Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Apr 1908, p. 7

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A NEW FINANCIAL FIRM. TTio finn of A. J. Pntlison and Com- ipnny, Uinki.'is and financial apcnLs, has fcecn fonnctl in Toronto. The sonior numbei- of the firm was unlil rocrutly ficsidiMit of th<,> Branlfoi'tl .Street Hail- woy. flic Hrnnd \'alloy Railway and the Woodstock Thames Vailcy and Inger.soll nailwny. Mr. Falli«on sold tho control- ling inli' in his rniUvnys to a I'itls- bi-rg railway inngnate. Mr. Pntlison is a Canadian by birth, a I.anibton county bey, and ha.s lic^n In business in a fidu- ciary f)osilion in Toronto for Iwenty-llvo years and has boon a ri'.-ident of Toron- to for over thirty-. (ivc years. Tho rcixird Of the t^anadian Homestead l>oan and Sfvings .â- \ssocialion under hi^ adminis- tration for over twenty years, loaning Ufion mortgage that is one foreclosure, bos not been equalled by any Toronto k)nning coming. The new lirm will have n .strong repulation for inlegrlly and ad- niinisLralive ability, and a high llnan- cial rating. Direct New York. Hjslon. PhilaiJelphia and .Montreal .Stock f-;x<'iiange wires with one of the largest New S'ork and Boston firms has been arranged for. The l!rm will ha\tr-iH«'cl wires also to Chi- cago and Cobalt, and are in a position U) give not only Excellent service but lh« most conservative advice upon finan- eih' Lnvestnicnt.s tlwt can p^'SSibly be had. Tho flrm'.s ndvertisenient appears in un- clher column. j now DO YOU W.^LK? This is nol the simple question il. ap- pears. Many people now believe that a ^raou> character may-be foretold from Ti:s -method of walking. I'irni regular 6!eps are siiid to denote a steady, re liable nature, while jerky, uneven movement* indicate the reverse. The energetic person walks quickly and slops Buddcnly; the dreamer saunters aking with slow, abstracted mien. The obstln- ft'.y man goes straight ahead, refusing to turn aside for anylx)dy. On the other V.and the person who is ready to step out of everyone's way is not necessarilv weak-willed. He may be afllicled with too riuch courtesy. The long swinging step usually marks the generous broad-mlnd- ,;ii person while the small petty tread 6liOws the walker to be of a mean and narrow character. This last rule applies, of course, far njore to men than to women. DISFIGl'RING FACE SORES. Pimples, face sore~, and the kindred eruptions common to late winter and early spring, are the worst disfigure- nieii'is tho fair se?c have to bear. To re- hKve them the pores must be opened «nd the functions of the sklu sliinulatr ed. by the vigorous applications ofZain- tuk morning and night, and washing froquenlly with Zain-Buk Medicinal Sonp. Zam-Buk roaches the root of the disease by soaking through llvp skin and tis.sue »nd its powerful herbal juices expel d'.s<'ase and make the skin do its work, vhich can't be dono simply by the use of internal medicine. Miss Ellen Smith, of Somerville .Ave., Toronto, says: "My face was givatly disfigured by a .skin eruption which annoyeil me dreadfully tf: nionihs. I was advi-scd to try Zam- Buk and I am glad I did for it quickly rcnwived the trouble and my face is Tiow clear of all eruptions." Zam-Buk contains no animal fal what- ever, but is a pure healing salve. II cures cuts, burns, chafings, cold s<jr<*. ll':h, eczema, running snres, ringworm. piles, bad legs, iiinamcd patches, and a'', diseased, injured and lrrila!ed con- ditions of the skin. Obtainable at all druggists and stores 50c.. or post-paid from the Zam-Buk Co., roronto. • Even ft firsl-clas*; woodworker cannot Ticcessarily fill a position in a chop house, WHAT CAUSES nEAnvcnE, From OLi-tbor to Mny. CoM^ aro the m >'4t fr«> quent caa<e of lleadaeha. LAXATlVt: BROMO .<)riNINK romuvtfscAuio. K. W. Uruvo un'box iiQ A tumbler contains lOoz., a tea-cup Ccz., and u winogUis* 3oz. ITCII. Nfange, Pralrlo Scratches and every form of contagious Ilch In human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- fcrd's Sanitary Ixition. II never fails. SclU by all druggists. MIS AWKUL FEAR. "Oh, Ihe sorrow of it!" sobbed tho fair maid, " night I refused Mr. Blank and this morning his ixjdy was found in the river." "Poor follow!' murmuivd her girl friend. " suppo.?e he wa.s afraid you might change your mind.'' Ttvw: "Thoiv goes Ur.sula Mope with Jack Tiimnid." Joss: "V*>s. she's setting ^(â- r cap for him." Tt^s; "Do you really tiiink she oaiiY; for him?" Joss: "Yes, indeed! Vou know her full name is I'r- t'.ila May llopo. Well, she sings all her k'tlcrs to him now, 'U. May IIo|x\'" METALLIC CEILINGS Are Artistic, DUnABLE, SANITARY, and FIREPROOF Easily applied, CanMat Crack nor Fall Off 8«nd us a sketch showing sliapa and sxaet maasuramsnts of your oolliaas or walls, and wo will submit dsclgas, estlaiatsa mad lllustratsd booklat frse. WRITE US NOW Metallic Roofing Co., LiMrntD Mannfactnrera TOHONTO &: WINNIPEG MO •WANTED to bear from owner b&Tlng Ia good farivi I for lale. N«l p&rticnlar about locatioD* ] Please xire price and deacrlptioD, and ro&- I ton for selling. State when puMessioQ c&ii I b« bad. Wtlldflai with owners only. L. Darbyshire, Box 984, Rocfaeat«r, N favcces3on^ re ^\tajuo CA.\foc co 4» PETERBOROUGH CANADA The Beat and Cheapest Canoea.Skiffa.LauncheaStc SEND FOR CATALOOUE AND OET OUR PRICES BEFORE BUYING OIR .NKKD OK ».\TKK. cause, Flynn transfon'cd his affeclion.s, f so-called, lo Amie l'"airclly. an<jtlver kjcal I beauty. Tlie priest, like everyone in tho j country round, knew of Flynn's faithk^ss- ! ness lo .Mary Durkin, and. after giving I hiiti and Anne Farrelly a severe Icctuj'e. telling Uioni he questioned it U'.ey 'X)uki j bo happy after brealiing poor Mary's i he«i-t, the good lather refused to niarry | th<m. l-'lynn and Anne were married by civil process. Thus the fann«rs living near Carrict^-on-Sliannon regard as impious, Bosiiles they aro angered by Flynn's lioatmont of Mary Duikin. Sc when the bride and bridegroom were n-luniing from the civil ctreinony thirty young men met thriii. Without waslinp words these rural de- fenders of tlu- fiiith anil of constancy in Irvo seizixl Flynn and took hi.s bride l>a. k 1.1 her father's house. Tlien IJiey carriod the struggling hridepixvfliri \o his h<iiisi'. For ten days and nlghl.s the .\oiing niers kept ron.«lnnt purird over b"Uli hruses. have had Mr. r.nd Mrs. Flynn un- der unceasing sun'eillance. and have pre- vcfiled thorn from rejoining each ether. * Altii VOU? Are yon half as nnx.ou.«, neighbor. When a follows dawn and out To go dtwn to him a-smihng. And to help him right ab«jut, A i you are to climb Ihe ladder Where some luckj fellow .stands, And give hin a cordial greeting With the .â- ^Irength cf both your hands? Did you ever hear a man with nn kjLese baiik acccunt say that tlie :ove o' money was lae root of all evil? Be There a Will Wi^dcni r*^.inl.s the Way.â€" The sicJ; man pines for relief, lull he d-islikos sending for the docUir. which moans bolUc:: cf drugs never Consumed. He has not the r«'soiiilicn !o load his stomach with compounds which smoil villainously and tasle Worse. But il lie have tlie .will to deal hims«df with his» admont. wistlnm wji! <!iro;t his altenticn to Pnrmeleos Wgo- toble Pills, which, ns a .«peciHc for in- digestion and dist'rders cf the digestive orgaas, have no equal. The world may owe you a living, but try t«i colled it and it will have as many excus«'s on tap as a man wlio is asked \c- pay a bill. Muscles Mado Ela>lif and Teinporature Itegulaled by Maisliiro. PhysiologLsls toll us lliat the animal bcily consisis of uiniost 80 i)er v^viit. of water, .\dmitting this to tie Iruo, it W'luld .seem plauiiblo, soys the .Medical Roconl. that this quantity is necessary in order to carry «n llio normal physio- logical process's of tlic animal ecoiicniy in pro|X'r condition. l'<u- similar roiisiins il woulil also ap- fear pUiiisiblo thai i>lKjuld tlils quantity in any way be groiitly reduced or dini- iiiishcd, either throiigli iivrinal pwcosses o: th-' body or thixiugh tilinorinal pr<j- cosse«i; this lost quantity must imnicdi- alely tie rosuiiplied. Should su.h a witli- drawnl of water bo pcriiiiltcd to be un- ouly prolonged the disorders will UA.sumc such grave dimension^ thiil life itself nay ulLiiuately be leriiiin«t<\l. ICIaslicity and pliability of muscle8»-l.S> nerves, carliloge, tcndoas and oven boiK'S P"^' depend mainly on the ainounl of water they contain. Water also servos a'* a di^tribulec-of bodily lieat and reguiales the body temperature by the physical pixicese of absorption and oliniinnti^^ui. I'nUer normal conditions and in a proper degree of lioalih this supply i.s or- dirartly tinnuslied partly by IIk- f<x)daiid partly t>y the drink we are daily consum- ing. An overindulgence in the use of w a lei'â€" provided il Is not carriod to ex- cessâ€" will seldom if ever Le productive of any deleterious conse<picncos. Black WatcK Chewing Tobacco The big black plug. 2269 Rickle's Anii-ronsuniplivc Syrupine<>ds n 1 recommejidation. To all who aro familiar with it. it speaks for iljioK, Yoars of U.SC in tho livatmont of coKIs and coughs and all affeclions of the Ihrojit has uncpM-itionnlpIy eslablislK-d i!-; place among the v<'ry best niediciiK's f<u- such diseases. If you give it a trial ytju will iKit rogr»'t it. You will lind it 2o cont.s well invested. IT AM, PKPENDS. "Things is blessin's or otherwise," said i'li'le Kbcn, "'cordiii' (o how yoij us<'s cm. Hope is what keeps some nion vv«^rkin' deir best an' what cncoui^ ago olhcrs to run into debt." SEWING MACIIINKS FOR HENT. bT wMk or moiith. at low rate». Tli» SiiiK«r. aiid Wheeler .» Wilson are acknowloJgeit the Kfihteat running ami niont convenient of fcnr. 'rry one and bo con»inc»<l. O Ktore*. Look (or the Uoil S. Any ladi/ having uned any viake of sfteing tnacKinc for â- 'â-  (/fors or mart iirtfr Stnger Sewinu Mactiint Co., Manninii Chnmbert. I Toronto, for beavliful set of ten souvtnir â-  ticua of Ontario. tS-te for asking. 4. LOt'KED WVAY FROM BHIDE. Young Irishmen Avrnfle YVroiifls cl fretly Mary Uurkiii. The aricilojrals of liubUii Castle, tlie t.iiliionablos of London, tho iiiillionairos ol Now Yorkâ€" everyone .who liglilly luiikcs love or bivaks his vows, whotlior bifoiv or after inarriugcâ€" --houlil be in- formed of the piini>hmciii wliich his humble bul truo-lioiii tod neighboi-s are in- llicting upon a faithless dir'. It<.il>crt Flvnii, onco nn aillllcrymon, r,ow a small farmer near Unriok-on- Sliaimoii, iiiado love to Mary DinUin. a gill as |>telty a^ worlhy. They engaged Uienisolvps lo marry; ttie dale for their wedding was tlxeil. Mary pirpai'od licr In iis.seuu with her own needle, but. with oiiili slitch slie felt hopes as putv. troniu- loiis, as over animaleil a princess. Suddenly, twd witlioul tJie sligble«t PILES n'RED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. PAZM OIMMK.Vr i< itu^r.intee I C> care any c&ae of Itchiaa, Blind. Bleeding or Krotudiag PUm ia 4 W 1« iU7a ur m >n,!y retuadad. tue. Fmployer to his clerk)â€" "Is it true that when Ihe clock strikes six you put down your pen and go. even if you are in ll»<:> middle of a word?' Cierkâ€" "Cer- tainly not. sir. If it gels s<:) near si.x a-i that 1 never begin llic word at ail.'' It's eauy to paint with good p«int. it work? w> nicely and looks ro frPHh. Ram- say 't« Paint', are good paints 'gof>d all the way thrf»ugh. Every house in town- j.boald be toiK'hfd up with Sam^ay k Paints. Vonr dealer ha? a full stock. RamxaYx Faintfl tho right paint to paint right. Write A Ramsay A Son t'o . Montreal, for pack ot Soavenir Picture Post Cards ot Ilomcs. MF.DICM. ITICM. A doctor can hardly be lilamed for lo.?- ing his temper when tie gets out of pjSicnls. A Clear Healthy Skinâ€" Eruptions cl t'le skin aiKl the blotches which blem- ish Ivatily are the result cf impure blood causctl by unlieulthy action of tlie Uver and kidneys. In correcting this unhealthy action and restoring Ihe organs lo their normal condition. Par- melee's \egelablc Pills will al the same lime the blood, and the b.otches and eruptions will disappear without leaving any trace. w IFF, \\ AS rr. "Well, and what did Ihe doctor say?" "Said 1 must diet and gel a divorce." ".\ divoroo!" "Well, praolicdlly thai. Ilo ifaid I niu.-t give up whatever do<-^n'l agivc with me.'' Put out the lire In a hot. itching. nnhMMhy (kin with Weaver's Cerate. I'se it for ecMinii nettle raeh, tetter and salt rheum. Insurance omcialâ€" "Of what com- plaint did your fattier die?" Applicant â€""The jury toud h;in guilty." i;sc the safe, pleasant ami effcchial worm killer. Motlier C.ravos' Worm K.\- terminator; nothing equals it. Pixtciu'c 8 bottle and take it home. TiiF HL DI-: r.ini. "I wish .somcliines that I could fly .\i)d sciar through Uie air." .V at the singer^i;,, ,,i,oth tho callow^ dudo. Then said the maidon rude: "Clf Hying llsli I've often heard. r-ul living lobsteiis. on my word, .â- \rc mre, <ili, very nirc." DODDS ' KIDNEY //, PILLS HIGH GRADE IRON BED A STBIKINC OFFIR. Iron beds n^iver wear out. Note tito Ixautiful finish and trimnirijs. Order early. Write to-day for our new Spring and Summer Catalogue 2. 90 OnIerbythi« nninher K 2â€" 28/26 T. L'. The above Iron Bedstead, very neat desigfn, i 1-16 inch posts, 5-8 and 3-8 inch fillings, head end 54 inches high, foot end 44 inches high, brass knobs and caps, beautiful snow while enamel finish. Supplied in four si»es, 3 ft., .3 ft. 6 Inches, 4 feet and 4 feet 6 inches wide. If this bed f^ is not entirely salis'actery in either quality or price, we will exchang-e M or refund your mcu.-y and pay all transportation charges. Bed only Aa 90 T. EATON C° TORONTO, LilMITCO CANAOA ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR PANGO INSTANT RELIEF TO THOSE SUFFERING FRO.M HEADACHE, NEURALGIA, GOUT, RHEUMATISM 25 A^D 50 CENTS, BY HAIL. THE PANGO CO., WHOLESALB TORONTO. LVHAN BR05. & CO.. LTD. LY.nAN, KNOX 4 0LARK5ON, LTD. Toronto and .Monlrkal Torouto and riontreal oasr.'VCLt:. Knickerâ€" D.d Jones wake up to Dnd himself famous? B<xker-Yos, but he couldn't wake the neighbi.i:s. TIIEnES EVERYTHING LN BEI.NG I-TRST. The first train in Canada was opernted on what is now a part of the drand Tiunk Railway and this great .system bas ever been on the alert 10 slay in >h<- first rank. In keeping wiU\ this general policy the "International Lim- ite." the premier train of ' tho Grand Tvunk System, is al^c the llnesl and fn.«tesl train in Canada, and one of the ftistest long distance trams in tho world. Leaves Monlreal every day at 9.00 a.m., Tcix)nlo 4.W p.m.. arriving nl Detroit at 10.00 p.m. and Chicago al 7.10 a.m. Ccnvalcecenl seffu-^ivoly); "How can I ever repay yoti, doctor'."" Doctor (prac- tically): "By "cheque, note.<. or gold, and I hope soon, my doai- sir. ' It Is Known KvtTywhortj.^ There \s not a city. towi\ or liaiiilel in Cjinada where Dr. Thoma.s' Kcleclrio Oil is not kjiOwnâ€" wherever intivdiiccd it makes a» f'xithoid for ilf^Mf and maintained il. .Some merchants may suggest sonic ether remedy as equnlly beneficial. Such recommendation.* should be received with doiifjl. There is only one Kcleclric (.111. and that is Dr. Tlionias'. TaJie no- IhiJig elso. ..\ p«ior man is always talking about vhnt he would do if he were rich, but a rich rmin never laifcs ulxiut what he w« uld do if poor. YOUR OVERCOATS eod ttiti Suiu wauUl 'ook better >tred. It no >ient e/ am in your u>wn, write direct Montreal, Bui UH BRITISH AMMICAN DVKINQ OO. FREE Send us 70Ur ' iiainii ftnd aJdrees f'jr 1 S pltcvf of Jcwelrrto i».llat 10c«nt>«u-h. Wh«n ep'! pcthI a* the (Bli'l KirtUS. We tm.tjrooo "":â- '•« '•»'elrT«nilwll.«:nJ IlillcUiinmpua. s«Bau«7oiirn»mo«na«<ldr«»»iiow. STAS MFO. CO ,»1 8«Tl».,riOTKasai.«.I.,tI.B.A. AGENTS. $103.50 PER MONTH â- oUiag those wontlerful Solssorn. V. C Ulobn.r, I Columbui. 0..»i>l<lJipiiir« I In 9 bxurs, made tlK : you ' can Uo it. 1V0 show bow. FBKB oni'ir. Special induceiuent-i to C&n.i<UAnA;:9nt9. Vttamaa Mfe Cc, 802 K St. Dayton, a li»SLK NO. 17-08. Retain Veor Strength hj taking -Ferrotlm." Ifs tlie bent (onicerorci.mpoiiiiilail. Ituourinhee uul strengtUeiu Ibe wliolu systoio.. A rni".i-:iioi.n. llo_"\V<iiild yoii give mo a pince In your hoBif?'" .Sheâ€" "Yes. if you can pay Ihe n^nl.' TO Cl'RE A COLD IN ONE D,\Y TaJie LAXATIVK BROMO (Juliiine Tabled. Druxilist^ refunil money If il (iii» to cure. S. W. aROVB'S siguatare is on OiicU box. 250. WlK-n a man niairies a girl tor her beautiful faoe<iiMl graixtiil lonii tltg joke is apt to be on him later. Have you tric<i HoUoway's Corn I lire." 11 has no e«jual tor removing Ib.cso troublesome excrcsences as many have testilied who have tried ;t. AS B.\D .VS CUICXGO. NVettinfllon- ^'<'*^ Zealand, one ol llic AVindiesI Olies in llic World, Wollinglon. the r»^ililical capital of N'ew 7ialan<i. '» <'"<' "' "''' windiest citjes in ||\o world, and once a building thoiv gels "well nliglU" Ih*''* ''^ '''"'- chance of siiv- iiiij neconlly the. I'ailiamcnt buildings v\et-c desti'oyeil, and SI. Mary'.s Hoiiian riiinolic Cathetlivtl, clos^ by. has N'on tv.icc burned down. Everyl><jdy in Wel^ linglon clulcW -hi^s hat on rounding, a. f Iroel corner (o prevent ils l*ing btown irto snaco. A Wellington man is always A. J. PATTISOH & COJViFANY B. ANKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS TORONTO Transacls an inveslmonl and financial business. .Stocks bought outright or on margin. Direct wiR's lo Boston, New York PhiUi- dolphia, Chicago and .\lontival. Also a dli-ect wire lo Cobalt. CORRESPONDENCE 80Ii:iTED Itefereiues: B. tl. Dun & Com- piiny. Th.^ Bradstrccts Cximmer- cial Vl'oIIcv. .•» WHEN THE QL.\nRf:i. rE.V«ED. They were having tlK> usual family quarreU As was also usual she could not ccnvinci^ him that she knew wheiv- c? she argued. "Didn t I go lo school, stupid," she sci-caiiKHi. "Yes, dci'r, ycu did," he replied cnliii- ly "And ycu came back slupid." HAD F».vn-|CI;:. "Miss BIoikJ is so t^eet; she know^ how lo make every one al ease. ' "She ought to. biie's been al it a Wns time- * SHILOH'S Quick ease for the worst cough â€" quick relief to the heaviest cold â€" and SAFE to take, even for a child. ^-i That is Shiloh's Cure *-^«rCS Sold under a guarantee CoU^hs to cure colds and coughs jo^ g~< lAa quicker tluui any otiier ** I-.OICIS niedicine â€" or your money back 34 years pp success commend' Shiloh's Cure, 'lie., «ec.,$l. SI* krowu in ?\dncy, MollKiiH")* antl other '^^fT f g^ "WT f ykJ" f i cities by holding on to his hat through \j \J ^ 1| J^, Jj J. £ tcrcc of habit. *â„¢^

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