Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Sep 1897, p. 4

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, ^ u*^ . .^ SEPTEMBER 23 1897 THE f'LESHERTON ADVANCl! eSTABLISHEO ./S8J' PUBLISHED WEKKH AT THK OKKICK, BYI) ENIIAM STIIEKT, FLKKllKKTON, 0^T., BY W. II. THURSTON, $1 per aniinin strictly in advance AdveitiBing Kates: Oa» Coluuin, 1 year, SM ; ball col., 1 year, tas quarter ool., one year, •!&. Transient advertlsouiant charReil at the rate 8 cents per line for first insertion and 'i c eut eaob subsequent lusertioa. EAST GREY FALL FAIR CmdinnrA from fird p<tgt l)u«hol whunt, Red winter, Chas Grant, W. Hartinaii. CLAM 21 â€" HPRINO WHEAT & OTHIE GRAIN 1 bushel Fife, Alex.Muir.W. Hnrtinmi. 1 bushel Uuasmn, Alox. Muir. 1 bushul any other rariety, Chas. Grant, W. Hart man. 1 liusliol barley, 6 rowtd. Chas. Grant. 1 Imshei oatN.whito, Chas. Grant, W. Harfuian. 1 bushel black oats, Alex. Muir, Chas. Grant. 1 bushel peas, Hinall belJ, Chiu*. 1 bushel peas, hv>!e tield Clmi. Grant, W. Hart- man. ears corn, white, Robert Best. 6 ears corn, yellow, .\nd. Benthain, Robt. Best. Collection b,'an», 4 varieties, 1 «|t each, Robert Bent. 1 peck timothy seed, Charles (Jrant. W. Hartmau. 1 j)Ock ttax seed, W. Hartmaii. ROOTS CLASS 22 Polatoea, Whil Eleiihant, \ bushel, C. \V. Bellamy. Potatoes, other kind, ^ bushel, Andy Benthain, C. W. Bellamy. Swedish turnips, fi roots, P. Muir P. Quigg. Table tuiniiiH, 6 roots, ,11. Gra- ham, .Juno Ferris. Turni|iH (> roots. While Globe, Jos. Buchanan, A. Buattie. Turnips, C roots, Aberdeen, Alex. Muir, P. QuiL'H!. TuriiitiH, (5 roots, Ureystone, Alex Muir, P Q»i««. Carrots, Hold, C roots le'l, Alex Muir, P Quigi;. Carrots, fiehl, roots, while, Alex Muir, .Iidiii Bolaiid. Miui«old Wurizels, C roots, Globe, Alex Muir, .lane Ferris. Mangold Wurtzels, roots, long.Jane Ferris, .John Uoland. Pumpkin, common yellow, A Munshaw. W P Crossley. Pumpkin, other variety, A .Munshaw. Si|iia8hea 1, J 1 (;ialiiim,.)Hiie Ferris. Corn, KiiHiia^^e, (1 stocks, Geo Stewart, Alex Muir. Best assortment roots and vegetables, J I Gra- ham. FRl'IT ••LAfcs 23â€" FALL AiTLKs (iinnied) 5 Duchcgs <i( Ohleiibur^, Robert Best, Jos. Ottewel. 5 St. Fjiwreiice, .las. Miuart, Robt. Graham. 5 Gavetisteiii, R. R;ilhvau. 5 any otlur variety, R. Uulliviin, R. Gruliaiii. ColleLtioii, not ni>-iitioned in list, 3 each kind nniiu'il, R. Kuthvan, J. I. Cirahain. t;LA88 24-WlNTEli Al'l'LM 5 Northern Si.y, .las. Ktuait, R. Gra- liaiii. 6 Ontario, J. L Griihani. H Baldwin, .1. 1. Graham, R. P.uthvnn. 5 (ioldcii Rusnetts, R. Graluini, It. Ruthvaii. 5 Boxbury Russetts, Jas. Stuart, R. Griiliam. PinnniB (Jriso, J. T. Giaham, il>. Ruthvan. Snow a|i)ileH, JiiB. SluWiirt, R. Ruthvan, Kiiij; Thompson, )!. Grahain, ,1. 1. Cirabaiu. 5 any other variety iiot in list, Jas. Btuait, A. Arniatroim, Best colleclii'U not in list, .3 of each kind, J. I. Grnhnin, R. Ruthrun. CLASS 25 â€"runs 5 Bartlet, .las S'liart, CIms Ornnt. 5 Clapp's Favorite, JasStiiurt, G Iliitchin- Hon, 5 Flemish Beauty, R Ruthvan, G Hutchinson. 5 L^mise Bonne do Jersey, J IB Stuart. Collection of pnar.i, not in lit, J 1 (Jrahaiii, Chas (Jranl, CI ASS 2li rH'MS, KT(\, NAMin \i Liiiuliaid, .1 I Graham, Jas Smart. P2 .Sunt lib Orleans, Goo Hutchinson, C Qraiit. 12 Cotj'a Golden Drop, A Arm- ijii-'dn;, Goo Hutchinson. 12 Victuriiij Chas Grant, J L Graham. 12 Reiiirt Chiiul, .1 1 (inilinin, Chas (Jraiit. \i Gages, J I (iiaham, R Ruthvan 12 any oihur variety not in list, R Ruthvan, Jas Hlusrfi. Collection Plums, not in list, C Grant, J I (Jiaham. Collection Cralu, Geo Hutchinson, Jas Stuart, 3 bunches White Grapes, i 1 Orahani. 3 bunches 9 ilurfd Grapes, J I Graham. Oolleotion «f tfrapes, J I Graham, W Hartniaii. QARDBN PRODUCTS CLAM 27 ^•bbnga, % hoMln, Flat Dutoli, Jftne !"H!^«eHPBa^W Ferris, W J Meads. Csbbajie, 2 heads, Drum head, C W Belluiny, Jane Ferris. Cabbage, 2 heads, \Vinning8tad'.,P Quig^j, .Vnd Benthain. Cabtiage, 2 heads, other variety, .Jane Ferris, Chas Lovett. Caulidowers, 2 head, Chas Lovett, Ch.'is (Jraiit. Carrots, (i roots, short red, And Bent ham, Chas Lovett. Carrots. 6 each, best collection, Jane Ferris, J 1 Gruliam Parsnip.s, roots, Chas LoVoit, Alex Muir. Celery, 3 roots, self bleachini;. And Beattie, P Quig;;. Celery, 3 roots, lars/e ribbed, P Quig'.', Chas Lovett. Celery, 'A roots, red, any kinil,P (^iukK. Jane Ferris. Tomatoes, 6 reH, Cnas Grant, Chas Lovett. Toniaioes, 6 yellow, wlias Lovett. Beets, 6 blou I lou^;, Aiex Muir, I' Muir. Beets, (i blood, turniji rooted, Alex Muir, Jaue Fen is. I other variety, June Ferris, a ex. M'lir. Onions, r.; from black seed, Ciins Grant, J'ls Buchanan. 12 from lUitch aetis, Chas Lovett, R. Best, 12 potato, JiiO Alibott, W Meads. Corn, 8 ears, sweet, for table, Chas Lovett, R. Best. Rs'lHlijs, 6 black, winter, Jrfiio Ferns, J I Graham. o'ber color, winter, Jane Perr s, J I (irahara. tiaidon herbs, best collectii^n. It. liei-t. Ciroi.B, 2, U Urabam, Jsne Ferris. Cii- cuiuoers, li pickling. B. Best, And Bsatiie. 2 ripe, Aud Ueuthain,K liest. MANUFACTUUEa CLASS °J9 1 Demoora'.e, D Mo Tavish. Bug(;y, D McTuviah, Blair & Howell. Koail cart, 1) McTuvish, I'air liol)»leinle<, blair ft Howell, 1) .McTavisb. ('titter, l> McTiivisb. Mtapluy ot pumps, J .Vrllny. Orfjaus anil pianos, J K Moore. Fiiiniturc J li Moore. SewiDg luacliines, Win. Straiu, CLASS 'M Btst exhibit harness and saddle goods, Wm Moore. LADIES' WORK CIJVSS .SI Painting od silk or satin oil colors, A Armstrong, Mrs. E .Vhitc. Velvet or pluHii. oil colors, .Mrs. E. Wiiitc, A. Arm- atroDR, Muslin or bolting cloth, oil Culcrs, .Mrs. Defoe. Jars or tiles, oil colors, .\ Arin- stioiiK- Glass, oil colors, A ArnisiroDg, .Mis. K. White. Terr* cotta or slate, A Ariiiitroug, .Mrs: Dofoe. ApplKlu.- work on plush, Mrs, Blackburn. Berl n wool work, .Mrs. Norton, A Armstrong. Kraiil- ing, Mrs. Norton, Mrs. E. White. Builon boles on .°< materials, I' Quigg, I' Muir. Crochet work, wool, Mrs. Norton R \V bitten. Croobet work, cotton. H Wbiiten, Thos Kells. Crochet wi.rk and brwid combined, K Wbilten, Tbos Keds. Criicliet Work, silk, L \V Thoni. II Whiileu. UiaMing on net, Mrs, J'iackburn, Wiu I'eieh. Drawinp, best and neatest on B.ooking Mrs. Norton, I' .Muir. Embroidpry with cotton, TtioB Rolls. Kiubroidcrv witti silk. A ArniBirong, Mrs. lilsckburn; arascone, Mrs. Norton ; crrwells, wool. .\ Anns roiig ; rope eilk, A Armstr,iug, Mrs liUeklinrn ; on Java canvas with silk or wool, Will I'etcli ; plush or Telviit, Mis. Norton; satin, .Mrs, N .rton. Win. I'eteh ; ronian on wliitu liiiun. Mis lilackbiiru. Tbos KeIN ; inexicttii (U- liruwu Ihriia-ls, Tbos Kills L \V Tlioiii ; otcbuiK or outliiio, JIrs Norton, Mrs lilHcMiuni ; table centre nU'Cu, A Arni- fctioliK, L W Tnoia ; 3 ilo.vlU'S witll silk. A Arlii- strohK, Mrs. HUokbiini ; iloylies ntlitir kiiiil. Mrs Oufoo, Mrs. Illackbirn. (le'itliinian's slii/t, .Mrs Norton, I' Quiuij. Handkerelili-f case or collar ftnil cult esse, Mrs K. White, Mrs lllui'kbiou. KtiittliiK in wool, fancy, i.ot busiury. It Wliitluii, Mrs Win lloppur. Knitt- ing In luue, bitiir\, not hosiery. Mrs. Norton K: itteil stocliiiifts, cotton, 1 pair ImnilioailH. Mis. Nortou. Kuittoil stocklnu. m-ooIIhu, I palr baiiflinailo, Mrs. .Norton, Mrs. U. Whlttuti ; sock, wiviUen, 1 pair hand nrnle, Mrs. Nortini. A Heiittto; ijlovrs, woollen, 1 pair bstul ins'lo, Mrs Hopper: loitt, woollen, I pair hand mado W .lllellaiov, Mrs Will Ifopiiur. Imee, point Pi^uiKlj ; lionitoii, I, W Thoin. Ladios' iiudur clotbinR, cottoL. I' (jnlijii, Uiinca n Muir, .MiioritiiKi or twitiv work, M-s Murtoii. A Ai-ni- fitronit. Ma'ihliiu scwiiii,', family, W 1* Crossl«y, Mrs. v.. Wliits: Ma!, bouku 1, rs;;. P qul|,'i;, U WMlton. NettluK, fanoy, Mrs. Ilefo.i, Mrs I'. Wblt.^. Nueilli-work, Mrs lUnokbiirn, V Le- (i,ud. I'atchliin, bList anil noatoiit, not qui t. .Mrs. Norton. P (juiijij. Pillow shaini, L W Thoiii, I'(jul|fi{. (jiii.t, |iiitc1iwr:r'.c, hilk. Win iUitiileit-on ; wool,!' Miilr,U Wiiittoli ; lii^toil, .MrsNorton, Fbetiaril i IrK cabin. Mis 'Norton, \V ,1 Mrails. (jitltt or coniitorpane, knitted, Mrs. Norton; croeiict, Hy MatlicwHOn. Slip- IK^rs iiiibroi'luruilor work 1,1, A H. Ma'lill ; knit- teit or woiktHt,«rs Win lfo]i]ier, W .1 H;ill:oiiv. Kofivcusliliiii, mouiiliil, U Wblttiin, Wm Pcluli; toilet Nutt, Mrs lllackbilrn ; ti-ii cosuy, A Anil- htron^ ; wbir.k lioliicr, WDlkml. Mrn Itlackb.iru : bvst cotleutlon fancy work, Mrs Uefoe ; fancy footstool, P QuIku. It llivit. KINK lllTil Ilpst collection of ) htitori, T P-ulinor; paint incs Hill! ilrt.wiiiris. .\ ArIllStrol)^ ; oil piilntili^, W A Ai iiistrobff, A ArniKlroii^ , cruyou, AAiiu- struug ; peuoll drawii K. A Arinsti'ODg. I'l-ANTS Tabic boiiquit, .los Ottiinrull, Mrs Defno; fol- luKf plant, Mrs l)i foe, W llonilurson ; ijeraiiiiini, .Mrs Dufoo, A H Mnfltll. Ii'iiscbla, luuihlo, Jus Ott(<W'jll, Mrs Dofoii, lliiti|;in^ ba-kct, Mrs. Diifiw, K I.oKaril. Cull,, lily, Jos tltlfwiill, \V r Crossloy. Aniiiiilla, J i; Mooi-u, Joh ottuwoil. Hniioiila, Jos Ottiiwtill, Mrs Oofoo. (.'olleutlon of cut floHors, Mrs Defou, A I'-eattin. ColUic- tln.i of plants, not »;i'uonbuuso, Mrs Uafoo, Jus Ottt'Wol. Maxwell. From Our fhrn ('itrrcfiMiiultiit. The waim weather of the past few weeks was replaced last Friday by bouiu- thing of a cooler nature. Showers have delayed harvesting some, what, but notwithstanding this many farmirs have succeeded in placing the 'a»t sheaf under oover. The warm weather of two weeks ago made a decided im- provement on the prospootB of tihe pea crop. Threshing will now soon be the general order of the day. Last Thursday evening a social was held At Mr. Ferguson's, under the aun- piceii of the Ohrialian Bndeavor society. Tiie gathering was well attended, and all report having had a good time, akhouijh the threatened rain did deter some fr< m beinij present. Maxwell is now thxrouglily temperate in practice at least, if not in principle. Host Cameron has gone back to fariiiinp, and no other occupant of the premises having turned up, it gives OHt corner a r.ithor deserted appearance, and nimiy of O'.ir evening visitois und eitizens seem at a wtiere to take up their quarters. Not many of our people attended the fair at FItsherton Harvesting, we sup- pose, detained some, and nodmibt otiiois are holding oft" for the event of the season, Osprey fair, at Fevershani. For the past few days fear, consterna- tion and indignation have been reigning supreme in our poultry yards, owing to tile rumor that we are to have a fowl supper early in October. More anon. Rev. A Hudson atteinled a meeting of Oiaiigeville Presbyt.?ry in Oraiigeville on Friday of last week. We understand that it was decided the rer. uentlenian would give up his present chaigu and retire from active work of the iniiiiHtry about the end of October. Rev. J. C. Feriier visited friends in the village hist wi-i-k. Mrs. Wni Guy and Miss Julia Guy re- turned last week from an extended visit with friends in Colliiii-wood tnvi-nship. Miss Lizzie Sterling Is in Toronto. Miss Mabel Strachan is in Alliston, where she went about a week ago tn at- tend the luneral of her uncle, Mr.Mitchell Mrs. Robert Heron and her diuu'hter, .Anuiu, relumed last week fiom visiting friends near Toronto. Kwinttin Turk From mir otrit enrrespoiidtnt Harvesting has again been delsyed By the showeiy wuather, but wc hope to see the grain all stored away lu safety in a few Jays. A harvest homo service wiB be hold in the Methodist church next Sabbath evening at 7 o'ch>ck. The church will V>o suitably decorated for the purpiue. Last Sabbath morning cominnnioii service was held in the Presbyterian church. The service was conducted by the Rev. Mr. Harrison of Dui.dalk. The Rov. Mr. Tlnnn, of Fleslierlon, took charge of the services at Kipliii and Cedarville S.jnday last while Mr. Bather t<Hik his work in Floshorton. We uiiilersiand that the Presbyterian churches lure and in Priceville are beiiia united, and that the service here will be chmued from moiuing until afternonn. Mrs .lames Mc.Murdo, who has been on the sick list for some time, is sUiwly recovering. Miss Scarlett is also ri- covering fiom an attack of uinlariul fever. Mr. Wm. ftichar.lson lost one of his best cows lately by gijtting her head fust in Homo bushes and throwing herself ( n her back. She was defid when found. Bornâ€" On Si'iiieinlnr 2iid, to Mr. and Mrs. John McMiihin, a daughter. Notife is lirretiy i;lvcn« that a court will be belli, piiri-u:iiit to tiio Otijftri.i V, iters' LiHt Xct. Ihsi. Ii lis H'liior tbo aii<i.'ii •>( the Cuunty t'oiii't oi thu Couuty of OiSy, at Ibe Towu (tall, Fliisli.'rti.u. on r Tu.'sday, October 5th, A. D. 1897 at iiiiu> ti'doek n. in ., to 'licar nnd (It^t-uniiuo till) HHViHtil cnniplulutH of eriurtt iiiiJ oiiiiiitJuiiH ill tlio vutuit' Hht ctf tho Muiiioipulily of ArtHiiK >4ift 101 1M)7. .AM pMrnoitH Imvin;^ lMHtMt*i)i at tlierotiit ato ro:|Mlt'0'l toMtftiiil ut tht'Hulil tiinu au:l plrkot. DHtud lit t'losUorloii \mx (Uy of %m\\1., Imu7. \V. J IlKi^LAMV, Clork. rftin«t>tliP ptiiniHt'fi of tlio mi>u1er^ii;nei1- IfJ Htli oon., ArluinAHifv, about Ku|)t. ID, t.on fihui'li iiiclit'iin»; hii iiKud latn. Tliti owner if* ro'iu.'MtH'i to irovu i>ioi>utrv, pay expMiiaos hiiI tiiko tho Himiu away. OKO. »o\Vlii:S, Vaiululour, P. O. BHEEP CAME ASTRAY I Ci>mo to ttie prouilHeH of tho underhifrn^'l, lot UtV luiii. H, \: tKiiiottlti, Sttpt. 1'). 'W. two Bheop ftiiil :i luiiiliN. TlittowuLiriH ro(i)ioHtutl to piOTti piopctty, pay uxpuiiHuB and ttku tlio f-nin* awuy. JUUN liO.>lN.iON. U^onla. Ropt.£?.'Q7. Fc^i^nn to !Rent» lliinilrorl acre farm sitiiMed <iii the Toronto ,t Hyiluiiliatu loail.iii tlietAwusliip <if Artiniiosia, lenities sutilli east of Vliiiiht.1 ton. On tlia Ci.iniisos are a ^ooil bilckf hotiso ami a fraujo arn. k'or tin titer particulara apply to JoUN WUKIiri', HK., Kleihertou. Hcllcltdrs for "Canada, an Fncvelopsilia of tho Country, In live vi4al quarto volunies. No ileliverliiK. CotuiiiiiiHlou paltl weully. A uanvassur re- ports Ms ias>. Week iiakiug over seventy uoUar.i protlt. THK LlNSCOTTdoMPANY, Toronto, Karm for Sale Farm for sale ohnaii. 91 acres, well watered fl) miles east of this vlllaiie, kuowu ai the Ken wlok fariu. Apply to ^ •â- . Blfbardson, msIkqm M. Richardson & Co. NOVELTIES in FALL DRESS GOODS We have made special preparations for out- Fall Dress Goods trade and our display of Fall Noveltiea ia ol special latiit. We aim to do the Dress Goods trade of tins section. Wt; buy and import diii>ct from the. place of production and confidently invite couiparisoua of designs, prices and vdlucs. A further sliipineut of Fancy Dress Goods from Uyiaiiils YoliR, Manchester, is advised to arrive this weekâ€" their third conaigiiment this season. Some ^ress Soods Speciah 4ft-incli Heavy IJrcss Tweeds, exctptional valne 28d â- JO-iiieli Fancy Boiicle Drfss Goods, full line of colors "i-k 40 incii DiaoQiial Drcria Tweeds, in two color ctfoct 2.38 4(1 inch Fiiiiiy Dress Tweeds, mottled effects .,. 22c H6-incli Twoed Effict Driss Goods, four shades Ho 4()-iiicli Ropp Meltons, in variety of olors 1"<5 4ij-iiR'ii Silk and W .ol Tartans &6o 27 inch Printed Flancllas, very pretty effects, most snitable for bloa3es...l0o 27-iiicli Tweed Effect Dress Goods, suitable for children 10c Dress Ends We have an unoquallod display of Ends, no two alike, in the most fiisliionHble fall jtoods, com- prisiiif,' the latest novelties in Silk and Wool mixtures. Fancy Bepps, Twefds, lioucle and Fancy Effects. Prices from 55c jard. SPECIAL DISPLAY of HANTLE CLOTHS We havo a bemtifiil selection to offir. Values nncxcelleJ. 54-incli Fancy Cave Olotlis, two tone effects, latest styles $1^5 .')4 inch lilack Bi'avor, extra valne and tinisli. The best yet 85c 54 inch Black and Gray Imitation Lamb Cloth, woith $2,50 $1.93 Eiderdowns in all tlio new colors 40c Dress Trimming |Fall Millinery •••••• tixird. Jet Trimniitiijs, extra special. We are pleased to annonnee that 4e, Ic, Cc, 7c, 8c yard. Gimps, we have a^'ain seemed the services of Head and Pusisinipnterie Trimuiinf^s, Miss Kiiiie in this department fur Soiihiclip, Militiiiy and Tubular the coming season. Every prepar- Brnids in tho newest shades at ation is now being made for tho popular prices. j uiilliuery opening earl} in October. FAILilL. SUITS Men's All-wool Tweed Suits, fasbiouable and reasonable patterns, regular $0, for Sl-'iO Men's Tweed Pants, all sizes 95c A line of Children's Blooso Suits clearing at 81.00 X-^^s" Sugar Specialâ€" 30 pounds Pure Yc'low Cino Sugar $1. %r^%r^^^^%^^^^^^^%r^^^^^^^\ .^3^:^^^-^-^^:^-^:^:^a;5:^^f^' rn * TABLE CUTLERY Tinned Steel Tct .Spoons, lOo dozen. Tiiiiu'il Steel Di'si'it Spoons, .T V\- 5c' .Stool Knivfc and Fi>rk.s for \ dnzeii 75o. Kxli'n S'eol Knives and Forks for A do/.on §1.25. GihhI Steel Knives only for A dozen 61k;. .\ri;i'iitino Silver Tiu Spoons HOc tlozon .Silver Forks, " M. Kicliaixlsun & Co." at S- dozen. s Croc kery and Classware '^^Ji:z^ ed bino at 76c doz. Ill di'Zeii Cups and Sniicors, light liliio iiiiil ),'i'^y at 76c down. t!-pieceil Gliiss SoitiA, worih 40c for 25o. CoviTid Vuyitalile Dislies, worth (iOc for 25e. t;^ We will liHvo on siil-) after Oi'tolier 1st, 20 dozen White Cups only, wheat pntte n, GOc dnr.en. 20 dozi'ii White Plain Ciiiw and Saucors, ut 7r)C dozen. Also nieat display of Ijiiiips and Chilm Suits. ^inxoare and Solid Copper nnd Tin Boilers, SI 25 to $3.00. ill! only Sufoty Lanters, coinplete, 2.5o. lidud Tin Dish Puns, 16c to 25o. 24 only Stove's Goiiiiiiie Lanterns, at S.^. (iniliito I'restTviiij,' Ketth-K, at '.itw to 9(lc. , "•i Cold Blikst Lunterns, won't Idow out and give more light, worth §1.0(1 for 85o. STOVES & PIPES , . . Prottioat Stuvo Pipe Elbow niudo, only IBc. Standard Patent Stove* Pipes, at 9o, Barclay's Piitont I'ipo lit,s any piiio, 10c each. 28-in Swing Top Box Stovo, 96.50. â- 27-in 'Mar's Double lleiiter, only #12.00. 25-iu Hustler Woml Cook, only >12. Gowl Cheer, MihIbI and Pear Stoves on hand. Headquarters for Reaping Hooks and Corn Knives, Guns, Revolvers, Powder, Shot and Ifoaded SJiella. i'".^.^â€" ^^ M. Richardson &* Co. »^<^- "â- ^^•â- Â«Â»â€" » fi A(#

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