-k POINTS FROM THE Eon. W. S. Fielding Says It Is Time for Caution and Courage. Ttw* dfcrcnse in the net debt nmount- e<l Uj $1371.117. Tl* oisl ol tho TrnnscontiiM'ntal to <;alo has hts-ii .$8,103,878. Artiiiil cash .vurphis of 8I6,127.1G7 re- fx.rletl ,tor nine iii<iiilhs. Tarill \s not jxrtoct, but it is toj ioon }tl I) make ony changps. Th<' jweniif for the closing fiscal yoar Is osliiimk'J al .W.SOO.aX). Wo n:e jiist «nici'(.'ing fnnii n period r' w<)tid-\vid<' ftiiaiiciol stringi'iicy. Ov/iny Ui (.haiigo in sy.'>lrm Ihe fiscal pcrMid tliis tiine covoivd only nine months. A rediicli^in in thfl d«bt has b<>ea ma.lo only in t'tx yours since Confvd- ♦ralion. Imports linve incrcaswl nearly 845,- W-O.OOd, nnd exports decreased about •5.000.000. On thf part of the Government It 'a A tiiii*' for caution and yet a lime for coiirinjc. 'riKTP nro alterations in Ihe excise dut'cs on tfjtncoo, tut not for purposes of r<>vrnue. In IR9I the net debt per head of po- riilatw.n WHS 849.09; in 1897, $50.87; in \V> must not foil to push forward Uk; (fr<nl enterprise' of the Trnnscon- tinental Railway. For the present year tho revenue ta rstmnUy! at $W,0Of),000 and the expen- diture at 112,000.000. The fosl-Onico Department showed a rfvenuf of $5.(K1I.72«. and exi>ciidllure of $3.;i70.557, a .'-urplus ol $1,082,171. Hates of interest <d and 7 ^er cent, to l.o paid on the .$10,000,000 advanced for rn-jving the \vost<rn crops last year. TIm; lolal exports for eleven months of 10C« were $200,870,601. For the cor- risiiondlng months of the present year they were $'01,*3*.52l. Tho total imports for eleven months of 1006 were $308,764,306; for the cor- KFpondinR period of the present year the/ were $341.17.5.095. The Intercolonial Hallway revenue was $6,284,251, slKiwing ft surplus <( $218,079. On the P. K. I. Railway there is a deficit of $07,713. \fr. Fielding thought the House was content with a budget speech not so long as formerly, and therefore occii- pied only an hour an;l a half. NV«i for gre.iter elasticity In the cur- rency laws by extending the powers of the bank with respect to the issue ol Ihelp currency at crop movement period.s. He c.'-timaled that the revenue would amount to $96,500,000, and the amoimt cimrpenble to consohdated fund to $77,- 500,000. U these expectations wore rea- lized tho year would cki.<!c with a f.ur- ).|iis of $!9,000,0Oi), a larger surplus than In any previous year. LBADINB MARKETS BREADSTL'ITS. 'nn-onlo, March 24.â€" .Manitoba Wheal â€" Nii. 1 northern, $1.21; No. 2 north- ern, $1.18; feed wl:eal, HI'Ac; No. 2 feed, 61 >i'-. Ontario W healâ€" No. 2 white, D3c out- /•itic; Nn. 3 I Oil, 92Xo; No. 2 mixed, 'JD^c; goose, 90c to 91c. (.>)rnâ€" Firm; No. 3 yellow American, 72c to 7.1c, Toronto fi« ghls; No. 3 mix- eu, Ic leKs. Barleyâ€" .No. 2, from 60c to 70c, ac- cording lo quality. Peu.sâ€" No. 2, WJc «utside. Hyeâ€" N<i. 2, 86f. Buckwheatâ€" No. 2, G?". Onisâ€" No. 2 whil«.'*50c outside, 52%c on track Toronto; No. 2 mi.xed, 48c out- side Flour â€" Manitoba palenis, .special brands, $6; secoAtlR. .$.'). 40; .strong bak- <r.s , $5,30; winter wheal {jalenLs, 83.50. Bran- Full cars, 825 lo .$26, bags in- clud<;d, outside. Shtirtsâ€" Si-nrce, $23 to $24. THE TEMK1IAIRE TIPK. The New Warships are Infinitely Su- : . perior lo Dre.-idnuught. \ de.spnli h from Ixindon say.s: .Sjicak- Int; in Ihe il',use <il Lords on Wednes- day evening, Ix)rJ Twoe<lniouth, First Ixird of the Admiralty,, defended tho fiolicy of lh<> Governinenl in refraining tetnp .ranly fix.m laying down a largo Tiumlx^r of b.-iltleships, arul said that lh«- fx.nslru'-t on of bnltleships just now part'<<ik larg.-ly <if llio nature of nn ex- periment, rircat Bnlain's Ihrw vessels of the Tcmi'rnire type, he der|nre<l, woro inflnil"'ly .vupenor lo llw Dread- n<iught type, nnd the throe vessels of Itio .St. Vin'-onl type w<ju1i1 Itf an Im- ppc.vement on the Tomerairc! typo. In the spring iif 1911 rueut Britain would h.T\«> three sqij.-idr<ins of fjur ships each of the .'^t. Vincent ly|>e. .\o power in Ihe world would l>e able to a.ss<'mblc piich a (Ici't of nr.sl-elass biilllc&hips, I/ir;l Tweednnoulh declnre<l, nnd he cotiM nimost .say that a comblnntion ft nil the (vower.s of the world would not lie able Ic put an o<|Uul s(|undron (A the sea. ito\iti»iN(;-iioisi': .MII.K. In \Vinnlpofl 11 .Miisl Have Tliree ppr Ceiil. Itullpr Ful. A despalih fr>'ni Wiiiiiiiiej,' .s.iys: The new City milk by-law nlNiLs not only •Inirymeii, hut nil those who sell milk, including roslnuriml-s, hoU'ls .-nid Ixinril- ii:>.'-lK.|ire.s, The Inllor must n<il place niilk <in the InMcs or <in ilr;iu;;hl llial o.ntnins le.'^s Ih'in throe per eont. hul- ler fat. Sexpi-iil will n|)|enr in the Police r<iurl t<>-ni<irr<iw cliiirf;el with violuting the law in this re.sjiocl. lAVO VKVHS rOH CIIIKF C.UCMK. \V. A. Hunt Itefriiiided C. .\. H. With l"or(|e«l Pay Chrrks. A d< spatrh from Winnipeg snys: W. A. Hunt, lorinorly chief clerk In flio C. N. II. nccoiinting tiepailment, on Thursday was .sent to the penitenllnry for two years f<ir defrauding the coni- es pnny IhPiUgh forge.l pay checks. His , tonfoderales escaped with light scn- â- lenr* s. LAND SKI':KEnS POIRING IN. ICntering .Saskalrhewan From Western Stales in Crowds. A despatch from North Portal. Sask., says; Noarly one lh<iusand land .so<'keis and prospective, .settlors came In at this p<int over the ".Soo'' line on Thursday ftxim Ihe Unlleil State's, and It looks as If tho totnl number for the week will form a now record for this port ol entry. Fifty car.s of scltlers' cffo<jfs wore i)ns.so<l through the Customs, chiefly lielonging to men from tho mid- dle West, who had taken up land along the ".Sro" line and west of Moosejaw, Inst Fall. .Most of the .settlers who arc coming in arc Amcricnn.s fruin the .Sinlis of Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, Iowa, N<\l)niska, MinnesoUi and .Norlh an. I South Dakota. Almost all of them are experi< iK-«xl farmers, nnd many <)f them hnvo from $IO.OiO to .$.t0.000 with which to purchase land ami erect first-class liuililin},'s. In every way they nro a do- siiahle class of .settlers, and each fam- ily is a decided asset to the country. hdatii si:\Ti;Nr.K on oiic.iiahd. Judge Itecomniends it lie Coniniulcd to Imprisonment. A de.spntch Ii'iin Caldwell. Idaho, snys: Ilnrry Orchanl was .sentenced lo d^'nlli <in Wednesiliiy for the murder <:[ (ro\ein<ir .SlMoiieiUierg. Judge Fms in<inl reoonunendel that Itic State lumrd of Pardons commute Orchard's .soiilerico of deatti lo inipri.>-onmenl in the Si!\\c I'cntcntiary. The .'onlenee of dentil was pr<inoiinc<>d in accordance with IliR plea of guilty enleied by Or- chanl on Tuo-sday of lost week. SET FIRK TO RAIIHACKS. Slratlord Man ("onlesses In Outrage .\(|:iinst Salvation .\rMiy. A <Us|ialrh from ."^tratf^nl ynys: On Fridny night last (Ire was discovered Iti the Sahalion Army Barracks, but it was Dolkod and cxliMgviishe<l before much dn'iKige was done, and on Sun- day Fivil nryont confessed lo having ti.rned on the pas and set fire lo the building in ,s«'veral places. lie was ploccd under nrrcsl. STABTED TWO BIG FIRES Stormont Youth Wanted to Stifle Competi- tion and Drudgery in Father's Store. A despatch trom Cornwall snya; The wnsntion ol tho week in Slonnont County is the confession of I'hilip K. I.dw, Ihe 20yenr^ld son of J. \V. Ixiw, nunhiinl, ol Finch, Hint he was privy to the big eonnftgratlon in Finch Vil- lage «)n May 14, 'A Inst year, and thai Ik hud helped along the big lire of llic (ircv.oui day. The two Wn-s nearly %'iptHl out n li\isy village at the ]uncti<in tl Iho O. and N. Y. and C. P. RailwnyB, and tetwien Ukui caused a loss ot over 885.000, Ixjw, who is a nice looking, but ra- Iher v^euklnced, young man ot 50 years or 80, confowcj on Wednesday Ui F. P. McNnughUin, reeve of Finch, llial on Ih* day ol thA flrsl (Ire, when it looKca M If lltc namet might be ex- tinguished, ho had started a (Ire In one of llie Ihrealenoil buildings, hoping thereby to burn out one of the busi- ness rivals of Ills father. On Ihe night of tho following day he started a lire m his fathers store, nnd this caused the more serious conflagration of the two nnd nearly wiped Finch off the map. 'llie reason he gave for Ihe «ec- cnd act ol Incendiarism was that ho WHS tired ol th» drudgery at a country I store. ru.l<irc Alex. McNawaUion, J. P., Beevo McNaughton testillcd Vk thu confession, nnd tho prisoner nnirmw i^nj jho con- fession was voluntary an4 j,, acooivl- anoe with Ihe light given hvm ^y qo^. 1 he prls^iner was remanded i«, ^f^^\ on a charge o( arson. r:ou.\TBY PHOnUC£. Pouilrvâ€" Very quiet. Young turkeys, vxtra choice . 15c lo 17c Young geese 9clollc Ycung ducks 9c to lie Chickens, choice 13c to 14c Old fowl SotolOc InferUsr chicks and fowls 5c lo 7c Butter- Beceipts arc improving, fjioomory, prints 31c lo 32c do wilids 30clo3Ic Dairy prints 25<'to27c do lartrc rolls 24eto2.V; do scilids 23clo2tc Inferior 20cU)2Ic Kggsâ€" New-laid 81c !o 22c; liuK-J, 19c Ui 20c. Iloneyâ€" .vtrnined steady al lie lo 12c per pound lor ()Opoun<l pails and I2c t<. 130 for 5 lo 10-(MUind pails. Combs a. $I.7.'i to $2.50 f<'r dozen. (;h«o.s<wl3Xi; t<i 14c for large nnd I4r lo 14)ie for Iw ns. in job lots liero. Ben ns--$ 1,70 t<i .$1.7.-1 for primes and .?l.8u to $1.85 for linnd-pictie^l. BnU<I .^trawâ€" $9 to $10 per Un on track here. Ba'.od linyâ€" Timothy is qiio'ed at $IC to 817 in car lots on track here. Potnto<sâ€" Ontario, noc to 95"; Dela- ware, 95c in cor lots <in track here. PBOVISION.S. Porkâ€" .«:hort cut. $21 tr) $21.50 |)or barrel; mess, $17,50 to $18. Lardâ€" T.erces, ll'ic; lubs, U^c; pails, llJic. ."^ni'iUcd and Dry Sailed Meatsâ€" Long clear twicon. 9%i; to 10c for tons nnd ca.ses; linms, ni'dium and light, i2J4c lo I3i-; hams, large, U^c to 12c; Lacks, 16c to ICXe; .'houldors. 9>ic lo 9Xc; rolls, 9XC tj 10c; bi'cakfasl bacon, I4c Ui 15e; green nieuts out of pickle, Ic k'ss than smoke'd. CHEERBI FOB SUFFBAfiE Incipient Riots Were Checked in Berlin By the Police. A despatch from Berlin. Germany, SBys: Tho people of the e» st side of Berlin paid silent tribute on Wodnoj- day lo the memory of Itie revolulion- i,sls wlw were killed in the street light- ing in this city in 1848. An impos- ing crowd of sympathizers gathered iil ti>e grave of Iho dead men in Friedcr- iclishaiii Park, which Is at the centre o' the east side district, and heaped tl'cni high wilh (k<wers and wreaths. Towards the close of the day a huge crowd gathered nt tlie Halle Gat.^ and marched up Frederick street singing the workingmen's Marscllaise nnd other i^cialusllc 5onp9, and shouting "Hur- lah lor universal suffrage!' The crowd tried lo rea< h Unler den Linden, but <.n approncliing wilh'n a block oh.-ei-ved a thick (.ord .n of mounted pol â- ze oc- cupying Ihe sireel ahead, and turned into a .side street, hoping to reach their obje'-tive point by another route. They found all the cross streets held by the police, however, and niado a wAr de- li. ur toward the rastle, eventually reach- inj; the Belihsbank. The police drew their sabres and forced the marching crowd to retreat. A small number of ft^ockers was read- ily taken up at prices from $3 to $3,("<). Calves sold at $3 to $6.50, and Ihe average price paid was about .$7 per calf. Sheep nnd lambs were not offer* 1 -n large quantities. Buck.<; and culls s'lld a little higher to-day, owing lo Ihe lim- ited offerings. A few spring Inmhs were on the market, celling at from $4 Ic $7 each, according to s'ze and qua- lily. ilog prices are unchanged, nnd the market 's qu et. Choice are worth $5.- 40 nnd heavies $5.15. A CIILNAMAN SHOT. StrUngcr Demands Laundry That Was Lclt KIsewhere. .\ despatch from Montreal says: Hop I.ee, a Chinese laundryman, was shot m the head <in Friday night by n sU-nii- gcr, who entered Ihe laundry at 320 Hoy street. Two men called and one prodmed a ticket, which had come from anoth<'r laundry. Mop l.ee refused lo cninly with Ihe man'.s angry request for ins laundry. lie then drew a re- volver and .shot the Chinaman behind the car, and escaped b<'f<iro llio ix)lice at rived. Hop U'c was taken to the iKispilnl, and the doctors believe he has a chance to live. .MOMHICAI, MAHKFTS. Montreal, March 24.â€" The flour mar- ket Ls fairly nclivo. Choice spring wheat patents, $0,10; sectiiids, 85,50 to $5,60; winler wheat patents, V5.30; straight iv.llors. .$4.75 l<j $5; d.i,. in bags, $'.'.20 l- 82,35; extra, 81.89 to Sl.W, ,\u active ilcmand prevails for ehte.c en Itie local inarkot. S'ph iiiber west- erns are sell.ng «l 1.1c for white and ll''X«J f"r colorod. St-ptcmb. r eosierns, lH>ic f<'r wliito and l:l,'-^e f.^r cilored. TlKMo i.s a bliong demand for butler. Gra.ss go «ls ore selling nt 30c to 35c, current r«'e<'ipts al 28c lo 29c. There is a liltlo (liiiier lone to the locnl egg niaiket. tiaiiadinn fro.s!i ni<; soling nt S5c t-o 20c, Amer.can Iresh at 23,^c to 24i-. PiHjvistons -Barrels short cut mess,, .$21; half-lnrre's. 810.75; clear fat back, $21: to $23; long cut heavy mess, $20; half-barrels do., 810,50; dry salt l-mg clear backs, lOXc; barrels jilate beef, $13.50 to $15; halt-barrels do.. $7.25 to S7.75; barrels heavy mess tjoef, $10 to $11; half-bnrrels do,. $5,50 lo $0; com- l.eiind lard, 8'^c t<i 9c; pure lard, nj^'c to ll%e; kettl.' i-eiuhred, ll^c lo 12c; hams, 12c lo I3>ie, according to size; breakfast biic.n. 14c to I5c; Wind.sor bueon, U>ic lo I5>^c; fresh kille<l abat- toir dros.sed hogs, $8 to $8.25; live, $5.80 U) $6. Manitoba bran. .$23 lo ,$2*.,V): shorts, S2D; Ontario bran. 824. ,V) to .$25; mid- dlings, $20 lo $27; shorts, $25.50 lo $JC per Ion, including bags; puro grass mouille, !!!.34 lo 835, nnd milled grndes 825 lo. .$29. nolle<r"eats, 82.75; com, $I.C0 lo Si,70 i)or bag. BUFFALO MAHKFT. Buffaln, March 24.â€" Wheat dosed:â€" Spring firm; No, 1 northern. $l.09>^; No. 2 red, 99c; Winler steady. Corn â€"Higher; No, 2 yellow, 71c. Oats- Firm; No. 2 while, 58'^c; No. 2 mixed, 55c. Bnrloy-92c to $1.03. Byeâ€" .No. 1 iT. track, 90c. NEW YOBK WIIK.AT MARKICT. New York, March 24,â€" .Spot steady; No, 2 reil, $1.01>i elevator; No. 2 ivd, Sl.02>i f.o.b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Du- lulh, $1.14Ji f.o.b. nlkiat; No. 8 hard winter, $1.12% f.o.b. oftoal. LIVE .STOCK MABKET. Toronto, March 24.â€" A few good ex- porters were offered, some ol which brought as high as $5.25. and a few loads ot heavy bulls sold at 83.80 to $4.25. The best butchers' cattle all sold off first, as the demand for them was keen- est. The proportkm of cows v/tJt about as usual and good on«8 were hi fair 4]einan<l, selling at $8.(10 to $4.10. Com- mon and m«dluni rtnged from ft to |$.I0. UP TO THE IIAILWAYS. Success ol Great Quebec Camps Depends on Transportation. A despatch Irom Ottawa says: The Militia tiouncil on Weilnesday had un- der Clin side rat ion the question <'f the number of volunteers to be as.sembled 111 Quebec, the last week in July. Sir Fioderick Borden snld Iho desii'c of the Oivernmenl was to place as ninny ns '.ri.lKX) volunteers in the Ancient Cn.pl- tal. The only dillloulty In the way Is I'l Iho matter ol Iraasporlation, and the Government has put it up to the lailwny companies that Ihe country will expect Iticin on this particular oc- CLSKiii, to bo equal to the emergency. KILI>ED ON THE CHOSHING. South Enstluipe Woman Mel Denlh Wliilc Driving Home. A despatch from Stratford say.s: While driving Ivorne on Satunlay evening. Muss Margaret Smith, ngod 05 years, was sli'uck by a G. T. B. train. No. 2, j.oing enst and instantly kille<l. She l.vi'd ou the second concession of South f",aslho(e. some twr> miles east of Sliake.sjicare, and was nearly home, when Iho accident happened. The hor.se slio was driving escaped unhurt. ♦ Mr. A. J. Donly, Bepislrar of Deeds for Norlolk county, died al Simcoc on Thursday. Tlie (i. P. B. will place fifty-one west- ern tfiwn sites on the nwrkcl during Ihe coming s<ason. Mr. Wainwnght thinks the new city of Prince Hupert will start with u po- pulation of twenty Ihouiiand. JUDGE .MABEE TO BE CHAIRMAN. Will be New iloAd ol the Board ol Ilail- wny CcniRiissvjncrs. A desrat h lro.^l Ottawa says: Mr. J slice M'lbisi is to t>e l.'ic new chair- man ' f tlie B.wrd of Railway Gomnits- sonois f r (jinaia. Ho came here on Saturday lo alcnJ the weekly High Court, was ngdin urged by the Min» ister of Ba iw .ys to accept the office o) Chief C<tiHn &s!oner, and finally con- SL-nfod. Tho < rder-in-Coimcil consum. mating the arrangement will be passed by the Cabin,.t this we<'k. Judge MaJae* retu'-ed the [K^sition a week ago for th4 reason principally that by leaving the bench ho would forfeit Ids right to a pension after so many years' s.rvice, whi'jli ns a jcdge he would be entitled lo Assurai.cos have now been given him th.Tl tho Judicial pension system will be made applicable lo any mem- ber of the bench retiring lliorefrom to accept a P'OSifon on the Railway Com- mission a.< wa.1 done In JiKl|;e Killani's ca-«. Judge Mabee's appoiiilmenl will be for ton years at the annual .salary et 810,000. The sokvlion of tho new Chief 0)mini->s.i«mer is conceded by le- gal members cl llio House of both po- lilicol parlies lo bo an admirable one. .^ FIGHT AT FORT >VILLIA.M. llalKins and Russians Engageâ€" Several Were Injured. A despatch from Fort William says: Itnlians and Russians at the coal docks here >.ot InUj a (Iglit early on Thurs- day morning, two or three of the parti- cipanl.s toing badly cut about the head. Tho fight siarted by Toni B Hi and Tejla Morj-ah throwing cordwcr3 through a window into a house occu- pied by Daniel Suminarish and Andrevir Buzz hi. ill ni.ED I.NTO THE MllD RIVER. Aged !M.')riIIoIk) Woman Killed and Husband Fatnlly Injured. .\ despntch from Weslbourne, Man., snys: .Mrs. Wm. Morris<«i, '72 years of nge. was killed instantly and her hus- lan<l fa'ally injured whil(» out driving on .Sunday afternoon, ihe horse swerv- 0,1 lo one sido and slipping on the bridge crossing Ihe .Mud River, ernshed llirough the railing and dragged over Ihc sleigh nnd its occupants. FARMERS IN GOOD SHAPE. Very Few Applicniions in Manitoba lot Seej Grain. A despatch from Winnipeg snys: Lea than fltlcen applications by municipali- ties have been made lo the Provincial Ciovcrnmcnt for seed grain. The farni- <rs generally In Manitoba, outside o' one or two exceptions in the hailed nr<as and in the remote sottlenienls, arc in good shape. i, . Ow hundred and foriy-ninc Hindus were reloflsed nt Vancouver, nnd thirty- five others li^lJ lo be deported. TBAl FOR ELEVEN BOlTHS There Was a Falling Off in Imports While Exports Increased. A despatch from Ottawa sayi: The trade returns of the Dominion lor the month of February and for tho first eleven months ©!â- the current fiscal year, which ends on the 31st instant, were issued on Wednesday. The present commercial depression is re(1ected in the oonlintied falling off of lm|>orts, whkih began with December last, al- though cxp«rta, on the other hand, â- how a gratifying IncreaM. For the last month ib« Imports amounted to $Cl,e01,lU, a d«cr«Bie of $3,e03J33, as «ompared with February ot last year. DonwUo «xporU amouoM to $14,- CS6.8t8, nn increase of 82,015,901, Ex. ports of foreign [iroducts totalled .?,S32.- 477, ns compared with $1,075,294 in the comsponding month of 1907. For the eleven months of the current n.scal year the lolol trade amounted lo $589,755,974. nn increase of $30,156,704. ImporLs Uitalled $328,321,453, a gain of $21,798,784. and e.vports totalled 8.;61,- 434,521, a gain of $5,357,920. Exports ol the products of the mine* increased aboul $2,4(X),000; Bgricullim«, $4,700,000, anti manufnctuw*, $1,835,- 000. Exports of fisheries fell oil by $160,000; forest. $1,700,000, and an mala •ad their product, $12,15O,00a (.â- J t t t f l> « < ^T f j V r * f