Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Jul 1908, p. 2

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Food Products Libby's Vienna Sausage You've never teisted the be$it sausage until you've eaten Libby's YieBaa Sausage. It's asausage product of high food value! Made different Cook- ed different! Tastes different and is different them other sausage! Libby's Vienna Sausage, like all of the Libby Food Products; is carefully prepvared and cooked in Libby's Great White Kitchen. It esm be quickly served for any meal at any time! It is pleas- ing, not over-flavored and has that satisfying taste. Try it! Libby. McNeill 4 Liliby. Gliicago. The Question of equipment for a Public Library is a subject that Rhould be carcfullly con- sidered. For planning the Stack Room, arranging the Charfting Counter and ClaHBifying Books for Cata- logs, Library Bureau is re- cognized the world over as the authority. Write for Booklet. Library Bureau of Canada I.IVITID, 7» BAY KTUF.KT, TORONTO, ONT. Lilllc Kliikrâ€" ".Vlnimiia sayjs you are n dU'jk <il n <l<jc:or." ['oiiiixxw .VI. I), ((iically i)l<'as-d)â€" "InilceiJI How did sho c.ino lo wiy thai?" Lilllo Klinerâ€" "Oh, Bli« dUJn't .^ay it jiisi lliat way, but 1 heard Jht It'll i^ap you woj-e a quack.'' Biliousness Burdens Life â€" The bilious man is never a companion- able man because iiis ailment ren- derfl him morose and gloomy. TKe complaint is not so dangerous as it i»t disagreeable. Yet no one need â- ufFor from it who can procure Par- melee's Vegetable Pills. By regu- lating the livpr and obviating tiio effects of bile in the stomach they restore men to cheerfulness and full vigor of action. HONEST DEBTS. "Pn, whnl nro honest d<'bt->7" "H<inrst df'bis, my lovo, arc Iho nc- ocunls ngainst a mnn that he aKvay.s haves fur his relatives lo pay after he Ic d«od." More men would acquire that tired feeling if all their words were back- ed by deeds. True frlonds ni-o \hof>e who li.slon In y< ur tiilk when y""!!! don't any nnylhing. DODDS v ^KIDNEYi SL'AOtTES. GAVE UONOR TO THE BLIND. | Great ThingH Achiered by Two Sightless Hen. Qreat things achieved by two men of talent and of spirit so dauntless that even total blindness could not keep them down have just been especially recognized in Am- erica and Europe. Seventeen years ago Mr. E. D. Campbell, now a university profes- sor and director of the chemical laboratories in the University of Michigan, lost his sight through an accident. In spite of his affliction hc+ias taken a high place in edu- cation and has made original re- searches of much value, especially in the chemistry of iron and ce- ment. He has just attended a ban- quet in his honor at the University of Wisconsin, where he delivered »n address on "The Effect of Free Magnesia on Cements." It is forty years since the fam- ous blind engineer of Belfast died in Ireland. The Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society has now published a memorial pa- per on his life and remarkable achievements. Alexajider Mitchell was 16 years old when he became blind. His life was shrouded in darkness for seventy-two years, but he was in activie business till he was 82, and his yifluence still lives. His two greatest works were the discovery and application of a new principle in preparing the founda- tions for lighthouses and piers and his improvements in the screw pro- peller. He built many lighthouses, and long before his death he had the satisfaction of knowing that his inventions were conferring import- ant benefits in India and North and South America as well as in Europe and that his improvements in steam propulsion were used on every sea. There is no lack of illumination in the minds of such as these who can achieve the exceptional though from "wisdom at one entrance quite shut out." 4. SELF-SACRIFICINQ. Master Walter, aged five, had eat- en the soft portions of his toast at breakfast, and piled the crusts on his plate. fl "When I was a little boy," re- marked his father, who sat opposite him, "I always ate the crusts of my toast." "Did you like themt" inquired his offspring, cheerfully. "Yes," replied the parent. "You may have these," said Mas- ter Walter, pushing his plate across the table. Always a Good Friendâ€" -In health and happiness wo need no friends, but when pain and prostration come we look for friendly aid from sympathetic hands. These hands can serve us no better than in rub- bing in Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, for when the Oil is in the pain is out. It has brought relief to thou- Ks.ids who without it would be in- deed friendless. lit- our WITH GOOD nEASON. Timmln.sâ€" "Will you join tis in a lit anniversary celebration at h<usc?" Bi„n.«*â€" "Dolighled. Wedding anniver- sary or birlh<lay?" Timmin.<^â€" "No. Our servanfs been with us ju;>l a year." Tbe Orratest Tonic U " P.rroTlai.'' It If .leoHiiiit 111 taatn ftnd onntaini just the noariih- meiit anil strauKth-KlTini; qualities that ar* oesit- Kl bjr itiuu wh» kra nick Mid w*akiT. 188 LE NO. 30-08. I.illlo Haroldâ€" "Papa, did Sotomon have 700 wiv<-s7" Papaâ€""! bol'ove he dd, my son." I.ltlle Haroldâ€" "Wus ho lIK. man wlw .said, 'Give mo ll'bcrly, or t;ivc mo dtmth' ? " Attacks of cholera and dysentery come qiiickly, there seldom being any warning of the visit. Reme- dial action must be taken just as quickly if the patient is to be spared great suffering and permanent in- jury to the lining membranes of the bowels. The readiest preparation for the purpose is Dr. J. D. Kel- log's Dysentery Cordial. It can be («ot at small cost at any drug store or general dealer's, and it will af- ford relief before a doctor can bo called. RATTLED. "Hear about Reggie?" "What's the latest?" "Weir, you know how bashful he isl" "Yep. Get on." "The other night he proposed to Miss Coyne. Of course, he got all balled up. He thought the proper thing would be to get on his knees to her." "Yes." 'So. he did. Well, he hadii't been on his knees since ho was a kid. And, rattled as he was, ho couldn't think a thing to say but 'Now I lay me down to sleep I" \nnâ€" "DM vou noUco how dioadfiilly thul piano ne<><lc<i tuning?" Knn -"Why jM, dear. ! thought il linnnoniied pi'i*. l<'olly with your voloo.' AN HONEST DOCTOa ADVISED PE-RU-NA. ME. 8YLVE8TEK E. SMITH, Room 218, Granite Block, St. LouU, Mo., writes: "Perona la the best friend • sick man can have. ' "A few months ago I came here in a wretched condition. Exposure and dampness bad ruined my once robust health. I had catarrhal affections of tbe bronchial tubes, and for a time there was a doubt as to my recovory. "My good honest old doctor advised mo to take Peruna, which I did and in a short time my health began to im- prove very rapidly, the bronchial trouble gradntlly disappeared, and loi three months my health was fully re- stored. "Accept a gratefnl man's thanks for his restoration to perfect health." Pe-ru-na for His Patients. A. W. Perrin, M. D. B., 960 Halsey St., Brooklyn, N. Y., says : «'I am using your Peruna myself, and am recommending It to my patients in all cases of catarrh, and And it to ha more than yon represent. Peruna can be had now of all druggists in this sec* tlon. At tbe time I began using it, It was unlmown." 4< 1â€" THE WAY. When fate is dealing out hard knocks, Don't try to shake 'era ; Just buckle in and grit yoUr teeth. Then stand an' take em. For when she finds you won't bj downed. As sure as shootin,' She's very apt to turn around. And go a-scootin. Useful at all Times â€" In winter or in summer Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will cope with and overcome any irregularities of the digestive organs which change of diet, change of residence, or variation of temperature may bring about. They should be always kept at hand, and once their beneficial ac- tion becomes known, no one will be without them. There is nothing nauseating in their structure, and the most delicate can use them confidently. A .STUDY IN PnOPOnTION. The whip-poor-will both loud and long H:s doleful note doth strike. It a mosquito sang thus strong, What would his bile be like? Just â-  Word <^t cantloD ; Whtre tha skin It lastruyed by htinui or ftcalda apply WeaTOr'a Larata immediatoir : tbe soonar tho t>ettar. Many a man r/ho imagines he is world-famous is unknown to tho people in the next block. Do not delay in getting relief for the little folks. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is a pleasant and sure cure. If you love your child why do yof. let it suffer when a remedy is so near at hand? IMPORTANCE OF BIRDS. So great is the part played by birds in disseminating seeds and in protecting plants by the destruc- tion of noxious insects that Mr. H. W. Henshaw reaches the somewhat astonishing conclusion that if all birds were exterminated, not only would successful agriculture be- come impossible, but tho greater part of the vegetation of the earth would eventually be destroyed. A permanent reduction in the bird population, he says, could not but have disastrous consequences. Teacher (during history-lesson): "Who was Joan of Arc?" For a few minutes there was silence. Then a bright little boy put up his hand. "Please, teacher, she was the daughter of Noah I" There are a number of varieties of corns. HoUoway's Corn Cure will remove any of them. Call on your druggist and get a bottle at once. WEARING 'EM OUT. "You're not as strict with that youngrter of yours as you used to be." No, for economy's sake. Every month I used to have to buy myself a new pair of slippers and him a now pair of pants. De Jones: "There is cne good thing about that man." Do Smith : "What is it?" De Jones: "His opinion of himself." Black Watch "BiQgest and Bast" Plug Chswing Tobacco HEALTH NOTES. Eggs for invalids â€" Cover frying pan with cream. When hot beat as many eggs as wanted, seasoned v.ith !ittle salt, and keep stirring until light. To bathe the feet of those too weak to sit in a chair draw up the knees, place foot bath or pan of warm water in bed, put both feet in, and see how the sick one will enjoy it. It is beneficial and sooth- ing, draws the blood from the head, and often induces restful sleep. Lantern for Sickroom. â€" In the country and small towns where gas and electric lights are not to be found, hang a lantern from a hook screwed into the bottom of an up- per window sash on the outside. The light in the room may be regu- lated by raising or lowering the shade. This obviates the heat and odor produced by a kerosene lamp in the room. If you are suffering with a bun • ion or soreness of the lower joint of the great toe make a pad of cot- ton batting the length of the toe, one inch wide and one-half inch thick. Place this pad between the gieat toe and second toe. This throws the great toe out and the joint in, so the shoe will not rub or press on the joint, and the pad does not cause any inconvenience and will alleviate the suffering and stop the formation of a bunion. YOrn FRIENDS may help you to win the Cash Prize of SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS given by the ORANGE MEAT Com- pany for the largest number of bot- toms of packages sent in. There arc a great number of other large cash prizes given in this contest. Commence saving the ORANGE MEAT Gorton Bottoms and send your name and address to ORANGE MEAT, Kingston, TO- DAY, stating that you wish to en- ter and you will be sent full infor- mation regarding all the prizes and conditions. ORANGE MEAT is a flesh and blood producer and be- cause of its thorough cooking and malting, it is easily assimilated. ROCKY. Mr. Wiggins, in his study, was en- deavoring to concentrate his thought upon a bit of writing. A perpetual noise in the flat above an- noyed him beyond human endur- ance. Rushing into the sitting-room he cried. "What is that confounded rack- et?" "My dear, it is only the lady above rocking her baby to sleep." "For heaven's sake, run and tell her to use smaller rocks!" 7 SUTHERUND SISTERS SCALP CLEANER ii the only Dandruff Cur«. For Shampooing it has no equal. Sold by all ail druggists, ^oc, or sent postpaid froia the Seven Sutherland Sisters, 179 Kiag St., Toronto, on receipt of price. SAVED THE DISHES. Husband â€" But why did you dis- miss the cook this morning, when the Higges are coming to dinner to- night ? Wife â€" Because at 11 a.m. we had only exactly enough dishes left to set the table. A. R. BICXERSTAFF & CO., Stooks, Bonds and Debtntures. Cobalt and all MIniNS and Oil Stooks of Canada and Unltod States. Crdara azecctad with promptnats. CorrM* pondaaca sollcitad. «l U (27 Trader* lank â- ulldlnK, Torentg^ Onfr Pliana Mala MS. AOENTS WANTED. A nHabU Ban la mtj «lt7 and town In Canada with waterworks lo tau a patent article needed in eTerr hiima, hotel and Sobllc building. Sells at light. Hartlam caa Bdar* makiof COO a dar. Write at onca tot yartioolan. oao. T. Cola, Owan Soaud, Outaiio, CARPET DYEINQ ^^ aodOlaaaiac. Thil U a ayeelalir with the ^" aniTISH AMERICAN DYEINQ Oa â- â€¢a4 laitlaalan k> »Mt aad waafaiwal«aa>4i<k SmUSi HMtTMl. VICTOR -BERLINER D All prices and styles from $13.40 to $2.40. Write for free catalogfue. DEPT. D lomo eRtiPiiiE mmi 264 Yonge Street, TorontOe Agents wanted In every town. In times of peace it doesn't tako faauch to start a quarrel. Anyway, the man who has no friends never disappoints theui. WILSON'S FLY PADS â- very packet will kill mora flias than 8O0 ahaata of atlcky papar . SOLD BY 0RUCCIST3, CROCnS MO CEHRAL STORES too. par packet, or 3 paokata far SSo. «»lll laat a whole aeaaon. how much money ha ooald save by nalnf a Fairbanks- Morse Jaclcof all Trades Oasullno Ba- gina to saw wooil. pump water, grind feed, (fee, wa would not be able to supply the demand. Out this ad. out and sand to us, and wt will sand you our (raa catalogue. Mama _^_______ Addran. Tks Oanadlan FalrtMnk* Do., LImltad, Toranta, Oat Montreal, Winolpag, Vancuurer. PANGO For Neuralgia, Headache, Rheumatism, Pain, Etc. . 50 CENTS. ALL DRUQGISTS, OR The Pango Company, Toronto WMOLISALI LYMAN Bn08. ft CO., Toronto nnd Montreal; LYMAN KNOX ft CLAHKSON, Toronto; NATIONAL DRtO CO., London. A. J. PATTISON & CO., 33 Scott St., TORONTO. Phone Alain 1311 INVESTMENT BONDS. Stocks bought and sold on all exchanges for cash or margin. Cobalt orders oxecuted for cash. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. >..,

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