Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Jun 1908, p. 5

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il E F L E E S II E K T O M ADVANCE Jlne 18 19v8 CSTABUSHEU 1873 THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office - - - - Toronto $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Savings DepartmAt. Deposits of $i and upwards are received, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. No Delays in making Withdrawals Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection with ciH Branches. FUESHERTON BRANCH Ceor^s MitcHell, Manager BR.AJ7CHES ALSO AT DUR.HAM, HAR.RISTOW AND PRICEVJLLK VICINITY CHIPS W. A. Armstrong, issuer of marriage liceiiaes. The BHnd will give tin open air concert on Saturday evening;. Inspector Caiiipliell visited our school on Fridivy afternoon List. Shingles fur Saleâ€" First and second class. W. A. Aimatrong. iiev. M. VanSicklH begins evangelistic Sfiviiui-iu PricBville on June 28tli. Read Norris Bros. ad. on '.he back piUe. It is a money saver for you. Miss Florence Thurston visited friends at Vanieleur and Heathcote lust week. The next Divisibn Court will be held in Uuudalk on \A ednesday next, .lune24. Get the license for your June \V'eddiiit{ frotn \V. J. Bellamy. They permit yu to naarry. Miss Rita Irwi'i and friend. Miss Kelly, of Durham, visited friends in town last week. House and lot for sale iu Ceylon. Owine to inhrniity must be sold. D. Madill, Ceylon. Mrs. P. Loucks and Miss Eva attended the wedding of a friend at Meaford on Wednesday last. Mr. VViH. Burnhouse of Toronio is Tonewinj^ aciiuaintaBce* with his many friends here. Mrs. Jas. Oliver of Detroit, Mich., »nd son, Jack, visited Mrs. O. VV. Phillips one day last week. iText Sunday Rev. L. F. Kipp will ipreach in Fleahertoii, Priceville and Ceylon at the regular hours. Miss Sarah Paul, who was ill all winter, has so far recoverud as to bo able lo visit her sister, M:h. R. B(.i>tham. Mr. Otto Gatnev of Quebec called on 0. W. Phillips, Tuesday. He was on the way to visit fi tends aiound Maxwell. Lostâ€" On Thursday, June llth, 6 ateers and 1 hiifcr, yeailinus. Finder *;cnmjuuica!e with Geo. J.Claik, Fleshor- loll. 3.H.S. Mr. Geo. Taylor, back line, lost a valuable horse last Sunday, with ii^Sa:!- ation. The beaat was valu-d at about J;250. Mr. Whiter E. LtGardof the Advncate Piiuting Co., Toroiilo, spent a few day« in town CHlling (Ui old schoolmates and iriends. "The Ro3al Scarlet chapter of Arleniesia district L O. L. will meet in Norris' hall, Flesheiton, on Saturday uvemng, June 20ih, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. P. Loucks' babe took hi>ld of a hot part of the stove and gave the palm of its hand a very severe Ijurn. Dr. Carter is attending it. Mr8.E.VV. HoliH' 8 (nee Miss Rota Van !S»nt) and Mrs. 0. W. Morris, (nee Miss Osnie Van Zant) are v«tin<{ friends in FIcsherton and Fevershttm. Mr. and Mm. J. Runstadiler and Miss Glayds Cori<field attended the marriage of Mins Mnmie Ksan In Dun- dalk Oil Tuesday to Mr. VV. Bolger. Mrs. W. A. Aimstrona and Mrs. W. H. Thurston visited tho Dundalk Auxili- ary of the W. M. S. yeatecday ;( Wednes- day )and spoke on the wrmk of the Buciety. Mr. D. Gillies, who oppo sed Mr. Lueas at the election four yean agd, ^las bought the Pincher Creek (Alta.) Echo and has apparently smothered his pulitical yearn- ings for a time. Remember the Farmers' Inslilue eH' ^â- ursiun to Guelph on Thursday next, June 26, Train leaves Fleshertou at 7.30 a. m. Fare--Adult8 §1.45, Child^ leu 76 cents. Quite a severe frost Monday evening •did considerable daina({<» •" lender crops jn spote. Potato patches In some places wtre -quite biiick. Village gardens escap- ed fairly wtl!- Farm for sale --Ijot 102, con. 11, Os- ,i(>rey. 200 iicie farm. Barn, 40 x '00. tiiUKe. 2(5 X S2. Will be s-dd cheaply and on easy tonne. For particulars apply to J. D. Osborne, FuvecslMim. Georffo Imperial, H\» thi>;h aleppina coiioh stallinn, will make the aea.son of 1908 at the Ha:.u House stables, Durham. Moderate charges on account of not itraveling him Birl Phillips, owner. The annual meeting of CeiifrH Grey f*Tmtrk' JiiElitute wu week. The list of officers has not been handed in. but we understand Mr. W. H. Guy of Maxwell was appointed President and Mr. Graham retains the secretaryship. For sale â€" A larae quantity of stock lath, consisting! of BaUani, Spruce and Hemlock. Prices ranging from $3.50 to $4.00 per thou.sand. For further parti- culars, apply to T, E. Fenwick, Eugtnia P. O. W. A. Hawken attended the ruising Jof Thos' Mercer's new barn, near Markdale, on Friday last, and took a photograph of it. The barn is nearly 60 x 90 feet and over 200 people are included in the picture. Mr. John McRae, an old man over 100 years of age, pi lied the first I'ote at sub- division Nil. 8,Collingwoodtownehip, atid voted for Luciis. Mr. McRae is an lade- pend«ut in politics and lealized the merits of Mr. Lucas' case. The Flesherton Band has been engaged for the following dateo: Thutsd.iy, June 25th garden party i.t Proton Siatiunj July 1st, demonstration, Fleshe'ton ; July 12th by the Proton Lodge for celebration at Dundalk. For engagements apply to A. S. Thurston, sei;rutary. Diedâ€" At Ceyhm, on Saturday, Juiie 13, Alfred Jones, aged 24 years. De- ceased was married a year and a h.ilf ago and had been ill with consuraplion for about a year. Tlio funeral took place to Flcbhertoii en Moi>lay afternoon. Centre Grey Farmers' Institute will hidd their annual excursion to Guelph on Thursday, June 25. Tlie fare from this atAtion is SI. 45. Train leaves at 7.30. This is one of the most educative and pleasant trips of the season. Take it in. A Durham livery horse created a tmall "divarshun" one evening last week t)y starting for home without his young lady escorts. He ran the buggy against a maple tree, and when it came to a stand- still both top an back of the buL'gy were sri. ashed off. The horne was captured after running half a mile or so, and was able to take the girls home next day. The Advance was very pleased to re- ceive a call on Saturday finni Mr. and Mra. Geo. LeOard of Chicnao, who were viditing relatives and old friends here. Geo. is prii|iriet()r of a splendid job print- ing busiiie8.s ill Chicago. Hj learned his businei^s in this ofUce over twenty years ago and in making money in the windy city. Word ^as received here I his week from Cross Lake, 'Keewatin, «tr,tiii'? that Mrs. Gaudin, who left here last f:i'H with her son. Rev. S. D. Gaudin, to live with him on his mission field, hid fallen down a stair and broken her leg about eight inches above the tinkle. She is receiving t he best of care, but as her age is 82 years the process of healing will doubtUss be slow. No. 6 Co. volunloers left for Niagara camp Tuesday morning. Twenty men represented the company, which was wi'hout a commander, Ciipt. C. Richard- son not; going with the men thi« year. It is expected tha Lieut. Duichart of Owen Sound will lake charge of the gqad and po'.sibly amalaamate them with one of the other under strength crwip&nios. Tha vacillating pidioy at Ottawa has demoralized the militia in this district. Mr. W. A. Armstrong drove ob+ to his property on the 14th one day last week and as ho approached the place noticed that the blouse- a frame â€" was in flames. Hurrying up he found Mrs. Loughlin, who resides there with her husband, on- gaited iu attempting to get the Hr.e under control, with the assiatance of two of Mr. Armstrong's employes, but they had given up the task. "With Mr. Armstrong's timely assistance I hoy went at it again an J had the satisfaction of leaving the premieei after some vigorous work. Mr. Loui(hliia was from home at rtie lime. The annual •'biwinesH meeting of the Centre'Grey Women's Institute was held in Flosherton last; Thursday. Doleaatos were present from Ravenna, T. inp!o Hill, Vandeleur, Kimberley and Max- well. With one exception the ro|jort« tiom the various Blanches were en- couraging. It was decided the Branches should order their own pins from the department. The folhiwing A Fiench inventor claims that he has found how to make a hover in tlie ;air as a bird does withoiHi beating « j wing*. I Wm. Braiden of Oraugeville undertook -to paint his own verandah but quit the j j'lb in a hurry. He slippe-l off the roof and hit the ground S(. hard tha* .he was held huro last i >'<^ »>ff "<»'' f""" sejveral day?. otiicers were elected ; Pres. Mrs. J. I. (Jrahain, Vui.dclmr; Vice Pres., Mrs. Ilobeit Best, Flesherton; Sec. Treas., Mrs. A. E. Myles, Kimberloy. The many Priceville and Flesherton friends of Mr. S. M. Eiuscinan will be pleased to learn mat ho has entire- ly recovered fr.nn his recent illness at St. Joseph'd hospital, London, and was able to conduct the ex- nininations in History and English Literature at the Western university in May. Mr. Eastman has, for a second time, been awarded the Mackenz e Fellowship, valued at 5375 fiom Toronto University and purposes using it in re- search work at Parip. He is now in Montreal brushing up his French with a good instruct'jr and leaves for France about midsummer. We predict a briHiant future for this young man if health per- mits. Misses Burnaby and Bell, delegates sent by the Department uf Agriculture to visit institutes in Grey and Bruce coun- ties, visited F'lesherton last Saturday. Both ladies are pleasinfi' speakers and understood their subjects thoroughly. In the afternoon Miss Burnaby gave a demonstration on preparing egg and cheese dishes and spoke on the relative value of foods. She made a statement that surprised many, when she said there was as much food value in one pound of cheese as in three pounds of meat. Miss Bell gave a demonstration on bandaging the hand, arm. elbow, shoulder, and eye, which was very instructive. In the even- ing Miss Burnaby gave a talk on educa- tion of our daughters, and 5Iiss Bell spoke on Men and Women of the Future. V\hile driving along the 4th concession of Bentick on Monday last, Mr. and Mrs. David B. Hopkins were surprised in a cuanner *jhey will not soon forget. Just as they were crossing over the River Styx, the bridge on which they were aave way, precipitating them into the river, twelve feet below. The veliic'e in which they were riding was a lumber waggon, and when the accident occurred the box was tiifown over onto the backs of the hnrsei", carrying Mrs. Hopkins « ith it. Mrs. Hopkins next fell under tlie horses' feet, and though the animals were almost frantic with fright, strange to say, she escaped practically uninjured, beyond the bad scare and shaking up she receiv- ed. Mr. Hopkins aJao got off with a few slight bruises, and may consider himselt lucky it was no worse. The bridge, though an old one, waj considered per- fectly safe.- Durham Chronicle. Married. Married â€" At the manse, Priceville, by theRev. J. A. Matheson, B. D., iTune lOih, 1908, Leslie Watsou to Mary June Ferguson, all of Proton. Big Dominion Day Celebration At OrangevUIe Bull For Service. Hia-.vatha, No. 72012, the young shorthorn bull, will stand for service at Mr. (Jeo. H. Biirk.s, on iut 12, ciin. 11, Osprey. Tliis yimng bull has the best of lu-ewlirij,' aiong milking line.s, his duni Iwing a "Wild dame," erne of the deepest milking strains of sliorthoms on record. Parties (iesiiiiij,' the use of this (mil should make arraiiuenieiits early, us oidy a limited mnnber will be taken. TERMS; tirades, S2.m>. Pure I reds, 85.00. There will be a rarluction, if over three cows are lironght Cow« bred to this bull must be returned if not in calf, or full inice will be chavt'ed. Everybody coine to Orangeville on Wednesday. July 1st, 1908, to see Captain Callaghau making his thrilling' ballon ascension and parachute drop. Prince Stanley, King of the high wire. In his startling and amusing feats on his narrow pathway; LaTreinos in their side- splitii'i; acts "Fun after School" also In their thrilling acrobatic feats LaNola in her Irish and Japanese Parasol and Fan Dunces. Foot ball match between Caledon and M'lno Mills. Base-ball match between Bel wood and Altim. Lacrosse match between picked teams from Dnndalk aid Oran.geville. At 10.30 a. m. there will be a Schoul Childrens' paiade, and prizes will be fiven 1,0 the three best marchir.g HchoolH, ost.sido the town of Oraogev lie, ha.iii!' twenty or more pupils in the parade All neighboring schools are invited to compete Allchildren, whether reslden's of the town or not, taking part in the parades, will be aivsn a free ticket of admission to the afternoon perf. â- rni'iiice. Musift will bo EurniHhed by the Mark- dale, Dundalk, ShelburilP, Alim and Orai'grville baiid.s duri.ig the morning and afternoon perfonnrinces. In the evening a grand Band Con<-ert will bo given on the exhibition grounds. A special train will leave Orangeville f'>r Markdale, and all intermediate point.'* on the nittirt of Dominion Day, at 10.46 o'clock. .loseph J. Kelley. Secretary. Durtaam's Dominion Day Demon- stration Bigger, Better, Grander than ever. Chief features THE EL TRIO STUBBERFIELD In bold, daring, aerial, acrobatic acts. ' Secured iu New York at great expense. JAPANESE DAY FIREWORKS Fired from a mortar sunk in the earth. Animals, objects, Ajc., tiking shape in the heavens. NoUling like it over seen here. CALEDONIAN GAM ES Piiee List revi.sed and euhirged. M,USIC Regimental Baud, Loudon PiiJe .Biind. Baseball match. Piping, dancing, &c. GRAND CONCERT IN THE RINK Miss Jean Rub, Loudon, Soprano. Mr. J. L. Galbraith, L*nd(jii, Accom- panist and Vocalint. Mr. Geo. Flavolle, Toronto, Comedian Piping. Dancing and exhibitions by El Trio Slubbortield. ADMISSION To Grounds, 2oc ; served .scats, 3oc. June ut 2 p. in. i.', RAMAGK, Secy Lo Concert, 25c, re- Plan open 24th of House & Garden Plants. Are here in abundance, strong healthy plants. The house plants and flowers such as Stocks, Asters, Geraniums, Petunias, Ivy Geraniums, Fern.", are the choicest. Also Hanging baskets. Dahlia bulbs. In garden plants we have Celery^ Tomatoes, Cabbage, Cauliflowers. Our Ice Cream Parlor is again tlie favorite resort of young and old. Ice cream all the time and the same old rich quality that has charactised it in the past. W. L. WRIGHT FCC$l$€KCOn SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS Field and Garden Seeds Just Re ceivei| Red Clover Mammoth Clover Aisike Clover Alfalfa Clovep Timothy Seed Turnip Seed Beet Seed Mangold Seed Carrot Seed Garden and Flower Seeds Any Seeds not iu stock will be procured by return mail. W. E. Richardson & Son New Goods for Spring If you want for Spring or Summer Wear a pair of Shoes in the latest and mos up-to-date styles, we have them, the best we have ever shown. We invite you to call and see them. Also a few pairs of winter goods selling off cheap. ' -- Clayton's ^^^^^l^^^^^^^X^^^^^^^^^^l HARDWARE SPECIALTIES Builders' $urpHe$ are headquarters for the np-to-date Building Hiirdwure, for either houses or barns including new and up to-date frinit and inside nioitiEe Door Sets. Rim Locks, Knobs, Hinges, Latches, Nails, Olass for house-s. Nails, B. D. Latches, Uiimes, Stall Fixtures, Track Haiigor.s, Tiacksand Cars lor the barns. Get our prices before buying W III i r c and iU i r e Fence W'e have secured the agency of the iiuw f.-iinous "Lanil)" Wire For.ce. This is, without, a dcubi, the Fence cm the market. We have it in 7,8,9 and 10 wires high, nil No. '9 wire. Also Black Wire, Soft Galvanized Wire, Bar!.ed Wiie, and Coiled S;,nng Wire. We can give vou the clusest i[uotatioi)8 on Colled Spring ot any man in the Luslness, Try us and .see f'T }-ourso'f. 6ardet!ina Cools. Inciu.Iing R.d;es, Hoes. Spides, M. D, Forks, Shovel.s, Plow Lines, etc. Carpenters. Brick Cayers and Stone masons Cods. This spiiiig we have laid in an extra heavy stock of Chis'es, Bits, Lung and short eye Augers, U miig .Vbicliine, Boring inachine Bits, Sqnnrib, Levels. t?aws and Files for Car|jenrere, St rne Hammer,?, anil Brick layer's Tiowels, Levels, Plunilis, Chalk lime and Chalk, Baaoee, Planes, Masons Chisels etc. for Stone Masons and Brick Layers, and Plasterers; Trowels, and for the Plasters at the Lowest possible price. F. Q. KARSTEDT, Flesherton. CEYLON'S BUSY STORE. Flour Is Down :6gain Wo have juat received a coneigflment of FLOUR & FEiSD since it went do \vu in price so we will be able to give you the loNveat price ou that liue o goods, SEEDS We have a gotd supply ^f garden seeds ou hand, also Turnip, Mangolcl, ITiold Carrots and Rape seed, Dishes Wc have sotuethiug nice in diuuer tsetts Sit a very low price, ivice Glass lea Setts at 25c per set. Teas As we got a lagc supply of lea before the raise we can sell you tea at the old piicejet. D^jfi't bo too long in getting jour tsjijply alJaa. PATTifcON'g. 1 Jas. PATTISON C B Y Iv O ISI

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