May 28 1908 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE imMMM F. T. HILL & Co. The Sale of the Year waaaiiiM^ in Ladies' Dress Skirts. In point of fact Dorer before liaro we been able to oflfer such high class Drcfs Skirle at such a h'w saving of the regular values. We have bought from the Canada Cloali Company, the welt-knuwn maizes of the celebrated UotlKor Oarmeiits, one hunilreil and tifly Skirts, beio^ samples and reeularliout. These wo put on sale this week at s saving of ONE-TllIKD AND MORE off regular prices. The following should bo of interest to you. LOT 1, 10 Ladies 6110 Dre^R Skirt, in fine light Tweeds, fancy Mohairs, Alpress, Box Cloths and Panama Clothes in â- 'early all the le.dinK shade, such as Liuht Greens, Fawn, Brown, Blue, Black and Cream, also Tai), and in iho re^fular way these skirts would have to sell fot 4.76, 5.60,6.0Uand U.50 all on sale this week at the extraordinary value, your choice for ^.48. LOT 2 3rt Ladies Fine Dress Skirts belonging! to the Bame purchase but in the lower priced lines consisting of Fine Tweeds, light and dark coloia. Mohairs and Lustres, the sellini; value of these lines in the regular way of buy- ing and selling would be 3.25, 3 75, and 4.00, on sale this week your choice per yard ?8.48. New Shipment Just to Hand of CAUPETS. RUGS and LINOLEUMS. This week we hare passed into stock a very \»Ta,e shipment of Linoleums and Foor Oil Cloths, also Rugs, and if you wish to inspect the fincit and largest collectiou of Linoleums and Rugs in this part of the country come tr) tins store. Prices never were easier. This week we are .showinj; yard wide Floor Oil Cloth fur 22Jc to 35c per yard. Thii week we are showing 2 yard wide Oil Cloth for 48c to 65c per yard. This weak wo are show- ing 4 yard wide Linoleums from $1.50 to 82.25 per yard. When you are getting your Oil Cloths and Linoleums aRk to see what we are doing in ru^a. SELLING LADIES' FINE COTTON HOSE TWO PAIR FOR 25c. Thit week we put on sale 300 pairs Ladies' Fine Cotton Ho.p,fHst black, seamless feet, all sizes, 84, 9 and 9^, AT 2 jiair for 25c. A WEEK'S TIME SALE OF Fancy Sateens, Art Sateens, Fancy Linens and Ging- hams are all included in one lot, the pattern* are good and the qualities are belter. The line consists of 12|^, 15, 18 and ?0>: lines, all on sale this week, your choice for lie. FRENCH COTTON PILLOW CASES. Already hemmed and ready for use selling for 18c. 6 doz Fine French Cotton Pillow Cases, already hem- med and ready for use on sale this week for 18c. IWWMWW MARKDALE ^mmmm^ I. piiblihL.d.vcry Thursiiuy at fl.Oi) pir animn' if paid in advance, tl.oc if nntJiio]|jaicl EDITORIAL DRIFT WJre not considered worthy of accept- ance. Oi lurHu tuoso wlio were defoiied in tlieir object were " humil- iated, " jnst as any person is apt to bo wlio adopts a high and miglity, non-coinproruising attituda tliat ad- mitd of no right motive to the man who cliaiices to disagree with him. Bpeaking of Centre Grey, tlie Crcomore Star hays; " In the face of the fact that the Consofvativc majoritv in the riding is orer 500, and that Mr. Lncas lias been endoisedby the temperance Alliance, Patick's chnucoB, at this distance, seem decid- edly slim " 000 The Christian Guardian, of course a non-political paper, says tlio only real issue before the people in the present cootest in this province is that of men ; tliat the Opposition ranks are none too liopeful and that the Liberal organization is finding great diBioulty in getting really representative and worthy men to stand tor election. 000 A Collingwood gentleman inforinB The .\-Jvance tliat there is not likely to be a contest in West Simcoe. Two temperunoo candidates have been named to contcat the ridiiij against Mr. J. S. Dufl', the Cousorvativo nominfo, but one has withdrawn, and the otiior, M. A. Clark, doputj reeve of Collingwood, is likely to follow in his fojthieps. 000 The Dominion Alliance has come out with a manifesto asking the temperance forces to pledge all CJindidales seeking election in the piibeut contott. Centre Oipy nnlici- pited this recommendation by two ^•ctUs. It will be noted that the Alliance docs not demand that iliiid party caodidatca be brought out in opposition to the old lino candidalis. Ill tins rrspoot, too, the local Alii met f jrccs (intii'i.wlod tlio action of the paiciit body by two wouks. For siicli far-fcightod acumen, too, the mujority have been subjected to eame hard linockt Una the fe»v whofo ocunsels Hatherton. Mr. Down lost a fine young cow lost week. llev. A. P. SUuileyof Maxwidl prunch- imI an exui'Uuiit Herinon in childrun and young people hist Su nday evening. The choir was coinpn.sed of children who sjing HohiH, duels imil choruses very swoetly. They wore triiinud liy Mi.s8 Fields and Mrs. .Stanley. Mr. and Mrs U. .Scilley of Stay nor are viMiling the hitter's mother, Mrs. John Winters, sr. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Winters, jr., and baby, Neil, spunt .Sunday with Mr.s Winters' iiiolher, Mrs. McLean of Mclnlyro. Little MLss Jiili I VVinters is vi.titing her cousin, Miss lOihel Wintois, uf I'ort Law. Sei'diiig will soon bo a thing of the l)aKt; and imw it's politics. Dr. Bond of Maxwell, pre»idont <rf the (."onservalivo ANKociatii.n of ()H|irey hold n mooting in the Orango h.ill here, Thurs- day evening, inakitiK arrangements for the coining election. Mr. K. Arnott had two sheep worried by dogs and a valiiablo hinih killed. Mr. J. Arnott also had one sheep worried. p;ini.ire day wa.s duly observed in our public NchiH.I by Miss Wintcr.M and Ihu piipilH, althougli the busy time provoiiled Ihoiawlioii of tliii Hug pole, HO t bore cdulil be no hoisting uf our new Hag. Miss Lillio Bownmn is vi.siliTig at her uiicle'h, Mr. Dan tJillies. Miss .Shire of l'„rt spent i\ few diys with her sister, Mrs. Will Boatly, Muster Frod Kar.stedt paid Hatherton friends a short visit recently. Mis .loHHo .\rnoll of ToronU, Hi,(.|,t a week with her parenl«, Mr. nnd Mrs. Young, and reluniod lioine on Monday the 26th. Miss Alio© Winters of Toronto spent the holiday with lior nioHuir, Mrs. J. Winters, sr., returning Tuesday. Mrs. Clark relunud hnine after spend- ing a few weolis with lior diuightor, Mrs. George Oruinmott. Miss Fields of Maxwell is toaihing music to a number of i>upiln in Hatherton. Mrs. Down and little danghlor, Wiln a, spent a few days with friends in Klesliir- ton aud Ceylon. Eugenia, Empire Day pa.'-aed off very plohsaiitiy at Eugenia. Although olh^r places hild "Ut various stlractiniis, .till onr popular holiday resort liiini;s ita usual nuintier of visitor.. Tlie Kleslierlon Citizens' Band giivo Hovorai silectioiis in front ol the Kut'oiiia Hous.>, whilo on their way to Kiinberley. Mr. Lirge and Udy friend from Owi-n .Sound visited with Mr. and .Mrs. Win. Largo. Mr. Bert Baruhouse of Toronto visited Mr. Deag!o. Mr. McDonald i>f Mount Albert was a welconia caller here last week. Miss Tena Williams, who has been visiting friends in West T.ironto, has returned home. Mrs. Georue Gibson of Cataract and Mr. Henry Tudor spent the holiday with their father, Mr. Thos. Tudor. Master Willie (Jibson of Credit Forks visited his grandma, Mrs. W. Walker, sr. Mrs. MoCalluin apent the past week visitini/ her daughter, Mrs. Teeter of Markdalc. Mr. .Job. Fonwioli, wlio has spent the past few years iu Vancouver and other points in tlio west, is homo on a visit. Mrs. ,1. .1. Th"iiip.wn of Kle.<horton was the K»e»t of (ilviiticldfriondH for a short time tbe pllKt w»«k. Mr. and Mrii..rake Williams and daughters, .Mlio and Ni'a, viniteil Kii(;i'iii» friends. Th« fish btorieH of the 26th are wonderful ; between tiliuk flir. an<l nioBquitoe. there was no scarcity of bite.. Mr. Dinamoii! an 1 wife of Clark.burg were visitors at John K. William, on Monday. Mime. Cora William, and .Annie lli.lop drove over from Clarksburg to upend the 21th. Irwin of lleallicote was a guektof .Tumos .\rin«troiig'B family over Sunday. MinH .\nnie.lamic»,in of Toronto visited her sinter, Mrs. Mt- .Master. MesMrs. llol'cit und Alw McMaxtor diillcd a well for Ml«8 Heefioft. Thuy found a gwid .piing at li" fi-t't. Tiny are g<Mi(i men at their work and give good Rtttinfactitm. <~V>»- J. & W. BOYD '-?n i Flesherton Ontario. ~^-'>'<e> <Xr^- OUSE FURNISHINGS jjou^p As the season is on for House Cleaning we invite our customers and all persons requiring House Furnishings to inspect our stock. We t'lvo below n few prices. Brussels Carpets 85c to 81.35 per yd â- Tapcstrys 40 to 800 per yd All Wools from, .<55c to 1.00 per yd Unions. . . .35 to 69c per yd Rugs in Velvets and Tapestry from 7 50 to 30.00 Hemps from 12A to 35c Stair Carpels from 12J to. ..75c Stair Pads 1.25 and.. 1.50c per doz Linoleums and Oil Cloth, in 4-4, 4, 8-4, and 10-4â€" prices reasonable. LACE CURTAINS â€" The most complete range wo have ever shown. price, from 05 cents to 3.50 per pair. Curtain Muslins â€" A large asuortinentâ€" Prices from 10 to 4.5c per yard. For Sale by Tender. Tenders will Iw received up to Monday 81.t di».V of Miiy iimt., for the piueh.-UiB of the roHidencK and grcmmlBof the late l>r. Uhridtoe, in the VillagB of KU'sliti ton, tu bo kckImI and miu-ked "Ttnidcr. for pnivh:«iB" ';ivoturiii» of payment The loKhost or any t«'nder not iiocowiarly accepted. yV. J. BELLAMY. Court of Revision The fti»t «lttin(i of tho Court of Reviiiif.n for liHW, rownship of .Vi tuniB»ia, will Ini held 111 the town h..!!, Kl.-nliiitori, on Hiitnrdsy, th" (lay of ,lmi« l!KW. All parth's inter- isted are ii<|uin'd t.i take iioti.e and govrnt tlwiiiB.lve.i HiiouliiiK'y. Dated at KWlier- t in thitirB*diiy of M«v, I'KW. W.'J. BKH.AMY, Clerk. Boots and Shoes. This line is full, values good, and stock n£^to-d&te. Call and inspect. If you are not ready to buy come iu and inspect, anyway_ Women's Doneola Patent and Tan Kid, pric. s from 1.,tO to S4.50 Women's Oxfords in Dongola Patent and T^n Kid 1.25 to 53.00 Men's Dongola Box Calf, Patent Colt aud Tan Calt. Prices from 81 CO to S5.00 FLOUR & FEED We hare a full stock of Flour and Feed, including Br«n, Shorts, Feed Flour and FIVE ROSES FLOUR, m^de by tbe Lake of the Woods Milling Co., Keewatin. Every bag of this Flour is sraranteed â€" the beat Flour in the land. Kone othfr can equal it. HARDWARE A full stock of Stoves, Ranges and Heaters, .\xcs, Saws and all kinds of ?ls Woodmen's Supplies, also Builders' Supplies. Parties contemplating 7I? buying should col neglect getting our prices before purchasing elsewhere. â- â- • J. & W. BOYD. Flesherton, Ontario. % BBITISn niG DISCOUNT nPFER E.VSTKU C.INAUUN to Auk. ai, JiMO. liig value. Kul HUSINK83 ShnrtUaud or Looai Loaf Book ] COIJiEGI-: kt'Opiiig Courses, lly Uail, i\0 TOUONTO throo luoiithJ, SUoulJ stkrt to day, j Cor. Youge and Blocr Bts. R. .\, Farqubarsoii- 5. A. Ihrincipal- Bull for Service Thoroughbred Shorthorn Hull, Mountain Victorâ€" No. m-t07 for service >n lot 29, con. 8' Arteinvsia. Terms 91.U0. .Jos. Hawkins, Prop. Eggs for Hatching .S. C. Brown I^Khorn eirgs for hatching;. .'iOo per 15. Pen hciidid iiy first prize cock ' from Liberty Poul try Yards, m LEWIS V. KIPP, Flesherton, Ont. Pure Bred Englisli Berkshires and Tamworths. I have a fine lot of younR pigs bred from pri/.e winning stock, for sale. Write me for prices. Icantpve n bargain al»o guarantee satisfaction on all mall onlerH. tJeo. W. KOSS, Maxwell P. O. Farm for Sale. Lota 171, 2 Olid :l. l"t con. N. K.. .\rtoinesIa. 12.1 acres ill all uf Hint c'a»8 farmin!; laii'l in a (iuoJ state u( cultivstiou, Bituat<>.l JJ miles 8' uth of Klosliovtoii, Kliort mile from school, olcao of noxious wueds anil well fouci^il. 10 nci'HBof iiitirKli, 3a<-ru3 of liurdwood Imsli. bal- ance 111 Kood state to work all kinds of uiucUin. ery, woU watiiiod. Sorcliards, a gooil house IS X 26 von<-iir*l iiisiilK. kitcbou 16 \ 20, wood- sbodlCxli. new bain 50xr,0»toDB foundation Tbl» is 0110 of tbo best farms iu tUo townsbl and cau be bcuKht right. W.J. CASWELL. Farm For Sale or Rent. I^or Bale cheap, ovreiit, immedUtc poBsesKloD. Lot SO. Con. U. Arteinusia, about 7.^ acres clear, comfortable loR liouso ami fi-auiti barn. Apply to R. *. Sproule, Klest^ci'toii^r Johu J. Marliu, across"^ ' "" "* "^ '.Sproule, Klest^ci'toii^r johu j. ] sthu idacrirom kant loR "*• ^ Farm for Sale. L'.ts E.iS anil 9, Con. l:i. in the township of Osprsy liSC acres, large rloartnv, good frame t>^rn and scabies, good ilnolling and well. Auply ou the premises or to W. J. Bellamy, Flosliartou. MOUNT PLEASANT FARM. Shorthorns, Bees and Poultry. Vouim»t<wk for sale, tearms easy nnd urines reasonable. SiiiKlo and riwe cotnb Bniwn fx'Khorn eggs for liatcliing, 7oc and jl.OO iier tiftfen eggs. Siiecial prices on iiicubat ir lots. Menilwr of Canadian Leghorn Club. Kicliai'd Allen, Pleshertim P. O, and Station. Lot 170, 2nd con., E. D. and 8. K. Shorthorn Cattle for Sale. LovinlaKaud W iiiipl»ii, iho best of brocidlng andqnslitv. Hull, cowh and hoifors for sal,' at rt'saonablo pricss t ;Il!.ood.8 CHAS. STAKKORD. Fleslicrton Slabs and Edgings for Sale. We will sell the 4 ft. Slabs and IMglnca at < ur mill on >i'. H, Artciii.mla, at 81.00 per 001 d lly applying to Mr. .Ino. I'ailminiitit, opposite tho mill, ho will moasiire aud roceivo cash for the wood whim taken away. We will further p»v a rowaid of »25 00 for proof otiinyor.e taking wood from there In the past, or who nmv taUii wood In the future with' out our authoritv or Mr. rarliamont'p KKIiNAN IIUOH., Limited, Owen SoHud Scottish Pride 66274 The young bull Scottlnh Pride will stan 1 'for servico at Mr. K. W. Nicholson's lot "cor " Aitomusia. Bcottish oiido \i slro.! bv SeotfiVh Pvinco agiandson rf Ihe woudorfnl show cow Ociiiof Hellaohiu. imp . wiiineri.f wight piizci at ro. out;, and Loudon, besides being cKiinf,.. b.u 6. Hb« woighs over lOoo p , , u Quo of this c"W'b calves noM for #177^(1.1 8.M.ltl,h ..rl.lo 1, out of riadvBeUa'bv ihe Toiouto Arsti.i'lrnwlnrior. Cnptain VI„V FiT iuin iisavi. T .is y„„uK bull his p „vr d hli, -' lelf a showbill I havluK gained an enoou-aJinc record t_hl. fsll «t l^cvcrsham. He w'n nm i.ri/.c«8b«st bu calf, also diplou.a f,,' ","â- bull auv a(!0. 'Phose having nnre bi-.d ^^„1 should see this grand hull bo/orbrcdiifg a" th.,y ,'»nnnt do lv.ttoi t an use hiui A liu,?t*d number of gr«,dos will be taken at »1 is- v'A^ purebre>l>. ♦«.u(i, ".-.a. *0« Notice to Creditors. In Tho Mattor of The Estate of John Beccrof', late of the Township of Arteiftesia in iho County of Orey, Farmer, Deceased. NOTICK iihotebv given pursuant to the re- vised Statues of Untarlo, I8U7, Chap. 1C9 that all oruditors «nd others having claims agalost the estate of the said John Heecrott, deceased, whodiud on or&buut the fourth day of Dec- ember lOoT. are required on or before the Ist day c( Ju e, A. U. I'JOS, to sand bv post prei.sid or deliver to Messrs. Lucas. Wright & MoArdle. ()w«u Sound, Out., Solicitors for Aiiu MBBCioft and Jauius Walknr, exoculors of the last will an 1 Testament of the said deceased, their christiiiu and surnames, addresses uiid uu. BorlptiouB. tl-o full particulsis of their claims, and ststuuientof tlinir accounts aud the nature ..i'lmjiMciilLiiiM m; any) h'lld 0^ thi-u. AND Fl'Itrn,'.;^ TAKR NOTICfc: that after such liiiit iiii'iitionea -ti'.'ta^the said sx- I'putois will pioci'iHl t) distiibute CTwiUH^ts of theduLcasod ».nong the parties entitljd t))er*>. to having regard only to the claims of which they shall fhcu have notice, aud that the sail! oxccutois will not bo liable for thu said assets or any part thereof to any pei son or nersons of whoso claims notice shall not have hoim received by Miein at tbe time of such dis. tributiou. Dutml the '.i7th day of Ainil. A. D. 11X»*. LuoaM, Wiinhi and MoArdle, Oweu Souui' Out. ijoliuitois lur tbe Kxtoutors. School Children's Eyes Supply Their Intellect ' Defective eyes stunt the mind Can you expect fair progress in school or success in business if so handicapped? Examination of children for glasses is a special feature of our Optical Department W. A. Armstfon^; FLESH r.RTOiy*