Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 May 1908, p. 8

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May U 1908 FLESHEKTON ADVANCE VARICOCELE CURED mr NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His Home for Weeks. "noavy work, scTerc rtralnloi; and evil habits in youth brought on a (louiila vnricocele. When 1 vrorlted hard the achtuK woulil bocomo severe and I wai often laM up for a week at a time. My family Fhysiclftu toll mo an operation was my only hopeâ€" but I dreaded it. tried neveral gpcciailstJ, but soon found out all tliey wanted was my money. I coinnieuced to look upon all doctors as Uttlo better than rogues. On'! day my boss asked mu why 1 was oil work so much and I told him my condition. He advised mn to consult Mrs. Kennedy & Kennedy, a* hi) had taken treatment from them himself and knew they were squaro and skillful. 1 wrote them iinil RotTnE NewMuthod TkEATMtnT. My pr 'gri'ss wa3 somewhat bIoiv and during tlie first month's treatmont 1 was somewhat discou'ayel. However, 1 eon- treatment for three months longer and waa rewarded with a complete euro. I could only earn "518 a week in a machine shop t/C- for« ireatnieut, now I am earning S21 and never loso a day, I wish all sufferers knew of your valuable treatmont. _ UEKRY C. LOCCST. HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED? BLOOD POISONS arc the most prevalent and most serious diseases. Tliey sap the very life blood of the victim and unie«s entirely eradicated from the system will cause serious complications IJewaru of Mercury. It only suppresses the symptoms â€" oiu: NEW MlfrilOU cure-all blood diseases. yOUNU OB MIDDLE AOED MEN.â€" Imprudent acts or later cxcessoa have broken down your system. You feel the symptoms stealing over you. Mentally, physi- cally, an I vitally you ore not the man you used to be or sliould bo. Will you need tlie danger signals? nrinCD Aroyou avictimt Hove you lost hope? Are you Intending to marry f Has IILHULn your bl(xxl been discasodr Ilavo you any weakness/ our New Method Tbkatm r.sT will cure you. \\Tiat it has done for others It will do for you. Contultatiaa Fr««. No mntter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Fres of Charga. Book* Freeâ€" â- Tlic Oolden Monitor, " tlllustrated ) on DIseasesof Men. NO names: used without WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No names on boxes or envelop**. Evaryilunc confidentiaL Queiliso list and cott of Treatment FREE FOR HOME TREATMENT. DrsKENNEDY&ICEHIIEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit. Mich. llerrisBroSet Norris Bros., kMkm â- v^ In Sleighs, Buggies, Waggons, Harrows, Ploughs, Cream Sep- arators and Wire Fencing. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY iieard' s Carriage Works Tinsmiths and Hardware Merchants Oar Hardware slock is complete in overj detail. We raentioa a few liuc'S tliat '.vill be iii demand now that epring is with us. Daisy and Favorite Churns, Butter Bowla, Strainer Pailn and Milk runs, Washing Machines and Wringers, Carpet Pelt, Building Papers, I'AUOID ROOKING, Horse Clippers, Plough Lines, Axle Grease, Door Latches and Hinges, J3olt3 »ud Screws. Our oils are the highest quality money can buy and inolndo Raw and I'oilod Linseed oil, Castor oil. Turpentine and High Grade Oca! Oil, iVlachiUe and Cylinder oil. In Polishes and Varuiahea wo have the most complete lino ever shown iu town. A few lines are Stove Pipe Enamel, Varnish stain, and Grain- ing Colors, Aluminum Paint and Carriage Varnish and paints, Pulisli and Paste, Furniture Polish and Bath Enamel. Examine our Wire Fence before building any other. We wore fortunate in securing control of the best line of Paints on Uic market "Moor's Pure Linseed Oil House Colors." All we ask is that you try a small can of Moore's Paint against any otlurlino and if it does not prove the most satisfactory wo will clioorhilly rcfdiid the money paid for it. Come Here for a Square Deal. Fleshcrton. Owen Sound News The stables of the Carney Lumber Co. »t Owen Sound wers destroyed by fiio VVediiesday night of last week and 10 valuable horses burned. The huildina wns a frame structure, and burned very fiercely, biit as it w:-8 in an isolmed portion no danger to iho lumber yaul or â- mills ocv-uried. The lire is supposed lo have been caused by tramps, who evident- ly got ill vfhilo the watchman w«.s iii- sptctiiin tlie plicR, a fnw h^iurs before the tire wan discuvered, The loss is o.stiinated at 85,600, with an insurance of 8:5,200. Thomas McMillan, an employee of the Fiiidlny saw mills on St. Vincent street, was stripped of his clotbins! by having hii blouao ciuijht in a revnlvinn shaft in th« mill. He was badly shaken up and bruisoJ. A serious runaway occurred on Poulelt street, (Jivcn Sound. last week whi'e Mrs. Tlios. Hughes of I'lilaclava waa driving down the main thoroughfare. Her horse was frithtened I y some dogs, ran aw.iy arid dllided with a grocery rig. Tliu shaft of the '.'I'^cery wai;on pi-netrated Mrs. Hui^hes' side. She is not exp-'cted to recover. Later â€" Slia succumbed to her injuries. Flesherton Carriage Works CAlUilAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, IMPLEMENT ^ KEPAUtS, CKEAM SEPARATORS, Etc. Special attention given to HORSE-SHOEING and all kinds of REl'AIRS. \Ve have a now .stock of linggio.s in. Call and see them be- fore Imying. CREAM SEPARATORS-- We handle "the Mellotte." Getour our prices and tc^-ms. McTavish & Williams, Flesherton . Uet a thorougli busiuesa trainmi; at tli GRAY'S GARTLEY Monday â€" Will leave hi.s own stable and [iroceed to Wm. Moore's, Toroifto lino, for noon; thence to Abo Shearson's, Proton Station, for night. Tuesdivy â€" To Janie.s Longeway's, To- ronto line, for noon, John Little's for night. Wednesday- To Robert Fenwick's, 4th line, for noon ; Feversham for night. Thursdayâ€" To David MeMullen'a, l'2th con., Osprey, for noon ; Samuel Robert's, 10th con., Osprey, for night. Friday â€" To Martin Phillips' for noon and home for niglit. Saturday â€" To John McMillan's, Norih Line, for noon ; thence by way of Prico- ville to liis own stiible for niglit. Joseph Cairns, W. Field, Proprietor. Manager. DUNtIRE MAC MOKDVT, May 4-\Vill leavuliis owi> stablo. FloBlii'rloti ami procoel to Jim Stiuaon'a. Toronto lino for noou ; bhoiice down tbe pravel to to Victorift Corners, tbeu east down Soiitb Li..u to H. JarKson'B, for night. TUESOAYâ€"Ity Centre line to H. Down's for uoon; tliouce to M»wuli for nltjbt. WEDNKSDAY-ByHth liee to Wm. Magye's foruoou; tbejce borne for uiRbt- TIluKfiDAT-rp tbeRravel to Hill's corner, erosH to west back line and boinefor nlfibt. FHIDAY-To Dsve Hrrows. north line, for noon; tbonco to Jalm Hurnitt's, South Lino, for ui«ht. KATUUDAYâ€" By South Lino toltobt. VauBoX for noon; tbcnoe Loniu for night by way of Covloii. UUIINKTT & JIcMILLaN, W. UUIINKT r, J'roiniotors. MauoKor, Percy Performer No. [82'JO] E.H.S.n. and (203) C.H.S.D. Monday, May 4th, will leave Markdale llous.', Mark.ittle, and proceeil to Mun- sliaw's hiitcjl, Flesherton, fur nooii ; Max- well for night. Tuesday noon and nif;ht. Brown's Hotel. SinKhainpton. Wednesday noon, Campbell's Hotel, Duntrooii ; night. Cook's Hi'tol, CoUing- wood. Ihurcday nnoii, Arthur Stoutenhury's, Uank.i ; ni«ht, Charles Hill's, lot 17, on. 11, C'"lliii({wo(.d towiishii). Friday noon. Ujcklyn ; night, Jos. Manarey's, Goriiii(. Saturday noon, Mackdalo House, Mark- dale, wIhto ho win rein-tiu uniil the following Monday morinng. Tenii.t -To insure, ^12 00. See folder and bills. J. \V. Manariy, Puip., Markdale. Honor Rolls. Report of S. S. No. 7, Artemesia, for Aprd. Class 4 srâ€" A. Muir, E. Meads, A. Ma.'Millan. Class 4 jrâ€" C. Muir, M. Muir and K. MacMillan (. (ptal.^E. (tilchrist. Cla.>s 3 srâ€" 0. Oilcliriat, G. Whyto. OhiKS .3 jr â€" L. Mol^iiail, H. McLean, V. MoLnan. Class 2-3. Whyle, C. MacMillan, 1. Whyto. Pt. 2-D. MaoMillan, W. Parsh.w, E. Oiloliriat. I't. 1 .r- R. Dingwall, M. Whyte. Jr. H- n. Mead«, J. Whylc. Jr A-- E. Williamson. Eli/iiskth Scott, Teacher. PREPARE FOR POSITIONS rayinfrj form $;(,">. tti JKKI. per month by atteii ling the pupidar TORONTO. ONT, Tbi> •/l.oul is notril fjound near for the suparuir edniatlun given to tbnttndentaaiul lor the n^niirkulilnancceM nf iu irrailuatcii. Colle-.{e «iwn t'le entire year, llegin now. Our liainiiig will itake y»ii indatwndeiit. Write to 'lavforc«ti>Wue. W. J. KLLKHT, frincii*!, Cor YoDK* and Alexander flu. Courtes iudude everything esseiiliai to a ttmceiaful career. Hinulruds of young people are noeiied to Rup{dy the deiuand. The ci.urse-. ci at little. It will double your iiicoino and last you a lifetimu. Si udoutK admitted at any linio. Feraiiial instruction given. Preparat.'ry Dept. fiT those whose early education hua been neglectad Cuulopue fn o. 0. A. FLEMING, Principal, Owen Sound, , OiiUiio. A Prized Gm^Ii Cure "I b»ve not boen without a bottle of Ooltsfoote Expectorant in the house for over nine yiMra. At that time I pro«ux- ed rt for a bad cold I had. It worked Bueh wonders then th»t it has been a household retoedy ever riace, and wo will have oo other for coughs and ookto >â€" H is 80 pleasant to tako, and all of my ohUdr«n look for it m toon aa tbey set a cold »t all. Neany all of tham n«vo been mbjoet to cronp, and that's vfaan I And CMtsfoote ExjMftonwt uae- fol. You are waleoaaa to ua^ this ^stv- monial aa tou wiab." XB8. l^BWIS NIOH. FvM SM«ik af Csi^ifMl* Eipedorut will be sent to any person vending their name s«d addreas and naming this paper. It has established a wonderful reeord as a auoeessful cnre for coagbs, eoias, sor« throat , croup, whooping •ottgb, brooehitis and all irritated oon- ditioas of the throat and chest. It is the prescription of a great specialist ill medicine. At all good druggists, 2$t^ Dr. T. A. Sloeum, Liouted, TormitSk a«Bd for ZtM aMWi* T»4ajr< y< ere is our In your comb? Why so? Is not the head a much better place for it ? Better keep what is left where it beloncsl Ayer'sHair Vigor, new improved formula, quickly stops falling hair. There is not a particle of doubt about it. We speak very posi- tively about this, for we know. Dots not change the color of the hair. Ajilt him abovt It, then do AM be ssyo Indeed, the one t"ca' leading feature of our new Hair Vigor may will be said to be this â€" it stops fa'lir.'g hair. Then it goes one step furtherâ€" it aids nature in restoring the hair and scalp to a healthy conditio.i. .^sk for "the "new kind." by tho J. C. Ajer Co., Lowell, Uaaa. â- â- â-  Scottish Pride 65274 Tho yonns bnH ^''otti^h Pride will Bfcaurl for service at iir. K, w. liKliolPou'P, lot o"?, con. 5. Artomesla. Hcoiti.Oi piiJo Is «lve I by Scottifih I'riuce. a{nan<1^(>n rf th« woiiiierful aho-.v o«w, Gem tjf IluUHchiii, Imp., wiiinoi*i»f tight piizfi*^ At Toronto&nd I.t lidon. bffi'U:ti ixiTit- chaiup- ioM feiiiftk». Sho wii^hfl over liKft) pounds. Oue of tinw uo-s- H ralvea R-^ld for i?177.j.00. Scottish \>:i^•^ is out of Laly Talla by the Toronto fliat pr-zfs winaor, ('aptitiu May Fly. imp. 28858. Ttin youuff bull litts proved hlui- Bclf a sliowbnTi liavin^ sained an eiicoura^iiiM iccori thie ful. a*. rHveiBham. He won ttrst prizpaB best buil <-a\U al»o diploma for bjst Imil Huy aKO. I iiose having pure tu'vH cowei sboubl Boti tbi» <;'-A'id bull bofoie breeding ks th<y cannot do b-.-tcnr t'-un use him. A limit* d numbor of jirft.t.-'-i vvlii b-j tUtoa ab dl;25; For pure breds. $l.t>._t. Thompson's Bakery <X> All Those Indebted to the Uundersigned MUST Settle as Cash We Must Have. oo Ed. Thompson, Flesherton ^' The ninnehaha Washins; riachine Is liiiiiiethin^ entirely nt'W and iu a Ball- Ijc'ariiii;, IXmble Acting, CorruKated Machine â€" Thcooly one miule in which the centre ixiut moves in the opposite direc'^iim t> the tub. ThiM machine is very neat and weighs only 43 Ilia. Call and take one home with yon, giye it a thorough test. Tliat's the way to find ont, foryourself, the many good (inalities of the Minnehaha WiwhinK Machine. Sole agenta tor Flesherton Norris Bros., hardware and Titismiths. FURNITURE The largest and liest stock (if Furniture ever shown in Flesherton. This without fear of con- tradiction. Couio and see some of the nice things in Side Boards, Dining Room Chaus, Parlor Setts, Bed Room Setts. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the stock. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER ^ mmM Ciirofully Corrected E.' ch Week ''â- '"'â- ' 43g'o 45 f -•"' . . 80 t.i 80 ''â- ^rh-y CO â-ºâ€¢.. BO ^^'h-^Ht <J0 90 JI".v 14 00 ..16 (Xj Butter 24 '!â-  24 El'^m, fresh k; ,., ifj P' tatoes per bag Tot) 7.1 <jee.'<e 9 I, If ^»'^\ia <) t„ 9 Chickors W u> ID T^irkeys 13 tc Ki B(; Cards vi juLLOucm A you!-ra •"• Bankor Marlirtalo Jo a general banking business. Moncv locneo » roasoualija rata Oall on as. f iJIilSLETT, * • PoBtmasier, '^eyloo. OomuiHsjouer in H, O. J .Convevareer, rfRcils, nrortpwes, IraRCH, wilia etc. carefully Jrawn up -oiucLioua n a.i:-. cbaigea r..aKoniil-lt-. AleO p 3 81'IiOULB "' i'ostniastur, Flesherton .oiumiasiooer in H.d J., Aaotion-i-r Con- veyaecpr, Apjiraiser and .Money I.eiirter Kual tstato ami Insurance i\gei:t. De< da i-Jorti;aisea. leases an-l wills carefuily drawn op am valuations made ou «i,orte: r cc5iee mcnc? to lonn at lowest latf â-ºâ-  of int^i wt. Col u-.tii.n attmidoil to with pr. nmtn.-P9 caarpes low. Agent tor Ocesn'^ lomiuioD 8t«amahip Conijiany. A call aolicilci. Q JlcPrTVTL An,y i'D-j.-or f^ th^ ,. i^onntc of O.ey. Terms modi-rafe uo.l i-aiiaraotion Kuaranteed. q h« arra- .{omentB "lil ""C" "' '•"â- 'â- "^ <•'«•" b" male a* Taif Anv4:.CT5 ..m.e, KeKidBUceaiidP.C., Covlon, Tcleuhoue connection. ' Dec. G,07. h^V^ K'WKRTS. lioenpe.1 am-tionaor for " ^^^ovOou^l^,y. Promp5atten:l.)M aiv^n alf -".lee eut.iist.,d to my car.., An-iuRu-jiauta can 1-e nia-lc at this office. Vy 'I- K HI TlfiG, LioeuRod Anotioneer. Kal'S coii.lucturi on lowest tonus -Satisfacti.iii Kua.aiiteed. Foyersham, P. O., ton. |o lot Li. I H.\IlVr.Y PERia(3E, Pl^i^^m '' lusurance. Beal estate and stocks Con- veyancor. Loans and Collections, Write for rates on bira. Life or sick Ucneflt insurance, iii-tter contracts and lowjr rates ou Urotli- sjraiicenow. Medical |E CARTER „.» il Cr &, Surgeon,o Omco and residoneeâ€" Peter at., Fleshorton D J P OTTEWELL ' Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Collags, residence â€" SMoud door south west on Mary street. This street runs BoiitJi Presbyterian Church. g WILSON, Ulacksmith • 'Graduate of the Veterinary Science Association llesidence, Durham street, posito Hoyd, Hlokliiig's hardware. op- Dentistry r)r. B. C. MURRAY L. D. S., dental BurReoii " lienor Kiaduato of Toronto University and itoyal College of Dental Suij^oons of Ontario, (las al ministered for teeth extraction. oiUce at rusiience, To ronio js oi'k.'I uaartou Legal r UCAS WRIGHT A McAEDLE " Barristers Solicitors Conveyancers, etc OIHcesâ€" Owen Sound, Ont and liaikdaleOut W H VVkioht, McArdlk I B Ldoa N nâ€" t'lesherton ollice. Mitchells auk »verv Saturday. Societies A O U W meets on the last Monday f in eacn mouth, in their lo.j(;e room, Christoe's block. Flesherton. at 8 p.m. M.W Frank Chard ; Sec. T. Wakoly, l-i iianeieri W.J. Bel. amy. VieittDB brethren invited. DKINCK ARTHUR LODUE, No. :)33, aFa I AM, meets in the Masonlcball. Strain's block, Flesherton, every Friday ou or before thefull mocu. VV A.Aruiscroun, W M.; Herb, omith. Secretary. not:RT:FLRSHERTON, 095, I. oT K u^eetTlu "•laytons Block the last Wednesday eveninit of each month. Visitiug Foresters heartily wcloQine. H. R. Dyson; B. S., 'i\ Hetry; tin. bee., C. N. iliohardsou. Ploase pay dues to Flu. Sec. before the first ilay of the mouth. QHOSEN FUIBNDS-Fleshertnn Council of W'n.sen Friends meets in Claytons Imll first ana third Wednesday of each mont 8pm J ay assessments to the Recorder ou or before .n°°„!''f' ; "â- 'â-  "' "*'='' month. Chief Counclller r. Blakaloy: Recorder, W. H. Uunt. S U M MiRTyfoCK] Of Sweat Pads, Collars, Plon linos Dash Aprons, Rubber Ruejs. Dusters fly Npts, Hoof Ointment. Axle Grease. All kinds ot Harness and Repairing, O. |W. Phillips HARNESS GOODS Bifl St ock ' = Bes t $tdcli Bells, Blankets, Robes Fur lined coats, pocketbooks, •atoheta, nusor strops and other leather ((onds. Cuttertâ€" bett makes- and everytMno In the harness line. *% TAOOHE, tFiesiverton OtiL /'

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