July 16 1908 T 11 E F L E S II E R T O N ADVANCE DrsKENNEDT&KENNEDY Located la Our Own Olllcc Building. Buooessors to DM. KENNEDY ft KER6AI NERVOUS DEBILITY CURED Erccoc* mii IndlRcrctimM are the eatue o(mor« Borrow an'J ^uDeiinit than all other dtaeaae* combined We nee llio Tlctims ol vicious bablls on ^verv band' the sallow, plinoled face dark circled eyes, stooping form, stunU'd development, bashful, melan- 'holic countenance and tluild beariDK pro- rl'ilni to all (he world his folly and t«od to bli(tbt lu8 existence. Our treatment po«ltlT«- ly ciires all weak men by overconiinf; and removing the effects of 'ormer Indiscretions and excesses. It stops all drains and quicklir restores th(- victim to whatnaturelntendedâ€" a lioalihy and happy man with pbyslcal. men- tal and nerve power complete. F*roverlO years D'a. Ki * K. lava ,,,.;. treated with the sreateat auooaas •» )|||l diaaaaea of men and women. 'S! " yo" •i''â„¢ ""y "ccret disease that Is a 11 IB worry and a meimce to your health consult lllH ol<l established physlclanswhodonothaye to "'IJ! experiment on you. â- i Wo suaranteeto cure HERV0U8 DEBILITY, "" BLOOD DISEASES. STRICTURE, VARICOCELE, KIDNEY AND BUDDER DISEASES. CentuKa. Won Fres. If unable to call, write for a question Blank for Home Treatmenk DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Paris Green Fixes the Bugs N.»w 18 the time to ii«e thm Paris rirpen, Wu Ii.ivd itâ€" " UiTt'iTs Pm i- " luid it [>«ys to u.=iO the bent, Kvery \>«\\nti ahsoiutoly ^uaratitccl I'UUE a r d'wa r e K.t»tiiine and be convinced that wc have the most complete stock of h;irv,-8l tx.ols in I'.wn. Try u.s f..r Forks, lUkes, Hoc», Scythes and SiMtlis, ill fuel nnylliiim ibjit is re<iiiirod in llio haying ii harvest Held, See our Autoiiianu and Coniprewd Air Sprayers. One will pay f..r itHcIf in the potiito lield, benides its u»e on lre>-s, hhrnl.s and the ciitilB. Buy Your Binder Twine From us and Get The Best DEERINQ " A Good Time at Priceville The eVBiit of the year for thf Priccvillo jMelliodista "trauaplred on TliursiUy I'vuning hist when thu annual gsidtn (.lurty #tiH hc!d ; and it koos un loourd aa »ii unriu»lit)ed .succe.ss. The weiillici was •U-l!|<hiful, and the f>athei'in<r large and g Mid natured. The proceeds of ihe ovrning amounted tu about 900.00, Tea was served on the parsonage l.iwn in the early uveviug. Sutfice to say that the coi/king was of the Ubual exrelleuco and abunrlnnce. After tea a goodly number repaired to tho 8cho'>l urounda where a football matih between Swinton Patk and Piiinona tc:Hin.s was keenly contested. Ho score was made by either team. The hay on the field was lonj; and aliunat ready to cut, 80 it iiiterferfcd cmisiderably with the playing. The bout of good spiiit was iii-iiiifet at all stages of the game, save once when two rival playeis lalkei as though they wore going to try the Kilkenny cat act. The referee gave them aeveral minucaun the fenoe. After the ftolball match the crowd tilled the church and enjoyed thesplendid pro>;rani which had been prepared. The Durlmiii Methodist choir was lher>*, about twenty stioDi!, and pleasftd the audience iiiiniensely with their selcLtions The work of the choir was vnried, as well nil extellent, including a ninlu <,u.'iitette, solos »iid cliorusis. Rev, J. It. Wilkin- son gak'e a reading and was forced to re- spi'nd n an encore. Tho event of the eveiiing was tho lecture en "Love, Courtship and Mnrr'ago" by Piov. Dr. Caldnell of Fie-herloii. This Ik a p.titiculaily j>le.*8 ing subject, And whs doubtless reBpiuisible for the priHente of so many youn^ coupleii. The HuKjoct was well handled and tiie li-cture bri.iiled with gi.od ads'ice, giK'd hiinii r and timely whniitigs, Just what ill', ci the lecture will have with the young life of the community remains to l)e seen, P,ev. .1, A. Mithrson, Priceville, being call-'d on for a speech, rose, excused himself (.wing to tho lateness of tho hour, uxpiessed his. pleasure at being preaent, and took bis K^at. Ui'V. Mr Berry, tlm pastor, wiis in tho chair. - - F K (> M - . Owen Sound to Toronto Aug. 8th. via C. P. R. Good tor 3 days Under the au.spiccs of the Canadian Order of Foresters. Owon Sound UOCltfOMi l.'liatfwot th Holland Ceiitro liOiiuXc.y Marltdale t'lesbertou Protou Uumlaik Corbettnti & ( I D b jn Fare «2,S0 •• U,W '• 1!.»0 •• a, to " a.05 •• 2,05 '• a/» •' 2,03 " • 2.U5 " 2.U0 ' i.ta L«avlni!7..'<0s.tu. 7,17 " 7,68 " " 8,13 '• " 8.2a " " 8,:i3 " •' a46 " 8..'58 '♦ 0.10 " ii.ia •* •; fl.27 •• Flour and Feed We have all kinds of Flour and Feed, The following are soiiie of our prices: Perfection Blend $5 40 bbl. Morning Glory 5.20 " Low Grido t'lour 1 50 " Barley Chop .... 1.45" Shoits 1.35 " Bran 1.25 " Full stock of froah Groceries on hand. Ice cream at .til times at Wright's Grocery. iNORRIS BROS. I i';s^^3S^:^i£^%^fi^S^(^!ii^:^'^iS^Sf^^ -S^i^P^P^Siv^^ In Sieigln, ]>iiggic.s, Wa^iiroiis, Hiirrow.s, non;^ii.s, (Jro.'ini Sep aiMtDiy aiul Wire ^ORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY l''«iicing g Heard's Ca.rriage Works Flesherton Carriage Works CAR1MAGK8, SLKKillS, (UriTEkS, IMIH.EMENT UKrAIltS, CUKAM SK1'A1IAT()I{S, Etc. Special attention given to HUU8F,-S1I()EIN(> und all kinds ofREl^AIliS, Wo luivo a new stock of liiiggios in, Call and see them Iic- fore huying. CREAM ,SEPAR.'VTC)U.S-Wehanille"the Mollotto." Cctoui- our prices and tcrnhs, McTavish & Williams, Flesherton. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 1»t Thii«ii "h'l know Iwnt tlio iiii'ritK of tlii.< :]|iii>l aroits rtl.»u:i.'!ioit iin|i',"irti'rii. j/ORHIOTT i^/^^Jm//' Tiiln cilli^.' nt-t-idH f-rot in |v.)iiiUril)y, thori>U'{iiii(.>>'< «iul )r«>iuinii iiwiit. (J,i whiTf you wi'l, yi.n will liud..urifia.|iiBto« piialiiiiR ti tlm fi-,.Mt. Tli«ir «ni«Tl..r ttaJninK* «n- able, them t.. B-t and li„M tir.l.cUM ixiillloiia. f olliif«.>|»i, alUiiniiuM-, Kntur • JT tiiii^. Write fur oatah/ miif, irriir iiir oalal<«ui J. BU.iorrr, rriiidpai. Oi-t a lhoii>ugb l.iisiiKh.f iraiiiina at th Cor: YoBK* and AInandarflu Cmiiscsiucluda evervthint; ^•sH^)h(i^^l ti> a •ucco.'sful career. (liindroda ot youni} peoplu ard iiexded to supply the dnimnd. The 6. uiai'-, cat litllf. It willdoiiblo your income and last you a lifeliino. SiU'lents admitted at any lini*', l»ei» )n»l insirui-tion yivron. IVeparatory Dupt. fi.r thiKs wliOHO oirly uducHtion liaa b«un BfRlerted OalMlopue free, 0. A. KliKMINO, I'KiNciPAi, 0<r«ii Suuud, 4 Outar.j Over Thirty-five Years In 1872 there was a ^-r.at deal uf diar- rlud-a, dysentery and ehidera infantum. It was at thia tiimi that Chnmberlain's C jUc, Oholeni and diarrhocJi llenicdy was tirst brought in'o use. It proved nioie succi ssfiil than anyo'hiT remedy or treat- ment, and liiis for tliirty-five years niniii irti'.ied ihat recntd. Frorn a sinnll benin- hii'g its N<tle and use hii'< extended to every pint i.f the United St.ntfs and to ninny foreign coiintrio?. Nine druf'-jist.s "Ut of Ion wi;l reciiniiiioti(l it whoa their opinion is asked, althongli they hKve other nu'diciiiiM that p:iy them a greafrr profit. It can alwayi be depended upon, even in the must SHvero and danserom cme.s. For nale by VV. £. Richardson. .All KnalisJiman named Park and lii< wife loft AHistoii (in Thnr'^'lay liist. with a lively ri;; tliey Iniil lured to drive in Ki"«e- ihon'. .Mr. MtGarvey, the iiwiier of the linrse, found out ihoy bad started fur .Sliilburiie ai.d wired h"re toliavetbe piitien arrested on arrival. Constabb> TIhiic pson arriH'ed the iioin and put bioi in the lookup. Mr. MoOarvty atrived on Kiid'iy morning and it cost the Eiifjiish-, .iiaii ?1,'?.2.') to settle for abmin^ the linrHe â€" Sho'.burne Kreo I'res.s. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di- arrlioea Remedy Wt)iiid Have Saved Him $100,000. Ill IIKIL' 1 liud a viry aevere attack of dim- anhoea," naya K. N. Farr.ir uf Cat Inlnnn,I,.-, "!•' ir «pvirai weeks 1 \vrt.s unable te> lo any- tliiiig. On Maroli IS, 1IMI7, T biul a siiiiibn- at- tack, and took ClminlH'rlain'H Cnlio, Clwdera and Dinrrlioee I{iiiicdy,wliicli gnvu mo prompt relief. I coiuuecr it one of tho lust niedieiiieH of its kind in rho wurld, and had I uned it in I'.ini believe it would have saved me a hiinilred dollar doctor's Idll. Fiedorik Large was arrested at (5 race ho.spital, Toronto. Uorso fileditiR is the «"nr(je niraiiist him, and be will ho taken to Port Perry to an.swer it. It is said tlml Largo sttde a l.oi-?o and biiygy frmii Port Petry and driviiiij to Markhaiu sidd it, and came to Toronto later. Larga is the niim »bo was badly beaten after beinu .:»!;. ed and tied lip with a stolen halt<'r by two men in Port Perry the other day. He wan itdled lehind a barn after \\\* ir.onth had tieeii tied up with a handkur- chifff and Ilia letj-s linn'y pinioned. After lyin,' there awhile he rolled himself out no'ir llie sidewalk and lotuianed lo attract the aUeiitiiin of amno paBaerby, The now ter-centennary postngn stamps will bo on sale at thia oflico this wook, Tho stamps are said to bo beautifully de- aij^ned, tho portraits and historic scones heiii}; true anil perfect. Tho values, col- ors and desci ip'.iois of tl e various stampa of tho isauo arrt yiven oat to be : Half- cent, grey, picture of Prince and Princess of Wttlog ; one cent, grotin, portraiia of Champlain and Cartior ; two cent, roil, King Kdward and Quceit Alexandra ; tiie cent, blue, reptujcntation of I'habitation doQiiobec; aoven cent, yellow, pietur, a of Montcalm and Wolfe; ten cent, nmnve, picture (if Qiiidiod in 170() ; 1,") cent, pic- ture of the Piirliainetit of tlio West of the old regime ; 20 cent, i{r."en, picture of a coureurdu boia with Indiana. The Htain|ii are all largi^r thsu the ordimuy itsuo to allow ronin for tli« double heads and the lino hmtoric pictures oiven on tho atani|ia of larger denomination. Farm fur salo--Lot 102, con. 11, Of. piey, 200 acre farm. Barn, 40 x 60, hnuav, 26 X 38. Will l>« nold cheaply nnd on easy turini, Kur partiuulati apply to J, P. Oabntn«, Fcvenkam. Children under 12 and over 6 half fare. Make This Your Business and holiday trip This will be tlie only Excursion to Toronto during the Summer Months JaKe Ad van tage This Rev L. W. Thorn, who f.^rayear :ind a half ha.s been pHstor of WnMeinar and The Maples Presliyt< rian churches, was pleafwnitly surprised on Friday evening, June 2(>ih, when his peopie piesented him with an addrea.-). It referred to his iiiini-itrations in Ihe v<ir<ous departments ofcliur.-h work, and of tho acceptance wi'h which his messages were always received. Mrs. Th'>m'a arduous and Tiluhble services, as le,%der of the choir, in tile Sa'bath School, were nut forgoUeti. Acc' mpmyinii the addrecs, which was s'gned ly W. M (i'amble and S. H. Thompson was a jmrae and a .'uit case. Ml', Tl om made a suitable and feeling Ttiply. after which a social hour was p.-iss- cil. Mr, Thoin leaves this week for Stritfiird, where he ba.s been appointed Superintendent of Neglected Children, and for » bich du'ies he has special qualifi- cations. Heie he did a good work, laboring Z"alou<ly for the proiiioti.>u uf every good cause, and carries with him the respect of those be met. â€" Grand Valley Star. Farm for Sale. Lots 171, 2 and 3, 1st con. N. 13,. Artemesia. 125 acres in all of fi; at class farmlug laudiaa (Joed Etato of cultivation, situated 2^ miles 8< utS of Flesherton, abort mile from school, cl.an of uoxinus weeds alM well fenced. 10 acres of uiHrrli, 5 aeras of biinlwood hueh, lul- abcii in aood state to work all IciuJs of machin- erv. Well watered, 3 oroliards, a goud taoure I» I ia veneered inside, kitclien 16 x 30, wood- shed IC x 1-2, new barn 50 X (SO stone fouiidatioo TUis is one of the beat farms in the townshi aiid cau be bought right. W.J.CASWELL. Ii[iHI[IS. Carefully Corrected Oats Ef cli Week 45 *.o 4o P,.ss 80 to 80 barley .. 60 â-ºo 60 Wheat H IV !)0 to 90 ....8 00 .'dO 0<J liuiter 10 Cc 19 16 to 10 potatoes per bag Oeese .. 7r. to 90 to to Chickeiis . . . CO to 00 Turkeys . Wool W to tiO . , . U 16 SUMMER - STOCK. Of Sweat Pads, Collars, Plow linos Dash Aprons, Uubber Rugs, Dusters fly Nets, Hoot Ointment, Axle Grease. Ail /c//2ds of Harness and Repairing, O. wrPKillips WINTER HARNESS GOODS Bid Stock ' ' Best Stock Be11$» Blankets ^ Robes Fur lined coats, pooketbooka, satchels, razor strops and other leather goods. Cuttersâ€" best makesâ€" and everything in the harness line. W. MOORE, Flesherton Ont. Thompson's Bakery All Those Indebted to the Uundersigned MUST Settle as Cash We Must Have. Ed. Thompson, FlMhtrion SEASONABLE IN GOODS FURNITURE The largest and best stock of Furniture ever shown in Fleshei-ton. This without fear of con- tradiction. Come and see some of tho nice things in Side Boards, Dining Room Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Room Setts. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, ill order to re- duce tho stock. . W, H, BUNT FURNTURE DEAtER ESHERTON BusiNRss Cards W JULLOUGH i YOUNG >" Banker Markdale Jo a general baukiog business. Money loaned a reasonable rate Call on us. T. CHISLETT, Postmaster, ^eylou, Couiinissiuuer in H, V. J . Conveyancer, deeds, luortKaKes, leasee, wills etc. carefully drawn up JollectiouB mad:>. cliarijes reasonal.le. .\l80 (jioceries, Uoui. fee.1 etc. kept lu stock. Prion riKht. R SPUOULE Fojtmastet, Flesbertoa i^ouiiulssioner iu H.C J., .Auctioneer Coo- voyaucer, .Appraiser aud Money Leuder Real Estate aud Insuruiico .Agent. Deeds iBortRa^oa, leases and wills cart-fully drawu up and valuations u;ade ou shortest i;ctice luonoy to loau at lowest rotes of iutercbt. Col ectiom atteudod to with promi'tm sa charges low, Acoat for Ocean DouiiuioD atoauisbip Couipauy, A call solicited, n McPH.tIL, License I Auc'.ioni'cr for the ^' ('ouiity of Grev. Tornia moderate and fiatisfaetiiin suaiatitee''. Tho arran^onieuts airl dates of Kales can b*) made a*, Tub .\dvanck oflicij. Kesidauco aud P.O., Coylon, Telephone connection. v Djc. 0.07. DAVin KOUKKTS. licoused auctioneer f,ir Oroy C,TOn!.y. Prompt attontion civen all s»!eH entrusted to iiiy care, cuU 1^0 made at this oltice. .AriauKemeuts \\; M. KAITTINO, liicensod Anotionecr. Sales '' conducted on lowest termsâ€" Satisfactioa i^uai aiitejd. Usproy, Fovorshaui, t*. O., con. I'J, Ijt 13, Mei)ic.\l DM CAUTER M C P A S Ont, Physician OlUce aodrosidouce â€" Peter st. Surgeon, e Flesherton T P OTTGWEl.L, J Voteviuary Sui(;eon Qradiiate of Outario Veterinary Collexe, residence â€" sscoiul door Kuuth weet on Mary street. This street runs south PreHl>yteriau Church. U WILSON, Ulaekfinith "• Iraduato ol the Veterinary Bclence Association Uesidence, Durham itreet, op- posite lloyd, Hickliug's hardware. Df.ntistry E. C. MURRAY D. D. S., dental sur-eon honoi-Kraduato of Torouto University aud Hoynl College of Dental Sui'k»ous nfUutario, (^as admiiilHtero<t for teeth extraction, olhoe at rosldauce. To ronio ^:i u)Si<'l)4U>rt03 D Legal LUCAS WRIGHT * McAKDLE Karrlsters Solicitors Coiivoysncers. etc Ofllcoaâ€" Owuu Sound. Out and MaikdaleOut W H WaioH-r, MiAbulk 1 Jt Leo* N ll-l-'lcshevtou oUlce, Mitchell's so k fverv Saturday. Societies " AO V \f meets on the last Monday in eaou mouth, in their looijo rooui, Christoo's block. Flesherton. at 8 p.m. M.\V., Frank Chard ; See. T. blakely, FInauclor, W.J. ileliamy, VisltiUR brutbrtb luvited, PHINCB ARTHUH LODGE, No. :i3S, A.F.& A Ii, meets In the Uaionlcball. Arm- slroi ({'« Hall Flosbertor, every Friday ou or )>elore the full roocn, 'i'Los. Ulaksly.W.M.; Ilirb.Smlth, SsLrotar;. Oai. T. p. F. 11 eets in Wednesday evening of each month. Visiting Foresters heartily welcome. H. R., Dyson; R. 8., 'J'. Hewy: Fin. See, C, N. Klcbaii son. Please pay due* to Flu, See. betor* the Itnt day ot the month. flOL'ltT FLKSHKRTON, y Clayton's Hlock tho last CROSBK FhlRNDft-FloahertOD Uoooell of Chosen Fri*udi maeta in Clayton's ball tMt and third Wadoaadar otaaeh moni ( p. on Pay aaMumaala to tha Rwordar on or I I toa flrat dayol oaata month. Ohial Cixin T. Btokalai: MOrtat, W. B. BbbI. f " i