Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 May 1908, p. 7

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Dyeing I Cleaning I Vw tk* nit kMt ••â- 4 |r«w «ork to tk« '•niTMH AMIRIOAN DTIINO M." bob Nt atMt la r*ar Iowa, M wa* 4tfM*, llMte«al.T«ronto. OtUw«, Qa*tm Send 35 cents for 190S edition of 5,000 Facts About Canada Frank Yeigh'3 woiiderfnl cnmptlatfon o( everything About Canada in 'j imtfihell. 'ZO.Otxi tiuui in 11)07. Agenta wari^ott. Libsr- al tarma. CANADIAN FACTS PUBL<«HINQ CO,, 607 Spaplna Ave., Toruiito. â- WANTEDâ€" tohMrfrom ownor having QOOD FARM I for sale. Not particular aboot lacAtlon- I Please give price and deacrlptloa, aud r«a< leon for setlinff. State when posNessioo cao |ba bad. WilTdeal with owners only. L. Darbynhire, Box 9S4, Buohoster, N. T. /'syCCSSSOJta^ TO ^TAJVO CAKOC CO PETERBOROUGH OWADA ! The Beat and Cheapest Canoes. SkiffisMatmcheaSrc. SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND (iET OUR, PRICES BETORg BUYING FREE BOOK " HOW THE BANK WAS SAVED" Tells how a young man sav<Hl the bank by a wise investment. Every stock buyer and irveslor should read this book. Not for •ale. Sent Iroc on request. Your â- name on a poetal will bring it. Write to-day a W. BAIkKY 1S1 RUItMiy liohans* •Ids., Oanvar, eol«. A. J. PATTISON & COMPANY BANKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS 33 SCOTT STREET, TORONTO PHONE M 1311 Slocks bought an<l soW on New Yorl<, Boiton, .Monlreul ami Toronto Stcx;k E.xcliaiigcs 'or cash or margin. Orders lor Cobalt Storks execut- ed .on Toi(Mi(o .Mi|iino Kx- Rhanoe or .Boston and New York curb (or cafih. PRIVATE WIRES. Correspondentsâ€" Chn-s. Hond h Co., rncnibeis uf llie Now York and UoaltJii .Slock Exchungo. PA.S.S1.NG OF TIIK PATE.Yr. Iligginsâ€" "What are you blacking those shoos lorâ€" aren't they patent Icu- tlici-7" \Vi,fjgins~"rhey were, but the pat- ent liu.s cxpii-e<l.'' PILES CURED IN 6 TO M DAYS. ^AZO OINTMKXT l> guarantaail In cars %ny eu6 ol Itchinz, Blind. Blasding or Piotading Vlluln< to U dkji ornijney lafundsd. suo. AN ARCTIC RONtANCE. A r«lh«'''C' tale of Ii,squiiiiau love is t«.'.ld by I-ieul. Shnckleton, the lender of aai Arctic <'Xi)«diti<)n. A young Ksqul- inau loved nn E*(iuininu lass, but us he hiid not the iiece-s.-^ary number of » (o provide tho niari-ingo por- tion ruiuiiwi t;y her father lie met with ro cncounigenienl from Ihc slern par- ent. .\ jnwning chiu^iti .sepuriileJ thi.' respective dwellings of the ardent lov- er and his tx'kivcd, which coiiW l)e crossed only by n sn<jw bridge. The youlh conce ved a plan. lie would ci'0;«b the snow bridge in tho night, aixluct the girl and after reoi-o-ss ng destroy Ihc bridge and .so prevent jiur.suit. He car- ried the plan into offeet. One night ho crossed tho bridge, inviuk-d tho hut of Black Watch "Biggest and Best" Plug Chewing Tobacco his id<jl, seized a sleeping bag and de- parted, destroying tlie bridge after lie had ciossed. Then ho opened llic slee|)- jng bag and dixjovered that he had ab- ductedâ€" lAOt Iho girl, but the old muni They are r.nwfiilly Prepared.â€" Pills which dis,si))aio thein.sclves in the sto- mach cannot be expected lo have much effect upon tho intratines, and to over- oomc costiven<^s the medicine ndniin- i.slercd influence the action of these canals. Parniclcc's Vegetable Pills are so made, under the .supervis- ion of experts, that llio substance in llicni inU>ndiHl to operate on tho intes- tines Ls retarded in action until they pu-s-s through the stomach to the bow- els. Willieâ€" "I say, father, what is the dif- fei'ence betwo<'Ti 'well and 'good ?' Kullierâ€" "I have noticed, my son, thux abiut the only lime when you are good IS when you are not welU'' TO Ct'RE A COLD IN ONE DAY Tska tAXATIVR BROMO Qulaina Tablata. Druggiatu refund moiioy tf it falu to euro. S. W. aUOVB'y algiutura i« on «acb box. ZSo. The young girls air was pensive. "To-morrow," she said, "Reginald will conduct nie lo tho allar. There," she added, smilingly, "his leadorsliip will end.' r^et a coal of paint liim ycur house into a home. Let Itarnsay's Paints do It for you. They nre made for purity •i style, purity of color and wear and li'ar. Every can giuirant<'ed. Your liealer has them. Write .\. Ramsay & S-'on Co.. Montreal, for pack of .Souvcn if Picture Post Cards of Homes. "Mamma,' .said little FIsie, "do men ever go to hoiiven?" "Why, of course, my denr. W'liat makes you ask?'' "Be- cause I never .see any pictures of an- gels with whiskers." "WeO," said the mother, thoughtfuUy, "some men do go to heaven, but they got thci-e by a close shave." A small Pill, but Powerful.â€" They that judge of the powers of a pill by I's size, would con.~ider Purmelee's Ve- getable Pills lo be lacking. It is a Ut- Ic wonder among pills. What it lacks m size it makes up in potency. The remedies which it carries are put up .1 these small <loses, because they are K. powerful that only small doc^s are required. The full strength of the ex- tracts Ls secured in this foi-m and do their work thoroughly. Sheâ€" "1 dreomt last nigh! you present- oj ine with a lovely walking costume.' Heâ€" "You did. ch? Well, try again to- night, and .-^eo if you can dream who the Piischicf is going to pay fij- it these h;ird times." ITCII, Mange, rralrle .Scratches and every form of contagious Iloh in human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- Irrd's Sanitary Ixition. H never fails. Sold by all druggists. Rarler- "I'relly short, sip?'- Clislo- merâ€" "Well, y.'.s, 1 uni. Just put it d'Avn on the slati.', will you? Much bbligcd lo you for speaking of il. ' A Lim.K OCIET Is the best of all diet, yet It will act make 1)11110 and murtcle but " l''erruviui " will. Try it. All drug and genariU storaa. Vl bottles. There are a pe,o<l mnny men behind tilt bars in this giorious land of the fi'oe. II Retains Old and Mnkes New Friends.â€" Time wa.s wlien Dr. Th imas' Eclectric Oil had hut a small liefd of distribution, but ntiw its territory is widespread. Those who lirst recogniz- ev! its curative tpnilitics slill value il as 11 specific, and while it. relains its old friends it is ever making new. It is ccrlnin that whoever once uses it wUi not be without iU F.vr.M,. .Nell â€" "A gill shouldn t marry a man till she Knows all about hnn." Belle â€" "t^Hid giaoious! If sh':" knew all atxjul Iniiii she wouldn't wanl lo nioi'iy him.' We have no hosiU'ition in saying that Pr J. I). Kollogg's Pysenlery (.xirdial is wilhoiit d<iiibl the best medicine ever iiilroduced for dy.'^'ntcry, dlarrh<;ea, cholera and all .vunimer complaints, sea sii'Uiiess, etc. II promptly gives relief and never fails Ic effect a positive cure M<.thers should never 1» without a bot- tle when their cliildron arc teething. GROWN UP WITH HIM. An Irislmiiiii was in tixjubl'" about a gun found in his p<lS^cssion. The law: unlorluiiately for him, adopted the un- kind suggestion that he had .stolen it. While awaiting his trial, he wiis visit- ed by a fiieiid, who ui'ged hini to .'iUaJ- t.istly adhere lo tho slulenunt that he had owned Ihc gun for years. The friend, furlheiiiiore, ciUsJ how he hiiu- solf, when in similar dilliculty oboiil. a hen, had invseivcd both the hen and his ehiiracler by .swearing he had pos- scs-sed the bird .•â- iiice it was a chicken. The wLsdoni of this advice was imI Uisl on Pat, and lie iK'ncoforth regarded hus trial with Ihe .setlled serenity of, i? nol conscious innocence, sanguine nn- licipati.n. On Ihe day appoinlod, when conclu- sive evidence agmnst liiin had Ix'eii lon- dcretl, ho wus u.sUod formally whclher h' hnd anything lo sny f< r him.sclf. Pat throwing a glance of shrivelling con- tempt nl the prosecutor, tuined lo Ihe judge anil said: "Tho mans a perjured villain, yer hon- or. That guns bin in my jHi.ssission, ytr hon<d', ivcr .s'incc it W{is a pi-slol. ' Us difliiuH f< r a silver-longwd ora- tor to make short work of a speech. POLICE SPIES IN PARIS. Legithnist Leader Mystified Over a Reve- lation by Prefect Lepinc. Paris Gil Bias gives the worUI an il- lustration of Ihe working.s of the Trench .secret police in an anecdote which il publishes with an a.s.surance that tho incident happened tecenlly. A distinguished member of Parisian society .s<>iit out invitations tor a large .soiree at Jus liouse in Iho Kuubourg .St. Gcruiiun. He is a legitimist, and il was hardly concealed Ihut Ihe gathering wfij lo have a certain loliticul slgniUciinee. .\s soon as he heard nl it Police Prefect I.epUie called upon the host and with ihe utmost politeiu'ss .solicited a coupl? of invitations for agents on his staff. ".Monsieur le C/jinte." .said he. "I givs you my word <.jf honor the men to whom 1 (nli'ust them will look like perfect g<iill<m'~'n; liny will act like gonllemen; in a word, lliey will be worthy of the iMnor you confer on them by making them yjur guests.' The Cxjunl wu.s very haughty, how- ever. He explained with ill conceuied disdain Ihat his party would be made up of the bluest blood in France and any ouljjider would be at once conspicu- ous. M. I.epine appeared lo be convinced; at least l-.e \ ieldod (he point gracefully, merely adding: "At lea^t, .Monsieur 'e Comte. you will allow me lo see the list of >-oiir guests. My duly compels nic lo know who will bo thcw." Monsieur le Comle made no objec- tion. He pis>duccd the I st and Lepino scanned il carefully. He was wi'caihed in smiles as he returned it. With many low^ hi' apologized for having troubled Monsieur le Comle. "11 was so unnecessary." said he. "I really would have no for these in vilatii'in-i. f .<^ee llial Monsieur le Comle already has on his list of gueats the names of five of my most trusted obser vers.'' Tie C/Mint and his friends have been wondering ever since whether this was IHerally true or whothei* it was a .shivwd device to render the gathering innocu- ous. THE DOOR TO OUR FEELINGS. Every person's feelings have a front door and a side door by which they may !>> entered. The front dcot is on tho slroel. .Sf«mo keep it always open, some keep it latched, some locked, some belled with a chain that will let you peep in but nol get in, and .some nail it up, so that nothing can pass its thi-eshold. This front door leads into a possago which opens into an ante- room, and this into the interior apart- ments. The side door opens at once into the secret chamber. There is al- most always one key to the side door. This is carried for years hidden in a mothers losorn. Fathers, biolhers, sis- U rs. and friends, often, but by no means so universally, have duplicates of it. The wedding-ring conveys a right to one; alas, if iiono is given with il! Bo very careful to whom y<iu trust one of those keys of the side d<;or. "A man .should thnk twice before he speaks.' ".\nd' a woman throe limes be- toro she sings." The never failing medicine, Hollo- way's Corn Cure, removes all kinds of corns, warts, etc.; even the most difll- cull lo remove caunol witlisland this wonderful remedy. Husbandâ€" 'The doctor told me I must go to a 'rcsYciire.' ' Wifeâ€" "Did he look ut your tongue?" Husbandâ€" "No; I tuld him about yours.'' ONE OF THK BKST old time remedies for all) fiklnatfectioua, such as Kczeraa. Ringworm, .Soald- lead aiiU similar affections is Weaver's Cerate. It is an ointment that has brought laliel to thousands. It is said to be unlucl»y for .nny one to put up nn umbrella in a roomâ€" ex- cept an auctioneer. WHAT CAUSES nEADACBB. Vrom October t» May. Colds are tbe most fra* quent cause of Headache. I.AXA'riVB BROMO ^UUIIMK remoTes cause. K. W. Orora on box SM If a girl is pretty she knows it just n.s well as a man do^, hut .slie won't think any the les.s of IiUn if he tells her so. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator diies not require Ihe help of any pur- gative medicine lo c<iinplete Ihe cure. Give it a trial and be convinced. WH.VT IT SAYS. .Smawley â€" "Do you believe that money talks?' .\rduppâ€" "You bet, I do. I no soon- er get my han<is on a dollar than it suys 'Good-bye.' " Once in a great while a married wo- man admils that she doesn't wish she had remained single. issi*: iNo. a^08. QUEEN OF ACTRESSES PRAISES PE-RU-IMA. AKT remedy th>t benefits digeatlon strengttaeoa the aerrea. Tbe nerre centers reqolre nntriUon. If the digestion is impaired, tbe nerre centers bocome â- aanalo, snd Indigestion is tbe result. Poratm la aot a nerrlae aor a ttlaatlaat. H beaetttm the aervca by bemetUing tHgemtkut. sseeeeee«>> •â- â- â- eeesssise I Pemna baes the stooaiMsh of cstarrhal congasMooa uid aoamal digestion is the result. In other words, Pemn» goes to tbe bottom of tbe whole dilScalty, when the dlsagresabls symptoma dUsppear. Mrs. J. C. Junlson, CI Marchant street, 'WstsonvUle, Csl., writes : "I WBS troubled with my stomach fox six years. I tried many kinds of medl- olne, also was treated by three doctors. "Tbey said that I bad nerroos dys- pepsia. I was pat oa a liquid diet for three months. "I ImproTed under tho treatment, bul as soDU as I stopped taJtlng the medl- dne, I got bad again. "I took the medicine for two years, ^en I got sick again and gare np all hopes of getting cored. "I saw a testimonial of a man whos* oaoe was similar to mine being oured by Pemna, so I thouRbt I wonld give it a trl4i. "I ppoenred a iMttle at ones and oom- moneed tailing it. I bare taken sereral botties and am eatlraly cured. "/ Imve Mtoatf ta Ureagtb aad\ teeiate a dttforeat oeraoa. I b. Mere Paraaa U all ibat la otatwea{ forIL" Norylnes, such as coal tar prepara- tions, ave doing a great , doal of harm. Sleep medicines and headache powders aro sU alike,â€" hnart depresaahte, and should nut be used. Tho nerrna would be ell rlnht. If tho dlgoetlon wero good. Peruna correots the digestion. WANTED Our readers to note ihol tho celebrated Fi-onch remedy, PANGO, which has been and is sold under a guaranteeâ€" that in cases where the outward applicution. as directed, failA to relieve pain, moneys paid will be refundedâ€" still stands. In no case, not- withstanding the large ano increasing .sale, has a refund been asked for. Recommended for neuralgia, headache, rlieumatism, gout, catarrhal colds, stiff joints, etc. Ask your druggist for a sample and do not accept a substjlulc. You will bo pleased with It. Price 25 and 30 ocnis. The Pango Company, Toronto or who lesale Lynian, Knox & Clark t>on. Limited, Toronto. Lyman Bros. & Co., Mobtneal; Toronto. The Utility of tlie Bicycle Was nevor more assured than al the present lime. The man. the dockir. the curate, the teacher. Ihe farmer, tho Jacks of all trades ride tho wlu-el. The bicjcle savesi time and money and puis you on the highway lo" econ'imy. For llie odd message lo the store or into town. I*ir a hurry call or iniporlant eiigagenient, the wh.el solves the pixjblem. Consider these peerless models built in rigid and cu.-^hion frames: â€" IVIiissey Stiver Rilihon, Clpveland, Porferl, Bmnlford, Imperi- al iind ll.tmbler- -Ihe wlieels for service. Canada Cycle and Motor Co., Limited WEST TORONTO, - CANADA. WRITE FOR BOOKLBT 'B"

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