THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE SEPTEMBER 30 1S97 i I Vicinity Chips C laracterlstSrs «f tlic Past Week t'sircfully Ciilled for the OuriMMs » Itminciss iwtices tiiMng Uxid* tcxll h^ t cliirqtiit at fke raU of ttm cuts t j/«T Hiie fur eack intertion. A t rtiiHrtitm rrill be made vn cwt- t tritits fur IW lines or over. breakage nf th» crank sb»f t. Mr. Ulen- diiiiilu^ i« bu<lly Imiitliofipptid and will be prevuhted from aciive <|ui)l driving f.>r S'liiie liiiie, but we trust Jiia recovery will be specdjr. And the leaves twuin to turn. Dr. T. Heiiiierstm, dent st, will be in Fle.slitrton ou VVcdueatliiy, Oct 0. ariiVvd at R. PedUr's, any <|Uan- tit}' of Erin tiiiui-. JSirictly first c'm-h. ifycju Wiuit ifi'^d Hour Ouy the Erin rtour. It ii> il;e teat I kuiw. Sold by fi. Fcdliir, !• leslicrtoh. Goud lije to leiid«r {:aideii truck. A liuavy f 1 uczu uii Muiidaj iiight set. led it nil. An<J!U4 B.'li, the veteran clerk of KiittrtUdKu^ii, ditd at Singhaiiipton on iSuiiilay wet'k. McFailaiid <Si Sum, Markdale, want 1000 j>a:i-H tiiitiit ai,d mix fur the Kl'in- i'.ike. .Must be heavy. Urimil Millinery (.•[â- enintf at Mrs. Tiiiiiblc s M'liiiicry Rmmis next Thurs- Ony ai.d Fiid.iy, (let. 7 and 8. Ladies <U'e coiUi.tHv invited Billj have been issued t!ii« week forth« Ospri'y fall fair to be held at Fevenslmui ou Friday, Oct. 8. With good weather t is will without d-'Ubt be uiiu uf the most succeiuful Cairi uf tbeseasou. We hive a la^gesuin uf uciney to make U'j during the i.ext two or three weeks. (4 .d wuuld kindly auk tlxuse indebted to t'lis (fli.-e, eitlter for subscriptions ur other wurk, t<i settle at once. Mrs. W. J. Diiujjl** of Collin;{wouil is the (;ue»t of her parents, Mr. and Mis. A. S, Vaiiduseii. Mr. and Mrs. Dougliis drore over on Sunday, the former ret urniuit Monday luoruing. Keinetnber the aucti"n s»lo of house- hold furniture in Spn.ule'.s block on Sat- urdiy next at 2 p.m. One deniotnit wa;{on with to|i and â- no road cait will be offered at tbesarae time and plac«. A ewe bulcHiKiujc lo Mr. John Boecroft of Eujuaia luw a lamb with Hvo fullyUo- velop«d legs, and it wiilks ou the wh"le Jive. Mr Saiiiuol I'edUr of the same place liMs a ewe nliioli Kave Liith ti a Innib with only three le^w. A clKiiuo f .r ?1C,(XW avrived ou Satur- day fniu England in f.ivor of Oeo. B. Holmes, y.S , "if thi< place, being his pr.tMirtiou of his dcCJased t'atlior's estate which »v:ts distributed after the d.-afh of his Ktcp-iuotber, »hodi>d a few luoatlis HgO. â€" Markdi'.le Standard. Moiu'ay ov«iiiui( »as social evening at llcE. L.ofC. E. The entertainment took the form of a fad social. Soino 35 fadswci-o icprvsented. There was slso tnusice and sinking ami a thoroughly g(MKl tan; was enjoyed by those presniil. Gltnelit ci uncil noliliesownersof steam thrtshe's by adverlis. iiieiil tiait it will not le le-potitilile for any accment while Htt-ani engines ar« pt'^ins? over briilgen within t!:at municipality, as the aiiid liridueH were not budt to accouiiuoja'e such heavy tiatfic. Piotdii fall fa'r, h<;ld at Dundalk on Thursd«y and Fridiiy last, was a most •{T'ltifyiig s-ucceisi, althouyh the general Ciiuiuluint of all fall fans this year â€" sparsity (if iiisidw exhibits â€" hoW» j»o"<l '" this case a« well as with others. But iha artendiiiice.' It is sale to sav the society never enjoyed as lariiO. It was a heauii- fuUy warm, tiuuny day on Friday, aud httis and lai>iOH ualore turned O'lt to have a holiday after the harvest was over. The direcinrs must h/ivc lievn much •jratilied at tile result, aII tliini'S biintj considered, of having their exhibitiun consderably eurUt-r iu the season lliaa usual. The cjcliil it of cattle, sheep and pi){s was large, but in thec:isu of the former some exceedii gly poor sprciiiiens were showa. Horse flesh was yiM d, but the speeding in which there were only two entries for each event, was not at all thrillioi!. A large nuuiber from Flesherton and vicin- iiy weru preseut. The annuil eoiiipetition uf the 31st Battalion Rifle .-Vs-sociatiun was coiuplet- etl Ht Meaford range on Sept. 17. The first match ill the competition was held at Flr«h rion on .Inly 22, and it was in- teudeil that the matches in Owen Sound and Mtaford should take place immedi- ately after if, but the Wft weather in the larit-rpiirt of July iTevenfed the carryin<£ out of the arraiiuenient, and as the har- vest had begun h«fore the close of the wet season the result Vaa b<>eii that the ompetitiou has extended over a i>ericxi of neaily two months. In the team competitii'U No.^ Co. su.x-eeoed in tak- ing the first prire with a score of 277 poiuis, Ko. 1 C« beini; sectuid, with a score of 242 i-oint*, and No. « (Flesher" Ion) third with a score of 224 No. 6 Co. took the prize awarded to the com- pany liaviii;; the laruest number of com- petitois. â€" O. S. Advertiser. PER4PNALS Mr. Haitley Younaof Thoinbury spent Sunday witii friends in tiwn. Mr. A. McDviU'^all lias severed his con nection With The .\dvan<^'. Archie has been with us the better part of two years, and a more faithful baud or artis- tic worker in type we have never had May he prosper wherever his lot may be cast. Dr. Cart Wii'jht and wife of Jackson, Mich., were visiting thoforuior's lonther, Mrs. Wui. Wright, duriini the pant week. Dr. '.S'rigiit is about to remove from Jackson to H 'Ustoii, Texas. Mi-sus Maud and Sdith Richardson rcturutd home ou Mi^nday eveniii';, the former fioiu an extended tour throu;ib the I'n'teJ Spates in company with her cou.siii, MiS. Rowland, of Uoinbay, India, and the latter from a visit to friends in t hillia, Toronto and elsewhere. Miss Pearl .\ll.u of .\ith'jr is the guest of Rev. A. Thorn's household. Miss Allie Griftiihs iind Miss Floyd of Owen Sound spent Sunday with the fiiudy of Mr. A. Muiithaw. Mr. auil Mis. W. P. Crossley sjieiit Sunday with friends in Maxwell. A Grand Fowl Supper McFai land & Son, Markdale, are soil- in;; 48 f< et clothes lines o cents, regular price 10 cents ; 40 inch ctwtunic cloth in biruwiis, bluts, greys and graiiets. 14 Cents, ivguhir prices 25 cents ; 4 hem stitched ladies" handkerchiefs, worth 30 cen's, for 12i cents ; men's flesh-colored .shirts and diawers £0 coots nach. Mc- Karland 4 S'Ui have the Urxest stock at closest pri.'cs. Call on them when in MarkJalo. Mr H. E. Gleudiitning of the Dundalk Herald mot with a severe accident on Wednesday aflernoou of last week by falling from bis bicycle about a mile and abalf south of Fle-.herton. while on his way to Markdale. Through .some mis- chance ha was [.itched on his head and riiiht shoulder, breiikii's; the collar bone. He was driven to this villa'.»e by a travel- ler, and afi or receiving |Dr. Cixiter's at- tentions, aud icsting for half an hour iu Ttie Advance sanctum, returned home by the 6 o'clock train. B • Uleudim i g A fowl »up|>er will be given' in the Methodist church, Ma.vwell, Wednesday, Oct. l.'Jtli. The veiy best of gud things will be provided. A splendid litemry proiiiam may he vxpeded from home and foreig I taleut. A fiist class choir will add 1 1 the interest of the oooasion. T,-»bles .set at 5.30, cha;r taken at 8 p. m. Admi-sion 25 cents, ch Idren hilf priie. .\ welcome to a'l. to lie down in a natural (losiiinn for aooie days, while it appeared tu be iu distress. The justices miglit have made the tine $50, together with a term of iinprison- <iieni, but they trust the Hvedcllars and costs, anioiinting in all tu $24 45, will de- ter others from comuiitiug a like offence, a'.:d bring the fact home that nur laws ! liTotect the dumb brute iis well as luan. Died in China The sad news wa.s received here on Monday evening of the death iii far away Shaiiuhai of Miss Mary Pearsnn of the China Inland Mission, which event took place on August 21st iiist. Miss Pearson went out to China si.x yeiirs ago this month and entered enthusiastically upon her work as a missintiHry, which she was able to continue until about â- year aud a half ago, when malarial fever laid her low, ami r|ie dreaded cunsuiiiption fol- lowing sapped her sireimth. It is a ^reac comfort to the family hire to know that kind liands waited upon her in her last illness, and that she was surrounded by friendd who did everything possible for her cnmfoil; in the last hours. Miss L. A. Bathy. lute of M<-«f..rd, (if the Mis- sion, wait her nurse, and it was she who notified the family here in tender words of the death of their loved one, whose end was one of more than ordinary joy and conscious peace. The deceased lady was 39 years of age. T. Hill & Co Noticti 18 huruby }:iven, tUat a court will bfl bttld.pur«uaut tu tbu Outaj-iu Vuttir^' Lt»t Act. lr«*J. bv hi8 Uouor tbu Ju<lt;t) of the Coantv I'ourt uf th« Cuuiityof Gruy, at tbo Towu Uall, Flosbertuti. uo Tuesday, October 5th, A. D. 1897 at nine o'clock a.m.. to hear aud tlet«ruiiuu tUu Httvoral cmipiaiutti of error* nod oiui»t<iuiih ill tbti vot«rB' list of tiia Muuici(>aiity u. Artvuiesia (ur IHU7. All puTiiou!) haviuu buniiittsa at theCourc aru re<iuirud to attuutl at tbf t»ai-l time aud plao«. UaMtl at h' Itrsburtoii IHch ^lay oi Stjiic. l»Ji- W. J liKLLAMY. Cloik. f OR sjslLiE: Aquatiity of sbinglua fi»r talu at my mill, lot %. cou. H, ArtetUfdia. Also ^bitlglelt c Uw ou »hare>-, wouM tuuibaiiKt* a spau of bor6oe> for alituule tiUibtir. J. HICKLING. Uaxvell P. O. Sheep A.stra.y Came t • the prtinisfi* of tbw miml<?rHiKnod lot -a Htb con., .\i-UMtjt)Hia. about Supt. lu, ton ahetip luclu^iin^ au at(ml raiu. Tho owner i» rnqueRtud to piovo proi>turty. payuxpensoH autl take tbe aamu away. U£0. UdWLBS, VautJolwur, F. (>- SHEEP CAME ASTRAY Caujo to tlie pmuises of tba iin(lerKii;i>e<t. lot 'JU. coil. S. Arloi(ii"<ia. Sejic. 10, tit. two sliuup ainf 3 lani<>H. Tbuuwnvria re(|uu«U)d to *trovu propui-sy, uay expuuscs aiol taku the auiu away. JOH.N KOUIN JON. E U).'uui>, Sv(it. 2d. Vt. Monuments, Urns and Vases Down V. Breadner A decision was iciveii in this on iSaiurdiiy cvcninj- by Justices VauDuien and Richitdson, when the defen l.inl was s.^iitfncc<l lo pay a tine of $5 and 819.45 'Sts. We referretl shortly to th's esse la.*t week. Wm. Breadner, (in elderly f;iiiier(f Rucklyn, was charijed by Mr. H Down of .\rte.iiie.sia, with havii g been ui.uecessaiily cruel to a steor he whs driv- itij< Tlie animal wa.H so u«eil up ihat it was under troaunent for two weeks. It had been belabored to make it ko, and when tliat faiKd a rojX) was attached to its lioini and it wa* lio.l to the hind md of a wH.;"ii. It Viroko the rope, or rather the lioiS'.'s 1 roke it, when a loL'gina chain was utilized and the auinial was diagg d some distance aloiiK the road un iti kiie-« and belly, ie«ulting in a badly used up animal. Its kne"B were woin to the b<jiie, IU head cui around the h«ri».», great Wvli* Tlie utideisi!>iicd litis sectired tlie ageucy for the new Metalhc Plate Glass .Motitiincut, iiiniiufacliiietl in Toionlo, one of tlie titiest inoiiuinetjls ever presoutcd to tho public. It is prouoiinced by ex[)ei-ts to Oe the best moiiiinieiit in the market;. The in sciiplion, wliicli is patented, will last for aaes, and wiil be 83 perfect iu a linndrpd years as the tiist yeai*. .\ii iijsuripiioii iu 1,'iaiiiie or iuiii'ble,wiien put ou iti !<old, silver or painted, will luBt, only a sliori liiiif and tlieu luive to be done over again. Tiie old need not put on their spectacles '.oread our iiisctiptiuii. Tlitse uioniiineiits are of b.2autiful designs, grauiliized in led or grey, aud are within the i-eacli of the poorest. An early call solicited Wn. HENDERSON ^gent. Kusideuce opposite llie Trcs- bvteiian church, Fleslieitoii. New Planing Mill FLESHERTON GREAT BARGAINS AGAIN We have decided to stay on a week or two longer to give the public the benefit of our great bargains. We know we can give better value than any other store in the country. Merchants must have a profit on their gootis to live on, but we want to sell as much as passible before we go in order to have less packing. Just look carefully over the few lines below. Ladieti' all wool Vesta, 25c, 30c, 60c and 80c. Pieces beauitful goods, (jiiighains, especially for aprons, blue and rod check, 8^ yd. Towe a 7c, lie, 20c and 25o a pair, all linen. Ladies' Uloograin and Oil Tan shoes worth 91.25 a pair, now 95c U:d Ladies' Dungola Kid Guitera worth 91.50 a pair, now $1.25 Spoola two for ac. Groceries awaydo<»n. \'iiuc»r, Wliita Wine and Cider, 27c a Biill"tl. Japan Tea worth 3.5c a lb, now 25c or .5 lbs. for $1.00. Black and Japan Tea iu packages, 25c a lb. .\ud other lines too nunieruua to luentioi, thia week. Call and see wtjat we are doing-. All kinds of Produce taken. ^. J{.['h'h «f 66' FLLL ASSORT.ME.M OF SUMHER FOOTWEAR In Ladies', Gent's anil Children's wear. Custom work and repairing promptly attended to at i .Agunt for the Dominion Money Order Express. CLAYTON'5 5 ^^mmEmmmmwMmm J^le<^herton J^urniture u/arerooms Having jiiRt placed in |>osi,.ioiia new planina oiaoliiiKj 1 am now prroiwoil to mivioy Kooi ttooriii^ a(i(i sidiiiR ikt lowo-t luarkut pricos. .\ full sCiHik of chiuttlua, baiu!ock luiubor, «tc. eonsCautly oa hand. W. S. UlSriOP KimberleT, Aug. IS, 1807- . ^, '& Ihiukath. acciUcut waM «u.ed h, ih/ *»u raia^J uu iU .iUisaud it *aa unaUj Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is the only safe, reliabl« 'monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in the hour and time of need. Is pre pared in two degre«8 of strength. No. f for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar mediciue known â€"sold by druggists, one Pollarper box. No. 2 for special casesâ€" lo degrees •trongerâ€" sold by druggists. One box, Three Dollars ; two boxes, Five Dollars. No. 1, or No. », tnailed on rec«ipt of piic* and two 3-cent stamps. TIM COSH company. Jim â- ... • â- s?§ Our Juhilec sales have stimulated us to keep up the »'*<£> rush thr(_>ngh the usurtlly quiet month of August, and if prices ^^"^^ will make nnythinu i;o, certjuiily our .\iigust sales of Fumiture bo the lai^gest of the year, for we chall cut everythini; down to the very lowest tntch. In onler to intriMliice our new ln>ii Hedsliyuls we have decided to sell the whole of first consigniiiuiit; of threi' different j{rad»s and ilfsigns at just net cost. These special induoemcn's are for .\uj{ust. J. E. nOORE The People's Home Furnisher and Undertaker All kinds of repalrlnn. upholnterlns and picture framing dune Suld in Flesherti'n aud eterywhor* ia Catia0.t 1'^ sU rt) puuaiblo dru)p;iats. Farm and Mill Site for Sale; For f««7o »«ry cheap and on very <!asv ternn. Tiniljer f ami, 1.tO Acre**, two milca froi« Flesh ortoo. known a« the Wm. Hokk sawmill pro iiort». and on which i* an oxcellint wator powor. Uniadation of saw mill, dam and pond and water wliuul in |i!ace am) all ready tbr pul.tii g uiill on. Al)out 15 acres clunr«l.*acrustinibor, moat off. "JalanL'o well tinilwreU. mixed tiiiiliur. Thia farin will im sold at a barftain if auld al unoa. Small pavmaut (lowu, iMUue* on Tory •*a>t«im«. .\yply to B.J. SraoDLa, > t'leab«rt«B. Cni Karnni for 3ale Farm (or Mkle chrap. 91 aorca. wall watoreit l^n»(lua iittbl of ft:iis villaf^e, Itnowu ik tUo Folk wick farm. Apply tu M. KiobantaoD. sssikum wm ^^t^l^rW^CS "Tb« Host Pi'pular ,t^%J^dX^ M. l9 uia of Hor Majuntv I havu urnrKmjn," writ<w Lord lx>ri>«. about ' (jiiecn Victor! ." Salm unprec«l«o-.»l. Kasy to niaka ftra donar* trstly. Bin ooutiulaaiou. OiiMli irM to eaiiTaa**r<. Tk« B;a Ua/«aaiTal^ S a .'»„ Lki., ;'o.oal' Oa^