Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Mar 1908, p. 7

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f T .•.> 'iÂ¥tkÂ¥tiÂ¥tiÂ¥a¥»¥HÂ¥ti:Â¥aA^fi^^ >«♦»♦«>«♦«♦»>«♦»♦« CllAKTEB XXIX.-<ConlinueJ). "Of course I ni«an lo slick to you, fhe icvMaimed. "VvtjBlr.kji' <io you owan by i;iy:ii;^ Ihal? Tr.erc's iw 'ear f,i your teing caught. Suultum Uaia t l)eUni>^ed you?" lie m-jveU uneasily in his chair. "Sunbeam!" he e.aoulaieJ. "Wot flia..^ you think of «â- '.' Siie's out of i! a.;oi\cth>.-, IhougJi I «ion I say she mayii t s|xAk up for h<:rs<;U." "She v/out. I know her, and so do SO\x. Way. tJiU, you kive her sU 1. .\nJ you am t the man lo let Ikt suff«r lor /"ou. Th J1.-C tKv,v we've paaipti'ej her, «dJ th;nk of wliere .she may go S<ir icve of you. Oh. what^er /cu mean ty yor ntysterioiis spoak:ng is nothing t* what we oufrht fo feci for herâ€" our goldcfl haired baby." "Sj!;! up," \ic snarl A. his c>--.-s g!*'in;- ing onirrily. "I've no time to !Ti:k about 'er. Its her d--<ity l.o re'um £07n«lhiug tor all I've d n» for 'er. a.j 'old yer noise and lisien to me " • 'But y-u don't know !he worst about her. That Ihey've ar"est«\l her '.^r Sfe.i'injf the -c-irlj, and that- â€" " "Hang the p««.-!s and jxiu too. I ^Ro vs as mu"h 13 I wanter. .\n' Sun- ^â- e-aui "I come o'it o' it ewi r-jighl. you bet. As you say, I 'are h'^ed 'er. and- P^it there, you'l! make me drivel kiike .verself. ^'o I've to jiet ready fcr % jour- Jney We're ^•oin' to !«ave Erg'And this ve y •viigut; I ve n ade all arrang^m.^ts, lhan\"s lo lh« pearls. The K-jUged for farrt! an' bit o' ^;^,un.-l will te 'ji.Tj €t/'er r\\. So 'urry up. We nil d^ scon's <X)ss bk'." "But it's too sudden. Bill; besides. we an'i go aw^y unt.: Sunieani is " "G-jnitncn. Su: l)*aTn'!I t-e well looked afVer. >x>u bet. If you care tor me an' WEfll a 'ome in y<;ur o'd age with me, ,vou must do w-Tt I say. If not. ycu te J'jiaed the trio wlthia, tte te«l- 1 Then Eiieen wu doing h«r beat to lal WAS bi.tter^w««t, .'rau^ht with 'help Sunbe«ni aft^ «U! H-iw we h*vo jer« she mg U anxiety for her faber and Hetty, and bcp« that in some n:yst«r:«us maaner sh.) had bren proved ianocent. .Vteaiiwh;:o Lady Quse liad enlered^ttia silLng-rocm w^.e.-e her husband sal willing, hbj back lo her. She laid her harvl on his shoulder. "Cruse," she said, "Duncan is coming, be has »Mne- thinjj to teil us, sometbjig good I feel sure. You wer.e rght aflei- a'l." Thank goodnesst' ejaculated Lord Cruse, th.-Dwing down his pen an<i misjudged her! Poor girl, I se« H <iow. Being young and intoleraoi she thought it her duty to prosecute <tnd yet, ail the tim>} she has been trying tn fht4 the true culprit, or rather the en* \he ihjught probable. For of ojurse, Sun- beam, I am not cccusing any one, cnJy you know " "Ttat a tad reputation brands a man," inltrrupled the girl gently. "Yea, it is natural that you should all think, althoiigii you wers kisd through not to turning round as the doer opened and say it. thai it was my father I was Iry- Diincaii entered, hot, e.xciled. his face |Vng Uj shield. But it is not over yet. b'-a.Tilng. jl am not clearedâ€" there will be im-ro •"Hive you heard?" he Isegan. glanc-jti'' say, andâ€" perhaps â€" I s?»all slill te liij; eagerly Lxm one to the oUier. "Of [accused of c»niplicit/ or thought lo Ce course you haven't, evening papers | sh elding someone- ;t 1! land me down the river. A.5 for /ou. y«u must foUer me by train. LiTy up. Dan may come and stop you â€"if he tinds out that I've got ali his ijKK/iuin' siivmgs an' left 'im the pearW wo I everyone knows of. How long 11 /ou be?' .Vs fhe listened, tte sudden thought i,jour • f imminent danger restored her ccur- '; iha don't get here at midday. liere is oneâ€" and- Wei!, Cruse, some. Water from a stagnant pcol. or a well which gete the .>oakage from de- cay and filth, may have in it a poisoa Utat Ondi its vtctini in tb« human family. flere'-n lies the advantage of nitrate <t soda: The nitr4;gen being at once arail- atle is promptly ta.ken up by the plant roots, which force a vig»irou3 growtl4 during the forepart of the season; then the acU'jn ceases, no nitrogen being l«/t in the soil, and the fru t matures. Fer- tilizers apipLied to an apple orchard at this time wouM not ppuduco much ef- fe-jt Ihe aea.'^en, but would appear ;•! the crop of the following j^si. The rfisults of a number <jf carsful «x- aminaliC'ns by emaient scientitlc men ^how that the toiai amount cf amm<onia bpoughl down in a whole yoar in the raui. ix'^ and sr.ow is about eight pounds to an acre of surface, varying Duncan drew h»T to hL-n. "That is ail right now. Here is the Oh, Duncan, what a it? Don't waste man who will prove that to you. You jstimewhat with scas<3ns and kca'itifis; your time saying nothing. Tell us, we nee 1 w.irry no more, my dearest," he | whiie in a crop of 28 bushels of wheat iim dying to hear your tews, " ex:laira- imuttereil as the ilcor opened und a ser- \ there were 45 pounds of nitrogen; In ty^ <d Lady Cruse. jvant cn'ered with letters and announc- ! of n>eadcw hay there were 56 "Of c';urse you are. And jo^'y i*^ iln« 'her visitor. p<junds. and in iy, tens cf c.ov.t hay t am b:> be the first to tell you that | "But Aunt Hetlv, Duncanr' wh..spor- ! there wei>» tOe pounds. The greatest peoris have teen found, and ed -S'lnteim hurn«!ly. "Do you think j benefit we have derived from the pres- slie !.s ST.fc7 That U:ey are bol*iâ€" jnii i ence of soiw on our fields, has b>^en ag-;. ;<uc.i danger as this sive wasi used j \ low cry from Siaifceam. who had isee thing? are not yet qu.te right fcr .fjcuitaling the spreading of msnure 1*-. aiid krK-w how lo cope w:th. Her just entered the room. iSftopped Wtn. He them. Heâ€" Dan, mayâ€" oh. what am I tycs .sparkled with amiisement. Da.rng spraag Icwardi her and put b'is arm sayin^'?" " . - â-  T«)unJ her wai-^t. T!.e grl's whiie face! "V^thin^ <hafc I do not know, my expressed ar.ytiiing but pleasure, btr heart's own," he replied, squi^ezing her hps part*! to utter no so'ind. jhand reassuringly as the deteciive was ua's deed sounded, it appealed lo h-T s^sise of humor. She was glad that Dan had been "cocked." Nothing couid hav-e pleased bar more. But, at ihe siiiv time, she knew how desperate h> \\»jukl be on making the di.TCovery. Her Dfiteclive tove for her erring hro- Ihcr relumed in full fopw. What he 1 It is true, deari?s'. You are free. Innocen't. al«s Ive-J from aH blame. The/ have caught him, and with him toe pearb." "Urn:' exclaimed Sunbeam In a "What do >ou mean, had d'ine t.r .Sunbeam he did Twt kiKW. j hoarse voice. But she felt reassured en that subjeJ. ! Dun;an?'' i?ho had never knc'.vn Bill to de-.-eive i Mating her distressed eyes he read h«.r. whale%-cr be had done to others. |ihe thought that tortured hT. and an- And now her duty was to save him. jsw<>rrd quickly- rShe ^?!t sorry fcjr the suddenness of | "Th-.- burglar known as r^-ntleman the llight. and dreaded the long sea j Danâ€" fh^y got him lasl rcghl. quite voyar-.\ But in arnothsr land lhinas,|ate. Of course lie denies it. but he is wo!!:d he safer, snd some day she would a known hand, and wx* already su- sc Sunbeam again. 'spect-od of tho g.^al bank (hat "You may be sure we shan't suffer 'ujok pla'-e son» weeks agTâ€" y-311 all re- .for th^s. .Sunbeam 'U te more use to 'm-mb-c-r fiial a safe was emptied con- us now than ever," were Bill's parting . larnfng several thousands in g*>ld w'jpds as he went towards the d«.>3r. notes." "Oi! out o' Ih-s as soon's ycu can," he 1 -But I d.i rot understand. ushered into the noom. fTo te Ccntinued.) « ' oil M U win'er, -by drawing it over a frcizeii and snow-covered surface, ittil«ad of m mud early in spring. IN'^V^^^^ ^^ ^^A^^^^^^ * ^ I R.US1.NC; DAIHY HElFBPt?. Every true dain'man knows that in ordei- to raiie .strong, vigorous and high prHjduciiig dairy cows it is ly.'t beo'ssai'y to keep them fat llwr growi.ig peii-jd. In f;ct it is bolter not 1^0 fatten the young dairy caiT'^s or he.- wh'spered â-  fers, but ji:upiy keep thcin in ihnf ly whispered with a wink and his Snger j;,.^.,^,^^, weaiiiy. "Hew coild they jcc.nJil.on. Dairy ..-aives ;iivd the young on his jtKOise him of taking ir.e iffirls when he 'siock sljoiilj be liberally fed. but not â-  JYvcs " She hesitated. bU»hing. j given feeJs that will iaUen them. It CHAPTEB XX.X. I "Thev found them in his possessLin. 1 *» !eU by ^ur best bivedors that a LAWLESSNESS LN EGYT ICOIISTRY LN WORSE CONIMTIOtS TUOi UNDER OLD KU£DIVE. Governors of Provinces Being Constant- ly Interfered With by an Ignorant Inspector. The lack cf public security in tha provinces, more especially in the Del- ta is oaiiiiing the grea'.«;st an.xicty at Cairo. Egypt. Brigandage, thffl and murder are ever incieusing. and in this re3p-.c'. the stale <-f the country is »«jrs« than m th- time of the Khedive SaU Pasha. The cause U tie unwiekitnesa of thi> machinery of tl-.e M'inistry o! the U'arlngr retorted Duncan, sm Ing re- il.u3ty ratl-in is better fcr growing <ia>y ; Interior. Vlonscver. l^ere is id high of- The buli^;ny of .Mouton Hctol over- ;as„nr,,„g[y inUj her .stariljd, puzzled acinials than a raLon c.nlaining " ' - "â€" »'--•â€" -' ""^ rr.i«rtr.i. hung th«; quiet market square, and was ij;^. - vi'id in bis anger he let out Ihat a favonto resort of all viiiturs. Whiie it afforded a capital view of llw town, •.T>pocialiy on mai-ket days, its ocu- {•an's were hidden from Iba gaze oi the curious by the kafy br aaciies of a nieg- ihc mis:>uig notes had also been hid- 'len th<T©â€" he swore Ihat h<» never a ; ficial in the .Ministry of the Interior - who has had any previous e.tpehence can stay and get punis.^erl for me about jjiificent wisteria and the graceful loli- i Ihe Sunhe<im bisne!>«. imJ run the risk 'age of a Virginia creeper, inlanniiiiiling : c' no 'omo a' aUâ€" for I mean tc quit j lovingly fivin baaa to roof of th^ old- ; this soon "s possible. Tain't th;? fursl i ^>tsjiiji^ toiiiK" you've pjshed off in a 'urry. you're used !o 'hat ty now. « the ei you set to work the belter. We'll kild up our beds an' walk, an' shake off th? soil of England fr nj our 'eels afore 'mtdnipht. You i*e. Hot. I iiwiight have gom and loft you. iwt Lothered about you; but you'v<^ a-ct^xl squai-e by nie. on' so I'll a"t square by you. longs Iherv's a chance for me, there'll be ons /or you " "But Sunbeamr she inlt-rposed Icar- lully. "She'll do. I said. Besides, wot good can you An 'er? If her story roine cut. Vw can you ex-ilan the vast? They'd h- bound to punish you some ow." "But whi will 'el 'hem? Why shou d that come out at ail?" "l>easlways. she's lost to ivs, ain't she? Though Dan still jrrumbU's about it. he's given up that h.dea of 'is. He only wanted 'er \^^ mike her work fc us. Pve made that up to htni. and jve're quits. But "e might gess at Ihe truth about 'er, and try to sell us. But I w oj-jked 'im." Ho leaned back in his chair, chuck- ling with delight. She looked at him puzzled. Then, realizing Ihnl he w«s in a good temper, e.xclalaied: â€" "How? And for all Ibat, why s-hf>uld we go away, and leave Sunbeam? She love< us, and would let nothing happer to tis.'J He shook his head. "I m>%cr trusts a feniale far. loo'- you. She's in a tight 'ok; still; she may give m.*. up to save 'er skin, an' I'n ioo wWI-krwwn to risk Ihat. So we'i"'' cR. Later p'raps >'ou can see 'er ag^ir that is, if you come with me. Are you oomin" ? " She nwt hi^ eyes enlreatingly. l^r heart seemed lorn in two. Affection and btood drew her to Bill, unsalisfloU <inateimat craving to Sunbeam. She Jwwed 'her head. "But you loved her," she murmurotl. "You were so good lo her. How can we go? How can Dan enough lo tell her story? It they knew that. 4hn:i 1 might say, let us go. Bill, she .wanLs u.s ivo mone." ".And iif I said that by this foime ter- morrvr moming she'll kitow it, what 4hen?' he (.Veniaii-ded. She looked up eagerly. "How can that beâ€"unles,^, unless ^u Oh, Bill, I knew you tovod he' #nd would save her. You noble, good meut!" He laughed sheepishly. "The polici) should "ear >'0u. Het," he mittlered. ".Me noble an' good, by Jo\-e! But 'urry up. I'll lell you all I've done when wVre safe. Dan iit.iy \el sccnl aominut. Rut I'm level wilh "iin now.' "What have you ikmc?" she asked, her curiosity r sing as ho laughed agnln. "Sad<Il&l im with Ihe pearls. You see. thoy cant be get rid of easily just now. Rut we've made « g-xid e.vchango; or, ralher, he vw)n"t think so. He was 4irunk. as drunk as a lord, and I drsg- Add Im, an'â€" But I cant lell you now. kilme'ii short. Listen. I'm off now. rt nMoe; a bo«l waits *n)» at the docks; louche.1 the pearfe, ihat he must have jcapabio _«jf tik ."i^ *..'^'"*- '".'f'^-,' l/een mbbeJ bv a ooinlederate and ' " that " "^Xy^i he say?" in;ernip4e«l .Sunbeam, h-e" ea£»er oyes ocmpelling his atten- tion. "I mean dil be ? No. it ni->l Ifcrge po.'oen a^e of c-nci-ntiales. There is a reason for this theory and ; nf police w<jriE. It is a govemir.cnl by practijc. Th-' g-jo^i dairy ow must ie : experiment. . ^y-^'^Z- ..^ , ^ ^ ^bc imp.o.^sible. , . .k .. Ihesti s^Jnbeanl sat with Lady .^k^ leaned back aga'nst hl-n with a'8«sUve organs nwre than I'ie oencen- the morning afier Du.r.cans ii;cel ng i,;^^ ^j, j^ ^n seemed .so strange ; ''"i''**- PeJ"haps it is iwl so much a ..u II .1.. 0-. â€" »:.._..-â- .._•...-•. ^ ... o _, _ _, .__ ^^^ y^ digi'stive r^ by eoarso fod- iiieais and <.x)n- _^_ _ ^°^ handling .cicgram from hiia te.ling that h; v. as ai'lhe^thou-'bC" Dan must' lave been j large amount^, of teed is developed. How and by what, ho liid " .\not!ier fart which greatly militates feed and converting it into milk. If an : against the successful policing of the animal caiuwt do this she is not nro- ' country is the fact that the police of Ctable :o kt*p f<-T Oiu.-y purpose*.' .«o Eg.vpt a.c by ojmp^slton and traiiiing in tra nir.g y. uiig. dairy s'x>cii tj carry j especaily a military f-n.â€". a goiiAimj- out their work they are given bulliy f««ds which t<-nd to exercise their di- ceta.n^d. itow una oy woai. no cw,^^„;,j.. ^r >.«• father thai dreadful uot s-iy. Th<re.'ore. small won «i- 'hil;,,av ^nd have takc.-i charge of iho pro- i«unUMm kokcd pa-e aiKl tioufc ed. ar.djp^j^- ,,( j,,^ robbery, that her rmgers trv.-nib.^-d si.giily ovar , ^y^^ are s.ife. at any rate, mv dar- her dainty emiroiderj- as sh- lis'ened ; j.„j^ •• ejaculated Ouse. â- "W'h'y to Lady Ciu^-s cheerful anlci.ati.ns. :^^^ ^.^^ ^^ .,t^,„t anything else?" "Bfcjuse. oh. Ixcause, well you know who and what I am â€" ths burglar urgit ihavo been mv fa'her " I'h.-ough a?c the muscles of ttue ani- mal are developed; by disus> they ilriphy. To tram a horse lo Ir-d, h<' U put on Ihe track and trotled. there- by devekiping ih>> muscles which «re erie, yet Ihey are adininis'^red as a civil force. AD.MIMSTRVTION'.S THEORY. The Lhi.ory of the prcsftit Adniinis- traton ;s that Ihe Mudirs. or Governors cf pruv no'S, are ahs^dutOiy responsible I the .M.n-j-ler f-ji- the state of th-' dis- trict under their oOHtrol. But. m ren- Kty, llieir authority is ccntmually boinjj tiKkerjd with by a young inspector, who tias neituer a sunicient knowl-.-Jge of th-! ountry nor of .\rabic lo knovir when he Is being wilfully misled, and nce~s.ry to produce sp.vd. The dairy jwho !es ens I! o ix>sp.insibility and w.^ak- cow nU being kept f'-r .speed purp.Kcs. | <'n> the authority of th' Mudlr; m tact. IS n-A lran<.si upon Ihe ti-ack. but by ,'"•• ii'nlal^,'* mseat of >oj being ftrced lo oblam her growth by ' thing. What L> iiecd.>l is a rL's:d<-nt inspcc- 1 lor who is cntl!x?ly cognizant of the You may be sure he will goi.d ; news," exclaimed Lady loi- about .th? Iwcntielih time ihit morning. "News tlial wiU save you from ell W^o ;~Vv.uV if I "tell vou that h-> was s'l- iottting libi?rsHy of hav. fodder and .-.- , - ^ w ^ . iv.^ .pibic.ty of tc-monw. I f.el sure o* i _\^ «m m«l^ brave de.T" slid il««e. Sb.> .hfuM ha^e a tra-n ng thai e-nJ-tiors under whi-h. and of the ,U. What elso ,«uld hnve kept hi.n n'^In.-^n '^ ^V^, tha;.>ver^^^ to d^ei^p her digft-tive capa- : characl.>« of th. people he Is ,serU to from wining back, s-j so^.n after hs j^^.^^^^ j,,^ ,^^ ,ne„ ^e is sate. '^ ' ' •ngaperwrnt. 1^^, kmiws where he ha-> gone t>. No Siie smiied gaily into the girl's grave. ^^ reTiK-mber^ anyttung about him ^''?t: .,. ..... . ..... .. isince .v-cs'crcav no.-ning, ofid Dan was •"kou will see that I ^ nghK she onlv caught last ni^ht. He walked m- ndd^xl. though with a sinkmg t.eart. ; ,,, i,,^ ^ unwdi nglv. a oe'«:Uve was â- â€¢.â- ^, try to look happv. my chihl. '^-atching Bill Orpin's hous<. - «nd .><unbeam sighed as .she f,.:rce.l a sni !e ^^^^^ ,>a„ coming oul of it. Inside U. her lips. For what wouU mean n-- , ^^^^, ^^^ „.j ^^ ^^ .. V as«' for her must aLs>i mean punish- No I citv. thus devetoping her lo perform I >>el4J to govern, a man old enough lo beiler bc-r functon as a dairy oow. 1 tave a natural auth..nly. with a cer- tain kriowledgs" of th<' c luntry and c.x- WAR.MINO THE WATER FOR COWS, i P*"^''« "^^ "»« ^^l}'. ^f.^ ^^11% ^l' i ern. a w»^irk ng k.iow..»-lj:« cf their lan- Wairtimg the water for milcii co'^s ; g^age. and. above all. he must have results in m<jre of it being consumed. â-  j-aj praclical experience of polic work; When our first lank l;ealcr was uilio- | j, fa,-t. a n^tum to, and an improve- duced several y.^ars agj it did not take ; tncnl on. the system in vogue b^-fo-'e iiicnt for her father. So how c-uld she j^'jo ce over that. It was far belter for things t-i remain as they wen?. She â- on id rot be very severely pui«shed, hilsl Bill. «s an old offender, would icng li convin^ie us that we got more Aunt Holly? Oh, what has happened milk than w« had been fe-etting wh.n lo her?" I the oowj drank it unwariiKHl. even "Sh.« has gone also. She and Bi!'- j though fiwm a well-proleclod sturce. Dan. of courSi>, denied cvery'h ng. He; \v,j do not hear or r«ad so much was taken up on th" bank robbery ; these days on this suhje. t. tecaui-e el per ai send ude 7or acertaiiity "So. ;<^***'"ge. But when Ihey t^und Ihe pear s 1 [i^arly everybody understands thjit ice he wanted lo bear the punL^terenl f^r 'ft cour-« the police were mad w th do- , ^.^^^ ^ ^i conducive to a la.-ge miik i .i^ ;„^,^_. .nabililv of the present im. It would be an alonoir.enl for herjl'gh'. ami the m-^re he demed a'l ki>-w- Sflow. Not all bams are equipped wUh ^"^ '"^f^^^r^o " uddVL^ a ^ Wl^n ..,! unfiliat behavior. -It would ^how -eJii-' «' '^cm. and of Brack^y. the tn^a^ wa>« devices, and many p-^.?^^?^"^.'? JH^^.. \ m, ".. ,Cs" the Egyptian civil service was started. W.WERING IN ALLEGIANCE. At the present m-3ment all scriously- mir.«>»d Egyptians, who have teen loyal lo the occupotion throughout, arc wav- ering in their aUegianee, because of r€cen hbn that »he slil' -oved him that she \^^^ rertain they felt they had the man. 'y^ inde«rCTaleXullor"airhe had d'-ne ;S'«'»e one is commg lo see you to teU ' r her. And vet the < rd.>al of to-m-r- '>ou all .bout it. Only I gained on him ow's trial seemed mor« than .<he could whilst h- wrnt to the police statin, hear. She turned white at the tNnighl .to'' *«• Iravelkd down tgelher and I 0-' it. and locked down ivto Iho silent ju't"! my mt.rmaU« fio.m h.Tn square anxious'y. If only sfce could "ot oul of It \«lhout betraying her fa- Ihor. If only Them sihe started up wilh a ssaolh r- rd cry of delight. "Look!" she said. "Dun-an is com- 3iig. He must have caught an earlier train than he said, and " "H* news is good!" ejaculated I a !y But \vhat kept .vou in town Ihea?" aslcod Lady Duncan's facj daikened. "I thought I should ds:»vi?r some- thing myself, and waittd tir that. But I was mi'laiien, although I do not lose !i'! hope c-f doing so." •But there is nothing to discover now." eja-cu'atid Lady Cruse with a lit- Crus^, as sh<? looked d<.iwn and waved ifo laugh. "This is evidctitly the end. her hand to Duncan. wh.r wa.<i coming 'and after a little while we shall settle quick'v Ijwnrds Ihem. and, drspite the i down into the humdrum once more, tower <.)f grevncry onframini: !1i>^m. had Only who put the delcclives to work, seen fhem rfnd was waving his cap -ox- who suspected " Cteelly with all the appearance of baing i'l good sp'rits. "How delighted he looks. Sunbeam! Vm I not a goo*.! prophet?"* Rut Sunbeam did net r^^ly. Fear Iield her longve and magnified lh-» pos- .libiltties ahead. Wcs her father cap- Jured? Would she gain fre.dom al his oxpensie? .She looked down into the sh?e*l, half afraid to move, her ha'nds lightly clasp- o<l. Duncin had disappeared l-e'ow, xon he would be wilh Ihem. tcllsng them what had happened to matte him kwk so joyful. .'Vnd .she was afraid 15 hear it afraid of seeing him. afraid to mcwf and follow Lady Cruse inkj Iha room beyond. So she remained there alone, trying (0 quell Ihe slrangv, miserable teekng ai she iiitefposed> Sho hesitated and glanceJ at Sun- beam. But the saiiw question tilled the girl's eyes and she lurixid anxvousl.v to Duncan". Had he t.'cne so? .\»id if .so wluit could s!ie say to him? S!-e ought lo feel angry, and .vol the relief cf her escape was *o gcat that she coul 1 feel nothing but ploflsnre. though al the •iime tihie sonKwi^at anxious about Bill. Duncan's answer, hewever, aslon'shed Ihem all as he repled-.- "St. Aubn I was t-ild. Though how and why I know no nKre than ycu.' "St. AubinI" ejaculated Lord Cru=<. "But how the d ckens could he guess atâ€" Bill Greei»â€" unless Eileen had told him Sunbeam'.s story and " Lady Cruse clappc»d her hands softly --ng herds still go to Uie outs-*ie lank for di-ink. Sinco >5 per cent, cf aU mi'k consists of wa'er, it pays to cn>.uragc a free oousumptioa on the part of the oow. One cf the most saccessful dairjwen I evor knew k«pl but a few cow hi', took exo*>)l«nt care of those few. In wtnler. since he had no better way, he carried a kettle cl boiiing water from tl»« house every niorntag and took the chill off tefore the an mals were ajlow- e<l lo drink from the half-barrel placed just iruid» the barnyard fe.noe and near the well, from which it was flileU by means of a wocden trough. HLs co\\s did not stay out of doors on cold days and at n-ght \%-ater was carried to Ihem in Iheir stalls. This n>eant kjis of work !but ho found that it paid to do it. Wann stables, plenty «.f good food and water wilt make tows tk) well even in ttie coMesl weather. .'^It iii not food, tut it is essential to health, and .-hould be regularly supflied to slock of all kinds. FARM NOTF^. Improved nvthods of cul'ure are spi-ead over the lan-l by means of l>iX)ks and papers. For this reason farti>ers ate more intelligent than tho sawio class iu any othi'r cnm- try. Few fam>ers now scoff at agricul- tural infonualion. Eighty' per cent, of m-lk is wa- ter, which shows 11k> necessity of pro- viding m abundance tor the cows, and it should alwiys be pure and whole- a criin* i.s committed in a village, tht-re is not one man, woman or child in that village who dees not know the author within an aour. Yet, In many C3se<» which ojme before Ihe parquel the po- lice profess Uxni.selves unable lo trace â- â€¢""â- '''J the culprit, and in many well kiK.'wtt ^' ' cases Ihe wrong man has been sciilenc- ed. Neither the Minisl-^r of the Interior ,nor the adviser has the power lo de- mand to see a pi-ocoss verbal drawn up by one of his police, after it has con>e into Iho Jiand.s of the parquet, a fact which has teen the cause of much abuse. There is n>i r.'ason why the Egyptian should not become a very et- (icient policeman, but he mu:-t, and al pr>?3.>nt he ha.s no one to learn from, as tho knowle^lge of his superi- crs Is m<'rely exvesimenlal. There are advisors lo tho Min-.sters, and. Wilh Iho ox>.epli<>n <-f th- Minslry <jj the IntiTior. these advisers ar* s;»cial-Lst.s. There slMuld. lhe^ f"re. bo resi-Jcnl ad.isers to the Mudirs. who can insist on tho right molh<xl being adapted ins'ead cf merely cxpcrinwalr ing. NOT IN THEIR CL.VSS. "I Suppose your tamfiy is ia Hie social swim?" "I sli-nild say so," answcrfU M. Cum- rcx. "We're gelling *o exclusivo Ihat i feel flalliM-ad it mother and iht- girls let mo c«3m«» x> OM ct ihoir p*t«lesf

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