Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Jun 1908, p. 3

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=s3z^ek: an aa An Uncapsizable Canoe You can lake your children, your sister or your lady friend (or a paddle with absolute safoly in a "Chestnut" Air Compartment Canoe II absolutely won't upfvet^â€" won't sink, is high grade in quality and Is light to padille as the cxfr* weight is slight. VVo are Ontario Agents- Wrila ft.r catalogue and prices. Complete range of styles. Canaidian Gas Poirer & Launches, Limited, Toronto Sulldar* of Bnclns* •"(' Launch**. Now for Strawberries and Shredded Wheat. Nature's purest and best food, insuring a clear head and healthy body. I5 InvigoratinK Without Oeins HeatiDe. Try it. Sold by all grocers Cin.\E.SE TO SAVE FORE.STS. School oj Fore.slry Soon to be Opened â€"Where Wood Is Scarce. The Chinese arc saving their forests. I The ulni'jst worldwide movement t/o pro- tect and establish forests has reached ihe (>l:stial Empire, and the nr.s:l Chi- nesr^ s<'hool of forestry shortly will be I oi,'en<'(l in .Miik(!en. Th;' Chine-c realm sometimes is poinl- e<i out as the worst cxampU> among m-xlern nations of forest deslniction. [The (liotLs which |orlod;ca!ly are poiir- t'(l d'lwn from the <lemul»Hl mountains ar€ c'e^lructive leyond compariton with I llins:^ i.l any other country, and the want <'f firrtsts is assifined as the chic< cau*?. I \\fi> <1 is -scarcer in China ihin in al- [ m.isl ;iny other inluibiUd reiixn of Iho j worl'l. although the country i.s well ! ncapird to ihc (.'rowing of trees, l.a the o tablishment of a forest .'•chool th^ Chi- ntso Governjnenl gives cvijenco lliat jI realizi's the need of beginning ils re- f<jreslat:on in a s.ientifl:; manner. have a provential reputation for style and durability. Don't Buy until you see your nearest Carriag^e Agent and get full particulars, or write for No. 48 catalogue, shosving our new and handsome designs lor igo8. The Conboy Carriage Co., Limiteal, Toronto. VAf^UE OF Ill.'MLS. ' I. Hunnis is decaying vegctubie mat- ] ter in llie .soil. j 2. It is the storehouse of nitrogen, the ; most expensive iind the most necessary â-  o' all plant foods. j 3. It contains the food upon which the ' soil organisnis liVe, wh< function is 1 to convert or!,'anic nitrogen into nitrates in order to be available for the use of plants. It materially assists in decom- p<"'sing the mineral constituents of the soil, such as potash and phosphoric acid, making them available for the use of plants. i. It increases the power of Ihe soil to hold water without becoming watcr- loggo<i. 5. It makes clay soil more open and frialile. It .serves to c«impact sandy soil and increase iLs droulh-resisting power. 6. It prevents washing to a great e,\- tenl; thereby diminishing the loss of fer- tility by that catise. 7. fMii] filled with humus morn readily admits the air so necessary to all useful plant growth. S. There appears to be n distinct re- lationship between the amount of humus in Ihe soil and the amount of available tiitrogen therein. It has been ob-served that when it is absent from the soil, them is a distinct reduction of Ihe ability of that soil to grow ci'ops. Ihnce in prac- tice in order to obtain Ihe t-<?st crops wo have to resort to barnyard mfinure rather liian the use of concenli'aird fertilizers. A. J. PATTISON & CO., 33 Scott St., TORONTO. Phone Mnin ^311 INVESTMENT BONDS. Stocks bought and sold on all exchanges for cash or miirgin. Cobalt orders executed for cash, CORRESPONDENCE INVITED, RiGfrr. Teacher â€" "If a vehicle with two wheels is a bicycle, and one with three wheels a tricycle, what is one with one wheel?" Scholar â€" "A wheelbarrow." SAFE ME.\SURE. Wise Father (to marrie<l son}â€" "You're living very comfortably, 1 see, but are yoL saving any money?" Wise Son (wliispcr'ink)-â€" "Yes; but don't ttVi my wife." * "THE NEW FOOD" Have vou lric<l a package of "THE (SEW FOOD " ? It is made of the Choic- est Whi'o Wheat, then sU-nmco-- Jccdand IlukcJ. .No kitchen can produce a bet- ter nwule or cleaner artiiie for human ConsiunjpUon. In order to Ijilroilueo "THE NEW FOOD" a prize ha.^ been idiKH-d in every pack- age. Alrcadv THIHTY-SIX Blue C;irds calling for l.VDIES' GOLD \V.\TOm-:S, ha\e b..'en rodcomed, an^l SEX EiN'lY- f IVE Red Cards. Each one of thos« fcurUs Iws boon found in a package of "NEW FOOD." Th- Red Cards givo the finder th<i Choice of the folkwiag articles: B-y< NichVe WHtth. "Our Prido" GaW N to Fountain Pen. Bureau Cc/ver, Duclcs* Pa'tirn, Four Pieces. Table Cover, One Yard Square, Da« imnsk. B:iiby Ring. Sold Gold. Sideboard Covers, Two Yards Long, Linen. Ojicn Salt Cellars, Cut Glass, Sterling Silver Top. Cold Moit Fork, Silver-plated. Rogers' B<rst Make. NvOk Chain^s, 14k GoU-Qlled, Place tut Ph'itds. Ladiov B.!ck Comb, Tortoise Shell, Scl [With Rrillumts. S gnel H np, lOk Gold, Pkxe for Two Initials. A iK'w lit of piijes have been placed In the jacknt'os. Ajik your LTo-'T (t ,t r •ic'^age of •THE NEW FOOD." Grec'an capes, fashioned from a big circle fiom which the sides have been cut, are t.ivorilc evening wraps. PANGO. Will afford instant relief from pain caused by Neuralgia, Headaelics, Gout, Rheiimallsni, Catarrhal Colds. Sample 50 cents. All druggists or National Druj Co., London. In .Aby.ssinia. the and its con- tents belong to ttie wife. It i.s Iho Farmer's Friend.â€" The farm- er will Iind in Ur. Thonuis' Fclectr'c Oil a iiotont remedy for wounds or puins in the body or for affcclion.s of Ihe 7-espiratory iiigans and tor h'lld iiso generally. He will also Iind it a conveirenl friend in treating injured b. i-scs. cattle, etc., or relieving them when iitUicIied by cokis, coughs or any landrcd ailments to which they arc sub- ject. HER DRFAM. Lady (engaging c*X)kâ€" "Why did you leave your Inst place'?" Rridgot Maloney â€" "Whoi. mum, Iho n.islres.s said .she cudn't do wilioiil me, .so Oi cnine to Ihc conclusion thai 01 was worth more than .she was givin' me, and lid at wansll" DliLAVFD. Phc (in evening costume) â€" "Is not my dress becoming, dear?" Heâ€" "Well, it may bo coming, but 'm not some of it rather late?" ore;.\t rklikf. The other day. when Mr. .\very mar- ried JSmall, a sub-editor headed the report of the ceremony "Avery-.siniall Wedding," but the compositor knew bel- t^r and set it up, "A very Small Wed- ding." PANGO. Money paid will be refunded where Pango tails, when applied as directed, to lelleve pain. Specially recommended tf,r Neuralgia, Headache, Rheumatism, Gout, Cialarrhal Colds, etc. For sale 50 cents at all druggists or [yman, Kno.x & Clarkson, wholesale druggists, -o- ronto. When an honest man is in hard luck h<; doesn't want charily Sro much as an opportunity to dispense with charily. Corns cause intolerablo pain. Hol'o- way's Corn Cure removes Ihe trouble. Try it, and see what ajnount of pain is saved. ISSt'E NO. 2i -08. Most men lire up when you throw cold water on their schemes. TONS OF IBO^ oonanmed eacb year in madl- tine. In "Forrovim," tho bait tonic, it is ao plevorly manipitlat^tl tliat the weaJc anil siokly (et all puaaibla uourishment and lienetit {rom it. Mrs. Aâ€" "Men are so qu<-*r after (he honey-moon. If you l«lll them your love is^growing cold they lUm't even glance up from I heir newspajwrs." Mi-s. X.â€" "Xo; but tell them the soup is growing cold and Ihoy jump alxiut ten feet." The Demon, Pyspepsia.â€" In olden tunes it was a popular belief that >)o- mons moved invisibly through Ihc nm- bionl air. .s<'eking to enter into men and trouble them. Al the present day Iho dom«:in, dy-spepsia. is al large in the same way, .•roeking habitation in those who by careless or iniwise living invite hiin. And once ho enters a man it is dJIlcull to dislcKlge him. He that linds himself .s<i i>«ss<xl .should kn<iw that a valiant friend to do battle for him with the un.seen foe is Purmeleo's Vegetable trills, wliich are ever ready for the trial. LYNCH LAW IN CHINA. Tho Chinc-e do not ha>!g crlminnls. ovvn wl en th.- nmb lakes rev-, nge. In tli:. rem )te niounta n districts the jKopic burn Ihc iobber.s. The pa.sse.s arc wnlcheil, after a iobl,x>ry, ;ill :sti angers or su>ipici'jus chaic'crs ure arrested , and. wh^n salsllod that Ihey hive their thoy i;el dry wood. keros<'ne, nnd ydliw oil beans, cha n th^ oul.u-it, and U;c:i burn hini alive. The yellow beans C'lus" llv? Nines to incincralo. The viit ni .«eld'!m cilB> otit more than tha^c tiini s. and th' I'y.stiinders have a holi- c'.J.y. A Chinese niililaiy oflicu!' oiicc aslioil the peopl.' to one <;f Ihrce icbK'i's to h:in in 'TdiT lo lorMiii' him an I ge'. Ihe nnm.s •. f Irs conf derates; lul t; c piviplo decliiK'd, say ng Ihat burnng was bctlei- than d<ca) italon. Thic*- were buin-.'d ono moining, and tho sani." night .â- >nolher robbery, close by, was ooinmitled. ^HEADACHE, WEAKNES S, tr^o^uTp- *'l Suffered With for Years-Pe-ru-na Cured Me Entirely/' Mi8B Albina Chanvln, No. 60 Ruo Agnes, St. Henri, Montreal, Can., writes: "I consider Perana better than any other remedy, as It cured me when nothing else could. I suffered for years and years with heart troable, headache and weakness. I never expected to Had anything to cure me. I saw ono nay. In "La Presse," that Peruna was excellent and I tried it. One bottle "'oduced a change In me and If the price had been $100 a bottle I wouli ave paid It gladly. I have taken eii bottles and am entirely cored. Pleas accept my thania and best 'wishes for your Peruna." "Please Accept My Thanks and Best Wishes For Your Many cases of heart trouble are caused | by reflex disturbances. Derangements of the stomach and liver produce symptoms of heart trouble. Catarrh of tho stomach Is a very fre- quent cause of sympathetic heart dis- ease. Palpitation, shortness of breath and bloating after meals are the most prom- inent syupivWt .Mannlarlurcd by Penina Drug M.anufac Such a condition of tho stomach ts also liable to prodaco headaches of tha worst sort. Medicines that palliate tho symptoms will never lead to a cure. It is the effect which Peruna has npott the stomach, healing tho mucoua mem- branes and restoring the natural func- tion of tho stomach, thateausea Peruna (0 bring such prompt reUef> lurinii C.onipiiny, C<iliinibus, Ohio, I'.S.A. POOR PA.STL'RE. Studentâ€" "Something is preying on my mind." Professorâ€" "It must be very hungry." PANGO. Is Highly recommended as affording in- stant relief frcra painâ€" Neuralgia. Head- ache, Gout, Rheiimalism, Catarrhal Colds. Sample, 50 cents. All druggists or Lyman Bros. 4 Co.. wholesale drug- gists, Toronto. OLD-FASHIONED KIND. Old fa.shioncd manl Simple his plan. Plain al a glance. Pays what he owes; Nothing he knows Of high linance. To put away Something each day Is his design. Not very slick; Celling "I'icll quick Not ill his line. Old fashioned man! Head of a clan. Happy his life. Kills all atoul. Rosy and sloul. And just one wife! The change of dietary that comes with spring and summer lias the effect in weak stomachs of selling up inflamma- liijn, resulling in dy.senlory ajid cholera morbus. The ubiionnal condition wi'l continue if not attended lo and will an exhaustive drain on Ihc sys- tem. The best available medicine is Ur. J I). Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial. It eioars the .stomach and bowels of Iit!- lants, oounteracls Ihc inflammation and restores the organs to healthy action. Usually Ihc man who believes in pay- ing as he goes slays al home. I,A3!V OLD 30RKS, palnfnl ami dlBflRtiring' W..1 not linj;er tony after trBatmont i*-iili Wearers Cerate lias been be^un : .-Udo, cleaiise the bloiNl wilb WeaTar'i Syrup. SELFISHNESS. "Why do you sav tlial Crown is scl- flih?" "Because he always wants the things that I want myself.'' Tho superiority of Mother Graves' Worm E.xtenninalor is shown i)y its g'xxl effects en the chiiilren. Purcha.s« a Ijultlc and give it a trial. Wilson's FLY PADS Three bundrcd Umes bet^ tcr tlian sticky paper. NO DEAD FLIES LYING ABOUT Eold t)y all Druggists and General Store* and by mail TEN CENTS PER PACKET FROM ARCH DALE WILSON, HAMILTON. ONT. AQENTS WANTED. A r*l!,aW» man In eTerfi «ity and tuwn in Cana-la with \v:iterwi>rlcs to »oll| * patent article needed in every home. Ilctol anili puhlfo buildfuK- Sells at Hipilt. HuKtlem cani And are makint; S.l.iHi a day. Wiiio at ont-e fort particulars, tjeo, T. Cole, Owen .souud, Ontaiiu4 CARPET DYEINQ ^^ Aiid Ciflftning. Thli li * ipcctAlir with Iho BRITISH AMERtOAN DYEING OCX Iwjd p*rt.Umlar« by post Aod we iir« aura to •»' Uff â- oi •«•. ManlrMl. For penknives Ihe >t(il Ls tempered at tTl; (leg., for labli kn.vis at 530 deg., and for saws at 500 deg. .\ .Magiri Pill.â€" Dysi^epsln is a foe with which men are constantly grappling hut cannol exlerminale. .Siilxlued, and to all appnranccs vanquishod in one. il ninkcs its appenrnnce in another direc- tion. In many the digestive apparatus is as delicnic as Iho mochani.'<m of a walch nr .•â- eienlillc instrument in which even a breath of air will make a varia- tion. With such person.s disorders 'f Ihe stomach ensi;e from tho m<ist trivi- al caust^ ami cause much suffering. I'n I'armeloe's X'ogetablo l.'ills are ic- (Xiuiuciided as mild and sure. WANTED. A responsible agent in every city hi Canada lo represent Tha Utrder City Cold Mining Co., LImlteti For full pailiculars apply llonrv I». Darrell. 8 C.olbornc St., Toronto. ^«it-- PETERBOROUGH CANADA The Beat and Cheapest Canoes. Skiff J. Launches Etc SEND FOR CATAlOGUi: AND (XX OUR PRICES BEFORE BUYINC sarrr >._'.:*....- - ...-â€".-.â- Â» .•_-.â-  _^ mCl^i^A-l :. :7':f5S ' ' ^/:.yg;.£ * ?. «a M ai!g ^^

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