1 jANUAftY 23 1908 TH£ FLESHERTON ADVANCE Canfiilly 0l\»8 P^-n hirlny ... WheHt lUy... Biiilur E'.'g*, freBh Piilatoes ?)pr hng Q'TSP Cliiokei"" Tfiirki-vd Cori-ooted When the Hair Falls Stop it! And why not? Fall- ing hair Is a disease, a regular disease; and Ayer's Hair Vigor, as made from our new im- proved form'jla, quickly and completely dtstroys that dis- ease. Ti.o hair stops falling out, grows noe rapidly, and ail dandcuT; u!?appears. Does not chanrz the color of the httir. A yers Fonanla with «Mh bottle Q Show it to your -'â€" doctor Ask him ftbOTXt it. th«n do ai ho aaya Osprey Council atmtm TIk' l.iim^bt anil l)est stock iif Fiiniitmo uvur sliiiwn in Flonlierton. Tliis witliout fonr of eoii- tr.idictioii. Come iiml seti Komc of tho nico tliirif^H in Siilo Hmirds, Dining Uiiuni ClinirK, I'iiilor HettH, Httd llnoin Setts A Kpeciiil reduc- tion just now on cvory- lliin^, ill orilLT to ic- dllCL- till" Htock. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER FLESHERT The little book In each package gives the formuU of our new H«ir Vigor, tells why e«ch Ingredient is used, and ex- plains many other interesting things. After reading you will know why this new hair preparation does its work so well. titan by tb» J. 0. lytr Co., Lowell, H«i.â€" ' 'Business Knowledge " and "Evcrlo'^tinsJ Pubh" lire two essentiaU to fuicesi. Aletn "^ â- ^LIiI^; xi. And prepare for tirst-olass business posi- tions mien as are opon to our students. Hundreds of our KtiulontH are t'oing into Hood positions every year. Let us train you for one. We will il" it rit;lit. Winter term opens ./an. (i'li. Write for catalou'ue and see wliurorn we excel oidinary busi- nn»s cidleL'e W.J. ELLlOTT.Prino pal (Cor. YonKO and Alexander Sts.) " Herris Bros*t TiiiHiniths .-ind Hardware Merchants Having purchased BENTHAM liUO.S. HARDWARE STOCK w.. are now in u posi'ion til cater to your every want in the Hardware mid TiiiKinithing line. This week we ulTer at a itreat Baerifice our Complete Stock of Stoves Ooinprisinz the Empire Queen Rnngos and Oailaiid Cook Stoves and Heaters. All will be sold at coat to make space for our New Stock tliem. For exsmjilo An ?;in|)iie Queen Ilnu.'o No. !• 20. with six holi'S, lii'.'h wariniiii' cl"fiet and and l.irije rt-xorvoir, complete in every detnil and nicely nickel plated. l{et.'"l«r price wns $48 00, our prico lo clear ?3!).(X) Other Stovc3 are innrked to sell at the same great reiluction. To realize tlicciuulity 'if these Stoves you must »pe Tho momhors elected to the Osprey Council for the year 1908 met at Maxwell oil Monday Jan. IStli lust, and havini; severally made and subscribed to the declarations of office and qualiti'jations, »iz; E. W. Norman, Reeve; Win, Taylor, Deputy Reeve; Thos. Stephens. A, E. McCalluni, and Henry Down, Councillors. Afior reading and adoptins the minutes of last iiieeliiig they proceeded witli the reading of cominunioatioiis, bills, petitions and dcputalionB as follows: From the Olerk, c.-rtitlcato of place' used -n p- il iij; lioiths and parlies who served as I^cpu y KominiiiK Oftioers and Clerks ai the elect ;(Mi bold on Jan. Cth last; VV. .1. .Midiei) ri'gar(lin(4 obstructioiia pltcid on tile roid ly .\. McKean; Jo • R'ns K .lit rtsdii.uii appeal for aid lo tlio !i. spi â- al for sick children; W . H. Thur»ton Idll, 11107, printing and stationery. Petition uf Mr. Walton nid others asliinu for the alleration of tlio bouiidaiies of S. S. Mebinctlion and Ospr.y; Petition of Jacob Loui^heed and others Bskinir for the formation of a tiow School Section on the west end of concession f-ur and live; The Municipal .Aij^i ciatiou of OotjirKj Hskiii^r Co-operation to petition tlio Ontario Goveuiinont to amend seci"n (iOCoftlieMunicip.il Act; Orders we.-e issued on the Trejsur.r for ]iayinont of W. H. Thurston, «J».(0, priming' aod slatiLnery;Tliiis. Soitv, 81.40, express. Carriye and Sundries, M. Robinson 83 00, Dr Hood 84, A, T. Huteliiiisoi. ?2. 15. S. Scott 8'A Jno. Miiiihead 82 Ja.s. Mullen 82 for ri>llini; b lolhs; R. Brown, J. VV. Ganiey, Ira Peri^oe, Jno. Lindsay, Tlios. Scott and '1. S. Freetly 8.'{.00 each m Deputy Ueturniii'.; Otilcers; Jas. Monzie. C. W, Lor.s.'. H. Peri«He. A. E. KdwarJs, Jno. Duuubit rnd H. E. Camer- on 8? »'aell as poll clerks; hospital for sick cliilJren $5, Municipal World 8") for sis copies of the World for Jouiicil aiid Cleik. SrK.rHE.NS -MoOALUM-Tliat the Peti- tion of .laciih LoUi-heed, and others, be laid over until next ineetini; and that Ihe Chrk 11 itify the ratepayers and school hoard iiiteretted. Carried. McCallim- Taylouâ€" That tho Clerk notify A McKoan to remove ut once any ohKtructions placed by bin. on nmd.vay. Ca'-riid. Down â€" STErui:N8â€" That iho Council reply with request of the Ontario Muni- cipal Association by petitionin;{ t' e L'gislatlve to ropoil tSec. (i'J(> of the Mi.n cipal Act R'.d thereby relieve Municpaliiiea from a pirtion of ilieir presei.t heavy nsponsibility foiiMni-repair of liij^hways ai.d thai I. B. Lucas M. L. A. iiur ri'pri'sent.itivo in the ll.mse be re ipiested to (iresent tho petition and sup- port the bill when it com s up for con- sidi-ration. Carried. Ryla.vs were pass-d appointiim J'S. Allium as As^esior «l « salary of ?!MI; lappi'intint; Roht. Heron and Jidin Doui;- a«, jr., .A iidit.irn; appointing A. E Mo C'llluni, W. L. Taylor and Thos. Stephens with till Reeve niid Clerk as Hfembera of ilio Board of llealll.; appointing '1 hos. Sciitt an Arbiirator reyariliiii; ilie petition to alter <he bounJarieH of U. S. S. M. ai.d <>. Cunncil adjonmeil to moot at Fever- 8)iam on Saturday, Feb. 15th next. I^iultry dninea in tho old land, Mr. H. S. flrtbjook,Provld â- nco, R. I., is another prominent writer and breeder on this paper's regular stall' E icli phase of p<niltry breeding, poultry exhibiting, etc., in fully covered and the pngea of tlio Review are replete with li.ilf tone re- productions from life, of fani"m birds, plikos of up-to-date houses, ntenails, etc. The sulHcrip'ioii rate is lifty cents per year, but readers of this piper can have it at three years for 81.00, and sample will be sent free on application to (Jana- daiaii Poultry Kevinw, 184 'Adelaide St., west, Toronto, Ont. !-*• Business Card? J/CULLOUGH & YOUS'U â- "• Hacker Ma.krlale jJoagoneral banking bua!ii»,BB. Money loaned a rainoimblo rato Call on us. fjp OHISIiRTT, * • Vo&tmtLHlftr, 'leylon. Couiniicsloner in H,i;. J .Convevancer. dpcds, iiiortKiiKea, loases, viillx etc. carefully ciiawii V.p -ollcutious u:ad>. »(iarge« rcasonshlo. Aliio erocer.us, Hour, feed etu. ievt iu Etock. Prices rinlit. ' Hathcrton We anj pleased to know Mrs. Robert Arnott is able to bo around a^.jain. Miss L. J. Juiuici'on is visitin;^ friends in Toronto). Mr. Johnson of Paialey is vioiting friends in this vicinity. Mr. Arthur Jainicsouand si,ster,Minnie, returned home from Paisley last week after a plea.sant vinit with friends there. Hathcrton Sunday school held their annual ineetiiig on the evening of Jan. 8. Mr. Down was appointed sujierinlondent and Bible cla.ss teacher, Mis-s Bertha Winters tru.isuror, Mr. J. J. Jainiesoii secretary, Mr. .T.inies Winters assisUuit, Mr. Will Gruniniet librarian, Mrs. James Arnott, Mrs. E. Scilley, Mrs. Je.sso Ar- nott !;nd Mra. Down as teachers for 1908. Average attendance for year 11)08 was 54. Wo are plea.scd to say our Sunday school is in a, prosperous condition. On New Years day two of our most })opular younjj people were united in in«rria;.^e, naincdy, Mr. Robert Ring and Miss .Mice Menzies. Vv'e e.\tend our heiu-tiest congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ring and wish lor them a long and happy weilded life. Mrs. Henry Holinan and son, Frank, of tho 4tli line, Arteniesia, accomiwnied by the former's sister. Miss Nicholson of Flesherton, visited with Mrs. Down one day la.st week. .Mi.ss Sadie Scilley is vi.siting hersLster, Mrs. W. F"iudl;iy, near Markdale. D J SI'UOUIjB "• PotitiuastM, Klovhorton .oiumiasloaer In FI.C .)., Auctioneer Oon- Toyanoor, Apprnliiir ni:d Money Lender R-al ijntstn an'1 Iniiintnco Agent. 1)< eda naortBa^e^â- . Ier»s.;s .ml «,iU earelullj drawD op an 1 valiiati.i'jii ..mrtn on Fhortes'. nrtice, mone) toio^ii at iimp?.t r«r-«s of iutercet. Col estio'i* a.'t.«-il'l tR vjtl) iiromplneea charuu< low. .\':«;it f.-.r Ocean Dominioa Staambhip Oompnnv. .\ ttU aolieited. D McPHAIti, Tilcensod AncMonner for tho County of Grey, Terms moderato aud Ratisfactlon giiarantferl. Tho arranRementa eti.i ctatfs of Kales can be ma'le a*. Thk \dva>,ce oi;i.-o. Hefi'lenco audP.O., Coylon, TelBiihone 1 otMiflction. Duo. a.U". rvWID Ui>B!-;ilTS. licansert aactionoor fnf U Grey Cotnty. PromiH attention uiven all si'Ies ontrP'Jle:1 to mv care, AriauifMments <|*D 1)0 mmltfiic this olliro. â- IT? M. KAITTINO, Licensed > uctloneer. SnleB '' couilnotud on lowost teriusâ€" batisfautioa (];iiaianteo«l. Kevorshaui, P. O., con, 12, lot IS, Osprey. HEO. O.LUDLOW, Licensed Auctioneer for the " Connty ut Grey. Prompt forvioe ana reasonal>ld terms. Proton Station P. 0. T HARVEY PHlilGOR, Fevoreham *' luBurHuce, Ileal estate and stocks. Coti- veyancur. Loans and Ccllections. Write for ratos on Kire, I.ifo or i^iek benefit iuskraiie?. Hotter cniitracts and lower rates on tlreia- surancouaw. This is Headquarters for Paints,Oi!s& Varnishes (live us a Call. THE SCOURGE OF CONSUMPTION Medical OtUce and residence CARTKR M CP & 8 Ont, Physician. Surgeon, etc .1 â- 1 Peter at., ii'leshertou J P OTTBWEliL Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Pollege. residence â€" sacoiid door south west on Mary street. This street runs aoiith" Presbyt«riau Church. II WILSON, Blackumith "• iradnate of the Veterinary Science .\3sociution Besidenco, Diirhim "trect, op- po:iite lioyd, Hioklibg's hardware. NORRIS i Tn Sl(!i}^li.^, I)ii}j:!.rie.s Harrow.s, riouj^li.s, Cream arators and Wire HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Wai;<j;i)ii.s Fencing, Heard's Carriage Works Cutter s CES 4,^4- N(jw oriler for N KS the time to place your yoifi' Cutt'jr. ChII and see our Htock before buyiuj,'. Wp have a good a.ssortmeut foi" you to cihoose from. McTavish & Williams Flesherton Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a Safe Hedicine for Children. Tnbiiyin;; a i-'iiiRh im-dieiiie for children, lener Im afraid to liny t'haniherlain's C'lnii^h liiiieily. Tliern is no dioiuer hiui' it. and nliel iinlHays hureto fdlmv. It in intendtil es|ieciolly for ecni(din, colds, er.mii anil ivhoiip- iin! eolith, and there i« no U-tter medicine m the world for lluHediaease.s. It is not only a eertain cure fur emuii, but, when jjiven wt <!ooii a.H Ihe croupy cnuiihuiiiM'arH, will iirevent the attack. W'licKppini; couh in nit dantreimiH when this remedy is K'ven as directeil. It euntidiis no opium or other haniiful ilriitrs, and may bo Kiveii as cnntideiitlv In abidiy as to an ailiilt. l''or»a.ehy W. K. Uiehardson- January Rod ahd Uun It is often said 1 hat a i;ooil becinning is half the biilile, and the Canadian pportsmaira niaj^'izine. " Ibal and (Jun and iiio'or sports in Canana," pulili-<hed by \V. J . Tayl .r. at WoodstoeU, (.'lit., in ikes a splendid beuiiining for ihu new yeir. It is crowded with stories of inter- e-t to spiirisiiieii, incliidinij notes on tho 1 ml season's f'pirt in several provinces, which must cause hunters loyo over ihoir oivn experiences once more ami see if til y ag' HO with those (jiven. The most important snlijeot of the interimtnmal control of tile ((reat lakes lisheries is lieall with in an address L'ivon by Mr. A. Kelly K>"iu at a coiifereneo of the Anieric.ni FisherioM S'iciety. Stories of deer huot- iMi! in <^>ui bee and Ontiiiic, duck hunting in Maiiiioba ami SHskatrhewan, explorioi; tri))H io '.be norlheru country, with fisli- ei men's yarns and inouniaiii c'iinbiiii! reiiiinisoeiicei are but stinpUHof tlv> liud- ijil of good ihinis awiiiiiiig ihe, readers of this excellent imigaziiu'. With such a )irouii»iiisr bei'i.iiiing iho New Ymr h'dds the strong' si jxHiibilitiea for the further succe.-s of this favoriioCanadiaii inagHzine, wIkmo special work il has been to make advantngi's of the Uoiniiiion in the region of sport known loour people and through ttiKiu to the whole worhL TiioEIiiur of tho Canadian Poultry Review, the p.oplt.'a popular poultry pipr, telU US lliat Ibis p^iper has lieen gnatly eiihirfod and is lilhid with all that poitdiiH to poidiry, both from a practical and a fancy standpoint. Prof .V O, IJilVirr, nianaKiir Dominion Oovernnivnl Poultry Kami, Ottawa, is atill in charge of the Prnctioal I'nutly Doparlinont of the Ontario AgriculturnI Colleve, Guelph, lisRchnrgK of the artilioiHl Lioubatioi' and Brood Dejpsrtnishl. Rev. J. N Williams, enn of B iglniid'a rouat noted espetln, Thousands are Dying â€" if Tiro.I, Lioguid or Run-down g^.â- t Protection Before too Late. No child, mail or nonian is safe fn m consuinptiou uiilesa their blood is pure, rich and nourishini;. Allow the blood to become thin, and inimedialely the whdo system uruws weak. The luiiL'S are deprived of resist- in;; power and the ever proseuc tubercular buccilli develop-". The most positive protection against consuinptiou is Ferrozone, which restores the blood to full strength. Weak organs are instantly Birengtlieiied. Worn-out tissues are rebuilt. New life is given to the lungs and all danger of consumption is destroyed. Mia. K.J. Richardson, Maiiotick, Out. tells lis folluA's of hor enormous gain in lieaMi from Ferrozone: ''For t^o years I wan not well. I was thin and anaemic Towiiids spring I fell into a condition of nervous e.vhaustion. A dead tiredness bung over me like a bad of lea 1. House- work of any kind 1 simply couldn't do. .\ bid couuh develiiped that Worried mo urcatly for 1 thought it might bo tjborcu- lar. When I firs', roid of Ferrozoue I was coiivineeil it was good. I took it reg- ularly for eight weeks and the change iu my condition was wonderful. My cheeks filled out and beeanuf clear and rosy I gained eiKhl pounds and now am strong and vieoious as possible." Feirozone feeds, lunnishes and tones up the bo.ly â€" it sends the thrill and vim of robust liealih from head to foot â€" makes you feel better at once. Won't you use Ferrozone/ Prion 6'.)e. per box, or six boxes for ?2 00, at all dealers, or N. C. I'nlson it Co., Ilarifiird, Conn., U.S.A., and Kingston, Ont. Dentistry r\r. E. C. MURRAY L. P. S., dontnl sntBeon i' honoiRradoatc of Toronto Unlvernitv and n.^yal CollegB of Dental Surcoim of Ontario, G.is atUuini»tei-ed for teoth e.Ttraction. o^ce at residence. To roato street FI»hertOQ , Legal LUCAS WRIGHT ft~McAEDLE Harrlstors Solicitors ConvoyancerB, etc omccsâ€" Owen Sound, Ont audMarkdaleOnt W H WaiQUT, McAiiDLE I H Lucas N Hâ€" rieshorton oIEoe. Mitebcll's ank ererv Saturdav. Societies & O n W meets on the last Monday lu eaou month, in their lodi^o room. Christoe'a block. Flesherton. at t< p.m. M.W., Frank Chard ; See., T. lilakely, Financier, W.J. Hel.amy. Visiting brethrrc iLvited. PUINCE .\BTHUK LODUE, No. :OT, A.P.A A U, meets in tho Masonic ball. Strain's block, Flneherton, every Friday on or before the full mocn. W A.AriUBtronij, W M.; Herb, oiiiith, Secretary. r>ol,'RTFL^;snRBTo^J, 995. W Claytons lllock tholiist " 1, C. F. n-eets tn . Wednesday cvotitnK of each mniitli. VisitinR Fore9toi:i hcartilv welcome. H. 11.. Dvson; K. S., l'. Hotry; Fin. Sec, i;. N. Uichardaon. Please pay duos to Fin. Soo. before the first dav of tho moiitb. CHO.SUN FltlFlNDS-Flpshorton Oouneil of Chosiin Frliinds moots in I'layfon's hall first and third Wedne.'idav of ofkoh niout S p. m P»V aMsassnients to tho Kt:eorJer on or li'.'foro tro flrst ilayof each month. Ciiiuf Oouiicillor, T. lllakoley;Uecordor, \V. H. I!u.it. •titM int«r«rMiingly twoh monh on \ Rlcharlfon. Solnrnn Wood was sentenced by the County Juduo at Widkerlon to two minths in jail or a tine of $100, for hiir- aniy. Wood's liist wife was Miss C. Iveiiiiedy, whom he married when only sixteen years of iige They heed lo- uether only a couple of months, and had not .soon each other for six years. Wood explained the Biiuation to bis second wife. Miss Cars.! n.l'of Amabel township, his hrst wife wave her consent, and he thought that was all that was necessary. In view of the prisoner's lack of ednc- anon his apparent honesty in the matter, and of the fact that neither of his wives were inclined to piess the prosecution, a lii;ht aeiitence was given. Cause of Boils Explained Kvi'ii in health tlieie is a large accumu- lation of matter in the system, which if not destroyed, breaks through the skin in the form of pimp'us and boils. No rem- edy so cleansing, so sure to drive out boils as Dr. Hamilton's Pills, They brace up the ayateni, rid it of hninors, restore heaithv and absolutely prevent swelliiiifs, pimplcR, blotches and hoils. Because inih! and certain, aiiyoiio can use Dr. Ilamilioii's Pills. Sold by nil dealer!). ' Thoinaa McMurohy of the MoMurcliy sellluiiient, Notawasaca, has sold his farm of UX) aerei for K)(X>0. Bad Stomach 1 rouble Cured, Having Uen »ick fifr tho past two years with a IiimI stniiiach trouble, a friend gave ma adiMuof ChanilH^rUin'a Stmnach and Liver Tablets. They di.l me so much good that I liouKht a bottle of them and have used twelve bottles in all. T<><iay I am well of a hkd stniiiooh trouble. â€" Mn. John Lewe Ooopsr, Maine. These Ubieu are for sale by W. E. Tho mpson's Bakery My Dread is well and favoiably known, The ipialily is the lin-.st. Broad delivered roi^u- larly and Sold al the followiiig places: Ceylon, R. Conk and J. Patti- son; Euitenia, H. Cdins, R, Piiksand K. MeDon.ild; Kini- luiley, F. Wel.er ami M. 11 Haiiiinond; Slaxwell, K.N.Kii:- iioar it Son; l''eversli»in, lili Robinson and Ah. Hutchins. n. llosl Manitoba Flour for sale. Ed. Thompson, Flesherion WINTER HARNESS GOODS Big St eck = » Bes t Stock Bills, Blankets, Robes Fur lined oi»at.-4, pocket hooks, satcIieU, razor strops and other leather goods. Cutters -best makes -and everything in the harness line. W. MOORE, Fleslierton Ont.