./S \ AD V A J. CE DECEMBER n rSg;? Vicinity Chips CUnracteristlcs of the Past Wcrk i'arerally Cniled for the Cu'-ioas ItHiineia uolice* armmg local' tcUl b*. t charged at the rate of ten cmts t per line for each ineertion. A + reduction witl be made on coii- f tract* for 100 lines or over. The Outario Legislatura was opened on Tuesday. Clayton's boots, shcK'S and rubbers al- ways excel. Call ami see tUeni. Buy the Eri'i flour. You on rely jp- ou it beiiin itood S'lld l>v R. Pedlar. Ltti-«e, uew ri-ai 'ence, for siile. rent, or •xclmii^-. Ap;)ly to R P.Leuat*. Mr. Bertram, t'.ie L'Herul candidate, Wi<8.-lcc'ed in Centre T to uto ou Tues- day by a .i.-»j >n>yof 257. Brit g your watchen, docks and jewel l,-ry f 'r reiuiri to F. Vandu-sen, opposite the to<n hall. ..-Any quantity of money to I'lan at liiwesc c'lrrent rites and on easy ternxs. A. S. VanDusou. Leave word at A. N. LeGard's Barber elioij, to call for your laundry to be seut to the Uols' OH Laundry Co. Satisfac- tiui> guaiauteed. Teud^ra wanted to draw loa^ by the 1000 f.r a 3 mile dr*w. There will be some 300 OOU feet. L04S are skidded. Beecnft Jt Talbot. Our jwynients for dubt wi;l not wait, »nd we need every ceut we can raia«. Will those owing for subscriptious etc., kindly square up at once. S.inie special barKsiiia for December in atylishly trituuied Imtsand toucjue*, walk- ing hivs aud s.iilors at Mrs. Trimble's luiliiiieiy loinns. Ifanci.â€" Any person wanting any- thing lu the line of boots and shoes, rub- bers or ovar^hoes of all kinds, had better iiisiect uiy stock before buying elsewhere B. Pedlar. One hundred and eighteen volumes have just been purcbas.d by the direct- on* of the public library. It is expected that these will be added to the shelves this week. An auction sale of hors», vehicles, household furniture, etc., will be held in Sproule's auction rooms on Saturday, Doc. 4, at 2 p. m. See bills. R. J. tSproule, auctioneer. Mr. Thus. Ganiey, M. P. P., is serious ly ill with erysipelas iind heart trouble, aiid is unable to att-iid to hLs duties at the Leiiislature, which is bow in ses-sion. The Advance sincerely hopes his illness will be of short duration. In order to supply the great demand, McFarla'id & Son have passed iuto stock their -ith lot of Ladies' Munlles, stylish, up^o date, and at way d.>wn prices ; also 70c yds. heavy winter dress goods, rewu lar price 25c. your pick for 15c at Mo- Farlaiid & Sons, Markdale. Mt8,Geo Hall of Owen Sound and sis- ter of Mrs. D. Hainniond of Dundalk left last week to join her husb.ind in Rlv>d esiii Africa. She will eutil from New Yoik Dec. 5 via Niipies, the Suez canal and the Red sea to Biera and thence by rail. The journey will last sbout eight ^ceks and cost lico. " Our Dumb Animals" of boston trakps the following awful comparison : Ten thousand six hundred and lifty-two iiiuriloia were ciniinittid in the United States last year ; something over one hundre^l in England and Wales. In what other country of the world is there gri«tt«r need of humane education than ours T' This from »n American paper is k terrible ariaigninent of its country. A gentleman from Toronto waa ex- hibit inu himself in a bayonet exercise be- fore the admiring uazo of some natives ib front of W. J. Armstrong'- jewellery store one day last week. Becoming ex- alted at th« ai>plause elicited his move- ments became faster and faster and more intricate, until lu a particularly difficult inovnmeiit his foot alippetl atd he smaah- «d into the window, breaking • Urge pane •f glaia. Like a ftsiitletuan, however, k« peid the ahot and will in futare aelect % Illicit buardL fane* to ^rform Mvr*. PtilUONALS Messrs. N. Green aud Mr. J. Kerr, of Heathcote, are visiting at Mra. J. Le- Gaid's. Mrs. .4. M. Gibson and Miss Janet Gibson spent *he past week with friends in Owen Sound. Mr. Ernest Armstrtmg is attending hi)jh school in Londun. Miss Annie Richardson spent Thanks- giving holidays with frienda in Toronto. Mr. E. E. Irwin is the guest of his Cousin, Mrs. W. Heanl. Mr. John Davis, who went up to Mani- toba on the harvest excursion, baa re- turned home. Mi»8 Ru>sell of Dunir<M>nand her niece. Miss Maggie Morrison, have been spend- ing the Thanksgiving holidays with Miss Belle McKenzie, Batk Line. Among the Thank^*givin!^ Day visitors to town wnre Dr. E. K. Richardson of Tor onto Junction, and Mios Christina Rich ardson of Markdale. Mrs. J. H. Stuart and little son of Wiuuipeii Wfre welciuie callers at this office on Tuesday. Mrs. Stuait is the L'uest of her cousin, Mrs. Wood, of the villai(e. Mr. C. Munshaw of the 0. S. Busi- ness College. w;ia home for a few days durin'4 the past wet-k, while Mr. Evsns ot the hotel visited friends in Owen Sound. Mr. James Radley of Maxwell, who has b en in southern Manitoba for the past five years, has returned home and whs a caller at this othce on Friday. He thiuka Manitoba a grand c<mntry and hopes to rfturn when circumaiauces permit. Mr. Radley »ays he wrote us three times to have the .Advance forwarded to him. Koi^'j of these requests reached us. The Drama of the Doy DRAMATIS PKJiSONAE Sit Ifporta from Toronto. SevtH JJot/a. A Man. A nothtr Mnn. A BaUif. A Magiacmte. S<.iLSi I. â€" X hotel in town â€" Sports come m ln>m a hunt. Take all the d'>gs into the hotel. Some one opens a door. One di>g runs out. Sports dju't notice his di.ss:i(iearance. A Man takes string out of his pt^'ket and hands to .\nother Man. Another Man ties string to dog mid leads him offiu the gloaming. Slow cur^atn. No brass band. SciMC 11. â€" A village street â€" Six Sports on the still hunt after evidence as t* who su'le the purp. A boy iddiscov»red,who, for a consideration, is willing to tell what be knows, which is considerable. One S).>ort gets a rig and drives out to see .\nother Man, s<jme miles from town. Another Man not at home. No dog to be found. Curtain. Dead March. ScKNB III. â€" Magistrate's office â€" War- rant swoin out charging Another Man with theft. Bailitf out to serve sum. nK>us to appear for trial. Dog is found ou its way home, having been released from durance vile. Arother Man comes to town aud settles the ca.se by payinx all expenses, etc., amounting to about four- teen dollars, after which the scsne shifts to Munshaw's hotel, where all ends in conviviality and good fellowship, and where Another Man explains that it was all caused by an over dose of courago and the help of others. Tibloau : All much before the curtain t>> the tune of Teniiy- Rvni's " Dyins; Swan," subscitutiim a cer- tain bird of proy for the swan. The above dr»«ina was played with niarvel'ously fine etfett bef->ie a FIe«her- toll andionce last week. The prcced', a.i nientioni'd above, amount-^] t<.> J14, aud wore dsvoted to lo«al requirements. Mission Band Entertainment The Mission Band entertainment wh'ch was held on theeveninRof Thinks- (jiv'ng day, as annt>unce<l, w.is a decided sucess. Tliouuh the evening wa-s ex- tremely dark and di.sa-'n'eahlp, the Meth- odist church waa comfortably 6lled. The program was of a purelv missionary char- acter and.was well rendered. After the opening hymn Rev. Mr. Mahan led in prayer and the president, Mrs. W. H. Thurston, gave a short report of the do- j insrs of the society. She reportMl the I membership as be-ng 6833, and for the ; year 1895-6 1742.88 were raised The I membership of the Fleshrrton Band is I 40. Aa autograph qnilt is in proceaa of ' ciinstruotinn. Thin Band raised last year thasumof tllSi. Associated with the president nn the platform WM the Meretar^, Mrs TT. A. Armstrong. Mrs. J. Black burn and Miss Clara Strain gave soloe ; Misses Zllla aud Ethel Trimble a duet, and 14 little girls gave a recitation and chi>rua entitled, 'â- The Li(jht of the World is Jesua." Miss Ida Gjerdruin, Flesberton's rising youni; elocutionist, recited " L^nawares " in her usual plea-siiig manner. Miss 'Vera Tomlinson als-i did well in " The boy who ;^ave himself." Miss Ella Bam house is always listened t<> with interest, and though '* A Penny " was long it was Well rendered. Miss Lula Mitchell ap- peared for the Prst time before a Flesh- ert>>n audience. Mrs. W. Trimble read " Winding up a horse," a uniqun title but an luterestinii reading. F<>ur little girls wave " A Christmas 8«rvice." The Collection amounted to $5.12. The followina eveninji the president entertained at her home all the members of the Mission Band who bad taken part in the en'.ertainment. A 1 ibrary In itself Few people are able to bay as many boi'ks as they would like, yet it is p'^siiihle without them to keep in touch with all the eadtrs of literature, as well aa to fuUow the "•rids progress in every department of science and industry. The Youth's Companion already provides the means fur more than half a milliun households â€" at au expense to each of 91 .75 a year. Every issuu of The Coinp<iiiion gives as much rvadinif matter as a 12mo book of 175 pages, and The Companion comes every week. The quality of its contents is shown by the annouuceuiet for 1898. which prumites c»ntriburiona next year from the Rt. Hon. W E. Gladstone, Rudyanl Kiplin-j, Speaker Reed, Capt. A. T. Mahar., Mary E. Wilkins. W. D. Howeils, Lieutenant Peary, the Marquis of Duffern. Seiiitor H"ar. Justin Mc- Carthy and more than two hundred other eminent men and women. All new subscribers for 1898 will re- ceive The Coinpaiiion's gold-embossed caleudar, beautifully printed in twelve colors, and the paper will also be sen t free from the time the subscription is received until January, 1SJ8. and then for a full year to January 1899. A hand- some prospectus of the volume for 1898 will be sent to any one adilressiug, ThB YoLTH's C0MF.4SI0N, 205 Columbus Ave., B<Mtun, Mass. NOTICE ! For Fine Tailoring call on - F. A. BAKER - Next door to Christoo's drug store. .\s I have the latest NEW YORK and LONDON FASHIONS Style and Workmanship guaranteed as usual. 'cZ THE HIGH CLASS TAILOR To th Slectors if Ward 3 htulxes ami G^MexK'^y\, : Pre^snrt* having boon brought tobesrTipon me t> allow uiv uauirj to po Ijffor,* thy tfioot >rs as a L'aiKiiitate (or councillor for tUis want. [ Itorcbv piibiiely auiiouiiue thut laiu in tue itolil anil would rtisyectfully ask for voiir votifA aud iutlu. on.... V> !Ucr.\Vlbri (â- iBshorton, Nov. aa, VT. Tine Heovesltip I canuot w'tbstanrt thoprossnra of the poo- ptf», to bflcome reeve ; tbeiefor 1 consent * o bu elected. W . ». CHRtSTOK, Farni For Sale Fer" sale ehesii â€" Lot 37. Con 12. .Artmix^la. A-.inly to R. J. S I'BOULK, Klushortou Kleshartoa. Nov. 10, 1897. fOR SAX^E Aqiiantitv of sbini,'l«ii for salt) at mv aiill. Iotas, con. a .\rten)i»-i». .Also shitiglrs.Mit on stisres. woiil't o.\chatii;o a spau of horses tor â- tiiugle tiuber. J. HICKLINU.Maxwolll'.O. STRAYEI) Strsvwt from the preniinfM of tbeuudorsigne.! lot 31, 6th oou . Osprev, &l>otit Hept, 90, two oajTMâ€" bull and heifer. Both re<l. boll liaj â- oms wbito ou hi* Sid*. W. H Ql'Y. aiatwell, P. Factory For Sale Hash. Inor and planiiiii (actorv Ino'nding ran KTSiD chopping •toMi'ii : vory cheap ; two hundred down : balance easy terms ; water power ; all complet- ; doing good bnalQan* ; saMflfactorr reasons for iitflliiig . b'tilding aud machinery only aold : lo<ig leaea power ; reuh 1 low ; no epposIUoo. Applv l>«x iot, Flaaliar^ '%j)i».PaV '^f^j''>:i/si?^::f^:>s:r^.i'^^ A Large Stock . . . ... of Footwear In Ladies' Mens' and Children's B.>ots and Sh-jes, also Rubbors, Overshiies and Felt B<iota Custom work and Repairinif attended to promptly at CLAYTON'S, - - Flesherton. Agent for Dominion Money Order Express THE FLESHERTON FURNITURE WAREROOM CHRISTHAS 1897 J j>^' * -^^^ «r: «^ ^ ^• Our specialties for Xiiias gift department are becomine more and more inter- esting each year â€" this sea*. n we have been very *uoce!«lul in our endeav.'Ur^ to supply our ever it>crea»iii|^ trade with a lur^e variety of g... ids that cannot faii Ut give the fullest »atisf.<ctioii and pleasure â€" while at the same time the prices are, well just come in and see, we will not quote them here l)ecause you w.iuld think the goods to"i cheap to be good. Our stock ranges to mee''. every need, from the humblest kitchen to the must redned parlor. Organs ! Beautiful Organs ! at Holiday Prices ^â- » - An exeeedina tine line of .ART GOODS in fancy lines of fumi'ure.PTCTrRES EASELS, SCREENS, MEDALLIONS, MIRRORS. HAT, PAPER, MUSIC and HALL RACKS, etc.; etc. . . 5- (2- JkIooto . . . UNDERTAKING AND PICTURE DEALER, FLESHERTON . WANTED. AGiNIS ^'^IIZ" l^^ ,un,i co,,ie» sol.l. llivee thoiisaud Ave huudrB.l order«d'(rou. .^a.tral.a •.'"S'.ji'' »""''' «.°"'' '", *"','^â- VLorâ- ^,.."'Hur '^M» 'i v'-.' «..'tn. uil. ^^..^^The^brtpoMar li^e «' the Que.u 1 b^vVseen •â- and thou«wid8 endorse the state- Sfoift Outd't free to oan,.««r, «chlMvo territory ; book on »""«,«"" *° '"'*° ** daily ; some uiaka twice toat. The Bradley-Uarretaou Toronto Airents sell "Klondike Odd Field" , L. . whirlwind Kxperience.l canvasfsr ..!r;;;^^.::^';^l^^j^ijarve.to,t^iri.ve,.^ '>««'''".r:'"oSe vo"n"fellorcua farm at '.".•?" month U maC/jT.',. A lady t.pe-writer 51. a moiii." •= I , „ an \ uo'clmiuc who Ltd.. Toronto, Out. â- ill Iffl DBAit Si»,-t would be doiug »-â- ;"J"»*;|''« '» yo^u^d p .'"•'';7 -';:?ur"'rct„twTnowu benetlta I rocei»«.> from your ^"'" ^ ^ uie the ttrst boUleoI LnjUtuimJ j »o' »""«^ ;^..yitou it. "'-;»t' 'x«tTtr''r;oek"{ imuiodialo rell t ..nd 1» ""l,,,'..!;. .jter wont al, |,»,Hm. i... tvV.U.a oithe curative power»ol LightniuK Pain Hunter. , ..^^^ Sl,n.|H..l toanv a.ldresson receipt of rrie»-^ Kor ^vle in Fleshert-n at Dr. Chri»t..e s M.dical H .11 a.d at Flesherton Sta'i.m t.vJ B E 010, .ieneptl st'Te. ON H -J CENTS A BOTTLE FlESlESISil Wili PMLia S^. Xoffard - - Proprietor Monuments, Urns and Vases The nndersigucd has sccnred tlie agency for the uew Metallic P .ite Giiiss Mouuiueiit, iiiuniifactined iu Toronto, cue of tiie tioest moiiuuients ever pre?*"-' d to t!ir pnb!;''. \' is pr^Doanccd bj expeiLs to bo the best mouameuy 1., uUc uiarket.. Tnu 1 â- scriptioo, which is patented, will iast for au:es, and will be as peifect iu a uundred years i»s the first year. Au iuscriplioD in granite or marble, when put ou in gold, silver or puiuted, will lust ooly a short lime aud theu havB to be done over again. The old need uot put on their ^peccacl^s to read our iuscriptiou. These monnuients are of boautiful desigus, grauiieize.! in led or grey, aud are within the nach of the poorest. An early call solicited. Wn. HENDERSON Vgcnk. Kosidouoe opposite the Tres- hvteiian cliui-ch, Fleslierlou. Hairdressing ia the Style Latest 8CIRP0RS SH.\RPENED and RAZORS HONED iu first alass stylo. K ^ .Vjiient for Rolstin's Laundry and Paikur's Dye Works, Terontoi 'mx^tnfMl Three Ladies to Introduce a liouso- ^nrauwu hoi w.>rli Sulou.il.I returns to couipetvut pertons, Jv GAIXOWAT, Toronto. Teacher Wanted Kor tTnion S. 8. No. 1, Arlemesia and Ruphra'.ia. for the vear ItWT. h.ilding a aeoond or third claaa oertifl, ate. Ploaae give qiialidea^ tiona and salary eiD«.>-t«»d whnn aoplyiug ApplleaUoB receiTed until Deo, lat, 1887 TB4, BRAOBL'BY. Saoretary. Cook's Cattoa Root Compound Is the only safe, reliable >inouthly medicine on which l.idies can depend in the hour end time of netd^ U prepared in. two degrees of strength. No. 1 for ordinary cases is bv fir the best dollar mediciue known â€" sold by drug,:jtstS( one Dollar per box. No. 2 for special cases â€" 10 degieea stronger â€" sold by druggists. One box. Three Dollars ; two boxes. Five Dollars. No. I, or No. 2, mailed on receipt of ptic* and two 3-cent stamps. The Cook Company, WbKbor, OoUrip. S:>!d ill Fiesliert'.n aiiJ ov^n wn-n. ,« Canada by »H respou^ibla uru^^^isCs. Farm aud Mm_Site for Sale For sale »ory cheap and on very e«s» t-rms. Timber farm. I.W acres, two miles front Vli.«h ertoa, known a^ the Wm. Hoccsawmill nii. perty and 01. which is au eioollont water power" foouiation of 8a%y rain, ,1am and pond aSi water whwd 111 place and all readv for puttinl â- ;;.=/"« 'i^"' 15acrescleared.:.t)«crM[i„,be? most off, Vlaiice well timbered . mixed timber Th 18 farm will o« a.Md at a barsain if sold al once Small payunnt down, balance on very e«sy terms, Apply to ^ B.J. 5PBOPLII, Flesherton. Ont Farm for Sale Farm for aale cheap. 91 aorea, well watered 94 nvlea east of tliia village, known as the Pea wiok farm, Apply to M. Riohardaon, aaaigiie* Boar for Service The nndersicned ha« a thoronehbred Barkp. shir* boai lor seryioami lot 171, O' O.B: ^^