Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 May 1908, p. 1

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kstetun \y / "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." -» PRIA'CiPLEH NOT MEN." VOL XXVI, XM Flesbierton, Ont. Thursday Klay 2 1 1008 W. H. THURSTON, boi'uietoh The Newest Things In Jewellery Ciiii always lie found at the Flesh- eiton Jewellery heaihjuiirters. Watches & Clocks To suih all t s and iill pocket- bu'.ks. Jewellery For the Indies in (;reif varie'y and latest, piittunis. we pride ourselves In hiivinj; a gre«t vHiio'y of the cli'iiL'itat ^1) hIn lu'inufactured from whiclj to ch MiH". Come in and lot us show yuu what wo have. W.A.ARMSTRONG Port Law Intended fur last •veok. Seeding has been progressing very slowly (in acc'junt of the unfavorable weather. Fail whetvt has stood tho ordeal well in ino»t cases, and gives good promises. Prof. JoM. Stafford of McGill LTuiver- «ity, Montreal, and two little daughters, Minerva and Valeria, are visiting witli the latter's mother, brothers and sisters. Mrs. John Haney has been seriously ill. She Has been with her daughter in Dundulk of late, tu be convenient to uiedical treatment. We understand that Mr. Abrani Mc- Mastor hiis sold his farm to Mr. J,auia.s McLennan. Miss Susie Winters of l)uudalk visited »t the parental home recently. Mrs. W. J. Belhtmy and Mis. W. J. Stewart of Fleshorton visited Port Law friends lately. Mr. Arthur and Miss Maud Robinson of Bethel visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Uatinuh. This Wbek's Itej«s. Mr. J. A. TlwinpfKin'g little daughter, Lizzie, mat with a painful accident last week. She was watching a soi^d driU bonig operated in the held aud rcichcd on*; tor ii pea that was being diechargiid with other grain from the, niaohiiio. Tht- index tiMger of the right hand was im mediately oau'^ht in the feeding apparatus and althuuph tlie horses were at once stopped, the Uesh was badly torn from •he iiiiger. It whs n narrow escape from the 1 089 of a hand. The iteai re. A. McMftsttr having sold liis farm, needs c.irrection. Tho liist dual was declared off and llie {*!ace sub- sei|uently Sold to Mr. John \Vii«icr«, L. Fawcett ; and Mrs. G. . F. J. Weber , Maxwell items The Woman's Musionary Society of the Maxwell Methodist church held their annual meeting on May 14, when the fol- lowing officers were elected f"r the ensu- ing yiar : Presi<lent, Mrf. Henry D^'Wn; Vice-President. Mrs. Wui. Scutt ; Cor. Sec , Miji. A. N. Brownridga ; Ti«i3Urer, Mrs. A. P. Stanley ; Reo Sec, Mrs. C'. M. Field ; Band Leader, Mrs. A. P. Stanley ; Orizani^t. Miss Etta Bucking- bam ; Secretary, Mrs. C. M. Field. Meet- ings first Thursday in eavli nionth. Ceylon A fine flag pole was erected last week on the school grounds. MiKS McGregor is planning to celebrate Empire Day in a fitting manner Friday «fternoon. The scholars are preparing i\ programme and Rev. L. F. Kipp gives a patriotic address. Last Sunday was " Flower Sunday " at the church here. The attendance at the service wiu3 very large and over thirty bo(iuotB and plants were used in decora- tion. Rev. L. F. Kipjj's message was " The Lessons of the 5 lowers. " Liberal Convention The liberal convention held atRocklyn on Thursdsjtof last week was attended I'y about 125 delegates. The names brought before the convention were at follow*: A. Patterson, Blantyri>; E. R»y- piond, Thoriibury; P. McCullough, ftlark- dnle; P. Mc.^slin, Euphrasia; John Bolaiid, Artenienia; C. W. Har'man, Clarksiiurg; Dr. Moore, Clarksburir; Dr. WilliamK, Rocklyn; and â€" .VIcTaggiirt of CKrkshurg. Ait resigned in fav^r of Mr. McCullough, wiio accepted the nomination, wjiich was then madu imanimous. f Kimberley. Hear the Flesherton Band on tho 25lli. We are hnviiig beautiful weather now. Let it long ccmtinue. Miss Eva Black w.-is tlie of hor si8!:er,Mr3. D.inson Knott, at Epping on Saturday aii<l .Sund.iy last. â-  Miss Sadie Plewcs <jf Hcathcoto .spent Sunday at hor parentiil iioiue here. BIrs. F. J. Weber is vu-iting Flfsherton fiionds., Dora Pedlar of Flusherton was tlic guest of Miss Violet McLean on Saturday and Sunday last. Mr. Edwin liinunel vistied Singhanip- ton frienils on Saturday. If you want to have a good time on the 2'itli just come to the Foresters' picnic at Kiinherloy. Miss Maggie Knol t of Epping is the guest of her cousin, Miss Edith Uaiu- inoitd. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas of Ayr and STRs Gladys Caesar of Markdale were visitors at Mr. M. R. Hammond's during th« past week. The Kimberley branch of the O. W. I. held their annual bu» meeting in tho Orange li.Ul. on Thur.sday afternoon, Miiy 14. The following officers were elected for the eii.suing;â€" Pres., Mrs. G. H. Walter ; vice ju-es., Mrs. W. T. Ellis ; .â- TOc-ti-eas. , Miss Maude directors, Mi's. G. Pr<jctor H. Walter ; auditors, Mrs and Miss D. Ciunack. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Myles, Mr. R. R. Fawcett aud Miss Maude F.iwcett wore visitors at .Mr. S. McKnight'.s,Epping,on Sunday last. Mr. J. E. Hammond of the Mcaford high school and Rev. Mr.Neil of Meaford were visitors at the former's parontid home on Satuiday aud. Sunday. Mr J. R. Fawcett attended a meeting of the Board of Heultb at Rtwklyn last Saturday. Wo are sorry to leara of the illness of Mr. WellingUjn Graham, ucjir Eugenia, but hope to hear of his speedy recoveiy. A number from here attended tlia football match between Wodehouse and Heathcote teams on Saurday evening. The game resulted in a tie, the scor being 1-1. Mes-siv. J. R. Fawcett »nd R. D. (."anuthers attended tho temperance con- vention held^at Fleshert(jn on TucKlay of lai-t week. East Mountain Lovely weather, this. Tho farmers hope it may remain so for a while. Seed- ing Ls [airly well advanced, ainl some have hnishod. Mr. Cooper iiud his gang of men are busily at work fratning Ml'. Martin's new barn. A portable .«aw mill iiiissod through this part last week. The complete out- lit was hauled on three trucks by a [jowerful traction engine, aud had come from onir near Durham. It was liound for the lownline wliore they have tho job of cutting a largo .stock of logs for lumber. Rev. G. C. Little, Presbyterian min- ister of Eugeniii. will hold a prayer meet- ing at Robt McMuUen's on Wednesday night. In A Breath There's Rest Breathe Hyomei and boCnredof diiarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma Nature has a remedy for catarrh, epi- deatic colds and bronchitis that is far better tbnn dosing the stomach with medicine and drugs. It is the healiiig oils aud balsams of Hyomei which medicate the air you breathe, reaching the most remote air cells in the nose, thruac and luiii>a, kill- lui/ a'l catarrhal germs and restoring hciilih to the mucous membrane. Hyomei acts like a curative internal air l>uth, and has the same hoaling mid antiseptic effect as the air where tho Pine snd Eucalyp'io forests i>ive off their frag- rant and heuling balaams. Breathe healinp Hyomei and see how quickly you will get relief from catarrh nnd head colds. If it does not help you there will not be a penny's expense, ss W, E. Richsidsnn St, Son agree to refund the money. The complete HyuiD«ioutGt cusis only $1.00. Tell me ye winged winds that round my pathway roar, doye not know some quiet spot where wives clean house no mure â€" 8'>me lone srcreted dale, some island, ocesn girt â€" where life Is not one, csaseloas war with cobwebs and wi'h di>t; where only nature's carpets spread their tired feet, and wretched men are ne'er roinpellud its eniornkl folds to beat? Tho breeze fanned my heated face, and said, "iJcat on; there's no mch plac?," Chronic Coughs Cured Mrs. Joseph Eccles of Dromoro, says: "I took 4 or 5 bottles of Psychine, and a cough I had coutinually for nine mouths disappeared. It is the best remedy for chronic coughs that I ever used." Thousands of living witnesses pro- nounce Faychine tho greatest medicine in the world. It is not a patent medi- cine, but a prescription of a great phy- sician. Put it to the test in any case of throat, lung or stomach trouble or any run down or weak condition. At all druggists, 50c and $1.00, or Dr. % A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto. Stabbed Brother in Breast .\s a result of bad blood that- has cxin- tod between them Walter Mournahan of East Luther was arraigned in court at Grand Valley on Saturday last on the charge of wounding his oldest brother, Henry Mournahan. The wound was caused by the stab of a knife in tho left,, and had ii not been for the fact, the Crown contend-s, that the blade (if the knife tirst came in contact with tho man's watch, the woiinil might liavo been .4s it wjiH, tho knife pierced his side, .striking one of tho ribs. The ill- feeling between the two bn.'ther.s is said to have exi.4ed for a number of years, but the cause is not dctinitely known. Ditferences are siippoRO to h.ave first bo- gmiSwlion the father, James Mournahan, divided his property of throe or four hundred acres among four brothers Tile quarrel, of which the stabbing of Henry Mournahan was the outcome, took place ou Thur.stlay evening hist about i) o'clock on the country, and the injured man claimud in his charge that ho was waylaid by his brother, while tho aocu.sed claiined in his evidence that he commibtod the act in self-defence, as he had uudei'stood that Henry had khreaton- ocl to kill him. Tlui case was tried be- fore Magistrivtes Tato, Richardunn and McLoUan, and was adjourned for a week. Tho injured man will recover. Political Meetings Mr. I. B Lucas Ki-M. P. P., Conser- vative candidate for Centre Grey, and others, will address public meetings as follows: â€" Rocklyn, Monday, May 25; Chatswm-th, Tuesday, May 20 ; Dosboro, WedncBday, May 27 ; Thornbury, Thurs- day, May 28 ; Maxwell, Friday, May 29 ; Eugunia, Saturday, May IW ; Kimberley, Monday, June 1 ; Berkeley, Tuesday, June 2 ; Heivt-hcote, Wednesday, Juno Ii; Singhainpton, Tluirsday, June 4 ; Hol- land Centre, Friday, June 6 ; Markdale, Saturday, Juno 0. Everybody weleonie. Seats reserved for ladies. Liberal can- didate or representjitive invited to attend. Music by Glioniui Ilaliau Harpers before and during meetings. Meutings at eight o'clock. .^^ God save Uie King. Durham Local Option Stands Mr, Justice Teetzel has refused the a])plication to quash tho local option by law of the town of Durham. It was necessary to show that 28 votes were illegally cast. Eight of these were coiicodod as being illegally cast, by the town. It wivs shown that 18 voters whose names appeared as having cast their votes had no quaiificatiiui whatever, aud that ;<5 other^^ had not sulHcieut ipialification to enable them to vote. His Lordship said; " Tlie evidence shows that these uaiiies were put on without any color of justification. The , (mly explanation tho clerk offers of his ' extraordinary conduct is that they were ' not placed there with any intention of aiding either one side or the other in the Kaid contest. " His Lordship, however, decided tli.nt ho could not go behind tho voters' list to the roll, aud that those whose names appear on the former are entitled to voto. He concluded; " In view of tho unjustifiable and extraordinary conduct of respomlent's clerk in pre|mr- ing the voters' list, in adding a iianiu to it after it had been certified by the ' county judge, and in unlawfully giving certificates, thus enabling many persons to vote without proper authority, I think that while the motion must be refused, it .should bo without costs. " ' Twon'y-nino immiijrants from Ilia United Slates were sent back to Dulut'.i from Port Arthur. I>R- BUKLT Speclallit In diaoue* ol tba Eye,Ear, Nose and Throat Of f ioe 1 3 Froet at. - OiwenSountl At the Markdale house, Markdale, lit Friday each nonth from 8 to 12 a, ni. McFARLAND & CO. M/LKJKDA.LE ON'rAl<IO Price Inducements For the (Ueek. 30c FLOOR OILCLOTHS FOR 2ic. 1.38 yards Floor Oilclnth, 3fi inches wide, consisting of floral and block patterns, bought at a clearing priee and would sell in regular way at 3flc yd. While it lasts you can have your choice for (ler ynrd 21c. 37ic. WINDOW SH.\DES FOR 29c, 50 Window Shades in cream and trreeti. .36 inches wide, regular price 45 cents each, whilo they last only e*oh-. .... 2'Jc. 90c LINOLEUMS FOR 72c yd. '.)7 yards inediunj and dark fancy tihjck pi.ttern Linoleums, twn yards wide, an excellent wearing (juality, being extra heavy and has been sellimr at !)0c tho running yard. We have too many Linol- eums so have decided to put this lot on sale at per yard 72c. Reg. .30o TWEED FOli 22ic. Regular 30c Blue Serge and Fancy Stripe Tweed, 27 inches wide, for 22Ao 81.75 L \DIES DONG. BOOT for -$1.48. Ilegidsr $1.75 Ladies lino xuality, Doii- gola Kid Bcots, heavy sole, plain Vamps in medium width, all sizes, to clear per pair 81.48. SPECIALS: 75c Flint Glass Tumblers for 48c. 10c Ladies' Summer Vests for 5o 81.00 Moleskin Overalls for 82^0 45c Flannelette Sheeting', 72 ins. wide 29o Sl.OO to ?L50 Men'* Felt Hats for 68o. May's Seeds, per package Ic 2 pairs Ladies Hose for 25c. Note paper and Envelopes, per box. ... 5 Gents Ties, 2 for 25c. 12 Hat Pins for 4o Parties leaving trade ivith us and wanting Hard^vare can have some at trade prices. McFARLAND 81 COMPANY CEYLON'S NEW STORE MAROWiVRB People who are building this year .should call and get our prices for hardware before buying, as we can give you rock bottom prices on .same., BOOTS &, SHOES ^ We have a complete and up-to-date stock on hand. Give us a call and be convinced that our prices are V right. We carry a full line of seeds of all kinds. Highest prices paid for farm produce. A large supply of (lour and feed of all kinds, always on hand. Ceylon's Leading Merchants COX^I^I N^ SON BBOS Flesherton' s New Grocery Jlnd Ice Cream Parlor A place whore yon can got exactly -what you want at the very lowest price p<.8sibleand wiicre ipiajity and satisfaction is guaranteed. Come in and .see us, anyway. We want to get awpiaiiied with you. Give us a trial order, no matter how small. It will be promptly attended to and we know that it will bring you back again. We Buy as Low as wc Can -Thai's Pusiness Sense We Sell as Low as we Canâ€" That's Progressive Sonso You Buy as Low as Yon Can- That's Common Sonso Yju Uiiy From Usâ€" Tiiats' Dollars and Cents for Both of us Highest Prices Paid for all F.arin Produce. Goods Delivered all o\or town YOURS FOR BUSINESS O. J. SPARROW

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