Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Mar 1908, p. 3

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THE STRONGEST GUARANTEE of quality is in the asaociation o( names. The name Leach Chemical Co., !s inseparabU; from that of VIBBIN OIL OF PINE .which LS put up for dispensing through <iruggisls only In % oz. vicls, each vial securely scaled in a round wooden case. VVorlhle^s imitations have been offered to the public, but alwai's under an as- BMmoA namo throujjh which tho imila- tc- hides his idenlily and endeavors to evade responsibility for the deception. Vifjrin Oil of Pine compound pure will break up a cold in 24 hours and euro any cough that i;s curable. The name on tho wrapper Is your guar- anke: LEACH CHEMICAL CO., CI.\CINN.\TI, OHIO. Properties, uses «nd dJrectioas with every vial. SWll-TEST SmP AFLOAT. The Destroyer Tartar Recently .Made 37.037 Knots an Hour. England's naval experts stale that England to-day i.>ossess?s not only the biggest and most powerful warships, but that she has aOoat the bicgest and fastest fleet of destroyers in the world. They poiJXt out that wtien the King rtcenlly reviewed the home and reserve fleets, off Spithead, it was proved that of the 182 sbip.'S reviewed. 166 were eble to leave immediately for the ma- Tireuvros in an extraordinarily high percentage of preparedness. England under present Administration has slinhlly reduced her naval e.xpcndi- tures. The total naval estimates for the year l!K)7-08 aggregated £31,419.500 ($158,000,000), as against jE3t,869.500 (8170,000,000) for the preceding year. Th;s economy, thougli large, is unim- portant considering the present great predominance of the cBritish navy over alt others. England intends to main- lain this predcminaivce by building four Dreadnoughts aimually, and it is the Intention of England to continue their construclioji until sho possesses in ves- sels dating from the Dreadnought era •alone as tTcat a relative superiority ever all other nations as she possesses to-day. The deslrcytT Tartar was built by John Thornycpoft. She is a turbine, and her highest speed was attained iri one of the six runs over the measureit Admiralty course. The turbines are of the Parsons type. The dimensions of the Tartar are as follows: The length on water-line, 270 teet; width on walcr-Iine, 20 foot: depth, 17 feel 2 inches; displacement, 850 Ions.' The shape which has been adopted for the vessel is that usually chosen by the Thornycrofls. which includes the graceful turtle deck, in place of the i-alsed forecastle. The turtle deck throw* the water neatly overboard in- Blond of under the upper deck. Her armament consists of three 12-pr. quick firing guns and two torpedo tubes. The evolution of Englnnd'.s champion- chip in the matter of tho swiftest de^ Blroyer I'cs in th; story 'il a long strug- gle against the rwistance of sea ajid winds extending over years. Thirty knots an hour was (he speed aimed at. and in 1893 the Daring al- most rcafhcd that point, making a trifle over 29. In 1S96 this was cxeee.l- e.' by the destroyer Desperate, which attaincl the coveted speed of 30 knots «Ji hour. Then the Japanese upset England's calculations with the de--lroyer I'siifrl- mo, whch made 31 knots. England at once raised Uie limit, and wilh Uie Al- btilposs she again pained the re/'oril. this last named, destroyer reaching spt'od of n little over 32 knots. Rut England was not yet contented, and piiooeedcJ lo build the Tartar. wh4ch first i-cachcd a S-l-knot limit, Uicn Iricmsed this to 35. and finally aston- ishe<I tho naval world hy reclijig off the Bi.'ecdy run of 37.037 kn-ats. ODD ORSenVATIONS. Some of us havo lads, others are tads. When duly calls we are apt lo say "Not at home.- We musl usually plant lalor if we want to raise money. 11 Is hnr<.l to believe Ihc truth the way seme people le'll il- U i.s soothing lo the nerves to be po- pular wilh yourself. Besides gatheting no n>oss, a i-oUing stone gruvitat^•s downhill. The less you think atxjul yourself. Ihc more others are apt to think of you. It the question "Who is wise?* were put lo iwpular vote, we should each score one. Some people are so interested in mak- ing money that they forget how lo «pond it. Black Watch "Bifloostand Best" Plug Chewing Tobacco VXW VSE FOn X-RAVS. They are Said to Cure Exressive Per- spiration of the Hands. A German physician has used the X- rays with success in tha treatment of perspiring hands, a condition which is a source of great annoyance lo some rersons. .According lo the .Medical Record the fact that .the hands of Hocntgen ray workers become very dry led him to in- vestigate the effect of the rays in cases of this sort. While it has not been found feasible to make use of the Roent- gen rays as a means of destroying su- I^crfluous hair owing to the fact that in order to secuw permanent atrophy of the hair follicles too great »llera!Lon of the skin as a whole be caused, it appears that the functional activity tf the sweat glands may tie abrogated without undue risk. Tho rays must be applied In consid- erable intensity, however, and in order U' do this safely it is necessary lo have a.-i exact means of quantitilative control. WEAK, PALE AND WORN OUT WOMEN Can be Saved From a Life of Misery by Dr, WiUiams' Pink Pills. Women are called the "weaker sex,' and yet nature calls upon Ihein to bear far more puin than men. With loo many women it is one long martyrdom from the time they are budding into womanhood, until age begins to set its mark upon them. They are no soon- er over one period of pain and distress Uian another looms up only a few days ahead of them. No wonder so many women become worn out and old look- ing before their lime. In these limes of trial Dr. Willianns Pink Pills are worth their weight in gold to wximen. They actually ma;w nt-w, rich blood, and on the richness and regularity of the blood the hea'ta of every girl and every woman depend-. .Mrs. Urbane C. Weliber, Wetland, Onl., is one of the many women wlic owe present health and strength to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Mrs. Webber says: â€" ".Vboul three years ago, while living In Hamilton, my health began t<' decline. The first symptoms were headaches and general weakness. After a lime the Ircuble increased so rapidly that I was unable lo attend to my hou.sfhold duties. 1 lost flesh, looked bloodless and had trciiiienl fainting fits. I was constantly doctoring, but without any benefit, and I t>egan lo feel lliat my condition was hopeless. One L'ay a friend asked me why I did nol liy Dr. Williams Pink Pills and men- tioned several in which she knew of the great Ireneflt that had followed their use. After some urging I deoided lo try the pills, and had only used them a few weeks when 1 began to feel bene- fitted, and from that time on the im- provement was steady, and by the time I had u.sed atout a dozen boxes of the pills I was again enjoying the blessing of good liealth. I cannot too strongly urge other discouraged sufferers lo give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial." Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pillls will cure ai; troubles due lo poor, walery blood, such as araemin, general weakness, indigestion, neuralgia, skin troubles, rheumatism, the after effects of la grippe, and such nervous troubles as St. Vitus dance and partial paralysis. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a lx)x or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' .Medicine Co., Brockvllle, Ont. TORTURING SKIN DISEASE Afflicted this bright little girl Mrs. F. Miner, of 311 Suffolk Street, Guelpb, Ont., taya: "A year •ince, while while liTing in Oshawo, Ont., my Utile daughter Lorinda, six years of age contracted a akin disease on the upper part of her body. This first broke out like tiny wttsr biiaters, alteiwards taking the (ofin of dry scabs. These would disappear for a short time and then reapi>ear wurte than erer. The cloihes coming in contact with the skin set up such a severe irritation that it was impossible 10 keep her from scratching. We tried various prepaxalioos yet obtained no (ood results until we began using Zam-Buk. Witii each application the irrilatioa and soreness was greatly relieved, and the child rested easier. Thro* continued using, the eruptions and scabs fajt disappeared and in a short space of time the skin was completely cleared from the disease. It is now some montiis since we used Zam-Buk, and as (here are no signs ot any more eruptions breaking out on her body, we believe Zam-Buk has worke^^a complete cure." a!,B,.BBk Cares cu», cn,pp«i h^^ It Send for * (ha! box. Enclose coupon and ic. Muzip. mddrtM, Zam-Buk Co., TuTOOto. jKj 'am-Bnk itch, alcers, aczemB, running torea and ail di»* eu«i of the ikio. Of aU dnigjtUts aud iior«« S'm'. or from ZamUak Co.. T,r,n.o. I uTTLt LORINDA MMSER.GUELPM NOT WORTH IT. Noddâ€" "There was to be a meeting of mv creditors to-day." Toddâ€" "Well, wasn't there?' "No. They unanimously agreed that they couldn't afford to spend the lime. ' RECOKDS OF OrER.\TION.S. Ciiiemaloam{)h Pictures Now Used in Surjery. Another step in advancing modical and siirgicnl scienco ha.s been taken ly Iho Middlesex Hospital. London. Through lh<^ cff<irt< of Dr. H. C. Thomp- son Iho cineiiHilograph has bc«n added !•) the e<l"ipm€nt of the institution, and hereafter records will be ivproduced on films of symptoms, germs and opera- tions which will be used to illustrate lectures. .•\rninpemonts have been made with a cit!Cinnlogniph cmpany for the erec- tion of .'ipeial acconiniodutions for these lifelike records. The operating room has to be lighted in a special way for cinema tographiiig purposes. K special chiiinber will be pix>vidcd, whither pa- tients will be conveyed by electric ele- vators, and a light has been discovered by which pliotographs can be taken In al" kinds of w<vilher. The new premises will be Iho llrsl lo be eivcled iolely for cinemalographic purposes. The cinematograph has Ix-en used in Trnnce for metlical purposes for tho past fight y*-ars. having been introduced by Dr. Doyen. But showmen obtained some of Ihe Dims and exhibited them, Wwi'i bringing the cinematograph into di<ro- I ute and cnusini,' medical men lo give It up almost entirely. It is now hoped thai tho reo-ords of the British physi- cians and surgeons will not gain a si- milar publicity. "Do you think your dad would say anything if I told him we were going lo bo married?' "J don't know, but ' fancy he'd say something if you told hint wc weren't." IS-SITJ NO. How many limes have you won out when invtt<<d to go up against anoUivr rniaa's game? WHAT CAi;SES HEADACOE. Vrorn CRtobsr to Ma/. Golds are tb« m'n* fra- qoeas earn* or Hsailachs. LAX^TIVS BROMO QUXXIMK rsaavu causa. K. W. aruve ou box Ue "Mark my words,'' declared Mrs. Ferine, laying down the law to her long- suffering husband, "by the end of the century woman will have th« righls she l« righting for." "I sha'n'l care if she his," replied Ferme. "Do you mean il?" cried his wife. "Have I at last brought you round to my way of thinking. Won't you really care?' "Not a bit, vay dear,'' returned her husband, i>cs;gnedly. "I'll be dead then." Do not tlve np la despair, von who raffer. from ob:jtiudta diifl;;ur«meuts of tho skin. Annoint Ibe sora aptits with Weiiror's Corate aad purify Iha bloud with WeaTsr's Srmp. All drugfiuts teap them. Dr. Garaner Robb, or B'^lfast, al a recent medical gathering there, slated that he had used serum in cases o' spinal meningitis wilh groat siiccoss. Whereas tha death rate had been 70 par cent., it was now reduced to 30 per cent. Help >"Our children to grow strong and robust by counteracting anything that cau.?es ill-health. One great cause of disease in children Is worms. He- move them with Mother Graves ^orra Exterminator. It never fails. "Can't .vou wait a year b''fore marry- ing my daughter?" "1 can; but my cre- ditors can't." r-l- cHir MtNTS eotiaTEi) , THE FIRST STR.WV. When » young woman asks a young man to let her stw on a button the worUl holds its breath. Tliey Wake the Torpid Ener'-'cs. â€" I Machinery not properly supervised and left lo run itself, very soon shows fault In its working. It is the same with the digestive organs. Unregulated from time to time they are likeiy lo become torpid and throw the whole system oul cf " gear. Parme!e<»'s Vegetable Pills were made to meet such cases. They restore to th" fuU the llagging factil- ties, and bring Inio order all purls of the mechanism. ITCIl. Msnge Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch on human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- ford's Sanitary Lctlon. U t:ever fails. Sold by all druggists. COSTLY BR.\GGING. He was a very tlred-kxiking man Dejection was written en every line of his face, and as I was a stranger in the village, with nothijig lo do and no one lo talk lo, I relieved my pent-up spirLls by expressing my sympathy with him in his troubles, whate'ver they were. "Thanks," he said; "my chief trouble Sftems to be that I am an idiot from Idiotville, and that is incurable. I just got into a bragging match with a slranger up in the post-ofTioe. Ho bet l.e was richer than I was, and I look him onâ€" jusl for tun. I told him all I had and more, loo, and after a while he gave in, saying he wouldn't have tlKJUght it. Then I saiti I'd swear lo it, and he said nil right, and I did; and by thunder., who do you suppose he was?" "I don't know. Who?'- "The income-lax assessor!" ho groan- ed. It certainly w«5 a case of hard luck. ENCOUn.AGEMENT. "George this is leap year." "H-m-ra." "And I've enjoyed your soclely so much." "H-m-m." "And I've saved up $28 of my own.'' "H-m-m." "I've already made three ot every- thing." "H-m-m." "I don't know Jusl how to say it, George, but you know my fnllicr is wealthy and I'm hi3 only child.'' "Say, Majorie, go ahead and say It. Don't hosltate. I'm not going to bite you. What sort of a proposal did your icih father authorize you to mako to ir.e?" "Are you in favor of clubs for wo- men?" askrd the woman with the square chin. "â- \'«'s,'' answered the old bache- lor. "Clubs, sandbags, or any old thing." TO (XRE A COLD IN ONE DAY Tais LAXATIVK BROMO Qalnlns Tablets. Dnijiiits rafuiKl momy if It fail* to oar*. K. W. OAOvB'S sl<iuCara Is on aacb box. tic. No real hustler would give two cenl.s for the things that come tJ those who wait. Many patent medicines have come nnd gone, but BicJ<!e's Anli-ronsu;np- live Syrup continues to occupy a fore- most place among remedies for coughs and colds, tni as a {•revent;\e of de- cay of tho lung.s. II is a standard me- d.cine that widens its splicre -if useful- ness year by year. If you are in need o' scniothing to rid wurself of a coii,4'i <'â-  cold, you cannot do betler than try tickle's Syrup. CLEANINQ ^ LADIES'... ^ WALKlaC ON ouTiiea •uiTa Cte b. dao* p*rf«:'.l} Sf oor rn . n b T rm t m , Tqr lA â- MTttH />lllEaie*l» oviiia 0« . â- OBTSKA/k TOKoaTO, ITTaWA k QCBBCQ The quality of Ihoir work troubles many people less than the quantity <t tlieir wages. latelllscnt Troatment with Allan's tuni B.\l' tan btinis up tha phi*gDi. stoiM tho oougn anJ pain in lh» cfioat, '-'Turc moa tho« tarriblc coljj whii:b, naglactad, lead tdcuasaaiptiun. B shop Goodman (impressive'yyâ€" "Only thin!;, children! In .\frica there are JO.O:O,()0O squnte milfS of Icn'.tory with- cut a singk Sunday-sch:ol where little toys nnd girls can spend their Sun- days. N'aw, what stauld we all try and save up our money and do?" Class (111 ecstatic union)â€" "Go to .Airical" â- ^'ou cannot be happy while you have corns. Then do not delay In gelling a bottle of llolloway's Corn Cure. II re- moves all kinds of corns without pain. Failure with il is unknown. Dealerâ€" "Here's a oig.'ir I want you to try." Customer {a minute later)â€" "II don't deserve a trial. It ought to be lynciiedl' Bverv'ine Think* his own eraasi. thohoavlasf ITban c'i .iflnod to the boiua wiUi a pnin in tha iMa (ur iattanoa, but it woolii bo qufdily Iur;ot- tan i< "The D A L" Msath^l Planter was appliad. rbaf aul7 coat a ttiaa, whv not tcF tbaat "â- ^'our son," said the profess<5r, "has teen laboring under a musiiporohen- Sion." "What?' oxda'riied tho huinble t'ul honest parent, with joy in his voi^:^, "yc don't mean it?" "Mean whof?' "I'hal Josiar has been workiii ." Pains. Like the Poor, .Aro .Always With I's.â€" That portion of mans life which is nol made up of plca.sur© is largely composed of pain, and to be free from pain is a pleasure. Simple remedies are ulway.s Ihi' Iv'.sl In treat- ing bodily pnin, and a safe, sure and simple remedy is Or. Thomas' Ecleclric Oil. You cannot do wwng in giving it a trial when required. Pal had got hurlâ€" nol much more than a scratch, i'. 's Irue, but his em- ployer had vision, c' being oompelloil to k<X'p him for li:-', and had atlopted the wise course of sending him al cncc lo Iho hospital, .\fler Iho house-surge- on had exaniinrd hJm carefully, he said to the nurso:â€" ".As subcutaneous abras- loji is not ob^rv3iblo, I do nol think there is any reason (o apprehend tegu- n,eiilal cicnirization of the wound.' Tlieji turning lo Ihc patient, he ask<>d, quizzically:â€" "What do you thank, Pat?" "."^ure," said Pal, "you're a w^anderful thotight-reader. \!octor. You took tho very wokIs oul «f my mouth, TJiat s Just what I was going lo say!" Man's words lo woman Daltcr. m PeTBRBOMUcii. Ont. Ctnadf. r5£HDFDR[ATAlD6UEi 1NC0NTE.ST.ABLE. A prandmothrjr was reproving her liU tie grandchildren for making so mucb noise. "Dear mo. children, you are so noisy lo-day! Can't you bs a little mora quiet?" ".Now. grandma, you mustn't sco'd us You sec, if It wasn't for us, you wouldn't be a grandma at all.' MOUNT CLEMENS, MICHIGAN. Mount Clpicens is famous throaghoat Amer'ca as an ali-lfce-.vparronnd bealth re- sort, and thousand* of peopla b*ar testi- mony to the benefits derived from its min- eral waters In cases of rheumatism and l^indred diseases. For bilious and liver troubles, digestive troubles, nervous dis- orders, general debility, etc., the elBcacy of IKS waters is wonderful. Seventy-live per cent of rheumatics are cured and ninety per cent, benefitted. Write J. D. McDonald. Dis- trict Passenger Agent. Grand Trunk Rail- way System. Toronto, for haijdsnme do- scrtpti\e booklet telling you all about it. EXPLAINED. She (on Ihe .\llan'ic liner)â€" Did you observe the great appelite cf Ihnl iloul man ut dinner? ll(^_Yes; ho must be what they call a stowaway. PILES CUUED IN « TO H DAYS. IPAZO OlSTMJt.'< r il gu^riiitaea ta tura any ica-ie (.f Itching, Itlind. Bidding or PrutmliBt iPlIu in « to H dajj or monay raf oailad. 5««. lNDl'SrB!.'>iL NOTE. The woges of sin l-.'ivc n-.t been rais- ed, eiihcr, in spile of the fret that pric- es geueraliy have gone up. Sure Hegulalors. â€" Mandrake and Dandelion uj-e known lo e.xerl a pow- erful influence on the liver and kid- neys, restoring them lo healthful ac- tion, including a regular Itow of Ihe sea'clions and imparting to Iho organs auiiplete pov.'or lo peri<-.r!n lliior func- tions. These valuable ingredients enter into the composition of Parmeieo's Ve- getable Pills, nnd serve 'o rciiJer Ihem the ugre'tNible and salutary inedieLno Ihey are. There are few pills so elfec- llvc as Ihey in their action. Occasionally a w^man is so decep- livo that she wi'l even try to make a man .'biHieve she loves him when sh« docs. Puts Yoa on Your l^ect and keep^yna thera rhat's what "Fanvvim" doas tor all those ra- ooToriug froiQ w:kHtiug di^iKuas. It i? tha ba^t tonic in axititauca. II stimuUlaa, auiuishu^ and liuilds up tjio by.taui. TBL'TH IN SIGNS. Jorksâ€" Thai's â- \ i|ucer sign for .1 bar- terâ€" "Huir cut V. lie you wait." Knowles â€" No; I M'ldoin go lo '.he bar- fcer's without li-ving to w.tII whi'« some other fell* v. s hair is to iig cut. .â- VU thai many men save oul of li'« is enough to buy Ihetnsehes tombstones when they arc dead. If a man makes cynical remarks about women tts doughnuts lo fudge that one of them has been using him tor u doormat. Shiloh's Cure Cures Coughs and Colds QUICKLY Use Sbiloh'i Cui« for the worst cold, the sharpest cough â€" try it oa aguar> • ntee of your money back ii it dc^esn't actually CUkE quicker than anything you ever tried. Saf* to take, â€" nothing ia it to htirt even % baby. 34 yean ot succets commend Shiloh's Cur»â€" 26c.. fiOc., 91. a*

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