Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Jan 1908, p. 4

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AKtTARr 9 1908 Wl>t^XKCIC F. T. HILL & CO. Big January Clearing Sale ! Prepairing For Our Annual Stock Taking llib Week wc Dtnrt one of the greMett Clearing Sales that this Htore hno ever hod. The price reduciiotii are bi» and in A gr^ut tunny iii«iitiict:.<4 ihf whiilciuilu coKt of theuoo'ls has not been coiisidured. We havif hal a bii( trade dui ins rhe past inoii'.li »iid ihi) iisAirtinniit.'' t.liiit nru Ifft are HiiialltthjiiK with a great many rei(alni linen that harv nut moved a« well a* wo wc>uld liku t) em, niid ill order thiit we Khali be able lucledr ^11 out quickly to aroiJ taking into stock we havv niitde the Piicu ItcUucliuii U:.'. Be "O liniid narly for tho bigge at bargiiins you ever btiught in many lines. .\ Mo.^t Ui'llWrWu!.!.! Sill,; -f PUKSS «:(N.i»s ^yo .•'I ».»>â- ;'. Thin »•«,;!; titti ••â- -.•'•'•••"•c <•• '"IT Oi,-*! jAiMIM'y t>;«l»* t»f D'*'!*.* t."„Ml^ r»»(,-,'.-fi»»f' t«0<j oi ili«) •i»>'.'»i. l>oyMi^ ••(•(»•â-  I •mil â- Â«â€¢Â» ••! 1K« wwli. W," |Mir "H or.le 1J>" piive.* ,'1 Dr,ii»ii<R><lriniid i(i|ki* at just half reuu- l«r prio,*. 2i>c DrnM 0<>ods anu Silks, Jan. clearin)t sfttu price 12Jc •ioc DreM Goods and Silks, Jan. )>riue. 18c 50c 75c 1.00 1.25 25c 38c bOc ate Su be oil Itsnd early. It«Kt alwayn uo first 1000 DOZEN CHRISTMAS ORANGES All Hweel Mexican Oranges Rai^uliir Bulling prices 25, 30 and 35c per dozen, January sale i>rice this week per dozea. ; ., .-..*.. ....,22c LADIIS' FINB WOOL VK8T3 Selling at oi)«>>qiN»r(er off. i!6 only Ladies' tine Wool Vests, loTely tine (|ualitjr, the kind that yon quite wil- lingly pay 91-00 for, Jan. sale priee. .75c mo REDUCTIONS IN TRIMMED MILLINERY We hare had a very successful Fall Millinery season and we still have some nice natty styles left in trimmed milli- nery, which we do not wish to carry over inio Hnother season, so during our Jann- nry clearinu sale all wiSl be sold at joat HALP PRICE to you. SELLINU MANTLES AT LE)iS THAN THE PRICE OF THE CLOTH We hiive iibuut fifty Mantles which are Isbt yenr'K style, and in order thai they shall be sure to tell during our January Solo nu have actually mnrkoJ them aw»y less th>in the coni of tho cloth and button* Htjif y->ii «i«iit to buy a g<MH) warm crit for ncialy fi,-iliiog â€" Seo lljw U.-'Otlo.'* wu ur» frlliog f..r ..7.V; Soiiiu btv,; Imcii wi.rt Iritis bt.;>, »« i;'.»ti> See the Mantles wc lire !i,'lli~..' f..«..'.»A: Souiu.«re silk linrd and have tievn worth as hivh ss $10.00. 'These |Niees durifig this N»le only. r^ ^-â€" lilG SELLING FURS AT A . DISCOUNT Off regular price during January Thi« week we coinin>-m'.o "U' Ms; JhiiuNry Cle.'kring S:>l<5 by olfcrii,'.' ••oc imiomMO .stock lif liulitnt' and ):••••( kmii'it'o Iikm in -'Coals. ca(>it auJ small fnrn. I>in-iii;.- .Uo. itsty tliu snio pticAi wilt U: hi's ili-m irt'guliir |>ricci. A Clean Up in Children's and Boys' KNITTED CAPS AND T<JQUES for 9c .lanuary is the month we disp'me of all Winter Goods. Thi^i neek the January sale prices are jn, and you can buy yimr bov or girl an all wool to<)ue, regular 20c aiid 25c lines, for 9c, about | of value. January Sole Price is AMONGST THE .>1ANTLE CLOTHS This weiik R<>inniencet the slanghter niii'-n^ our Mantle Cloihs. Every yard • â- f iiii.ii:lio-j III iiur store is reduced sod â-  liv roiioe' >•â- â€¢â€¢*â-  oru such that the cost of fitwT ii,ui.-r<i,l tt'iO mtiDufucturing is not r,it>r<i*..i.>...l. .lout t'> think, you can buy Ei'liT,!..*!,.'. i:.-itv.!r!<, in n gre:if many .•,.1..., ..J >:.,i| cloth, henry Panamas, t'ri./.-.. h'»«» (â- â- â€¢â€¢â€¢vy boucle etfecU at just l, ..ri :'*•â- . I i*ri*M. .'â- "e Wi.i.'iit-.ji r."io 1.50 MantlitigM 75c J.~! •• :i.i.i 2.00 '• l.(»0 ).•"» •• ;,<»c 2.60 " 1.26 I '.'.'. •• <Vj 3 00 " 150 During January Clearing Sale only Sensational Rednetions in LADIES' DRE.SS SKIRTg 9S 00, 3.50, 4.(J0, 4.50 and some sell as high w) 85.00 in the regular way. On sale this week yoor choice for 1.98 130 Ladies' Dresa Skirts in the lot, not many of any one kind bat nearly all â- htes are represented, and the price in man}' eases is less than haff. During our January sal« your choice for 1.98 WG HOSIERY BARGAINS For Children, Girls and Boyr This week we put on sitle 500 pairs of children's, girls' and boys' heavy Worst- ed and Wool Uoae in the n-fidlar way tines that you pay 20 and 25c per pair for, during our January Clearing Sale our price is 12Ac BIG REDUCTIONS IN LADIES' LEGGINGS 7o> pairs only best tjuality Felt Leugings, Mimo Me knee length, others shorter, button and strap styles, re({ular selling value 85c and 91 00, Juiiuary Sale Price per pair P»8c BIG SNAP IN MENS GLOVl-W i<r> d"3u*n Moii'h fino M<n;lii> unj Kiii (ilov. N. Wo weie uiifo'iiK.:.',! in t-i-tiiiivt tliiH slii|Huitiii WW), Willi., it liiu. nut liun titu weuriug «|U.'>lili>u> •â- ( i|i» ••lnVtiS. in ••Hill- oities ihvy htu <.|M>)U«I. jn^t oii.-ii^h t"4H>l allow uj) i>> ft*!ll •liitiii ill ittM reguUr way, no I his week y<Mi can buy 75. ^o ami l.<J<) line* of muii\ glovaH f<>i i«r pitir •»8c MEN'S UNDERWEAR Men's Heavy Wool I'mlerwear felt the elftfct of our January Clearing Sale, sell- ing at } less than regular price. Thiit week we put on nale 600 [mir Men's heavy wool underwear in the heavy ribbed, plain knit and unshrinkable kind representing 75c, 85u and 91.00 lines. January clesir- ing sale prieu t!:ic Great opportunity for buying GIRLS CORSEl' WAISTS 3&c 126 |)wirs Girls' Corset Wai.sls, all sizes •re in the h>t. None are worih less than iilc a |«ir and some are 50i: a |>air and a great ninny are 75c a pair in the regular way, but owing to our January Cleaiing ShIo your choice will be :<5c GROCERY SPECIALS imiuihIh choice Dates for 25c 3 cans choice Corn for 86o 3 i.-ans choice Poars for S5c 3 piMiiMiit choico ltai»iiis for 25c 3 iMMinds choice Currants for 25c 6 Imts fine Ciwtile or Oatmeal Soap 25s l>uring our Juiiiiary Clearing Sale THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS The election in Artvniesia townshi) IMHiHid «iff very i|uiutly on Monday, and •the vot« wa« acarcely aa large us is usu- (illy (Milled. Following are the ruturns foi- Deputy Roeve ami CouiicillorN, Mr. Muir having lieen elected t^i the Reeve- hhip liy accliimatioii : l^»K KEPt'TV MuKeiizie 38" Meads -JOtt KOR roi'MriLLoiia Wright, Ooo ;<70 ('arwiii. J. A .H.»i4 Best, Koltert Xte M(Lo(igliry. H. D |ni JuhiiHtuii, A 139 ' OSPREY CiM'NClL Ileevp â€" K. W. Nnrman, aocl. Di-p. Ret'veâ€" Titylor, Maj. 1 o«i<f Guy. Oouiirillors â€" Sepheiis, McCalluiii, Down. '' From The Antlltes. Chsnibertain's Coiigti Itemctr ItenslitN a City f'^miiRiliiian at Kiiu(»lou. .lamalCa. ' Mr. W. U'Keilly Kogartv, who U » member â-  (the City Coi'tiell nt KihKntiiii, Jaiiinica, xWeit Inillea, writm an follnwa: "()n« IxitilH of ( kanberlsiii'ii Cough Itrniedr li»<l K'mmI elTsct iin a cmi^'Ii that was viviiig ino tnnibte art'l I think I hIi'iiiIi) havo been more ijuiuklv relieved if I ha4l e mliniird t).« reimily 1'lint It ws* In nelii'ial and <|iii«k In relievinK me Ibtra la no (l.H.litniiil it in my intention to olilain aiHitker Imttle." For nale by W, K KiclisnlKon. the amoiuit raised being ^^O.liO. Tlie |MHtor, Rev. A. P. Stanley, aitly filletl the cliair. The program wna up-to-date in every respect. The B|>eeches by the chairman, and Mr. I. B. Lucas, M.P.P., were listonwl to with grant attontion and highly apiilaudud, as were the rccitatioiia given by Mra. Buchannan and alao Mrs. A McGowan of Ravenna, also singing by Mr. D>c. Fairey of Maxwell, the choir and other lioiiie talent, wore of the liest. Much praiao is due tho ladiea of Provi- liuiico church for the suvcoHHfuI way in which they have grappled with and over- come the debt on their fine brick church. They are liopingto have it entirely iiaid for next year. There was a social held on Friday night, the proceeds amounting to 97, making in all lUKUit $<•,'> clear. Miss Martin of SI. Marys has liuen en- gagutl to tench the FeverHliaiii ncIiooI for the ensuing year. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hort«>n of Colling- w<Mid have returned homo after h|ionding two weeks with the hitter's imients at Fairview farm. Wotlding lielU are ringing and we ex- pect s4Min t^i hear of soinu iiioru of our young iMMiplo.lMiiig made happy. W« are glad to see Mr. Richard OttO' •zpcrience of Mr. Titos. Down, uf Schrei- ber* Oi.t., provts this: "Household worries and cares had about exhausted my streiirth. I was weak and miierable. My cheeks lacked the colt>r of health, aid occasionally I had spelU of rhuimtstism. Then my appetite fell off, and nothing could tempt me to eat. Worn-out feelini^s, chills and despondency filled my very being. I becaioe anaemic and dwindled down to a shadow. Consumption was very near. Ferrozone put sirengih in my body with a rush. It built me up, strong, virile and bappy, and I hat-o been well ever unce." Ferroxone curen by curing the retl cause â€" lack of IiIimnI and nerve tone. lit keoijs people at their liest â€" fit, ready fnd anxious for work. In 50o b^xea only, i-ix for 92 50. nlfrfealers. or N. C Pohiun 4 Co., Hartford, Conn.. U. S. A., and and Kingaion, Out. ANNUAL MEETINQ I The .Annual Mueting < f Fast Grey Agricultural Sticiety will be held in the I'lown Hall, Flusherton, on Wodoiwda)', I Jan. 22, 19(8, at 1 o'clock, for the weiiouta^.inBf"t«rHevonor"eighT wei'li^s'purp^ J^^ pnaaing on the of -staying in thehimse from a liad attack | »""".'»' report, election irf oWcers for the of pneumonia. Mr. S.'iin Oidijuette of Toronto viHited friend.H in tiria (iiirt last week. His many friends woro glnd to s«ui him. - Mr. and Mrs. John Oxborne of .Aroo'ia, Sask , havu come eaitt this winter and are tiHiting tlioir many friends in this (sirt. ' Miss Idit 4 htlMiine of Portlaw viaited with her undo and aunt, Mi. and Mrs. PlliUipOttowell, last wook. Mr. St. John, foniiorly of Port liaw, iias o|ienud an up-to-dato tin shop in Fovershani in the proniisos whore the |MiHtolHctt UHO<l to 1)0, Wu welcome Mr. St. John aw this will fill a hmg fell want. ftlisa Rtil>y Cis^per simnt the Christmas holidays at horiskrantnl homo on the Pith. .HiHN Lintio IlHleH|icTit the holiday with )ier |iarentH near FuverHhoin. The tea iiiueting at Providuneo on Now Yuai'H ovu wits a grand muooohh financially, How CoiMumption Starts. ensuing year, and the transaction of such I other business deemed n xwaanry in the lintoreat of tlwSticiety: It J. Sproulk Uitod at ^leHherton Jan. tt. 1908. All Tired When You Wakenâ€" Lamtuid Dayâ€" Nerves V»'orn Out â€" Snap All Gone. Your limbs feel "Draggy" and exoet- 1 sively- wei»k. A night's sleep seldom briniis satisfying rest. Continuous head , aches, exhauatioii and n*!Jvou8 sensational de^tr<'y youi health. Soon every spark of vitality is used up. Then you catch i lulivrciJloHiK. { Start to-dny. Build up, get new nerve force, and »v rcoiiiuthis process of decay. ysii Ferrosone, which physicians consider the moat vitsllxing, uplifting toiiio ever iiixde. Forroxono ciirea lh-c»use^ cm furnirli the liody with sufll.;ient nu'riinont and buildinu material. 'think of the iiii<tHnt uflTecl -at mico the appetite increHH s, duliubtful oohir in the cheeks provox that Moh, red blooJ is lie- ing eiiculuted. Tired muscles are in- vigorated, flush and weight are added. Nerve foro# devehipa, and bouiidiiit[. joyous hu'tlth is flrn)ly ostabJshed. Th's is eel tain â€" Ferroiono restores f.iilinK ^tyeiijiili jtniQ (in^- oauiy. Jhe r â- â- ^^» i i -"^N^wi COLLI N SONS' CEYLON'5 NEW STORE* Dry GcmkIs, Grociferifs; Boot a- and Shoes a'nd Hiirdware. Flour and Feed, --Bran and Shorts. S|M3cial reductions on large lo's. Como and ins|iect our stock and give ua a chance to prove our worthiness of your PATRONAGE. CoUinson - - Bros., Coylon. norris Bro$.t Tinsmiths and Hardware Morcliants Having purchased BENTHAM BROS. HARDWARE STOCK we are n<r» In a pom t ion to cater to your every want in tho Hardware and Tinsinithing lino. This week we offer at a great sacrifice our Complete Stock of Stoves CompriMing the Enipire (jueen Ranges and O.-irlatid Cook Stovea and Hoaters. All will be sold at cost to make space for our New Stock To realize thtqualitjr -if these StoVeS you must see them. For e».tmpl« An Em|nre Queen Kauue No. 9 20, with six holes, hiafi warinine dfxsot and and large reacrvoir, complete in every detail and nicely nickel plated. Regular price was 948 OtI, our price to clear . 9;W.l)0 Other Stoves are market! to sell at the. same great re<luction. This is Headquarters for Paints,Oils & Varnishes Ciive us a Call. NORRIS BROS. « In Sleighs, Buggies, Waggons, « « Harrows, Ploiigh.s, Cream Sep- « « ai-atoi-8 and Wire Fencing. « HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY ^B5^^ Heard's Carriage Works Cutters - Cutters Now is the time to place yonr order for your Cutter. Call and see our stock befoi-e buying. We have a gowl assortment for you to clioot^c from. McTavish & Williams Flesherton ^S^S^*- ^^^^m Qeif er Clame Jlstray Caoie to tlie ]>r«iniiiofl of tlie uiidersiifDed, lot !M. uon. H, Arteaieais, atwut Nor, 13. Th« owner id rei|iie8ttM] to prove property, |iay expeuoeii and take away. â- )0". HAWKINS. Kuge nit, Dec. 81, I90T Slabs ^ Cdgitifls for sak M'e will veil tbe i It. Klabs ami KdHiuea at onr mill on cuu. S, .\rtemeaia, at jil.OU |i«r cord. Ky apulyiuRto Mr. Jno. Paitlauiitnt, oiHioxitv tbe mill, h« will niuasure abd rccvix) cash for the wood when taken away. %V« will further |>ty a reward of iSkOO for |irootoftuyor.e (aklni; wood from tberainlke put, or wlio may take wood ia tlit fiitar* with' •ut our authority or tit. ParliaiueutV, KKENAM BROS.. Llmtttd. tr Owen Bound Sl)ortJiorn Cattle fcr Sale Levliiiaii amt Wiui|>les, the IwHt of tMroedinR anil (juulitv. Hull, cows and heileri tor vale at reasouaUle |>ric«M t %!.oou.S CHAB. STAFFORD. Flenlicrtou Tho mpson's Baker My Itroad i« well and favoiably known. The /quality i« tho Hneit, Uread dilivered regu- larly and Kild .kl the fuUowinu placea: (''eyion. R, CiHik and .T. I^tti- Hon; Euifenia, H. Citinis, R. Park* and K. McDonald; Kim- b,-rley, F. Woh«r and M. fl Hammond; Maxwell, R.N.Kiit- near A Son; Foverahaiii, Eli Robinson and Ab. Hutchinson. Itest Manitoba Flour for M)e. Ed. Thompson, FlethMlon The Yoiins; iu«n wh„ hn, uo EJuoatioi, away, haa the h.,rdoat work an,l poore^ I«y. Itei.wly tho defects in yuuP«du- cation by a course this winter in the <^^ m?z;ysm / THREE DEPAREMENTS: Coininoreial, Shorthand A Tyi»writinjf. l're}iaratory. Winter term oouiuieiicea Jan. 2. Write for information to .._ 5^- A. FLEMING. l-rinciiNU i>wen8„„«d . \t^t»Ti.> "Bu'inesa Kiionlc.lge IVsU" are tw aiKl OK<H;iili.d« /ttten 'Ever!iMiiiu( to BUceev*. J/J^ ELLIOTT TOPvON TO, ONT. XiuX prejK>re for Ursr.olaM huatneax poai. lions SUCH as are open to our studeuts. Huiulivda of our studeiits are (â- i»ing into Kood positions every year. Let ua train you tor one. We wilt do it right. Winter term op«na Jan. Hi h . Write for ontalo«ou and aeo whererii we excrl ordinary buti- n«88 collece W.J. EI.L10TT,l^^incipal (Cor. Yonge and AlciaiHler Stu.) farm for Sale Lutii t7l. S and .1, Int oor, N. E., Arteiiienla !!&'< acres iu at lot Itmt alaiis tariuliiu laud In a liood atate of cultivation, Hituale.l ai mile* >i ukti of Kleiihartoii, Kliort mile fmni ncbool, olfan of nexinno weeds and well fenced. 10 Hcren of uianli, Sarres of Imrdwood bush, Iwl. anoe in k<kk1 state to work all kiudu of niachiu erv, well wateiud. '.iorcharda, a kooU houno IH t « vuoeorod hmidv. kit«li«ii Iftx ao. wooil- •bed 16 X !«, now barn SO a 00 atone fouudatiou. Thin Ih oiiooI tbe best farm) In tho towuahlii and «au l>ebcut|bt tight. JV,*lOA9W81Wit

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