^-â- .X. / •• TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" '• PRINCIPLEbs NOT MEN." VOL XVn, NO. S74 Flcsherton, Ont., Xtiursciay, Decen:it)er 16, 1807 W. H. THURSTON, EDITOR * PKOPUIETOR i> 4 Xi^lAS <;0(>1)S!! 1 liaV-. lust added to try already lu'ge stock a new line of I iamoiK] imJ ("pul Rint^s, also an assortment of the fam- (.,us Cuebcr liampcicu Gold l-'illcd Case, Ladies' and Gents', including ti)e sm.-;ll..'St wMtch ever made in America. Also a new line of Silverwar.' and Optical Goo Is, all of which I am foing to sell, not bs.ow cost or at cost, but very little above Cose. Call and gtc my pri^^es before purchasmg. Watcli Repairing- a Specialty, Plesherton (Station VV. A. ARMSTRONG. aa»^ E3 n ARKDA LE THOUGHTS OF CHRISTMAS Almost everybody is looking forward with pleasure to the Xmas holiday season. Some are debating as to where they shall spend it, others as to whom shall visit them and all as to which are the most suitable gifts to be purchased. To the majority of people a gift that is pretty, serviceable and useful (not necessarily expensive) is always the most accept- able and most highly priz' d, and no person can possibly make a mistake in buying such. Here are a few suggestions of goods bought specially for the Xmas trade, in ample variety and within everybody's reach : J^vom Oiir Own Correspondent Mrs. H. Tucker and Miss Mary Cook viRited frieiidHiir Kdgt^ Uill lust week. MiKs M. (!liinlit> IH upmidiiiK a fewdays witli Mrs. it. Wright, Oranno Valley. Mr. J. Connor Iihs returned from Arthur. Missrs. D. Croaker, G. Whittaker. A. MfLi-od »nd G. .Iuiioh linvo returned from Cali'doii and otlior imrts. where tbuy Imvu biiuii Hounding the Huniiiier. R. Cdi'k iH ill the luiy hiisiiiesa acnin. Mr. T. Wilc..x liaiidles ihu f..rk. Miss Kvii Uu'ledL'e limvo^ on Thurs- day ftir New JerHoy, vvhure she intend* spuiiding ihu winter. Our littlu town WHS fairly alive last veik, (iwini; i" the amount of yrain wliiuh Cttiiio in. Wl' have <'\\o of thelwut markets north ol Toronto Titiinia may hu seen daily coming all the way from Duihani and Colling wood. Thin HpeukH well for our jraiii liiiyers. L. () L. No. 8^i3 heUl tlioir annual mi'ftiiitr iin Thursday nij;ht in the Oiain;!' Hall. Kleshurton Staiion. The f(i'l<>*iiii{ orticers were elected : .1. Ashdown. Worslnpful Master ; W, G. Wright, Duinily Alaster ; .1. L. MoMullon, Chap- lain ; R. H Cook, Seci-oiaiy ; A .1. Ktniiedy, H'inanciHl Si'cretary ; J. Snuli, Tieaiurer ; J. ilazzard, D. of C. ; A MeMullun, Lioturur , T. Snoll, First Com.; W. iJiiiniiliill, Jas. Hemphill, k. Whittaker, N. Lawrauce, coiniiiittee men. The auditors havins; PXHmined the boiika lind the lod^e in ijood stivudm); linaucially. Swinton Fnrk QentH' Link CutT Button ( gnld plate ) UentH° Collar ButtouH ( gold platu ) Lndieit' Kid Olovei ( aoniething uew ) Ladifw' Silk Handkercluefs. LadiuH Kaney Einhroidered Handker- chief. â- LadieN' Fancy Lawn Handkerchiufit. Gents' Silk Ti.H. Uunts' Kid Gloves. (Jents' Silk llniKlkeroliiofs. Gents' Silk Muflleis) Children's Fur Setts. Children's Fancy Hundkercliiefs. Children's Fancy Hoiuls anil Caps. Children's Wool MitlLiis. Fancy VV..0I Slnuvls, i'^nncy Tiihle Co>ei'N( fringed ) Fancy Sidubuard Covers ( fiingud ) I China Pitoliors. China Cups and Saucers. China MuBiikohu Cup and Saucer, China Mugs. Fancy Broad Platos. Fancy Cake Plates. Fancy MuHtard Pots. Individual Butter Plates. B'ancy (JlaHs Sett«. Fancy Parlor Lamps. Fancy .Jardinierea. Five O'clock Tea Setts. China Tea Setts. Silver Butter Knives. Silver Sugar Shells. Silver Table Spoons. Silver Tea SpSons. = Winter Furs = Hyou are needing anything in Fur Goods such as Fill? O'vor'ooa.ts Fvtv Capiea FxAi? Caps etc. We like to show you what we can recommend a5 being 3 lictiy reliable. Oui stock of these is very complete and o ir prices ntver before were so interesting for buye.s. Note a few lines : Liuli«!8' Eloeti^io .Seal Cipcs, Satin lini'd, fancy silk stir/iheH.dopp storm collar up to no incheaiii lenuih. at; »7.25, 813.50. JS15.00 §10 50 LaJios' Black Opossum Capes, Satin L ncd,Silk StitAihod.deep storm collar, Iieifectly finished, special nt 13 00 Liulios' Grey Opoasuui Boa, new syle, special at 2 9fl Ladies' Black Opossuift Boa, now sty le, special at 3 43 LndioD' Seal Boa, a beauty, our best, special at 6 00 Xiadies' Ulauk Aatraohan Coats, decidotll.VHtylinh, best Satin lining?, fancy silk Htitolied, priuoH range upward from 23 uO Gents' Fur Caps, in aluiosl every kind that's worn, prices range downward from ^ 5 50 Fi<m\ Cur OiCT* ComsfHirtde^it. Muddy roadsara the order of tlie day. A nu;iiberofuur y'tu'i,{ people spent » very pleHsaiit evening at a taffy party at Mr VVui. .Vldcorn'.s last w ek, Mistt Youn^ of Braeeliiidee is visitiuK her aunt, .Mrs. .las. McDonald. .'V public school eoteitainnient will he given in P. S No. 12, on Friday even ing of 'hisweik. Anniversary services will he held in the Methodist church here ncx' Sahballi. UfV. R. J. Follis of Unndalk will preach special HernioiiHat lU.JO ». in. and 7 p. in. and a mass iiieuting for the Sunday school will he held at 2.ilOp. m. .A tea meeting will taku place the following eveniiii{. A gnoJ prniiraiii is btjing pre- pared and a bettor time expected. A few iliiys ago anoiher of our < Id re- sidents passed away in the poiMon of Mrs. McFadyen. Her reinaiim were laid away in the Presbyterian cenieter.v where a laige number gathered to pay their last rospect.s to the departed. Rev. Mr. Harri.son of Duiidalk cmrtlucted . the burial services. InistioKc Si^e us for a,ll kinds of Kur Goods It will pay you^q^jiB^k^^ F .T. Fill & Co. MARKDALE From our oini Coircipdm/etit Some of the couikmHoI'S have paid this vicinii.v a visit alrexdy. We wonder if the early bird will t{et the worm this time. Mr. W. .T. ilnrdon and his sistor, Mrs. G. Mellienil, of Duinulin, onlled on Some of ihuir frieiuls here last Thurs- day. Mr. .loriloii bus lireii absent for seven or eiglit yeaiw and liia iimiiy friends aiid a<w(iiaintHnces are pleased t.<i meet with him again. While uoing out of the postoffice one fveiiinn last week, Mrs, H. .V'lii-troni! slipped "U 'he ice and fiaitiired her wrist. She ia at present stopping in Dnndiilk with In r duuu'lit'-r, Mrs. Winters. We hope soon to hear of her recovery. Mis.s Addio .lobnston returned Inst Friday fr-mi Diirbaio, where she has been at tending the Miubl School We U'dorslaiid ihat Miss .h.hnfiton hits .S'cur ed a Rohoul in Usproy, fur Iho coming year. M'ltH Mcflee, of Homings Mi'ls, is visiiii'g her pister, Mrs. C. HuiledLO. Harry Hngcn ot Rivetview spent last week with his uncle, Mr. U'^dnioiid. MiiKter iJobert Willianisoii, who has spent I he past three years in Manitoba, returned last week Robert'H maiij friends arc glad to have liitn lionio nfain. Rev. Mr. Huiiipbroys will iireach totlie scholars of (ho Inis'oge S S. next Sab- hath. Ontlio following Monday even ins; the anniml ina-iiioelini( aid enteitain niont will be held. An excellent pro grain linu boon prepared and a eood lime in expected. Don't forgot the date, Dec. 'iOtli. Presentation at Kimberley On Thurstiny evening of last veek s goodly number of friends of the <'ongre- gation of the Methodist church. K iinb t- ley, gathered at the residpnc of the Rev. M-. Pl'inkott, wbero a very enjoy ible 'inin w«K sj.tMit.. On this I'ccas'on, ni r.n HoprMcifttio.i of his awviceo, tlio pastor Was proseiited with a pnrso and a very bec-iming address was read hy Mr. Bert Armstrong. The following is the address : To /lev. J, r. Pluukett. Wo have metHioro this evening to ex- press our appreciation of your work among us as our pastor durini; this pro- .seni conloruiico year. We think ii uot inappropriale that we should have yiiU feel that we have been uplifted and on- couragjd under yunr pastoral guidance. A deepening in spiritual life has been felt by all as the spirit through you as (lod's servant has peneiratf-d our hearts, awak- ening U8 to deeper sense of our piivileaes and reapou.-ibiliiios as children of the Most Hiiih. For this wo have U> thank our Father and pray that he may pour out more abundanily his spirit up on .you. Aa a congregation we earnestly pray that the Lnrd may give us sympathetic hearts and willinu hauiLs â€" that pastor and people may work iiigotlier wiili a zeal and earnestness worthy of our high calluiti in Christ Je.sus We big you to accept this parse as a slii;ht t ken of (uir esteem for you, and hope that our L'aihering tnis evening may bind us all more. closely in the bonds of Christian love. SJL'ned on behalf of the congregation of the Kimberley M. C. Mils. Ceo. Lawrk.nck, Mits .1. H. Faw<;ett, Kimberley, Dec. '.), 18'.t7. To this address the pastor made a vpry foelini: reply. Dr. Ilalsted then led in prayer, and after siie.;in4 " Uod be with you till wo meoc again " the friends dis- persed, having spent an enjoyable even- ing. Port Law .Prom our men Vorretpotidnt, Wo are sorry ti. note that our sick peo- ple are Mot making much improvement. Mr. BonHari;ravei«still a great suffer with inflaniniulury rheuuiatism. Mr. W. J. White does not seoni 10 improve much. Ho 18 in rather a delicate state of h<alih. Mr. and Mri L. Badjenw are sulferiog from a slight attack of pamlysis, caused by their ti'oent attack of diiihtberia, and Mr.s. MoK»clinio is still sulforing severe pain from the effect of the accident we made mention of l>efore. Wo are pleased tji iioto that that dread- ed disiase diphtheria has vani»hed from our midst wit'iout inakiin^ any furtherpro giose. ThankK to Dr. Scott for the ureat preuautioii he pas taken tu prevent the spread of thodiseHso. The farmers of this neighborhood seem to be highly pluas.d withtbo outcome of tlio olieeao factory which they erected last spring. Thoy .seem to think that it is going to be a great ailvanta<.>u to this soeiion of country, as it will enable them to gM into the dairy busin[:s.s more ex- tensively, as choe.so aeeiiis 10 pay better at present than butter Ymir correspond out wisliis thi 111 every success in their now venture. ( >iir beautiful sleighing has disappeared. Till! only iidvaiiraue «o .sco in it i» that it uivfs the farineis an opportunity to get the ntni'iiiider of their tutnips housed for the winter. Wo foi'siot to mnko mention of the im- provoiiients thai have biiuii akiiigp'ace at i'orr Law. Our worthy st 'rekeeper has lieeii pulling ipiite an addition to his store in the way of a waiehou'.e, and has 'jot in a huge toiisii;nnieiit of uoods for Ins Xmas tiudo befmc navigation closed at I his port. Mr. W. G. .Tiiinieson 1ms returned home from the lower Hcitlenu'iits, where he has lieeii wnrkine dining the summer Weleonu! hack. Will. Mr. and Mrs Danihoiiso of Flo.iherton were visiting friends here during the past week. Our swamps seem to bo unusually well â- sliickod with rabbits and hnnters ihis fall. Oiir lo.-al s|ioi ts set in to liavo great sue- co.ss. ai you will .sou them ooiiig homo almost evury n iybt laden tho beautiful. will have to declare themselves or for tw^Ue months more hold iheir peace. The followiiii; nffice bearers wre elect- ed the recent annual inoetiiig of L. O. L. No. «(iC : W M., Bro. W U. tJuy ; D. M,, Bro. M. Morrison ; Chap., Bi-o. J. Ferguson ; Rec.-Sec, Bro W. Clark ; Fin -Sec, Bro Dr. Scott ; Treaa., Bro. J. Kerton ; Lee., Bro. W. Wright ; Dir. of C.r.,Bro. J. Alison ; Com.- Bros. J. Radley, A. Hudson, W. Moek.R Little, R. Kiiiiiear. The IllustrouH Degree of the Jtoyal Scailet will he opened here by the Dis- trict Master, Bro. W. Moiiaghan, on Tuesday, Dec. 14ih. Miss Cro.iby ol Nottawasaga is vibiting at Mrs. Kerion's. Miss Fee of ColliiiawoiHl has been visiting friends in the vilUye. Mr. Tbos. GHiiny, M. P. P.. bavins recovered considerably from his rec>-nt illness, left on Tuesday tl is week for To- ronto to attend to his P.irlitmenturv dut- itis. He IS accompanied ly Insduugbtes, Miss Aggie Gainey. Osprey cheese factory shipped the last of their i;hoe.He Ivst week by way of Pro- ton Station. Mr. Pedlar has opened up business in our i»st eno blacksniith shop. As he comes to us highly recominended, he will no doubt secure a good share of the t rade. Last Wednesday a committee from the Piosbyfery of Oraiigevillo met in the cbuich here to coufer with the cuiigre- gaium regaidinK the proposed re ariange- iiient of the staiions in this part. Tue propos tion is to cut oifMcTniyre an I put It with Singhanipton and Maple \ alley, and place Fovei-sham, Maxwell and Pru- lun Station in one chuige with a new atatioii at Warehsm. L'nder this ar- rangement Wareham and Maxwell would receive only fortiiiyhtly services. A goodly nninberof Maxwell pi-oplr tU' ned out and stroUKly opposed the scbeine, showing very oleirly that the present system of supply is by far the best from many standpoints. Another join inee'- iiig of all the con^regaiions interested i« to beheld here in the Maxwell church uu Tuisday <'f this week. Rev. Mr. Finning preached in the Presbytei lan church last Sunday and will continue tocmiuuct the services here f .>r the next two months. Grand Valley is endeavoring to get in. corporation. A census is being taken. The Shelburne perjury cases are being tried at tho .\sKi/,us in Bi-amploii this week. Mr. Jonas Heslip, Clarksburg, while descending a stairway foil and dislocated bis shoulder. Annie Knio-chewsky, a weaver oniploy- etl in A. W. Brodis's big woollen mill, Hespeler, met with a very painful acci- dent while at work in the mills Saturday afternoon. Her loom did not w<>rk prnporly, ctuaing tho shuttles to (ly out. and while loaning backwards aiiainsc the adjoining loom watching thi looni-ti.xer at his work, the machine she was lean- ing against was started up by its operator and caui^ht her hair in the g.'aring of the head motion, winding it in and toariiK' a porlioti of it oil', Willi a largo pie^e of the scalp, also scviriiii! a portion of the left oar and loosening the remainder of the scalp from Iho skull on the left side of the head. Parts of the niachine had to be removed before the unfortunate girl could be released. S^roctor ^ Maxwell. The Tailor J'';(>m our ovm Corresfioiidcixi. Cur Bliiglilig, which was so good, was very thort lived. Last Thiirsday it gave place to that olll time article, mud. llowevi r we are hoping for more of the fleecy material ore hug. Our la.x colloctors, grim and unrelent- ing, have pa-sed ihioiudi our village, and now each property holder is aware of his indebteduoi'S to tho mniiicipal authorities, Thu inciea.tetl county rate it appears has raised the taxes somcwlnit. This in- crease, as moat are aware, la to remove tho delicit of psr* yuai-s in the canity! Qnauces. VVe uiidQ:-8taiid, however, that ' the new aysU-ia of countv governniei.t has been a saving of some three or four; thousand doUait. to the county for the 1 present year. | Miinicipil jio'liifs are very ijui-t oon, lioncMi-, >bo iliircrent eaiidi.liites Will supply you with a nobby suit for fall. Work- maiifchip and tit guaran- teed. Stand â€" In Clayton's Bpick Block, Fleshurton. ^ iProcior The Tailor â- :^i 'H i-?M!'i!rJi&.