Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Jul 1908, p. 1

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'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." -•• PRINOIPLEh NOT MEN." KL XXVI. ^0 IS73 Fe53h.erton, Ont. Thursday July 23 tOOS W. H THDRmUIl, EOPBIETO* : \ •â-  I Thurwlay eveuini; at practice our pop- \ ulnr leAiler of t^u Mtitiioditi choir treated ; th« menihers to a feud <jf linnHnaa. Rev. Mr. and MrH. Curry remrneU in their iioiue tfC'-r ail KXtendnl vwit with the latter's pareuts. I Mr. CMiirles Oircfa of Moosejaw ii vU- t^ofr'tipc /^ r'lyx^I^c "'"^ l^'s many fiieiids at Maxwell. The Newest Things In Jewellery Call jilftays be found it the tlesh- erlon Jewellery headquarters. Tu sttir all t bo-'ks. 8 and all pocket- j Jewellery For the ladies in jjreit variety and latK8t^ pattern.^. we pride ourselves In h:»vin2 a great vmiety of the cfcoiceat >>\»iid« m mu'actured from whiclf to chii.igo. Come in and let us show ynu what we have. .W.A.ARMSTRONG Over Thirty-fire Years , j In 1S7'2 there whs a ureat deal of diar- 'rliof*, dysentery and cholera infantum. It was ai this tim.? that Chamberlain's Cjlic, Cholera and diarrhoea Uemedy wa.s first brought in'o use. It proved more succfKHful than any o'her remedy or Ireat- I iiient. and bas tor thirty-five years main taiued that record. Frost a small besfin- . idi'K itH sale and use baa extended to I every part of the United States and to ' nmny f<K-eign countries. Nine dru);gi8ts 'out of 'eo will recommend it when their I opinion is aKked, although they have other I metlicincf) that i^ky tbeia a greater profit. j It can always be dvpt-nded upon, even in the most SHVere and dangen>us esaes. For aa'e by W. E. Ricbardsoo. Kimberiey.. The local showers of the past week have somewhat delayed haying opera- tion!!. The fall wheat, harvest will lie general this week. Mr. Thorns Caiaack was the tirat to thrust in the sickle, haviui{ com- taenced un tbe 14th inst. Mrs. Geiirfje Wickens nf Toronto is the guest of .Mrs. Geo. Proctor. Mrs. Charles Good and Master Robbie Good nf Toronto are holiJayini! at the foriuar's parental home here, Mr. and Mrs. John Plewi*'. The Misses Olive Gilbert and Fnincea Hurd, who have been attending high school at MeaforJ, have returntid to their respective homes here during the past week after writing on their examinations. Miss Maude Fawcett is (pending a couple uf weeks with friends at Colling- wood. Rev. Dr. Caldwell of Fletherton occu- pitd the pulp.c of the Methodist church Saoday evening last and delivered an address to the Orange brethren of L.O. L. 1340. The address was '>ne of the best ever delivered here. The Missi!,s Kuna Bjrritt, Vera Magce and Mildred Harris and Master Stanley were euccessful in passing their recent entrance exams. We otfer congratulations. Miss Maude Smith of Toronto is huli- (lajring at her parental home here. The Misses Uaisy and Kate Davis of VandHleiir visited friends here this week. Master Elmer Cox of Collingwood is visiting with bis grand p.trenti, Mr. and Mis. j ihn Plewes. Our senior football team, accompanied by a goodly number of rooters, journeyed over to Markdale en Saturday evening last and played a game with the Wodc- hoiise team. Whil<: the referee declared the game a draw, neither sidescoiing, yet our boys c'aitu that they were justly en- titled to a> least one or two of tbe goals that they scored. However, the referee, who seemed to give Kimberloy the cold shoulder at critical periods, declared it a tie. Out for the phenomenal work of Kav. Mr. Laidliiw, the Wodehoune goal tender, the score would have been away up, as out boys easily outplayed Wode- htHue in practically every stage of the Kame. On account uf the tie the prize, •cuae f28, waa divided equally between tiMtwo team*. Miss Adda Wright of Flesherton was the guest of her cousin. Mits Addie Gau- dio, for a c<juple of weeks recently. HathertoB. Farmers are busily engaged with the hay crop at tbe present time. It is con- sidered to be an average crop this year. Mrs. John Winters, sr., visited friends in FleslieitoD and vicinity last week. Mi-« Viva Scilley is visiting with her sister, Mrs. \V. Findlay, near Markdale. Miss S. Grumtnitt of Honeywood is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Grumiuitt. Mr. Harvey Mills and brother nf Honeywood spent Sunday with friends here. Mr R. Lougheed and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. Gordon. Mrs. F. W. Nicholson of the 4th line, Artemesia, visited with Mrs. Down on Monday. A goodly number from here attended the celebration at Dundalk on the 13th, and some of them wore treated to a good shower of rain on the way home, but it did not seeiu to dampen their spirits one Ut. Rev's. Egerton and Stanley are hold- ing a series of meetings in Wareham this week and last week aLo. We are pleased to know that Mm Win- ters, who met with an accident a short time ago, is intoroving splendidly under >the care of Dr.TJond. Miss Mabel Winters is visiting friend in CoUingwood this week. Miss Susie Parker is spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson of the 4th line, .\rtenie«ia. Mrs. James Buckinghaiu, gravel road, enjoyed a pleasant visit frttm her sister, Mrs. C. Irwin, of Heathcote, last week. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di- arrhoea Remedy Would Have Saved Him $100,000. In 1902 I had a verv severe attack nf diar- airhoea," «ays R. N. l^arrai- uf Cat lalamuLa. "F:>r several weeks I was unable to in any- tbing. On March 18, 1907, I iiad a Kiniilar at- tack, and tmik Chainbvrluiu'a Colic, Cholera and DiarrLoee Keinedy.which gave me pri>aii>t relief. I consie^r it one of the best mediciuea of its kind in rhe world, and b:u) I used it in 1902 Iwlieve it would have saved me a hundred dollar doctor's bOL Take a Vacation Now is the time to take a vacation, K«t unt into the woods, fields and innuntains «nd visit the seashore, but da not forget to take a Utttle of Chaiuberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy along with you. It IS almntt certain to be need- ed and cannot b* obtained on railroad trains or steamships. It i* too much of a risk for anyone to leave home on u jour- ney without it.. For sale by W. E. Richardson . Maxwell Items Mr. CharUin Horou has returned home frniAi the Northwest. Dr Bond is visiting fiiends in Toronto Mid Hamilton this we«.'k. Rrv. Mr. Curry gave » grand addreks t.> the Euworlh Leiuiua last Thursday •«- eiiinr from Isaiah 4B-31. Mr. n»«id Clarke of (Theboygan ia vis- iting his 9^ny friends here. .Mr. tleorge Buckingham, B. A., will „^STm the League Thuradaf fti(ht. Evantielist T. R. Kgerton Mid R«r. A. P. SUuley will oomtimm ttm gospal mwt- iH(s At WaretMiu this «Mlr. IMk Line, Osprey. Mr. John Shipley of Chicago is visiting his sister, Mrs. John Weldrick. Mr. Thomas Brown, an old ^oneer of Osprey, died at his home near Singhamp- ton on Friday kst. He came to Osprey about forty or fifty years ago and leaves to mourn their loss a wife and six chil- dren, one son and two daughters at home; Thomas, Mrs. Thomas Elliott of Osprey. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. A. P. Stanley of Maxwell. Inter- ment took place in the Buckingham cem- etery. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Culquett left this week to visit friends at Regina, Sask., aifd will be away a couple of months. Haying is commencins;. The recent rains damaged a large amount that was cut, but the good that was done to other crops would more than oSiiet the damfige done. I An elderly woman named McPhail, I who has been stopping whith friends I near Singhamptim, became mentally I deranged and on Saturday morning went I to Brewster's lake with the avowed in- tention of drowning herself, but evident- I thought better of it. Search parties dragged the lake while others scoured the oush, where she was discovered in I the evening none the worse fur her out- I ing. I understand the woman's home is itt Ore«(on. I Fof«&% ArM deatmyed krge q^iunti tie* , uf T«iu*U* timber iu Lake Hipiasinif mkI I MomiMl R.vkrdistrtot*. Eugenia. ! Haying ia now claiming our farmers' tinie and attention . Fall wheat is ready to harvest, s» the rush of work has com- menced and will continue for some time to come. Here are " bumpercrops," as our western cousins say, and as the busy farmer feeds the rest of mankind let us hope times will be good and every sort of , business booni. | Robert Haney received a messasce on ' Friday to attend the funeral of his father, i Mr. Thomas Haney.of Gillies HiU. The : old gmtleman had pas.sed rhe alloted | span of life and for a long time has been j very feeble. i John Campbell, who has been working j in New Ontario for some time, is home | on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs., Campbell, of the Valley. Mrs. Gibbsand Miss Hislop of Strat- ford are visiting with Mr. and Mrs.Adani ' Hislop of the Valley. Miss Ella Armstrong of Rock Mills hes spent the past week with friends at Eugenia. Miss Evelina Smith has returned home from Toronto t.) spend holidays with her parsuts at Eugenia. Mrs. .\dam Smith and Miss Daisy have returned home after visiting friends at .A.urora and other places. They enjoyed the outing. TTie raspberry crop is now ripe and the berries are very plentiful. The pickers are out in full force taking advantage of the rich harvest provided for them by a bountiful providence. Mrs. Wickens of Toronto is the guest of Mrs. Sloan, sr. Mrs. Walker Sloan, and children, of Mt. .^bert, are also vis- iting her for a few weeks. Our churches and business people thank the people fcr their generous pat- roouge on the I3th, and hope the Orange- men may enjoy many mother pleasant celebration at Eugenia. A.mong recent guests at our famed Eu- genia House were the following : The Waterloo fishing club, consisting of five gentlemen ; Mr. Walker and two daugh- ters of Mt. Forest ; and Mr. Ellis and Mr. Motfat of Meaford. Boy's Life Saved My little boy, four yeai'S old, had a se- vere attack of dysentery. We had two physicians; both of them gave him up. We then gave him Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrh<iea remedy, which cured him and believe that saved his life. â€" WiLUAM H. Stbouxvj, Carbon Hill, Ala. There is no doubt but this remedy S4ves the lives of many children each year. Give it wi'h raaror oil according (o the pUin, printed directions and a cure is cer- tain. For sale by W. fi. Ricbardsoa. Of I.5IV3 students writing on the en- trance examination in Toronto, 957 were successful. A young man on the "Indian lisl" Kot very drunk in Allistou the ether day and Ins|iector Henderbon summoned hini be- fore the magistrates. He could not, or would not, give a very clear account of where he got the li>,uor, and he was fined 910 and $3.35 cos's. ++++++++++*+++++++++++++•â-º+ - - FROM - - Owen Sound to Toronto Aug, 8th, via C. P. R. Good for 3 days Under tbe auspices of the Order of Fureslen>. Canadian Owen SouDd Fare 42,30 Kocktord " %,tO C'batswui th - aM Uollaua Centre " 8,10 Berkeley •• a.oj Markdale " 8,09 Flesbertoa " 2.US rrotoii •' 4,05 Ouudaik " UorbettoQ " %M Melanoihon ' Iieaviai|? 7.« •â-  7.88 " " 8.13 •• " sa " HM " *• H.m " »..i8 " " 6.i7 " Children under 12 and over 5 half fare. Make This Your Business and holiday trip This will be the only Excurwion to Toront4> during (he Summer Months Take Advantage ot This ]>R. BURX 5p«claitot hi dUcsMs ot tk« Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat Of (Ice 1 3 Frost St. . Oiven^ouncl At the Ifarkdkle hmis^ lCMkd»le,lst Friday each month frooa 8 to 18 a. m The Midsummer Sale at McFarland' s . . . . We will commence oar Mid-Sammer Sale Saturday next, July 18th, and continue same until every dollar's worth of summer goods is rushed out, and you, of coarse, are more than ever anxious to complete your summer supplies, especially when such reductions are being made on new and up^ to date goods, aud you only need to look around a bit, make a few price comparisons here and theire to know that in a list like these we have under priced many a good line. Rememberâ€" Sale comncences Saturday and the vf^se will get here early while the assortment la at it's best. We quote but a few of the many lines that are on sale at reduced prices- Ladies' I^awn and Mull Blouses We have about seventy-five White Blouses in Mull and Lawn material, all this season's atylef, handsomely trim- med with lace and insertion, medium and tine tucking â€" half and three- quarter length sleeves, etc., all sizes in the lot, 34 to 42 bust measure. Keg $1 and 11.25, sale price 78c. Reg $1.50, sale price 91.19 Reg $1.75, talc price $1.25 Reg 82. (X), sale price 91.38 Reg $2.23, sale price 91.60 Reg 92.50, sale price $1.75 Reg 93 and 93 25, sale price #2.25 Dress Muslins All Dress Muslins must move out, hence we have reduced every piece in the house as follows: Reg lOc a yard, sale price 7c yard " 12^ " " 9 " " 20 " " 15 " " 25 " " 18 " " 35 '• " Sa|e " Ladies Fancy Lisle Hose 6 dozen Ladies' black, and black and whire mixture, fancy open-work lisle hose, sizes 'i)i, 9, 9^. Rug 25c per pair, sale price ISe Reg 50c per pair, sale price 'i8c Embroidered Waist Lengths V only (4 plain white and 5 blue and iiink) handsomely embroidered Waist lengths, regular 1,25 and 1.50. Sale price 78c Boys' Blouse Suits Boy's blue and whi'o stripe Blouse Suits, sailor collar, nicely triaiaied with while briid, rvgutar 75c. Sale price 56c McFARLAND 81 COMPANY r CEYLON S NEW STORE BINDER TWINE Now is the time for you to secure your twine before it gets scarce. Be sure of the best by placing an order with Collinson Bros. Every ball guaran- teed. FLOUR & FEED A lai^e assortment of Flour and Feed of all kinds always on hand with prices right. Our Stock ot Boots and Shoes is new and Up-to-Date. Highest prices paid for farm produce. Ceylon's Leading Merchants COIjI^IMSON bbos. THE CORNER GROCERY Our Motto is: 'â- 'Live and LH Live." â€" Tberefoiv we only keep what auy well - regulated Grocery Store should keep. Flour and Feed. We handle the Durham FU>ur in three n'zes; also the Durham Brkn, Shorts, Chop and Hour. We alwi handle the " KIVE STAR" Flour â€" Manufactured by thu Weatein Milling Co. aroceii«$. We buy in a-uall oaanities ho as lo keep the stovk fresh. Tn Oatnfral we oan sell you a 90 lb sack for 92.90 O. J. SPAKI^OW . FIcsherton

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