SEVEN KIUED IN COllIW Two Passenger Trains Met Head-on Near Medicine Hat. A despatch from Modicine Hat says: Sf-ven kiled ond many injured Is the leJTjble result of a head-un collision be- iween thi? Sp kane Hyw anj the C:'<j\v s Nest pas.-engcr train, whicti cccurrt-U on Thursday morning at the crossing ftt Pruitt's brickyard, neai- hero. The dead are:â€" Jas. Nicholson, pngneei-; Howard Gray, fliomnn; .\ichamhull, baggageman; Duncan McEnchcm, | &s- setiger fiom Bow Island; James .Shaw. pass ngei' from Eovv Island. ScroiKly hurlâ€" Robert Twohey, ei'.giiio«r; G nduc- tur Mallatle, Loouani Black, brakes- man. The collision occurred wh^n the trains wore gong at a high late rf speed. Th-- Iccal pa.«enger pulled ou! <..f llie varUs at 8 oV-l(.ck and tiie conductor had or- doi's to meet the Spokano liver at 0,le- ridgo. The passenger was running into llial lowii. when, wllhoul a moment's waining, tho Si,aliane nycr ap;. eared around an abrupt curve and in iin in- stant a cloud of sleam UjU Ihe tale oj the iiwful coilisi(m. The injured w- re huiricd to the hospital, whe;e Engin- eer Twohey di<>d a tew hours luler. Brakesman Black is in a precarious conditon and will probably die. The I ause of the oolli'^inn i.«. r.ot di'llnilely known. Passengers MuEachei'n and Black, two well-known men, w<ro sil- tng together in the passenger c la "h when the trans came Vgelhei-. Tl'.ey wero tooiid dying later and only Lived a abort lime. Biggigemiin Aichimball was killed when the. cars tclis-opeJ. Several passengers had niiracuious es- capes. LEADING MARKETS IIEMtlED I.N BY FIRE. Mr. Brown Rescues His AVMc and Sick Son a< Owen Sound. A despalch from Owen Sound says: A fire, which might easily have been "at- ttndeJ with fatal results, hr.keout in ii dw Il!ng-hou<.,i in l!ro<ikho!m, in Iho suburban sec: ion ,jf Owen S mnd, ab ait 3 o'clock â- on Saturday morn ng. In Ih' hcu-'e, whicJi le; occupied by Mr. George Bi\j.wii and fajuily, a lamp, which liatl been kept burning by the Udside if his 6 ck b'ly, suddenly e.vpl' dt-d, and in ie&s than a minute' the râ€" .ni w-ms n flames. Mr. Brown managed to get his «-.n oul of the ro'im, but "was un:ib!e li' reach the front door, as Uie stair- M^e was burning llercely. He was fjrj- e-J to jumj) from the second story win- dow, and after procuring a ladd. r wa-s able to rescue his wife and son. Tlic Owen Sound fire brigade appeared oji lb.- s-'cne. and but for their .«ervia«! the lire wou'd have destroy cxl eveiy house on the 6'reet. .\s it wiis, .Mr. Browns' rt«.(tenc<- was complel ly I'oinolLsheJ, and all hs household effects The total damage amounts to BLADE L\ UIS BREAST. Windsor Bcr>- .Named Wiiltet J. Prti- HHiffHJ;! Killed. A despatch rr,.in Kngsvlle says- \Va'- ter Josej Ji Penningf-on, ekven v<'iirs oid, the son of Janiey I'ennjig'on, Windsor, niet death Ui a peculiar manner at his Ii.thcTis .fummer home. Cedar Beach, on Saturday. The lad was out a mile fiorn Ihe tiouse with a srii,-;l, hroihcr an.l sif- ter. Uhilc whittling a stick'he m^ ant- ed a slippery l.g tx> get sonje berries. He â- lost his balance, swung his arm vig<jr- ously to regain his efiuilibrium. and plu.nged the bl^de into li.,s own heai-t As he fell to tho ground the knife was JJlUDged deeper into his breast, al- 1n<jug,h he had alrendy receivd a 'atal wound. Death was inslantaneiue H-s twrllieJ brother and sister witnoss^-d tti« accident and tried in vain (o aid bita. MRS. PITTS SriCIDE. ^"lic ol a Well-Kninvn ResJIdent o( Tjen- dinaga Hangs Herself. A despatch Bclleviiie siays: .Mrs. Jas. I'Itt, a married woman, tlftv-lwo years <.f age, committd suicido on .Sat- urday by hanging heisjlf at the i;ra:ly resKlencc in the (Iftli concession of •fyeii- dinaga, a f< w miles east of tliis city. On Saturday the woman c;jniplnincd of not â- rfK-ling well when Jier husband went, out Shortly after sh« was found by her two 6lep.<laughtcrs hanging froin the balu- olrado of Ihe stairs in the front hall wiih a ropi around her neck. She wa,'; dead when found by the frightened girl* and cut down. Mi-s. Pitt had been actijig Strangely at times recently. THE DAIRY INDl'STRY. .More ol the Product Being Used al Homeâ€" nig Figures. A despatch from Ottawa says: Mr. J. A. Buddiek, Dominion Da ry I'/inimis- sioncr. i;o.>-e <'v:dencc before Ihe fiommit- tec on Agriculture on Wednesdiiy re- garding the progress made by the dairy- iirg indi:slry of the nonunion. He e.x- plained that lie reducMon in exp. rls of dairy pr-riduce was iit'r.butable to the lar^e y increased home consumption. Mr. Riuld ck gave figures furnishetl by ll;e ren-uB department to sl'.ow be- Iwceii two and 1007 the vuhie of cream- ery baiter, cheesi', milk and condensed m:lk pr!)ducid in rnn.-ula grew from .S2!».200.0OO ti $.15.45O.(H)0. The annual value to the (Ountry of all Canadian dairy pp(jducl« wan about $04.0(10.000. Ten years ago th-re was no cond<'nse\l milk produced in Cana/la; now there are severiil fa -lories with an output valued at nearly one million dollars. A r«'volution has broken out in tho republic of Honduras. BIG COAL PROPERTY SALE. .Nconliaiions for Purchase ol Biilisb Columbia .\roas. A despatch from Victoiia, B. C, say.s: I. is learned on e::cellent authority Ihal negotiations for ene of Ihe largcsl d^ais ever |)ul thnmgh on Vancouver Island are n iw in prog'css, the ocmplelion of which will m<'an the ^jassing of lb-> ex- t nsive coal inleresis controlled by Hon. Jiipies Du.nsmiiT int.) the hands of J-'hn .â- \rbulhnol, ex-Mayor of Winnipeg, ami a niijuher of N-.w York milllonalros, of whiin Luke Wishart, is one. The arnounl involved is upward of .$5,000,- 000. Mr. Dunsmuir has signilicd his \vil!iiign"-ss -to sell and only the (iuesli<in <t terins remains lo be .'^etlled. The Wellington collieries, which Duiismuir controls, embrace large slupp-ng mines near l.ndy-mith and Cumberland, where the majority of vessels plying on the coast nil their bunkers. 4 STABBED A JL'DGE. Russian's Atlenipl to .Assassinate Presi- dent of .Vppeal Court. A despatch from St. Petersburg .-^ays: i\i. Dokrucieninkoff. Pixssident of tho O; url of .\ppeal al .St. Petersburg, who was passing thixjugh the, was the victim of an atlompled assa.s- sination on Wi'dncsday. He was seri- ously wounded by a knife slab in the chest. His assailant is a levolulionaiy workman. Trial of Ihe people accused ol Mowng up Premier Stolypm's house In AptekarsJ<i Oslrof and robbing Ihc State Bank of 400.000 roubles begun on Wednesday. Among the forty-four pri- .s<'.neis were five yoimg girls belonging to familiar and high functionaries, the Pi-incess .Miehelzka and Miles, Klimoff, Markoff, .^ouhinoff and Emillanoff, The trial is expected lo last ten days. ^1 . The body of Fiederick A. Pochle of Toronto was found at .Niagara FalLs, on Sunday, with a bullet wound in llic h( adi. JDSTICE IN THE FAR YBKOS Russian Murderer Captured by Mounted Police and Convicted in Short Order. A despatch from Ottawa says: Tho Boyal Northwest .Mounted Police e.\ecute 6p<'C<.ly justice in the Yukon. On June 81h last word was receive<.l in Dawson that a Rassian named Elfors shot and killed a companion named Bergman twelve miles tielow .Selkirk, and aL'=o \vcundeti another companion namol .\n- ders in. Ptdicemaii Thompson proni|>lly etarted in a canoe in pursuit of Elfors, ond captured him the following day. On Tuesday Coniptroller White received a •w-irc from Ctunmlssioner Wooels of Dawson staling that Elfors had been ocnvicled and sentenced to bo hanged on Ot-4ob«r 6th. The capture of tlie prisoner, the Irifll and Ihe .sentence was 'thus etfccUxl within one month of the ci me. But, though the Mounted FVilice in tho Yukon are doing most <'Ifective work, Gonuiiissioner WtKid writes that in view of tho influ.\ of huntlreds of gnmljlers, dis-olutc women, professional liibor agi- tators and foreigners of the lowest and most igiioian'l type, from Ala>kH and other United Slates p<duls, the force at his disposal is altogether too small l<i meet the demands made upi n it. The whole iX)lice foi-ce of the Yukon Terri- tory now consisils of only 75. of whom tut 44 ar« available for actual police wx>rk. rrv-ar BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, July li.â€" Ontario Wheat â€" No. 2 white, red or mixed, 78c to 79c. .Man tolia Wheat^Market q\iotat;ons al G<'<)rgian Bay poits, No. 1 nortlurn, $1.07>i; N^). 2 norihorn, $1.04%; No. 3 uorlliern. $I.OI>5j. Comâ€" .No. i yellow, higher al 81c to 82c outside. Oatsâ€" Ontario, No. 2 whil:^, 42c lo 43c, outside; N-j. â- .>, mix d. 42;-; Man.toba No. i: 42c lake i oris; rejects ^^i^ l»li« P<^'^- Barleyâ€" No. i. h3t^ lo bfir. Peasâ€" .No. 2 quiet, nominally quoted al 90'. H.veâ€" No. 2, n:no offering; quotations iitoul. S5c. Hu kwheal â€" No. 2 nominally qu iled G5c to GSr. Branâ€" Quolc.l at i5l5 V> $10 In bulk outswie: shorts. .$20 to $21; quotations fo^- d livery in bags $2 m ^re. FUui- â€" Manltiba patents, spf-cial brand-, .$6; seconds. .$5.40; .sitrong biik- n-s', $5.30; winter wheat pa'ents c ling at $3.10. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Bulti^râ€" Creamoi-y. prnts, 23c to 24e; creamery, .solids, iic to 23c; dairy prints, clKiice, 21c to 22c; dairy prints, <ird;n- nry, 20- to 21-.-; dairy tubs, 19o to 20c; inf<rior, 10c to 17c. Eyg^_j,;<!w-laid ai^e quoted al 18c to SOc r*'' <l0'/.i n i]i case tots. Cli< e-eâ€" l,!jcal wliolesale. dealers' quo- tations are I3c for large and 13Xc tor twins. ll<meyâ€" New slraimxl is 10c per pound. B<?an.'<â€" Primes. $2 to" $2.10; handplck- cd .$2.10 to S2.15. Potat esâ€" 01.1 Onlarios me worth SI.- 10 lo $1.20 pir Lag. and new .-Vniericaus .$4 in cur lots on tiack here. GREAT FIBE IN EAST BflSTflB Loss a Million and a Half, Mostly Upon Boston and Albany Railroad. PROVI-SONS. Porkâ€" Siiort cul, $23 to $23.50 per bar- rel; UHSs, $18.50 to $19. Lardâ€" Tierces, 12'.-; 'tubs, 12>ic; pails, 12K^'- Sm'»ke<l and Dry Sailed Monfsâ€" Long c'ear bacon, Uc to llJie, Ion- and ca.s- Ci, hams, medium and 1 ght. I45^c to 15c: hams, large, IS^c to 13c; I ack-s 17c lo I7%c; shoudirs. 10c Ui UlJic; rolls. lOc to 10%c; breakfast baco.ii, 15c lo 15%c; given meats, out of pickle, Ic less than smolieU. MO.NTREAI. .VIARKBTS. Memtreal, July 14.â€" Flourâ€" Manitoba s irlng wh< al patents, $6.10 to .$0.20; s..c- <.nd puknt-. $5.50 lo .$5.70; winter wh at puleiils, -$5 to $5 50; sti a gh' wl-, $4.25 to 84.50; in tags. $1.95 lo .$2.10; <-xtra, .S1.50 to $1.70. Molted Oatsâ€" $2.75 in bags of 90 pounds. Oatsâ€" No. 2. 40c lo SOc; No. 3, 46c «o 46>^c; No. 4. 15c lo 45Xc; rejecUd, 44c, Manitoba i'ejiclc<l, 4Gc to 4UJ<;e. &ii-n.m<;alâ€" $1.75 t-j $1.85 per bag. Millfe'dâ€" Ontario trin. in bag-;, $20.- 5(J t-.-> $2I..50; shorLs, .$23 lo $24; Mando- \m bran, in bags, $22 tu $23; .sh nts, ,$24 to, .$25. Pr<ivis!Ojisâ€" Bbl.s short cut mess pork, $23.50; half barrel.-^, $11.1)0; clear backs, $23; dry sail long clear bnclcs. lie; barrels, plate beef. $17..")0; half ban-e's do., $0; compound lard, HXc lo O^c; pure lai-d, I2>^c lo 13c; kettle rend red, 13l to 13%c; hams. 12Xc lo 14e, a'Ord- in{. lo s ze; breakfast bacon. 14-: to 15e; Winds ir bacon, 15c to 16c; fresh klled abatlor-drcsstd hogs, $9.75; live, $7 lo $7.25. Ch eseâ€" W<>siterns quoted at ll%c lo 12c, and easterns at 11%c to 11%c. Butterâ€" Finest er<;amery, 23c t-j 23%c In round lots and 25c to gr; cers. Eggsi â€" Sales of selected slock were made at 22c; No. 1 at 19c and No. 2 at 16c per dozen. UNITED STATED MARKETS. Buffalo, July 14 â€" Wheal â€" Spring stronger; No. 1 Noathern carloads, slore, $1.15^; Winter flim; No. 2. red. 94e. Cornâ€" weak; No. 3. yellow, 78V; No. 3, corn. 76 to 7CXc; No. 3, white, MXc Gals- ea.sier; No. 2. white, 58c; N<i. 3. white, 56>^c. Barley â€" Feed to mailing, 68 lo 72c. Ryeâ€" No. 2 on liadi, SOc; Cuna'. freiglils, wheat 5c to New York. Minneapolis, July 14â€" Wheat^JuIy, $lA(i%: September. 9V/ic\ No. 1 hard. $1.14%; No. I Northern, $1.12%; No. 2 Northern, $1.10%; No. 3 Northern, $1.- Of.%. Flourâ€" First patents, $5.40 to $5.- 50; second paU-nts, .$5.30 to .$.5.45; llrsl cleare, $4.35 to $4.45; second cleais.-$3.- 50 lo $3.60. Branâ€" In Bulk, $I8..50. Milwaukee. Wis., July 14.â€" Wheat- No. 1 Northern, $1.15 lo $1.16; No. 2 Northern, $1.12 lo $1.14; .Septemlx>r, SS% ttV 88».ic bid. Ryeâ€" .No. 1. 75 to 75X'-'. Barleyâ€" No. 2. 86c; sample, 55 to 67c. Cornâ€" No. 3 cash, 71 lo 72c; September, 72%c bid. Dululh, July 14.â€" Wheat-No. 1 hard, $1.13%; No. 1 Northern. $1.I2>^: No. 2 Norlliern, $1.09; July, $1.09; September, 92%c. New York, July 14.â€" Spot firm; No. 2 red, 07c lo 98c elevator; No. 2 red, 99o lo arrive, f.o.b. afl<at.; No. 1 northern. Dululh, 81.10% f.o.b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, $1.04X f-o.b. alloal. CATTLE MARKET. Toronlo. July 14.â€" There is still a good demand for good butcher cattle al prices ranging from .$4.75 to $5.35. Choice WAvs arc still high at $3.75 lo $â- '..50. but c<uiimon cows arc slow and heavy. Not many slockers are on Ihe market, and tile r-unge of prices is wide, from $2.25 for light up to a.s high as .$3.75 for heavy. Sheep and lambs are steady. Calves are jcrh.-ip.-. a little firmer. In spiU> of the large run of hogs, the price of Ihem was up lo .$6.85, fed and watoixxl <ift ears, Toronto, a-nd In in- slanoes higher prices than tlieso wci-* paid for hogs of extra clioice quality. A despatch Irora Boston, Mass., says: Fanned by a brisk north wind, a fire, lelieved li) have Ijoen caused by spon- taneous ciimbU'stlon or a locomotive .spark, swept nearly a quarter of a niile of the harbor front of Easit Bo.slon late on Wednesday, causing a properly loss <stlm«tcd at "nearly $1,500,000. Much of llie lo,'s lalls uixn Ihe Boston & Al- bany Railroad. Daniel Sullivan, a watchman al the Cunnrd Liner pier, is missing, and M is feared Uiat he pei-- if.hed in the flames. W<'dnes(lay's fire was the most de- structive that has cciurred along tlie h-irbor front in many years. The flames spread with remarkable rap-<li'.v. and b;- the lime the llist llre-nghtliig ap- paratus arrived the are wa.s beyond c-'nlrol and leaping from pier 'tn pier. Wilih-n n half-hour nfler tl:e first buret of llanies was discovered four plors, lliree wnrehou.sis, a gran elevator con- '.uinng 30,000 bii.'^hels of gram and many loaded freight cars, had be:n do stioyod. S veral v<ssels and lighlei-s narrowly escaped destruction. The big I.eyland Lino steamer D<vonian was mcored at one of the piers which was desli-oyed, but the cralt was warp.eJ <iut into tlie sir am wilhouit sustaining any damage. Li'ss forlunaie was lih.? haicpie Belmont < f Yarmouth, N. S. The Belmont wa»' m-)ore<l by 1he pier where the fire start- ed, and by the time the vessel was moved to a place of s.nfety her super- slructur.' and rigging had been practi- cally de.stroyod. The (lrc-masle<i .schoon- er Paul Palmer and the fnur-niasled scho'incr O. II. Brown were consid.rat)- ly daniag<'d. The fire slatted at 4.15 p.m. in a waro- hou.=ye on pi.r .No. 1 IllUd with combus- tible material such as Egyptian cott'in ami oil. .\ hundred laborers were- at \vo.rk on the pier al the lime, and wllh i al! of them it was a race for life. A RING IN TIIE CHEESE. Woman Gels One Worth $1,000 for Eleven Cents. A despatch from Bloomfleld, N. J., says: Fritz Weber, a grocer at No. 25 Wash'ngt n sirct, Uh omfleld, .sold eleven cents worth of clieese to a wo- man customer e^n Tuesday. A few lu urs later the woman relumed to the store and aslcod .Mr. Web r if he had IlsI a diamond ring. He said "No," for ho hud never owned one. Then the wo- man produced a ring, sot with three glistening sloni-.s, which she tdd Weber sh.' found in the cheese he had sold her. Tiie woman was very happy and told the grocer her lind would enable her to take n nce<k-d vacation. The ring is worih 31.000. « KILLED BY IIAYFOItK. I.Wtlc .Son .of Mr. Oliver Builon of Viiuflhan Stiikbed In lireast. A despntdi from W- odbridge -ays: .\ fatal accident occurred <'n Thursday on Ihc farm of Mr. Oliver Burton, n nth c<ince?sion, lot No. 1. Vuugiian township. While loading hay his little son, six yenr.s old, was on the wagon. The hcrso started suddenly, overbalancing tlio hired man. As he fell Ihe f rk pieic- «â- •! tho child's breast. He died shortly after. WILL NEED MICII TWINE. Supply foir Western Hai-vosI Liftciy to nun Slitn't. A despatch from Winn'peg says: Bas- ing the <stimatc on a civip area of nine million six hundred th<iu.sanU aci-ys in westci-n Canada, of whi h ."iLx nuIUon aro under wrent. it is tigured out by dealers that at least lwen;v-t<Air mil- lion rounds of Iwine will be lecpiired- by Ihe farmers this .'enson. Consider, able ditriculty is expixtcd in fllling or- deis, but pricis at pre*nl are about a cent and a (piarler uiuler tli:s-» of last year. Uialeis had Ixxn figuring on a iiormal crop, and now find themselves fully a tpwiler short of the reipi rements. WEAPONS WEKE HVH'OINDED. Kalfiui Lal)orors in .New Brunswick Dis- armed ol Guns and Knives. A despatch from SI. John. N. R., .says: In consctiucnce of recent murd rs, New Brunswick autliorilics decide 1 to disarm uM Italians coming lo work <in the Grand Trunk Pacilic. On Tuiwlay a parly of s-ixty weie .searched and the ct-nstables .secured enough knives and revolvers lo equip an infantry compaaiy. The Italiiins S'trenuously objected, but were overcome. 4. A RICH GOLD STIUKE. t'ppcr Chilliwack Counlry Now Enjoys a Rush. A despatch from Vanco-uver, B. C, .SJiyis: Reports have reached here of a rich gold strike on the upixr reaches <f the Chilliwack River. The original discoverer, a Seattle num. Is i-eportcd lo have lak<'n out $12,000 in a few days. Several days ago the pivisix-ctor came down the river, bringing a handful <if nuggets. A rush foil'jwoil. The place of Ihe strike has long figured in stories of rich placer grounds*. Farly pioneers found it hiaccessible, ns hos- li'e IndiniLs looked upon the ground as sacred lo Ihe .spirits of Ihe deiHirle^l. --!•- A four-roomixl addition is to lie bu.iU al Oiillla Oolleglalc Institute as a cost <;f $10,000. GREAT UNION STOCK YARDS. Thi-ee Bifl Railroads will I'nile at AViiv nipeg. A Jeijiatch from Winnipeg says: A muvemenl ha.s b<en on foot here for s, me time jinst lo e.-Uiblish a municipal st<ick yard, backed by the Li\e .Slock Shippers' Associaton. It was given its ipiielus on 'I'hui-sday by tho an- ncuiicemeiit of Mr. Whylc of tiie C. P. 11. to Ihe effect thai his company, to i-ether will the C. N. R. and G. T. P., were pivjuiring l':i build and maintain gi'-ai union yards as toon as the pro- j<cl could be worked out, in which .sniall .shippers would have thnr inler- e.wl.s fully safeguaixlid in tho matter of charges. This is regarded us one of the most important announ-ementa af- fecting the live stock indujstiy. KILLED CHILD WITH SCISSORS. Waitress in Moose Jaw Hotel Commits Crime WiiilP Insane. .\ despatch from .Moose Jaw, .'^ask., says: In a U^mporary til of-insanily, on Tre>day aflern;xin, Mary Galbrnilh, a waiU-ess in Ihe Commei-cial Hiitel, took the life of her new Ixirn chiki with a simall pair of embroidery scs^irs. The' y<-ung woman is a dauglitcr of .\ndrew Gulljrnith. a farmer <'f Ibis disliict, and formerly of S<'afort.h, Ontario. .Miss Giilbraiih is now in Ihe hospital, and has bfcn formally placed under arrest. DROP LETTER RATE. Will Probably go Into Effect on First ol Next ,'\lonlh. A despatch fixmi Ottawa .says: Th« dmp letter rate of one cent an ounce will probably go inti < ff ol in the cilles o! Canada on first. _ 4. The G. T. P will carry grain fiom lOd- inonlon to Winnipeg this fall. The C. P. R. are beginning their eam- poign for 25,000 harvesters for the west. Tho Hudson's Bay Railway will bfl built without delay, says lion. G. P. Graham. A WELL- Cooped in Narrow Space by Suspended Horseâ€" Climbed Out Just in Time. A from Saskatoon, Sask., .snys: IIni>iild BriscO(\ of Mnsten. had a ^ensalionHl escape from appaienlly in- evitable death al Ihe bottom of a 15-foot well, which be wa.s digging, en Wed- nesday, lbs bri'lher Jim woik<xl on the surface, and drove Ihe horse which diew up llie buckets of earth, 'I'he hor-e i)i-<)ved bard lo manage, and en- tangled itself in I'he runn ng gear, whereupon it backed lowarils Ihe moiilh of the well, an opening f<iur feel in <li- aineter. .lim clung I'.o Itn^ iminial's head, but it slipped ovi-r the brink for half its length, where it hung sitepended by poi>- lions of the harness and running gear. Hearing his bnither's .sliouls abijve, ajld slarllod by the sudden obstruction of the light, ihe man at the bollom of tho well looked up quickly. Realizing h's peril, he proped his pick on end and crouched under it, hoping lo ward off Ihe falling horse. He then managed loi catch the bucket, which swung about eight feel from the well boltum and climbed up Ihe i-0[c, at the risk of being crushed by a sudden motion of tha horse. He just leaolied tho lop when the harness and gear holding Iho horse gave way, and the animal fell to Ux botl'j.-n of the well.