.:mi HE FLEES II ERTON ADVANCE June U 19u8 â- STABUSHCD 1*73 THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office ... - Toronto JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Deposits may be made or withdrawn by either of the two members of a household. This form of account is specially suitable for those living in tlie country, as either memb«t can attend to the lanldng when in town. In case of death, the money may be withdrawn by the stuvivoi without delay or cost. Write or call fur further particulars. Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. 13*. FLESHERTON BRANCH Georg'e MitcKell. Manager BR.ANCHES AI^SO AT BX7R.HAM, ANTt PRICF>'XI-LK HAR.R1STO?! ^VICINITY CHIPS ^ Mrs. Gen. Watson is visiting her sister at Palmerston. Mrs. A. S. VanDusen is visiting her aou in Chiciic;o. D. Madill, Ceylnn, is agent for the Melotte Creiini Separator. •Shingles f'lr Swle â€" First and second class. W. A. Armstrong. IVTrs. Tbom and Mrs. Christoe of Wrtldcmar are in town this week. Miss McCauley relumed to her duties in Toronto yoatcrday (Wodiiosday.) Mr. Geo. Watson's saw mill has closed down. The cut was completed last week. One cuiload of each, cement, flour and feed, to arrive this week. F.G.Karsiedt. Mrs. W. E. White left yesterday to join her husband on Prince Edward Island. Oats for sale at Sproule, Hiaginbotham & Go's., Fleshertun. J. J. Secord, manager. Miss Path Paul has returned tn spend the summer with her sister, Mrs. K. Bentham. Mrs. (Rev.) J. S. I. Wilson of Mark- dale visited over Sunday with Mrs. W.A. Armstrong. Mr. .Take Williams and family moved last week to the hou.iu lately occupied by Wm. McKoe. House and lot for sale in Ceylon. Owlns to iiiKrinity must bo sold. D. Madill, Ceylon. No.6 Co. will go to Niagara on Tuesilsy, June 10. There will not bo more than half a comiwny this year. Pine Apples, Oranges, Lenioni, and Bananas. Choicest stock at Sproulo, Higkfinbotham & Co's., Plesherton. Mrs. J. Runstadtler uttendel the wed- ding of a nephew in Waterloo county. Miss Marguorita acted as flower giil. Mrs. J. Saunders, accompanied by her two little children, of Toronto is visiting her mothei, .Mrs. Ed.Whiiteii foi a time. Mr. Wesley Buskin has purchfl.sed the Christoe residential property on Toronto street. The consideration was §810 Rev. Lewis F. Kipp. Miss H, Staiford and Chas. S'afford are attending the Baptist convention in' Thorub>ny this week. One way to lave money " Buy your Screen Doors and Windows at Norris Bros. Hardware" just opposite The Advance Oflioe. Mr. Alox. Stewart, who suffered a stroke of paralysis three weeks ago, is iniprovijig nicely and was able to take a drive on Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Reid left on Tuesday to visit friends near Uolstein for a few weeks. Mr. Reid accoropatiieJ her, re- turn iner Wednesday. The Wiarton Canadian has changed hands, owing to the illness of the former proprietor. Under the new management , it has brightened up considerably. Miss Kane returned last week and opened school on b'riday after attending the funeral of her father. Major Kane of Gorrie. Mr. Kano was 80 years of ago Mr. Kolit. Waller, west b.ack lina, raiied a fi.io barn on Friday, 55 x 58 by b'ock and tackle, Mr. Jamas Oonu of Feverdham, having the concnict of rais- ing. Miss Uirks, who has had charge i.f F. G. Karsfedt's millinrry pitrlors the piisr Reastm, left on Thuisday List, and Miss Wilkinson of Leamington has taken her place, A pair of grass clippeis were taken frtin Mrs. Thompsoi; Wilson's on Satur- dsy or Siind.iy last. Will the person who took tiheai please bring or .leiKl them back? The Durham cement mate ial has given out nl Wildor's lake Inu iho works will be kept rur'nin^j unUI the 0. P. K. flonoectlon is nir.di) with the marl bodn wear Hanover. Rev. L.F. Kipp'h hens hive been work- ing over time to BU|iply the demand for their pioJuct f(n' hutching purposes. You see, Mr. Kipp ndveitiscd in The Advance. Try it yourself. IMr. and Mrs. Will Kendrew c f Prim- roKc slxo Miss Tressie Kundrew and Mr. U. Stevenson; and Mr. and Mrs J. A. McFaddeu of Mono Centre visited with »f, Pt>bt, Waljpr the^ast waek. After a week of extreme heat a thunder storm passed over the country Monday evening, cioling^the air and advancing again the piospeets for a bountiful hay, grain and fruit crop. Farm for sale--Lot 192, con. 11, Os- prey. 200 acre farm. Barn, 40 x GO, house, 20 X 32. Will be s^ld cheaply and on easy terms. For particulars apply to J. D. Osborne, Feversbam. Ogdveys Royal Household flour, guar- anteed the best flour maJe;al8o Feverahain and McUowan's Manitoba blend, best family flour at lowest prices, Sproule, Higgiiibotham 4 Co.. Flesherton. Geor»e Imperial, the hi^h steppina conch stallion, will inuke the aeason of 1908 at the Ha/in House stables, Durham. Moderate charges on account of not traveling him. Birt Phillips, owner. For sala--A large (piantity of stock lath, consisting of Balsam, Spruce and Ueinlork. Prices rangiiiu froui $3.50 to 84.00 per thousand. For further parti- culars, apply to T, £. Fenwick, Eugenia P. O. Some person entered the room above the livery stable and stole 84.25 in cash belonging to V\ . Flynu. It was done by some one who knew the place, and prob- ably the same thief who stole Mr. Wright's harness. Next Sunday will bo Conference Sunday and the W. M S. will take the 11. a. m. meeting and Mr. Eiinis the 7. p. m. service. Dr. Caldwell nil! bo preaching S. S. Anniversary sermons in one of his former churches. Building is fairly brisk at Ceylon this summer. Duncan Mtlir is building a kitchen, S. Hemphill has removed his old house and is at work on an up-to date cement home and Captain McLaughlan is ereoting a fine red brick house. Centre Grey Farmers' Institute will hold their annual excursion to Uuelph on Thursday, June 25. The fare from this utation is 81.45. Train loaves at 7.30. This is one of the most educative and liloasant trips of the season. Take it in. John W. Bates, the only son of J. W. Bates, who is well known here, was drowned at Sunnysido, near Toronto, on Friday. The young man was 21 years of age. His father was iu the furniture business here .some years uuo, and his mother is a sister of Mr. Thomas Taylor of Mt. Zion. Dr. Deacon of Stratford performed an operation Thursday afternoon on Mr. Malcolm MacDoUiild's second daughter, Jessie, for the removal of tonsils and adenoid growths. Dr Dixon of Price- ville assisted. Dr. Gunn of Durham was also present during the opeiation. The party drove over fioin Durham in a motor car. We claim to have the best wool market in the country. Notwithstanding the fact that wool was quoted on Monday in Toronto at 7, 8 and 10 cents per 11), "'ir buyers are paying from 14 to 28 ceiil.s. A load Ill-ought the latter tiijure on Fri- day in trade. The majoiity of purchases h.ave run at about 18 to 20 cents. The p;ice of wool is based on London sales. Some evilly disposed perion broke into Bailifl' J jlin Wright's stable Sunday niyht. and stole a set of haruesa. a lap robe and several other ar'.icles. Mr. Wriaht has a good idea where to look for the ariielos and something more may be heard of ii if the thief dies not return thorn. Wo under.staiid that the articles were all letnrned during Monday night with the exception of a raincoat. It was pnJjubly retained till the storm was over and may be returned later. The Durham Bankers baiieball team had a match with the FU.shenon team last Fiiday evening here. The Imne t -nni had it nil their own way until about the oth innings when they vietit to pieces .\nd the BiiiikeiH won by a score of 22 12 runs. K. Inviu of Diirliain was uni|iire. Several ineinbors of the home team quottioncd his knowledge of what consti- tuted a strike, but he appeared to know a little about the tiame and ihire was not mucli " kicking" about his ruhi);;s. Fleshi-rton branch of C.ntru Grey Women's InKtituie will li.hl t«o puhlic moetin';» ill the town hali on Saturday, June l.'Jth. At 2.30 M^hs Faye Buniaby of Nova Scotia will gi\o a talk on Laundry Woik, and Mi.ss Maiy Bell of Biinalo w 11 give a deiii 'nstrnlioii on Ciioking Eggs. At 8 p. m. Mi.ss Bnroahy «ill address the imeting on the Elipiipment and Furnishing of a home and Sliss Bell will speak on Meii and vVonien of the Future. Ladies are invited to attend both meetings, and gentlemen will be welcom I in the evening. Ma.sic will be provided at both meetings, which are free loall. Come and bring a friend with /ou. Big Dominion Day Celebration At Orangeville Everybody coma to Orangeville on Wednesday. July 1st, 1908, to see Captain Call.iijlian making his thrillinu ballon nseension and parachute drop. Prince Stanley, King of the high wire, in Ins startling and amusing feats on his narrow pathway; LaTremos in their side- spliting nets "Fun after School" also in their thrilling acrobatic feats. LaNola in her Irish and Japaneie Parasol and Fan Dunces Foot-ball match between Caledon and Mono Mills. Base-ball match betweea Belwood and Alton. Lacrosse match lietneen picked teams from Dundalk and (Jrangeville. .At 10.30 a. m. there will bo a School Chiliirens' paiade. and prizes will be tdven to the three best marching schools, outside the town of Orangeville, having twenty or more pupils in the parade. All neighboring schools are invited to compete. Allchildren, whether residents of the town or not', taking part in the parades, will be givFU a free ticket of admission to the afternoon porformsnco. Music will 1«! furnished by the Mark- dal", Dundalk, Shelhuriie, Alton and Oiangovillo bands duii.ig the morning and afternoon perforiniiucKS. In the evening r. grand Band Concert will be given on the exhibition grounds. A special train will Isave Orangeville for Markdale, and all intermediate point.^ on the niglit of Dominion Day, at 10.45 o'clock. Joseph J. Kelley. Secretary. Honor Rolls. Eugenia Public School report for May. Class 4-H. Fisher, J. Sloan, R. Park. Class 3 sr â€" L. Fisher, E. Armstrong. Class 3 jrâ€" L. Campbell, L. Uiplop, A. Wilson, F. Plant t, M. Turner, M. Park, M. Campbell. Clas8 2jr-W. Wilson, M. Williams. D. Wilson, L. Williams, C. Williams, (equal,) J. Armstrong. Sr. pt2â€" \V. Latimer, W. William.s. Pt. 1 Aâ€" M. Park, L. Pedlar, Barbara Armstrong, R. Leopard - Class Bâ€" W. Fisher, W. MoMaster, G. G. Fields. Class C-W. Walker, M. Wiltshire, W. Armstrong, G. Wilson, M. Haney, G. Large. Average attendance 32. B. RoLFsON, Teacher. It was a Costly "Jag." John McCallum,of the Proton-.Walker- ton railway construction gang, was in town Saturday, got a "jag" on, kicked up a rumpus on the street and was land- on in the cooler by Chief Hemphill. It cost nearly lifteeii dollars to settle up with Police Magistrate McGregor, but it was all chargeable to the "jag. " â€" Dun- jalU Herald. Three Barns Burned in Six Years Will. Milhap, on the townline east of Avening,liad his barn struck by lightning and burned t,u the ground in the electric storm last week. Ho managed to get his hoises out, but lost a lot of his imple- ments. Mr. Millsap has been particulir- ly unforiuiiatu in the in.itter of tires, as this is the third time he has had his barn destroyed in about six years. Insured for about half value. Mr. Chns. SlillTord'.'i new pump for his irrigation scheme arrived this week and attracted considerable attention. A 13-year-old son of Ilichard Adams ot Baxter met death und-r sad circum- stances .111 Satuiday. Tho boy was en- gaged in operaliug a l.md roller when the hoi SOS became friahtenod and got beyond the lad's control. He appears to have atlenipled to regain control of 'he team, as h s fairer heard him eall'ng for help, but was tliraivn und. r the roller, u lui h p.is.sud over him, kil iiig him instaii;!y. Upon henring Ins .son's Cii!l for help his father hurried Ici the scene niid was hor- rliod to find his aou quite dead. â€" .Al'i.s- ton Hend-I. ELECTION NOTICE Nni.ice is liurvhy given that 1 have apjioiiit- <-d Waller Tinner of ilie ViIlaKH(.f Mankdiilr ;i» my (rllioial agent in the eleotinn for Cenli-e Hiclinif of (Jrey, held Juiie.S, 1!M)8. ivr , , , , . I- IJ- LUCAS. Markda'e, Juno 1, lt)08. ELECTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I |„jve apiMiiiit- od Win. L. YouiiKof tho Villatf^i of Murkdnlo ail iny ottieial agent in the election for Centre Hiding of Urey, held June 8, 1!K)8. V. MeCULLOUGH. >Iail(<i«lo, June 1, VMS. Bull For Service. Hiawatha, No. 72012, the youngr .'shorthorn bull, will stand for aervioo at Mr. iJeo. H. Burks, on lot 12, cnii. !l, Osjiroy. This young bull has the best of breeding aiouK milkiug liiii's, liiK dam tieing a "Wild duiue,' one of the deepest milking strains of shortlmms on record. Parties desiring the use of this bull shuuld make .irrangcinents early, as only a limited number will lie taken. TERMS: Grades, 32. OU. Pure I reds, »5.00. Tliere will l)e a rsJuotion, if over three cows are broujfht. Cows bred to this bull must lie returned if not in calf, or full price will be charped. House & Garden Plants. Are here in abundance, strong healthy plants. The house plants and flowers such as Stocks, Asters, Geianiums, Petunias, Ivy Geraniums, Ferns, are the choicest. Also Hanging baskets, D<«hlia bulbs. In garden plants we have Celery, Tomatoes, Cabbaue, Cauliflowers. Our Ice Cream Parlor is again the favorite resort of young and old. Ice cream all the time and the same old rich quality that has charactised it in the paot. W. L. WRIGHT f C€$1iEKC0n SEED5 SEEDS SEEDS Field and Garden Seeds Just Received Red Clover Mammoth Clover Alsike Clover Alfalfa Clover Timothy Seed Turnip Seed Beet Seed Mangold Seed Carrot Seed Garden and Flower Stuids Any Seeds not iu stock will be procured by return mail. W. E. Richardson & Son New Goods for Spring '^ If you want for Spring or Summer ^ Wear a pair of Shoes in the latest and ^ mos up-to-date styles, we have them, 'M. the best we have ever shown. We ^ invite you to call and see them. ^ Also a few pairs of winter goods selling /^ off cheap. Clayton's HARDWARE SPECIALTIES ^ | Builders' Su$« plies *p We are headipiarters for the nio.s' up to-date Building U.irdware, for either i*l houses or barns in rinding new snd up to-date front and inside mortite Door w Sets. Rim TiOok", Knob", Hinges, Latches, N.iil.', (51ass for houses, Nails, %^ 15. D. La'ches, Uiiis-es, Stall Fixtures, Track Hangers, Tiacksand Cars for ij( the bams. Gut our prices before buying A. mire and mire Fence We have si'cured the agency of the now faoioiis " Lanib " Wire Fer.ce. This is, without^ a doubi, t'le best Kence on the iiiarki-t. Wu have it in 7,8,9 iiial 10 wires liigli, all No. !) win-. .Also Blao'.i Wire, Soft Galvaniz-.d Wire, IJarl.ed Wiio, and Coiled •S;;riiig Wire. We can give you the closest HUotations on Coiled .Spiing nt any m'ln ill the business, Try U8 and yee. for yiuiise'.f. Gardening Cools. Including Rikes, lloes. Spades, M, D, K.^rks, ijhovels. Plow Lines, etc. Carpenters. Brick Cay^rs and Stone masons Cools* This spring no have laid in nn extra heavy stock of Chis'os, Bits, Baaces, Loni.' and short eye .\ugeis, B..riiig .Vlnoliine, Boring maohiiie Bits, Planes, Sipiares, Levels, t'liws and Files for (.Carpenters, .Stnie Hammers, Masons and Brick layer's Tio« lis, Li'.voU, Pliimli.", Chalk lime mid Chalk, Chisels etc. for Stone Masons iiid lirick Layers, and Phi.sterers; Troivels, and for the Pla-'lers at the L;nvest possible price. F. G. KARSTEDT, Plesherton. 'S BUSY STORE. Piour Is Down Again Wc liiivc just ii-ceivcil a consignment of FLOUE & FEED siiico it went down iu price so wo will be able to give jou tho lowest [nico on that line o gooiJs, SEEDS We have a good -supply of gaideu sccilsou band, also Turnip, MjUigold, b'^iold Cariola and Kupo seed, Dishes Wo have soiuctliitig nice ia diuiiur setts ut a very low prioe, Nice Glass lea Setts at 2.")c per sjit. Teas As we go!, a Inge supply of lea before the raise wo cnii sell yon toa at the old price yet. Uou't bo too long in getting yo-.ir supply at Jas. P.\TTIS0N'S. Jas. PATTISON C E Y 1^ O N