Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 May 1908, p. 7

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TO PREVENT A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN Take Dr. William;' Pink Pills Hien tli8 Flrfit Symptoms are Noticed and Save Tonrself Macli Suffering Arc jcu iroiitU?d ujth pallor, loss ot »f,inls. waves of heat parsing over the Uidy. .sncriiifss ol bitalh alter fclifc'hi. exertion, a peculiar skipping of the h-zurt Ix'Qt, poor Uijreslirm, cold hands (T l*-(it, or a feelint; of weight and ful- ness? D"! iwjl make the niistalic ol thinkiag that these are difioiises in themselves and be ealisTK'd uilh relief for Iho tiino bi'ing. ThLS is the way that the nerves give warning that they arc breaking down. It ineaiLs llial the blcod has hecome iiiipurc and thin and cannot carry enough Tioiir:*hmenl to- the ner\o.s to keep lJK-!n healthy and able to do their work. There is only one way to prevent the nmil breakdown of the nenes and the more serioiB diseases which follow. The blood must be made rich, rc-d and pur*, and Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is the onlv medicine that can do Ihij promptly and offectivciy. Every dose of lhi.s medicine helps make new blood and strengthens the weak of worn-out nerves. Mrs. David J. Tapley. Fredericton. N. B.. -was cjred.fcy Dr. Williams' Pink Pills after suffering from m'rMiu.s breakdown, which resullixl in partial paralysis of the face. She says: "The trouble came en quite gradually, and at the outset I did not pay much al- Itntion to it. Tlien it grew more seri- ous, and there was a general brraR- dowM of the nerves, which was foUow- .?J by partial paralysis of the face, one tide being compleU'ly drawn out cf shape. I was under a doctor.? care for a couple of month.?, and one treat- ment after another was tried without benefit. By this tim« I was confined to mv rooTi). and Ih.' dc<:lcr lold me he could not cure iii.\ Almoi-t in despa.r I was persuaded lo try Dr. Williams Piiih Pills. The ijnprovemenl was sk)w, but the building up of a run Awn nervous system naturally is Blow. Slowlv but surely Ihis me<licuie did its work, and after a time I was able (o again come down stairs. From that on Iho improvemenl was much more rai)id and now I am a-s wpll as ever I was in my life. My friends look upon mv cure as almost miraculojs. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did for me what tho best medical treatment failed to doâ€" they brought me back good liealth." It is the blcod building, nerve restor- ing fXiwer in Dr. Williams Puik Pills that enable them to cure such trcubies us 8na<'mia. rhoujnalism. the alter ef- fects ol la grippe. indigestk>n. neuraT- pla. St. Vitas dance, partial paralysis and the .secret ailments of girlh'X^ and "womanhood. Sold by nl! medicine deal- ers or bv mail al Wk:. a box or si.x hoxes tor $-'.50 from The Pr. Williams' Medicine Cu.. BicKvile, Ont. of rlearing Ih" strr<.>ts of Port-au-Prlnce with grape-shut. president L'lys.s<'S lleur'-au-v. a negro from Jiimaicfi. who made himseK ruler o' .Santo rk/mingT. calmly UA<1 me at din- ner one evm.nj,' in 1807 that he hod .'hot his < wn brother. "He was plotting against me," be *xplnined. "I asked him to dinner and gave him of th«> test di.shes. 'ITien, after we had finished the octfee and liqueurs, a Hie cf soldiers came in to lead him off to exrcution. He tried to draw a revolver, but I was toe quick f'T him an.1 .â- sh'Jt h:m Hret." fIF. I.S lONOB.ANT AND BBLTAL. I was in Hayli during the cliaos of re^vjiutions out of which the presi^nt presiilent, .N'ord .\lexis, fjfnerged into sihpremc power. He is an ignorant, brutal, senile negro with absolutely no quel locations for his position except a bulldog courage, whioh has made htm pcpular with the army. On the day he proclaimed himself prescient he shot four politir'al opponents in cold tiood iu Pfcrt-aii-Prince. The sanctity of lh»j foreign k'gali«jns The Pember Store! A SPECIAL SALE I DUMHC ALTERATIONS. â- a INCH I NatupalWavySwitehesl in timwn .ihailei only $3.15 Pleu* sand Cuta with oidar. SEND Fon CATALOG US. The Pember Store 127 n» YONOt •mcrr, TORONTO, - ONT NEXT. "H<,w can A senlimenlBl p-jct write.': I met my tiailinii;' After soni'i deiii*' ration ovor the qucs- l:on wc have C'jme to the 'yjnchLsion was tested most remarkably al the fall . he can met her by approaching or Simon Sam. who was .oresideni Ije- f Te Alexis. He «j| lo the French Le- gatkm in the nick of time. The mob howled around the hnuse for his blood fo'- days, believing, rightly or wrongly, Ihat be had looted liie treasury and got til* money with hi.m. Yol they dare<l wjI profane the kgalion. and the French Charge d Affaires escorted him t ) a Fiv nch steamer in peace-. her fr-MHi an opposite direction. Signa's of Danger.- your aiipelite? Have The handful <j< whites who run busl- ^_ ^ nesses or plantations in the Black R*- j ciVmslanccs. the wi.'^e man would pru- ' public have suffere<l terribly m recent | ^,j^g j^ j^^^ of Parmelees \ cgetabie years, for Aie.xis has encouraged Ihcir ; p^^ j,nd speedilv get himself Jn health, Have you lost you a coated tongue? Have you an uiipkiasanl taste in the mouth? Does vcur head ache and have you dizziness? If so. your stomach is out of order and you need raedncine. But you do not like medi- cine. He that prefers sickness to me- dicine most suffer, but under the cir- cumstances, the wi.'^e man would pru WANTED Our readers to note that lli<! celebrated French remedy, P.iNCO, wliich has been and is sokl under a guaranteeâ€" that in cases where the outward application, as directed, fails to relieve pain, moneys paid will be wfund'jdâ€" still stands. In no case, not- withstanding the large ana increasing sale, has a refund been asked .'or. Rrcomnieiided fur neuralga, beada:he, rheumatism, gout, catarrhal colds, stiff joints, etc. Ask your druggist for a sample and do not accept a su^t.lute. You will be pleased with il. Price 25 and jO cents. The Pango Company, Toronto or wholesale L}nian, Knox & Clark itoo, Liiiiiled. Toronto. Lyman Bros. & Co., Motilrvali, Toronto. rr-^fE plunder and maltreatment. But they have hung on to their Investmenls tn lh< hope that tiie L'nited .Slates will assume control over the country, as il did a few vears ago over live finances cf Santo Domingo. President Roose- velt has threatened Ihis in no imcerlaio language several tunes. HEB KIND DEED. At a meeting of a Band of Mercy cla.'s in a small town near Denver each cluid relates the kind deed he or she has recenliy done. One day the teacher listed little Emily to relate the kind deed she had done. She quickly rose and said:â€" "I took off a tin can tied to a little dogs tail." The teacher asked, "Did you know who tied it «nT' "Yes,' replied Emily, with h«sil«ticn. "I didn t know any kind deed to report, and lied it en so that I could take it off." and strive to keep so. PETERBOROUGH CANOE CO. Ltd., CLEANING 1^ LADIES' ^ WALKIMC OR OUTIM« SUITS Cka W d«n* p«rfactl J ky out Wrm tt tb 1*1 m il Try tt MUTISW AMMICAS BYIIIW »» â-  mfmt*KAJ% TOKOItTO. 9TTAWA k dCEBM ABOUT ANONYMOUS LETTEBS. .Atouth the meanest thing en oarfi is the j-ci-son who writ<?s anonymous let- ters. un!<*ss it be the person who re- , ceives and pays any attention to them j WBAT CAUSES IIEADACBE. From ()<.^lb«^ to .S(%y. Colda ar« lh« noit fr*- aomt c&ais of HtaUMh*. L.tXATIVB BROMO QUIMIMJiramoTuout!*. I. W.QruT* oahoxUa If you want w* bviui them W« hava I : all. ADd c&n «p- I ^1^ • ; ply a Launch 1 ^"* only, and you ' • can inatai your OSJIOa , own motor. . Whan yuu buy a Cano*. Slliff or Lauacosaa tliat it bear* U>« stamp of Canoo, Sktffor LauiMh for the Summw writs us. andSkHr Faotory in Canada. v-;4 FREE The Ntarborough Canoa C«'y> PBECMTIONABY. The sexton of a negro charch was closing the wind<nvs one windy Sun- day morning during service when he was bec-koned to the side of a young negress, tho widow of a certain Thomas. "Why is you shelling dcx^s winders. Mi-. J.'Kes?' she denianded, rn a hoarse whisper. "De a;r in <lis church is suf- fi'catin' newt" It's de minister's orders.' replied A pompouB manufacturer of machin- ery was showing a >tianger over his factory. "Fine piece of work, isn't it?' he said, when they were looking at a very ingenious machine. "Yes,'' said the visitor, "Tjut you cannot hold a candle lo the goods we arc turn ng out." "Indeed r' said the chagrincl manufac- turer, "and what is your line?" "Gun- p wder,' was Uie n-ply. TBLE. Spring fever makes us ih rk, I guess; More ofUii, though. It's laziness. The Most Popular Pill.â€" Tlie pill is the most popular of a'l forms of medi- cine, and of pills the most popular arc Parmekc's Vegetahle Pills, because they di) what it !j as«erlel they can do. and are not put forward on any flcti- tious claims to excellence. They are iron. Mange Prairie Scratches and every form of coniagtous itch on human wr animals cured in 30 minutes by Wcl- \ ^\;^p^^i^^n^ portable, tliev are cas.'y ford's sanitary Lctloa. U never fail* iS^^V'tlo not nau^seati nor grip.. Sold by all drugglata. . 3,,^ j^^ ^.^.^ ^^,^, ;„ ,jjc nxist stut>- "Billy Greens nolh ng but a coward.' '*'"° *^****' "Is he?" "Yes 1 called him a coward right lo his face, I did. an' he didnt dast sav nuthin." "Then he is a cow- ard.' "You bet he is. An' the next I me I call him a coward I'll say it right out loud, SOS he can heai- it." S«nd af yuur tar It pt«c«9i of Jcw*lfT to MilaC 10e«oUMcA. Whra sold Mfld «• tha Si aotnA-m»-'infoi}o\iibn» r<fo »ouDaoiit WMRlKOa. W«trua<7«tt<.Ithta«-'»w«lryaDil «11lMa4 tt aileftane«apal>d. Saad oj yuur &am« aod aU^i i M nnw. STAR MFO. CO..W UrB..ra9'nE«l,«.t,C.14. â- WANT^D-n to hnxr from owa«r b&Tiag GOOD FARMI ft**. .Vol pftrtlctil&r about location- I P1«M« i\T* pr1c9 and d«4cHptioa, and r«a- 1 I luB for ••Ulns. CtC&t* wh«n p» â€" ilon cab | I b« b^d. Wllfd**! with owB«r« lulj. L. Dftrbfahir*. Boz »tM, EudiMUr. N. Y, FREE BOOK f.ife Insurance Examinerâ€" "Of what did voui- father die, Pat?" Patâ€" "1 don't know, doctor; but I'm sure il was n-.iflting serious." It Lays a Stilling Hand on Pain.- th- diiv. Mis' Thomas, an' wo ain't goin' ic'tatkc no clwnce o' tesin' any 0' de \sn\'bs o' dis fold whik; dere's a big tk*t overhangin dis church." . + CIHLD'S SKVERE BIH.\.S. PILES CURED IN S TO 14 DAY9. PAZO OINTMKNr ij ja\r»jit»« 1 ft cnn any of Itching, nliad. BiM-lIng or Hrotudinc "HOW THE BANK WAS SAVED" Teils lyjw a >oiiiig man .saved the bank by a wise tnvestnienl. Fvery stock huyer and inveslor shi.u'kl read Ihis book. Not for sale. Sent fr^c on request. Your name on a po-lal wiii brjig it. Write to-dav n. W. BAtLKV 3S1 Kalhaay Cioiuings Bids . Oenvor. Oole. seNton, obstinately. "It's a cold j For pains in the joints and limbs and â-  |.u„in«tou4»y« orounay r^undaA «». BENEATH THE COLD LACE PRE.SIDKNTS OF THE REPUBLIC OF UAVTL Alru-oii Sava4jery and Felisltisni Still Hold Sway m the Black Re|M>blic. \\\wn I landeJ a I Poit-aii-Princc, on the lii-sl <vX .•^veral visits lo Hayli and . Sunlo n<,niiiiigo. I was mot <>n the wharf by a most lYnpc^iiig personage ill a clicked hat, gokl lacc-d coal, and Biai k t lir<s chcs, writes Claude Bluke in tiK) London MaJI. Ho was only a, cus- toni.s oilictr, but he Uto'Ked like the c<niniander-:n-''hie«f at least. Alasl his toal was nigy<'d and torn beneath Ihe |.«cld late, his en<innous black feel were InrhKent of boots, iind he wiis palheli- lally eager for a tip. Ho was lypical of Ihe liasolled squal- or of the Black Hopublicâ€" that mock- ery of ctviliMtion where .\frican sav- agery and fotishsni are veneered over bv a little French pt.lish and plenty of goid lace. WHOf.I-SAI.E MlBDI-RKn. For gerK^rations past tho Haytian Pivsideuls hav(> "wade<l thinugh bloTxl- elied to a throne,' and ruk^ by Ihe (.word. Chrislophe, who made himself "Kmp«Tor'' and created an aristocracy of negro dukes and nianiuises was a numsler of incredible depravity. He riiunlered men, not singly, hut literally fcj thousands. Nissag»>-Sagi?l was fond T ' T =. Tis Name <rf Bla'^k Watch On t Teg on a Plug of Black Chev.TBg Tobacco SIttds Iw fBilily. for rheumatic paia«. neuralgia and â-  limibago. Dr. Thomas" F.cli'dric Oil is without a peer. Well nih'icd in. the skin absorbs ;t and it quickly and pcr- Hianently relieves th-e affected part. Its value lies in its magic property of re- moving pain from the body, and for that good quality it is prized. Mrs. Bacon â€" "Why. Ihal pin no has .several keys that make no sound at all."' Mr. Baconâ€" "Yes: and Ihoic are i sjme other good features otiout it." Healed by Zam-Buk. The iitlle girl of .Mrs. Lewis Best o* Carlisle P. O.. rec«.'nll}: fell â- aga nst the str;ve and burned her forehead ver^ I ba«Jly. Mns. Best sayA:_"Th<-. burni„, â-  ..^ , ^^.^^1 did they leave you was about 1h.> size of a fifty cent pece |f ^â- 7^^.,,;'" B«v-".An orphan, sir." .ind WHS near the bone, it made my ' ^ â-  â-  ,, 1 1 He girls eve STvolI tR 'it almost shut „„„ .,. ., Ld then she pot colU in H. It>^gan ^f^sKL^^ that bi^^^^ SEWING MACHINE BARr;AI\S. n<I deal mpanjr r«al oDe« &t linear stor««. Bay h«r« •ritb th« raanufactur«r^. The ^io^er Prospective Employer â€" "Your parents l i» pwrtnanent »ad r«*paa9ibU; lUr«pr«i«ntatiTe* [I \.\1 ^/"%|--'"b„^/**" ^^'^^ ^^^'Sr^Whtt\eTA^nBonm».chinn. Look for th« Ead s. iPV not?' BOV â€" On. \0S, S:j". bin- I j4nu !adv hf7i:i-nn uatd anu mnkf. of n^ieirui left llicy tsoa macfa j4n^ 'adjf hfjvinff ustd an^ make of x^irtn^ machme for -5 years or more write SiiQcr Sewina iiachtn* Co., Mannino Chambers. Toronto, for beauti/ul »tt of ten souvenir vUics of Ontario, yrte for asking. ic'nm malU-r very badly, tind I cQ-uId SIrT^^i;';;':;;.r^T;r«rtrr;;ti -;i«.;«-; ' A v;ain man always makes a great iKit Slop il. nl'hough I bathed It go xl c«»»» »ut tw» «te,-o»i r«ni.Jr »»»ni<i •>• us«J h,. with hun>eii. <'ViTy night and morning. At la*t I stnt' t"r s>"Mii"^< w^ic'h soon stopped I'he matteration anl very quick- ly healed the wjimd. 1 have never seen a biim heal so qtfickly. and I am sure Z;i"i-B'.ik hTV no etiual for cur»,ng tuts, or bums." Everv home nreds Zam-Buk! All dis- of Ihe skin quickly yields lo il. All c'riigg sts and stores 50 c«'nts a bo.\. 4, After a girl baby gels loo big to play w.lh her toes she beg ns to flirt. It is astonishing lo llml how far a low giiUuns of Bamsay's Paints will go to make a house look fivsh nnd sunny. Everybody should tee the line color cnrds with suggestions for pauiting and lh<r stock carried by your dealer. Write \ Bamsay & -Son Co.. .Montreal, for I-ack of Souvenir Picture Post Cards of Homes. .\ttcr a self-mad.^ man flinishes the job he closes the factory. TO CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAY T»ko LAXATIVB BROMO (luioiM Tabirt* Dr»i«ii«t< r«(und moiwjr il it f-viU to car*. B. W. OBUVB'S sign»tar« l« on Mch bo». Mo. FATHIUVS DODGE. A fathCT- was icctuiiiig hi-s young hopeful npcn Ihe iviLs ol staying out U.te at night and getting up tale in the morning. "Von will never amount to anything,' he continiiod. "unl>>s you turn over a now leaf. Benionib<^r Ihal the early biril catches ihe worm. ' "How at>«'Ul liio worm, father'?' inquired the y^iing man. "Wasn't ho rather fool- f.'l- to get up 90 early?' "My .son.' said llie father, sok-mnly; "Ihat worm hadn't Ixen lo b('<l all night; he was on his way home.'' Il<?>â€" "Did you hear im- «inging un.te' vour wind<(W last iiighl? I hope your fiill).-r 4l:dn'l h nr it?" Slie--"Ves. h«- dirl; tut you needn't nxirry, he llwughl il wi^ Ihc calsP i In ooajaoetitt* vi*b Wuni's Sjrup. HoIIowny's Corn Cure is the me<Iicinc Lady Visitorâ€" "^rhat new g'rl of yours i to remove all kinds of corns and warts, seems very nic and quiet." .Mistress j and only costs the small suni of twcnty- ot the Houseâ€" "Ves, she's very quiet, live cenU. 'iirh llw* /1-iiKt when ^â- ^•â€" Music at a lynching parly is render- ed bv a sUiiig band. She doesn't even disturb Ihe dust when she's cleaning tlie Mom.' There is nothing equal to Mother Craves' Worm Exterminator for de- siroying worms. N<i articjc of its kind has "given such satisfaction. TIIF.Y BI:aU,Y BELIEVE IT. Pome iKople cl'ng lo the old-fash on- co idea that a man must be a gen u." if he goe^: about with uncombed hair. They were reluming from the spell- in), bee. "Mr. Sp<onaiu<frc," sh>' eoid. 'Svhy did you miss Ihateasy w -rd? You s.,ei;ed 'honor w.lh .i "u. I know it.' he answered. "Tlie feelag came ever me ail at once ihnt I just couldn't gel along without 'u.' Miss Da'sy. With which old. < III .-tnry ho wnn her. DODD'S '/ KIDNEY^ ^ PILLS ISStU NO. 19-- DO NOT ALLOW joaneK to b«eom« »l»rTiMd b«e&as« you bav» icwt year apnolit« luid »r« lodnx e»ih, but cummano* takinx " rvrruvim " (Ac best tonic It will build you up quicUj. "Waiter, these aro very small oys- ters.' "Yes. sir." "And they don't ap- pear to be fivsh. cither." "Then it's licky Ihcyre sniuli. ain't it, sir?" Very many persons die annually from clxjlera and kindred s-ummer com- plaints. wb<: might have leer, saved f proper remedies had been utscd. If el- lacked do not d<'!ay in gelling a bottle rf Dr. i. D. Ivllogg's Dysentery Cor- dial, the medicine that never fails to effect a cure. Those wlw have used il say it acts promptly, and ihuroughly subdues the pain and disease. A MEAN TBICK. "1 think Elsie Bicwo is the meanest Ihing." "What's the matter?" "W'ouid you believe it of her? I .showed her my new Merry Widow hat. and s!in w«il right out and bought j a bigger one. ' A. J. PATTISON & COMPANY BANKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENT5 33 SC9TT STREET, ^TORONTO PMONE M I3il Slocks toiiglit and scM en .New York, Boston. Mooireal nnd Toronto i>lo^ E.Nchai.gcs 'cr ca$h or margin. Orders lor Cobalt Stucks exerul- cd .on TuiiHilii M.'lii.'iy K.\- rJiange or .Bosion and \c\v York curb fur caiili. piuvATE \Mitr:s. Correspo.'idents- Cha.s. k Co.. menibcrs of P'c New ^ork and Bo^i'.n .So^.k F.xchHiigo. TBAlNI.Nt. III.M. .\sciimâ€" I sow you punishing your boy lv,-<iay. WlKil .1 all about? Popleyâ€" I caught him in a lj>\ \scuinâ€" Oh! Well, you cant e\pi'ct a toy Ho tell the Irulh all ^^c time. Popkiyâ€" .Vj. bill wlien he d«.esn'l tell tht! truth I want him Ui be bright enough not to b<' caught at it. Washington is prnctKslly ihe only cap- jte! city in the world which has no slums. Berlin h.?s none of Ihe squalid a<eas which disgrace load-ii. SHILOH'S Quick ea*s for the worst cough â€" quick j raliaf to the heaviest cold â€" and SAFE "\\ hy do IJjcy call it lean yeor. any- j,, taj,,, even for a child. WHY? h< w? Because the men arc kept on the jump dotlging the dear old g»r"s. 1 guess.* HELP! sektoni has occasion to cry f That is Shilohs Cure. CuFCS $otd under a g-uarantee CoutfllS to cure colds and coughs o. f-AAm quicker than any oiher Ck V^OtaS ^edicineâ€" or your money back. 34 year* pf succesa coinaiend Sbiloh"i Cure. SSc. , ,eoc.,$i. *l« A girl . f. r help wl-<n a young nvin kissts iKr â€"probably because ht-is liable to help bimselt -'•â- ' ' "* QUICKLY I

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