Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Sep 1897, p. 2

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I JxflMne Mlrbel. the notorious French iVmurrhiLst, UB goinfi to the UiniU'i! SI.'it'M ia Octoi«r ou a â- i>e«cbl'iuak- img t(Air. U^Kpite th« inviuiirm of the flying .oiyufd, the rojwrts xeceivo;! coucerii- iintj lliB Ar(K«>ntina w'hcut crop are of a nuM encinnrH^i'iiK rbaracter. It iis stated t'hht the Auiliassadora of the j)owcr« at C'lmHtantinop'.e have all rereive.l intilt ruiM i mn enabling thcin to cxmxe to a fxUI ARreem&nt on the hasis oif Lord StiuistMiry's j>roi>osala. I'oi.lowmg the rcpoii I hut Fjiiiiercr Wij'luiiii intia/n-.lK to the Queen ut IJi'.»uoral cotneH the K!atement that the ,Kmperor ik iinviouN that the Queen thimtii viBit hi ii ciilier at Colilenz or I'lrtsdarn in Aiiri . Giinif'i Ihiir Tiliik. the na(ive meiii- pr of tin- it'>inl>ay I.ejriii'iitive ('oun( il. i-een " ,, , , ^ I till â- "â- Â«Â»Â»Â«'• f^W -^ Jf »«l l-di 'I â- ''^IJl UK 111 I I ufl^l Is tom-j at Itet l^ortage. <lrupi>fd dmd | i(.i,. !,!„,, u^^ nuiv...-, to <lis(iffe.cti..n, train heart dlseiui©. : „„([ •ientoo>'e<l to ei+rhtecn months' im- The mouiitMl (xiit-e in tlieir progress priNOiUnenl. to the Yukon only tfavvUed ejiltucu {> in K'Q days. Mr. K. J. Kiutlrii'k, of Haniillun, ar THE VERY LATEST PROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. latortstlag luau Aboal Our Own Couatry, Oreal BrlUla, the Uattml Stato, aad All Pi to ol the aiobc, CoadcoM^ aad AMortcd (or Buy Raadlas. CUNA1>A. There are already 9400 (MH) worth of nenv Dominion billn io circuluilon. AnhbushoiJ hantjevin is a palunl in Bt. llonitaee UcKI'ital suffvriuK from 1. typhoid fever. , ,, . , 'an i iml>!Uli« rof the kVsnn has (*e John W . Colcleugh, cojleitor of J-ui*- •(•^„„.i ,,„! {y „f ,.ul,liKhiaK pdilormi Tuo fitennirrs ooHi/led \n the River V<«'J/:i iwar AMrnkhun. One Kiinli and '.' hi'.*? nhe w:ih (.fi-ing down her pa.ssi'n- ohilei'i and civJ! engineer, is doiid af- Rt-rB, ponii'-st rii'Wen. jninped into the ter severaJ weeks' illneaa. j river. M.i:\y of Ihem-buccceded in Oaunt Louis de I.ouzo of Bulgaria is reattiUit; the shore, l/u:t 40-i)erHons were travelling in Manili>l)a at^ advcrtiaing | drowned. agent f>ur V. a-siiburn's circus. ! During the civic parade in the city 'I'lie OtUiwa city asBcsw/rs believe "f WexL-o. on Thun<l;iy, wrhilte Prftsi- dejit Diaz wa-^ w.-iliinp vviih putilii' fiijU'tioniiries from I lie paluce to the A'arae'la he wars aila<<ke<l liy a man, who siiron)/ ii|>on hi'm from the crowd, and attempted to a>'Siussinate him with a dau'tter. IThe ina.i was disarmed, and handed over to i lie police. their returus Hill show u po|<ulatioii of riH.OOO an increuiie of 2.UU0 for the year. It ip eii)«ft*d tha(t Mr. D. L. Mo'idy the we<ll-known evangelist, will visit Montreal in the middle pf next monti}. MIontreaJ yricstiB are not to ride bi- cycles in th^^ city. 'Ibis ia ilie injunu- tiun given at tlw' Uu^t et'clcsiautical le treat by Mgr. Brutbcei There Ik a rumiiuur in Ottawa am ounling a9ino»t to a certainty tb;it the next meeling of the Feder.d Parlia- ""^ _„, nient Willi be in the firet week of Keb- A TERRIBLE CATASTROPHE IN THE >( BURRED TO DEATH. ruary. The troui/ie at the Ht. Viweiit do Paul p«nitcuLiary continues, and the convicts ai>pear deterioined to keap up the row notil totjacoo is restored to tb«m. Mr. Jo(«eiiih LeXctile, of Ol t^iwa, in- ventor of the Rutimarine scircli'light. VILLAGt. OF PORT ALMA. Thrrc tilrN PrrlKli In a Fire - Jiarf«»r 1> r<i|ie or Ike KrumliMlrr of the tauilly lliroiisli I niudiiti iu Tbrtr MsUt t'lallir... A fr.Khtfu'I catastrophe occurred at has a .s<heine <m hand to r.xich the p^rt Alma, about five miles from Chat- Klondvke by I'nIJooin, starting from Ot- '''»'•"'"'»•" "• " " . ., t^vya ham on the shores of l-iko I'-rie. At The WiunipTig Tribune announces that a liig grain deu'!er»' coiiil>in»! Iwn formed to control <he wlie^it rrop and defraud the we.stern farniern. Tlie Canadian Cotlou iVIills Conifnny have dwided to sell the wliole i rod nets (hiee o'clock I'ridny iin.rning Preston Ueward, a well-to-do citizen of the vil- lage, was burned out of house and home, and among the burning embers of the building lie the charred remains of Iheir minis direct to tl:e trade, in- of his three daughters, aged resiiective- almd of tbniuvh an egrnl, aa liere- | ]y sixteen, ten and nix years. Juiit bow **^°'*- this di-eadful accident hajiiiened will The Ix«irl^rttr«[Bt Raihvav Conv- uever be kn-wn. though the supposition pany R if«lli»d and rt)!l:iin slok have . • » , .l leen a si'ssed at |-231>nOI, ami the cm- "* Lhat tne fire which de.stroyed the lanv'H taxce will prnbablv b' iiiciieased i dwelling and caused the frigiiiful deatli fS.OOO ove,- la-?t year's figu«-». j „f the .hildrcn originated from some \Th<' l««.^ a»lv|i«« nereled fr'«i![ive coals %\bich had been thrown into l'n«lan<l atMoGill Unlvwdity ann^un(•e' _ . , , ,. • n. i, ..„„ rw. liat I'rinciral Petersen is ra i llv re-"" "'*'' ''•"el adjoining the boiise. (hi roverinJt frtom hi* rment indiapusil ion , Thursday tlie members of the family an I that lie expects to aai I for ( aiiada ; had lie.'n working hard making pre- in the ciAirse of a flew wee'.i limnilions for a threshing liee, which tlf V<^:.,.^ aii'r.i^"*?V,^.:t '-d'e^ief 1-- '^ "-e taken pUu. at Mr. lUw- tie statement that a ooJininatl.m laa.^rd.s farm on Iriday. This wirll prob- le<>n forme I to l>eat the Noithwe t ably account for the family sleeping faiuiftn^ ou their wheat salea His com- more soundly than usual. At thr.e o'- iariyhn< never hal any ci.iine<'lion with ^ „,,„ , . ,, â-  ,» n _j ...„„ a iVmiUniK i "**** '" l'"* mt^nung .Mr. lltward was Dr l^ H IJftvldNun acting dean, and . ^"'^''eiicd from his sleep by a feeling ,f>u<lge wui tele profeawtr of real estate ; of suffucalion. Uiion ni.iking: invesli- law. Jiiive reMigne<l from I n- staff (f nation he <liwovereil his house in flames MiHJill I'nivwiaity. an a rv-ault of the and made every effort to alarm the trouble in tlu' law faiulty. incident bou^ello!d. lliil his efforts were in vain, uiKin the uppnintin«Dt of i'rof. Walton, i the fhim<-s having gained such he;id- <* the (Votoh l»r. ... .. . _ Po«itiiiaat«j'-<I»neral M'ulot^k states In connetioii from th»> profit froiin the i-alc of JulAlee etaimie Uilit they will a Id at IcjaH a (iun.r1er of a milli<in dollars to the rticei|rf.K of tlie year <iver and aloTB what would have I een realized in the aaJ» of ordinary stamim. The O -unci I of the ilaniilton Hoard ot Tiale lonwdiMM ii dcsiraUe that a n ute nhiDuld be o|jeaed as soon as pos sible llii.iu^li I anu laii I'Tiitory, na thle tta l« oif tha ^ ukon country is now largely in fore.ign hunds in romi«i|uen>e of inu lequBcy i>f comuiunication through our own Uuminion. GIIMAT BRITAIN. A sensation has been caused by the statement that the Archduke Fran/ Kerdiinand, Iwdr jiresuiiiptive to the throne of Austria-lfun«ary, mar- ried a middle-class lady in Txindon last »e«k. 1 A strong company to exploit the Klondike reifion was recently organ- ized in iLondon by I,ie«il .-(Nil. lOom- ville, who will shortly reaidi Montreal and organize a fully equipped expe- llition To the gold regions, which he will lead personally way that escape was LmpoHsible. 'I he lower part of the house was a seething mass of flames, and the only possible way of ejtit was llirough the window. Of a family of six >'hil(rren. three boy.i and thre.' girls, oiiiy the V>oy,M are left. The daiiKhters |ieri.sliod in the flames. Those who did e«vipe, Mr. lUid Mrs. Ilewaril lund thrai sons, got out by way of windows with only their night clothi's on them. The d;iughter» hid l/**n awakened, and it was thought tli<-y had left the buildimK, and at one tjme, the eldest, a bright, winsome ig'rl of sixtetm summers was soen to rush Iwck. evi(l"ntly to save her sisters. In doing this she sacritlciivl her own life. AiiKvng the de.briH ran b© plainly seen the charred iMxlies of two childrein. the third being l.uriod. probably aU)Ut the centre of the pile. CTwo of the sons tiad narrow escapes, being buriie<l alout the hands and fcot. John Mac- don.ilrt, who lived with the strii'ken family, only saved liimself by juniii- mtf through a window after finding his exit through the iloi>r cut off by the flumes. Mra. Reward's iinjuries are serious, though not considered fatal, yet a-uxiety is felt that silw may not re- cover from the shiN-k. The grief of the n"ivh^">"i"hood over the U'rrible affair Jirislol is shotting a keen desire (o '<â- "'"",' he conceive<l. The di«ister is so «ure a large sVmre of the Cana- ''J"'"'!'"!: **."!. """"y f«""^< "slize dian trade, and Mr (Jirdleslone, the ^""t ^^ '""' «»"'''>• general manager of the llrislol docks, ^_ â- tailed last week as a representative of the llrlHtcd Chiunlwr of Commerce and Hhiiifiintf, to work up a belter con- nection with Canada. UNtTKD STATESt Sir .lulibl] Paunce.f<ite's term at WuyliiiinKtton is likely to Ui extended > tor a year Rev. O. B. P. Howurdk a «>nlvi^^t in f>e'<'^«'"«n«' GRlAINB OK tiOU>. IVkiu^f good is the onJy ct-rtainly hap- py action of a man's life. â€" ,'^idnpy. The readiest" and xuresl way to get 1 rid of censure \t> to correct ourselves.â€" the Ohio petiitentiary, is reported to baive recapedt Owi'ng to tluf/ ecnrcUy of apples in Camada, Canadian buyers are in Kan- ma contracting for tjus erop.l At a fully att«!inded Cabinet meeling In Washington on Tuesday the qiies- Umn wais (x>nBidere.d of nffording relief for lne4m.Hidera<e KInndyke iininigrania who aiv .stranded and hungry at Uaw- ma City. Jarksoro, MisB.. is completely deinor- allze<l ami tiuslnrea is al a stand still CO acconrnt of yellow fever. 'Vim peo- l« e( 111 t i/n ui! to pour out of the city un- two-thlrds of the pop^ation have gone. t GEN'RIUit.. Tellow fever is Bpreadcing ia Nicara gUa,. Oairlotita, ex-tl'ltnjireu of Mexico, la â- 0 Jatigerokisl r ill Ibnl her death at •my moment Is expe<-te<l. ' 'rito Wiieut cro|> of .Sicily a.nd Cala- briii this venr will range froaw one-half to two-third* of ao average crop. Tlw> offiplitls of . the Vatican! have ptriictly fljijofned the ppamish priests #i\>in partldpatloo In tlw Carlist ag MJatiitn. Kent satisfied with doing well, and leave othere to of you as they pieti.^e.â€" I'Jtbegnra.M. I>efcr«iice is the uioBt delicate, the luo^l inilirei't, und tlie moat Cilegant of all txmnilimeut** â€" ^ipi'ii.stone I'here is no dLspulA- niana^ed without l^a.'.vsiivii, atid ye' (1m re is K<nr<e a dia- pute worili » pa'-sion. â€" Slwroik il,' i^ liappv whoso circumsianccs suit bi.-i leiuivr ; but he is more uxidlleiil who can MiiL bis lemiM^r to any circum- Htaiu*â€" lliiine. lA firm (uilli in the Liest divinity;, a gomi life the Uiat philosophy ; a clear conscieni'i'. the best lu« : hoiic.sly, the best pi>li>.y ; it nil Ivjuporajneu. llio phy.slc.-l'i'auK^in. Notliiiig is so gretit an insiuiiue ol ill-ni.inner.-t as JIatlery. If joii flat- ter all tU-,^ oojupauy, you plea'^e none il jou flatl«)ii' only oiw or bwo. vouat fri>ni llie r«*-i.â€" i*vift. Nature lov<^ truth so well, that it hardly ever admits of flourishing. Con ceil is to natiri\' what paint is to. beau ty ; It us not only ne.dl()«8. hut impairs what il ttould Lmprove.â€" I'oiM'. Of ail vanitie.s and Iojiimtiiv. Ahe van- ity of hiali I'irlh in tim grj'.il t. Triio nitbilitv IS de-rivoii from virln.v lyii. f roan birth EDMOflMTOTHEyilKON. TWO CANADIAN ROUTES SAID TC OFFEB ADVANTAGES. .;ie FrelKkl Rain Wuulil be Low-Ka lllcii Mouulalnit Is Crunkand .Vavlcailaa €aBi piirallvely F.ii>r - A iinvliia of .S'cartj Three riiauiniiil Nllea tu Ibc Klandikr. Ttbe (creat golld disrcoveries and the co«iBe<jue;jt rush of goLKl Betters have mridiii ibu Yukoo district the most ta.uke;! <«f region of the world. The Yuikoiv aTid how to( get there is the alJ aUiorbing topic, 'ilhe two routes now a'-tnuit BOilely used ara tbose via Behr- ing Sea and over tihe Clhi.kooi Pass. I hene routes, however, owing to physi- cal, difficoliies, do cat permit of th»> proper tui full deivelopmeinl of the Yukon district. i 'Vb-i gold bearing area! of the Yukon ill larger than that of any other re- giu/i of 4ti^e dharaoter on the glol«, a'nd the greatest uf aJl problems to be soLVeii l>y those iatereiil^id in the min- ing indut>try there is huw to trans- port Mipp.Jt'B wid equipment to the various mining centres at reasonabue cubt. One point seemo to !» settled, aad that us that the Yukoni can never have cheap supp.ies if omiy the Behr- ihg iSea and ChLlcoot PasB rouilue are to be ulied. Canada already realLzee thai if the Yuku«i gold fields are to k)e develoi)ed UM her profit there muKt l>e estab.ished a' new a.l land- roulte on Canadian ter- ritory an<l one whii>h can Iw re led up- Odi all tiiu year ruuiiwl. CANADIAN ROUr>S AVAILABJ.E. 'I'here are now two practical all Can- adian ronUeti and l»(li can be put in good condition at comqpa.rative>ly little cost. One ot iiixee is by the Pelly und tiw <»ther by the Porouiifine branches* of the Liurd. That by the Poniu^Mne in practicajy a water route, down the Mai.'kenzie from Athabasca Landing. nituMy milm north uf £<lmonton, to Poeil River {lurluge, acrob» which port- age the navigable waters of the Porcu- pine are rea*hed. 'I'hiai route is being taken by iiioM. of the Edmoiilou men who have started for K.uudike, and it b*U> many advantages as a clieap meash <^ Ketting su'piiiJiea into the far North. r The PeiHy River nnulte from I':ilmon- t«n to the Klbndiku Is partly by land und partiy by water, tnirt is very nearly ani a,l land rouKe. At* compared with the Behriiig Sea and Chllikoot routes It in mnt'h (he ahurteet and easiest. The distance between >ldmunton and the heart ot the K.undike is buJt 1,400 mi.ttt, whUe by railway communicalitkn to the Klundike by way of the Chilkoot It is 1,00(1 lui'.cu und by thr< sea rxnite 4,400 milhB. Of thn 1,400 miles a liitio more ihati l.OtK) are over.iind ami aboull 400 an> Mteamtnut navlgatloiu on tlm Yukon and PsLlly. Kijfht hundred mll»» are throMgfc a grass growiug t«*uutry of bioderate climate. VhiH TOuXii ctiti be kii]iit open much Ibnger than any ouMr in upe, as it is not in- terfered with by high eLbvatii«us and is giTutly fnflueiicod by the cliiu(x>lc wiiKls. It has been. trav«Led througb- own. it*> whole Iwigtlu by siueutifi.- men of the highcHt repuitei in the emt>loy o(f the Cunailiari government, and their mavbaud re|K>rt.s are aval.uble toevery one for iuforuiation regurding it. At several liiiinrrtant poiutti it toiuliea the navi^alile (water sj-stem of the Mitickon/.ie, and ut oiiber ikmiiLh passes wkh'ia reiK-hing dtsitauce of the (Jmini- cu and Cutwalr diggiiiKS, Iweides cross- ing ([o..d bearing Peace, following ui> thu gi/fl hearibig LianI and dovso tho goCil fe ring and very little pr«»«- pe<tad Pcly. iWagon roads, pack train and tx>at routes form the through connection at prutent. It is lecauw^ of the inconvenience of these chant;e«t ilni tlic Tiiode of conveyance that it h:i^l mA. yet Iwe^ ufced by gold seekers en rooiln to Klkmdikw. yilOM lOiMO.VlVN TO THII) KLt)N- PIKR. The fotllowlng table of distances by tlhui Pelly roulte It of interest :â€" Miles. Kdmuintoii to IVace River vraseing •iliO CmMiiTig to forks of Nelbon . . 240 Forks to jubi'tion of Mvlkton and Liard J20 NelHw to UMuie u|> Liard . . IRO IkM.vM t\) Polly i7() Pe/Hy Ut ninclioii with Leiwes , iiU J uincliun to Klondike 200 ToUl ilro Tlu! firsit few hiuln<lre(V milhs of this rinillM hnre tx'on mapiwd by Professor Diw.s»«n. dirw'tor of tbe. Doininion (ieo- lb«ii'al i^u-vey, and hiH mai*, togeth- er with u comjillMe ddx-riptive report ol the imijle. nilay he ivrocturetl from the Oeoub^icul llleiiartxaent at Ot- tawa. The oAher C^unadian romite, already mentiane<l, is populkirly known as ih'e Mfcckenzio rtyiiite. 'there lire reuUy two routes cillisaed together under the r.;i.'Uo of Marie>r.iip. One, t«y nuy of the Liard Uiver, husi the advantage as a cBl.tU> trail anil as offering the long- est ptwsililb season In which miners can tixit in and oni|: of thV". Yukon district! I he other, a water route hy the Mac- kenzie, is the lieltep rodiite for pre.sent. uHe, as it enaliles miners to take in sujv- jul'leH in large quaint it lets at low coat. LOW FRUIUHrr RATKS. The Mackenzie water rowte by sec- licvilH IS as follows :â€"Bdinont on to Ath- lUvtka Landing, nineitiy miles, wagiui roiid. freight, ninety uiiles. wagon hiiiiureil. Aihiil>8:«u to Orwnd Rapids. IfiT Mill's by Ixwt. FkDt b<mU hrullt at ilw Ilni.iiiig, larrjiog ten t^iins, cost |75 t.j $I0<). tiraiul Flaitids to Mc^Muirray, eigtvty- ->ven iiiili'.i ; \x>rtuge «>f hulf a mile, »f- ier which lioats are !et dow» tlie rapids . by, 11 ISiie,- M'AMiirray to ftiii'ih landing, '^BT .1.1 '.â- .*, >!ovkI ni»vii!ul.ion. Smitlf Portage, sixteen milHJ ;char(.- Tor portage 60 cents a hundred. Fort Smith to PbbiI! Biver. L287 mile- ilr navigation all tha way. Rat River come* inito Pe* l Biver from he kvpst, oni>f about twelve miles bove the entraiu-e of the Pee; into the Mtirkenzie delta. Flat Ixxita ran be Uiken u|> this river soime mile*. Then the canoe route must !« taken for thir- ty milts to flat tx)at or steAiiboat navi- gation on Bicill'H River, wiiih enters !'he PortU|iine from the north»ist. at tt» most easterly tjend. New boats woojd prolsihly have to be built on tteli's Rjver for tihe voyage, down the Porcupine ; or canoes cou ' 1 le taken np the Porwujiine by th emore direct route to the grt'd- fields. From Bell's Uiver to the juji'-tion of the Porcupine with' (ho. Yukon. 409 m»lie«, .an lie run In; flat lioftts in from five to eiKht ilays. I'o thin (loint the whoL^ journey i- down stream, except the thlrty-fiic milr3 between the Mnckerezie and Por cM'pine. The chief advantage of this route im ih»'. !t«w rates for freijrht, bat on the other hnjid, the open Feason is short, mut more so howisver. r.hlan the Bebr- ifUC .^ei and Yukon River route. ROME ROYAiL TITLES. Th" Rings and Qufcens of Fngland w^re not always stylel "H'is" or "Her Majeety," or after the pattern of that be«towe<l ii|ion "Victoria â€" "E'er Most (Jnicioun Ma.ieKty." H'.-nry IV. was styled "HS's Gra»»;" Henry VL, "His Most Exceflent Gt^ace ;" Edward IV.. "High rind Mighty Prince;" Henry Vrr., "His. Grace and His Majesty;" Henry Vflf., "His Hightiess," and af- terward "His Majesty." Subsequent y the Encllwh Kiii«a were styled "His .Sricrei Majesty." Wiiitte on the suli- Jectf it mny not lie umintere.^titi r to give the meatiing of some royal iitle,». thuji. â€" KinK menris father; Kaiser and Czar, Cue^r, or aultoirat. a contrac- tion of Saiuodeeiebeta. Duke means leader; Emjier»)r, commander; HoRi^d- ar, master of the houltc ; Khan, provin- clr«l chief: Landgrave, land reeve; Mar- grave, liorder reeve ; Nizam, ruler ; Pharaoh. !4ght n< the world ; Shah, pro- tei-tor; f%eik. elder, and Sultan, ruler. FROM THE GOLD MINES- â- avea'l Nees a Paper^al (be Klaa47he HiBrc Marrb. A oorporal in the northwest mount- ed polii'* writing home to his friendi\ gives swiie interehting details as to Ktundyke and life a< the iniines. After dem-rtl iaig the difficulties of reaching thie gold fields he says: "Thab is. bar Dunet th«> rirbest gold chJii|> in the world. Me<n waph out thousands of dolLars a day: $200 and $SUO a pan Is moithing, 'Waees axe $15 a day and up. All our men whn were nere. h.^ve made fortunes a'n^i tojien their disi^arge, and I ho^ie to d«j the, snme. Thimrgs are a frightful prine here. Hiiir cut ,and shelve t'i.bO. Flour 11 a pound. Fresh meat is unknown. We lii\'e im' ba<-< n an*! lieans. But we can cat^'lii all the sai'knun we wiunt in tla.- riiver. and oc- oasunnfiilly we ge* a moose or carilioo. There is no cotn.ige here. We geli (Kiid in gold dufit and Diifrgietjt which w-e carry im little le;ither socJts. Wnen you pay a bill you ban>t ovier your sack, tiiey weigh out who* they want, and htimd Kick tbf balanee." The (conclud- ing sentenoo of the letter gives one some id«'a of hiiw out of the worldi mo to (Deak, Klotidyke ia. The letter is dated JiHie 18, and ttia writer aiks Uf t.hv»re i« a KuxofHvin war a,s tiieresre Tumors of H. Uid th»y tMtd not seen a (xiper simop Mardi, 28. THE RETIRED BU OLAR. t Lively KxiierlcMre rbat Was All Over Is Aboal a Wlaale. "I <nevFr ai'lUally slid down a tcv hotgR^m slide/' Biild the retired burgl- ar, "but I thiisik I can foirm a pretty fair idea uf what it's^Jike frtwn an ex- |M>rience tibnt I had dpoe I was pok- iaii arounil In a house ttutti I was iu and I had just come oiiit>«f a room on the second floor where there was a m.ain a.sllee<p tihat struck me somehow, ais \tfisn: pretty restless, and I hadn't mure'ii giiH through the dbor Into the bull whem I heard thiti loan boiler: " 'Here buy la Jim I' atod saw him jump out of bed akid comb b'iilln' after ma, atait at thit> sante minuita I saw a man (x>iiie ri|ipiln<' atad ram^ln' ouit of a door down by the other eud of the balK not; SMOKES riOAB.E'rrEs IDeYiver htis a dog that smokes cig- arettes. 'He is a cocker spaniel and liven m a cigar stoore. He is only ten iiiointiliM old,. l<ut he l« a ronfvrmed fleUd and Is cross and peevish until he has had his dailj'' amok*. His own- er Ihas tauKht hlra a nuintier of tricks, wlui'li Itillvâ€" that Is his onma â€" will jHTfurnt when a cigarette is of- fei'ed as a reward. Wlhen ready for hii?< smoke OUlly seats himself on the cigar casei. pe.riiujls a pair of spectacles to l>e adjustttd to hSa n^ise. and then duiaitly takes the lighted cigarette in his muulh. He puffs away with a lieatlfic expressioti on intelligent face until tine fire gets »> (lose to' his nose OS to tie uncomfortujile. Then he drops the stiifi and mntiims (luiet un- til the gpttctarles atre reitun'erl. WHAT I'PLAY'S KING GIVES. King IlTimliert's generosity in ehar- Itahle woi'kt) iti said to Im fabulous. A l>eUtlon hardily ever remains without ain answer, tils Majesty siiontaneous- ly gives presents to thioae persons to whom he dues not wish to grant su))- aidoea. These preeenta are (generally of two kinds â€" a ^Iden eloek wMf the roy- all arms or a hroncJi aet in^ diknionds. litis .iewaler eunpliea hiia each year wltix'flve hfutadirKToloekii and one thous- hsmI brooohes. King 'fiiumbert never giosB to the t^«alter save ou tha occa- alnii of an offLvial Bolentnit^y. tl^i says mttA b» ffaula no pleasurer in artificial libfei. I play a part every day," he sKiys, "in, the podwiciU and Ufticial com- edy. Wthnt can tthe other tvniediaiis U)Moh met" ITEMS OF INTEREST. t few lleuM Wbtek May Prove Wartk Bead! a c A nsw letter box hhs an electrical attacbniant which rings a bed! 'n tha kitchen when a letter ia dropped into it Two-thirds of alt the letters that pass through the post-off iceji of the worl4 are written by or sent to people who s|eak English, On sonie it the Western ranches tha t^owboys u-c bicycles, instead of horses in herding the oattla, while the ground is f re ' frur.a snow. A l)ep stung David M. Kepley, ol Loo- lr<ville, on the top of the nose. His fac« turned jiurple and for hours tha ('«»• tor< I bought he would die, but he re- covered. In the tiasement, of the Rev. Dr. Han- 'her's Methodist church, in Kansas City, is a room where Ijicvcles are checked, and another where eabies art cherked wh'f.e the mothers attend dl«. vine service MLss Phoebe McThoy, who for ths j.ast .seven years has worked as a ser- vant in Flushing. N.Y.. has been in- formed by Iv-r unde'e solicitors. In .'=cot- land, that ler uncle has left her a fortune of over $1,000,000. A Brooklyn burglar entered a roo« in which a young ladj lay learefulljr s!e-ping. H? admired the pretty pic- ture and sto!" a kice. The lady screaB^ ed. the hoQ»? w as aroused, ana the buf>- glar was caiitured. In 1858. Mrs Margaret Kirchoff. •# Teignmoutb. Kng , went to bed in goo4 heaith. saying she would roroain there until she died. .She kept her word, an« died there the other day. having sjieni thirty-nine years in bc(i. An imn. ease phonograph isin course ol construction for the Paris Expcaitioii of 1900 The apparatus will be of suoB large dimensions that it is expected tk will nuke the human voice heard by an audience of 10,000 persons. Nothing of unportanc*. not even- ft crime, ever hai>pen9 in Baltimore, a lit- tle town in Windsor County, Vt Io 1810 its iiopulation was 207; since then its inhabitants have been constantly d». creising in numljer. until to-day they are only 59. Jules Bunnell, of San Marcos, Texas, wns out of work and his caiiita! waa about ten dolllars. so be thought h* ought to msrrjr. He did so, and ft* we-k later, failing to obtain employ- Hient, he an-f his bride committed sui- cide by taking morphioe. J«jeeoh K. Flynn. a private of th* Thirteenth Infantry, was attacked by a mnt^uito at Governor's Island, N. Y , and lanced under the right e&r. Over three-qu<irler.>s of a pint of blood floweJ from tlie wound before the bleed^ ing coui I be stopjied- A race l>o«t made of b«rdsned aad polished cement has Ijeen invented by an Italian named Galjellini Steel I ars one-tiiird of an inch In dlametar form the frame, and cin this is a thin wir« netting The netting is then lightly revered with cement. .^onie buildings on a large sheep pl"^ ture near Cloudman, Cal . took fire from a locomotive iqiark. A 'ater tralft on the same road was held uv by th* owner of the sheei. pasture, who, rifi* in hand, comi'altefl the trainmen to as- sist in extingu'shing the fire. With the aid of his dog. W. C. Wood- ward tried to drive Ws eeventeen cow» home. I'he whole herd, with lowered horns, made a dash for the doo, and the animal fled to its master. Mr .Wood- ward was kD()i;k«d down and severely trample(i by the enraged cattle. A shadowy ghost said to have just come from the rwii'ms of shade, mada Its appearancH^ at a spiritualisti(^ meet- ing in St. Paul. \ doubting lady jab- bed a hat i>in into the ghoet's leg. and the meeting liecame as liTely as a cir- cus. The ghost roared " Murder I" and threw in a few curse words. Madison Johnson, a colored man. ot Columbus. Ohio, has just had a new (leir of shoeM made for him. and they are whoppers. The sixe la No. 2'2. they are sixteen inches long, ax inches wide, and each shoe w*i!ghs seven ai^d cne- balf pounds. Johnson's height is eight feet seven inches. A quarrelsome hualmnd in Montgona- ery County, Kansas, so abused lUs spouse that at last she conunitte<l sui- cide. She felt a note In iwhich sh* wrote : "It is the g«>neral liellef that people who commit euiolda go straight to Tophet, but it cannot lie any wamv •r there than my husl>and has made It for iB« here." A tiny mouse, not more than an inch and a half In lengUi, stepped over the foot ot a lady in Topeka. To excape the little animal, whiob to her sceOied a vicious moBster, she Jumped ujiua a red-hot stove, and there stood in te»» ror, her skirts ga(bcred close, until her burning shoes roreed hier to heat an in> glorious tetreat. At a public daaoe in Washington. Kansas, there was a variety of amuse- mentsâ€"dancing, drinking, fighting. Af- ter one .serious affray, when two of the Mioibatanta, were being carried bonaa for repairs, and the testiTities hi»d been temiiorarlly euspended, a inembor ol the floor committee exclaimed: "On with the dance ; let J07 be unconfined." A motor trioycile, run by electricity, was tested by its inventor, George Dun- can, of Jamaica. N. Y., It ran away with him. and he could not stofi it. Af- ter covering several miles at great speed, he ran into a pile of soft eartbl »nd there he oitched neadlong from it. Flere. whBe the iiuichiae was ly'ing 00 its side, the wheels continued to revolva foor many minutes. A number of hornets fixed their neata between the walls (tf the residence ot William Harold, at Mill Valley, Cal. They amused thenuselvea by stabbing the various members of the family at odd tlm«i{i. Mr. Harold tried chloro- form on the insects, but it only gave teiniiorary safety to the victims. Then he tore oi>en the side of the houaa, and â-  removed the )i«ats and their nssla. •'/

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