Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Nov 1897, p. 8

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â- â- ' y • i 'S R ' SES3SX^ ••SU^ -I'JULJi mm NOVEMBER a 1897 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE MHBH / |^'M^W^^P^vu^^vvvwuv:i^lJvv:l^^iiuv:^ iV^l^l^lvVM^ ^ ^ D. McTavish FLESMERXON KEEPS ON HAND ...REPAIRS .Fur Mnsnpy-HarriH, Noxon, Fleury and Wilkiiisim fi»rin impli'iinsiits. ^i^Flt'iiry mill Writy [iIowk on liaiid nil the time, hIho all kiiidH nf re[mir» 2i tor tho dnnin. VVh iiiiiniir»cture Wngnn", Bui»gie», Cutti-rs, Sleisihs, etc. y riiiMi-nliiieiiis; jinimpily nttt'iidvil t<i. iSpecial ntlciitinn to tciidnr cc"*- cj trHotfJ feet. LougtuK and Plow Chain/i constantly on hand. »«• .â- "!. -^'!. â- }"^ â- ^'^ •?''• ^t*- •»'«• •^'^ •^'<• '>â- '<• •>'«â-  iS&^ "^'*" ^'fe^'* •s'^-^te^''!- ^?';i!^i!&£!*: ^r< ^i«" 71^ •JiJ' '/i^ ^ ^v, ^.ti, ,Mi, ^I(i ^M «, •?ii? v»? •*('? VA? Vi(? ^ 11 IS if mm B^gijips, Carts. Wagotis, Harrows, Plows of the best kinds and repairs. Binders, Mowers, Horse Kakrs anJ Corn Scnfllora and repairs. Cliaius of all kinds. Horseshoeing a specialty at John H. Heard d Son's Warerooms in- •»tC ^i5^j?'W'^I<" ^i'? viF '/!•? 'ri? '/i? 'yi^^iS- ^l?'/!? W "Jl^ '/I*" '>l«' '/!«• W '/t? •S'l;- '/ft- "JlC- TIP '/if Owen Sound, Ontario IS THE VERY' nE.ST PLACE IX CX.NADA TO GET A THOROL'GH BUSINESS EDUCATION. Take a Round Trip •[";'„ hS'.,:." *s^» «^^^M^â- ag»*M^> ^Ma>jMg>*M&^<^^?^'^g?^tg>?^''C'?^t^ Photos â€"TAKEN -AT THE ..I'xt miitiljlo turnimrci anil iiii|iUarii>-ii. w<i will Kivo you *. full <M>nr»6 Klli:i;. r.>r »iitiu»i ftiinouiMMMiioou, ({iviiiK tull particuUm, free C. A. FLEMING, PrincipM Summer = = Fruits, Plants > Garden seeds Fl.iiir, FhpJ and OrociTles of all ♦ •>,d». C:^ HreiikfiiMt liacoii, Uoll b.iiiMi. I'ork aiiles. Everything Nice in season P.ootn and Slioog RltenJeJ to promptly •nd in tho neateat manner. Flesherton j^ Photograph | Gallery | 2 are done in firstclasn style and at ft S l.>\vi!8t rates. Special ntteiifioii i^ A xiveii to co|iyinc. Paliiva' |iliotos. i^ jj » .specialty. I'ictiireH framed. \u I MRS. BULMER fe I^ropertles FOE - SALE - BY- B. J. SPBilLE, FlESHEaâ„¢ OL, II EUGENIA Mills and Carriage Works Ciiriiagps Hindi; and repaired, also Plaiiin^i iiiid Mutehiii;.;, liaiid bawin!», Wood I'liniiiii; nf every des- Bcriiition. Pliiiiiiif,' and (Jrain Oliop- piiiif done wliile you wait, for the IJeAver inriis liio wheel. T. VV. WILSON, Manager J^ Tst Class TJfapie AND lillUMI FI-OORIIVrG At a Baif^ain for the next 30 daj's. IK YOU WIHIl TO m'T I'ROl'ERTV CONSULT THIS HI'ACK. FOR SALE clioaj) and on ea«y tertiis, oiii' mile from KleHliertoii, ItA aces liiim luid on wliicli is a j^oimI 7 rooms fraiii" ihvL'lling, well and comfiirt^ilily tliilsliud Htoiii! celler iiiidernu:itli, mid nood well and pump in kitchen, gmid fntme Htalilr ami di'iviiiii hoiiHe, also hriuk lined lieii lionse, .small orclmrd coiniiUMicinn to hear. Apply to K. .1. Sl'lJOl'LE, Fh-Hlierton. A DEAD nAI{<;AIN if wdd dming |)i'eseiit miintli Two improved ffiniis, one a mile rnun I'ricovilli! and the other Kaiiie diidiinee from \Vareliaiii. Kiiiall payment down, halaiioe mi VEUY e.isy trniis. Also a liiiiidii'd and lifty acre farm an.l mill situ oiiu mile fiom Kleslier- toii, priii(i|jidly Imrdwood Inisli, 25 iiiTeH cleartMl and frame dwelling ami Klalili'. .Any (mrson wanting; a detide<l b.uj^ain apply i|iiick to aliove. 00 VEAIIS' â-  XPERlEli" Save your orders for AT THE FLESHERTON Beecroft & Talbot : MARKSi DESIGN 9» COPYRIGHTS &0. Anrone nendlnR n pkoUh ntid doMrrti-tton iiinf qiilcklT Huct'rtaln, free, whWluT nii InvtMition li lirotiAhljr pateiitAhle. rotiiniiMitcatlnnB ptrUtly contlilcntlal. OMi'iil nirenry f'lrM'rmtnir imleiiU til Ainertri. Wo have u WnithlnKtnii offlct*. ralHitiN tnken l)in>uKli Muiiu & Cu. vtJUtilr* Bpeuiul notlcn In tliu SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, b«fc,-tffiiIlY tlliiNtriitfil. lf»rtfi>Ht rlrrnl'itlim ot any ncleiitmc Iniiriml, wcrkly.tcrtii.i ?.1.iH) a vear; Sl.&Ostx llioiiiliB. HpiiohiiiMi ciipii'H ami UAf40 lluUK OM i'ATRNTA Bent frnn. AddroB. MUNN & CO., Uonor Rolls Honor roll of Port Law school for Oct. Be-ii ,3 in each claas. Vâ€" Annie B. Th.nipmn. 729. IV tr.â€" Mary Cl.ard, 086; Wm. J. Chard, 928 ; Fred Pedlar, 649. IV jr.â€" Koht. Hlackbum, 984; Siieie Thompson, 038 ; John Gilleapie, John McKecequal, 903. Illâ€" Tom Chard. 840; Tressy Mc- Kei-, 829 ; Ida Sininmna, 825. II sr.^Rol.ert Cridield, 84C ; Ethe' Parliament, 429 ; Chas. Gillrspie, 312. II jr. - Mabel Chard, 049; Rcka P.dlar, 032 ; Hc^b Thompson, 629. Pt, II sr.- Nellie llolinan, 329 ; Geo. Haiiey, 320 ; Id i Fisher, 312. Pt. II jr.-Spurt^Hon McNevin, .302; Annie Janiicson, 301 ; David Gaiiiey, 294. Pt. I Kr.â€"APijiu'ie Simmons, 290 ; Earl Parliament, 28;} ; .Milly Fisher, 201. Pt.l jr.-- IJarliara Tlninpsin, 263; IMiigijio Fisher, 249 ; Miutiiu Stock, 230. Average attendance, GO. J. L. Wood, Tfeacher. 361 Ilroatlwav, New V«rk« Cash : for : HidesI Rheepskina and all kinds of fnra pur- oliaand, fur which highest market price will be paid. Honor roll for S. S. No.lO, Artenie«i*, for October. V â€" Geo. Cairns, ChiTy Thompson. IVâ€" Carrie Rut-Kdge, Goidon Mc Mullen, Wni. Rotledae. Ill â€" Myitle Tlii)m|iHon, Maggie Mc Cauley, Walter Di'aJinan. II sr. â€" Reatriee Lawrence, Moggie Uutled[.'e, Ilia Mc.Midl>-ii. H jr. â€" Robbie Tucker, Thos. McCauley, Ida Jones. I't. lUr-Roy Pil»'r, Fred Chislit, Ottie Tucker. Pt. II jr.-Willie Ilawke, SUnley Mc- Mu lull, Eddie Rutieilgi:. Pt.I sr. â€" John MuCauley, Lizzie Si.rifeiit, Minnie Humphill. Pt. I jr. â€" Jcisaie McCsuley, Cecil Legate, Maud II cm |il ' i I . A. I. ClsiiSIE, Teacher. Maxwell public schoi 1 for Oc'ii'^rr : Sr. IV.â€" A. McCalluni, S. L.-gate, W. Deavitt. Jr. IV. -W. Les;»te, Annie Heron. D. Fergu-ion. Sr. III. -Harry Goy, A. D. Deavitt, C. Jr. III. .Minnie Scott, Florence Meek, Alice I'i'Owiiiid.'.e Sr. II.- B. Scott, Bcrllia McCallum, Daiay Ftrgnson. Sr. Part II.â€" A. Fcnwick, M. Buck- ingham, A. Buckingham. .Ir. I'art II. - Eva Heron, S. Hudaon, C>. Brownridi;e. Sr. I.â€" Eva Shier, F. Chislett, Elsie Brownridge. Jr. I. â€" John .SiMitt, Etta fleron, Rob Kiiinear. W. McWiii.nnbv. Teacher Fleshorloii public school- Fomi II. Sr. II. â€" C. S|)iiicH, M. Moorohuuse, C. Oltewell (i-i^ual). Jr. II. â€" M. Sullivan, L. Moore, C. McGtuther. Pt. II. -R. Flesher, M Boyd, S. ThurHtoii, W. Wright (equal). F. T. 1 1 WIN, Teacher. Fawcft reache<l the Vattle fitldjhe found Robincin's big fellow shakii g a dead terrier. There is general mourning a- mong our dog fanciers ai Bidi'a wis a general favorite. â€" Dundalk Herald. Men who have thought saiiously about the matter know that adrortismeiils, be it great or small, pays a premium on the inoiiuv invested. It may not Ivrinu direct ruiultA, but it is mors'iften like "cas'ing bread upon the waters." The object of iKlvertiain^ is nolso much to sell an art- ' le that cverylM>dy Aiuitsas it is to make everybody wint an article that the adver- tiser sells. The merchant must keep his tinine and wares before tho people all the lime to catch new customeis, who are ever clian|:iiig. Mount Forast, Oct. 30 â€" Samrday af- terno^'n the v\ife of John Armstiong, a farmer residing in E^remoiit, about seven miles fium Mt. Fure-t, having had nccas ion to leave the houso for a few minutes, was hornticd on returning to find her biit>y very ill. Everythiii'.; pos-iildB wan iloiie for the child, hut it died in a short time. It appears that during .Mrs. Ann- ^t^ong's absence her four-yeai old daugh- (•r, by means of a chair which she had placed un n table, had taken down a small bottle containi _ carbolic acid, which Khe k^ave tho baliy to drink, with the result stated. The Markets. Carefullv Corrected Each Week Following are the market <|uotaiion8 for Flesherton for the present week, com-ctcd up to 10.30 of Wediie«day : Flour fi4 70 to 86 LO Oats 20 to 22 Wheat, white 85 to 87 Wheal, red 84 to 80 U..rley 20 to 30 Peas 42 to 43 Butter 14 *o 15 E;;us, fresh 15 to 1.^ Potatoes baf; 40 to 40 pork 4 00 to 4 75 Hay per ton 7 00 to 8 00 H ides 4 00 to 5 00 Sheepskins 25 to 50 (veese 6 to 6 Turkeys 7 to 7 Chickens per pair.. .. 20 to 25 Uucks per pair 40 to 5o Wool . 17 to 20 JFOR SAX^S A quantitv of stainKloii for ralo at mj- mill, lot3S. con. 9. ArtemoHia. Alao Hliintileiiciit on flliarei, would exchangea apau of hnrHeH for uhiugle timber. J. HICKLINO, Uaiwell 1'. O. IHTaxi.'ted Industrious men of character. Tho LINSCOTT Comjiauv, Toronto. 'VxyanftH TbrecLsdies tointrodaeeahonse- waUKU hold work. BulendUl returus to compat«nt persons. .1. GALLOWAY, Toronto. TTomemade sausages iin hand, aire all kinds of meats. ]V1. WILSON Flesberton Meat Emporium Couiitj and district A citron welching 29J pounds is on exhibition in Stayiiur. The I/indon Spectator takes a pessi- nra'ic view of the situation between the I'liited Slates and Spain, and expresses the ooiiiion that the chances are in favor of war. The (irand Trunk is buiMiiig a new iron bridge over the Reaver at Thorn buiy, but the Standard fays that c m- pared willi tin- Kpoed at which it is being built "niolasHM.s ill winter liine is is ball- bonniiK gri'psed liglitnitut tjiared to a thousand. " A very expressive siniel. Willie, the 16 year-old son of Dav'd White, Oakvilh', Out., mot with a horr- ible deith at tl)iit place yi-s'erJay. He had jumped in a bin, when the chute was opened, and he was carried down, being buried in tho grain. An Indian war whoop has not been heard in Shelbuino lor many moons until last Sunday evonioL'. About aniontliaitt. a jwirty of Indians erected tlirir tent in Mo edgt of tho woods east of the villnm. ami have lived there very ipiiotly since. They are well beliaved and civil, ai.d conduited themselves [iroporly uidl Sund.'iy, whon some iniscrounl, whosu name wo cannot learn, supplied them with a couple of bo ties of whisky. Tho rod mm came up town in the evcniiiK and made everything ring with his war whoops â€" Free Press Mr. R. Fawcctt lost a valuable fox terr- ier this week. Ho borrowed a crack dog from Mr. G. Robitifon sml struck for the bush. While iheru the dogs, ns some of their human brothers occasionally do, K«. oanie invulred in a row and whsn Mr, STRAYED Btrayml from tho jircmises of theundorslKned lot21.Cth con., Oaprer, about Hopt. 30, two calTea-bull and heifer, Itotb red, ball had some white oo his side, W. H. UCY, Maxwell, P. O Factory For Sale Ratib. door and planinK factory including run Krain chopping sloneii ; very cheap : two liundroddown : balance easy terniH ; water power; all complet-- ; doing good buiiincBH ; Mar iflfactory reaaona for Helling . Imildiiig and machinery only sold ; long leara power ; rent low; no opposition. Apply llox lUO, Flaiiber-. ton, Out. Tcaclier Wanted For Union 8. 8. Nn I, Arienicnia and Kuphrasia, for the year IStiT. hiildiiig a ""court or tlilrdclatarertiflcatd I'li'aao Kiviqimlillca^ tiona and aalary expi'ntcd when ai'iiUing, Application received aiitil Dec. Ist. IS!)?, THtJ. UUADDLKY. Secretary. KugonialP. Ont Winter Goods, In Vopfue at the Flesherton . . . HARNE5S SHOP CELLS, BLANKET.S, SASKATCHEWAN and GOAT ROBES Wliips, Rubber Knee Ru7ii. lined nnd nnhiied. Curry Uoiaba and Biuslies. dioico : Goods At rsasonablo Prices. Satisfaction guaranteed in repairing. IVltf. MOORE Hu' eesmtker • - Fle&herton §USillC?;» ^WXU •CULLOUOH & YODNO Bankers, Markdale Do a goiieral banking baaluesa. Money loaned at a reasonable rate. Call on UB. M A 8 VANDU8HN, J P " Clerk 6th Dlv Court, Co Orey leruer of Marriage Licenses, Conveysneer Notary, Public. Auctioneer. Money to loin at irom 5 to 8 per cut. Charges moderate FLESHERTON P O T)EBT8 COLLECTED . . , ''''?• underhigrxBd is prepared to undertake the collection of all kinds of debt" Notes bought, accounts col'ectcd, etc. ' K N HENDEB80N, Flesherton "p CHISLETT â- â€¢â€¢ Flesherton Station - Poitruaster, Coajinissi.iucr in H C J Convev- drawn. Monej to lend at 5i per cent and un- wards. Debts collected. Chlrges morte?at^.' P J SPRQULE " Postiusster, Plesbertos rommisaioner in H R. Licensed Anrtioneer Rear-C^e' aVT','"* ^ "" »"'"^y ^-^er,' Keal tBtate and lupuraocc Apont Derda u.nrtgaKes, lea-es and wills draw un and liTln:,TJ\ "" '^°"«" "^'i-^'- Ailct'oa saiua attended to in any p.n „( the ronnfv Money to loan at loweat rat'es of i torcVt ?o'.' lecti„u« attended to with prou.p-tcVs and in? oTVi" 'S '; «f poo'. «>aV;o;" l^'i don°o"i any oi tho Hritibh porta. Pariies intemii^^ li'^'ke't" e^l-wlle^." "*"''• «"--i"e thUr ^OUitU$ A O L W meets every first and third Monday " . n ,«,»=h nioiitii, iu their lodge rocm Strain's block, Flebi.orton. at 8 p m. Price loeter, W .M ; A M (iibsou. Recorder; W .J Hallamy.l.m»ncier. Visiting brethren invited pRINCE ARTHTR LODUE, No !B.1. A P bin..!, IT? â-  .""!"" '" '*>* llaconichall. Strain' b lock FleKlierton, every Friday on or befor Bellamy, Secretary. gcntiistvii T P MARSHALL " M D8, DOS, LDS, Visits Fleiilierton tha let and Srd Friday et each mouth. T e CAMPBEI L â- " L D 8, D D 8, Dental Surgeon, Uarkdale Hmfr*. S-«' M'CullouKh * VonngH bank. lours-S.JO a m to n p ni. Viaits Flesherton the second and fonrth Thiimday of each month. OfBc» at Munshaws hotel. "P HENDERSON *â-  D D 8, M D S. Dantist of Toronto (Gold Medalist) will visit Flesherton pr(V Lmi n?.'',M*'.''>""'."o^''"?''«"''»5' »' «»'•â- 'â-  "'O'"'' and Dundalk the following day (Thursday.) fcpl John w frost, l l b " Barriater, Solicitor, Conveyancer, etc Omco-Next to poBtofTlcc, Sproule's block. Fleaherton, every Satnriay ami court davB. N Bâ€" Owen Sound oUico. Frost's block. »> I'oulott Btruot east. T UCAS A WRIOHT â- '-' BarriBters, Solicitors, Conveyancers, ett ... ,?".?.'!,.''''""''• ^"'^ Markdale, Ont W H WRl.iHT I 11 LUCA8 ** l'-H,''**l'orton ofDce, Mitchells Bank, every Wednesday. "•"•. TUCKER ilk PATTERSON * Barristers, Solicitors, etc UolBon'a Bank, Oweu Soacd HARBY O TUCKER GEO W PATTERSON A G. MACKAY. M. A. "• BarristerB, Solicitors, Notary. Oon« veyancor, etc. (.'rowu Attorney for Clr.^y. Oluccaâ€".IO Pculett street, Owen Sound; and .\1 am street, Dundalk, Saturnajs from 5 p. ni to 9 p. m., aud uu Division Court days. :s ^Hertical D U nUTTON M D vJ M, M C P * S Ont. Prioevllle. OUlce next door to Brown's store ; residence opposite at tueddpoBt othcu, residence of late Ale.t inowu. Oflicedaysâ€" I'ucbdayn andSaiur, daj a. nR CARTER ^ U c P & 8 Ont. Physician, Surgeon, ete Flesherton oUlceâ€" 8traiu'» block. Uesideuoeâ€" MuuBhaw B Hotel. JOHN A SCOTT, M B MeinlMir College Physic. A Surgeons, Ontario Graduate In .Medicine of Toronto Univorsity. Fellowship Di) onia. Post (irs^u- ate iVJerlical School and Hosiiita), Chicago. DiseaseR of eye. ear, iioae and throat apecially treated. ReaideLce. Maxwell, visits Feversbam TbursOyaa 1-3 T P OlTEWELL " Totorinary Surgeon firadi'Qto of Ontario Veterinary College. RcBide' ceâ€" Second door .south on" west aide Mrtiv Btveefc. ThiR strceis runs south from Vresbyti-riau church. 5BICEVILLF, AND DURHAM BTAOK Dm ham stage leaves Flesherton Station it 7.15 a.m., returns 4.4.5 p.m. Priceville stage leaves thi- aine place \i 12.;i0, returning at 4.4r». Fare to I*rieovilleand return, SO cents ; Durham, tl.W for return. 75i-. single fare. Livery iu ooii- neotiuD. Orderauiay be left, ntelibn*- b'otel. A.UoCAULBT Prop 1 Pays tor your Name on 18 Be.utitul HIDDKN MAMK OAItns, lovely pictures, or SO RandsoDieCalllng Cards. Csah with order. Rtampa takaii. Address, CANAiy.. ^ALv ^Uvu~, t Liai io. Y â- *^iMM*iiifc-iJ'»»^W

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