Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 May 1908, p. 5

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TiIE FLEES HERTON ADVANCE May 28 19j« CSTABUSHED 1*73 THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head OfBce . • • • Toronto JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Deposits may be made or withdrawn by fither of the two merabers of a household. This form of account is specially suitable for those living in the country, as either member can attend to the banking when in town. In case of death, the money may be withdi»wn by the survivor without delay or cost. Write or call for furLhi:r parucolars. Interest added four times a yesr Savings Bank Department in Connection with ail Brandies. 13 a. FLESHE.RTON BRANCH Ceorso MitcHell, Kfenager BICANC3ISS ALSO AT EUjVH-VM, iiAR-ItlSTOM AND PlftiCE"ViLI.,K ^VICINITY CHIPS ^ "Is it hot enough for you?" D. M^di'l, Ct»yl'in, is aidant for the Melotte CrOHm Separator. Cattle p:\sfured by the head. â€" W. A ArmsTonu, Flesherton. O. J. Sparruw h;is opened au ice crc»m parlor. Short slab wood for sale at 65c a cmnl. Geo. Watson Flesherton. Mr. R. Wright of Fl.igerjville visited bin mother over Sundiij . Sliss Cel:a VauDusen is attending the Colliugwood high school. Mare for Sale â€" Comin<r six yeani, in fal to Priuce Erie. Geo. Watson, Flesh- erton. Ma^trr KeniUU JIttchell and Miss Lily Boyd of the O S.C.I., spout tho holiday ac bouie. Brown Leahiirti fgds fi>r sale for hatch- irtfi, oOc per hatching. Alf. Harrison, Flesherion. % Born â€" In Artemesia, on Wednesday, 20th inst . to Mr. and Mrs. John Stew- Rrt, a son. Hoii<ie aiul lot for s-ile in Ceylon. Owiiv.; til iiitiriiiity niusl be sok). D. M^dill, Ceylon. Mr. Fri;d RmuMe and Mr. Ellis of Me»f rd visited friends iu and around town ou Sunday and Monday. Mr. J. Seacord, ininvier of Sproule ifc Hitfuiiibothaiu't store, visited a^kisboiue in Meafoid. Robert Down's siraiii of Birred Rock engs for liatchuii;. o*Jc jier scttinif. H. C. Rad'ey, Floshtrtoo. Mr. W. Irwin of the Durham Chronicle called on old friends here Wednesday of lait week. Do? Lost â€" Fi'X ter^ier, handsomely inarke<i. Infonnation tiiankfully receiced by S. Pedlar, Port Law. Fri''ay was observetl as Knipire Day in tho public schoo', with addresses to the cluldri'n. Mrs (Dr.) Webster and little daughter, Toronto, spent Sunday with the former'* parents. Halter loat between my house and Dr. Carter's on Saturday. 1' return to Gi-o. Watson. Red and white steer, yearling, strayed, about 29th of April, from the premises of Mrs. Elizabeth McLean, 4th line Osprey, Maxwell l\ O. Word was received here Tuesday of the death of Uusih McKinnon at Underwood, Bruce county, husband of Mrs. McKiu- lion of this viliHge. Mr. W, \V. Tiimlle has purchased the hands.iine h.ickni>y stallion, Livhtuin^, from Mr. .laines A. .Myl..s of Heathcote. Uis route appears elsewhere in this issue. Shinc;les for S*le â€" I am nianufacluring first shingles and will have same for s.ile all siiiKiner at my mill, Lady Bank P. O, riios. MonJay was a blistering hot day, and nevly overytxily went out of t«twa. About sixty of our citizens took in tbe C. O. F. picnic at Kiinbetley. Farm for saleâ€" Lot 193, con. 11, Os- prey. 200 acre fartn. Barn, 40 x 60. hou-iie, 2(> .X 32. Will b« sold cheaply and on easy terms. For particulars apply to J. D. Osborne, Feversbam. News was received here Ia»t week an- nounoinf the death cf Mixs Kiuily Penr- 8on at 0«kville, Washitigton state. Misa Pearson removed from Flesherton with her brother several years ag<i. The secfini sermon of the scries on Christian CitizensMp at tho Baptist church next Sunday inomingâ€" Subject, "The Man Our Couiitry Needs." â€" Uev. L. F. Kipp will preach. Mrs. E. McGowan has purchaseil the Heitinan stock and property at Fever- sham fiom the assigniie t f the s'ock, W. *}. Boig. Tho is iioini; co:i- tinueil by Mr. .lolm McGowan, late part- ner with Mr, II en man. For saleâ€" -V Lime (|uaiitity of stock lath, coiiaistins; of Balsam, Spruce and Hemlock. IVices ranging fro.ii $,3..')0 to 94.00 per thousand. For further parti- culars, apply to r, E. Fenwick, Eugenia Mrs. W. Boyd and Mis.s Florence E. Thurston are in Toronto this week at- ,tendiBg the annual branch meeting of tbe Toi-on'o conference of the W.M.S. which is in scission iu Elm street Methodist church. A Umb was killed near town in rather a peculiar way. After the manner of sheep it vis lyiug I'n the road, and as a team came al'inc, with the perversity of Its kind, delayed f-etting olf the road till too late. The ria passed over its bead, killing it instantly. Posters prodaimina the election of a member of the Legislature for Centre Grry were is.sued fiom this office last week. The nomination will be held in the town hall, Flesherton. on Monday, June 1, and the election, if any, ou Mon- day, .June 7. Dr. C^aldwell's sermons next Sunday: Morning and at Mcaford Road â€" "The Buriii.shed Lamp of Life, Is Your Lamp Smoky or CleatiC Eveningâ€" Two stu- dents will take the raeetine in the inter- ests i:f the Forward Missionary Move- ment. Mes.srs. J. Bunt. W. Clayton, Thomas Blakeley, George W.itson and W. J. Bellamy on Monday attended the laying of the corner atone for a larire Methoiliat church which is being erected in Mea- ford. The ceremony was p5rformed by the Masonic ord.'r. The police trustees wish t.T warn the ratepayers that nil cows must be oiT the streets bttwecn 7 p.m. and (5 a m. Hor- SL-s and pigs cannot run :it lar;;o at any time or they will bo impounded. bylaw will he enforced by the police tiustees ami a m^m h.ts been secured to enforce itâ€" By Order. Amoiiu the visitors from out of town who sptnt tho holiday here wore tho following : [iett and J inies Field, Annie and Mary WiKcin, Bert Barnhouse, Mr. Edwards. S. Coli|uett, May Jamieson, and Mr. Frtd Armstrong, all of Toronto; Mr. Ein .\rinstrong of Cobalt, Mr. Fred Smi'h ».nl Mr. Royce. of Hillsbur>; ; Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. Crane and little son, of Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs. Douglass and children of Colbngwood. .\t the annu;il meeting of 'he Women's Iiistirute held on Tuesilay the f.'Uowina officers wire electeil the unsuini; year.' Pres.. Mrs. R. Best : Vice-Pres., Mrs. \\. Wilcock : Sec . Mrs. J. Runstadtler ; Representative on District Executive, Mrj. 'iV. .Moore It was formally an- nounced that the Department would send lady delegates to hold a public meeting on Saiurday, June 13. The Dominion D-iy sports committee have issued their list of eventa en a dinl ger for general circulation. It includes a great list of Sports and will no doubt attact a record Kathoiitiii if the wea'her is kind. Uoise racing and trades pro- cession are the t* i big aTairs, but *jheir will bo plenty cf minor sports. Get a dodder ami prepare to take part in what is expected fo be the biggest day's fun ever enjoyed in Fleshirton â€" and we have had some p-e'ty fair demonstrations in past years. Make a Merry Widow Hat at Home. Take one bicyle wheel. Superi;npo«e on ihe bub one deep granite saiiCfpan, first snipping olf the handle with and axe. Stitch on cover of wine-colored velvet from your season-before-last's coat suit. Put on a threeinch bindiui;, oiound brim, of canary-colored tatfeta silk from your great-grand mother's party dress. Rip nineteen yards of box ruching off youi shirt waist box, and wind about crown. A snup ladle and a joint fork will give a jaunty etfect if usei' as hat pins. Mr. Charles StafTord last wtieir got 2000 feet of gas pipe for an irrigation scheme. Ho purposes pumping water with his windmill from a pond about five acri^s in extent, to the higher places on his farm, and by means of tho 2000 feet of piping and 500 fee of rubber hose, to thoroughly irriaato his firm during the dry months. He tried tho system on a smaller scale last year and it worked out to the best of advanfago. .\fter pumpini; thf pond dry he will use his well and utilize the mud from the pond as fertilizer. A telotftuphic deajwtch was receiveil bv relatives* here on Frid.iy from Washing- ] ton sta'o announcing the death of Mrs. ' Win. G. Duncan. Tho deceased lady I h'ld been in poor health for a year or ! more. She was a sis'er of Mi.s. John j Warling of Vandeleur and Mr. Sangstor Hemphill, Ceylen. Tho deceased Itdy wa." D3 years of aae. She removed to I Washington with her husband in 1884. ; Sho WHS a consistent member of t>ie I Methodist chuvcd from young woman- j hood. Mrs. Duncan leaves to mourn her loss a hn^b«nd and ciifht childrenâ€" three '. boy< and five ijirU, of whotn three are nnrried. Tho younijest child ia 9 years of age. First of the Season The annual .A. O.F. Excmniun to To- ronto from Owen Sound and all stations south to Melancthon, is announced by poster for Saturday, May 3Cth. C. P. R. special will leave (Jwen Sound at 8 a. ni. and Flesherton at 9. Fare from Flesh- erton, $2.03, good to return by any reg- ular train '-ill Mondjiy, June 1st, or by special leaving Toronto at 7 p.m. on Monday, .lune 1st. Political Meetings Mr. I. B Lucas Rx-M. P. P., Con.ser- vative candidate for Centre Grey, and othei'S, will address public meetings as foUow.s: â€" Rocklyn, Monday, May 25; Chatsworth, Tuesday, May 2t» ; Desboro, Wednesday, May 27 ; Thoinbury, Thurs- day, May 28 ; Maxwell, Friday, Miiy 29 ; Eugenia, Saturday, ilay 30 ; Kiraberley, Monday, June 1 ; Berkeley, Tuesday, June 2 ; Heathctite, Wednesday, June 3; Singhampton, Thurwlay, June 4 ; Hol- land Centre, Friday, June 5 ; Markdale, Siiturday, June 6. Everybody welcome. Seats reserved for Lidies. Libera] can- didate or reprcsentiitive invited to attend. Music by Gliouna Italian Harpers before and during meetings. Meetings at eight o'clock. God save the King. East Mountain Almost everyone in tho neighborhood are celebrating the 25th in Kimbertey to- day. Miss Edna Camack of Shady Nook spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. W. J. Martin. Misses Maud and Myrtle Smith of Toronto, ire spending their holidays with their parents here. Mr. Fred and Misa Nettie Martin, spent Sunday in Feversham. They were accompanied home by Miss Paul. Mr. John Smith lost a colt last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McMulIen were present at Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Baogerowa' tin wetlding on Monday, Miss Mable Chard has been tbe guest of her sistsr, for a few days. Three Drowned at Walkerton. Gertie and Betha Obrechr, sisters. ai;ed nineteen and twenty-one, and a ynuiid man numed Claik, were drowned at Walkerton, Saturday night while boating on tho Saugeen, the brat in which they were havii g been carried over tbe dam. At tbe close of a baseball match on Saturday night tbe young ladies went out boating on the river, accompani- eA by two young men, Messrs. Clark and Smiib. Tho latter, tbe only suivivor of the accident, says that they remained on the water until about 9*/c'ock, and heed- lessly let the boat drop down towards tho dam. By (his time it was ton dark to notice *,heir position. Smith is yet too dazed to uive a cleat account of how it happened, but it seems that .the boat up- set at the dam and sank. I': was a metal boat, and immediately disappeared. .\ll the cecupants went 3vec tiie dam, and the iwo gills and Clark were drowned. None of them could swim. Smith was able to swim, and managed to reach the shore. Tbrre is general sympathy with the friends of the victims, 'the two young sLsters who lost th«ir lives were ateno-.;- raphets in offices iu town, and personally held in high esteem. They were both handsome, clever girls. Ihe event was fee'iugly referred to iu all the churches Sunday. WHAT THE KIDNEYS DO What Booths Kidney Pills are Doing For Flesherton People AU the lilood in the body through the kidneys every three uiiuntes. The kidneys lilter the bl^od. They w^rk nigh: and day to daily re- move atiou' 60O grains of impure matter. If they fail, s.ime part of this impure uiatter is left iu the blond, brin,2ing ou pain in the back, head-tch-;, dizziiubs, ir reguiar heart, hot, dry slyn, rheumatism, gravvl. dr"p!<y, de[>o.sils in tho urine Hundreds if Grey county residents liave found this our. Mis. lieorge Bock of .\lico St., erton. On'., says : " For a nuujber of yearj I liad sullered with occasional at- tacks of kidney trouble tliat would leave me in the most miserable condition for days. If 1 would in any way cor.iract a slight cold it would biiog on severe pains in the kidney region. The kidney tocre- tions would become fre(iuen', which cauied iiitt much sulleriLgauil annoyance. Theie a weaknes'S in my baclt which uiialiled nie to get up fiom a chair with out supporting myself with bith hands. Although I had tried iiuuicrous remedies ihcro was linlo relief in any of them. Booth's Kidi.ry Pills were advertised at Mr liichard.soii's din!» s ore and procur- iuk' a bo.\, 1 communccd treatment. They quickly rolieved me, tho secre- tions were reduced to, tho [mins left my back, which gradually strenilth- entd. I feel belttr gitinaily than in yeiiis previous and can only tl.ank Booth's Kidney Pi la fur my speedy coo." Sold iiy de;il.-rs. Price oOc. The R.T. Boolh Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, solo Cmadian ag'ts. 1 Township of Osprey COURT OF REVISION 1908 Niitioo is hereby given that the iii-st sittings of the Court of Keviiiioii on fht ati...t'S!,UKiit r<ill of the Township of ()»prey » ill lie held ill the Orange Hall at Ma.vwe]| ...n Tiiesday. May 27th. IIKW at lo o'clock A. U. .\\\ K)>arti- siitiriestwl will ginvni theinwtvrs wc>rd;nplv. Dated at .Mclntyrethis ISth duy of May, 1!W8. THOM.XSSCOTT, Cb-rk. Miss Maruaret Uenning met with au accident on Friday morning that she will not soon forget. While attending her usual duties of dusting and cleaning in tbe Molsoiis Bank, sh*- accidently bru.ih- ed a revol»er oflf the ledge in the teller's c^e, which discharged and shot her in the leg, breaking it above the ankle. Her cries a<ion attracted Ihe manager, Mr. D. A. Ferguson, who summoned medical assLstance as soon as ]Mssible. After her injuries were carefully drei-sed she was convi-yed to the CoUinswood hospital, where she is progressing favors ably. It will be a month or six week- before the patient will !«• around again. House & Garden Plants. Are here in abundance, strong healthy plants. The house plants and flowers such as Stocks, .Asters, Geraniums, Petunias, Ivy Geraniums, Fern.«, are the choicest. Also Hanging baskets. Dahlia bulbs. In garden plants we have Celery, Tomatoes, Cabbaee, Cauliflowers. Oiy: Ice Cream Parlor is again 'he favorite resort of young and old. Ice cream all the time and the same old rich quality that has charactiaed it in the past. W. L. WRIGHT FCE$l>EKCOn SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS Field and Garden Seeds Just Received Red Clover Mammoth Clover Alsike Clover Alfalfa Clover Timothy Seed Turnip Seed Beet Seed Mangold Seed Carrot Seed Garden and Flower Seeds Any Seed.s not in stock vill be procured by return mail. W. E. Richardson & Son ^ I New Goods for Spring 8? 5^ If you want for Spring or Summer Wear a pair of Shoes in the latest and mos up-to-date styles, we have them, ^ the best we have ever shown. We ^ invite you to call and see them. ^ Also a few pairs of winter goods selling ^ otf cheap. ^ i â-  â€" j Clayton's HARDWARE SPECIALTIES Buildirs' Surpli<s We are headquarters for the most uo-to-date Building Hardware, tor eilhir houses or barns including new viJ up to-date front and inside inortite Door Sets, Rim Locks, Knobs, Hinges, Latches, Nail.'. Glass for houses, Nails. B. D. Latches, Hinaes. Stall Fixtures, Track Hangers, Tracks and Cars for the barus. Get our prices bilbro buying mire and (Uirc Fence We have secured the agency of the now famous "Lamb" Wire Fot.ce. This is withtmi; a doubi, tho best Fence on the market. We have it in 7,^.9 and lo'wires high, all No. <» wire. Also Black Wire, Soft Galvanized Wire, Barbed Wiie, and Coiled Sj;riug Wire. We can gtve you the closebt quotations on Coiled Spring of any man in tho husincss. Try us and see fur youiself. Gardenind Cools. Including Rakes. Hoes, Spades, M. D, Forks, Shovels, Plow Lines, etc. earpenters. Brick Cayers and Stone masons Cools. This spring we have laid in an extra heavy stock of Chis'e-i, Bits, Basces, Loni; and short eye Augors, Boring Machine, Borinii machine Bits, Planes. Squares, Levels, Saws and Files for Carpenters, Stme Hammers, Masons and Brick layer's Tiowels, Levels, Plumbs, Chalk lime and Chalk, Chisels etc. for Stoue Mitsons and Brick Ljiyers. and Plasterers; Trowels, and for tho Pl».»ter8 at the Lowest possible price. » F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton. CEYLON' S BUSY STORE. Flour Is Down Again We have just received a consignment of FLOUR & FEED since it went down iu price so ws wtU be able to give you the lowest price ou that line o goods, f SEEDS We have a good supply of gardeu seeds ou Laud.also Turuip.Mangold, fiold Carrots aud Rape seed, Dishes Wi! have somethiug uice iu diuuer setts at a very low price, Nice Glass Tea Setts at 25c per set. Teas As we got a l.ige supply of tea before the raise wc can sell you tea at the old price yet. Don't be too long in gettiug your supply at Jas. PATTISON'S. Jas. PATTISON C E V L C^ N

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