Februaby 13 It08 Till FLESHIRTO » AU V AN Cl£ HSH^HB^ iMM F. T. HILL & Co. OUR GREAT February Graniteware ON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, we iturt nur Grfat Fohruary Graniteware salo. 5,000 pieces •>{ all kiiidi of Graniteware to be 8')ld at one third to one half less than usual retAil price. Thia is a stirrinK sale and of impeliing interest to every wonnan with bijj inducements to refurnish kitchen utensils in Graniteware of all kinds; You cannot stford to pass it. WASH BASINS. 3000 only Grsnit* Wash Basins In grey and white colors, McCUry'a make, reijular 26 and 30c values anywhere. During our ureat Graniteware sale for the month of February only, remember selling at half â€" 2 for 25o or each ., 13c- TEA POTS 1 quart Granite Tea Pots, reg. 35c, Feb. pries 19o. U " •• 40c, " 22c. 2 " •• 55c. " 29c. 3 " " 65c. " 2;Jc. STOVE POTS. Just think, 75 only Granite Stove Pots, perfectly seamless with ateol bale and lips, sold rejcularly »t 76c and 85c. During February they will be sold at each 48c^^ FRY PANS AND SPIDERS. Customers will please note that the quantity is limited in this line, but while we have thorn the price will be: 46c. Fry i>»n8 ot Spiders, selling for each ?3c 50c. •' " " 27c. 36c " " " 18c- KIOE BOILEEIS. 3 quart Granite Rioe Boilers, reR. price $1. Feb. Sale 4 nuart Granite Rice Boilers, lar^e size, regular $1/25. February Sale Price 7Hc. BUTTER DISHES 75 only Granite Butter Dishes, sellinir at each 10c. SUGAR BOWLS 76 only Granite Susjar Bowls, selling at each 10c. PLATES. 600 only Pie Plates, Dinner Plates, and Tea Plates, all in Graniteware, rouular lOo and 12Jc. While we have them your cbuicfa at e»ch 5c. 10c Granite 12ic 15c. GRANITE BOWLS. Bowls s««lliDg at your choice During; February only remember Preserving Kettles, all sizes, reduced, PudditiK Pans, Milk Pans, Sauce Pans, Coffee Pols, P»il«, Store Pots, Cake Pans, Chamber Puils, Chaiiiberf, GREAT VALUES IN CARPETS In lengths of from 2 to 20 yards Clearing at a Btraii;lit discount of 20 jier cent, on your choice. <wwwww MARKDALE MWWWMW? !• published every Tlmrsday at $1.00 per a nnuDi ifpaid in advance, tl.Sc if notHO paid EDITORIAL DRIFT I'he brii^lit Bunsliiny weather of the past few days makes last week's storms appear as a nasty nightmare. Tiie opposition down at Ottawa have for some time been on a hunt for timber wolves. It is still a matter of dispute as to whether any game has been secured. The C. P. R. wolf * Jiunl was a tame affair compared to this event. persuade them that weekly papers are quite as worthy of a reversion to the old rate as are the dailies. We had always heard that the Canadian Prfss Association was a power ni the land, and so it was when Mr. Mulock was informed that the press of Canada was not avurso to payiiii; a just postage on their issues. But this was a case where the proverbial inch resulted in taking an ell. If the As- sociation wishes to discover whether it actually has any prestige lot it now got after the fool postage law and sen that it is relegated to whore it bolongs â€" the dark ages. session. More than usual interest at- taches here to the session this year from the fact that our own A.G. leads the loyal Opposition. We all have our eves on him. J. & W. BOYD Flesherton Ui . Ontario. ."TO a/»-« .^jd UR 15 Days Sale is over and we thank our many customers who have responded to our inaoy cu.stomers who have responded to our advertisement. We have cairied on the sale strictly as a<lvertised. We have had an immense turnover and in consequence we aie left with many short ends and some special lines which we will continue to sell at prices lower than ever. The next two weeks will be stock faking and any odds and end.s which remain will be offered at prices lower than ever. After the 15th of February we open up our spring goods and the many lines which have been depleted during the sale will be replaced and we will be in a pcsition to show you as large and better assorted stock that ever before shown in Flesherton. FLOUR & FEED We have a full stock of Flour and Feed, including Bran, Shorts, Feed Flour and FIVF ROSES FLOUR, nude by the Lake of the Woods Milling Co., Keewatin. Every bag of this Flour Is caranteed â€" the best Flour ill the land. None other can equal it. HARDWARE A full stock of Stoves, R»nges snd Heaters, Axes, Saws and all kinds cf Woodmen's Supplies, also Builders' Supplies. Parties contemplatiug buying should not ne'jlect sjettiiig i«ur prices 'jefore purchasing elsewhere. The farmers of aonthem Ontario are up iu arms against the automobile, and aie making a strong push to have them kept off the road altogether. Autoists have themselves to blame for the kick, and if they are not more careful and considerate these farmers will have the well wishes of very many in their campaign. Accidents have been numerous, caused by reckless autoists, who apparently think it a good joke to see farmerrt' horses rip- ping harness and vehicles to pieces and injuring the owners. There has got to be Bomethiug done about it. THE WORK \HEAD. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a Favorite. 'â- We prefer Chain Iwrlain'ii Ciiueh Rometly to any other fur our children," sayx Mr. L. .1. W(H)(iberry of Twining, Mich "It has almi ilon^.' tile woik for us iu hard colds aiul croup, and wo take pleitHure in reconmiending it." F.)r sale by W. K. Hichardson- J. & W. BOYD. Flesherton, Ontario. I One hears a good deal of grumbling at the class of immigrants that is be- ing brouglit tooi)<- Hliorcs.aiid the hun- dreds of poor in Toronto a r given as an illustration. These Toronto people, wliile impecuniouB at the present time, are not pitnpers in the true souse, as they are able bodied and williii<? to work. They are mojtly now comers who have been unable to fortify them'> flt'lves for the present winter. No doubt the coming summer, with plenty of work, will sec the willing ones priced ill comfort and a position to avoid a repetition if the present hard time. Those who ought to know say t'ley have the makiu;; of good citizens. Htill, the poor wo have always with us, and charity is oiio of the graces. The Ontario Legislature, which opened for business lii Toronto last Wednesday, has a number of import- ant matters ahead of it, some of which we will mention : Two years ago the Whitney gov- ernment sold a mining claim to the Cobalt Lake Company for the sum of $2,085,000, The company bought in good faith but later on litigation was entered against them and their solici- tor int Mrms them that their title is not good. The company is now after the government for u ntiurn ot tlieir monoy with interest. To satisfy this claim may cause the government some uneasy nioniRnte, but they should do the right things If they cannot de- liver the title a refund of the money should be made. 'i'lim ujiiiier is not exactly a matter of business before the governmoiit at present, but is likely to be madu such. Law reform is on the program, and if this matter iH gone thoroughly into it will take a big slice out of the session, because if there is any one thing in the world that can be rc- foimed and inado more bearable it is Law. Ill the past it has too often been reformed iu the wrong dirtction. The temperance forces are after Mr. We Hcartly Agree The Meaford Mirror says: "What to our mind is a pro^s iniscarriaiie i>f justice is revealed in the case of a letter-carrier in Toronto who was sentenced to fiv« years in the Central Prison at hard labor for stealing nine dollars from a registered letter. The man, we are tcdd, has a wife and four children depending u|X)n him for support. W'hat crime has this woman committed that she and her childien shdiiM he thrown upon the charity of a cold FOrld for five lonij years in :>i-dor that the husband and father may be made to suffer punishment which is out of all proportion to the nature of the (.ffence ? Why should the Crown lake the fruitji of this man's labor white he is coiiKiied in prison and allow hit poor wife to wear her lifd out in the effort to provide bread lor herself and her little oiie.i 7 The sreMlinj; of Ko small a sum of money does not cail for such BHVi-ru punishment, and its tendency will be to make the man worse instt'sd of better. Wn trust that a sense of jusiiue on t'e pnrt of the Canadian people will cause ihem to take prompt action in this matter. "That is the most perfect form of ({overnmcnt in which sn injury to one is the concern of all." The sdniinistr-itors of the law should he tiught that ih-y are not privilegodi to abuse the sscrnd iru^l; which the aovern- iiiKUt of our country has placed in their hands." Inciter eame Jlstray Came to the preinlnra of the uurtoi-BiBii'd, lot 28. con. H, Artenicnia, about Nov. 15. The owner 1b re(]tieflted to prove property, pay expenses aud take away. JOS. HAWKINS. BuRenla, Dec. 21, 1907 "Wajprn. fox* Sale li"t8 E.4 8 and 0. Con. 13, in tbo township ot Osprey 150 acres, large oloarlne. good frame barn and s'sbies. good dwelliag and well' Apply on the prumises or to W. J. Rkujimt, Fleshsrtou. Parm for Sale I.ota ineand 15.1 N, E. T. and f>. B, contaluinR % acrflf*. more or less. About 65 acres in good Rtate of cullivaticn. 20 acres fall plongbing. between Sa'-d nine acrnnof fall wheat, 90 acres In meadow and balance tn pasture land. Good spiing creek also well at hon^e, ThU furm will he sold cheap owing to sickness. I^asy teriUN if sold at once, A snap for soiuebody a: Hotd, tlesherton, P. O- 7 Feb The g6veriiment has decided to revert to the old rale of postage iu vogue previous to May 1 of last year on daily newspapers going to subscrib- ers in tiie United States. It took tlium nine months to disoovcr that it was not (lie daily papers they were ^{i9r. Another three uootha ma^ In a dynaniile explosion WcdnOHday lit Camp No 3, some twelve miles from Deception, on Graod Trunk Pticitic con- atruetlon, Colin Caiiir.lielt, einplojed ss foroiniin of rook work, lost bis life while loading a hole. Two others whose names sro iiiikuowo wero Hcrionaly injured. »«.^.-»«. The Famous Pedestrian Gentlemen: â€" "I was a martyr to catarrh of the head, throat and stomach. I was so bad the doctors feared consumption. I tried many physicians and medicines, llaiina I I' i ui i iifioalioii of tho three ' A friend suggested Psychine. I tried liflhs clause. wJiioli beats so hbavily I *' ""** '* ^" \^" ""'^ "•'"? ^T*""^!;' •^ me any good. I am now perfectly wdl. It is the greatest remedy the world has ever known. I do not need it i'or my health now but I use it as a strongthener for my walking matches. I owe much of my physical endurance to psycUne." JAMES REYNOTJ)8, Port Hope, Ont. Psychine la the greatest cure for catarrh of the head, throat or stomach ia the world. Tt is a wonderftil tonle and strengthener of run down system, acting direetly on all the vital organs, giving youthful vigor aiWl strength to the syitem. At all druAgista SOe. and |1, •r Dr. T, A, Slociun, TJiii>Vi4, ToroQto. ou their local option caiupaigna. Mi. Hanna has ijiveii them to understand that ho will not ooncode llieir demand, but be may reconsider his position on this inattorâ€" or ho may not. There will, however, he some amendments to the license law. These are three important matters that will oome before the Legislature, and there are otheri, which, alto- gether, will no doubt mtke » busy Pure Br^d Camwortbs and Berkshires for Sale. I have a One lo^.of yoniii; RngUsh Borkshlres from two to aix weeks old also snnieiinod Tarr- woith ROWS ready to breed, Satisfaotio.i guaran- teed on all mail orders, Write for what you want. 0;W, U0S8, Maxwell. Enter now and Prepare yousrelf for Busi- ness iu Tiia Three Courses:â€" Coinmeicial, Shorthand & Typewritiiijr, and Preparatory which is for those whose early education has lieen neglected. It is the most complete Basinuss Collcgo in Canada, Write to \ C, A. FLEMING, Ptincipal / Owen Sound Ontario farm for Sale Lots 171, 3 and 3, lut con. N. R. Artemesis.; 12S acres in a\l of flrat olass farming land in â- good state of cultivstion. situatel 3J miles 8' uth of FleRfaerton, nhort mile from achool. clean of nexioua weeds and well fenced. 10 acrm of niarsb. 5 acres of hardwood bueb. bal- ance iu good state to work all kinds of niachin. erv, well wRtered. 2 orcbanls. a g^od bou"e !• X 20 veneerod inside, kitchen 16 x 20, wood- shed IC x 12. new barn 50x00 stone foundation. Thin is one of the best farms in the township andean be b<.ugbt right. W. J. CASWELL. Tenders A^^anted Healnd Tenders marked "Tendnr" will \>t re- celvc'rt bv the nndernicned up till Fiidav, Mar. Int. lOOR for the erection and ceiiipletiun of a i.ew brick iichnol in S. 8. No. «. Artemesia. Port Law, P. O. I'laiiR and ppeeincHtiniia nia> be alien after Feb. let at my house. The lowjst or any tender not necensarliy so opted U- O, Mkldhum, Port Law P. O. Slabs ^ Edgings for sale We will sell tlio K ft. KIsbe snd F.dqinRs st our mill on o in. 8. .ArtemeHia, at iJI.OO per coril. By apidying t> Mr. .Ino. Psiliaioont, opp.sito the mill, he will measire atid receive cash for the wrod when taken away. Wo w ill further pay a reward of ♦a>.00 for proof (f anyone taking wood from there in the |iast. orwho luav take wrmi In the fiilure with' out our authority nrMr, Parliamsut'H. KBENAN BBO-^.. Limited, tt UWcii S]Uud lions strtetlTboi isntfrMbOldM. Patuta takaa last aasno* tor ssooriiuMtsiits. ':if.lkdliKi3S?*^*^'* r Bdwitllle Jounal 3«Ss «S sssilsis* Eye Strain Belies Character. Defective sight produces unnatural expres« sion. Perpetual frowns caused by an effort to see better often belii character. We are experts in fitting glasses that make facial distortions unnecessary. . WANTED^ - A Holi.itile .Affent for FLESH ERTON and Kurroundioit cmmimv. Io sell our FAMOUS PEERLKss APPLE TIIEES A bin hardy n d winn r iipple ihat sells on sight, also a veneriil linn of fruit and oriiaine.iial ir. es o.clulin^ other vnlu- able speoiHlt.c'v. Good pay weekly, out- fit free, en.lusno tcrrit. ry. Write now to PBLIIA.M NUHSERYCO, OrowetN of hiuoi irrsde Durasrv atoak TORONTO, ONT. N. B.. Sp.cial terms (• auU ac«d wvikinf pHi I lime. ^ .