Products Peerless Dried Beef Unlike the ordinary dried beef â€" that sold in bulk â€" Lifcky's Peerless Dried Decf comes in a sealed glass jar in which it is packed the moment it is sliced into those delicious thin wafers. None of the rich natural flavor or goodness escapes or dries out. It reaches you fresh amd with all the nutri* ment retained. Libby's Peerless Dried Beef is only one of a Great number of high'grade, ready to serve, pure food products that are prepared in Libby's Great IVhiie KMcbeo. Just try a package of any of these, such as Ox Tongue, Vienna Sausage, Pickles, Olives, etc., and see how delightfully dif- ferent they are from others you haveeaten. Libby.NcNeilU Libby, Chicago but oou;<l render little .service. Th« tcr- iv-r <tf Ih'' r. i.',Ut WHS incrcas. d by Ihreo l:ugi) jinili.s which took liro unJ <lriU- i/ig lowfird Ihi- Ioresh')ro of Iho Uritush scttlcm«fil emlang«r<Ml the hulks moored uloiit; Jfs (roiit. The ivulivn papers stale Ihnt a small sicarncr, 700 large junks uivl inniimor- ablo 8Ti)iil cnift wore dralroyed. The lows of lite, (it oslimiilca at 2,000, piobnbly oxc<ede<l <loti|jlo that number. Kighlecn hundred bodiits wen' picked up <U one bend of lh*> Yung-lso nl<me. \ i!iiiiit>er of women and children (ire uiiwHiK the dead. Thirteen hundred niasls were reoovercd al the same spot. J TO PnEVICNT CONSUMPTION. Successful Outcome ot Experimenls by German Scientist. Mr. Nathan .'^trau.s, of New York, who rocently eslabli.shed al lloldcll)erg a la- boratory for the piirposo of demonslrat- in^- to Oermcn men of Bcienco aivd health roforinens lliat his mntliod of posteuri/.- Ing milk is aji effectual way of preventing con-sumplion, has Ju-sl obtained from Pr<)f<5ssor I'eer, of Heidelberg University, a strikink te.slimonlal. l'i"cfe.s.sor Fcer inoculated ten guinea pigs with milk ob- tiilne<l from cows known to be suffering from tuljercolosi.s. In the of five guinea pigs, the milk, after having been ollained from luberolous cow.s, \va.s pa.s- tcurlzed by the .Strau-s method. In the cn.iie of the other five the milk wn.s ino- culated into the guinea pigs in its row condition. The ro.sull of the experiment ha.s been remarkable. The five guinea pig.s which were inoculated with pnsleurized milk nie thriving on it. and remain in excel- lent health. The five guinea pigs inocul- ated vi-ith raw milk are alUuffonng from tubercolosis in it.s most virulent form, and are certain to die. The experiment reveals the grave danger ineurrc<l by the uso of raw milk taken from dlseasetl cows, and, at the .same time, proves that liio pnsteurizatkin of milk, as advocate<l ly Mr. Nathan .Straus, effoclivoly purifies milk and rcndcre it fit for consumption. COST THOUSANDS OF LIVES. Gtlrcl of :i Telenraphlc Frror About a riood in China. ON MAKING FniF.ND.S. Do you ever stop to think ot how many friends you have? No? Well, it's a good idea to do evt now and then. Tlio art ot making friends is well worth acquiring. Jusl sit down and count up iiow many tilends you have guined during the Inst year, and how many you have lost. The re.Milt may be astonishing. People drift apart .so qu'Ckly in thefie days. Absorp- tion in bu.sines.s is one ren.son for this; another Is the modern dislike of writing letters; and a third a tendencyâ€" particu- larly with the pas.sing of yearsâ€" to be- come too .self-centred. .Ml these things prevent us making new friends, as well a.-i helping us lo lose old ones. Detor- niine lo prevent this. It is easy. I^ook f<ir likable (|ualilie.s in those you inecl, and you will find them. Don't be too cautious nlioul your actiuainlances, fhiiS Mow a b-legriiphic error wius re.spon- .sible for Ih' lo-^s of thoiivimd.s of lives is told by a .'^han.ghai cH're.siioiKlent. The disnslor occurred during ii freshet on Ihl Man River in the beginning of j shtilluig out much pleasure in life, b'in April. I ally, when you meet .someone wImi is Owing lo heavy rainfalls in the mown- inclined to be friendly lo you, be ready li,iMs 111 iiu:lliwe'>l iliipt-h it (iei|uciit- ] to do your part, and it will be plain sail- ly happens that a torrent of wutor iiish- i ing. e.i down llie nio\inhiia'iid-es into the ilan, j â- ;. n Iribuliiry of llie great Yaiig-Lse. Ililh- i \ tfPLKNDID PRKSCIUPTION. erto warning of the tresheLs has tvvn teieg aphed fioin .Sl3ni,'-yang, WO mile.s ] p„j., and nil Kidnev, Liver. awav tiOMi Ihe inoulii ii( Hie Ihiii. iiiul INDIGESTION CAN BE CURED Dr. William's Pink Pills SuccbbiI After Other aemedies Fail. There arc twenty drugs Id lielp your digestion for a time, but there is only f.iK? iiiedicirM? that can positively cure year imligo.stion for good. To any one with indigestion a half dozen lioxe.s of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills tire worth all the purgatives and mixtures in the country. Aficr all these things have faikvl Dr, Williiuns" Pink Pills have cured the worst cases of indigestion by going straiglil lo tlw root of ttw trou- bl â- in the bUxxl. You can take a purgative to tear through your bowels and make a clean sweep of your food, whether it is diges.t- t'l or not. You can lake stomach bit- ters to create a false appetiteâ€" if you don't oaro what happens after you swal- low your meal. You can drug your stomach with tablets and syrups lo di- gest your food tor youâ€" if you don't care liow Soon you ruin your system alto- gt'lhcr. You can do all these Ihmgsâ€" but don't call it "curing your indiges- tion." There is only one way to (Jlire ir.digestion, ajid that is to givo your system .so much good, pure, red bkxvl that your stomach and liver will have strength eivough to do their natural work in a healthy and vigorous way. That is why Dr. Williams' Pinic Pills cure indigestionâ€" they actually make nesv blood. Hero is the proof. Mr. U. McCorkell, .St. Thomas, Ont., says:â€" "About a year ago my system became generally wrecked. My stomach was always in a .slate of nausea. Tae sight of any kind of food often lumed my stomach and I would arUc from the tabic without eating. Doctors advised diffepiMil medicines which I took with- out iH-noflt. Finally I becatr.c so run dfiwn thai I had to quit work. For Iwo months I tried lo build niy.sell up with the aid of doctoi-s, but as time wont on and my condition did not im- pro\e I became much discouraged. Then a friend lold me he thought Dr. \VM- liaiiis." Pink PilLs would help me, and I tX'gan their In three weks time I was .so imptx)ved that I went back to my woil, but 1 continued using th« pills until I had taken twelve Ixjxes, end now my .stomach ls strong, and I am ready for a good meal three times a day, and life now really seenvs worth living." II is liecaiisc Dr. VVilliain-s' Pink PilU make new, r(yt blood that they cure .siich cominon ailments as iinaMiiia, with all its lieadactie.3 ond backaches, rheu- matism. murulgia.St. Vitas (lanc'>,vap- tia! i)iii-ulysis and Ihe secret ailments from wliwh woinon and young g rls suf- fer so much. You can get the pilla fr)m any medicine dealer or by mail at .)0 coiits a box or six boxes for iJi.SO fivim the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., BixKk- ville, OnU nUSSIAN EMPHKS3 ROMANCES. Marriaflc "I Princes,s Daflniar of Den- mark and tirand Duke AlrxandnV II ,w many pco))le arc a ware t'lal the inariiago of the Kmpres-! Marie I-VkxI- oruvna of flusiia, the Czar's motlier, pTOvi(ieJ one of the iiio^t pathetic love sl.,rLes in the annals of royally? asks Uiidon Til-nits. lic'oie Ih' Kmpress. who wa.s Prin- c».'« Daginar of Denmark, iiiarried .Alex- ander 111. .'â- he wiis engag.Kl to his eW<!r liother, Ihe Cziuevitoli. In l«fi,"> at Nice th' (hand Duke Nichola.s fell frniii his h'Tse and was »i badly injured that his If.' was despair<'d of. His fiancoe hasl- eneil to him and never left his side till h.' biealh«\J his last. The sucwseion to the throne devolved on Ihe Grand Duke .Alexander. Ho s'.o>d by the deathbed of Czare- vitch, who, in the pr<'s<'nee of Ih" Em- peror and Kmpiess, placed Ihe hand of the w'c«-p;ng Princess into his. .sJiying t«> her with almost his last words: ".\lairy my brollvT; he is true a.s cry- .â- slal. luid I wiih it." Enf-irced by political rca'ons, this be- quest waa law lo tlie btroaved girl. Dandruff is rnlH tb« fortronner of b«Irfne«l. EVKRT WOMAN SHOULD WASH HER H£AD OIICE A WEEK with 7 S.ib./Uod Sut.r'. Hair aod Scalp Cleaner. It kllU the dandniff 5«rn, beautlnea aod ttrengtheiu tb« balr. Jl drvf gUti 50c. or postpaid rrora Seven Sutherland Sisters Simple lent for loc 179 King St. W., Toeanla on receipt of the news men have lXN»n hurredly x^iit out. equipped with g ngs, lo win II the boal-s at the mouth of the river to find n safe anchorage. On the (Veiling of .Vpril (i nie.ssenger.<i were sonl nrnmil wl'h Iht^ news that a fioshel. .MX re<:l liigh, was -m ils way down. The inliahitiinls in I tlie txiat- ing (aimlalion oonsider.d a six font fi ^h I lo bo of littW e<'n.'><HJuenoe, and b ok ii» pnciiulon-i wha'cver, l)el oviiig t! <il, lis in former yeai's, its aiTivul iXN'd jiol Ix' expec'.eJ fur another tw- nly-four hi-urs. Uiifoiluna'cly the lelegiam ami lUiic- in.g llie oiieaiiiiiig loirenl was delayed for Iwetily-roiir hours and by an errir ill lh^ w<ir.ling Uk> li<>:glit was nxliicod fr-ju twenty-six fo't l> .six feel. The fr^*h.i't arrivol al 1 ghlnlng .speed al Uiidnghl on Aiirtl (i. Tlve night wii.s pilch diirk. the inh:ibilanU wore ualee;). .'Suddenly th>usands <,f boatis in the Hail Hiver were torn fiom the r mour- nigs and hurl d together in a confusoil Jii&ss on Ihe lirensl of 11 P.iging lorrenl. Dtvc^p Inden boats were sunk iliimeili- al<'ly, others were ixiunded lo |:.'oc s and s *nH) cat'hing nr<> lit up a scene of ap- pulling de.strueli" >n. Tti<> !><> iple <in shore were powerless li a .SIS I and the erics <if Ihe peri.'shiiig "rent the heiv^ius and were very jialn- fii' to hear," as a nativ.' n<'wsi)a|x>r de- BCiibe<l it. Th«\se boats that cscaiied Itv anitial onset of the torrent wore fiweipl out Int I the Yang-Us*', where a slrong gule compleled Itie work of destruction. Lif. b als w<T.' .--ent out li tho r.scuc. IllndiVr and Urinary Afleclions. An eminent physician informs us that he bus iuse«l the following prescription in his practice for a numlKT of yeni-s aiKl found it very successful in the Iroalieeiil of kidney, liver, bladder and uP urinary affections, and is unsurpass- ed for Ihe cure of, driving the uric nciii entirely from Iho system. He cliiiin.s that a very few dose.s wilt relieve Ihe most stveee pains in tne back arising from disordered kidneys and iiii|)ure lilood. The prescription is one ounce of sweet .spirits of nitre, one ounce of com- IKiumi viiiiosa and four ounc<\s of syruj) of rhuUirh, taken in dessert-siwonful d<.'»es in wator, after meals and at IhmJ- time. These ingixtlienls arc and incx|K'iisive and oan bo obtairwd at any reliable drug store and mixed to- gother at home. SAP DLINDICD IIIM. .Man Cut Tree in .Mexico \Yas Burned by Acidlike iSap. While milking an uv?]x>etion of a Iracl <if timber in Mielioacan, Mexico, Kdward ."â- ^l endlove came to a pciiliar loiking titv and struck it with an axe be wiks carrying. Inslanlly a quantity of .sap Sjurled from llie tree, striking the man ir tlio fiRs> and enU>ring liLs eye-s. The sap Imd Ihe piviiierlies of a strong ncid and burned its way into tlh^ eyeballs end into llie tk-sh <if the fact, .'spendlove was lilimli'd. and |>hysiciaiis say that his eye,') have lieen permanently injuivd, and that lie will never .see again. The tree is thought to tie a spocies of p<il.son oak. Tlie native,s in that part of Mexico have known of Ihe dangerous proi>erlics of the sap for many yi\irs. « IN FINANCIAL Cnt^^ES. MUt 'Wilhtlinlos McCharles of Pow sstsn, Ont., writei : " 1 l>»»« proved Znn-BukaheallnK bslm for ecaems. My f»lt>«i had il veiy l>«d on bil handi and lh«y were »wollen very much. Oim nighl he decided to Iry Z.mlluk. I had prevl- oikIv uted i( foi Ringworm which I coold not temovt until I tiled Zam-BiiV. Thu removed the Ringworm in a very «horl time. In the morning fathei'i handa were very much improved. He therefore continued utinc Zam-nuk, and ih* eciema ii now all gone. I hold Z»m-Bulc in high Mleem a> a healing l>alm." ;, iteallnf, Sooihini, mg AnltMplic. Of all drug- â- t giiit and .lore., }«. or m\ no',lp)ti(l frnm the Z' Huk Co., Toronto. 'AM' .SENTENCE .SEHMCN!?. Truth needs no autlvority other than its own. He is Rooil nnlurcd whoso nature it is to do go. d. Ho does iiolhing extraordinary who dt\'»pi.s<M the oidiniiry. 'I'hiiig-) always are looking up lo the man wivo tries lo lift lliem up. I'ailh in (iod wIIImiuI friend.sliip with man it like jM>elry without print. Nothing worrie-v some fo'ks nmre than bi llnd trouble taking a little liap. Ills a good thing lo watch the man who is over n co alxml iiid.ff. I'ejit ih ngs. We never are rea<ly lo be lillcd up until wo have been Ihiviwn down a tew times. Y<iu are not b>okod to heaven simply lMâ- caUis^>. you are vcrsett in the lieavenly Iwvftk. The s<iun lno.s.s of your virtue does not di pimd on the volume uf sound you can iniiko. The first slop toward denning up your ni-ighlxir's l>;u-k yard is taking a hoc lo your •own. Iliore is wimelhing wrong willi n ninn's prnyei'S when they never choke li's utterance. It is better to givo your friends a lillle liti now than to put a kit of love all over U;i-ir ttiiiibsloiios. .s iiin> men never hear the bugle calls of heaven U'CauM- Ihey nie si oc itpfed with listening for li:© Iruniix't of fame. Many a bank confronted by a run hiis saved iK'lf from ruin by artifice. One Ain< rieaii bank, jusl as a run wa-; starting, bir«d half a dozen men to dia»v out latg! sums in cash, The.-ii^ men, w.Ui g onl liuiidles of grecnbueks and wilh tiugo bags of gold, would run round to Ihe roar of the bu Id ng. hind in all tbal UKiney, and then c<«ne and draw il out again. Af'er half a dozen such drawings the run cea.sed. Or.e banker, on the verge of ruin, got a sack ui metal, .spread a layer of gola cmins en Ihe toji, and nailed the .sack l<i the pi:ying-telle.r's counter. The s cl< was sl.own to the inullitiule thai had gatlier- e,l for a run, and a blacksmith was bid- tien Ir.) lift tl»e .sack, if he could. Of ccur-e, he Couldn't, and ltx> ciowd dis- jM>ised, salsllod that, with so much gold, the bank was safe. Another dodge is to |>uinl, on llio morning of a run, n!', Ihe woodwork. Wet painl shows ;i< iiMwd up considerably. Nobody wiinls bi git his Clothing smeared. CANADA'S GHEAT CELEBHATIO.N. There are now subscriptions an- ncimc^Hj lo the exlont of about .$ijOO.O()i) foi llie great Tercentenary celebration at Quelxx-, and nearly ;i million dollars will be forthcoming for it. From an historical point of view il will be live ga'ate-.t demonstration this (.;<jntiiieiit has witn.'.ssed. Kiuin a speclaculor standpoint il will Ic one of ttte most dazzling combinations d picturesque events ever seen in any country. There will be thou.-.unds of cbaracl<'irs rn the processi<«is, all drcs.s- el to the very life. The tableaux, on the Plains of Abraluim. where Uh' his- U;ric battles were fought, will embrace uK the transcendent e|:ocli-iiiiikim! events of Canada's mmanlic h.slo:y, in- cluding Wolfos work up to his death. The street pageants will be of wondrous lieouty, Ihe naval denKuislrati/m of an not herotof.ire realized, yicbec will be filNvd to repk-tion by thoa'^nds from England and the United .Stales, and tens of thiiisands from Can- ada, but fully Un million of lenplewill wish lo be pivKojit, and cannot lind hotel uccommodati«jn. One of the greatest matters of anxi- ety to tlKjse organizing the celebration has Ixvn the question. Imw lo provide the millions of peoplu who cannot see- the ceUMration with illustrations and de.seriptions. lo give Ihe scenes of gran- dcitr lo Ihe world in their entirely. Arrang<>nients have be<>n complelerl by The .'^tujidarJ of .Montreal, now r<>- c<ignize<l as the National llliLslriiU'd paper of Canada, to i.ssiic what will Ik' known as "Ttie Standard Tonenloiiary Number." published by Ceorge Murray Piililtshing Cximpany, Montreal. We hijve had Uw privilege of examining' i till- pixK(fs of some of the gorgeous su(>- l-lcments to go with Tlie .Standard. They eclipse in inleivst, in fidelity of detail, in t>eauty of color and execution, any- thing over attempled in (lanada, and will bring the Tercentenary celebration right ijito the liomes uf ttwso lucky ei.oiigh to procure a copy. To iKinnoisseurs The .SianJard Tercen- ti-nary NuiuIht is one that ex|>ert judges would think Could not b«> soiu under .*i.50. and yet il Is to be publi-sh- eu al 50 cents. It will Ik- practically Ihe only Tercentenary .Souvenir. Tho publi.slM'rs announce that orders are be- ing now looke«l. and all oixlers maiUxi 01; or before June 20th to June i.'ilii will be certain to Ic filk\l. .\fler that dale tlie public must take llieir chance, fii-st oome, first served. WhtM-e opilers remilled for cannot lie niliHl, remittance will U; refunded. The 1'irbli.sliors of TIk^ Standard, 171 .St. Jumos .Street, .Montreal, have gain- «â- ! a continontal reputaton for their pub- lication. The coming i.sswe. to illU'itrale lilt TercenWnai'y Cek'bration. will cer- tainly Is! the nwist interesliiig tiling of the kind ever pi>Hliic.<>il on this Contin- ent. Wo jiredicL lh:it in one iiKintli after 111.' celebration it will bo in demand at even len d<illars a copy. They cannot liegin lo Issue enough to meet a demand that will be ph<\iiomen- ai. It Ls a pleasure to vtt^stify t«j live valuo of a thing of surpassing nierit.â€" Exchange. SURE TO GET ONE. "Mr. f'pudlong," liegan the 'youth, bunging Ills hat on Uie back of lite chair, "I will occupy only a few moments of y<iui' time. I liave come to ask you for y<.ur daughter. I " "Young man," said the elderly banker, "do you " "Yes, sir; I realize fully that she has U-cn Icnderly nurtured and that she is very dear to you; also that lier borne is one in which she has been surrounded by every luxury. But she is willing lo leave it." "Can you " "No, sir; I can't quite maintain her in lh(: .style to which she has been accus- tomed, but I have a good salary, and I am ready lo chance il. .So is slic." "Will you " "Yes, sir; I would not expect to live with the family. I am able to buy and furnish a inodesl home for her." "Young man," said Mr. Spudlon^, look- ing at his watch, "I rattier like your style. Y'ou can huv3 her. Good " ".Morning, sir." ^ \. J. PATTISON & CO. PJiPOnX. June 3rd, 1008. CJm.W.T OIIE .SHIP.MENTS. Following arc the weekly shipments from Cobalt camp, and those from Jan. 1 to date: Week end May »). Since Jan. 1, Ore in fts. Ore in lbs. rt'iffiii C iiiiagas Cobalt I.ake .. . Crown Reserve . Ciball Central . City of Oiball . Drummond â€" Foster Kerr dike â€" King Edward .. Li McKnley i N pissing Nova Sootia ... iNancy HeU-n .. OBrien R g t of Way . Provincial â€" Slundard S U\T I.oaf Slvcr Cliff .... .S her 0>*-f II • • Towns to Tmiisliaming & H.B. T. .. Tieth'wey ..... Wiitl-i Ttie total .shipments for the wero 819.020 pounds, or 459 tons. Ttie total Shipments from Jan. 1 lo daU; are U,- lE'.i.248 iwiuuUs, or 7064 Ions. Th.; Uotal shipments f<jr the .vear l'.K)7 were 28,- Wt,OIO p-iunds, or 14.040 Ions, valued al $6,000,000. In 10a4 the camp pro- fluo^Hl 158 tons, valued ot $130,217; in 1915, 2144 tons, valutKl al $1.473. llXi; la 1906, 5129 tons, valued at $3,900,000. C2.030 56.2(50 60.000 66 540 18-1.220 254.810 110.310 124.850 610,810 505,580 246.455 40.000 156..i80 338,600 148,600 238,41J0 3iW,670 127.240 2.181,652 1,373.560 1.S48.110 227,555 1441.420 2.357,130 242.240 H;1.210 39.730 100.620 52,000 G34.5IO 85.100 599,IXJ0 325,390 907.456 180.430 HECIPE. To lay corpets wilhotil pounding thiiinbs, squashing fingers, using prufain' language, .skinning your knees and getl- lU)., rlieuiiinlisiii and lame back and lliat lirt-rl fneling â€" liire the Job d«ine. GHILDHCOD DASGERS. No svmptom that indicates any of Iho ailniont.s of cliildlKKKl stiould be allowtd hi pii.vs without pi^inipl atU'nl'on. The lilllo ailinenl may simiii liccome a .seri- ous one, and |ierliaps a lillle life jxiss- es out. If Daily's Own Tiiblels are keiit ill the minor trouliles can lie pioiiiplly cured and sori<iiis ailmonls thus avi red. .And l!;e Tablets can lie gi\cji wilh iipial safety to Iho now iKun l>ale or the well grown child. Mrs. II. Conilmn, .Marliuville, Que., snys:â€" "I ha\e used llaby's Own I'alv lots iiiid havo found llieni in every way sii'lsfiu lory. I always f<~<'l siifo when I have Ih m at hiind.' ."^ dd ly iiicdic ne dca'iors or by mail at i'5e a box Iixim The Dr. Wibianis' Medicine Co., lirock- ville. Out. HEREDITARY. "Pa, can I have some money lo go to the circusT' asked little Johnny Whit- laker. "Hey?" .said llr. Whitlaker. Johnny preferrotl his request for Ihe second lime with faltering voice and In- dications of rain on his part. "Want lo go to the circus, hey! Don't vou know that circuses are wickck? I never wanted to go lo the circus when I was a lioy. And what do you want to see al Ihe circus?" "Iâ€" Iâ€" w-want lo .see the w-wild a-ani- mals," said Johnny, beginning to blubticr in earnest. "Want lo see the wild animals hey? VxiXi'l ,vou Iwist Iho cat's tail often enough? Where did you gel the tove for wild animals? I never cared for Ihem." "Iâ€" Iâ€" I inherited it." "Inheriteil it! Well, 1 nevcri And wlw from?" "F-froni N-Noah." .s<ibbod the despair- ing hopeful. The proiii|ilii,'.ss of Johnny's reply wiis loo iniicli for the old gciille- nian, and he came down at once with the ncccssory coin. A TRAITOR TO HER SEX. ".She is n horrid girl!" exclaimed ei^ht- yiar-oUl ICIsie, she's forever wishing Ihal shi wHs a I) ly.' "Well," replied Kitty, also eight, "Im stire I wish 1 was. loo." "Of, but she wishes it out loud, »;• Ihe boys can hear her." TOI.D RY THE "GENERAI.." General Booth, as he is called by all hi." I<illowers, naturally taki\s his work very .seriously. He Is not, however, alxjve telling a humortiue story even if Iho laugh is against him. Here are two ani'ed<ites he sometimes relates in the coui-se of his addix'sses. A woman was taken into the Army quarters while hibixicated. On regain- ing tier normal stuto of mind, and learn- ing wliere she was, £he exclaimed m despair: "Take me out of here, quick, or I'll k»o my reputation!" Another case the .Arniy workers look ;n hand was that of an old man who had l>oen -so long under the inlluenceof drink Ihal he had forgotten all about him.self. Finally, the oilirials learne<t the where- alMuts of his wife, whom he had desert- ed and this Iclegratn was sent: "We have found .voiir dear husband." Piomptly there cumc an answer. !t ran: "You can keep him!" In future every Ru.ssian soldier will receive a [xicket-compass wilh a lumin- ous needle. The Cynical Rachelor rises to remark tlial married life is frequently one grand, sweet .song, but wilh the husband play, ing the acctmipaninient. Black Watch Remark- able for richness and pleasing flavor. The big black plug chewing tobacco, 9207 Jh VTMSaBStSSSt^