Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Feb 1908, p. 7

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f I ZAM-BUK CIRES PILES. This dlslressing complaint is sucocss- futly dealt with by the ZaitiBuk IreaU iiMinl. Th€ agony ol Piles is as cxcru- riaUng as the disease ilsclt is weaken- In,?, and every sufferer should lose no •fine in giving Zam-<13uk a thorough trial. Zam-Buk subdues the pain, al- lays the innanwnalion and enables rest and comfort to come to the worn-out sufferer. Mrs. E. Boxall of 75 Scott St., St. Th-3mas, Onl., writes: "I oonsider it my duty to write of the benofils derived from usinK Zam-Buk. For some nionlYis 1 was a constant sufferer fiom bleed- ing piles. I had used a great many omtmenis, but got no relief until 1 nad tried Zam-Buk. It cured me and I have had no return of the trouble. Since my cure, I have advised others siitfering with a s>milar complaint to use Zam-ITuk. and In each instance have heard satisfactory reports." Zam-Buk also cures cuts, burns. Scalds, ulcers, ringworm, itch, barber's rash, b^o )d poison, bad le«L;, salt rheum, abrasions, ab.«ccs.scs and all sltin in- l"ries and diseases. Of all .stores and arugpisis .50 cents box or from Zam- Euk Co.. Toronto, post-paid for price. > bo.xes tor $1.25. IT DIDNT WORK. A man who had been out of work for a long lime suddenly recollected reading n story of a clerk who applied for a situ- ation. He was courteously told that there was not a vacancy, and, as he turned away, he stooped and picked up a pin Irom the floor. The employer, struck by th' action, called him back, and said: "You seem a careful sort of man. Call back to-morrow and we will give you a joh." Our hero therefore determined (o copy fliis man's e.xample, and ne.xt day saw him standing before a large manufac- turer, having previously dropped a pin on the floor. Celling the usual reply thai there was no vacancy, he turned away, and then, like the other man, stooped and picked up a pin. But the result was different. "Here, Henry I" shouted the employer, ki his ser\anl, "see this fellow off the premises ! A man who steals a pin would steal anything !" THE TIUDEKS' BANK OF C\NAD.\. Annual .Statement Shows Solid Positilon. The annual stalenient of the Traders' Bank just issued shows a year of suc- cessful operations and the strong posi- tion in which this Bank stands. The net pivfils for tlie year, after inaking the usual allowances, amount to Sj2i.822 ; to the sharclioldcrs a yearly dividend at the rate of 7% ha.s been paid, whiKst Ui« rest account of the Bank lias been in- creased by .Si.iO.OOO. In tlic midst of prosperous times the Bank's directorate has not been unmindful of the interests <f its onicci-s, haviug donated $5,000 to the Ciuarantee Fund and like amount to the Pension Fund. The balance of S".'5,3&4 has b<?en carried foi-ward to next year. The Capital Slock of this Bank now sUinds at $'i,352,310 and the Best Account amounts to $2,000,000. The ccnfldonce of the public in the "Tradei-s' ' js attested by $23,372,7GO.60, the amount of deposits. The immediately available a.ssets of this strong institution amounts lo between six and .M;ven million dollars. The whole statement of the Traders' Bank is well calculated to exicnd the confidence of the people of Canada In the institution and reflects the grculesv credit in the manugemenl. It is plainly evident that Ihe rccenlly appointed gen- eral manager is adhering to Ihe sound conscivativc principles which have chnr- acterized this Bank since it was eslab- Lshed years ago. â€" . 4. She (after a quarrel)â€" "I wouldn't cry for the best man livingâ€" so there!" He â€" "You di.'n't have lo cry for him, dear; you've got him." Weak and Pale Women toollchly kmp this way wben by the us* nf " Korroiim. " tba biwl tonic tbey ould rery quickly rovoTer tbeir heolUi ^d atrength. Trj it AN IMrORTANT DISTINCTION. "I'kin't be afraid,7 said Iho woman en the front step, "that dog likes stran- gers." "Yes, madam,' answered Meander- ing Mike. "I do not question your a.s- suranco that he would like me. But dc you refer to him as a seeker for ccmpanionship or as an epicure?" niFFEBENT FLAVOBING. Mr. Baton â€" This milk tastes different this morning, dear. Have you bo^n Changing your milkmanT Mrs. Baconâ€" No; but I understand his well went dry and he's been usiny water from the one next door. UODDS ' KIDNEY V PILLS i!% kidnev. MERELY OVERLOOKED. The ways of the crank with an in- vention are unaccountable. Here is a recent actual example: A brisk, eager ir.dividua! called on a capitalist for Ihe purpose of interesting hira in a device for discouraging burglars. "I want to tct the idea patented," he said, "and I haven't any money. I'm willing to go halves with any man that will give me the financial backing. "My scheme is this. You first make ycur doors and windows secure, so that Uiey can't be opened at all from the cutsideâ€" there are plenty of devices for <l-jing that now-a-days. Make all of them tight and fast, except one. Leave that one so that it will qpen easily. Then run a wire fppm that window to the head of your Bed, where you have nj< alarm-bell. The burglar comes a'ong, tries the doors and windows, and when he comes, lo that one be retses it. The alarm goes off and the burglar hears it and flees, or it wakes you up and you arc ready for him. in either case it accjmplishes your pur- pose." "But," said the capitalist, "if you can make all the doors and windows fast except one. why not make tliat one se- cure, too, arul thus keep Ihe burglar cut entirely?" "1 never thought of that!" replied the lnven!or, rubb'nc his jiiw. He didn't get the money. VEGDf OIL OF PINE WILL BREAK L'P A COLD IN 24 HOURS AND CURE ANY COUGH THAT IS CUR.ABLE. It is the only preparation of pine com- pounded from the active principles of for- est trees that is intended for internal use. It permeates the whole system with the wholesome, healthful atmos- phere of Ihe pine woods, healing any irritation of the niucuous surface that may be present, lis action on the kid- neys is most bencQcial, affording speedy rtlicf in cases of rheumatism due lo uric acid in the system. Put up for dispensing through drug- gists only in >^ oz. vials, each vial se- curely sealed in a round wooden case. Bf- ."iure to get Ihe genuine Virgin Oil of Pine comjxiunj pure, prepared only by Leach Chemical Co., Cincinnati, O. Properties, uses and directions with every vial. Scratching â- â€¢ foellsh ; t* only makes a bad m-vlter wune. Woavur'a Cerate aUays tbe p&in, cteuu the skiu uf eruptiona and other soraa; Why aot buy ab.->ttle to-Uay t 'To be quite candid. Sir. that fellow you seemed st gone on was the most unspeakable lilMe ass in the room!" "George! You forget yourself!" Tis a Marvellous Thing.â€" When the cures cffc-ted by Dr. Thomas' Ecleclric Oi. are considered, the speedy and per- manent relief it has brought to the suf- f^'rina wherever- it has been used, it must be regarded as a marvellous thine that so potent a medicirse should lesu t from the six simple inpred enis which enler in'o its composition. .\ trial will ccnvince the most skeptical of its heal- ing virtues. Mrs. Wildmanâ€" "I can tell you thLs. Mr. WilJman; if you c ntinue in your pr.sent life of cx'ravrgance you'll sure- 'y pay for it some d:iy." Mr. Wild- nV'nâ€" "I wish, my dear, th:it ny crcdi- Icrs had the same fuitli in my goo<l intenti<;ns. ' j Thet Tormeotlnj Cnld that mvie yoa wretcb-l j •d will not come Gack if you la!;o Vllen's Lu'iicj I Ill.i1<.im when your thrjat is raw ami sore. Tbia' Bickle's \nti-Consumplive .''yrup iS |j4jj^irable remedy la (we fr..m opium. 'Take it m( ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^j ^^^,^^.^ chemical expert- pionls, undertaken to discover a pre- ventive of inllnmmalion of the lunsis and oonsumpllon, by desti--iylng Iho germs that develop these diseases, and fill Uic world with pitiable swbjeds hopcressly stricken. The of this Syru)) will prevent Ihe dire consequenc- es of neglecled Colds. .\ trial, which c<isls only 25 cents, will convince you that th'S is correct. ORIGINS OF TYPHOID. Doctor Sout-'jn, the medical health of- ficer of the County of Surrey, has made a special report on the prevalence o' typhoid in that district of England. His conclusions are interesting. He says that it is doubtful whether even 10 per ctnL of the cases can be attributed to the drinking of polluted or infected water. He believes that polluted and inleclcd foods ar'- a nmch more fre- quent source of typhoid illness than Ls t-'cnerally supposed. He refers to cases which it is impossible to conned witli M-eceding cases, and suggests the pos- sibility of origin from other bacilli Ihan those which are regarded as the invari- able specific caust's of typhoid. Recent investigations in (jcnnuny show that f>atients may harbor typhoid-bacilli months after recovery from illness, and that persons in good health may bo the hosts of the organism. DON'T OVERDRAW YOUR BANK ACCOUNT. To overdraw your bank account, whether mentally or physically, is more suicidal even than to overdraw materially. Repair wasted tissues, strengthen shattered nerves and rejuvenate your rheumatic system by visiting the famous Mineral Salt Sprtngs of the "St. Catharines Well" of St. Cathar- ines, Ont. A postal card to J. D. McDon- ald; District Passenger Ageni. Grand Trunk Railway System. Toronto, will brine illustrated descriptive matter. "1 see by your sign that you are a disDen.s;nu' druggist." "Yes, sir." "What dz-'you dispense with?" "With accur- acy, sir." "I was afraid you did." As Ihe result, of the intervention of Sir Aiitony .MacDoniioll, a strike of workers employed by the Dublin Gas Company was settled.' They Advcrtse Themselves.â€" Imme- diately Ihey were offered to llie public, Parmelcc's Vegetable Pills bcame popu- lar because of the good report they made for themselves. That reputation lias, grown, an;l they now rank iimong Ihe first medicines for use in attacks of djspopsia and biliousne>s, complaints of the liver and kidneys,, fever and ague and the innumerable complications lo which these ailiiicnls give rise. Fa! herâ€" "Joe, why do you suppose that old hen persists iji laying in the coal yard?' Joeâ€" "Why, father, I think she has seen the notice. 'Now is the time to lay in your coal.' " ITCII, Mange. Prairie Scratches an! every form of contagious Itch in human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wot- ferd's Sanitary Lotion. U never foils. ScId by all druggLsLs. JOINING. "What I want," said the young man, "is to gel married and have a quiet an<l peaceHil home of my own." "Well," replied the man who knew, "sometimes it works that way, and sometimes it's like joining a debating scciely."'1!: NO •- W. Recently in England the mind of the public has been much exercised as o the correct pronunciation of the word "BOVRIL' the name of the well-known preparation of beef. A consensus of opinion has l)een obtained by the pro- priolors of the preparation. An many as yo.640 vvled tor "BOV-RIL" and that seems lo have b<H'n Ihe favorite pronun- ciation. A Mrs. Brain of Shirchamp- tcn, near Bri.slol, secured a przie o' £100 by giving the exiiicl number of the majority of persons voting Hoi- "BOV-RIL. ' VVhotlior pronounced "B(> Vlill.'' or "BOV-Hll." the preparation is very acceptable at this limp of year. "THE RETTRR Tliu DAY, ETC." "Tommy." said a young lady visitor, "why not come lo our Sabbath school? Several of your llltle friends have joined uo lately." Tommy hesitated a moment. Then suddenly he exclakncd: "Docs a red- headed kid by Ihe name of Jimmy Brown go lo your school?" "Yes, indeed,'' replied the new tea- cher. "Well, then,'' icplietl Tommy, with an air of interest, "I'll be there next ,<>unday. you bet. I've been layin' foi- thai kid for three weeks and never knew where lo find him." P:&fes.'«ir Morselli ,<:nys that tall F.ii- ropeans iirc more given to suicide than short ones. Perhaps they grow tired of living so long. We mak* the Emptiitic Statement that "The D * I." Meiith.'l I'laater wiU lio m.Jre to relieve neuniliEia, lama back, luniba'^o anil kimired troublea than any other plastor. 250. tioa and |i yd. rolls. All drugs<>>ta. A high-school boy brought perfect spelling papers home for several weeks, and then suddenly began lo miss five and six out of ton. "How's this, my .>«;n?' a.sked his father. "Teachers fault," replied the boy. "How is it the Ica.her's fault?" "He moved the little boy that sat next to me." Thoy Ihe Syslt?m Thoroughly. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills clear Ihe stomach and towels of bilious matter, cause the excretory vessels lo throw off impurities from tlw blood into the towels and expel the deleterious ma.^a from the body. They do this without pain or Inconvenience to the patient, who speedily realizes their good ofPees as soon as they begin to take effect. They have strong rcoominendallons fiom all kinds of people. Strangerâ€" "Madam, a boy who I am infoniied is your son, has just thrown a stone at me. cau.sing a very painful wound. What are vou going to do about it? ' Motherâ€" "I don't know. Ilav* you tried amicaT" JAPANESE HOTEI^. Barring the bath, and perhaps the beds, Japanese hotete are delightful. All during >our slay in their spotless precincts you arc made lo fi?el that you are an honorcvl guest, Japanese eli- qi.ette is lavished upon you, and when you depart .vou are always given a token to remember your visit, usually a white coai'se cotton towel with blue pictures printed on it. You inu-sl thank the little maid for this with an elab- ciale bow when y<ru go. and the cl;o:us of "Sayo Nara" fmm al! the hotel foi-cc gathered in the doorway will seem lo have in it, not only the regret of grtxi- by. as we interpret the words, but the dcciiier feoring which lliey really mean; "!• it must be that we must part." Men should lock for this Tag on Chewing Tobacco. It guarantees thehigh quality of Blaek Watch The Big Black Plsg. IN A Sl'BMAniNE COUJSION. Minutes o( Terror for the Crew of tbe Frencli Diver SoufBeur. A member of the crew of tlie Souflleur, th*: French siibmarine whteh was dam- aged in a collision under water with her sister craft, tlie Bonile, a few weeks ago, gives a tiirflUng description of the situa- tion during the minutes when every man thought death was inevitable. The sub- marines had been manoeuvring outside Toulon harbor when the accident liap- pcned. The Souflleur was al a depth of 25 feet and was preparing to Ure a blank tor- pedo at the hull of the battleship Jaurcquit)erry, when suddenly a black shadow loomed up through the green water. "It came upon us with a rush," says the narrator. "Lieut. Robillot realized the danger on the instant and shouted liie order lo sink. The hope was that the other boat would over us; but it was too late. The Bonile struck us with full force. "11 smashed the diving helm so that it was impossible to check the downward novement. It rasped across the upper j platci of our vessel, smashing the peri- scope and the conning tower. By good Itck the waleriight doors were closed or \\e would have gone down like a stone in fifty fathoms of water. "All the men were flung around and s<;\eral were seriously injured. But the gi-eatcst disjusler was the capsizing of the wet butteries of our electric accumu- lators. The sulphuric acid was spilled, and as it aliacked the metal plates Uie a'r became filled with stifling vapors. "Some of the men foil suffocated, all of us were coughing and choking so that efforts to s.ave the boat were almost im- possible, and yet that new danger was now threatening us. It was only a ques- tion of lime when the acid would eat its way through the plates and \cl in the sea. "When we got some of the apparatus lo work and attempted to rise we were again in peril of collision. The Bonite lay directly alxne us. Minutes passed without a word, the men clinching their bands till the nails dug into their palms Ic control tlieir emotions. "At lait Robillot gave the order, 'Let go the weighUs." The vr'ssel l)egan ris- ing, slowly at flist and Ihen faster. Men kAjked at the pool of acid and felt as if tt«i> moti<iii upward were a race with its action, a race with life as Ihe prize. "Then came the slight .shock like that o! striking a cushion which showed that the boat had reached the surface. A for the hatch followed, and the next moment tlie men were tumbling c-'t iiilo the light and air that they never expected lo see again." Every man of the crew, it may be add- fu, volunteered lo go down again with fr.o Souflleur when she was repaired. CHRONIC CXTimilll REUEVED BY PE-Ri) NH Is there anything more annoying than having your corn stepped upon? I-: there anything more delightful tlfan getting rid of it? Holloways Corn Cure will do it. Try It and be convinced. "You've got a fellow in there that wont wail on nnf again, not much."' said an irate customer, as he emerged from Ihe dining-room and slapped his money down on Ihe pay desk. "ini not stingy," continued the customer, "and I don't mind giving tips; but when a waiter hangs lound till a fel- low has nearly finished ealingj. and whistles, 'Do not forget me,' I think •t is about time something was done. ' He who speaks from experience leaves a lot of things unsaid. MRS. r. CARR. MRS. F. CARB, Vineland, Ont., Can., writes: "For several years I was alllict- ed with catarrn. which made life a bur- den. The coughinq and hacking which accoinponied the disease was terrible. "The complaint finally extended lo the stomach and 1 was in a wretched condition. .."I tried different remedies and Ihe best professional Ircatnient all in vain. "Finally, as a last re.sort. I tried Pe- rtma upon the recommendation of my Sister in Ilamillon. "I could see steady improvement and after using four bottles of that precious medicine 1 was freliiif) well agaeiii. my old trouble being comipleliely a Ihliig of the past/.. .. "To-day I would not take one tlwu- .sand dollars for what Ihls grand medi- cine has done for me." Peruna is a universally recognized catarrh remedy. II will relieve cularrh in its most obstinate form. RAW FURS SHIP TO US. Wo pay highest New York prlcoii. We pay oxprew. No ouiumU^ion. Faif kjBortment. Prompt reft irns. D. H. BASTE D3 & CO. 77 KInz St„ Cast, Toronto WRITE FOB MO.NTHLY PRICK LIST. Shiloh's Cure Cures Coughs and Golds QUICKLY Use Shiloh's Cure for tbe worst cold, the sharpest cough â€" try it on a guar- antoe of your money back if it doesn't actually CURE qc.icker than anything you ever tried. Safe to take, â€" nothing in it to hurt even a baby. 34 years of success commend Shiloh's Cureâ€" afic., 60c.. SI. tU, FEATHER DYEING Cleftnlux uid Curltng aod Kid Glove* clcuiad Th«a| cfto be Mtit by poat, le per ol Cb» bMl pl»ce Lj BSITiSH AMERICAN DYEING C9. UONTBEAI^ FREE S«nd ua your I nonjeand addivsn I for 12 ,jteo«* of Jewt'lrr •- ...II at 10c*'itl3e»ch, VTTien noM .end vi> th» ^' 5>o :>n'i wewlilwnd yon tbf** TWO SOUP GOuD rn.T.VD HnfrtS, Welni^tTou with tilo Jewelry and will ^imI ft all cbarrm iwd. JuM aead qb your name aud addrfiML n*ll UPS. CO., PROVIOIUICE, B. I„ U. S. A. Miss BlondUjckâ€" "How dare you tell people my hair is bleached? You know it is false." Miss Ravenwing â€" "Yes, dear, I know it is. I told them it was bleached before you got it." Worms cause fevcrishne.'Js, moaning, and restlessness during sleep. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is plea.s- ant, sure and effectual. If your drug- gist has none In stock, get liim lo pro- cere it for you. "Now, Ihcn," said Ihe teacher of arithmetic, 'Vhal is 'above par'?" "I think 1 know.' ventured a small bov. "Weir." asked (ho tciichcr. "It's ma." HOTEL TRAYMORE ON THE OCEAN FRONT. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. A mkiialfliMnt Un-atory Br*-prr>ot •dditioa l> Jaat b«lii( oompletatl. making tliii UmaiM hostclrr th« n*w«st »ad mtiat np-tu-data of Atlantic Ctt/ Uotala. A aaw (aatur* ia tisa unuaaal nis« of tha bad roomi. aTara^liif 19 foal aqnara. Bfary room omnaiida an ooaan tUw. bath attMlwJ with taa aoJ (ra:ib watar. Chaval- <laaa In aiary shambar. I'amiMratui'a ragnlatad bj Tharaaoadaalt. tha lata it daTalnpniant ta ataaai haatinc. i'alapbona Is anry room. OoltpriTilajaa. Capacity 000. Writ* Cot Uluitratail bouklat. CHARLE5 O. MARQUETrE, Alanaser. TRAYMORH tlOTEL COHPANY, D. S. WHITE, President L

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