Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Oct 1897, p. 4

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OCTOBER 21 1897 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCK !â- Â»Â«â-  TEE IIIVSSBIP IF KTEHESIi A HISTOID Y BY W. 8. CUKI9TOB Mathew RiclmrHHim, E?q., miccpcded Jloevo CliiiBt'io, but YiAh mitwi'ijuontly de- fKHlml l>y •loliii liolnud, Kni^. 8<>iiiu iiiiHaiipiiilionnioii in rc^fcrtmco tu his i'uiaii<iiiHlii|i to Miu t'iitroii iiiovuiiiciit wiin, It m gii|)|>'<Ke(l, tliK chief caiiKa of bin du- ;<>at. llu WHS not li iiuw hiiml at tliu iiiuiiicipttl niHchine. (juito parly in tliu lowiihliip's liistory.undar W, K. Fleslicr's rt»«veHlii|i, he wns dupuly for two yeaiH. HiH iiieruantiiu luiHinoHS seemed to ah.sor)) hiH Hitiiiitiuii, liuwuvcr, at>d coiiae(|Uuiitly lie did not seok re-t*lectioii until thu tiniu lit wliich reference is now made. Of his iiiiinicipnl hintory nothing of n Htrikio); fliarrnter oceiiired by which liio iiDility 118 a (ireoidin); officer could be tairly testud, and it is only from general ohtervatiiin that any thing hke a currect ?riti iim could bumnde. The cniiceiisus of o)iiniiin uiidi ub'edly asuribea to liini ciiaracterinticH of unsullied honor and iotegtity. Hd is well verMud in iiiipurtant â-  luuslious oi church iiud statu, but whether he can be conHidured a ).'entle- luan of quick percept inn and dynaniict *orce for a model chairniAii nmy De fairly • jUestii'ticd. Being of very reticent, tion- Cuininitlal iand hIhw habit, he often {ni-uieii the bleaiiiig fotlowinj; the proverb, " A word S|iokeii in seaHoii, how tiood it i<i." However, he possesses uiiqile.slion- kbly much laudable ainbitiim, and in a quiet, uiiobtrUHire manner, seeks fur.and nutHiuii,whetlier on busineas or nninicipul lines, the aKcendency. As a speaker ho i« ornate and conviiicnig, and would i;race any luKislative hail to which he loiKhl be elocti-d. At this writing, J8!(7; lie i* iiliu of the newly elected iopreKen:a- ttvestothe County Ooumil. I'uiini; his • •tlicialyear tlioie were $1,100 received from the governnii'iit on account of hand liiiprovenieiit Fund. This fund arise in the following manner : The I'loviiiccof Caiada (Ontario and Quebec) • et apart one iiiillioii acn's of land fur i-oiuinuii school purpo-eH, but out of the prncecds one fourth of thi^, beside* one tiftti III the then unapproprmled Crown Ijand, a fund was formed for public im proveiiieiitH il\ the counties wheni buch iiiiiils were situated,' but nfterwaids thin arrangement was rescinded, so lar i » the crown lands were cinceined, vi/.', (i'h AJnrvh. ISCl, but diV. rs iii'.i.e.s liad b-?on pcitved from thiit day 10 the tiiNl ol July, ItttiT, uiiHliiih of nhicli sums amounted to ifl<)l,771,CcS, and be- came upplicable to the lii'|irnveineut [•â- niiil ; lull the Province of QiilIjoc dis- putes any liability to the tui.d in ruhpuct lociiiwn lands-- upon wl.ivdi aibitiaiion issldl pcniiitlfi. iVlo:in*hi|o.|ille Oiitaii.i < iovei iiiiient coiieeuted to (lisii ibi^te » hat she eoiiHulered her share, vi/..: $.").'{. 704. ArieiniHia's share of this wis ^i,ll)0, ui rreviniisly st ited, but lliis sum may not e tiiiid, lor there is a iimsiion of no- cuiiiuUted in'ereHl. It is not likely, liowever.that until there be an autliorita- t ve decision, by the arbiliators, any lunhcr advance will bo ir.adu. The towubhiii, anion); which tliu one inilliuii n res of 'chool lands were appri'piiaeil, lire the only beneticiailes ol that fi^iid. .iitoiiii-ia having no sclioid bilidrt, die I .14 III! claim. iS.iK'.e 1867, however, as t'ei pul.lic lauds li*ve lieeii suhl, more • â- , lia>, one dollar an acre (I beliuti ) has I'oimiitiited the Lsml Improveliieiit li'iuid, tiom wliicli Ariemi.sia has recci^id hei .-hare li'iiii year to year, but it is now vji-y sill ill inileed. The !?l,10l) iiu iilioii- (! nero 1 k othrr suc'i inoiii ys, clivuiid liiiiOIIK the i>Ukeriil Wards, »l|i( no dolltil V"'d .iimvaleiits ree>ivecl by work done ; I ut at pre^oi t it would pii:'./.le uii I rdinaiy (o point t J iis iirliy. John Ijolailil, Ksq , Slleeeedi-d Air.'li in the l!uevusliip -a iiihii rained in th'i t'iwn!-.liip,iviid an iVLriciiUur 1st of no small mi rit. He lie< iiii.ede|iuty leevo laliini! I'r. Cl.riHtne's Uieveshp, ana n.iiniuby bei.ame aci|iiaiiiit'd will' munio pal at'airs. In his tir<t eiuinair Willi Ueharilsoii.hii was ilefi-alid fdeun tiuie, ti.e i'atioii iiioveiiiiiit of tlio diy liucanie a very s roiij; bcily, iiiid .•d an inlluoii<:e far liuyoliil its own (iiel.^. It may be said, r,s (ar ast'ie writer nude - s'Hiiiis i', that it was an insiiiilion if 1' me moiit, and if judiiiously iiianagid v.iuld have ri'siiUed in benelit to ll.o f niiiiig comuiuniiy. Tlio neipiel shows i- at it riipidly ileelined in cniinjr|Uin('e of Hi i.sii I olitical hucksters using it as best they c uld lo sulisui ve their own inieresi. I *ii» III till' hey (lay of iho 1 s.'inciailnti t list prevented any (Uii! H lio w.'ia not in liimrly Kynipatliy wiih it to succeed in be- ini( ehsv:te.l to any inunieipal ollioe hr.w ever en vi-r he nii(i|it be, ninre iS|.ecially m 'nh nr<. Ci.der tliosi circnuiHtaiic h file pres 'it reev-* w; «• ee tt.-il. I' niiist b«si»te<l, however, iliai his p ipiilarity cwi'Si urabl.i iiide;ieiidi ht id I hose I'i. and without cuiipiilH'in.^lie stands forth well vitli liia piiideciss I'b Heisa [lel'soii of uii>lo:ibt- «d liiip.iriniluy and tiniind ind'.jiiiLiit,biir, like oiner leeves, hiw Komelinies been mit-votid, coiiir.ry to his ,nd (iiient if ri(ilt. He i not an ordor, and iimkcs im I .et 'nsiim III it ; bit in his piu'ence IiIh op, lent h d lett'ir becnrc'nl of hirt f,-\ul/*, aiid have H Clot of mail a^ninsi hi-i iuci- aiv6 wit'tcisnis. The «r tor lias in'ti' ed liotioiihii 1\ H lew l!iii;j,'s tlllllui! Ins ail- miiiisti.iiiiiii, wh'.'h cads for r;i;irol iitioi), Rspecially in mill ici|inl tiiilt.iH, vi7..: a coii';inid maiiiK r, noii j a Usb'i in piavlici , and a di< to reinlev jndi.-o to all, frund t foe .\ftor nil it is avc r. d that be la k«d firnine: s. conuwl at, ;, 1 be ens ill-rod j»n ideal Nidliii g bill roiiiiiie bis'i.i'K, !ia'> beiii on the iH|iis il'i.iii'f liisiitii 11) eareer, oxe 'pt- ji))» the biilJinn of ft new bridge over ihe Ibaver, which is ])ioiiiinnced an excellent Btrucliire. This br.di^e was budt by money to the towngi ip from the co inty, but mi'ne\8 also'utily paid by the la'e payers indirectly. Tiio principle is this, if nieniory serves : This fund arose mit of buildm-i a bridje at Meaford, for which the whole County was liable. Now A le inisia's share was, my 8c<00, towards the bridge. I'.ulthe fathers of the county tliouuht that if they had to be taxed for this hrideo, an eipial siiin to the co.t of Iniildii.g ahiiuld be raised fur the pr h nt use of the inu licipdities. l{y this mode Meafnrd will pay her shuro of the new levy. It siaiids thus : In.sti ad of tax- iiiff the (leople 9300(J only (sav) for Mea- foid bndiro, the hum of gofKK) additional was raised, aim the additional Ji-'IOOO were divided proportionately aninng the town ships; §800 was Arteiin.siii's share, but it IS seen "-.bat the people pay the whole bill. This is indirect taxttion with a veiiL'cance. It is provided for by the county, and ratepayers are coni|)aratively ignnrant of it. Tiie Eii'jenia bridno was tmilt from such moneys. However, this system Was inanj!uriit"d many yeirs nyo. The fiijures may not bo correctly yiven, lint are sutlicient to exhibit the piinciple Tl-.e riiihteouaiKss of the nieihod is ques- tionable. These notes would bo scarcely complete without tnontioiiing our };rt<i<ent clerk, \y. J. Bellamy, I'Jsq,, who became clerk on the 5th day of April, 1880, succeediiiL' J. W. Henderson, Ksq. The council was very furtunsro in the selection'. Never offensive, Mr. nellamy is always really lo give to eveiy one any infonna- tinn ill his pi.ssesaion touchinc the atfairs of the township. His duties are per- fi'nind without fufs or fury. He pons- esses un(|eHtionalilo ability, and is truat- woitliy without comment. It would lie out of my scope to write to any cxtent,;regaidiiig Deputy Reeves. A brief notice will liavo to sulKce. Alex- ander Ii win, Esq., wa.s first, in 18.57, and served for 3 years ill succession He is long since dece.-is-'d. He was a tine speciman of an Irish genilman. tall, com- iiianillng, and alwayscoinmnnded rerjajct He was lather to Heiir\ Irwin. Esq., und brother, of Ward '_'. then followed Mr. McDonald, in 1800, serving for .3 years. For some cause 18bl had no deiuity reeve. In 1804 Pr Mahaffv served for a part of the year, and .1. H. Yeonians the Ixilance. Mr. VeomaiiS lived in Price- ville, and if nieniory servos ine he was a merchant. 1805 Hiids .1 H. Yeouia-is DipHly for a pal t of a year and .1 iines Love for the balanf^e. In 18(i(! James I.ovu «-as IX'putv. followed in 18(!7 and 1868 by Thorp Wriyht, who also served ill 1881. Ill 18(i!) Robert Trimble was Deputy. He ran for reeve afterwards lint was defeated by W. K FleBlier, Ksi-. In 1870 Peter Cami.bell ehi-tod Deputy He was a wmil raider, and I pen'ed t le Flesherca d iiRiiiill bi.tli be- fore and after it came into Fle.slier's bands. He made himself rjuite proiniiient as a citizen. He was a rou'jh, rash m in, and met his death traKicdly. He was f itlier of a Inriie fsmily of children, but obverse in pbar.\cter in every particular. In 1871 Dr (Jlieiit was Deputy, and was O le of the chief pannes that kept Ihe Rail Howl out of Klesheit -n. Then in 187'-' and 1873 Matilinw Riiha'd-on iKiiniiie Deputy. Afterwards Aicliy Elliot, Ew|., f.r seven years, viz.: 1874 lo 1879 and l,SS:t. ?!aiiim'l Pedlar was elected in 1884 and ISiKI. Kiigi'iiia ward never elected a belter councillor. Epoiniiiy was his c iii-itant wnleh wmil. snd he «a< iie\er backward to hold his firl His confrere* • â- ft. 11 lliii'glii ho was too much so. I'lit it hints no courcil to h'lvo such men in its midst. However, he had the gi.oil senile, whenever n matter was decided whellier fur or au'a' hiiii. to bo 'abvays I'ri.iidly. In 18S2 .'Mex. \Vebi.ti-r,F;'i| , a mei'ihaiit of Priciviile and nii able man, DepUtl im't fimUi Jos. IShdvely, K q , as De|iuty- a youiitf n;a:i raied in the t-'Wiiship, poysntii 'd of excellcn' inil^'iiiun', and who niw rofides a shmt ilisialico ou'sido of the vilht„'e. John Mi;.'\rthur of Priciv 1'" boia'iie Deputy and lerved in 1880, 1887 Slid 1S83. He is now 'a nierchriiit at Prieevilln. Ho made an excellent pouniillor, las since ailed as auditor of tlio townsliiii and is an excellent, pensnian llu failed li afaiii to llio Roovoship, piiiieipallv be- caiiso tlio people Were not siilH 'iently ac- ipiainted wil 1 him. Thn low-nship now comineiici'd 'ti 18t;;7, to eh ct twodcpiitiea, whoii John Po'anil appesrs as the sici nd miin.aiid al-tiiii l.'*88.-ni). In ISSI) the tiiv.nsbi]i relapsed and H Cairns was the oidvdepnty â€" a young niaii of nnimpeaeh ablecbaraiter, iiiiil who, had he contin- mil in municipal iioHiios ini>;lit have nride hismaik. In 18!) I William Sharp and (JcoVLie Thoiiipson were elected, biilli of v.'hnni are Ar'eiiiisia bnyi', and Imlh »re invni.'rHof farms. Holh lniv« bo'UP exr-el- leiii cliarr.eurs from boyhood. lint they d,!!'er in nmniripil siainioa. TI;h th'.<t named is mme disi-r niinating atul detor- niiiiid, and whatever ho essayed to do, whether in C.'iini'il or out of it, he wi'ii'd do it feaile.-sly ; while tlio latt. r, showing a good dial ol good natiirn and good in- lei.tioii, n alilideil ofttiiins with vacclla- tiiiii, d luliiiii'-' the ri'.dit course to pur-iue. I). lib are excellent c't'zens The yiurs 1S!)2, 18!'4 1 nd liiUO tind Tins. Kelti as ih'pn'tv ;18'.;i''i "1 D. AlcM lian ; m Itiild S. Dnnuide was ill-) ciiuico with Mr. I'ediar ; in 18'.'.) (i. Tlrimpson and James Host w< re el vt. d. Tins iiiiisiiis the roll as far ft» T | vv.-a ntativts lo the IJounty Council aiu CI. noini.d. Mr. JMe.Midaii, a couiieillor, the v.ritcr kiiuwa liiilo Rlioiit. Judging iioiii Ilia tiino ut turvicu ho must have .^A'tl satiofatt'on to hi.s ciu t'tiienls. iiu. Damudj i<i w II kn iwn to the ti wn.vhip. 11" was an oaily asiii- anl t'l ni ii'icip'd hiliois, but laded o: Kiie;;i sa i.nui lii'JJ. D<J w^» very Hiroiig ill his rtseii' nil Ills, nut ponMSfSid lair buaiiii.b8 aidoty. tie lelt- tiie towosliip for a lucrative position lo the city of To- roiilo. James Btst, aoolber Artemisia hoy aud the last lo b« named, has made ptinnom- enal s. tides towards wealth, aud rather iin- expeoteuly suooeede.l in his electi -n to th« (Jouiicil. His re elcoiion snows him lo have nunr friends. Ot h.sabJity as a uoiiocilor opinions are divided. A* to tho part oiil ir sotlODS ol liie presi^nt Coanoil, it m out. of iny pruviiioe to menti m, any luriner I a â-  to Buy ttnit tne oonourrout opinion is that a lew lessons on eoonotuics would most like y improve meir popuiari y. Tiieiuorsl ttspeot of the t&wnihip, of-el- tbe many .avpros that foll.wa I the wjk" of the gravtl roads were shut up, was fairly goi d. Ti.e ndssionary followed the s ttier irom a vsry rarly period. Tiie first,, I he- lievt, wa4 lleT. Hid of tbo Mavno.iist otiuroii, w:io died the past summer. Au i from Ins e.ilntnos Aneuiiiiia bss nrv r been without a piislor. U,hprs cooa f.jbowe 1. Tboee of ihe New Couudxion denominai.on arsis'. ed in supply, Ki!V, Mr. Baskerville being one, witli his predceesnorB. la the e^rly uays most all 01 the obildren stttsnled Mnthodirt Sahbaih I'chools, and ti loem belongs the praise of being the pione'Tj. Boou, how. Ttr, the I'reBbyieriana hsd a share iu lb* work, coiumenoing, if correct, at rriCbViUe. Ti.c Daptists a.>o did some early work ; so ihat tiie morals of the town- <Mp were well looked aiier. Ttie te.uiier- anco qiieatlon w,ib parly ddvocatsil, "aad made a Us'.in^ iu.yr«ssiou. -i .'. . •. . •. To autn up, it may be statsj tbkt, f om the beginning, Arieiineiu has liu.u â- ,,, me. n poiiilioii :o the couii'.y. lu tier represmiia. tive nirn khe has stood hiun ; iu hei general improTuinent* s!i« has ktpt paue with h< r neighbors ; in tier tinances she may well he proid. The towDKnip, thr-Qgh her excel- lent oclleotors, baa learned lu be puociual. Pew towDahtpB of her age nan boast of better schooi nouses or a t>eit<-r choice of tAachera. Her 11. h .hilaus are praciiually a uni) eiaiice people ; ilit-y are a church goi.ig people to a praiaeworlhy degree. She has no puhlic daiKS. It is true bpr physical f«a'ur«B are nit 1-0 .orely in plaees as some otiers ; yel her sous sru atanfy aud p4ace- lul. And if compariButi tw drawu ti.r 3U years, the changaa aed ooni orts of the peopie liHVa inureasinl imiiioiis«ly. Vtry many of the log housfsand b^iriia hare given place to more suhstantial bniluiuL'S ; the ox Bird i.nd luiiibi r wa^'on have hi-en sunplp- muui.«rd n^ horses, h>i|fgie3, democrats and hicyclsa ; :he md cradle has viveu pUre to binders aud re»)>«ra au liiiitum ; the hiind aowiiii; IS Bupplanled hy tne drill. Time Would fail to i-atimate Ihe vaiaaoi all these. Thn mode oi farming is ueing rapidly im- proved. The giaiuitotis iiiloriuatiou im- parted from i le 10 tune by ihe goven - uKMii sh u d uiuke Ait(;misia • township to be p dim red. Much more might Lava been written of oicuiiiKtaiices aud iinlividnals hul the pre."- eiit iiil.anitaot is f«n.tliar with the lat r history. The writer has endeavored to be fair aud onrrpct lu Ins statements, hu' ad luits at the same time ll.a pissibili:y of errors. "Oh wad snnio power the giflie gie as To tea ouri-f U as others see u> ! Il would lra«< nioiiy an rrror free us And foolish nuiiun." With thanks lo Tne Advance for his (jreat paiiauop, I now tiuish mv nnlpr. W.'s. CIlUlSTO'i:. Fort Law From our 01111 Corrpc; kkk/ 11 f. Mr. Ben, Hargravc is al preR*nt snfTpr- iiig Irnm a severe iittnok ot inlUmmatoy rheuiustium, but, as he ii uudor the care of Dr. t-'ouit wa h >]ie soou tu hear of his speedy i«c iveiy. \V,- are Tory serry to note the Very »er- ioi.s aicidtut whicn hsppoiied to Mis. Mc- 1 auhnie, ir., of the 4ih cm. While hbc soil hirhutbitnl wore iliiviug throUrdil an open ou Tuesday, Out. ,'2th, the w;nd eaiight the gate and hrougt.t it forward in contact witn t'lehlui wheel, causing the rii; to Ujiset, and thorwiug Ms. .MvK.»eIii ia Vine tly to the ground, disloeatiug the hip joint aud Causing a fruciur'* of the g i-no. 8r\e is uudor the earn of Prt. Carter ot FJeshenon i-nd McWdiianis o( Duinialk. Wh tiar the t 10 result insy prova f^iai, as she lii'pears to be sufT ring pxtrems puin anile .y rtco .lly ri oovcroii fr.nn a snvore aitack (d Orari trouble. Sue is Ubarly 70 years of a^e. lioMi- A' Port L\*-, ou Oov, Oth, the wito of Ja< Maxwell, a to^i. Died Dkri^kha- At tlio rosiUtnce of hor 00u.4ln.M1-. Ltitllilu ti. of l>Mi>rov. 'I Suiidtv. Oit. I7lli, Mit'tt Jdiiny 1 eruslm ol Vrtome.-* »1 1 hor'JI'.t ycui. l- look j.laro Tuo.ijuy ab S Alt, /Ion touiutrv' AUCTION SALE -OF- d _t\-_ The Township of Qlenelg: Inilor and t).v virtue of power of sale In a curtliiii inoi'tuaiju from lti./liaril Haley to ttie \ii.diiiH, widoh wilt Iiu prodiioeil at time of KHie, anil on default bunig .iiadti in |iaymunb of III, iiioney Ihereby seciirud, tllore will be olTor* ml fnr»ule by pub lo auotiou, by R. N. Hondur- lou, uuutioneui- at 9^arsA's JCoiol -IN Till'; - Villase ot Murkdale -ON- Tuesdiy, 2Gth day of OctobDr, 1897 At Bo clock p. 111. tbo toUowlng property nunieW : l.ui iniinhnr 1\ in tno7!b conoossion of tbo 'rowinhip of liloie'K eonlainleK 104 iieren, inoro or Pjsb, <.f wliicli ab^at 70 aioos aio iiiUi to bo cloa.Kil. ill the pieniisrB lo'.i raid to 1.0 a -ivooiloii hont.o, hvybviti iiirl fttablo sod il'.u )iroiioity is 'itiii.tid in a. toed fainiiiiK iliMoil. I, coiiv,;itloiit to cluiroh, si'hool and InarUvt. ___-___^__ Ten ver ''net., at time of salo. and for tbo balaiiniiirrins nlllbu liberal, aud wlli bu niiidii knov n fit tini ei m' hi. Povfuithor .artliHihoB apidy to Mossva. Bi-LLAiiii ot HIINDHR.'^ON, Klnshrtrt.on, or to B.\KVVictC ALY.iSWORTM * FRANKS, \'iiutt»i» .-loll iiors, ToiODt'i. Dfltf d.sOth day of Bsiit., 18»7, M. Richardson & Co. Sensible people realize that thi.s hne fall '* eather can-: not last much longer, and are preparing for the cold damp days. Thi y know that comfort and health cannot be asssociated with cold or wet feec and buy their wet weather boots now. Why not follow a good example and buy yours too ? Some Tempting prices for Reliable Goods .... Mens' Long Front split Stowas, $1.75.1 dS3.0Q Mena' Long Front U hole Sioga.s, 2.60 Mens' Long Front (Jrain Driving, 3.50 Boys' Long Front So'dt Siogaa, ir,r, Woniaiis' Union Bal-., No. 1 1.10 Woiiicim" Pebble IJals, 1.25 Woniena' (ilove Grain I.b5 Mi.ssoi' Union Bals, peg sole, P5 Miisea' Pebble IJals, peo sole 1.10 Mirtsas' (Jl.ive (jraiii Bals.Hivtta l.Ct) Ciiilds' Union Has, peg solo, 83 (JhiUU' Pebble B.»l8, pe... sole, 75 Infants' C.-icks Tail or fJlack, - ;!5 Infanti' .Vloc â- assm'i, all colore 1.'.5 Wouiens' Toilet Slippers 'Zti Woinciis' all Felt Slippers - £5 Woiiiens' C.irpet Slippers, turn, 76 Sood for Coid J^eet .Nfen.s' 4 buckle Split Felt B.»oU 2.50 Mens' 4 buckle (Jniin Felt Boots, 2.75 Men^ Half Foxed Split Felt Hoofs, 2.1?5 Wonien-.' Felt Fo.^ed Buskins, 110 Woiiieiis'All Felt Fi.xed Buskins 1.00 W-meiis' Peblde Felt Foxed Bals, 135 Woniciis' Pohble Felt Foxed Congress, t.. 1.(15 = Special Import = uncoiored Sapan TJeas In March last we placed two large orders for Tea to be packed specially for ourselves on the gardens m Japan, in 2o and 30 lbs. caddies. Since that time Teas have ad- vanced 3c a lb. and we can therefore offer our customer^ exceptional valiie.s. We are so fully convinced of the ex'ra quality of these Teas that we guarantee every pound of themâ€" you run no risk in buying a whole caddy â€" if it doesn't stand compari- son with others or is not to your taste, bring it back. Hu'tei-fly,20 lbs. Cads, worth 30c lb., .. . _. f5.00 .Jubilee, No. 1, ."to lbs. Cads, Worth 25e lb., '. li.SO .lubdee. No. 2, 30 lbs. Cads, worth 30e lb., . . 7.6O Uhin^s u/e*re Oeiiing Cuerj/ 2)aj/ : 30 ll>». Pure Yellow Cane Su({»r 81 .00 1 packages Corn Starch 25 Sliiedded White Wheat Biscuits 15 Mens' Laundried Shirts, fancy stripe.s 75 .Mens' Uirjlauiidried Shirts, fancy stripes 50 Mens' Meaiiy Top SliirtH. all C'dors 50 Mens' Black Sateen Shirts, 50c to l.QO .Ml n»' Heavy Cotton Underwear, the Suit f)5 .Mens' liotwy .Ml Wo<d Underwear iu grey and color8,the suit 1.00 lioyH Tweed Caps, all siz '8 10 Mens' Tweed Cans, all sizes 25 Flaniieletti-s, wide cloth, fast Colors, s.dected pat'erns. 4^ â-  - - - - - - On the Ground Floor We arc right away down willi prices. A look through the f dlowing lists' will convince you. New Brnnea extra value,at % 50 New I'.iitchers Knives, Ivodgera. . . 2.5 tleel Surportcrs pair only 10 New r.ikzors, Kliiots beat at 1.00 I New Readiii;; (ilassea . . NEW TINWARE Boot and v'^lioo pro'ectoM, caixl. Tlio Handy Microscope Match lees Xletal Polish ... 10 ... 33 5 ..35, 55 n ii<y Te,% Kettle 15 Cake Tumors, wooden handle. â€" 10 1 (ial. Feed Pans 20 Covered Kneading Pans, only .. . 4i> White (iianite Wash lUsiiis 25 Copper Bot^<lnl Teapois, only 35 yi|uare Pie Till?, each 5, 8 Rd. Story Cake Tins, bottoms sett Sq. Story Cake Tins, false bottoms sett GranitH Tea Pots, each 45, 50, 65, Wire Tiasters or Broileis Cov'd Self Ba.sting Roast Pans, 75c 25 .'lO 75 15 85 DO YOU KNOW ? That we can supply you with everything in the Sfove f'ipe line, and save you money on it. We keep Damper, Pipes, Tec Pipes, Taper Pipes and Round Elbows, Parti- tion and Chimney Thimbles, all sizes. Barclay's and Standard Stove Pipes. OUR STOVES , . Are IIANDKOMK COCKEES, (IDOD B.'\KE,US, and f-PLENDID IIE.VTKUS. Tlipy consist of Ml )F'FAT'b I'E.MtL, MccLAUyiS FAAN OUS and bTEWAUT.^ GOOD CHEER. See thein. A HANDSOME LOT of new Lamps, jnst opened, also a lot of nioo Glassware, Ornekery, and VViiulo'wsiiades to lianil >- \ K m I M. Richardson & Co,

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