October I l»(*8 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE â- ^ff-WSHBHW^H^J^S^WiH* Nervous, Diseased Men DRS. K. A K. ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS Consultation FREE. Quution Blank for Home Trutment *cnt FREE. Rcuonabk Fees for TrMtmcnt A NERVOUS WRECK ROBUST MANHOOD W« Sutrantitto Curt til Csr&blt CtiM tf Strioturt, Vtrloootltw linrous DibllHy, Blood Poltono, VlttI Woikntuot, Kldnoy, Bltodor tnd Urlntry DItottos, tnd all DItMiot Poeulltr tt ion tnd Womon. DoD*t WMt« your time and money om chfap, ilanKerouB, experimental treatment. Don't incresae at your own cost your BulterinKS by being experimented on with reniedlea which they claim to have just discovered. But come to us in conUdencc. Wo will treat you conscientiously, lionestly and sldllfully, and restore you to health In the shortest pos- (iblo time with the least medicine, discomfort and ezpeooe practicable. Each case Is treated as the symptoms lndioat/9. Our N«w Matbod la original sad lias stood the test for twenty yeara. DRs.KENNEDr&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold Si. Detroit. Mich. EAST GREY PRIZE LIST. (CuDcluded fro:n first pSfte ) Hardware - Sporting Goods . Think of it! Hunting season will be in full .s«int» in a couple of weeks and we liavu tli« noist cumplfie liiie of hutiters supplies ruch n% Lnn<ti!<I Shells, Empty Shtll.s, I'owiler, both I luck and smokeless, slmt of all sizes, Wads in nitrucaid and felr. Hunters AxeH, Gun CaavH, Gun Oil, in fact, anything; ynu may ask lur t I E L E V S Loaded Shells in Wack poweer at oOc, smokelesH at 63c. We have a c'linpletH Into of Rifl:' CartriHi^eH, emliracin;; U. B. Cajn, .22 short and lonir, .32 short Slid lonjj. .32 S & W.. .38 H. & W., .44 Winchester, 32.40, 38.55. .303, 3U.30 and oiher sizes. Any xize not in stock wdl be â- cFure'1 on htiaslest n>>ncti. Exsniinu our HardirMre stock when in need of (lard ware. Our special'ies are Furnace Work, Envetroughinjf, TinsmithiDft zsid Roofiii}!, Why have a leaky roof when <vu will put nn a iruaranteed rouf at 92.90 a square. Examine it. NORRIS BROS. Oeneral Hardware ilerchants and Tinsmiths il^lMi In Sleighs, liiigj^ie.s, Waggons, Ilairow.s, rk)Ugl).s, Cream 8ep- amtors ami Wire Fencing. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALITY Heard's Carriage Works Flesherton Carriage Works CARKIAGES, SLEIGHS, C^UTTEIIS. IMPLEMENT REPAIRS, CllEAM SEPARATORS, Etc. Special attention given lo HORSE-SHOEING and all kinds of REPAIRS. We have a new stock of Buggies in, Call and see them be- fore buying. CREAM SEPARATORS--We handle "the Mcllotte." Getour our prices and terms. McTavish & Williams, Flesherton. INCKEASh YOUR SALARY Proiwr |)re|>aration dms it. Attcn). ELUOTT TORONTO, ONT. And the tiiii" to cimmence is right now One bunlred ami on j Btn lei)ts from other buainesH cilleKo< ha.'e pitroniiied this collngi- within one yiw. What does thi< prove? Wo irivi! tns heat. Nothini; elsi wonlil sitisfy uh â€" nothin; else «h mid Hjttimfy yon. All ffratuites reulily sejuru eiiiployinmt. Write for c vt.il ).(;ie. W. J. BLi:.IOn-, Principal. Cor: xonjfe and Alexander Sts. The Only Way To make sure of i/oltinir a thorungli Rnai- iivs.sur Shorthand training is lo attend the IT LEADS. Special Pepurlnient for those whole early education hns hoen ne- gltcted. InfurnmtiiMi free to any addtnns. C. A. PLEVIINO. PuiNcirAL. Owen Sound, ^ Ontario corn, white, j Smart, ji Graham; C cars yellow i(arden corn, j Stuart. Manufactures ClitsH 32 â€" Display of orijans, pianos and sewing nmchiaes, T F Wilson. Exhibit of harnosa unJ saddle goods, Win Mooro. Udies' Work Class 34 â€" Berlin wool woik, H SVntson, H Pi|)er; crochet work in cotton, O Walk- rr, EWalkei, crochet worK in wool, O Phillips; do. in silk, O Walker; mount niellick work, W Moore, E Walker; eye- let embroidery, W Moore; embroidery with linen fiosa, G MiichcU. dn. with cotton. Phillips, P Quiire. do. with silk. W Moorv». O Walker; do. on satin, \% P Crosdley, O Walter; do. on muslin, W Boyd; do. on bolliiij; cloth, U Walker; rouian embroidery with silk, W fioyd; do. with cotton, E Walker, Mitchell; anv other embroidery, W Boyd, O Mitchell; mexicsn or drawn thread, W Bojd, E Walkei; point, O Walker. O Phillips; honiion, Walker, P Quifrg; battenburir, D Harrow, O Philiipa; duchess. O Phil- lips, O Walker; netting, plain, E Walker, O Phillips; do. fancy, £ walker; tatting, Mitchell; table cenlrepiec8,einbroidrry, Mrs wilnon, w P Crosatey; do. any other kind, U Philli|>s, Mrs. Wilson; tea cosy, w Moore, O walker; coll of doilies, em- broidery, w Boyd; coll biiy other kind, w Boyd, E walker; sofa cushion, mount- ed, w Moore, O Phdiips; pin cushion, w Moore, Mrs white; table drape, O Phil- lips; photo frame, w Boyd; table cloth, embroidered, w P Crossloy; dc. any other variety, w Boyd, O Phillips; tDilet set, O Phillips, D Harrow; whisk holder, worked, G Mixhell, Roy Thistlethwaite; fancy footstool, A Benthain, P Quijjg; liHiulkerchief case, P (juigg, ABeiiihain; set table mats, D Harrow, P Quiug; slippers, knitted, w Buskin; novelties, w P Crossley; knitting in wool, fancy, not hosiery, O walker: do. in cotton, E walk- er, w P Crusaley; wu"l slock ines, hand knitted, O wulker; wool socks, hand knit, do.; wool gloves, hand knit, men's E Walker; do. lady's, O walker; wool mitts, gent's hand, knit, E walker, w Buskin; do. lady's, E Walker, A Bcnthsin; pa chiiig, iKit quilts, Mrs white, PQuigg; pillow phains, w Buskin, H Piper; button- holes, w P Crossley, P Quigg; darning on stockiug'i, w J Meads, E Walker; machine sewing, family, w Buskin, PQuigg; mats, hooked rax, A Uentham, P Quigg; patch- work quilt, silk, E walker, Mrs wilson; do. cotton, w Buskin, D McTavish; do. wool, w Buskin, O walker; do. log cabin, w Buskin, Mrs w white; quilt or counter- pane, knitted, w P Crossley, O walker; do. crochet, H Piper, W H Thurston; do knotted, w Buskin; coll f.incy work, O walker; gei.tlenian's sliiit, w Buskin, Mrs white. Fine Arts Class .35 â€" Painting on silk or satin, water colors, O walker, w Buskin; do. <>il colors, w Buskin, w Boyd; do. ;>ii velvet or plush, oilcolors,0 w.Jker.w Bus do. on muslin or bolting cloth, water colors, w Buskin; do on ulans, w H Thurston, O walker; oil painting, w Boyd, Geo Mitchell; crayon diafing, w Boyd, w Buskin; pencil drawing, w Buskin, U Radley; coll ;jhoti>», wA lliiwken; pen and ink sketch, w Buskin, w H Thurston; painting on wood or slale, w Boyd, G Mitchell. Plants . ClH8.n3C-Tal)lo boquot, .) POltewell, Mrs Wilson; bund boquer, \v H Thuraton, Mrs J Blackburn; doutile go'aiiiuni. Mrs J Blackbuin; single do., J P Ottewell; fuschia, double, do.; re.\ bogonin, Mih Blackburn; begonia, any other kind, J P O'tuwell, w Boyd; c .11 of foliage, .1 P Ottewell, w H IJunt; house forn, J P O.lo*ell, Mrs Bla-rkburn; hanging baski't, .IP Ottewell; hydrHiU'UH, .1 P Ottnwell; any other plant, Mrs. wilson, L V Kipp; coll Bsleis, w II Tlinrsloii, Mrs .1 Black- burn; coll of begonias, w II Bum, .1 1' Ottewell. Education C'lass 37â€" PeiiinaUHhip, H Radley; free hand drawinu, H RnUloy, V Ilastio, w P C fuss ley. Specials Class 38- J it w Boyd, 20 lb crock butter, D Harrow, ww Trimble, 10 lb crock butter, U Harrow; I'" G Karstestt.. short horn herd, K Nicholson. wH Bunt, barrel northern spy apples, J I (Srahuin. A wilson, honey, T Cam.ick. R Allen, pairloghonm, H Allen, J P Ottewell, Special Attractions Dog nice, K .latniestn, B whittaker. Men's rnce, around tmck, A M Sheppaid, A S Thurston, H Paiion. Men's race, 100 yards, T Howard, R whittaker. Boy/ Rate, under 16, H Karstedl, Itnchmaii, w wilson. Boys' race, under 12 yenrs, J E Howard, R MoAnley, B whittaker. . Girl's race, under IG, Cora Hutchinson, Elsie wright, Kate wilcux. The wholesiipe, harmless green learss and lender sterna of a lung healing niountaiiious shrub, give Dr.^ Shnop's Cou(;h Remedy its curative piopertieH. Tickling or dry couuhs quickly and safely yield to this highly effective cough medicine. Dr. Shonp assurer mothers thot they can with safety give it to even very yi'ung babes. No opium, no chluro- f>nnâ€" absolurely nothing n-irsh or harm- ful. It calms the distiesaina cough, and heals the sensitive niembrtnes. Accept no other. Demand Dr. Shoop's. Sold by all dealers. The council of Owen Sound on Tues- day of latt week give a by-law to repeal locrfl option the first and second readings. The vote will h» taken in January next. There was a full repif scutatiou of mem. beta present. **Hecla" Furnace Means Perfect Heating without Gas, Dust or Smoke. The "Hecla" Furnace is the only Furnace with Fused Joints. These Joints are made by fusing the steel and,cast iron parts together at white heat making an indestructible joint. Fused Joints are permanently airtight. Even after 20 years' use they will not work loose or leak. They insure absolvite freedom from dust, smoke and gas. The Steel-Ribbed Fire Pot used on the "Hecla" Furnace has three times as much radiating surface as any other style of fire pot. It will save fuel for you and give you more heat. It extracts from the fire, heat that would otherwise go up the chimney. Let us show you tbe 190S " Hecla " and explain all tiie luf,..'.t improvements in detail. Made by tkc of Tccrlcas Pcalasolar** Rugca. NORRIS BROS, - (fj - FLESHERTON Business Cards U JULbOUGH ft YOUNG ^ Hanker Markdale i}oa general bankinR business. Uoney loaned » reasonable rata Call on uh. nn ohisLktt, *• ' Tostmaster, Oeylon. Commissioner in H. ('. J .Conrevancer, deeds, uiortKases, leases, wills etc. caretullv drawn up Jbllcctious niad.>. chargm reasonable. Also groceries, flour, feed etc. kept in stock. Prices rjKbt. R-â€" ___ - , Postmaster, Flesherton <^oumissioner in H.C J., Auctioneer CoB' T.yancer, Appraiser and Money Lender Real Estate and Insnrance Agent. Deeds mortgages, leases and wills carefully drawB ap and valuations made on shortest notice money to loan at lowest rates of Interest. Col .otious attended to with promptness chargos low. Agent for Ocean Dominion Btaamsbip Company. A call solicited. _ DMcPHAIL, Tilcensad Auctioneer for the â- County of Grey. Terms moderat. and satisfaction guaranteed. The arrangeDients and dates of sales can be made a*. Thk Adtanck oOlce. Kesidenc. and P.O., Ceylon, Telephoc; connection. Deo. IS.07. T VV KAITTING. Licensed Anctionaer for â- »-'• " • the counties of Orey and Simcoe. Farm and Stock sales a specialist. Terms moderate, satisfaclioii guaranteed. Arrange- mnuts for dates inav bo made at tba .'Advance offlce, or a: T. HutchinBou's store, I'everBhan), or by addrpBHing lue st Fevetsham, Ont. Lot 13. con. J2. Ospr.y, DLDi)^ MATHKWS; MM-idalei ticeiised â- ** auctioneer for the county of Grey, Good service at reasmsble ratek. Dates can be wade at The .\dvance. 1 o 09. Medical DB CARTF-R M C P <t B Ont. Physician, Snrgeon, e Office and residenceâ€" Peter St., Flesherton •Tp OTTKWKLL " ' Veterinary Surgeon Gr'tduate of Ontario Veterinary College, refiideuce â€" ssoond door sonth west; oc icjiTY street. This street runs south PreRtvtertan Clmrch. H WILSON, Hlacksmith • 'Graduate ofl/10 Veterinary Rcienee Ansociatlon Hesidenco, Durham Ureet, op- posite Boyd, Hleklti.g's hardware. Dentistry Dr. B. C. MURRAY L. D. 8., dental surgeon linnoi-gradiiate of Toronto ITiilveraitv and Itf^yal t'ollegn of Dontal Surg'.ons of Ontario, CiaH administered for teeth extraction, olfice at residence. To routo st -o »>^1 Mhirton Legal LUCAS WRIGHT & MoARDLE Harrlsters Solicitors Conveyancers, etc OfllcoRâ€" Owen Bound. Ont and MarkdalcOnt W H Wkioht, McMiDLE I B LroA N 11 -FleBliorton olUco. Mitchell's auk pverv Haturdav. Societies AO U \y meets 01. the last Monday in eacn mouth, in their loogu room, Christoe's block. FleBhortou. at 8 p.ui. M.W., Frank Chard ; Sec, T. Blakely, Financier, W.J. Bel. amy. Visiting bretl^rec iLTitcd, PUINCB ARTHUR LODGE, No. ;«3, A.F.A A M. meets In tho Uaiionia all. Arm- strong's Hall Kleaherton. everv Frldav on or before the full morn. Thos, Blakely,W.M.; Horb.Smith, Setretarv. lOl'RT KLKSHFRTON, 09.5. L P. f! troetaln ^ Clavton's Block th« lARt Wedneadav evening of each month. Viaittng' Vorestera heartily welcome. H. R.. Dvaon; U. 8., T. Henry; Flu. Sec, C. N. Richardson. Please pay duos to Fin. Sec. before tbe flret davofthe inonth. CHOSEN "FUIENDB-Freaherton Council of ChoHen Frienda meets in Clayton's Imll .".ist and third Wedneadav of esch mont 8 p. ni Pay aasesamenta to the Recorder nn or before tl-6 flrst day of each month. Chief Coonoillor T. Blakoley; ecorder, W. H. Buut. A RELIABLE LOCAL SALESMAN WANTED For Fle.4herton And Adjoinlnf Country TO represent Canada's Oldest and Qreatedt Nurseries. Willie busfueaa Ui pome Hues may be dull, farmers wore never more encouraged as regard, fruit growina than at ttiaproaent season. High prices for all claa^ea of fruit havi been ob*. taiued the past season, and there ia as a conso- quencoan inoruased demand for nursery stock. Our s'ook Ih complete In everv department, including a new list of specialties which we alone liacdle. The right man will obtain a pnrmaticnt situ- ation with territory reserved for hiro. Pav weekly. Free sample outfit, etc, \Vl'l(e for particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON FonlhiU Nurseries ( 850 acres ) TORONTO Ontario FRUITS We have Grapes, Peaches, etc., in the proper (|Uili(y and the proper pricM. "The kind that 8ati:ify in every way. Call at our booth on the fair grounds on Fri-' day. £verythii>e seavonablo will b« there and prices right. Pickling Season â€" All kinds of sossoning. Both ground and whole ipiccs for sale at W. L. WRIGHTS GROCERY FURNITURE The largest and best stock of Furniture ever shown in Flesherton. This without fear of con- triidictiuu. Come and see "omo of the nice thinj;» in Side Boards, Dining Room Chaii-s, Parlor Sotts, Bod Room Setts. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce tho .stock. . . W. H. BUNT FURNTURE DEALER ESHERTOM WINTER HARNESS GOODS Bla st ock = = Bes t Stock BellSt Blankets , Kobcs Fnr lined coat.i, pocketbooks, satchels, razor strops and other leather goods. Cutters -best maltcs-and everytliino in tlie liarness line. W. MOORE, FlcshdMlon Ont. SUM Itt ER~- Tf oci. Of Sweat Pads, Collars. Plow linos Dash Aprons, Rubber Rugs. Duater« Fly Nfts, Hoof Ointment, Axlo Crease. All kinds ot Harness and Repa iring, O. wT^hillips Flealmerton BEST BUSINESS TRAININQ at reasonable prices, Stitrt any time. BRITISH CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Cor. Vonge and Bloor St»., Toronto. \\ â- :