Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Oct 1897, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE OCTOBER 21 1897 Vicinity Chips C'iarrt4*t«k-s«llcs of the Past Week ^'urt'itiiiy Culled for the ^'ju'ious >«»- I{:isineiis notices among loealu wul ht f ch-iryed at the rate of ten cnis + j'cr line for each xnaeiiion. A + rciiiicliun will be made on con- f tracts for 100 lines or oeer. \5i\t\ wanted â€" Apply to Mrs. Legate, )<'lc»Ii»rtuii StaUciii, V..I. 1 and 2, IS'Jfi.y, atiitutuH of Can da, liavu bi-Lii ri'oeivecl. F^r a chnp'er of s-^rious acoiJeiita jsfiitiA Qur town lina and Port Law Xiirfespornienec. Preiiiiur Hardy uiiiiouuctss that iheru n 1': be no election uniil aflor auuther MisKi <ri of the LeuLjIatura. Tlie prioe of choppi ij/ tliis year will be fi ctnts per bag. ijuuka will be charged »ccuiUui<{ to aize. P. LoccKs. Por Sale (Jljeapâ€" G<iod diivini» mare, yiuW breii and in good condition. Fur PardcaUrs api.Iy to A. Gibson, FleNhurton P. O. Til keep your feel dry and warm, try Cluytuii a B<iois. You cannot Ket aiiited Jbetter and the prices are all right. T)r. May. inspector of public Libraries, wan in town last week. The library will Itet a government grant of $118 tliia year. Spotted coacli do<; lost at Maxwell on Friday last. Inforuiatiou as to her wheivabxuts will be thankfully received by M. Hicbai'dKon, Fleehurtou. Mr. Goo. Hill wishes to say ti)Rt those Laving accounts due dim off. Hill 4 Co. can cull and sua him at the shop tliu week, and ne.xt week at R. J. Sproule's (.ffi;e â- The tru.steei nf Eujienia public cuUool J ave decided to add an iinncx to ihe school building and advertise in this isHUO for r^iiidei's for the same. Mr. Al. Chislett, now of Cleveland, was held up by footpads ono ni^bt la^t week. He made a break for lihiTiy and got away, but not unfil a couple of pistol balls had come uncumf>.u-tably near. As Ike ciiVi wet wciithcr will snon be •liere, and ns most pooplo are born wiih- iMit shoen, Cli'yton's have got a good supply of b>" ts and ali^ easiii:able for the ecason. Call and try them. The new D<auinion du'lar bill, now in circulation, is printed on rotten piip>>r. It is on a par »ith the manner in which the giivcrnment let the contract for print- ing the bills and postage skimps. Mr. W. W Trimble w-kIics ua to inti tiiiita to the youns man who look a pair i.f lines Knd a whip from his drivingsbed <>n Monday night that if ho will return them there will be no further trouble. Another enti>rtaininB letter from the Tivid pen of Iiispi'ctor Ciinpbell is on our fylo, but must be held over until next w»ok, owing to the cr<jwd of ni«tter. It vill lose none of its interest by so doing. All poultry for market should bo dry p'uckid and undrawn, with all the crop rmioved. People having fiwl fur sale will make money liy remembering these uial ructions. II. Richardson & Co. are o-<ntem plat- ing a chanse in business methods to take effect Nov 1st. Cnsb or produce will pt lalily be tlie order of the d.-iy. Their ad. next week will give further particulars. Di'D't fail to read it. There will be a sale of public library periodicals at 8 ii.m. on Wednesday nisjht of ne.\t week, 27ih iiist. Wids may be sent by post. A few of the tilings to be .«old are Harper's M"iit!ily and Weekly, Ceiitury, St. Nicholas, Leslie.^, London New.s, CoRmopolitan, Puck, Munsey's, SoitUitific American, etc. Miss .Annie Richardson of this placa has Won for herself an enviablo reputa- tion abroiul lis an elocu"ionisr. iShe gave a dranmtic recital recently at Penrith, Co. Ciiniborland, Eng., and the two pipers of tliat town, just to hiinH, speak in glowinir terms of hor histrionic talent. O If" of the papers gives a nr'nnte 'iesr-rin- tinii of her liilforent numbers and be- .litQwa high praise on s'l. The young lady has no doubt improved very njucli in her ait during |;or sojour.i abroiid, under a London inHSter. sii.l we hope to have the privilege of hearing her in public recital at home before long. Siie i» now in Canada and will bo homo in a week "r two. Mr. SI. Chislett, son of T. Cbislett, Fleshcrtoii Station, and wlio is now in Clevehuid, was held U|) by foot pads one night recently. Uo ma.'.e a break for liberty and gi.t awwy, but m.t until a ci.nple of pistol balls whittled uncomfort- ably near In our hurry last week to net off the Vandeleur, Kimberley snd Feversham parcels a couple of errors crept into the date of the Liberal Conservative conven- tion at Rocklyn. This was rectified in Ihe balance of the ediiion and will bo found correct in the advertisement this week, viz., Tuesday, Nov. 2. The Shelburno Free Press 8t»om;ly protests against, the notoriety the town has gained throuah the Melancthon fire bugs, and points out that Shelbourne is nine miles from the bug ground. It dramatically holds up its hands and asserts that "There are no honester peo- ple on God's footstool than those of Shtil- burne and its neighborhood," McFarland & Son, those enterprising, pushing, progressive modern merchants, are this season placing before their pat- rons gcMxls in ihe various departments of their largo establiiihment, which, for price and quality, will meet the reipiire- inents of the most exacting purchaser. All their goods are marked at chise cash prices. Mantles, dress gooils, cloiliintr, boots, rubbers and groceries at special prices. M;Farl«nd & Sou, Mai kdale. Mr. Joseph Ferris of Kim barley be- lieves he can beat Mr. Arthur .lohnston's record for raising pigs. He informs The Advance that ho has a Chester white sow which hiul during the psst year, within the limit of twelve months, 58 young pigs. A number of them were frozen in iufancy, and we have not cot the actual number iiiised, but believe it did not come quite up to the uumbor raised by Mr. J'dinston. PERSONALS Miss Gertie Keefer left last week to visit friends at Blo.iufiehl, N. ./. Mrs. iDr.) Reid of Sholburne wa.s the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. Trimble. Mr. Geo. Harris of Parkdale, was in town last week. He reports game fair. Ho was the guest of Mosier Bros. Goo. is a dead S|>ort and iiitmids returning this fall for a little more sport. Mr. C. W. Rutledge of the Markdale Standard gave The Advance a fraternal ci.ll on Thursday la<,t. Rev. Mr. Hope, Congri gationnl minis- ter of Eriu, is having a rather roujih ex- perience of courLship. Miss Florence McNevin of Owen Sound sued bini last spriutf and he settled the to the yiui.g lady's saiisfaction. She, however, appars to h»ve decided to take another round out of him, and at tlio Guelph as- sizes on Monday the rev. gentleman was as.sessed $800 in Florence's favor for breach of promise of nnirriage. The Ltenileman in the case inioht now be correctly lornied a a forlorn Hope. A hitler received on Monday from Mr. N. W. Campbell, written on board 9, s. Vancouver, Oct. 14, s.iys : " Wu have had a rouyh voyage up to last nii;ht, It is now very cold anil I like to stay in- doors. Miss Ridiard^on is with us and we wore glad of hor bright presoncH and pleasant company. She w:»s ono of the few ladies who got quickly over their in il do-m-.T. She is to remain, I believe, for a slio'l limo in Montreal before going homo. I hope til get honi<3 about Mon- day or Tuesd.iy next," The snniversary services in the MothiiiHst church on Sunday last wore l.iriToly attendid. Rev. W. G. Howson of Meaford preached two of ilio niost eloquent sermons heanl hero for some time. Mr. Howson is a powerful speak- er, uses ornate language, is somewhat dramatic, and posse.ssHs innch personal migiiet sni-iii a word is an oiator. His sermons on Sunday were very much en- joyed by the large audiences. The Presbyterian eveiiiii'j service wius, fol- lowing Ihe usual custom, withdrawn. Th.^ fir«t Thanksgiving dim or was celobratrd in this country two hundred and tpvi'iity six years ago, at Plymnuth, MasHai-busetts. The whole .Vmericfln army was presentâ€" it numbered twenty tBen. Miles St^iudish, the backward lover of Priscilhi, silt at the f-jasl, while Pris;illa seivod at the tables The story Will appear in the November issue of The Ladies' Hume Journal. Heru Indiana and whites sat doAii touellior by the tables set in the woods, and enjoyed the roaal turkey, beechnuUs, clam cliowder, fish, salad, cakes,fruit and other deliesclus provided. It was at this historic dinner thai the oysiera were served. The illustraliuus of the articles show portraits of the Pilgrim fathers. Tea Meeting The tea meeting in connection with the anniversary services of the Methodist church, held on Monday evening, was scarjely up to the rocorrl in point of num- bers, and consequently finances. After the usuid tea, served in the basement, the pastor. Rev. J. Mahan, who occupied the chair, delivered a short address. The other .speakers were : Rev.Mr.Plunkett, Eugenia, addressed the audience on "Prejudice and partiality." He was followed by Rer. W. G. Howson, Mea- ford,who delivered an eloquent address on the " Power of hope. " Mr. Howaon's address was the feature of the evening and lasted forty minutes. All present not only thoroughly enjoyed it, but there were none who would not protjt thereby. The speaker has made a warm place for himself in the hearts of Flesherton peo- ple by his eloquence and general merit. He was followed by Rev. Mr. Simpson of Markdale, who took for bis topic, " Other men labor." This address was also full of much food for thought. All of the atldresaes were of a semi-hum ir- ons character and kept the audience in a pleasant inoo<l. Tliey were interspersed with music by the choir. A statement of thechuruli's tinances was read, showing that the debt still remaining on the church for improvements amounted to 8!2o0.10. Our Clubbing L ist For ilie binefi*. of those of our readers who desire to subscribe for several papers we have made the following reduced rates. Most weekly papers send balance of this year free,' so that the sooner nanii.'s are received the greater the value to be secured. Advance and Weekly Globe ?l.o5 Mad l..")5 " Farm and Fireside l.,").! All three above for l.tH) Advance and daily World 3.05 Globe 6.05 News 1 80 Star 1.9B " and MontrealStar 180 JUDiCIAL SALE -Of- J^arm tPrcperii/ In thi) Townsbip of Osprey iu the County of Gmy. Ito Williamsâ€" Couttsâ€"v«, the Turouto Gun- oral TniHtt* Company ot al. I'liiHiiHiit \.o tlio ju(]i;iiiout or onler tna«io lluruiu iliiit ilntuil May l^ltli, A. D. IW7. tliui" will bii holil b» iiiiblioaisctioil with lhuap:'roliA- tioii uf Dtiiioaii MorriHuu. Eiiq.. a Lucibl Mautur at OwuifeSutiiiit, at ^unshaw 'a J^Coiai -r-; THK- Viilage of Flesherton, Co. Qrey -ONâ€" Tuesday, 2iid day November, A. D, 1897 At tho b')ur of two o'Ciock in the a'tu. iicoii, t:io following hiuiiK niid prtinuHOd. vi/. : Lot iiwinbor i;t in tli»j llftli uuiic(!P»iioii nprtli of Uiu Duihain Uoud in tlxt lowtiHliit: of ORpruy, C'JUlaniiny one iiiiniirfil aorort, mora or Iohj, of wliici) about tUty acrus am c]utii-iKl and of tbu reniaindut' twontv-fivoaoiHH aio bush, iiiuntty hardwood. On tUe lot in a hi^ bixiso. Tbo piopeit) IB (iiHtattt'two utiles from Ma.twull and ton niiiutifroin I'loHborton to wiiicii it ie ruadlly ncotiHhibltt by Kood roadB. LM'NDiTIONS -Tho iiropcnty will bo sold Bubjoct to a ro&tit'vo bid ttxud by tho L, cul M.>stor. The Vendor shall not bo bontid to flnitdi any abrttraot,e.\t!opt a Itogistvav'h ahftraut or pio- (inou any dcedtt, douutnonin or niuiiiuiuutu of titlu uxcupt tbosuin her possess ion. The roiuaiiiiMR conditluut< aio tbo staiidlu^ cundittoMH of t.liu Coiiit. TKUMS -Ton por oniit.of the pnruhase uionoy to bu paid to tho Vendor or hui solicitors at the tiinuof tho salo and ttio b:tlaiiuo into Court within ;iOdft\B thoreafter without interwHt, ;)r at tho option of the pnrcliasor ono-i alf of tho piirchaso niouoy sucnrod by niortt^at^o upon the property may bo iiia ta payable in buv( n uqual annual inKtatinontH with inturott at six pur coi.t.por annum npon auionntH unpaid. Kor fuitliitr particnlaiH hpply to MosBrf>. Lucae A Wri^fit. harriHtorB, uwon Sound and I'luMieitou ; or to Mossrs. Kiibourn fi Kilbourn. hari iptoiM, Owou Sonnd ; J, W. Kro»t. barriBtur, Owon Sound. Lucas & Wrlaht, Duncan riorrlson. Vendors So tor, Local .Masioi at Owt'U ^ound nndViuilierton, Owou Sound. Uatcd buptumbev JUtu, A. U. 1H07. F^ai^Mcu. to Ften-t Hundred aero farm Biti'ati^d on the Toronto & rtvdunham road, in th*j towuBhipof .•Vitt.uHOhia, 1^ miles Bonth o.TSt of I'lo^hevton. Oi rl e proniiHos arc a cood hrirU hou«o aid a frau.u barn. For ftp thor particulars apiiH to JOHN WIUGHT, SU., Flushorton. TENDERS WANTED Trnd'^ra will be rooeived b.tbn u"dertfsnnd â-  up to Wo'oliok. noon, on W«vhn»Bdav. Nov. 10, for tlifj ort'cfcion of an ad- ition to Kugonia I public school. The low^nt or any otb-T ton iur not ncoo^sarily <iccnpfod. PIhm-^ and Ri'm-irtc- at'OMfi niav be Been at my '•ofl'donoo, lot 27. con. B. Aitoniowiifc. SAMUliL PliULAlt, Seo.-Tr.a, £ugeuia, Oct. 7, 1807, ::^i^-^^^-^^^fS^-^-^^^^-^^^-^-^^-^^.:^, '^CLAYTON'S, - = Flesherton. {| fv^ Agent for Dominion Money Order Express ,'^ * A Large Stock . . * ... of Footwear jl: 111 Ladies' Moim' and Cbildren's Boots and Shoes, also Uubburs, ?fj Overalioos and Fell Bnols ^\ Custom work and Repairint; attended to promptly at ij'le;jherton furniture u/arerooms Our Jubilee (mIob have stimulated us to keep up the Wj5 rush through the usually <iuiet month of August, and if prices iy§ will make aiiythini; uo, certiiinly our August .sales of Furniture must bo the largest of the year, for we bIibII cut everythins; down to the very lowest notch. In order to intrixluce our new Iron Uedsieads wa have decided to sell the whole of Ki>t consignment cousisting of three ditfereiit grades and designs at just not cost. These special iiiduceiiicnis are for August. J. E. nOORE The People's Home Furnisher and Undertaker All kinds of repalrinK, uphoItterInK and picture framing dune W&NTFT) Old axtibliiilied wholowls houBo " ili'llyl/ wttnls Olio or two UoiioHt and in* iluiitriuuH 'iiiriibentativos. L'sn pay » hui-tler ubuiit .^12 a wouk to Htart with. AuvKKTisKR, Modloal Building, Toron to. BULL CAME ASTRAY Came to tbo preniiSBB of tlio undersiRnod. lot 1* ", lOaat Hack Lino. .\rti liiunia, about Seiit. l.i, oMo two-\uar-(ild bull. Tbo owuor in riiiiueatod to prove proiiorty, pay uxpoUBu8 and take the s&Uio away. I'lUCE TESTER. KloabertoD, Oct, 4, 1897. Slxeep StK'a.yedL Strayed from tho prom iMtf of tho nndersiijn- ud, lut IJ. con. 4, OBprey. one uwo i^hoep and two lanilisâ€" ono owe and ono rain lauib. I'Jw4 lamb hu<l tail unt o0. Tho old uwu ia a wed t)i'>d f.uictstor and had dip olT loit oar In- foiniatum \\t to their whureabonts will bo tha.*kf iilly rocoiveU. \VM. iiUoWNRIUGK, MaxwoU. P.O â- 11 Pi 11 U. HKIT.M.VN, liSg. (jiniviltar..Innc ifW. Di:.v]i SiH,â€" I would l>o doiiKj an injuxMco to vou and tli« pubiiu not to ii:iiko kiK wn tbo bcnotlts 1 locuivoil from youv rtuiody known i.s "LiKlitMiiiK I'ttin Hunter." I kpraintnl uiy â- inklu voiv Uailly. a sbort tiuio altoi it KOt vo y ImJ ft(i«iii' 1 w»9 unnliU) to uul around for iilKiuttbrou months. Kir,..t I tiiod one doctor thc'ii unothui-. mid otbur remodioH to no cud. I was noarlv ijivinu up in dc!.pair wbou you cavo mo tbo lli'iit bottloof â- LiKlituillg I'ain Huutur" to'iyiton its nioiits; to my siispiiBe 1 got iniinodiato relief in about tlireo wooks I buKHii moviiik'ftioiind, ami »lioilly after wont to work. I thank tho- dav I ho:;au using your LiKhtuiilK Palu Hunter tbiit so mn on niy fout iiKaiil. Wo haTO usii.l it for burns, HcaUH, biiiisot:. coughs, BO. oi bloat, sora slinulilors ou till) hornos and outs in winter, yot 1 bavo failnd to bo. iisaiipointod whon applied. lu fact it is our ImuseboU rumedy nml 1 would not bo without it. .*»\oni' wishiiii; to writu ino .liiect 1 will cladlv answer tlioni. WiibiiiiJ yon every aucoo a 1 remain. Yours truly. A.tCOOK. I ovo is oiiBOf tho niiinv biiu.oud tostiinoni" ivls ponrinc iu, tolliuR of tbo ouiftlivo powors of LiijbttiitiK l^sin Huutor. Sbippod toauy address on receipt of prico. [•'or sale in li'losbertmi at Dr. Christoe'a M.'diciil Hall and at Flesherton Station hy-J. B. K^iiiii. genei-al store. 0>iLY26 CKNTS A BOTTLK Monuments, Urns and Vases Tho undersigned has SGciirod the agency for the new Metallic I'laio Glass ILuiuimunt, maniifucturtd in Toronto, one of the linest moiiuineuta ever presented to the public, li is prononnced by experts to be the best moDiiineut in the luniket. The iu- scription, which is patenteil, will last for ages, and will be) as perfect in a hnndix'd years us tlie lirst year. A.i iiiscriptioii in granite or inaibie,wlu;i put ou in gold, silver or piiiiitcd, will hifil only a short time and thcti ba<'e to bo done over again. The old in ed not put ou their spectacles to read 'JUi' iusciiptioii. These uionniuciits are ot bountiful designs, gfai)iu;i;'.ud iu led or grey, and are within the leacli of the poorest. Ati early cull soliciturl wn. HENDER30N ^geiit. lUsideuce opposite the rvis- byteiiau church, I'luslierton. Cook's Cottoo Root Compound Is the ouly safe, reliable monthly racdicine on which ladies can depend id tlie hour and time of nied. Is prepared in two decrees of strength. No. I for ordinary cnseg is by far the best dollar niediciu: known â€" sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. No. 2 for special cases â€" lo degrees stronger â€" sold by druggists. One box. Three Dollars ; two boxes, Five Dollars. No. I, or No. a, mailed on receipt of prict and two 3-ceut stamps. The Cook Company, WlndAor, OuUri<^ Sold in Flosliorton and oveiywlieiv ia Canada by aU ru^pnnsiblu dru^^Li-ita. FlESaEBTOII MWk PA5108 Farm am MUI Site for Sale Ji, jCeffard - - ^Proprietor Hairdrcssins: in the Latest Style Scissors Sharpened aad Razors Honed in first class Style. jf '^ Agent, for Uolstiii's Laundry a:id Pa.koi's Dye Works, Toronto. M;S8 HAB.AH STR.VIX. T.'.u^hi'r on piiiiio, nianofnrte, organ, of. H.'id.) first oIr-s toivi.iii'r^' oertiflnnte iu miisio wi'h lionovs frim Alma CollDgo ; pupil of Prof. St lob 11 Hytt.'urauoh of (lopouhaKon, lionnia'-k Kos-i'donoo opiiosito Motbodist ohucr,b Klethttrton, For Sftlo ?ory ubeap and ou very oasy torma. Timber tarm, l.'iU acroH. two iniloH froui Pb'sh ortou, known as tho Win. HiRBsawmill pio- porty.ftiidoii whieb is ,ui oxuoliuutwutui power foundation of saw ini!l, and pi,ud and water whonl in plnoo and all ro.idv for iiuttiiin mill oil. About l.'i acn.BoloBred, :)fl,icre» Winbor most olT, 'ijaooo well timbured.inirod timbor' Thia farm will OB .sol.l at a barRain If sold at oiico. Smivll payiMout down, balauou on very o-sy toruu, -^.ply to R.J. apBoiiLE, Flesherton. Out Farin for Sale Farm for saloebmip. 91 acres, well wato.od i!> niilos uiiit of this villago, kuowu ae t lu , u wick iai;iu.. Apply to U. Bioh&rdsoD, assiguoa 1 huv.' nvm-iuin." wiitc-s lord iaiihc ab nit " Q ;oon Victoria," Sales unireo) onto'. t.> inaki' flT.) dollars dnily. Big ooinmishion Outftt froB to iiaiivassors. ThiRr "oy.G, ul. BOM Co., Ud., for jutiJ OutJ *•*'"*..-

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