May 21 1008 FLE8HKKT0K ADVANCE Nervous, Diseased Men A K. ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS Consultation FREE. Quution Blank for Home Treatment sent FREE. Reuonabit Feci for Treatment A NERVOUS WRECK ROBUST MANHOOD Wt QuarantM to Cure all CorabU Cattt of Strleturo, Virleoooli^ Marvous Dobiiity, Blood Poltont, Vital Woaknatias, Kidney, Blaifder and Urinary Diseataa, and ail Disaaaes Paeuliar to Man and Women. Don't WBSto your time ond money on cheap, rtanKerous, ezperlmcntal treatment- Don't Incroaio at your own cost your HUlTerium by beinB eiijorlmented on with remeilieii which they claim to have Just illscDveicU. But como to us In coiitldencp. We will treat you coiiaciciitlously, lionctitly and BklllfuUy. and restore you to health In the shortest po»- Hiblc time u'ith the least medicine, discomfort aii<l expense practleable. l^ach case Is treated ns the symptoms iodlcate. Our ^•w Matbod is urigluaf and has stood tho teat (or twenty years. DRsKENNECnr&KENNEDY G)r. Michigan Ave., and Griswold Si, Detroit, Mich. ncrri$Bro$*t Tiusmitlis and Hardware Merchants Our Hardware stock is complete in every detail. We mention a few lines tliat will be iu demand now tliat spring is with us. Daisy and Favorite Clinrns, Butter Bowls, Strainer Pails and Milk Pans. Washing Machines and Wringers. Carpet Felt, Building Papers, PAROID ROOKING, Horse Clippers, Plough Lines, Axle Grease, Door Latches and Hinges, Bolts and Screws. Oar oils are the highest quality money can bay and inclndo Raw and Boiled Linseed oil. Castor oil, Turpentine and High Grade Coal Oil, Machine and Cylinder oil. In Polishes and Varnishes we have the most complete line ever shown in town. A few lines are Stove Pipe Enamel, Varnish stain, and Grain- ing Colors, Aluminum Paint and Carriage Varnish and paints, Polish and Paste, Furniture Polish and Bath Enamel. Examine our Wire Fence before building any other. We wore fortunate in securing control of the best line of Paints on the market "Moor's Pure Linseed Oil House Colors." All wo ask is that you try a small can of Moore's Paint against any other line and if it does not prove the most satisfactory we will choorluUy refuud the money paid for it. Come Here for a Square Deal. Norris Bros., - - FlcsKcrton. In 81ei},'fwJ, lUifi^io.s, Wiij,'^'oii.s, Harrows, Plougli.s, Creau) Sej)- arators and Wire Fencing. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Heard's Carriage Works Flesherton Carriage Works CAUUTAGRS, 8Lia(4IIS, CUTTERS, IMPLEMENT REPAIRS, CntEAM SEPARATORS, Etc. Special attention given lo HORSESHOEING and all kinds of REPAIRS. We have a now stock of liiiggies in, Call and see them be- fore l:)uyiiig. CREAM SEPARATOUS--VVelmn(JIe"thc Mellotte." Getour our prices and term.s. McTavish & Williams, Flesherton PREPARE FOR POSITIONS I'liyiiiifi form f.i't. t.i »1IK|. per month liy liiti'ii llntr the |»i|>ulsr TOBONTO. ONT. This SL'hiHil is niitrd far ami naar for the <u|>er(»r oiliiratimi Riven trptli««tii<leMtHftiiil :'i>r th« ronitrkthle success of its ((railuntes. Collejo ii|R-n t'lo entire year, Ilnyln nmv. Our traiiiiiiK will u.ake ysu iii<le|Miuil«nt. Write tn-'Jar for eutsloitMe. W. J. KM.IOTT, I'Hnolittl, Ynnfc ami Alexander Su. Get A tliuMi g'l liusincsa irHHiiiii; at th Courses iiicluclu ovorvlliins eHaeiili'il tii a successfpl c»r«.'.'r, llniiilr«(l» otjoung jifoplH k|v iio-dod to KU|>|.lv the (Ifiinnd. riiet.iurBe. c..,( little. It will doul.lw your inenine and hiat you n lifrtiini^ Students admitted at snj lini.-. I'.is mal inKtruction Kivon. Pro|miat..ry Dej.t. fcr tlios.i whoso curly education Iiih beoii neglected Calnloifue froe, C A. FLEMING. Pbikoipal. Onreii Sound, ^ OiiUiio. Horse Routes GERANIUM MONDAY- Will leave his own stable, lot 40, con. 11, ArteiiicHia, and piocood to Fovornlmin for noon ; thuiico to Alux. Flotclier's, Rob Roy.for niglit. TUESDAYâ€" To John Kuilting's, 12th lino, ()Kprey, for noon ; tliunce to Thos. I'ollftrd'H, fourth line, Collingwood, for iii^lit. \VEDNESDAY-To Dan. Cariiiicli; iiel's, second line, Collingwood, for noon; thencotoEd. Kerfoot's, 2nd line, Col- lingwood, for night. THUR.SDAY-TO Neil Mclntyre's, fouth line, Collingwood, for noon ; tlienco to sixth line, Collingwood, for night. FlUDAYâ€" To .Sheldon Mayer's, Vm- vennii.for noon; thencu to.Tohn Dolwon's, tenth linejPollingwood, for night. SATURDAYâ€" To his own stiihle for ni«>n, where he will refn<tin until the fidlowing Monday morning. Percy Performer No. [82G0] E.H.K.B. and (20;J) C.H.S.H. Monday, May 4th, will leave Mmkdale House, Markdale, and proceed to Mun- ahaw's hotel, Fleehertoii, fur noon ; Max- well for night. TuoiidHy noon and niuht, Browu'b Hotel, >Sin){l>aiiiptoii, WcdiieHdny noon, CampbuH'R Hotel, Duntroon ; night, Cook's Hotel, Colling- wood. I'hursday ii-)on, Arthur Stoutenl)uri{'8, Banks ;iii«ht, Charles Hill's, lot 17. con. 11, Cc)llingwo(.d township. Friday noon. Rjcklyn ; night, .los. Manarey's, Gorins(. Siiturday noon, Mnrkdale House, Mark- dale, where ho will reiniin until the following Monday morning. Termsâ€" To insure, 812 S^. See folder and bills. J. W. Manany, Pi op., Markdnle. Some District News The Feat Products Co. of East Lather have started building operations for the manufacture of peat from the East Luther marsh, and oz(^ect to run through 2000 tons before the season ends. The as«esf>nicnt of the Tillage of Crce- niore Is $200,450, and the population is 691. Thii it a decrease in assessment from last year of about $400, and an increase in p<ipuldtion of 31. The decis.on of tho W'alkerlon Magis- trate, by which All)ert Miehlhauscn, teacher at Otter Ua-elt, was fined f 1 and cost* for punishing Orvill Steiimiillur.was „uslained l.y .ludge Banett, when Ih, appeal was heard. Mr. Goo. Dunbar, proprietor of the Arthur greenhouse, has purchased a Uoral business in Guelph, near the market Hfjuiirc, for §2.7C0. He will c.pntinue his Arthur business till spring wliuii ho will either soil or close up. Dr. Smith of Shelburne got judgment •if $214, daniBgi's with cohls ai(ainst Dr. .Steele of the tame town for a breach of coiitrsct to sell his practice in a caio tried at the sessions in Oningevillo, nnd report- ed a ci.upiti of Weeks ago. NVingham has a religious sect peculi^ir to il»elf, composed of about tvrenty-tive people who Bucedtd from the Methodint church there. Their meetings are held ina hidl over a blacksaiilh shop. Ileie 'igoiDus discourses are held in an uokiiown tongue, which the niounbers iheinselvos siiy they do not understand. They call themselves the " Holy Howlers. " Now that the birds are reluriiing from wanner to thin iiui them country ii may be ciuHe In order to ro.nind the genciid public, and especially people new to this country, of our bird laws. It is not limful lo slioctt iir desiiviy any wild hirds, except crows, hawks, b'nckbirds and English sparrows, or to destro y nest, young or egg». The penalty is f I to f20 and coKta. Any person nipy seize on view any bird unlawfully poBsessod and carry same befMre any justice of the pence, to li:> by liim coiitisnited and, if alivj, roU-a.sed. If iho Hinidl-boy with till) sir gun will o"n<io« Ins aitenti mi to the I'liickliirdt and si)arrow8 he wid bu d.'ing a gnnutiie service to the CLuntry. Valuable Samples Free "I have used your Coltsfoote Expec- torant and And it satisfactory in caaos of croup, coldi or coughs. I have used it over Bince I got a trial bottle, and have recommended it to everyone in need of it. You may use my name and nddroas for testimonials if you wiah. Hoping it will benefit others as it haa^ done my children, I remain, MBS. AQNE8 COMBER." 1069 Frances St., London, Ont Coltsfoote Expectorant Is tbo great- est cough and throat cure in the world. It is the prescription of a renowned apocialist. In order that every family may prove its unparalleled merits vce will send a sample bottle free to every- one who sends us their name and ad- dress and mcntioni this paper. Can be had at all druggists at 28c. Send your name to-day to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd- Toronto. a«nd for I'TM BaiayU To-day. Without Alcohol A Strong Tonic Vithont Alcohol A Body Builder Without Alcohol A Blood PuriBer Without Alcohol A Great Alterative Without Alcohol A Doctor's Medicine Without Alcohol Ayer's Sarsapsrilla Without Alcohol A W« publish our formulaa ijers W« bftDUh Alooliol y rroBoarmsdlolnss We urge yon to eoDBuit jour doctor Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They act directly on the liver, make more bile secreted. This is why they are so valu- able in constipation, biliousness, dys- pepsia, sick-headache. Ask your doctor if be knows a better laxative pill. by Um J. C. Aysr Co., LovaU. Mms Mr. .lanie.s U.iliinsiiii, who Ims renid d in the ti.wnNliip ,,f N"tta'.v!is:igi fir upwards of 60 yi-AVA, and is |)rot>>ilily the oldest Kettler in ihis d stnct.died suldfii ly at his hon.e on the 4th line a week ai»i>. He wns over 100 y,>ars of a'^e but helped his wife in tlie wi.rk around the ln'usu. On the uiortiiia of his death he arotic as usual to lay tlie fire, bnt before lighting, fell across the stove. Mrs Itot . inson was unable ti help him and wen* for^e to the noi'.'hhors. When she relumed with them he wa< dead, from hear; failure »liieh wns not surprisini; nt his advanced age. M^iny attended the fnnoir.l, which look place to the 4th line cemetery.â€" Stnjner Sun. Exceedingly attractive is the May number of "Rod and Gun and Motor Sports ill Canada." Stories of hunting moose, mountain K''at, bear, deer and ducks surely offer enough variety to the hunter, while to the fisherman the papers on salmtm in Ontario rivers and maskin- on(!C fishing must call U|i inuinuries and Hwakeii thoughts such as only the tiNher- nian can know. Amontist (he many other intersling pieces to be found within this number is a page of "Canoe Don'ts" â€" most appropriate as the canoeing season of ihe year is just beginning, and an ac- count of H onele.'ged trapper who makes his own wooden legs. These are hut samples of t.he many good things in this numtier which furma in itaelf a demon- stration of the wide tield of interestine experiences to be found within the Dominion. Scottish Pride 66274 The j-oiinR bull Pcottish Pride will stand for iervice at Mr. K. W. Nicholson's, lot 37, eon. 6, Arteiuusia. (icottisli pride la aire I by Kcottisb Prince, a KiandKoa of the wondcrftil show cow, Uotn of llelischin, Imp., winnorof eiglit prizes at Toronto and Ix>ndoii. besides t)einR eUanip- loo feuiate. Hho weif;h8 over IIKHJ pounds. Ono of this cow's calves sold for SITT-kOO. KcutliHli prido is out of Ladv Itolla by tbo Toronto Ilist nriza winner, ('aptaiii May Fly, imp tH<M. tI.U young bull lias proved hini- â- uir a Bhowbull liaviiiK xainod an eiioourauinu i*4M:ord IhiD fall nt FeTurflbani. Fie won nrst pri/.eas butit bull calf, also di)>>uuia fur boiit bull any aijo. Those hsvini; pure bred cows should see this ^ratic) bull before brecdlmt as they cannot do better than use him. A limite<l nuiuber of Kradeii will bo taken at $l;'Ai; For pure breds. HM. Thompson's Bakery All Tbose Indebted to the Uundersigned MUST Settle as Cash We Must Have. Ed. Thompson, Flesherton SEASONABLE GOODS IN FURNITURE The largoht aiul Ik'hI stock of Furniture ever shown in P'leshert<m. This without fear of con- tradiction. Come and see some of tho nice things in Side Boards, Dining Room Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Room Setts. .A Hpociftl reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the stock. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER FLESHERTON Carefully Corrected E cii Week' '**'" 45 •„ 45 f'"' .. 80 to 80 J;"'''y 60 '.•. 00 ,;''-««â- ^ .... '.)0 TO 'M JW 14 (JO ... IC 00 Butter '20': 20 Ejgs. fresh '.' m to Ifl I otatoes per bag 7.5 t>i In ^^^••=•''0 to !?,".=''•' to Chickei's CO to 00 Turkevs cO to 06 Cards tS. JL'LliOUOH * YOUNG ~ Banker Markdale Jo a Roneral banking business. Money 'oaned a roftsouable rate Cull ou us. •* • I'ontiiiaster, '"evion. Comiuissiuuer in II. (I. J , CoovnTancer, r!oeds, inort«afies, leases, wills etc. carefully drawn up -olluctious mad?, charges reaKonal.le. AJ«o Brocories, Hour, feed etc. kept in stock. Prices * 'KUt, P •» SI-RDULFJ ^ ' "• Poiitiuaster, F]ei>hertOD . oniriPsioner in H.O J., Auotlopeer Con- yeynnopr. .Appraiser and Money l.eudct ivjaj I-jstatt. and Insurance Agent. Deeds raoitu-aijes. leanes and wills carefully drawn up an 1 valuations made on "bortesi i ctice m.:ney to loau at lowest lates of intcroft. Col ectiouH attendod to with promt tnesB (â- harees low. Apent f^r Ocean Dcn.iniOD 3.»am»bip Company. A call eolioited. r\ Mi^PFfAIt. I.ieenso.1 Ancion-or fii thd .'. 'on.ntyof Oruv. Terms mo.-iera-,- ami catisfaetinu Knaranteod. The .inaime;oenta anjl date- of sales can be midu o*. TuK Arn iNcs offleo. Ko»idenceauaP.O.,C«ylon, Toldi.ho.iu ' 'oioioction. â- < ' 1 « .. Doc. 6 07. n\VID UOBERTS. licensed ascti^sOT f„r " Urov County. Prompt attontioii giv.jii ill s-les eutrimled to my care, Anant;ju,o„t3 can be made at this oUice. â- VV •'"• KAITTING, Licensed Auctloneei-. Sal a conducted ou lowest torun-Sati.ifaocii>.l guaiaiiteeJ. Feversbaia, P. o.. cou 1' lot 1! Osprey. . -v i,. Medical rjB CARTRR om *!i^ '".'^ " 0°»- Physician, Rureeon, e Office and residenceâ€" Peter St., Fleebertoa T P OTTEWEI.Ii ' Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, residence â€" ascond door south west on Marv street. This street runs south Presbytariau Charch. n WILSON, Blacksmith . * • ., '.*'a<l«»te of the Veterinary Bcieooe Association Residence, Durham street, op- posite Boyd, Hickllbg's hardware. Dentistry r)r. E, C. MURRAY L. D. S, dental snnjeon *» hono,- graduate of Toronto University and Koyal College of Dental Sorgjons of Ontario, tias administered for teeth extraction, office at residence. To rouio a eati'M) w jrtou Legal r UCAS WRIGHT A UcARDLE «, """""c" Solioitors Conveyancers, etc OIBces-Owon Sound. Ont and Markdale Ont W H Whiobt, MoAbdi,k I It LccA N n-Flesherton office, Mitchells sik avorv Satttrdav. Societies A U \r meets ou tho last Monday ,' . '"e*."" month, In their loage room. Christoes block. Flesherton. at 8 p.r.. M.W. Flank Chard; Sec., T. Blakely, Financier W.J. Bel, amy. VieitinR brethrec Invited. pRINCB ARTHUR LODGE, No. sas AF4 ., , A, H- meets in the Masonic hall. Strain's .', .•,1''*'''"'°°' "very Friday on or before thefnll luoco. W A.ArmstionB, W M.- Herb .^inith, Becretary. n^l'RT FLRSHERTON. 095. I. 0. P n-cets In "Clayton's Block the last Wednesday .venlng of each month Visiting Foresters heartily wHcon)e. H. R.. Dys-.n; R. S., T. Henry- Fin Sec, C. N. Richardson. "enry. I lease pay dues to Fiu. See. before the •flrst day of tho month. nHOSEN FRIENDS -Flesherton Conuoil of .,,,1 M?.?i"w""','""'l"'«"'." '" t'lavton'a hill first and third Wednesday of each moot «n m I »v assessments to the Heeorder on or before tre first day of each month. Chief Councillor T. UlakeleyiUeoorder, W. H. Bunt, SUMMER - STOCK. Of Sweat Pads, Collars, Plow ItnoR Dash Aprons, Rubber Rugs. Dusters Fly Nets, Hoof Ointment, Axle Grease. All kinds ot Harness and Repairing, O. wT^PKillips Flesherton WINTER HARNESS GOODS Bla st ock ' ' Bes t Stock Bells, Blankets , Robes Fur lined coats, pockethooks, satchel*, raaor strops and otlur leather t;i>oda. Cutteri-best makes- and everything in the harness line. W, MOORB, Flesherton Oat. f