METALLIC CEILINGS Are Artlsti^y DURABLEp SANITARY, and FIREPROOF Easily appliedp Osnnot Crack nor Fail Off 8»nd urn a sk«toh showing ahsise and exact roaa^aramanta af ycOr aalllngs or walla, fm4 wa will aubmU daalgna, esvmataa and llbiatratad booklat (ra*. WRITE US NOW Metallic Roofing Co Mannfaciarera LtaMTBO TORONTO &; WytNIPEO DOWN TUIC VISTA OF THE ACES. (By A. It(«nkcr). To (ho5« who t8k« nn intorcit in Ihc history of tho remote and in KhmpKing d-own the dim vista of llfiM;. ;i day spent In the gront inaseiini at Cairo IS n (l«y <>t kewi crnti/lcalflon nnd ©njoynK'nt. Knlering lt>3 splendid and ina-fllve vo^libule Ihe visitor Is Immedi- airly in an nlmo^hcro of antiiquily, and surrounded witti relics both of llio v«ry dawn of civilization mvi also ol <tif more rWlinxJ and arlk<tic period of Ithoso (Powerful nionarctia wtwjue con- (juif.sls rals.;d E^ypl to Ihe zenith of Its jpcwpr, and wha^e iiia.ssive nchlevo- njonls remain to this day tilnioit lui- t'rticliod by tho disintegrating and do- Bj/oliing of time. Hero for liLsianoc Is a innj!nin''cnt Plate rli^rtot, its g^lldpd frontal of loa- IImt enii>3s.sed with warlike figures or Willi nn nrtLslic design; perhaps the v^ry (harlot <in which Ihe Great Itaines- cs cnty>er'\l at tho hcaiJ of his vicl^'rioii-s ainiy llir.ugh the palm-boidorod <ivin- utb ',f Meniptiii.s after soiii'' great con- Qiii"»t; li*r<» a nuinl)er of ctts«?s of valu- lihle nnd handsome Jrwcllery, worn by Ihf (lueens and prinoesse.s <J Ivgyi)! in IIm) « days of regal .splendor; or lie;c ii icreji of painUid jjiopyrl, still fiesh nnd Lr ghi, n<.'\iring the fanciful experienci; « f the .s«jiil after death, and dei)>ictiiig |i-> apj)earnnco t)ofore a strange and tlieui! trihiiiial, which is Uj uJjudieale uj on its linal doom. Unl of inllnilcly greater jjiterost Ihnn any other object In that wonderfii' r.iiseum, are tt)e three embalmed bod- iesâ€" not inummicjj, but tho nctiinl bud- It*â€" of i;gyprs greatest I'haroahsâ€" .Sell I., tlio builder of .somo of the llii- rst of tlie tnmplee. the .sword-cleft in hito sUiill by which he was slBiin In but- tle plainly visible; Ilnmese.s the (jreni, Ihi' Phnrnah of llie oppression, who oiderci tlK) Isrnolilei Co make bricks wilhuut .straw; his fealurijs Indicating Biroiig Willi power nnd deteriniiuUioii; and Aleiic^ilitliiih, the I'hiiroali of the exodiis, and. Unit Ix'ing .so. the man-- the very man who said i<> Moses, ".See liiv face no nH're; In that day tliou 6<M'.>t my fa<e llvou .shall <lie.' .\hljii- ti ' thought the monarch when lie .sent his host In pursue the lsra«-lilcs through Ihe yawning gorge cleft in Ihe blue wuliT.s of 111.) llc<l .Sea that after a of three thnusnnd four buiulied years he him.self should be. exi.<i.sed to th< giize of, nmongst olh«^rs»inaiiy of the <lc"eeii<l.'inls of lh<>s(> very lsrai'lil<'.s when ho .^t \ainly ntUinpttxl to de.stniy. And as the vissilor coiilemplate-s Hint sullen nrimibonl llgun' tlio thought may lorhips Hash through his iniud that that race. u|vmi which ho so iiii- potently vent-'. I his anger, was Ihc race through which I1k> ,'^iin of (Jod electotl Ij H.ssume fur a time our human nature; and in tlinl nature, with n Icne and comles'ciision'lher Ijey.'iid our conijiryhcnslon. ns our great .Snbslilute, »â- : l« .sc>iirg;d an I eriieilled. Hint by lii& stripes we might le ln;aled. and liy His aton<iiienl we might be panloned <ind uccepletl. ^ â€" PNKIMOMA lilCn.M I^CATKD. CiiiKigo Doflifr Advances New Theory of Dlseose. Th<> nnnounc<'inenl of a new theory OS I ) the cMust- of pneuiiioiiia and Iho ^ di.s<'o\eiy of a remedy for Ihe di.seiuso was mad.; the olher night at a meeting of Ihe Chieiigo .Medical Socioly. Dr. II. .Manning Kish, wluo "made the announeement.s, Uneki'd up his a.s.ser. Ikins with a detailed de.seription of a cnso of nciite imeumonitt, which, he <le. dared, had been euie<l in twenlv-four houis liy means of Ihe simple nitlluid Which be deM:ril>od. Dr. I'ish declared that Ihe seal of Iroiitile in imeimi'jnia ciuscs was not, n.» Is gciierully .supi<«.sed, in the lungs, tut in the small cells In the bony framework at tho t/op of the nose. Tho pneuMiocoeru.'.. <,r disease germ, he .said, was not h.'irinfnl, except when pejil no In a cell of this sort. Tlven, he ex- f.lained. it nehd like nn explosive, lie- gon to expan'l, nnd was absorbed by Iho blood, and lycame one of Ihe most dsngerou.s of disease germs. "Kropi lh^^sfl Oi^lls the disease works rapklly down lo tl>e lungs, and to all «)>l>enranceR. these organs (minedinle- Ijr bcnnie Ihe .voat of trouble,'- .said Ihe filiysiclnn. "H<iwevcr, Iho fuel which \n feenllng Ihe llam<'S of still is licing fiiiTilshed from tho cells ut Ihe top of Ihe nose. •The .simp'c remedy, con.scquciilly, is to draw this d.ingerou.s piLs Irxun Uiese Mllfit. Xbal is what was dune in the tn^ which I have described, and In twenty-four hours tho dUease had dis- appeared. Tlie lungs, of course, were still affected, nnd it took days before tho patient finally was able to leave his UhJ." lAPANESK WO.MAN TIIIEP. C.nplnin o( a Rnnd nf Pemnle Kobbers VIkiI llnd .moleii From 100 Uoiises. A woman name<l Tora (or tiger). wIk) ha<l coine lo be knovvn in tho robber that ehc had Joined as "Tora, the St.T|>cnt,' has just been ar- rested by Ihe Kojlmachi police in tno grounds of Ilachiman Temple, Fukuga- wa, .says Iho Japan Times. In her early yc.irsâ€" she is now 43â€" she was very beautiful, nnd held many Situations n.s a Jiurse, always with a good name for industry anil faithful- It was her good looks and an admirer that brought her dismissal by her ma-ilcr, and from that time siic lurn&l lo jnal<ft tier living by prey. At Ihc age of 30 sho was captain of a gang of female thieves. At Kama- kura atie saw an old gentleman and prelendixl to be in a lit. He tended her kindly, but while he was bu.-sy she ab- slracled £10 from his bag. With this money she travelled lo Iho capital, where .she conlinued her depradation.;! .'^ho call d at the house of Count .Mal- sudaira and. her.solf as a peor woman deserted by her husband, worked upon Iho sympathy of tlie coun- tess, who engaged her as handmaid S\u soon gained the esteem of the fam- ily, wlvo treated her iiljiiost us a relative. AIUt a few months the wlwle lioiisc- hold went on a flower viewing excur- sion, leaving Tora aloiio at homo. She proceeded to collect all Ihe valuuble.s sho could lay hands on, loaded them on thro.^ large wagons, and made off. A tentcnco of imprisonment did not alt<,-r her, and l>efore her last arrest sho had lobbrd nearly n hundred houses and stolen nioivey and gootl.s ani'iiinting to thousand-s of pound.s. .Sho now ex- presses a desire to marry a certain hum- ble, honest citizen. SKIN ERUPTIONS AND PIMPLES Disappear Under a Treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Tlicr<" can be heiillh und vigor only Winn Hk' MiV)d Is rich and re<l. Pheie nro thiusun<ls of .voiiiig men jusl up- pronching manh<jud who need the ricil, red blood thul only Dr. WilUams' I'iiik I'iUs can make. Th<'y have no energy; tiiTo out at tlie least exertion, and who ftrl by the time lliey tuive done their day's work, ns though tho <lay was a week long. In some cases there is <i further sign of danger in the pimples and disfiguring eru])tijn.s which break oiil nn tho f<iee. are certain signs that bloo.! is nut of order nnd that a comide'.e breakdown may n'.sult. In this euKirgeney Dr. Williani.s' Pink fills is the modioine young men should lake. Thcsi- j)ilLs actually make rich, red blood. They clear the skin o' pimples and eruptions nnd bring lieallh, strength and energy. Here is llw exp<'rieTi';e of .\dolplie Ilollan<l. of SI. Jerome. Que., who .«Jiys; "Kor more than a year 1 suirere<l from general weiikiie.s.s, and I gradually grew .'X) weak that I was forc<\l to abandon ni) work as a clerk. My opiK-lito failed me, I had occasional violent headaches nnd I began to .suffer fi'om indigestion. I was failing .so rapidly that I liegun lo fear thai consuniptiun was fa.stening ilself upon me. Our fain- ll> doctor treut<'d me but I did not gain uiKler hLs care. I w.i.s in a very ilis- e<uragiiig state when a friend finm Moiilival came to m'o me. Ho strong- ly;d me lo try Dr. Williams' Pink I'ills. I did .so and inside of three wi e|<s I b"gaii to feel better, my ap- [Klite iH'gan to improve and 1 .s<'cnied l<i have a f*^ling of new courage. I oonlinued Ihe pilN till I had taken ten 1 oxe.v and I am now enjoying the ft'st health I ever hiid. My cure siirpri.sod loeiiy of niy friends who began lo re- },nr<l n;e lus incurable, and 1 .strongly advise dtlier young men who are weak lo foll.AV inv example and give Dr. \\illiaiiis' l>in"k fills a fair trial.' Bad lluiKl is IIk" cause of all eoninrm dis- eases like an.-K'mia, 'neadiiches, neural- gia, rheumatism, sciatica, indigestion, all nervous troubles, general an<! the .sp«Yiul ailments that only wo- men folk know. Dr. Williani.s' I'ink fills are the one cure, U.-eause (hey go right to the iviot of the IroiiJilo in tlie blood. They ehango Ihe bad blood In- to g<vad blood, and thu.s bring heo'lli. strength and energy. Vou can get these liills from any iiK-dicine dealer, or tiy mail at Mc a box, or .six l>oxes lor Si. 50 fr<mi tlie Dr. Williams' Medicin* Co., Urtxikville, Ont. SliN'DAY LAUOn. r.Iank, rlank, clank! What dreadful sounds are these, breaking the stillness of the Sunday af- ternoon? In \iinR\c, Mrs. Maelarly leaves the fireside and goes in search <if tho ('! Ihe disturbance. In the gnrden slie llnds her husband nailing u board on the boltom of a bariviw. "Donal, man," she says, "yc'ro niuk- in an awfu' row. Whal'll Ihc neigh- bors think?" ".Never miml Ihein, Kirsly." .siiys IVju- ald "I niJiun get my biiira' nien'it." "Oh. but Donal',' .says Kirsly, il'.s very wr<ing to work on the Sawbulh. Vc ought lae .scrcwsl"' A woman for driving bargains and a man for drivlAii naiU. GIRL VISITS CANNIBALS BKATniCE filU.M.SIlAW CALLS O.N N.\TIVES 01'" GOARI-UAni. They arc Very Fond of Human Flesh Cooked WUh Sago and I>crsist in the Diet. From a letter just received in Lon- don, England, from Ihal adventure- loving Irish girl, lioalrice (Jriuishaw, who writes stories of the South Sons, it api>c-ars that jIh) has boeti enjoying herself in her own peculiar way in and around .N'ew fiuinea, which is to' be Ihe scene of the novel she is now writing. Her letter, which is dated from the Gu;f cf faupn, is, in part, as follows: "Day before yesterday wo called at Goari-Bari, a notorious place, where Cl.aliners, the famous missionary, was eaten In 1902, and when; u terrible fra- cas with natives occurred in ItKM, vu- suiting not long nft<-rward in the sui- cide of Governor Hob ns^n. II is an is- hind close lo the niuinUind. Few white people have been tliere, and most of them were eaten â€" no one has ever slop- jied a night, and no while woman wa.= ever Ihepo lx>fore mys.lf. The governor, a friend of h s, fijionel Anlill, two in's- slonaries, the governor's secretary, iiiy- sel' and six armed police from Port Moresby (natives) were THE LANDI.NG PARTY. The nativefi were extremely excited nnd jumpy; nervous, one would .say. They received us quietly enough, and ac- cepted prest^nl.s of bead.s, etc., but when I und two others were in one of the houses, they came and held up a joint of c«xiked hmnun flc-sh before me, laugh- ing. It Uxjk'd lioiTid and smelt war.^e. I think it WHS ribs. 'There was also n canoe full of .skul'.s in the river, and many skulls In tli? houses. We were not attacked, how- ever, and we walked all through Ihe village, saw a general family slo-^ping- 190 yards long, divided into num- compartments (the flat .system, evidently)â€" human IkxIics laid out in tl;e blanches of trees to decay, which 's the r mcthxJ of burial, and some strange images. * "We stayed all afternoon, ami made our boys make afternorm lea for us in the middle of Ihe village; nice china and silver and cakes. The cannibals crowd- ed round in Iho wildest excitement Tlioy were all unclothed, with a good deal of paint nnd fi'atliers, and had Ixiw.s and spears and sU/no axes. They .seinwxl friglilened at tl:c tea ceremonial, cvident'y thinking it was SOMK IMI-f.K OK MACdC, which they lcli<TC in greatly. Wo went bark in the .ship quite ix-ncefully ami afterward the governor (Judge .Murray) went u-shorc again and bmiight off the Ixino's of (ihalniors, I Ik- niissionaiy. "When wo were on .'Jiore. we asked Ihe p<v>ple, through inlei-jireters, how they C'Kikod their cannibal food, and they ,sa.d w.tli unlive sago, and showed i!,s .'ome in rolls. Told by tho governor thul they mu-l give up these pracl.ces. they .snixl it would Ix; hard U> do so, tor human llesh lasted much Ix^lk-r than |Hjik or dog. "I was down at Thuis.lay Island I ist week, and w.nt d<jwn in a diver's dress among the ix'arl-shell 1mv|s. 'j'be pUice .swiirms with .sliaiks and ull'gators, but I was told they coulil be .scared off by loos<^ning lh(^ wrist of IIki dress so as lo let .some air out, .so I chanced iit. nnd came up all right, alter a good walk at Ihe bottom on a coral reef." Tiiicrr IS MY,STi;nv. Thousand Pounds nisiippenred From London Dank. Th(« London, Kngland, police ore in- vejiligaling the .'stealing of a Ihoiusand .scveieigns fiiim a bank in the city on IKceinlxr 31 or January I last, but up lo live iire.s«:'iil n<il ihe .sl:ghle-.l ehe has Lf-l^a found to lead to llie elucidali'>n ;'f an extraordinary niysiery. riio bunk in (i^stiv/ii Is thoroughly well known. On the afternoon of Ucv. 31 tlie money in nnrcnl use by the cashi<'rs during live rlay wn.s. In ac- cerdonce with custom, packi-d into bagsâ€" the giold in bags of a Ihousand IK.unds nnd Ihe silver in bags of a hundred pounds. This was colk'Clcd by two porters nnd placed by thfni on n trolley, which was then taken lo the Idl und left tliere for over nn hour, this iK'ing occasion d by the extia pre--- sure of basiness arising from tho day lieing Ihe last <if Ihe year. On lh<> trolley was one specini lea- ther bag (in addilion to Ihe oilier bags ti money) in which W'Te time .separale canvas lags, each containing a thou- sand siixneigns, and another e.iiituin- inf, eikhl hundred sovereigns. 'I'liis lenl'ier bag was locked by the cnshi> r wh'i had placed IIk" iikuu'v in i'. ai;il lb lo y was dejiusiled by liiir in a diiiu-.'i- iiilong wilh olher loose keys) which diuwcr was locked The |)ositi'in of this key was known lo eveiyl>eidy in Ihe bank building, aul po.ssibly lo some i)C(>pk> outside. The next mtirniug Ihc strung mom was opened by tho suiik; olliciiil wlu locked it the previous night. The bags o? ni'jney were taken out by two por- ters, one of wlKini had a.ssLsled in the work Iho pievi nis evening. The lealte €.• bag WHS taken to the .same castiier who had locked it Ihe nighl liefoie. On unlocking the bag. one of tlio canvi>s Lags econtaining I,(KI0 sovereigns was mi.'-sing,~bul the nth r two and th- one 0( nlainiJig SOO sovereigns were iiilacl. The nn^st mimib> enquiries w<'ie made liefiire the city jxd ce were called in, but no li-nce of the bag or Hie nKriiey eoilUI hi« found. F0R5YEARS EACH SPRING ?->v^ JSeaW FACE»°SGALP ERUPTIONS TBOUBLED THIS LADY TILL ZA M-BUK CURED, Misa Mary Leveaque, 313 Stadacina St . Hochelagt, Mon- treal write*:â€" "I hare found Zain-Buk an excellent remedy for ikio eruptioof. Up to this Spring: I was bothered foralmoat 6ve yean wilh a red rash, tmall piinplts and ioteson my faceand on the »calp Ihio' the Iiair. Nothing I uaed would clear ihii rash from ibe skin until I began using Zamliuk. This salve has efTcclually and I belicTC permanently liken off those unsightly pimples and sores f'om both scalp and face. I shall recommend Zam-BuW to all my friends." For bcalm£«cxcfnaand all Kkindi.<<«M Zam- Bulc is without equal. It it eood for rhaumatiam when well rut>b«<l lo. Pilct alao y'fM lo Zum-Buk All fttorci and druggictf, 5ac. or Zam-Uuk Co.. Toronlo. LsL famBui^i 'manufacturers" INTENDING TO LOCATE IN TORONTO WILL PINO Ideal Manufacturing Premises IN TRUTH BUILDINQ Flats a 000 to 10,000 Square Feet Each LOWEST RENTALS, INCLUDING Steam Power, Heat, Electric Light Fire Sprinkler System, Lowest Insurance. Most Central Location. Four Large Freight Elevators. S. Frank Wilson & Sous, 73-81 Adelaide St., West FROM ERIN'S GREEN ISLE NEWS BY M.ML FHO.M IRELA.ND'S SlIOnES. Happenings in the Emerald Isle ol Inirrest to Irish- men. A lamb liwt wtipihed 2<) pounds wns b>::rii recently in I5erw.clv..ihirc. I.etlh l'oijrhoii>o lit .S^afleld is nea.'- ly coinpleled. u wdl huvo cost $300.- 000 Golf i.s one of Ihe chief cnirsos of the decline of shooting in Haddingtonjshire. Saltcoats T<jni)<"innc<^ party uio agi- tatinj} ivnewing' the hotel li- ctnvs. Thii cnltlo ninrkel.s ape again being lk\ld in Kdinburgb fively and without rc*>lriel:ons. The .M'venly of tl;o weather has kille-l ont .1 givut ninny riit> on larms ai-JtinJ lladdiiig!<>n.'li;re. \ .si-rjent iXj fet long \vft.<i killed recently <in the fiirin of Upper Achnacro- i-sh, Diiait, Me <,f .Mull. l'<il!<il<,sliaws town cnincd are about t • build Iw-i large teiieinent.s of worU- ineii.s h(iu-o;, lo cost .$ii5..')0n. .\idio^san new tUld nrlillery cmi- pany will 1<; .supplietl with 15-lMii:iuhT gun-s, and each gun will tx; drawn iiy .si\ ^lo I »<:•.>». Shoiii of a single battalion of infnn liy, Ihe Volunteer Conns in Edinburgh have bien traiisfcrrej to the Teirilurial Anny. Ther,> is no ehango in the Ayrshire liico curtain Inule, the, clenmnd f'lr cur- tjiiiis being behiw the normal for the season of tho yeiir. The p<ople of Mii.s-irVburgh nrc'con- .sidering llie advisabiiily of approach ing Mr. Andrew C.urneg.o for a (lublie library fir tlx^ town. Tlio burn tbixmgh I.oughend .Mead ows. Hour Kdinburgli. i.s to Ito covereel ill at a ocst of $11,000. The |-:arl o' .Mi'i-ay is lo pay th<.' half. During Ilk; jiast year WM cases nl consiiiiiption have Ixeii I'olified in Kd- inluirgh. and l>07 aparlinonis and 7.8;10 urtiel'^ liHve Ijcen dij>nf<clcd. <Ui.nipbc t'own thieves g:> in for pal- ix.nizing 1k."i1 indusliic.'!. C>.:nsidcrnb!c Ihefis "f wh s.k y and kipioiol heiring l;iive b. <'n (urecJ <iut ivKN-ntly. It is pio]K'.*'d to islabl sh a niun'eijial worUsh»p for wmii.n in lliasg,,w, wtiore tiiiloring and making of under- cliithing for the workers ul Iho lalwr eo'ony inny be i-ngiiged in. M iftiit T wn f'.ouncil (Kirkculibright- shiiH') i.s lo place a douible mw of lime tiiHW ailing the High slroel, which is said to be the widest llwriiughf.ire 'n any hurgh in .Seolland. Recently a fox terrier belonging to .Mr. Con lelier, Newlauds. was .stuck in a fox h il^ for six days, when it man ugod 1) extricate iLsi'if. It .s<>enied_ lil- lle the wors' for it-^ living adventure. M<de-eatclilng fli>l leciJine a regular oectiipntiim in Ihe Silway area ulwiit II > y<ars ago. The < riginal mole calch- er.s \\ere i;nf;l shnien. who were hi-oughl te ply ll'.eir calling on Ihe lands ot the thenDulic of liiiccleuch. <r A wnmiin's hair is always loo thick or too thin to suit her. Light Rays in Water TWO COINS WILL AFPEAR AT THE bottom of an ordinary «las4 or tumbler, place a coin of any kind. Pour water In the glass to one-third of its capacity. Prcsj a sauuer (Irmly over the mouth of the glass, and carefully turn and saucer upside down. In this position you will be surprised .to apparently see two coins reatlnK on •the surface of the saucer. C .SLEEPING DRAUGHTS SOOTHING MIXTrniES- ,\ wi-K> n:.)tlKM' will iiev<'r give licr lilllo one n slix'^jiiiig dnuight, 'xiolhing mixture or opiate of any kind except U|on Ihe advice of a e-wniMileul doc- tor, wlK> has .soen tho child. All these things contain deadly poison. When you give your baby or young chiW itaiiy s Own Tublels you have the giiar- uiilco of a government analyst thai this medicine does not contain one iinrticle of opiate or Jiarcolie, and therefore cannot ixissibly do harm -but always dr. gond. Mrs. (io.i. M. Iv-nipt, Carkj- t'ln I'laeo, Ont.. .says:â€" "I have given Haihys Own Tablets to my baby sine* he was two wcolts old. He was % very .small baby, but Ihanks lo tt«5 Tablets he is now a big. fat, healthy l.oy." Sold by medicine <lenlers or by mail at 25 cents a box from 'I'lic Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brtwkvillo, Ont. TIIK COLOR DID TIIK TRICK. First condticlorâ€" Do you over liave lo put any of yciir po.s»?ngers off? Seciind c'^uKluetor-l put a man off Ihc other d:iy, but it didn't delay him very much. lie. was sq mad that his face got red enough to Rag tho iKwt train. III.S MO.NKYS WOHTII. .\ pentleman interviewed Ihc limiKli>- man in regard U) lost garnienls, with Ihi following result: I.auiuliyinanâ€" "1 regret to tell you, tir, lh:il one of yniir .shirts is lust. ('.usloiiior-Bul here 1 have just paid y<iu twelve cents for doing it up. l.aiiTidryiiianâ€" Quite right, sir. \V« Uiundereii it in Ino wc it. "Your wife ii.M-d to like lo sing, and she pUivetl the .t>; iii a Id. N<iw \v9 d^jii'l I'.eiir her at a'l. How's Ihrtf/* "She hasn't Ih- lini '. We have two chilcVivn.'' "W(dl. well! Aflor all, chil- dren are a bl-s.->i:igl" At the age of 2i a young man thinks he is .siiuirl. .\t the age of 40 he knows that other i ei'i)!o knew ho wa-sn'l. ThetH) Is Only Ono ^^Bromo Quinine ^^ Thai la LBxssiive Bs^s^sno Qmnm& UCEO THE WORLD OVER TO C'JRS A COLD IM OlSE CAY. Always remember tho lull name. Look for thia signaturo on every box. 20:. ^r>-criK^