Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Oct 1908, p. 8

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( October 15 H»08 THE F L E S H E R T O N A D V A N C E BLOOD DISEASES CURED Dra. K. & K. Established 20 Year*. tSrtiO NAMES USED WITH- OUT WRITTEN CONSENT H« wa« surprised at how the sores hesUd- "I took your New MkTIIiiII 'I'HKiTMEST fOP A HCnOUtJ l»U)fMl (lisi'osp with wliieli I Imd been inl'.iuud for 1 \v<-lve yiaw. I bml consulted aacore of plivsicioiiK taken all kinds of tilotxl ncdic'ini'. visited Hot SpriiiK-i and oDier niini-ml watfrri^^'orts, but oidy koI teni- p >iai y relief. Tliey would help mc for a tim-, but nftiT diMOntlnuini? the- nieili- AriCn TREATMENT chu'S the hyniptoms would break out nsain- runiiinj; sores, blotclios, rhcnm- atic pains. loosene.s.** of the bair. swflllngs of the ;^lands, palms of the hands scalinKt .rrnnr Turi^rurm-r itchiness of the skin, dyspeptic stomiicli, OEFORE TREATMENT ^,,. j ^^, ^.j^^,, „p j,, ("ip^pair when a f rienil advised me to consult you, us you bad cured him of a similar disease 8 years ago. I had no ho|)e. but took liisatlvico. In three weeks' time the sores commenced to heiil up and I tK'cuni'' eneouraKetl. 1 continued the New Methob Tkeatmknt for four months mid at the end if that time every symptom hAd ilisupix'areil. 1 woa cured 7 years ago and no silfusof any dis'-asc since. My boy. three years old. is sound and healthy. 1 certainly can ri'oommeiid your treatment with all my heart. You cuu refer any person to me privately, but you eau use this testimonial as you wish." W. II. S. We freal NERVOUS DEBIUTY, VARICOCELE. STRICTURE. VITAL WEAKNESS. BLOOD. SKIN nnd PRIVAT'% Ditcues, URINARY, BLADDER and KIDNEY coinploinlt of M«n and Woinea nrinCD Arc you a victim? Have vou loet hoi)e? Are you intendinR to marry? nCAULn your blood been diseased! Have you any weakness? Our >'kw .Methoo Tkeatmiust will cure you. What It has done for others It will do for you. Connillation Free. No niatU-r who has treateil you, wrlU' for au honest opinion Free of Charge. Charges reasijuable. Booki Freeâ€" "Thu Golden Monitor," (Illustrated) on Diseases of Men. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. ETerythin* confidential, Quettioo lilt and cott of Homo Treatment FREE. DRs.KENNEDr&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Hardware - Sporting Goods Think of It! Iluiitiii^ sea8on will be in full swini^ in a couple of weeks and wu have the iKoat coniplHto lino of hunters supplies such as Loade,! ijholls, Empty Shells, Puuilcr, both bkck »iid siiiokelKss, shot »f all siz^s, Wads in nitrocatd and felr, Huiitorx Axoh, Gun Ca«UH. Oun Oil, in fact, nnythiii)< ym may ask lor •' E L E Y ' S " Loit'Ietl Shells in Mnck powonr ut oOc. smokolegx nt (iuc. Wo have a oinplote linu (if Uiflp Cartridges, etnUraciii'^ H. B. Caps, .22 shoit und l.mif. .32 ntul lon^r. .:« S & W.. .38 .S. A W., .44 Winchestor, 32.40, 38.55, .303, 3<).30 and uMier sizes. Atiy y.\/.f not in Hlock will he secured on imtice. Exaniinii our Hardwiire stock when in need (if Hatdwatu. Our specialtiHH are Furiinco Work, J'/ivelrnughiiiij, TinHiiiithiii^ aiul Koufms, Why Imvo a leaky loof when wo will put on u i/uuranteod rouf at82.!NJ a wjuart;. Ezauiinu it. NORRIS BROS. General Hardware ilerchnnts and Tinsmiths n m « In Sloi^hs, Biij,f<,Mos, Wii^rKons, « « Iliirrow.s, riougli.s, Cream Se|)- ^ « iirator.s aiul Wire Fencing. « HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALITY lOth Line, Osp.rey. The Oaprey Agricultural Society held their annual fair on their ^roUDdtt in FevurHham on wedtiesdny of last week. There was a largo gathering of people and the fAir and concert in the evening was 11 great succeHfi in every way.the pro- ceeds amounting to about fira hundred dollars The directors are greatly pleas- ed, as they aro endevouring to make this fair ooe of the best in the county. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Otteirell of Thorn- bury ivererendwing old acquaintenses in this part last week. Mrs. Weldiick «r. and granddaucthter Rita are visiting the former's daughter, MrtJ. Phillip Uollingnhuad, at South Iliver, Alusk^ika, at present. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hilts of Moftford visited llio formur's ntice, Mrs.Sauderson, sr., laft week. Mr. Geo. Jooper, of the 12th line, lost a valuable horse a short time ago by the animal breaking its leg. Miss Atha Heron visited ofor Sunday witli her aunt, Mrs. R. J. Colquette, at " Fai view Farm." Mr. Richard Otiewell is spending a few weeks in the wutt, visitinit friends at Areola, Sask., and Edmonton, Alia. Mrs Wiamor of Minitoulin Island has returned home after riijiting a few weeks with her friendi Mr. and Mrs. John Couliliaid (.f Fevershain. ^ Mr.s H:iriy Hortoii of CoUinswood Bp.'iit a few days lioit week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Coli|Uette. Mr. SVni. Duncan has leased his funu to Mr. Thos. Beatty of Maxwell. Afr. Alex Maxwell who ha< been at Cobalt fur the last couple of years is visit- ing at Mr. S. Robeitsat present. Heard's Carriage Works Flesherton Carriage Works CAIIHIAOKS, SIJ<:i(>ns, cutters, TMPUilMENT JtlCPAIl.'S, CUKAiSI SEPAUATOU.S, Etc. Special attention given to HOIi.SE-SHOElNtr and all kind.s ofllEPAlRS. We have a new stock of liiiggie.s in, Call and .see them be- fore liuying. CllEAM .SEPARATOKS-Wehandlt^ "the Mellotte." Getonr our prices and tcrni.s, McTavish & Williams, Flesherton. INCKKA.SK YOITR ,SAT,AHY Proper proparatliin does it. Attend. TORONTO. ONT. And tho tiiiiu to ootnmcnoe i» rl«hl now One hundred anil omi ntiideiitH from other liiHiiteHii eolleKe< have patroitizeil thij oilU'tfe within one yoai. What doeH thli prove! W« iflvo tho boat. Notlilntf eUo wiuld B.itinfy iiHâ€" nothing oIhiI ahould HiitiHfy you. All irrAliiate'i readily »«<Miro eiupliiyniHiit. Writo for oataloi^iie. w. J. Ki.r.Tcn", i'.:iieipai. Oor; Yentre anri Alexander StH. The Only Way To make sure of Kottimra thorough lUisi- uts.sor Shorlhrtiid training is to attend tin' ^ fvo^r//£m/?0 IT LEADS. Sp.'cial Dopnrtmont for ihosii whoso oarly odiieittion has been ne- glected. Information froeto any address. 0. A. FLEMING, I'kincii-ai,, Owen Sound, ^ Ontnri Honor Rolls. Following is the leport of S. S. No. 7, ArtemesiH, for September. Class 5â€" Annie Muir, Annie McMillan. Class 4â€" Gartield Whyte, Claia Gil- christ, Ella Gilchrist, Willie 01i»er, Pearl Henderson. Class 3 sr â€" Lily McPhail, Howard Mc- Lean. Class 3 jr- Lottie Muir, Walter Wil- llanison, Olive Henderson. Class 2 srâ€" Ralph Williamson, Muriel Henderson. t'hiss 2 jrâ€" Wilfred Purslow, Duncan .McMillan. I't. 2 8râ€" Norninn Hartley. I't. 2 jrâ€" U'lbbio Dingwall, Mary Whyto. I't. 1 srâ€" .lim Whyto, Bobs Meads, l'"raiik Williamson. .Ir. (<)â€" Klvada Henderion, Aniiio fMcIirist, Sarah McLean, Peter Muir, Klmer .Muir. .)r.(l>)â€" Sidie Whyie, Stanley Whyte. Margnret Grant, teacher. F.u.i;enia. Hold over from last Week. The Welcome changein temperature! tho ii.o<t week was a(<|iiuoiali'd by luiui and iiffasl, as tho exueine heat and f.iiioky iitniosphetc iiiado onj feel very uncom- fortalile. Cattle sudered from sisircity of pasture and llier--, and some iliu-es no water at hand, but in good ti>ne tlie change cauid and all are thankful. The Presbyloriaris aio prepirinj; to give u harvest home fowl supper in tl* church on Thursday eveniiiL', Oct. 15, when a L'ood program will \\\s loiidered. For particulars see bills Messrs. Wilfred' and Woa Plan/^t vi^it^d friuiids at Muaford for a few days. Mrs. Duiilap of Meatotd was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mis. 1 mi- mur sr., the past week, at their h line in lOugriiia. Mr.s.lleniy Williann,who was fir sonu! time past visiting lier s>mi at Paris, <>ni., li>H returned honio. Her fiientl, Mrj. Uuiialdsoii ami two children, and ^!r8. Hal! of West Toronto, aro her gmsts at present. Master Gerald Ijarge gave a birthday party to a number (>f his litllo friends ro- cenily. A splendid supper was served and a iklightful tone was enjoyed by all. Mr. Bill) Williiiins is having a cellar bulk under bis houso and other iiuprofc- inenis iiiado. He is cntemplating a chatigo ill his housshold iift'nirs. Mr. Diickett has tho contract for tho mason work. .Ur. Art. Walker visited friends in â- Shelburne and had a good time at the fair. Mts. T. E. Feiiwick gave a knittint! parly to a fow friends the past week. A splendid fowl s'lppiT was served, to which tliu ladies did ample justice. All enjoyed a g >od Mnie. Miss Gorty Paul of Floshertuii,is visit- ing her parents for a short tiuiu. .\fr. and Mrs. ihihn Fisher of Wiarton arc visiting the former's parents. Mrs. Jus. Williams is having a collar built on her lot and is having her house moved onto it. She wilt have a nice oiisy little honto when complotod, Mr. Ilenty Konwick has tho contract. The handsome brick coltsgo erected hy iViss Beocrofi of Kdcndalu is now cuiup. luted and is a credit to Fugania. Miss Findley of CollingiTood has been the gnuit of her fritnid, Aliss Pearl Han- ley, i'oi the past week. Messrs. Oaudin and Fawoett of llcath- cote condiicted the Korvices in the Moth- (diht church on Sunday evening, Mr. Liiidlaiv absent. Tho chvirch was well tilled, Mr, Onndin being still a wd- como friend at Eugenia. Fiiaee Means Perleci Heating without Gas, Dust or Smoke. The "Hecla" Furnace is the only Furnace with Fused Joints. These Joints are made by fusing the steel and cast iron parts together at white heat making an indestructible joint. Fused Joints are permanently airtight. Even after 20 years' use they will not work loose or leak. They insure absolute freedom from dust, smoke and gas. The Steel-Ribbed Fire Pot used on the "Hecla" Furnace has three times as much radiating surface as any other style of fire pot. It will save fuel for you and give you more heat. It extracts from the fire, heat that would otherwise go up the chimney. Let HS show you the 190S " Hecla" and explain all the latest improvements in detail. Made by (be malcera ol "Peerless PenlnKalsr** Rangesk, 62 j NORRIS BROS, - (f^ - FLESHERTON Business Cards MUUIiLOUGH & YOUNQ »L Raulcor Markdale Oo a geoeral banking business . Money losneo a roasouab le rata Call on iis. ' Postmaster, Oeyton. CoDiiiiissioiior iu H.O. J .Convevancer, deeds, niortf;ai;c8, leases, wills etc. carefully drawn up .^olIectioiiB uiad*. cbar(:os reasonable. Aho KrocerieB, tlour. feed etc, kept iu stock, I'rices ri«ht. RJ SPBOULE Postmaster, Flesherton ,j0tumlssioner in H.C J., Auctioneer Con- veyancer, .\ppraiser aiid Money Lender Ueal Bstato and Insurance .^gent. Deeds iBortsaiies. losses ani wills carefullydrawD up anl valuations made on sliortCHt nctiee luoucy to loan at lowest rates of interest. Col uotious attouded to with prouiptues^s oliarcen low. Agent for Ocean DotulnioD HtxauiBhip Company. A call solicited. DMcPHAIL, Licensed Auc',Ion«cr foi the • County of Grov. Terms nio.lerato and natisfartinn Kuarantoed. The arraiisenient^ and dates of sales can be made a'. TllK Advanck nlllce. KoKidenco and P.O., Ceylon, Telephone connection. Deo. C.07. L\y KAITTlNti. Licensed Auctionscr • '' • tho counties of lirey and fiiinc for rey and 8iincne. Farm and SInek sales a specinlist. Terms moderate satisfaction Ruaiantie't. .\rranKe- iDonts for tintetf niav be made at tlio .\i1vsiu-o otiiee. or a; T. Hutcbinsoii s store, heverslmiu. or by ar'.dr.-Rsini; nie at Fvvctsliaui, Out. Lot 1:1, con, VI, Osproy, RUDI) MATItKWS," ""McrkdRlerntdc'eiised aucMoni'cr for ttie comity of (Irey, Oood service at rengMiablo rntei-. Dates cau be niado Bt Tlia Advance. 1 o 00. Ml EDICAL Dii oakti.r M C P & K Ont, Physician. SnrRcoii, e OlUeo aiid residenceâ€" Peter st , Flesherton T V OTTKWin-L 'J Veterinary SiirRoon Oraduato of Ontario Veterinary College, residence â€" sacoud door soittli west oc }:iirv street. This street ruus south riest.v tcriaii Church . WILSON, Itlacksmlth • 'irailuate ofliie Veterinary Science Association Uesidpnce. Purhaiu itrect, op ItoHitu Hoyd. HieUlii.s''* hardware. Dkntistry Dr. E. C. MURRAY L. D. S., dental snnjeon hnnOi-uraditate of Toronto t^iiiversity and llcyal ColleKS of Dental Surseons of Ontario, (ins administered for teeth extraction, otilce a*, residence. To ronto 16 â- <ritI'"Iiih'>".*toij Lecal LUCA8 WRIGHT & MeARDLE liarrlstors Holioltors Ooi reyanoers, etc omensâ€" Owen Sound, O:;* and MarkdalcOut W 11 WiuolIT, McAkdi-B I H I.rcA N II -I'leBhertoil otUco, MitclicU's auk every Saturday. Societies AO U V meets on the last Monday III eacii month, in their IncIKo room, Cbristoo'n block. Flesherton. at H p.m. M.W., FiiUnk Chard; Sew., T. IllHkuly, Financier, W.J. llol,»niy. VisltiUR b>otbrcu Itvited. PUlSim AKTHltK LODHF.. No. :«1,A.P.A A M. meets in the Masonic all. Arm- stroiiR'a Hall Flesherton. every FrUUy on or hotorc tho full luocii. Thos. lUukely.W.M.; Herl).,'-imlth, Soc-otary. porUT FLKSIIIIUTOM. 90",, I. p. F. iveets in '^ Clavton'H lllock the last Wednesday evoiiim! of each niontli. VisitiuR Foresters heartily weleomo. H, H., nysoii; It. S., 'J'. Hor.ry; Fin. See., C. N. Itichnrdson. Please jiay ihirs to Fin. Sec. before tho flist day of the month. , CnoSKN' FUIKNPS-Flesherton foiincH ol Cliosen Friends uieots in Clayton's hall flvst and third Wednesday ofeaehiuont H p. m Pay asHossinents to tho Recorder on or before tec first (lav of each month. Chief Councillor T. Illakoloy; eeorder, W. H. Hunt. FRUITS Wo have Grapes, Peaches, etc., in the proper quility and the proper price. The kind that satisfy in every way. Call at our booth on the fair grounds on Fri- dny. Everythins; .seasonalile will be there and prices right. Pickling Season â€" All kinds of seasoning. Both ground and whole spices for tale at W. L. WRIGHPS OROCEUY SEASO.^ABLE GOODS IN i FURNITURE 'llio largi'.'-t iiiid .stock of Funiituro ever shown in Flesherton. Tlii.s witliont feiir of con- tradiction, (.'nnio and .see .souio of tho nice thin^^.s in Side UoitnlK, I>iiiiiig Room Chairs, Pallor Setts, Ued Hooni Setts. A spcctiil reduc- tion just now on eveiy- thiiig, ill order to ro- diu'o the stock. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNTURE DEALER ESHERTON A R15LTAnLE LOCAL SALESMAN WANTED For Fle.shtsrton And Adjoining Country TO RKPRESKNT Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries. While liuslness in some lines nmv hn dull, farmers wore never more eiiconrai^ed as roKsrils fruit Rrtiy^ ins thao at the piesent season. Hieh rirlcos for all clssiJes of fniit have been ol>^ alned tho past season, and there is as a conse- iiuoncoan Inoreasod doinaud for nursery stock. Our sroek Is romploto In evorv dc|>»rtnient, liioiudiuR n new list of specialties which we alone ha::<llo. Tho richt man will obtain a pcrmanont situ- ation wltti territory roscrvod for hiui. Pay weekly. Fr«e Bam))Io outfit, etc. Writo for pivrticulara. , STONE &W ELLINGTON Foothill Nurioriea.ta'iO acres) j TORONTO Ontario 1 WINTER HARNESS GOODS Bia Stock = = Best$toel( B(ll$» Blankets , Robes Fur lined coats, pocketlmoks, Riitchels, razor strop-s and other leather yoods. Cuttersâ€" best makesâ€" and everything in the harness line. W. MOORE, Flesherton Out. SUMMER - STOCK. Of Sweat Pads, Collars, Plow Hues Dash Aprons, Kubbur Uui{b. Dusters Fly Nets, Hoof Ointment, Axle Greitae, AU kinds ot Harness and Repairing, O. w!~Phillips FlesHepton BEST BUSINESS TRAINING at reasonable iirices. Stait any time. IMllTISH CANADIAN BUHlNEaS COLLKtSK. C<ir. Vonge and Bloor Sti-., Toronto, J

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