Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Jan 1908, p. 7

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YOUR LUNGS Mi AltE THEY WEAK OR PAINFUL? Do you spit yellow and black mattor? Aro you continually cougtiing and hawk- ing? Do you have night swMttT Do your lungs aver blaedT Have you pains In chest and tides? Do you have pains undor your shoulder Mades? THESE ARE RECAROEO SYMPTOMS OF LUNC TROUBLE AND Consumption Tou Bhoald take immediate steps to check the progress of these symptoms. The lonif' er you allow them to advance and deTclop, the more deep-seated and serious your con- dition becomes. We Stand to Provo to You libs li.tely, that LunK-Qermine, the German Treatment, has cured completely and per- manently case after case of advanced Con- â- umptlon (Tuberculosis ). Chronic Bronchi- tis, Catarrh of the Luncs, Catarrh of the Bronchial Tubes and other Lunc Troubles. Many snSerers nho have lost all hope and who had been (iren up by physicians have been permanently cured by Lang- Gennine. It is not only a cure for Consumption but a preTentatiTO. If your lungs are merplv weak a^d the disease has not yet marifested itself, you can prevent its devel- opment, you can build up your Inngs and system to their normal strength and capa- city. LungGermlne has cnred advanced Con- sumption. In many cases over four years ago, and the patients remain strong and In splendid health to-day. Hsra Is ovldanot from ens case Under date of March 11, 1907, William %ehmidt, )904 Coleman street, St. Ijooia Mo., writes;â€" "It l§ now nearly four years since my cure of Consumption was made complete by your Lang-Ger- mlne, and I am happy to say that I remain as well and strong to-day as the day I was cured. I am healthy and able to work every day." We will gladly send you further nroof of manv other remarkable cures, also a FRKE TRIAL of Lung-Oermine. together with our new book on the treatment and care of Consumption and Lung Trouble. Lung Carmins Co.. 5 Rao BIk., Jackson, BOOK. You Pay No Duty. Lung Cermine Co., 59 Rao BIk., Jaokaon, Mich. KIDNAPPED IN DAYLIGHT WUEN \VANDERERS HAVE MVSTEK- lOL'SLY "VANISHED." It Is Said There Is Nothing Easier Than to Kidnap a Person in the Ueart ol London Wild as the theory may seem, it is by no means improbable Ihut individuals who have incun-cd the ban oI foreign Governments or secret organizations who have sought shelter in the melro- polis have been kidnapped practically in oi)en daylight in London and "suitably dealt with," says Ijondon Answers. Only a few years ago Dr. Sun-Yet-Sen. a prominent member of the now power- fiii "Young China" party, was seized in broad daylight in Portland f'lace by two of his compatriots and hustled into the Chinese Embassy. He had incurred the eninily of the Empress. He had been kidnapped nccoixlinjj to her instructions «n<l convcyeicl to the Embassy, with the ultimate intention of placing him on board a ship in the Thames and trans- porting him to Cliina, where he would Inevitably have been beheaded, had he not, after eome day's incarceration, been eucoessful in throwing a letter out of a window which caused the Orilish author- ities to DEMAND HtS RELEASE. The numerous Russian refugee-s â€" many oi whom are famous in science and Uleratureâ€" who have made Umdon their heme, live in constant dread of being diugged bv emissaries of the Tsar and smuggled cack to the solitudes of Siber- i.i. To this day the oompali'iols of Ser- gius Stepniak, the Russian author, smile ai the coroner's jury wh<i returned a ver- dict of ".\ccidenlal death" when Step- niak's mangled bo<Iy was found on a hvcl c«)sising on the railway line. They argue that a Power like Russia can find emissaries who will do strange deeds for gold, even in the heart of London. Take the case of the disUnguish<\l scientist fringe I'cler Kropotkin, for in- Blance. After his escape from the pri- son fortress of St. I'cter and Paul, he settled in l^ngland, but froqiicntly had to visit the Continent, where ho was em- ployed as correspondent for The Times. \\ hile in Oneva a highly-placed oflkial varned Kropotkinâ€" wivo, by the way is first cousin to the present tsarâ€" that he was shadowoti, with a view to being sur- reptitiously seized and conveyi=;d to st. f'etersburo. Kropotkin's promptness saved hte lib- erty. He published particulars of the plot In The Times, and returned to this oiuntry, where, liowever, the enmity of his persecutors did not cease. Soon altei-wards he published a book, tilled "In French and Russian Prisons," t-ut every copy of the first edition was Ixught up by agents of the Russian Government. A second edition was at once ordered, but before it could be printed a myster- ious burglary occurred at Messrs. VVard k Downey's, Uie publishcns.. Nothing was stolen but the stereo plates were de- stroyed, and tlie MS., whicli was kept :n the olTlce safe, was burnt. This book ha.s since, however, been reprinted from ail advance copy which had been sent {>â- > a library in Boston. Just before the Turko-Graeco War broke out a Greek subject of the Sublime Pcrte, named Michaclis, who had inter- ested himself greatly in Turkish politics, di&appeared in A MYSrrERIOUS FA.SIIION fccm the refreshment-room at Charing f>oss Station, where he had entered to have a drink with a friend. From that day nothing has been heard of him, but both the police and the Custom House officials agree that, granted money, there is nothing easier than to kidnap a person in the heart of Lxindon. All that is necessary to is to inveigle him to partake of a drink or a cup of coffee in the most crowded resort. The drink is dexterously drugged, and the waiter is coolly told to call a cab, as the gentleman Is overcome with liquor, and his friends will see him home. He is driven to a Iiouse kept by some foreigner in the pay of the Government he has offended. His ctothcs are changed for those of a saHor. and another cab con- I veys him to the docks, whence he is smuggled out of the country. GOT HIS OMELET. "I've never tried to be funny with waiter,' the i-eturncJ traveller was say- ing, "since the lime when I Jtad a lit- tle experience with one in California It was several years ago, and I was rother 'fresh.' 1 slepped i'lto a reslau- rant one morning and ordered an ome- let. "'What kind ' asked the wnllej". '"Why, arc there more kiiiJs than one?' I said. "'Oil, yes. sir,' he ans.wered me, 'there are several.' 'â-  'Well, bring me an ostrich-egg ome- let.' "'All right, sir,' he said, 'but you'll have to wait iiuite a while. It lakes a kjng time to make an ostrich-egg ome- let.' "I told him I had plenty of time. He went uway, and wes gone fully an hour. Then he came back with a big covtred dish. "'There you are, sir,' he said, plac- ing il before me and uncovering it. â- â€¢Well, it was an omelet, all right nnd big enough for half n dozen men. Whether th>>re wtis an oslrich-furm In the neighborhood, and he got a real ostr ch egg, or whether he made it from Ji couple of dozen hens' eggs, I don't know, but I distinctly remcmtwr it cost me two dollarsâ€" and I learned a valu able lesson." â- â-  Ok, illp on any eld thing," Mid the mid â-  'i|ht caller. So tbg doctor Hlippod on the toe ttep, bat he did not lose &ny time, aa he vlippel on "The DAL" M«nthol Plaster wtd all wae right in a Jiffy. She: "Some people profit by the mis- lakes of others." He: "Yes, like the min- ister who got five dollars for man'ying us.." Do Not Delay.â€" Do not let a cold or c<-ugh fast<ai upon you as it will if eng- lected. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil will break up a cold and cure a cough, and sliould he resorted to at once when I he first symptoms appear. It can bo dis- guised so that any unpleasujit taste it may have will be imperceptible to the delicate. Try It and be convinced . Life Insurance Doctor: "Do you oon- tomplale any enterprise involving great personal risk or danger?" Applicant: "Yes; I am going to discharge our cook to-night." rrcn. Mange, fYalrte Scratches and every form of contagious itch In human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- tcrd's Sanitary Lolion. U oever fails. Sold by all druggists. MOUNT CLEMENS, MICHIGAN. Hount Clemens ia famoaa throaglioat America as an all-tlie-year-round health re- sort, and thousands of penple bear teeti- mony to the benefits derived from its min- eral waters in cases of rheumatism and kindred diseases. For bilious and liver troubles. disr<'«*tiv» trouhVs. nervonn die- orders, general debility, etc.. tlie efficacy ot its waters is wouuei-iai. oeveuLj ,iv« ,ji_-r cent of riieumatics are cured and ninety per cent-, benefittttd. Write J. D. McDonald, Dis- trict Passenger Agent, Grand Trunlt Bail- way System, Toronto, for handsome de- scriptive booklet telling you all about it. NECE.S.SITY FOR ACTION. Nan: "I was astonished to learn that :.:1 Billiwink had gone and maiTied that Spriggijis boy. Why, shes a good ten years older than he is." Kan : "I know il, but it had narrowed d<iwn to a choice between him and his father, and she had to decide quick." Are you a sufferer wilh corns? if you are, get a bottle of Holloway's Corn Cure. It has never teen known V) fail. • The following character was supplied ic a housemaid by her "The barer is of grate respecktability, and i;i 8 most e.xlent dumystick in a con- fidant kapacity. She nose all sorts of cookary, and gets up plane linen. She has lived ale yeres in her last plaso. .ind has a hunimpicable carekter. She â- Ji pirfetly scbar, and never drinks no- think but what does her goad. The lady where she livs givs her Ihis carek- ter, and never would have pearled with her, but slie goes to osstrailya," â- * HOME-MADE COUGH MIXTURE Procure from your druggist the following ingredients and mix at home ; â€" One-half ounce fluid extract licor- ice, one-half ounce fluid extract cas- cara, one ounce elixir tolene, six ounces best rye whUkey. Dose: One dessertspoonful every two or three hours. ChildrcB ip proportion. This mixture is said to be very effective in the treatment of cuuffhs, whoopiag-cough, colds, and bron- chitis. Relief is certain after a few doses. "^ "But, sir." insisted tlio persistent agent, "I want t'i sell you the most wonderful cash register that was ever put on the market. It will keep account of what you take in, what you pay out, what you spend, how you .spend il. and â- ' "My dear man," interrupted .Mr. NfeeJtcr, wilh a wan smile, "I al- ready have a cash register that does all thai." "Indood! And may I ask the nan.e?'' "Yes, my wife." Just the Thing That's Wanted.â€" A pUl Ihut ads upon the slomach and yet is so compounded thai certain in- gredients of It preserve their power lo act upon the intestinal canals, so as Ic clear them of excreta tho retention of which cann-ol but be hurtful, was long looked for by the medical profes- eion. It WHS fouml in Pnrmelee's Ve- getable Pills, which are Ihc result of much expert study, and are scientill- cally prepared as a laxative and an allernative in one. "You were always a fault-finder !" growled the wife. "Yes, dear." respond- ed the husband, meekly; "I found you 1" Yes, Indeed, "Mood will tell, " when blotches ud IncractatiAiu mark the skin. Weaver's Cerate knd Wsaver'e Syrup make ehort work ol all bluod kud skin truublea. She: "The mere thought of the furs which you have promised me makes me feel warm." lie: "And the mere thought o' their makes cold shivei-s run down my back i" Mother: "If you marry r?obert, ! swear I that I'll never set fo<it in .vour house !" Paughtcr: " put that down in writ- ing. I'd liki- lo give thnt promise to Hcberl for a wedding present I" There is no medicine on Ihc market that can compare with Bickle's Anti- C-Oiisuniptive Syrup in expelling from the system the irritaling germs that colds engender in the air passages. II s suicide to negle:t your (xild. Try tlie cheap experiment of ridding yourself of it by using Bickle's Syrup, which !> a simple ivmedy, easily taken, ani cnce used it will always be prized as « sovereign medicine. If Voa a>e Nervous and irritable, taka " FerTt)viin," the RreAtH8rv»»nd blomi t-inic; yoa will be a new person by the time you have tts»d a |K>ltIe, tl.UO bottles. A 11 dealers. SAYINGS C. CHE.AT .MEN. BlacK Watch CH*Mrlntf Tobacco Rich and satisfying. Th» h\g black piug. XIM Let us have faith thnt right makes might, and in that faith lot us dare to do our duly a.s wc understand it.â€" ccln. A worldly man makes of himself bi.t a Click, sent for a while on the world's heap to scratch and peck.â€" George Mac- donald. Who is a true man ? He who does tho truth, and never holds a principle on which he is not prepared in any hour k> act, and in any hour to the conse- qi.ences of holding 11.â€" Tliomas Carlyle. Half the world te on the wrong scent ill the pursuit of happiness. They think it consists in having and gelling arvd in being served by others. II consists in (living and serving others.â€" Henry Drunmiond. A man of eminence in any line is cx- p«*ed to a thoueami eyes which men not .<« celebrated are safe from ; and, in consequence, right conduct is much more essential lo his happincM than lo those Who are less watched.â€" Sir Walter SooU. A number o( penson.s were talking atout telosoopcs, and each professed to have looked through the "largest one In Ihe world." One after another told of I le powerful effect of Ihe i-espective tele- scope.<. A last a quiet man .said, mildly : ' I once looke<l tliwugh a telescope. I don't know as it was Ihc largest in Ihe world. I hope it w.i.<!ii't. But it brought Ihc moon so near that wo could .see a man in it ge.Kliciilaling wildly, and cry- ing oi.t. 'Don't shoot ! don't shoot !' Tlie old fool thought it was a big cannon that w weiv pointing at liim." The quiol man subsided, and s<i did all the rest of Ihem. DODDS * iKrONEY t^A PILLS _-' Cat \>\v.>>oi' SIMPLE RE.MEDY. If men would w;isli the dishe» And cook and bake and sweep And keep Ihe lires replenished And put Ihe kids to sleep, And at the family wushtub Would labor liko a horse, There wouldn't be so many Sad coses of divorce. "Aren't you a.shamed lo lx>g ?" "Some- times, mum. When I find how sUngy people are, I fairly blushes for Ihcm." A Little Lnss offleah, a little ohstinate cough &nd-A little pain in the chest are .si^ns tiiat must not bo negldcted. Allen's Lunc Balaam looseoa the cauj^li and t}fffli:ta a cure withuut a grain uf cipium. "He seems to lake life seriously Tor so young a man." "Yes; you see, he's in Icve, and he has to run Ihe gauntlet of her little broiher. her father a.nd the bull- uog every lime he calls 1" A Cure for Fever and Ague. â€" Parme- lee's Vegetable fills arc compounded fo- use in any climate, and they will 1« f'jund lo prewrve their jxiwers in iiny lalilude. In fever and ague ll*y act upon the secretions and neutralize Ihe poison wh;ch has found its way into the blood. They correct the im- purities which find entrance into the system through drinking water or food and if used as a preventive fevers are avoided. WHAT LONDON'S LORD MAYOR COSTS. The maintenance of the pride, pwmp. and circumstance of civic state cosU- the Corporation of London a yearlv sum of close upon ,$30,000, The Loru Mayor receives $50,000 and Ihe income tax on that sum is paid for him, whil.> he is allowed $500 for the supply of new furniture, and his tvDbes cost close up on $1,000. Then the rales, faxes, am' tithes payable on the Mansion Houst Ictal upwards of Â¥15,000, the lightin>.- iiivolvds an oullny of upwards of 2,8.';n Ihc waler supply costs $900, and Are and boiler insm-ancc absorbs SG75. Nexl sirucfural and other repairs represen an expenditure c'o.'^e.'y approachin, SIO.OOO. and periodically there is . heavy "call' for special redecoralion the amo'.ini stent last year, for inslanci- on the Egyptian Hall being S2,S00. WANTED AGENTS to take ordera for Made-to-Measure Clothiaj: Sinamt line in the Dominion. Qood Cammisiiaii, Full information Grov.rnTaiioriiisCo.( - Toronta CANADA'S BBST TAIL0H3. Dyeing I Cleaning I V*rtk«r«rf keel •â- â- < row work *sUm ••â- â- mtH AMEBICAN OTIINO M.** Leak fer laeal la r«w wwn. o> Mad dtaeM. lfMrtrui,T«roota, OtUwa, QMkM Guest: "Waitcj', bring me some rice- pudding." Waiter: "Erâ€" 'fraid I can't jest recommend llie rice-puddin' to-day, sir." Oucsl: "What's Uie mutter wilh it?" Waiter: "NoUiing, sii-; 'cept there ain't none I" There can be a difference of opinion on most subjects, but there is only one opinion as to tho reliability of Mother Craves' Worm Exterminator. It is safe, sure and effectual. HIS CHANCES. The man who owns enough of this world'.? go<3ds to keep him from dlrt^' debt and hunger has a thousand chances of avoiding evil against the one of the man whom the demon of discouragement drags through depths from which it is almost impo.=fiible to escape without se- vere demoralization of body, mind and spirit. ... SHILOH'S Cures Coughs 6k. Colds Quick ease for the worst cough â€" quick relief t* the heaviest cold â€" and SAFE to take, even for a child. That it Sbiloh's Cure. .Sold under a guarantee lo cure colds and coughs quicker than any oilier ntedicineâ€" oryour money back. S4yeara a( success commend SbUoh'* Cura. 25c. , 50c., $1. «l» QUICKLY! HOTEL TRAYMORE ON THE OCEAN FF^ONT. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. A aacDlRnent ten-rtory lre-proo( ftdilltion Is lu»t being eompleted, miklof thli famnq, hmtelry tks newest and raoit up ta-date o( Atiantio City UoUln. A new (eatu,* Ij the aauiu;U litae of the bed roomi, arera^iTig 19 feet square. K»«ry room ooBiBi»nds xn uceaii riew. bath attached with Ma and fre^h water. CheTal- (lasa la erery aham^r. Temperature regulated by Thermosdadt, the litait Uerelopnient ia •teu heatinf. 'lelapkona in erery room. Qolt prUUeget. Capacity 800. Write (or Uluicrated beoklat. CHARLES O. MARQUETTE, Atanac«r, TRAYMORE MOTEL COHPANY. D. S, WIIlTli. President. EAR OF A ARGAIN IKETniS? AeoOD PHOTOCRAPH SEND (of Tourself or a member of your family) with 80 cts. in stamps and we will enlarge It and mail you prepaid a Magnificent Hand- Finished Life-Size Portrait! SIzi 16x20 inehM. The tone of these portraits is blach snA whlti», bat w» also finish portraiiftlti water culors If you so di-sire, and cuii muko cDunges rrom original ir orderea by you. Pertrnlre like iheee nre the pride anil plcnenre at a*auy lhaUAaD<l<« ol liomee throughout the worltl, ae Ike rolls wina frw toiluiealale, •elected freai muair elhere, AHiply prove. Tkta la what people thiah efoer work • TESTIMONIALS. -•8 T114jnMSludl<^ Kew Tork. X. T Oent.fiucn Th* plrtur« camt to ntc In till MhHpe itnJ i bare ixi^t h(«rt) a v«ry «c» rre tritlr. the COKf yts'lDfiKt, ftaj UMt it was « Oum pl(K^offtrt. Fcvr HIT part. It l«th« bwtlhav^ eT«>r>M<f. I thank vou Undir â- Â»â€¢> ahAl) 5how the w^rk to nty frkndB nt.d rK<>inriicnd Uia( •*"*- Ift you do their work. Your* tmly, Ibo*. Monroe Oumpbell, MmlDChM, Alft. Uof^ N«w Torit, K. T. \t 1 haw roo«T«4 mr pltturr* enUnredl ftnd t aannot m* prpM to you how dcUghlrd I mm and jiiU did lit tv^ry vmy a* jott agr«cd *o i". Hr'^ptcllnUy, Mr*. Annie H>j>kina, Uampoeit Corner, '^» TltwnM Studio^ Kew York, S. Y. (Jcntlrmen; l r*c*l*pd enlirg«* photo all Hgtit xnA am *,fU ptraJM<l nithlt. It i«c<crt«lii)y th<-he»tw(>rk ot llMkmil I ever f«w and I ha«* wen a gooA deal. K^err one ihafc hMNtOB tho picture aay* It t&(ooa «ork. Kr*. ln«> Kama, ISSUE NO. 3-^ Beautiful wat«r color work, brln^flns out lh« leAtures In LIFE LIKE TiNTSfiirnisheil at popular prlcMk Cbangea from orlw;tnal at a r«ry moderate cost. Tour orighiai plwto^raph mo«t oartfnlly handled and 'retnmed onharmeO at the »ain« ttme wo forward the enlarged portratt Thla concern la known In every State of tlie UDton as responaible and bears ibe beet reputaUon for fair , AeaJlage with the public, IIUIS STUOil^ n taes St„ Desl 4 heI fOIJi;

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