f f S<.ll<irk, dit«d OP. Mny 10th in liis 'J•^r.d year. In his joulh lie knew Hogj the "Ettrck Shophtrd," and he frctjaciUiy saw S;r W.iItcT Scott. The employes in the Montrose Ship- building Yard hav'? been discharged owing to lack of maler.al conse<iuenl up<<n the dispute in the North «I Eng- iiUlll. Another case of smallpox has occar- i€<' in Arbroath, that of a married wo- n;;in residing in Gowan street, makhig the ten'h case since Uie beginning of the I --.uibioak. .Mr. John Chalmers, Dunaskin, has niarih d 14 miles in 3 lii)Ui-s luid 5 min- u cs. playing the bngpijes all tho time. Ilo proiposes to do 31 miles with the pipes in full blast. a A Remarkable Recovery. Mrs. Frank SLroebe, R. F. D. 1. .\ppl'> ton, Wis., writes; "I beg-m using Peiuna a few nw'jinths a;:o, when my health and Birenglh svere all gone, and I was no- thing by a nervous wreck, could not s!«-ep, eat or rest properly, and foil no desire to live. Peruna made me kxrk at life in a different light, as I began to reijan my kst strength. "I cei'tainly think Peruna Is without a rival as a tonic and slrcnolh Imildcr.*' WILSON'S FLY PADS â- vaty paekat will kill more fl â- •• than 30O aheots of atlcky papor SOLD BY 0RUCCIST3, CROCERS AND CENERiU STORES lOo. par paoket, or 3 packata for as« will laat a whola aaason. FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND NOTES OF INTEREST FltOM HER BA.NKS A.\0 BRAES. What is Goino On in Ibc Highlands and Lowlands o( Auld Scotia. The price tf the 4 pound loaf in Abcr- dcv^n has Ijeen reduced from 13 to 12 ccnis. The two days* show of the Asricul- tural Soc;«:y wois held on the Scolsloun grounds. Fifesli'ire is starting a crusaJe oga:nsl harvetiting imraalui'e herrmgs ui the Firth of Forth. The death is announ?cd of .Major C. K. H.ll, at Banchory, a<;ed 41. He took part in the relief of Ladjr<niilh. Wra. Watere and Wrn. Mackenzie, Lochgolly, have b>.en lined $5 each tor fishing with salmon ixe. Ttee lia\e bo<n 'large cxowds al the Ed.nbupyh Exhibition; tie allendanoe to- i.nQ day totalled 5E.tK)3. Al N<wton of Deershaw. near Bnnff, two ploughmen wire fatally suffuJited tv (he fume* fpiim a stove. The Archaeologists of Glasgow have got $2,500 vvilh a view to saving David Dale's old maiision-twuse, but S15.1XI0 is icqu.rod. Twenty thousand men are alfeele*.! by th-.' shipyard lock-ijut in Glasgow, .\bout 6.C00 of these belong to the Clyde dis- trict. \ memorial wat? unvei'eil in Easl- lan Is Cemetery, Oalnshields, over the grave of Private John Morris-; n, an In- dian Mutiny veteran. The doiid bouy of Wra. M-'ldrum, ghillie, was found in Gbntnoie I'-oiest. M' was shot thixiugh the head and a pia- t,il lay at his sjde. The Invereak School Board of Etlin- biwgh have learned that some sefcool prtm SOS within Ihe.r district arc swarm- ing with hundred of rats. Kilmalcolm can offer more attractions thin most i>laces of the same size, anJ that is the reason why it is L'CooHiing niore and more popular. James Shaw, grave digger, was found h ngng by the r.e.k dead in K.Imadock <itmelery by Lady Mnir, of Deanston, and a Indy oouipnnjon. The 0|.en Churches A?s<icintifn inti- mate that arrangements have Ixx-n made by which St. Andrew's Church and Barony Church <if Glasg«.iw will be open daily. Tlie .splend'd new bridge which fomis pari, of the extcnsiva. scheme by the Caledonian Railway Com;'any at Egling- ton sli'eel has now been opened for trnfnc. Mr. Ri>tcrl Smith, slatonma.sler, Car- noustie, was presente<.l w.ith a silver tea and coffee sei-vice, oaI< tray and a ptuve of s».)Â¥0Tcign6 for liis bravery in saving life. John Pilngle, a machine foreman in Duns<lalo Mil's, has palenkd a new tjii- provenient on machinery for woollen niimiifaeluro in iho form of a seed an I grit exlrnctop. Mr. Th< mas Murray, an old resident MUTUAIXY TR.\PPED. There was a moments silence after the introduct on. Womanlike, each was mentally "sizing the other up." Then one spoke. "My husband frequently spealts • f you," slie said. "Indeed!" returned the other. "My husband thinks you are wonder- fully clever.' "Really? Why, that's the way my ^usband talks about you. He told mo how you reshaped and recovered that cl<' para.s^ol. and so saved S3.75. ' "Parasol! Why, I never touched i- unlil my husband had harped all one cay on your clevermss m izpholstering and relining a perambulator at a savins of SIO." "Nonsense! The thing' that made me do that was the way my hi>sband lalked about that parasol.' Tlien he got me to retrimming a last year's hat because you were w- rking over an old .iresa. ' "But 1 never starUd to do (hat unlil my husband had told me Qve times atout your hat. I wasn't going to ad- mll that you could be any more eco- nomical than I." "Why. really, I heard of that dress twenty-four hours before I touched the hat.'' â- Impossible! "1 " ihcn she stopped and her eyes began lo nn=h. "I believe cur husbands ' she began again. "I believe they have," chimed in the nlh''r, becoming excited also. "It's a wicked shame." "An outrage. They've just tricked us. thnls all." "It was a regular plot. And fo th'nk how he made me work. I'll get a now gown to-day." "And I a hot.' The two women went into a millin-^r's and spent all the money they could scrape Ugelher. And the two men got mighty llllle for dinner that night, and when they complained thev were promptly cor.virced that they ought to h.'ive said nothing. Food Tl Products Libby's Cooked Corned Beef There's a big differ- ence between just corned beef â€" the kind sold in bulk â€" and Libby's Cooked Corned Beef. The difference is in the taste^ quality of meat and natural flavor. Every fiber of the meat of Libby's Cooked Corned Beel is evenly and mildly cured, cooked scientifically and carefully packed in Libby's Grtal Wbile Kitchen It forms an appetiz- ing dish, rich in food value and makes a sum- mer meal that satisfiesl for Qaick Serving : â€" Libby's Cooked Corn- ed Beef, cut into thin slices. Arrange on a platter and garnish with Libby's Chow Chow. A tempting dish for luncheon,dinner,supper M'rile for free book Utâ€"'Uoio to A/j.v* Good Tlunas to BaL" SUMMER COMPLAINTS KILL LITTLE ONES At the first signs of illness during the hot weather months give the little ones Baby's Own Tablets, or in a few houi« the child may be beyond ciu*e. These Tablets will prevent summer complaints if given occasionally to well children, and will promptly cure these troubles if they come unexpectedly. Baby's Own Tablets, shoukl always be kept in every home where there are young childi-en. There is no other medicine so effective and the mother has the guarantee of a gcvernment analyst that the Tablets are absolutely safe. .Mrs. E. LeBurn, Caril- lon. Qu*-. says:â€" "Baby's Own Tablets ar'= the best niedU;ine I know of tor re- gulaling the .stomach and bowels. 1 Ihmk no mother should be without this medicine." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Bi'ookviUe, Oat. AN OUTa\GE. "55o you have decided to get another physician?" "I have,"' ansi^ered \fr-s. Cumro?c. 'Tho idea of his prescribtng fla-xseeti Uc ajid mustard plastei-s for people as rich as we are." "Papa's mind is full of business all th ' time." "11 w docs lliat trouble you'f ' "Well, when Hairy a-^kedMiini for me, he said; 'Yes, la!v.c tier along: and if she i^n'l itp U:/ oiu- advertisement , bring her biiclt ajid cxthaiig'' her.'" EM The finest tva giown in the woild Is the slandard of quality u.so-d in piepar- vrj: "Saliula' Tea. Sold only m sealed kad packeis. A. R. BiCKERSTAFF & CO., stocks, Bonds and Debentures. Cobalt and ail Mining and Oil Stooks of Canada and United States. Onlera executed with promptness. Corres- ponOenco .solicited. •21 to (27 Traders Sank BulldInK, Toronto, •n^ PhJlis .\l*iu i»a TACT. Tact is the happy way of doing things â€" ll.c loving way. It is sensitive as to the feelings of <'thcrs. There is a plant liuit glows in the desertâ€" the minKvsa, it is called, and it is a sensitive plant. N<^ so 'iier does it hear the <lLslaiii trnm- pi of horses' I<.ct upon the earth than it curls up its fi^nibling leaves. There are p-.ople like that plant. The tactful scul knows how to draw out these shy and backward onesâ€" these boys and girls that hardly dare venture to play a game in the playgiound with otheu-s. T«ct always Unds a way to put Iheni at e.!se. and bring out whatever gootl th.>ie is in Ihcinâ€" indeed, tu'.-l kn<.ws how to deal with all kir.ds of people. The Eiffel Tower, which is painted once pvery six years, claims, on an average, five victims on each occaswn. "He has ao regard let anyone else. He has no milk of human kiminft^s." "Oi I wouldn't say thai. Ile'.s a very small man, you kn<iw; probably ho has it, but its condensed." SCRAP I.\ THE M.VItKLT. "But these potatoes have black eyes," prolrt.-.slt'd the angry housewife. "O; cant help Ihat, mum,' replied .Marketman Grogan. "You see. the j>o- taiO'-s got nLxed with the squashes an' g(.it lo fltin'.' Something More Than a Purgative.â€" T<- purge is the only effect of many pills now on the market. Parmelees Vegetable Pills are more Ihan a purga- tive. They strengthen the stomach, where other pills w<?aken It. They ckanse the bloixi by regulating the liver ond kidneys, and I'hey stimulate where olher pill compounds depress. Nothing of an injurious nature, used for merely purgative powers, enters into theu- oom- posiLion. CII.\PTER I. Blinks â€" 'The first prlnoiple of anar- chism is to divide with your fellowmen, is it not?" Winksâ€" 'Wo. The Bret prlnoiple is lo make your fellow-man divide with you." It a iof bitea you don't be scared. Bathe the â- roand with cold wat^r ^ind cuver it with a cloth in which We.-vvor':: Cerate h.u bean freely ipreotl. The Cerate relieves the pain caused by the &ting' uf insecta TlinOUGH LOVES EYES. The Brideâ€" "That woman we just pass- ed has poor l;!sle." The Groomâ€" "Why do you think so, d-tar?" Tho Brideâ€" "She mcryly glancetl al ycu." Worms cause teverlshness. monn'ng and restlessness during .sleep. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is pleasant, .«ure and cfleclual. If your dru.gglsthas iKjne in slock, get hijn lo procure it for vou. In the re|)orl of a Dublin charity or- jaiiizi.ton the followljig paragrapli ap- IKjired: â€" "NoIwithslaiKling Itic large amount paid ly the society for medical attendance and mcJicine, verv few c'calhs occurred diu'ing the yeai'. ' Which calls lo mind the sloiy of the two countrymen who wete passing an eye ha'^pilal fninous for its skilful op- erat'o:'s. "Jnck." exelalnicd cne of Ihom, imprc.-sively, "in tljc-e th- y'll Ink:? your ejes out. and put them on the tabic in fioiil of you and let you look at Ihein." A new sensation. Black fff3lCn pleasure. -_ . The big C*e"l"ll black ^'*«~ plug. I.VIL FOR T.\KI\G LO.VN. Bankrupt Loses Honor and Rank by Buying Oorses on Credit. English law is always very strict with' regard to bankrupts, who, having failed to secure a discharge of their bankruptcy from the courts, secure credit for more than SltjO. This Everard William Wylde has ]ust found to' his cost. For he has been sen- tenced to three monliis' imprisonment for an offence of this kind and will in all probability entail tho forfeiture of his cross of the Order of St. Michael and St. Grorge, which he rerx'ived for his services as delegate of the British Government lo tho Internalkinal Slave Trade Congress at Brussels in 1889. Wylde is a man of 60 years of age, who has spent a number of years in the For- eign Onice. from which he was obliged after 30 years of .service lo retire on ac- count of financial dilficuilies. He has on several occasions been em- ployed as .secretary of legation and bears a name honored in the annals of the Foreign OITice. where his father and grandtnlhcr served with distinction be- fore him. and also al tourt, with which hU people were likewise connected. But he .seems to have completely lost Ms head, having while an undischarged bankrupt, not only purchased race hor- .so; on credit, but even having them trained by the well known trainer. Charles Watigh, without having a penny t'l pay either the latter or the vcndoi-s of th'j horses. * H.WE VOU ST.\nTED To compete fjr the SEVEN HLNDRED C.\SH PRIZE offered by the OR.\NGE ME..vr p.o!)l>;? To those sending in the liirgesl nuiuLer cf carton bolloius before May 31, 1909. they offer KIFTY-TWO DOLL.VRS PER YEAR DtRING LIFE. or a CASH PRIZE OF SEVEN HLNUHED DOLL.VRS. .\sk your grccer for particulars or .â- 5<nd postcard to OR.VNGE ME.\T, K ng- s on, and receive full informalxn. Ti.e only complete and poifejt I-xxi is milk. Taken wilh OR.^NiiE ME.Vl, which is n'ad) of the wlwle wheat, they ppxiuce th. most evenly-balanced food the hu- man subject can secure. GREY HAIRA DISEASE COLOR ATOR is the only preparation that WWbWIin I un really restores QMaV OH PAOaO HAIR to its origiii,iI color. All druK- Riats, 11.00. Ciingdaatiul adTice given. Address, THE COLORATOR CORPORATION 179 King St. West, Xoronto. PH.XRMACELTICAL. Drcloi'- "If silence is golden, speecli must be silver." Drugg!.s(.sâ€" "Yes, especially when II happens lo be caustic."' Deleterâ€" 'How's that ' Dnggstâ€" 'Then it's .?il'er niimte. ' Mr. Al/ied Brown, of McRi(ai^ 0q«. Mr* Iâ€"" For iiz fe«a I hsT* not kitown what It wsi to Im frea frooi pain. Ho out CTcr nSLuuti mora from itching bleeding PlJei than I did and I trle4 escifrtbisa to get cured Uit failed. One day a Mend of mint who tiad b*cn cured #ift Zan- Buk gsv« me a part cf s \itm te try, sod the rallcf J g'>t was manrsllqu^ 1 tltsn bauf bi s imp;)!* lid btf^oK 1 had lasd li all was cempiclety cnrtd." Of all druggikitaud ftor«s, 5oe. AM-BUK fekUEVES »CURi AOENTS WANTED. A rellab!« man In •T#rr «it7 and town in (*ana>la with waterworks tu fl«u| Apat«nt article e«<Ieii in ftrtirv bume. h"tel andj jpablio buildiug, Stllii .it ^tigtit. Huatters caaj mad ar« making Ifi.uO a day. Writ9 at onca fun Vartioulats. Qao. X. Cole, Owau 8uuud, Ontario.) FEATHER DYEING ClaaaliK and Curllac snd Kid GIotcs clraDed Th«i oaa b« seat bf poit, lo per oa the best place is BHillSH AMERICAN DYEIHC CO. Mo.NTKEAU VICTOR -BERLINER 2270 RIGirr BACK AT HIM. Two famous physicians of different schooU wtre inirouuced one ev luiij} al a dinner. "Sir.'' said the alto,)ath. "I am glad *o m-:^ you as a genlleinan. though 1 can I adra.t that y<ju are a phys.cian." ".And," rei>lled the hoincppalh, "I'm t'lad to meet you as a phy-ic:an. though I cant adm.l that yi.u'ro a fitntleman.' When going away from home, or at any change cf habitat, he is a wise man who nuintxTs among his I.elongings a tolllo of J. D. Kellogji's Dyseniery Cor- d'ul. Change of food and water m some strange place where there are no doc- tor.s may bring on an attack of dy&en- It^ry. He then has a standard I'einedy it hand with which to cope with Ihedis- order, and forearmed he can successiuiiy tight the ailment and sulxlue it. NOTHLNC NEW TO III.M. "O.-tend." remonstrated his mother, "iKw often have I told y«.u not ti store al i-eopL^ with yom- mouth op:n? Ttiey don't l.ke it, my son." "Bit that gentlem'jn won't mmd ma, hastened Tonuny, "he is a dentist." A 0«"<:l< Recovery from Fever and all sick- ness is always the case when " Kerrovini â- llie hesf ftwiic i' u»eJ- I' bnilds, it stienijtheus, it , gifes new life. Try it. | THE PHI.O.SOI'IIER OF FOLLY. I "A 'ot of p<ople swear that there's noLhing in fi-'ilh cure,' says the Piiilo- sophcr of Folly. "And yet every doc- Uii ^n the land know.s that theies about nijie-tenlh,& of hs salary in X f>-r him. To Know is lo Prevent.- H the miners who work in cold water m<ist of lliediiy 'vciild rub Ihelr feet and legs with Dr. Tlomas' E.;leclrlc Oil ihey would escape mu-'CuJar rheumatism and render their nther Umbs pro<-'f against iho ill ef- fects of c.xposure to the cold. Tho.se sct- t-ng out Uif mining regions would do well to picvide themselves with a sup- ply before starting. ON THE HONEYMOON. Tho Bridegroomâ€" "Ah, darling. I can SL>e I he Jovc.ijihl in your eyes." Tile Brideâ€" "Don I be silly, Ce.irge. Thci-o is nothing in my eyes but cin- ders." All prices and styles from $12 40 to $2.40. VVrite for free catalogue. DEPT. D 264 Yonge Street, Toronto. ."tgents wanted in every town. how much raoney he ooutil save hv using a FairbauJtj-.Morso JacIi-of-:vll- Ir.-id^s *:a 'â- •line En- gine t < s.'iw wuixi. pump vater. grind feed, Jko., we would iKit be able to »(i|iply tlio deiniiiiit. Cut tlii.4 ;ul. out .ind ..end to Ud t;i-day, and w« will send you our free catalogue. Name. For the Overworked. â€" What aw the causes of despondency and melancholy? A disoredered liver is one cause and a n'ime one. A disordered liver means a disordci-ed stomach, and a disordered stomach means disturbance of the nerv- ou"- system. This brings tho whole body into subjei-tion and the victim feels sick all over. Parmelec's Vegetable PiMs are a recognized ivmctiy in this stale and relief will follow their use. NOT WASTED. An army ofTicer in charge of a native distrct in South .\fnca presented to lt;e Kaflir boy, who acted as his paiticular serv-anl, a pair of slioug, hcavily-na.led Anny boots. The loy was delighted with the gift, and at oiic^ ^at diwn ^uid put ihe bo- ts on. They weie the very lirsl pair ho h^id e\er had hi his Lfe. and f<rs vorul days itficrwards Ik; strutted pruudiy nb" ul the ctuup. Bui al tho end <it the week he appeared as usual with larc feet, and the botils liod louiid hs neck. •'Hell*!' s.iid his niasUr. "Why dnt you wear your boot's? Arc they to .^inuil f<.' you-r "Oh. no. sah,'' replied Ihe KafOr, "ihey plt?nty big. Biny nice b •cl«, .sah, lut "no g<'od for walking <_r running. Nfiike inn fellah loo much slow. .sah. K«i.'p boola now for wear in beJ." Address, The Oanadlan Fairbanks Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont Montreal, Wi«iiipc>;, Vancouver. THE LIMIT. I'd like lo dress my w.fo in silks, But gocdi!e>s ki:ows I can t afford lo pay Ihe price For silken hote. Is there anything more annoying than having your corn steppe<l upon? I.s there anything more deiighlful than getting rid of it? Hol.'oway s Corn Cure w..i do it. Try it and be convinced. Dirro. Wil'iam had just learned h w lo use I'le d;l ninik. He thoroughly aiJi-rtCl- tied its u.'^e as a lime-saver and deter- m.ned.lo put it to accunt. TlKi-efore, h.s ne.vl letter home read like tihis: "Dear FallKr: "I hoije you are well. " " molhcr is " " " sister •* " " " brother " " "I. wish 'you were hero, " " n;olhei' w-as " " " sis'er " " " " brother " " "William." ISLIK NO. S»-M.