Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Apr 1908, p. 7

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^w A MEDICINE FOR SPBING Do Hot Dose With Purgativesâ€" i Tonic is ill People Need, Not exactly sickâ€" Dul not feeling ijuito -well. That's Ihe way most peo- ple feci In Ihe Spring, Easily lircU, appetite variablo, sonictinMis h«ndai hes and a fwling ol depression. Perhaps pimplos or crniplions appear, cr there may tc l\viii<jcs of rheumatism or neu- ralgia. Any of theso inJiciite thai Ihe blood is out of order; that Ihe in-<loor ii/e of winter has loft its mark u|X)n jwu and may easily develop into more eerioiis trouble. Don t doso yourself a-! many people foolishly do with pur- gatives in the hope that yo\i can put y«:ur blood right. Purijatives gallop through the system an4 woukon ia- 6t<ad of giving stronfith. What you need in spring is u tonic medicine Uiat will make new, rich blood, build up the wcfikened nerves, and Ihus give you new h<^nlth and strength. Dr. Williams- Pink Pills is the one medicino that can «1<; Ihus speedily, safely and surely. Lvory dcse of IhLs modicine makes new, rich, red blood, strengthens the appe- tite, clears the skin, and innke,s llred depressed men and women, bright, ac- tive and slMng. Mr. Harry Iluggins, Oshawa, Ont., .says:â€" "I donl think there is anything €<iual 1o Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills as a cure for nerv- ousness, indigestion and a run down condition of the blood. For sometime I was a great sufferer from tlicse trou- bles. I tried several remedies, but no thing helped me until I began takin ; Dr. Williams' Pink PilLs. Before tak- ing them I fell like an old man, but by the time I had taken four boxes my strength had returned, my appelilc im- proved, my nerve.i were steady and I was feeling a i^newed man." If you need a medicine this springâ€" Jind rao£t people doâ€" try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and see lunv speedily they tvill maiie you feel like a new person. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail nt 50 cents a box <t six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' .Medicine Co., Brockvillc, Ont. PERSONAL POINTEHS. Interrsiiiio flnssip About Some Promin- ent People. Many stories are told concerning the dry wit and humor of the Hon. Jo.seph Cannon, Speaker of the Washington Congress. Mr. Cannon's salary as a C/ingrissnian amounts to $417 per monlh, and on his election to the Speakership he decided to go to a bet- ter hotel than he had formerly lived in. He accordingly was cAnducled by th<. clerk of one of the more fasliion- r.ble establishmcnl.s to such a small sullc of ix)oms as his actual needs ix^- quired. "How much is if,'" asked the Si)caker. "We would let you have it \r: tour hundred dollars a month.' As Ihe Speaker hesitated, lingering his cigar in a ner\'ous way, the .solicitous clerk inquired, "That Ls not loo mucn, i.s it, Mr. Sp-^aker?' "Oh, no, not at nil,' resp<jndcd .Mr. Cannon, gravely. "1 was merely puzzling my brain fc think what I could do wjlh my other seventeen dollars." When he started ranching in his early <lriys President Roisevelt was loo]<et| d' wn upon with .some contempt by TTis hired cowboys, owing to the fad that h<> was a college graduate and also wore glosses. One bullying fellow, named "Long Ike,' used to be fond of entering drink'ng bars and taking up the glass of any man he thought he could frighten, lie played Ihis trick on Roosevelt, and was so certain that he wa.s a typical "tenderfoot" that he dk: not even make his customary bluff first with the revolver. Before "Long Ike" quite knew what had happcne<i he fcund himself on the floor; then he was pick<'d up, riLshed out of the saloon, and flung down again on the gixDunil ouUide. He was unable to gel up for live minutes; aiiil then he <iuielly sneak- ed cul of the camp. A rather conceded young barrister was once introduced lo Ihe laic Lord Brampton v.hen he was Sir Henry Haw- kins, and lhrough<nil his txmversation llie then briefless one b-oa-^ted of vvhat lie hoped Ui do in the future. ".\h," said Sir Henry at last, "s<t you hope to be famous one day, cli?" "Yes," re- pU<'d the barrister; "one day I hope lo have the world at my feet." "Why, what have you been doing all this Cme?" inquireii *ir Henry. "Walking '"n your hands?" The PembexJLoie A SPECIAL SALE DURING ALTERATIONS. 18 INCH Natural Wavy Switehss ill browu shades only 33.3.5 rieafie bend r'atli wilb »nler. 8k;;d fob cat.^luque. The Pember Store 1:7 US y:::Bi striet, TO."^ONTO, - ONT SingU fzr^ Erc-.irsicna to Tcrs.-ita /..)r!l tCth to 2Ct:i. RAW FURS Wopaj liighest |. I. «tnraU kinl?. SHIP TO U8 Liberal adiortuiunt. Trmnpl reliirns. D. H. BASTEDO & CO. M.inufacturers and Exporters. 77 Klntc it. last, Toron»o. Establiahec 1878 EARN THBS AIR RIFLE The king air rifle In tnr* death to tinall game. We viU Rive thi.< i[ua to any boy who will iell tweiitvHTe , For hunting or target practice. 11 1 IN THE .?A.\IE BOAT. "Wo get some sad cases," said the attendant at the luatic asylum to Ihe SnIereslcd visitor, and opened the door cf the first cell. Inside was a man silling on a lhre<i- legged stool, gazing vacantly at Ihe !wall. "His is an unhappy slory," said the attendant. "He was in love with a girl, hut «he married another man, and he Josl his reason from grief." They stole oul softly, closing Ihe door behind them, and proceeded to the ne.xt ' In in ate. I This cell was thickly pa<Ided, and i Die man within was stark, slartng mad. ! "Who is this?" inquired the viKil«3r. "This?' re|)ealcd the attendant. "This Is the other man." r nEPAiriEE. "Tim' Healey, Iho Irish member of parliament, is quick at repartee. \ voter once informed him that he would "sooner vote for the devil than for ilcaucy." "But p<issibly your friend may not turn up," said "Tim." adding In a tone of mild enquiry. "Perhaps <ou would support me then?" A MACHINE FOR WOMEN. •hould b«' the best obtainable. Th» Sieger and Wheeler & Wil<nn eening raacbiiie* are ap,*"""- ledied the lightest running, moit durable aii4 «0B»enl«n»olan). Look for the Red H. Ayna lady having und antt make of uMno maehtne for 5 v«<»r» or more «Jr<<« Singer Sewing iSachiru Co.. Manning Chambert. Tormlo, for beautiful iitt of tern toutenir vitict o f Ontari Oj^_yre»_£ or atking. He^"llow can I repay you for that derighlfiil waltz?" ."^^hc whose train has suffered)-- "Oh, dont repay me, settle wilh my drc&siiiakerj" Weak and sickly People en?; Ulnae In roboal Iheiilth. No need to siav rtiok when by the use el ithe btftt tonic, " Ferroviro,".roa c&a gat rlcb Mood phod raaawad strength and vIgoK ON BUSINESS BENT. Motherâ€" "Tommy, what are you do- ing in the pantry?" Tommyâ€" "Oh, just putting a few things awayf Mother Graves' Worm Exiormlnnlor ha.^^^ no equal for deslroying worms in children and adults. See that you gel the genuine when purchasing. NO DANGER. "I shall expect you not lo wear my tlothes," said the lady of the house. "You needn't worry on that point, ir.adam," retorted the new maid. 'I .wouldn't even pataonize your dress- maker." AGONIZING PILES. Cured by Znni-Biik. Mr. F. Aslridgc. of 3 St. Paul Street, SI. Catharines. Ont.. says: "For five years I suffered untold agony wilh pro- truding piles. The piiin was so great lit tinies I would .ilnicsl scream. I went down in w<>ighl and had no appetite. I tried everyUiing I heard of for piles, but g<d no relief. I went to several doctors, but they would give me little hope of e\<r gelling rid of them and 1 linally gave up in despaii-. One day a friend gave me a sample </f Zani-Buk lalvc and told me of .'romcone who had been cured. I decided to try it, and Ihe re- lief I got was encouraging. 1 bought a box, and the piles kept on diminishing. I u.sed Ihreo boxes and am now- com- pletely cured. One thousand dollars would be none loo small an amount lo give for such a euro as mine. I Svish I could convince every sufferer of the value of Zam-Buk." Zam-Buk cures cuts, burns, chapped hands, cold sores, itch, ulcers, eczema, running sores, catarrh, piles, bad legs, abscesses, faV' sores, spring eruptions, and all skin disease.s. Of all druggists flnd stores, 50c., or from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. packages o( Bliiine <or us. Keiid for tliu lUuiiie today. We trust you. When you ne.A the -Z'l paokagoe at 10 irents each, return our il.sit, au<l we will immediately send you 'he liBa. a:l charges prepaid- TllB COLONIAL MANUFACTIUINQ CO., Dept. B, HhmlKon. Oiu. THEMES EVEHVTIIINO I.N UEI.N'LI KIHST. The lii-st train in Canada was operated f-ii what i.s now a part of the Grand TnmU Railway and thi« grout .system l;a.s ever been on the aleil to stay in ilK- llrsl rank. In keeping with thts general policy Ihe "International Lim- ite," the premier train of the Grand Tiunk .*^ystem, is also the llnesl and fastest train iji Canada, and one of the fastest long distance trains in the world. Leaves .Montreal every day at 9.00 a..m., Toronto 4.40 p.m.. arriving at Detroit at 10.00 p.m. and Unco go at 7.10 a.m. UP-TO-DATE. Glady.5 â€" "Got yer spring hut y<'t, iMamiCj^ Mnniicâ€" ",Sure. Me mother got it for mv three years ago." Sleeplessness.â€" When Ihe nerves are unslrung and Ihe whole body given up t'l \\r..tchedne.vs. when the mind is fill- ed with gUx)m and dismal forebodings, llie result of deranfcmenl of the diges- tive organs, sleep le.'-snes.s comes to add to the distress. If only the subject could sleep, there would be oblivion for a while and temporary relief. Par- melee'.? \'egelable Pills will not only in- duce sW'p, but will act so beneficially that the .subject will wake refreshed and restored to happiness. Black Watch Cheivin^ Tob»cco Rich and satisfying. The big black plug. 22Sa A GB.WE AFFAIR. "Father," sakl the lawyer's pretty daughter, "I Just wnn'l listeii when old Ji.dge Prosy makes love to me." "My dear child, ilon't refuse," cried her liorrJJled father; "that's contcinpl of court." ITcn, Mange Pralrlo Scratches and every form of contagious Hch on human i.r animals cured In 30 minutes by Wcl- ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by all druggists. "The most extraordinary thing about hhn is that he always attaches import- ance to the most insignincanl things." "Yos, that la plain io be seen. If it I.OVE AND GROCEniES. I.ove eonielh into life. .Abiding wilh us still; Rut though ho has a win-wme way, Ti.'- Love that never loves to pay The jingling grocery bill. PILES CVnED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. IPAZO OINTMBVT is gaaranteeil lo cara any lease n( Itcblag, Blind, Bleeding or Protudlag iPllesiugta uoaia or Bione/ raUnded. tOa. NO TIME TO WA.STE. T.ady (lo caller)â€" "You won't mind my going on with my work while you're here, will .you Then I shan I feel I'm wasting time," Thin is the time to paint with Ramsay's Paints. Paint your roof, paint your Rteps, paint your whole houee. Rameay's Paints are the oldest and best known in Canada for style, beauty, wcnr and fear. Your dealer has a largo stock. Look at his nolor cards. They are beautiful. Write A. Ram- say A Sou Co., Montreal, for pack of Sou- Tcnir Picture Post Cards of Homes. In it.s initial stages a cold is a local ailment easily dealt with. But many neglect it and Ihe resull is often the development of dislressing seizures of the broneliial tubes and lungs that render life in'LSorable for the unhappy victim. .\s a first aid thej-e is nothing were not so, how else could he have .^ the handy medicine line .s<-) oerlain such an ©pinion of himself?' Thcs. Sabin of Eglington, says: 'i have removed ten corns f.ix)m my feet with Uolloway's t-orn Cure," Header, go thou and do likewise. in curative results aa Bickle's .Anti-Con- sumptive .•<yrui), the far-famed remedy for colds and coughs. Shoppers and House Owners When You Visit Toronto Tliere is no place wtiero thoee wtio are refurnishing for .Spiing, can find so much that is econoinicflt and beautiful; so much that is in the tiighest arliiillc liusle, and in such a variety as to offeir things that ar« in keeping wdli any style of decoration. Our offerings ooiisiat of; â€" Oriantal Bras8ware Russian Bras3wara Japanesa Art Ware* and they will find our collection very Turkish RuffS Indian Rugs Persian RuffS Visltiirs aru always welcome Interesting. COURIAN, BABAYAN 8l OO., 40 Kins St, Kaat, Toronts, Ont. The Great French Externai Remedy ^ ^^"^ o Will Relieve Those Suffering; From Nauralgia Rheumatiam, Cout Cold*, Sore Throat Spralna aitf Palna Price 2S aci) £0 Cents, All Drueglsts- or by mall from Toronto The Pango Company, we euARANTic RiLiar. wothiwo hki it. Do You Hear Well ? We Agree to Make You Hear Ordinary Conversation Providing You Can Still Hear Thunder. Wo wish yon to Bpfl It now flcctrlcally eeneitlied hcuriiiK devi'^e called tile Electruufaoue. that inEtaiitly Cftuses oven the deafest people to hear clearly. The very beat result we can promise you as a re- ward for uema the Electrophone is the complet*. las^ intt reiitoration of your hearing. Next to that in Importance ii the certainty that the moment you apply this marrrlloua little Inetru- ment you will be able to hear clearly and distinctly either in public, or in private. ThiH Bctentifto dcctrlcal BoundconductinK Instm- ment fits Buuicly over the ear. an shown in cut. and la Bo small that it usually escapes observation. Ita purpose is tn maKnify sound waveB and tbr.-iw them directly on the nar-drum in a manner according to nature. The result is your deaf car is exercised jnst nH well ears are. and after a while most people find their hearing has hecume as rood as ever. Mean- while, howevi'r. with the Electrophone attached yon can hear even the faintest sound without strain, ef- fort or emburrsasmcDt. and your pleasure Is vastly Increased by the assurance that no harm Ih being done, as is the case with arttflrial ear-drums, trnmpetn, etc., that ixiison and ruin th« ears of all who nae them. Come and lest the Electrophone free. We agree to make you hear Tou will receive courteous attention and not be urged to purf^hase. ^n would advise, however, that when you have triad an Electrophone exactly suited to your degree of deafncus. yon pay a deposit on it and trv It at homo. Those who cannot call should write for our free illustrated booklat and lii:t of satiHfled users of thu Elcrtruphona. Sent on Trial Anywhere In Canada. Remember the E:<rtroph<ino will open up o new World to you, per- haps 3'uu are only looKmg fcr t<-uip< rary ipli<-f, but you will find Ihat 't will do much iiKiie, die Elerlrophone (irudually n;s(ore.s Ihe nuliiral hrarinn. We ,<!alisfy 00 ixr cent. «.! <iui' piilKJiu", bccaiLse we tell ail iiistruincnii) .subject lo vm- full niontlu? Iruu. Free Trial to AH Who Gal'. Free Booklet to All Who Write. Excursion ratci on ull railie:»ds April IClh lo .2isl., over l^a^(vr Holidays. Mgra. and Patenteea : The Itolz ElactrophORO Co. CANADIAN OFFICE ; THE BRAND ELECTRO OZONE, limited 334 SPADINA AVE., TORONTO. I tleotrophone In us*. If f THE POOR i30.\nDn:n. Quile small was his bediviom, but he Was mlH^k and ctmlcnl as a saint. Spnngrs are the skeletons of a ma.$s ,„, ,„j^j^ „o complainl for. you mv, of minute marine animals. â- [•Ucvq was ideally no ro<j:n for coin- plaint. F.voiy man Dunks he could go the pace if he wasn't handicapped. TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY Tak* LAX.4TtVB BROMO Quinlna Tablcta, Orofcist. rafand mou«; It It (alls to olr*. B, W. QBOvS'S ilgDatur. Is ea .ailli boa. tN. True happiness consists in the Forgetting h<jw to fret AtKiul the many things thai we Arc sure wc cannot gel. THE GnE.\T TROUBLE. Of course, Iho world may cw« A living to us, though When fate's unkind, We're apt tu find CoUections mighty slow. "Docs your wife tak« any interest in current [."olilics?' asked the earnest wo- man. "No,' replied Mr, Kariuon, "slie d<.n t. Rut if it's currant jelly or cui^- rant foly-poly, why, I believe .she could tell you more things aJjout em Ihajj you over dreaint 91." I ISSIE NO. 1 The worst of the man with strong likes is thai he has also sliong dun- likes. WHAT CAUSES nEADACIIE. From Ottobar to May. Colda are th. nosk fr«- â- â- •â- taaoa. ol Haadaohe. LAXATIVB RROMO QUUflMB raiaavu aauM. B. W. Oror* en box Mm For every woman who is above sus- pi'-io-n, there ui-e at least two men be- low it. The Flagging Energies R«vived. â€" anstani aiiplication lo business is a iflv ujion Iho energies, and if there bo net .ri'Uixalion, lii.ssiludo and depress, sitin are .sure, to mtervene. Those comes from stoniacluc troubles. The want of e\(;cise brings on nnrvoius ir- v(-gulanti<s, and the stomach ceases to assimilate food properly, in this con- dition rarinclees Vegetable I'llLs will be found a recupe ill live of rare \xiwrr. re- "Viring the organs to healthful action, dispelling depression and reviving tho nagging cnergi'vs. Motlierâ€" "To ;hink that my little Etli- tl .should have spoken so iiuperlinont- ly "to papa lo-diiy at dinner! .she never hears me liilk m thai way to him.' EllKd sloullv)â€" "Well, but you choosed him, and 1 didn l.' You are right in ranardlnc erysipelafl as a dangeroun lUaoiue. Aoiioint the Mwullen. itching â- kin wilh Woarars Cerat* ; And take W«aTer*. Syrup iuterually. Every time a man borrows trouble he^gels liic worst of Ihe transacUon. Extemally <^r Internally, 11 is flood.â€" When applied externally by brisk rub- bing Dr. Th'^ina-s' Feleclnc Oil opens the pores and iionotrales the li.ssuo as f.-w imimenU do. touching the .'^eat of the ta-oubli; and immediately affor:ling relief. .•Vlministered internally. It will c;tiV the irritation in Ihe Ihroal \vliich "induci>s coughing and wi.ll cure ntUx- tions of the bi'<.inchinl lulx\s and re.s- piralory organs. Try il and toe coii- «inced> YOUR OVERCOATS Mi4 fft4*4 Bulla would look betUr dred. It txn mgnm ftf Mtfttlarour town, wriU dire«i MoDlrral, Boa m| •IIITISM AMIRIOAM OVKINa OO. •WANTED-i to hoar from owner having GOOD FARMi â- for nl*. Not particular about looatlon- 1 PUaae giva price and deaorlption, and rea- I tun (or nlUae. Stat, vlian pouudua caa |b«lia<l. WUIdMa witli ownar. only. t. Darbyibira, Boi AM, Booh.iUr, !4. Y. & il PETERBOROUOf. Ont. Canada. \ rSENDFORCMALOGUi] WELL DRILLS â- WIUi one of Loomin' late improved macbina* you are sure of large profits on tho capital fnvetted. They are the leader. In Ibla line Certainly the grfl^oat money earning well Drilling Machinery made In America. Addres. LOOMIS MACHINE CO., TIFFIM, OHi:. FREE HpuJ n» muuVMid a(i(lre?8 for 1 9 pltce* of J«wftiT»o ••lIatlOcoDU«ach. W"«n fo'^ wnd «• th» Si ao anU wawUliPnd jou thet* TWo 301.ID QOL» ftllt*! nrntiS. W* iruH you with the .T»»wrlr* antl ^'j^,^ It •lirh»nc«e» (Aia. eeDdueyi'urTuuiiewid»ddf««»»ow» %rAR MPO. AGENTS, $103.50 PER MONTH â- olUtiK th«t»o ^oiiflorfiil BulMOra. V. C. Olflbiinr, Columbus, O., fKild'^£patrM tn S huiirH. ma<1o 91fl . ynu can do ft, we nhowno^.'. KBBB OUTfir. Special liiduceino»ta to ranaillanAgent'*. Thama* M'^rCo., S02 K •«. O«yion, a

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