Miiatta. & "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." -•• PElxSCIPLEb NOT MEN. VOL XXVI, NO 1362 Fleatiertoii, Ont. Tl)iarsclay May 7 1908 W. fl. THUESTOM, EDITOU BOPKIETOB ! ago; and Maggie, Bessie and Mary at â- houie. The funeral took place on Fri- j day, May Ist, to Avendale cemetery, i conducted l>y Rev. Mr. Martin, nssisted by Rev. Mr. Leitch,aDd wa.s very largely attended. The casket was litentlly cover- , ed with floral tributeH, among them being »/-»« t ** piliiiw from hi.i family, anchor froni Watches &. Clocks grand.-hiklren, a sUr from "the S. S. and .sprays from the L. Ci. a. of the ; church, and many others. Ho was a I brother of the late Adam Hi«lop of the I v.iUey and the last surviving member of the family. Mr. Adam Hislop and littJe Mxster John of Eugenia, attended the funeral. The Newest Things In Jewellery Chii iilways be found ^l the flesh 01 Ion Jewellery he»d<)U»rti'rf. To Rui^ all t e vid «U pocliet- bu"ks. * I ] Jewellery Fur thi> la.iie.s in (jre-it varitty and Utaak patterns. . we pride ourselves' In hnvint; • gre»'. v»riety of the [ choicest SO' ulii minu^actured fr>>in I which to uh<xia«. Come in and ! let ua show yoa what we have. I W.A.ARMSTRONG Maxwell Items A large attendance waa present at the £pworth League last Tliursday evenioK. Miss Wiley aUy took the topic. Mr. Gordon w( Warahain spent Sunday in our niidat. Mr. R. Swanton of Fleuherton iipent Sunday at Mr. Albert Brownridge's. Biiby Austy Stanley is on the sick list. Mr. A. Brownridge aud Mr. Down spent Saturday at Fleslierton. Mn. Long visited laat week with her sun, Albert, in Feversfaam. Mrs. Wiley vwited her son at Wode- huuse list week. Misa Sarah Kinnear spent Sunday in Fcvetshiuu. Mrs. John Hudson of Feversham and Mts. Campbell of Port Huron visited at Mrs. .\lex. Hudson's last Friday. Mrs. John S{)eerH of Feversham visited Mrs. W. H. Guy recently. Mr. W. H. Guy purchased one of the lifst Durham bull.-* from Mr. Z. M. Gujirdhouso of Weston that has ever struck thi.s put. EAT WHAT YOU WANT. Bat Find the Way to Digest What Yoa Do Eat The first thing to do in the case of indigestion or stomach weakness is to strengthen the muscular w;i11r of the sbomiuih and intestines, so that Ihuy will care for the food that is estau. In no other way can this be done as well as by taking a Mi-o-na tablet before each meal. This restores strength to the stomach muscles and stimulates the pouring out of gastric juices, then the food digests readily and you begin to get the full benefit from what you eat. Use Mi-o-na whenever you have sick headache, heartburn, bad taste in the mouth, co<kted tougue, spots before the eyes, sleupIeasneHH and in ni^usy other symptoms tb«t are the direct result of indigestion. W. E. Richardson and son giro with every 50 cent box of Mi-o-na a guarantee to refund the money unless the rMaody cures. I Honor Rolls. ;^ I Eugenia Public School report f. .r ApriL ' Class 4â€" H. Fisher, J. Sloan, JR. Park, : W. Plant. 1 Class 3 ar â€" L. Fisher, E. Armstrong. Class 3 jrâ€" L. Campbell. F. Plault, M. Park, L, Uisl.-p, M. Turner, A. ' WiJBoi,, M. Campbell. Sr. 2â€" C. Fisher, C. Park, G. Williami. ' Jr. 2â€" W. Wilson, D. Wilson, C. ;Williaras,M. Williani<!, L. Williams. Pt. 2-W. Latimer, W. Williaraa. ; Pt. 1 A.-M. Park. L. Pedlar. I Class B.â€" W. Mcilaater, G. Field, W. Fisher. Class C. â€" Joo Williams, M. Hainey. B. RoLFSON, Teachec. April report for S. S. No. 3, Artemesia. Class 5 â€" G. Bellamy, G. Harrison, R. Jolinson. Class 4 srâ€" Q. CharJ, E. Caswell, T. Henry. Class 4 jr â€" J. Juhnscn, K. Wilcock, S. Orr. Class 3 Ifâ€" L Sharp, M. Catwell, N. Caswdll. aass 9 jrâ€" R. Chairf, J. Harrison, C. Doupe. Class 2 srâ€" M. Irwin, R. Sharp, Z. Btn.ham. ; Cla-w2 jrâ€" CQiigsr, K. Caswull, fl. Ml 'ore. I Pt 2-W. Irwio. J. C..Ji«ai». Pi 1 B-W. Bwrison, a. Ciswell, K. Best. Pt 1 Aâ€" A. MoMrv, F. Qui){8. ; R. U. CtNPDELL, Teacher. Cheap Campaign News Kimberley. The Kmherley branch of ths O W . I. will h'lld tnntr annual business meciins on Thursday afternoi'U, Miy 14ih, at 2..30 p ni. In the Orange Hall. A full ottondaiica ii ro(4ue"«ted. Mr. Amo.s McLuiig was the sjnest of ; his sister. Mis. Joh'.i Wy*illo, duritii; thi» | p.ist week. I Miss Lnuita Smith of Toionto is holi- 1 dayinij an her paren'al home hure. f Qiiito a lar^e tiutu'H'r ' f sea gulls are to be seen on the river flits these days. Mi.ss Ediel MoLuii? »i»i*ed fr'uuJ* on the east mountain Ust week Fred S'utft visited Flesherton fi lends List week. Mr. A. E. MylcS attend<>d the fuiieml of hfi biotiier-in-!aw, Mr. M.iy, at OranX'-villi' during the pi.st weak. Arbtu- Day was olwerved as usual in our Bcboi>l hero. Mr. and Mrs Tho< Brooks of C'atks- bur.' visifed the lalier's pir«nt8, Mr. and MrK. Edward Hurtitt., of this place on Sunday last. N.iw that oui scho*)! has r."ceived a l'nio:i Jack we tru.st that the school board will purchase a flag staff. Mrs. F. J. Webtr visited Fleshetton {. iecids list week. Mr. .lohn Hunter had a very successful biirn raising on Thursday last. Born â€" At Kim'>eiley, on Monday, Epril 27th, to Mr. aud Mrs. tixinh Haminoiid, .1 dauvliter. Mr. Shunk of St. Vincent took charge of the service in the Union church on Suuday evening last. Mrs. Gen. Procior and Mise Eula tiurd visited in Fleshxiton last week. Obituary One of Stratford's oldest and most j respected residents died on Wednesday . morning, April 29, liX'S, in the iiorsmi ' tif David Hislop age«l "S years. Ho was ' l>orn in Jedborough, Roxborouah Shire, ScotUnd, 1819. Hooiiueto Cai»adainl857 i and sottletl on the farm thit baa since be- . come a comfortable home for hini.self aud i his family, lie was a lifelong uioiiiber , and willing worker in the Prwshyt^rian chmvh a'.Kl his true christain cliaractcr i may he seen in his family, who are follow- ; ing their father's exiuuple. His wi-e predeceased hiui over twenty years ago. He leave.s a family of nine children to mourn the loss of a kind and loving father. ' Thonifui, lawyer, Toronto ; Wm. and iwtvtf n*<>r Stratford ; Pheniiuia, Chic- HOW TO FOLLOW EV£RV rU.4.SE AND FKA- TuaE or THE coMiMi Political Contest The Mail an 1 E>npire, Totontn, witii its usual characteristic energy and pro- gressiva enterprise, is prepared to meet the extraordinary diiuand for p<iliricnl iaforinxtion that the elecuo'i campaign for a new Ontario Legislature will de- Veil ipe bet weetx now and June 8th, and will send the daily editio-i direct by mail to any address in Cmada, the United ! States or Great Britain from n >w until June l.'ih, ISWS. fir 2o cents, or hvo such sulwcnptims fi.r $1. This is an uflfL-r whiob will enable any- ono lo keep in touch with every pliase and ftature of the contest duiine iis pro- (;re<s to the ei«d, so all desirous i-f so do- inj ar-.' reiiuesied to 'e iv« their order wiji the oifi. ;> i,f 'Ins p.ner, and they will receive the Mail and Emuire durinij il.e above jieriod dii Oct by mail to their' own p'Stottice. â- Diamond Cut Diamond Agaiu. ; ".\ gentleman at a country fair saw a , j>ckey ami a hoiso doctor liaagliugdiead- fuHy ovir the sale of a lUtre. It iuterest- eil him to see two such tticky and ^hrewd | characteis oppused, and at trie end of the Milo he aptroached the jockey and asked I him bow he made out i '"I sold (her.' said the man, and hej held up a tive-dollar no'e. '"But is thai all you got for her ?' , asked the L'cntleman. I '"It's tniU!<h,' was the reply. 'She's' deaii Uiiie,' "Chuckling to himself, the gentlemari > souirhc out the horsn doctor. I "â- Sv.-e here, friend,' Jaid he, 'do you know you have giveu §5 for a helpless lam- mare? ' '•The horse doctor wajged his thin grey bcird. I '"Lame she is, T grant you,' he said, 'but hopelessly lame, no. In fact, she is as sound a.s I am, She's badly shod, that's all that is th« matter with her. I saw it at a g'aiice.' i "The gentleman whiscled<at this news. He went back to the jockey and told him what the horse doctor had said. "But iho jockey, wi'h a wink of the eye, excl»in;e<l: '"That inara is a lime a-< a one legged veteran. I had her fhod ladly ^.n pnr- po.se to take sooio sucker in.' "At this iho genilcinau laui;lied loud and long. Hurrying back to the doctor and said: '"My dear sir, with all your cuDuiug that jockey has proved too umch for you. The imre is !â- durably lame He had hershinl badly on purpose :o take you iu.' "On receipt of this news the ulJ hiuvio doctor shook his head giavtrly. "Will, anyway.' ha said, it was a counterfeit live-dollar note.' " "SHOW ME" PROOF That is what Hyomei will do in all forms of Catarrh and Troubles of The Breathing Organs. It's not a (^ueation of Hyomei having cured some one tlse but will it reach your own [mrlicular case? If it's cold in the tite head. CatJirrh,i3ronchitis,Paeuiuoiiia, Croup or any atfecdon of the breathing org;iuK W. E. Richaruson lUid .son say yes. and will refund the money if it fails. No other preiioration for the same pui-pose can successfully do this, because the Hyomei .system of treatment Ls differ- ent from anytlrint.' else. You .simply breathe and inhale it.s medic.it ion in dry air from which destroys the germ life that causes oppressed breathing, Njusiil Catarrh, Throat Irrita- tion and Lung troubles. It brings to these suffering organs the bal.sam hiden air ihoy would get in the Pine Eucalyptus foic.sts; The air that stamps out Bronchi- al troubl*. The prince of entertainers. Marshal P. Vv'ilder, sjiys : Hyomei is a:tsy to use, and swift to cure. Ic insures against coughs and colds. It gives you pure air and kills the gorui dij<ea.se. It helps the voice. Hyomei complete outfit, $1.00. I To The Electors of South Grey Gentlemen: I It is reported that I have withdrawn I from the campuiifn. Why such a report I should be circulated is beyond my onn- , prehen.oioii. unk-ss the wi.sh be father to I I he thought. ! I wish it distinctly imderstood that I am a candidate for the reprrsentinion of Sou'h Grey in the. Legislature, and, if eiectid, will ludeaVor to give tlie ciostst atientioM to the alSiirs of the province in general and iny constituency in particular. It is iMV it'ieiition lo conduct the cam- paii-ii free from everything personal, of everything th.<t will cist a rtUection on myseif or the electors of the constituency. If I cannot be elected by aod of what is psrfecily dofeiiJible I do iiot wish to be elected It is my wish *o emphasise the nioi-al side of ijoitics and fair liiiht, so that, when the election is over. I can look back with satisfaction, knowiug that I did not depreciate polstics. I am, Respectfully yours Nbil .Mc-Can.hbl. McFARLAND & CO, iI.-i.i;^I<;L>ALE oxxAi<ro Fo this weeii we quote the following list of MONEY-SAVING OPPORTUNITIES. And Yon will notice every item is a big saving to yon if yon will take .» . , . advantage of it.. READ THE LIST CAREFULLY Reg, 3U and Soc Dteaa Goods for 19c a yard. Reg. .353 Fancy Silk Ribbons for 19c Keg. 25 and 35c yd Alover Laces in 5 yd. lengths (Waist length^ end for 68o. 12 Black Hat Pius for 4o. - R««. lOo box Note Paper and Envelop as for 5c. Reg. 50o Post Card Album for 32c. Reg. 35 and 50c Books (food Authors) for20o Ren. 25c Graduate and Knot Ties 2 for '25o R'g flOc Lich Limond FUnii«laf.^ Top Skirts for 3«c R<^. 1.00, 1.25 and $1.50 Boys and Mou's Felt Hats for 680. vi ;. - Long and .Short Handled Shorela yonr choice for 52c. Reg. 96c Aze and Handle tor (SOc. May's Seeds per package I2. Fancy Odd Saucers each 2c. Reg. 18c a pair Men's Wool Sox, 2 pair for 26c. „..: Reg. 50c Whitewash Brushes for 2oc. Reg. 10 to 15c Whisba for 5c. Reg. 30c Hair Brushes for 19c. Reg. IJjc Fancy Tea Plates for 7c. lileg. 12k China Teapots for 8c. Reg. 10c Cream Pitchers for 6c. Ra^. (1.25 set Ktiires aad Forks (6 of each) far 68c. Reg. f 1.00 Oarpoutsr's sise Hand Saws for 48c. All departments in this Big store are more than crowded with new and up-to-tlate goods. Come in and have us show you the New Good«i. • ; NoTroube to Show Goods. McFARLAND 81 COMPANY CEYLON'S NEW STORE This is the time to buy your BOOTS AND SHOES, We have a large supply on hand to choose from at prices that will suit you. Only a few pair of rub- bers left. To clear out these we are selling at cost. In Groceries Ave keep the freshest always on hand at right prices. ^. v FLOUK AND FEEDâ€" We carry a large supply of Feed, Flour, Bran and Shorts at right prices. We are handling Royal Household, Five Roses and Ontario Flour. When you need anything in our line give us a call and be convinced that our prices are right* Ceylon's Leading Merchants A plot to murder Lord Kitchener and sever;il other prominent British ofhcials has been di.soovorud in Calcutta. The incrtiniiiating documents were found in a native shop along with *he latestimprovod bomlu>i and an up-to-date library oa the luauufacvure of exploaivei. License Inspec'or Fisher in.%de a seizure of oiJer from John .â- \. Gill.groccry nian, Mi.lland, on April aud had the tovcitmienl analyst examine it to see if it c iitiiineil an unlawful percentage of slcohol. He found nearly 10 per cent, liioof spills, and Police Tdaaistrato Jeffry fined the defendant $M and 80 costs. The cider was dentroyid. Some unknown person deliberately cut the plata glas.s windows of about one do7,en of the Icadiii!; merchants in Owen Monday uiglit. Either a regular cutti ng diamond or a wheel hnd t.eeii used <\» the uurks were not ni.vie by a ri"g, Should the perpo'rator be found il will be made ra'h-.-rwMrtn for him.â€" Cnatsworlh News. Scott Moiitcrief, a British subject, has been slain by older of a sheik in the Blue Nile province. I After .scrvin<j five years in the Kincston Penitentiary for forgery on the sentence ' i/iven «oiiie months ago »t Or.iineville, I Win. llanloii of Kinit will have twelve I more years to serve before he regains his freedom, for such was the term meted j out to him at Guelph li.st weikby I Justice MacMahon. lianlon was chare- 1 ed with put tin » thnuiiih six forged cheque-* on all tho established banks of ; the oity under the name of J .hu Gillies ' ijt Maracn, and amounting to a total of j $1400. Ho pleaded not Builij, and to all I tho witnesses who tesiitieal ai^ainat hiiu ] and idaiitilied him he claimed that he had never seeu ihem before, and he luain- I tained this s:and until the iMt. The liltle drtU'.{Iiter of John Nevill of Cookstuwn n';i« badly burned by her clothing catching hre in the sui:;ar bush. Uer life whs saved by the jresonce of mind of her father, win, seized the chi'il and rushed ti a creek near by aud plunged her into it. r>R. BURT Specialist In tliscasis o> hi Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Oftlce 13 Frost St. - OisfoncSoiintl .\t the Markdalc house, Maikdale.lst Friday each month from 8 to 12 a. iii,