?: f DECEMBEK 2 1897 THE , ,E LESttERTON ADVANCE •i iidtmtmmmmi^ L'y|J^mly B^v^rm^lu^ rmnl^ tvru^nnm^MllMlmnnlmI^^ D. McTavish FLESHERXON KEEPS ON HAND ...REPAIRS For MaMey-HHrrm, Noxon, Fleury Btid Wilkinson farm impleuieiitn. Floury and Vurity pluWH on liand ull the tiiiit% iiIho nil kindH of repairn for the sftiiift. \\» luiimifacturo \Viij;.iiis, Hdi^gii-s, Clltt>-i», Sl«i.;hs, hIc. lloraHslii'Kiii); pr ;)ily att>?mled to. Sii«ci«l iitlenti.oi to tt'nd«r Cf>- trftctvd fe«t. Lnnisjiiii} uiid Plow Chaii1i< cinistiiiitly on Imiid. iiiiiii m Bn«»!;ie8, Carts, Wuiions, Eliirrows, Plows of the best kinds and icpuira. Diiiders, Mowers, Horse Itakes and Corn ScuflSors' and ivpaiiB. CImiua of all kinds. HorscBliouiug a spuclulty at John H. Heard d Son's Warerooms i'i ^'<" ^'4: •'''fe^'5s^''S:^''i i' '?: ^"4 ^'^^ •>•<« •>(«. ^It- •*'<- v'l/j;?". j^rij. o'«. ^»«; }<e. :>t%;J'<i^'<;^'<: :^'^ â- JlS- "/IS- Owen Sound, Ontario IS THE VERY BEST PLACE IN CANADA TO GET A THOUOUGH Bl'SINESS EDUCATION. Take a Round Trip sri^.Tlsria^ii «i»^ CoUtftjet Aud CommeroUl Department. In Cariad.. tben Ti.it til. Northern IluiiuSH Colluija : ex.oiiiie • Tervlliing thorouKlily. If we fall to itrnduoe ttie iiiuiil thorouKh, complete, practical and • xtanaive course of nudy : the best college pr.iuliHto aud tlie iMnit and most compute aud uu.t aultalile furniture ami appliance., we Vill Kive you a full coarie PUI':fc:.- Fur auoual MKOounoumeuta, giving full particular., fre* Addraa. C. A. FLEMING, Principal Vi^BARNHOUSE WUliea to dntw the attention of Ihe Public to the fuUowinit : flOUH IN BAGS Of 111! nizea and at Cheap lu the cheap- est. JSpucial Iiar|(aliiK in 3 uiul b liam-l Fruits and Con- fectionery, Oysters In Season. Groceries and Provisions. DOO and CO )M MITTS and LEGO- INtiS made tu urdur and un ShnrtuHt Notice. Wn. BARNHOUSE, Flesherton EUGENIA - - - Mills and Carriage Works Carriages made and repaired, ftlsn Planing and Matcliiiig, Band Hawing, Wood Turning of every des- gci'iplion. Planing and Grain* 'lio)i ping done wliile yon wait, fur the IJeiiver turns the wlinel. T. W. WILSON, Manager J^rj/ ClassT/fapie AND 111 TIC H JFLO CUING At a Bargain lor the next 30 days. Save your orders for AT THE FLESHERTON i3eecroft & Talbot ^ Photos -TAKEN -AT THE I Flesherton ^- Photograph | Gallery | ^ are done in firit-clnKS style and nt ^ l.iwest rates, bpotial attention ^ l>iv«ii to copyine. Knbiea' photos. ^ a specialty. Pictures frnined. I MRS. BULMER Px*oper*ties FOB - SALE -BYâ€" B. J. SPBQIIE, FLESOEBTOI I» you WISH T'> BUT PROPERTY OONSCLT THl.S SI-At.'ii. FOR SALE cheap and on easy terms, one mile from Flesnorton, Oi acres Inii'i and on which is a goiKl 7 rooms fniniH dwelling, well and comfortnlily linishiKl stoiiu celler undurnoath, and go(Kl well and pump in kitchen, gocnl frame stnhh- Hiul driving house, hIho lirick liiie<l lii^n house, small orcluml comnier>cing ti) hear. Apply to R. J. SPROULE, Flesherton. A DEAD DAROAIN if sold during present month. Two iniprove<l fariiis, one H mile fnun Pricevilli- and the other sanio distance from W,«,rehiim. SmidI |uiyinent down, Imlance on VERY easy terms. Also a liundrr<l and fifty iiuir farm and mill site ime mile from Fleshi-r ton, i)i'inci|Hdly hardwood hush, 2f) ncri't cleared and franii' dwi'llin^ and stnblt-. Any person wanting a decidetl bargain apply quick to above. KXPC<mNOI. TRAD> MARK*, nesiQNS, OOPVRIOHTS *» Anfone aendtnji anketoti hiuI ilpFcrlption may qulckljr tucertaln, froe, wticttit*r an iiiveiutoti Is prohttltly patetitnhlo. Coiuiuiinimtiuiiit strictly confUleiittnl. Oldent nKeiioy f<'rscciirltiif pntcnts 111 Altinrica. Wc have a WaHliiii^tcti olTlce. Pntenl. talten tliruutfli Huiiu A Co. receive â- puuial notice In the 8GIENTIFIG AMERICAN, b«i^itirullr lllnHtrfited, InnreKt clmtUtlon of ikiirictentlflojnurnal, weekly, terniN $8.00 n ft1.atiaU months, hpootmnn cuptca and ' BtiUK OK X*ATBNTn Mut frflo. Addreu MUNN A CO., 861 Broadway. New V«rlu Cash : for : HidesI Sheepskins and all kinds of furs pur> chased, for whiuli highest market ptico will be paid. Hnmemada sausages on hand, alse all kinds of meats. M. WILSON Fleiberton Heat Emporiam "SV*^. A Desperado Shot MirtAwa, Out., Not. '27.â€" On Tiiurs'iay, Nov. 18, Samuel Tongas and Wm. B«ll B lifted cut tb go to Ijake Ti<illoa and ad- joiuii g lakes to look after two valuable dogs that bad bsi n lost »oma days previous. After puduhng their ciuoe for some mile, over the lake Ihey were crossing a bay \ h:re the bush is very heavy, no settler, bfiiif; on ifais part of tne lake. They saw c miog at a ditaucs, puddlwg towards Ibein, a canoe and muti. Thinking they would be able to get soma iuformation au to where their dug. were, they paddled lo- wards the approtcbioff canue, not tbinkiug t'lere was aoy clsnger iu S'.ore for theu). When the cauoes wore about two or th «e hundred jards irom each other they saw the limn l-t up pa'ldling aud draw out his Wiucli . t r, and, taking good aim, he tired at t .ti... I'bis was sucoreded by two mor. shots iu Bucci-saion, wi.icli were low am: iiiJ not takti «(r>'Ct. the last »liol just strik- ing veiy cloic to tiie bow of tua bosi. Tbe.y account fur the tbreu atiuls not takof.- .Itict to the ji'ltiug of the canres b> th siroiiij br».ein iii»! *a« tlien blowing. Mr Tongue au<i Mr, UsU recognized the despei- ado ai once, aud it wris a cane of lire I'l di-aln eithrr b.\ droMUiDg or shooting un ieos they- couhi escape from him. Tne snore not being far they made all effort, to reacri it and e.cnpe from the man if poK sibie, but from a I appearance^ h. was de- termined to iiuiub tbrm if potnible, an' made after th>m, li<,th cuuoes land<d Very near the same time, but .\li. Tongui:, t>«ing srimewfaat the quiclteat to strike laud, and seeing no escape porBible, turned aiid took good aim and fir.d at the dnperado. tne bail entering at tiie pit nf the stomRch .ind cuiuing out at the back, as shown now that the body has arrivel. Tliey were ex- oiiad, and seeing be did pot i^turn the tiro t'liy got into their eance and made fur .Ma' laws, where, ou their arrival on Friday tnay laid an iuforuiation, aud ib. chief of police with some speeials were despached ou Monday tu go after the desperado, d(a<i or alive, but Mr. Tongue, b>-ing ao exper' silooter, was quits positive that he wouM be found very haiHy woun.lo<l or denl. Uy the appearance of the body .ltd its arrival iu charge of Chief l^iilim, aud the way he was found, he Could not have lived long' r thuu a very frw minutes after he w- b shot. The man's proper name was James MoConuell, and no doubt this shcoliuii will recall to meiu r his past career, Laving only a lew yoara ago been on trial for doiu(i away with Ids father on Lake Nashinsing. There were also a number of warrant, for bis arrtst for shooting at various people, csitle.elc. He was a very large and pownr- ful m.D of 44 yeais. There were found at hia but aeven box^s of cartridges, a little dour, >a t and plenty of deer meat. All tht farmorii and settlers io the vicinity whsre be roaineil are very well plessed to hear of bis deatii, aa they more or less had a great ieai of him. Mr. Allan D. Dell, of the 12th couces- si'io of NottawHsat:a, had his barns and out-buildings totally destroyed by fire Sunday night, which roniained over >'â- '« iliMuasud bushels of grain, along with eight head of horses and twelve pigs. The loss isestiimtted at i^'2,0U0 ; insured in Sydenhain Muiuul for JiTOO, ' Review : â€" W ilson's Mill, Louise, went up in smoke SSiinday last. The mill was viilurd at 9>')(XK) and stock destroyed about «10lK). Iiiauiedfor 82000 in the Penh Mutual. The engiin's and boilir may pridialdy ho used yet. The cause it is thought was accidental. The propriei- u s intend to rebuild right away we have heard. Having successfully withstood the ai.'iiatiun for ab'dition, Sir OJivcr Mowai !',> w letires to Government House to en joy its honors anil cinoluinents. It would. I>erhap.s, be unfair to say that he looked so fur into the fnliiio ; but he oppo.sed all altempis 111 iiholitioii wiih great poisist- eiicy. It is probable that continued agi thtiou for abolition will uirain be met wiih â- dijection, made in the esse of Sir Qeoigi- Kiikp'itiick, that it is t^iseouiteous to (liMtiirb the jiresoiit occupant. If this K 'rt of pobtcness be kept up Government House will continue into the next ueneration. â€" Farmer's Sun. John Coleman «nd John MoLeati wound up their parinuiship business in a law suit. This ciise which has been run- nino on now since June ISiMi, was finally fought nut at a special session of the County Court in the Court House in Or- .>nguviile, on Saturday last. There were a number of witnesses examined on both Hides and the evidence was very conflict iiig McLean claimed there was a bal anco of 9137 coining to him from Cole man out of the [lartnership which existed for about two months in th^ hotel busi DOiis, and Coleman disputed this, and claimed besides that there was $200 com- ing to him yet. Judgment was given against McLean on his claim and aUo aitanst Coleman on his, bo that th. part- ies ar» wliero th»y started. It is well for fatmers to know that they are liabl« to a penalty of 92iK) if they do not report at once to the Minister <A Ag- riculture at Ottawa any indication of tuberculosis in their stock. The Dominion Quvurninent lias ar* ranged for a three-cent postal ra'e on mail matter up to one ounce throughout the British empire, instead of as hitherto five Cents for half an ounce to the United Kingdom, and a Urger sum for moat oth- er pans of the Empire. The Chealoy Enterprise says ; â€" '" Mr Jas. McEwiiig of Saugeen Tp. is perhaps the most honest politician in -Ont. In a inaiiifeHto to the North Bruce electors c ainung their sutfrnKes he p«in's out that h- wouhl like to get to pailiaiiient be- cause farming d.iesn't pay iiow. Mr. Mc Kwing thus â- •pt-iily acknowledges he would like to be eiButt'd for the sake of the ses- -'.oniil allowance. &lr. McEwiii-^ also ulaiina support because be is over the .-.mnoHrd a^e, 70 yeare. This candidate could njt be elected. He is too huii'jxi." ihere is just cause for suspicion that here are caodiiia es near home who have the saiuo object b'it less candor. Our Clubbing List For ihe bmefi^ of those of our renders who desire t" subscribe for seveial papers we have inailc the folbiwiiig rtduced rates. Must weekly papers send balance u. iliis year tiee, so that tl.e oixinei mines ale received the greater the value t<' be secured. \dvaiiceaud Weekly Ghibe %\.aa Mail 1.65 " Farm and Fireside 1.55 All three above for 1.80 Advance aud daily World 3.05 Globe 6.06 ^ - News 1 80 " " Sur 1.96 • and MontrealSUr 1.80 The Markets. CareftaUv Corrected Eaob Week ti'ollowing are the market quotaiions for Flesherton for the present week, corrected up to 10.30 of Wednesday : Flour Oats ,.. Wheat, white Wheal, red ... . Barley Peas ....--. Butter ExKS, fresh Poutues bag Pork ..... ... Hay per ton. H ides Sheepskins (ieese Turkeys Chiclieiis per pair.. Ducks per pair. . . . Wool. #4 70 to (6 10 23 to 86 CO 84 lo SO to 42 to 16 to 16 to 60 to 4 60 to D 00 to 4 00 to 25 to 6 to 7 to 80 to 40 to 17 to 23 87 m 30 43 IU 15 50 5 00 « 00 5 00 60 6 8 80 60 20 Time Table OOINO SOUTH. Markdalo â€" 7 36 a. in. 4.40 p. m. Flesherton â€" 7.48 a.m. 4.52 p.m. um.Na NORTH. Flesherton- 12.07 p. m. 9.18 p m. Markdaloâ€" 12.20 p. m. ' 9.30 p. m. Winter Goods, In Vos:ue at the Flesherton . , . HARNESS SHOP 15ELLS, BLANKETS, SASKATCHEWAN and GOAT ROBES Whips, Rubber Knee Ruiis, lined and unlined. Curry Combs and Brushes. CKoicG : OoodLs At reasonahlo Prices. Satisfaction guaranteed iu repairing. wsa:. moors: Haraessmaker - - flesherton §u$uw« €«rtiji UCUUiOUOH A Toimo. • *â- * Bankora, Uarkdala Do a general banliirig Uu.lhess. HoDkf Icaaail at a reasonable rats. (Jalt ou as. A 8 VANDUSEN, J P " Clerk 5th Div Coort, Co Orsy Ispuer of Marrisge Licenses, Coareyancer -Votary. Public, Auctioneer. Mon«y to loaD a* Irom u to per cent. Charges muderaCe. rLESHEBTON P O TJEBTS COLLECTED . _ , tl'e iinileraignsd is prepared So undertake tUe collectiou ol aJI kin<la of dtbts, ^otes bouglit, aceonots eol'eeted, eie, H N IIENDEBBON, Usebertoa "P CHISLRTT * â- ^''toshertou Btatleu • PoaiiDsster, Commissiousr in H tJ /, t'ciovij.' aneer. Deed., uioitgaKes, leaf es • Ad wjJiS drawn. Monej to lend at SJpureBOtend up. wards. Debts collected. Cbart«i-tuo<itiat». D J SPEOULE " Postmaster, PIe*liei-t<,ii I ommi«i.ioner in B K. Uetn-ed AnctioneW, to.,v.oanc^r, AppraUer a«d J oney Lci,o«r .no,t»;a.e«. leases a.M winr,ln.^wu up Virt Mi'-n" *"",'"''"< 'I "• "^'y I art or "he cSSltv \i, „ , . , , ' ' â- " or tne con^t JIooe> to io«ii at lowebt rates M iut< rci-t. (V lec'ti.iia atteuGod to aitli inemi-. K' k. and .ie«pa.ch. ai.rpralow. Agent fci J^lu'"d " M«.m.h,p Company. tli^a,. u*U.t. roJi a' 'Vll' 'g '.''V. rpool. tJla.BO*. Lou.jou « to .,-;t KuKlanii. BtotlaAl or Ire.ai.l. wi.l pleuj.u a.k lates before nu-oiiasMa their ticket eJsewbere *<"«u««a» i.i.cir ^dfi tit$ A O U W meets every first and thiril Uendey srr.i„f Ki**-'^ Bionth, in their lorigt ro, m. Siralns block. Fle.lierton, a- 8 d ui PiIm Teeter, \V M ; A M Gibaoi. heco^der; W "j Hellamy, i luaociar. Visiting btetihrec invited. pKINCE AHTHTB LODGE, No aiM, A P hin.fc PI •.'"*?"' '° '•â- * ""onic hall, Strain' ?i . ?,'"''«r»on. every Ifrldkv on or bef»T tbe ftlJI ttiooo. K jicOUl, W U ,' W Bellamy, BeerMary. JentUtty T P MABSHALL " M D8. DD8. LDB. Visits FlMberton the Ut and 3rd Friday of each moatb. 1 e CAMPBELL ^ L D 8, D O S, Deatal BarReen, Wsrkifar* Offlcs ow McCollonuh A Touok-s bank. Houra-8.30 a m to 8 p m. Vtaits FUsbeitru the sesond aud fourth Thuradav of each month. Offlcs at Uuasbaw s ik m1. •T HENDERSON *â- D D 8, M D B, Dentist of Toronto (Gold Medalist) will visit Flesherton pro- tes.iooally the first Wortoeaday ot eaci: moMls and Uundalk the following day (Tbiuaday i ftgal JOHN W FROST, L L B • " Barrister, Solicitor, Ceavayaacer. ste Officeâ€" Next to postoffi.s, Bproale's block. HoshertoB, .very Balsrlsy and court days. N nâ€" Owen 8ouud office. Frost's block. !• Poulett street ea»t. T UCA8 * WRIGHT •" Bani.t.rs, Bolieitcn, ConsteyancMrs. •!• Owen bonnd, Ont MarkdaJe. Ont W H WKIOHT IB' LCCAB N Bâ€" Meaaerton office, Mitchell's Baak. every Wednesday. â- pUCKEB A PATTERSON •* BarristerB. »ulioitors, .to MoUon's Bank, Owen Soand HAlillY O TUCKKis OBO W PATTEBBOH A G. MACKAT. U. A. â- "• Barriaters, Solicitors. Notary, Coil'- veyaucar, etc. Urowu Attoinsy for Grey. Uuices W Pculett street, Oweu irioiuMl; aad Main i>treet, Dundalk, baturnays lr?ui tu. lu. ton p. m., aud ou Division Court aays. §l((lual D" HfTTON MUvJM,M0P*8 Ol»». Pslcsvllle. utllce next door to Brown's store; reeideocw oppotiite at tlie old post oUlce, r«8lden««of lata Alex iiiawu. Office day sâ€".i'uesdays and Satiu- dtt>a. ,' i. |)K CAUTKR " U C 1' A 8 Ont, Physician, Sargeun, et» Kleahertou officeâ€" Strain's block. Kosidence-v Muusbaw's Hotel. JOHN A SCOTT, MB "^ Meiubur College Fbyaio. A Surgeons, Untitrio Giadiiato ill MedicUiH of Toronto I'uivorsity. Fellowabip Uiplonin, Post virudu- ftte ^lOlllc&l School aud Ho^l>ituV, Chicaga. l)it)t>aaea of eye. car. uoKe and ihroat HpecisTly treated. ResideLce, Maxwell, visUb Foversban 'I'buredyas 1â€"9 T P Ol'TP.WKIJ, w Votcvniary Sitrfeon Oradnate ol Ontario Veterinary Coltesa. Ki'Niile caâ€" Second ooor south on west side Maiv street. This streets rui^s south from PrwB)>ytertaa church. â- ^ w \ m pRICGVILLE AND DUBHAU STA^^H Durham stage leaves Flesbertoa Station a T.I5 a.m., returns 4.'i3 p.m. PricevtUc stsgv leavun the same place at ii!.uO. rei^: uiiie at 4.10. Fare to Pricevillf and return. 90 eehts : Dmhsal, Sl.iH) for retnru. T5«. single fare. Livery lo oon^ ueotiou. Ui'dei'S iu»y be left ateitber iiotel. - A. UeCAULBT Prep Pays for Iletntiful vour Name HiDIIKN* N4M ^ III I rN I \ <'*'<DS, lovely pictures, or W [11 Ijl 11 111 HandsomeCaltiigCaids jJL'3 Addre«'', Ontario. gCaids, Caslt ith order. Stamps takei). CANADA CARD UOVi>a. taifenv^ â- ^.*