Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Sep 1897, p. 1

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â- â- â- ^' &'â- â- â€¢ flt^htvUn ^h^ana. " TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN." 1^ VOL. XVn, NO. 860 Flesherton, Ont., Ttiursday, Septernbcr O, 1807 W. H. THURSTON, puupuietoh ^^^Qdding "presents,,** Tli« seloctiiiii of a wwldinn present Uiinbfrlcy Frirm Otir Own Correspondent. Yuur cor. has hud the pleasure of visit- iiifr many of tiio orehauU in tliis neiuh- burliuod and would like to tell of the iH often a ditficiilt tank, hut all that will | !.'re«t «liun'l""ce of plums and grapes „t,„,. fut„re be overCMnie when yiiu eSaniino our lai'go I there la in the valley, he is afraid that I and extensive stock. Here you will tied everything that is UHually kept in an up- to-dale Jewellery Store. a man hauled up for usini; profane languauo. Tliu teachers and pupils nf the Mount Zion Sabbath Hcliool are at piesent mak- ing ijreat prepiirations for an oiitertitin- mont, which they purpose holding in the June ia a nionih of wedditlfrH and wo are prepared for it with a beautiful display of Weddniy Gifts. Purclmilers will find our priceK very low, Kverj'- bixly is going to make their selection at even if he were to wtite his deHcripto.i in UarveHcing is the order of thn day here at preaenr. The click of the binder can (lie must modest lanuUHge out.iiilers would I i â-  i ^ > re ^i ° be lieard on almost every farm. If the 4.1.:.. i.:l__ _,i..f.i..t.T7'i. ,i_.i. .. I »» * think it aavored of U.e " KUn.dyke Lyre" |,,„,„„f g,,^ ,.^„j,,^^ ,,,,,j^ „^j style of li trraturo. ' Kimbeiley Bclmol is W. A. ARHSTRONQ'S Jeweller and Optician Fleshorton, Ontario R T. HILL & CO. ^arkdaie Ontario the good I harvest will soon be sfifely housed; gaining quite a! At present there is a large band of reputiition, and la consequently attract- ^jy^^j^^ ,^,„p^ j„ j,,^ ^„,,, „|^j,„^i^^ j^^^ ing pupils fn.m a distance. The latest Ko„„ys far..., which seems to be the addition IS M,8s L. Cooper, who intends ^.„„,,.„ .,f ,,, traction at present, that is, taking the primary curse here. There j,„mi„g £,.„,„ ,1,0 crowds which accumu- are fnw village schools that attempt this ^^^^ ,|,g,.„ ;„ t,,,^ evenings, work at all, so we may congratulate our Special Lines Special Qualities Special Prices Our list this week is made up of floods required every day in almost every home. All Neiv Good.S made doubly attractive by the prices. A glance will convince you these values are all right. 48 worth 60 72 Ladies' Shirt Waists, all new goodie, pretty colors and pal ten 8, latest siyles, earlier in the ttuasou wouUl be 73c. You may have your choice fur Gent's Silk Knot Ties, vaiious colors and patters, usual price !ir)c. You may have your choice for $ Ladies' Tam O'Shauters, the newest styles and best qu.ilitiex to be had, a perfect assortment, the lot m lund'j up of tliree lines in various colors, 25c, 50c ^^ Gent's Fancy Shirt.'i, Cuffs to match, colors gaaraijteed fast, n>'at patterns, wui'th regularly $1.35. Yuu may have your choio j for "1 C\ Only Leatherette Wall Pockels, no two a'ike, good sizo and very pretty. You may have your choice for 288 24 10 36 Spools Liuen Thread, 100 yards each, (lusliiy guar- anteed. While they're here you may have 4 f'>r . . . Fairs Flannelette Blankets, largo size, would be good value at %\. We're selling them per pair Damask Table Covers, two lines, lar-.'.e size, fringed, new piittorii.'4 and very pretty, each 81 to Lulios' Feather RulTs, everything that is new and pretty is included in our as.sortment, each 20c to . C/^/^ Spools Cotton Thread. Our customers fay it's the V-'V-'V-' best they're ever used. Price same as before 2 for If you 40 15 55 75 15 10 75 40 50 5 O^^ Gei.t's New Style Hats, livo different shapes. 'Q\J want something up-tu-dute do not fail to see them, price« O O^^ fo.ii;octo ^ v-'V-f selves that in school mutters we are umbitious. A large Dumber of frienda asseinbed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Christie Knott on Tuesday evening to witness the marriage of their dauglitur Jennie, tu Mr. Robert Stewart ..f this villsgo. After the ceerinony the young cnuple left for Markdale, where tiiey took the train south lo visit Tm-onto and otner points. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart are botli very popular in our village, and your cor. feels glad that ire are not to lose them from our midst as they are to reside in Knnljorley. Mr. A. B. Bell left Eugenia. Frwn our own Corra^pondent Harvesting is pretty well advanced in this h>cality. Peas are not up to the standard of other years, owing to the wet weather. Other crops are good. Potatoes in some places are rotting with the bliuht, but the crop if saved is gener- ally good. A large number of our citizens are in Tormitu tttking in the exhibition and iu other ways bein<; taken in. The Presbyteriin church will goon be last week for ! *^""'''''^'*^ "'"^ '"""^y '" *""'''P '"• Dakota, whi-re he will be joined by his family in a few weeks. Wo wish Mr. Bell and family the best of success in his new home. Misa Myrtle Thurston, who has been visiting in Chicago aiid Toronto for the past six months, returi.ed home last week. Mr..«nd Mrs. Geo. Walter are viaiting at "The Traveller's Home." Mr. Geo, Pelitland is spending the week in our village. Your cor., and others, hud an opportunity to offer him congratulation on his success at the late examination, where he obtaiued his lir.>t class certiKcaie. Miss Fiazer of Orillia was the juest of Mrs. Jd't Thurston on Satunlay. Miss Ida Christie of Owen Sound is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. .\'bert Myles. Miss Mary Barker is spending a few weeks with Mrs. John O'Biirn of thiixl line. Born â€" On Fiid.iy, the 3rd inst , to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace, a son. Born â€" On Thursday, the 2iid inst , to Mr. and Mrs. T. H iwkins, a daughter. Lady Bank Sunday last wascommuiiiKii here A large number was present and a good many mulu members were added to the chuich roll. Mr. Thomas Sug^iitt has gone on the harvest excursion to the Northwest. All our Eugenia boys went to (ju'Appelle Station. Miss Whitford of Normaiiby is the guest of her cousin, Miss Lizzie Cameron, of Salem. Wo are pleased to welcome home Mr. Willie Bell from Calgary, where he went for his health. The trip bos d-jiie hinf ' good. We are sorry tu say that Mr. Sinalley and Mr. John Aruistong still remain on the sick list. From onr own Correspotuliit, The tino weather of the pa.'«t week has brought a pleonant smile to tliu fuimers' faces. The S. A. of this place held an onter- taiiiment on the evening of Friday liisl. The prioci|>aI ainuuemciit was from the phonograph which C.iptaiiis CuniiniiiN displayed. A tine seli'ction of vocal and iii.strnini^iital music wa.i give. Plesliertou Statioa Fioin unr own Corn-tpondeut. Quite a number took in the exhibition this week. Miss Coushnie spent a fuw days with her brother in Holstein. .Mrn.Ueinphil! of the forth line isvisit- inu her sun here. Mr. J. Connor of .\rtliur spjiit Sunday with his parents here. Miss S. Fen is of Turonio is visiting her .sister, Mrs. J. Dice. Mrs. J. McMullen entertained the Sabbath schoid at her home on Friday oviniu^ last. A vory enjoyable time was spell (.. Pru-evillc Mr. Workman of Dacota, whoh.-is l)een Pregi.yteiian cliiuvh w Fmm our otim Cmrexftondeut A nieeliiig of the oinigrega'ion of the as held last Mon- day evening to con>ider the advisability ol uiiitin'.j witli the,Swiuton Park appoint- inoiit. Other cbuich nialleri were also diHCucsed. The Rovs. Mr. Harrison of Dundiilk,and Dr. McKobbie of Shelbnrnc were preseot. A miniature stuck appeared as if by magic la t Saturday afternoon in [a tield near the river. An upturned wagon, etc., explained m.itters. Poor Toiii gets the i'';i)iM our ouui Corratpmidrnl. hiaiiio for tile catastrophe, but wo are of Mr. and Mis. .John Boyoe, formeily of 1 the opmiuii that Alex, hud soinething to this place, are at pnsent visiting the j do with it. No!>ody hurt. I former's parents. John's many fiiilids The weather nf the |)ust week has been I are pleased to note the marked improve- all that could bo desired, and everybody Next week's advertisement will be of special interest ment in his health. jis wearing a pleased smile. Ten days visiting at Silver Creek for the past, few weeks, returned liooie lust week. Miss Millie Liiihiy spent a few days at Kimberley recently. Mrs. F. Whowell and her daughter, Alice, left last week for Toronto and will lake in the exhibition. Port Law g^ Wo have the best 5c BROOM in Canada to the ladies. In the meantime we are marking off and placing in stock new Diess Goods, new Trimmings, new i deomore, s-pent a weik German-made Mantles, New Glov<.-s and Hosiery, new I "'«J'//'[^";_'» ;",;''•;;;•«"' Millineiy, Etc. Onr stock for the coming season will be the best selected, the complctist and the cheapest ever shown in iViarkdale. qi. ^. Ml^jb d ($0 Miss Annie and Ethel BhicUbnri', of i more of siinilarclimutic conditions would k visiiiui; their I place the gi-e..t bulk i.f the crop out of ity. harm's way. Now fvir good prices for Mrs. Hemphill of this place liiin been | outs and t he reign of prosperity has visiting friends at Flesliertou Siation 1 be>;un. during the post week. Mr. Juhu Au.isom is having his houso Your corrtspondeiit while travelling 1 veiieorod with brick. Mr. Hector Mc- thioiigh Fltisherton Slatii n lately, was I L'-an has the contrac*. (ather surprised to note the t<iiio of re Mr, .7. D. Blown of Dundalk spent •pectability the plaoe hiM put ou. Why ! ' Sunday with fridnds in this burg. - j list think of it ! Davo MoUi'l bts had| Misses M. Derby and Emma Johnstou spent a part of last and this week viewing the styles of the exhibition. Mr. Juiiies R. Atkinson of Mt. Forasf, is taking a few well-earned holidays at borne. Vantlvlcur From our own Correspondent Miss Eininu Soineia is visiting friends at Owoii Sound. Mrs. Christie of Owen Sound is visit- ing at Mr. Thos. Kells'. Mrs. Good of Moaford, and Mrs. Wiigner of Wudehouse, visited at Mr. J. R. Wailinn's, a short time ago. Mr. Eilgar Reynolds and Mr. Simins of Glenolg, spent Sunday week at Mr. Jidin Warliiig's. Mr. Ephraim Brodie was made happy by the arrival of a little boy on Tuesday of last week. Quite a number fnun these parts are taking in the exhibition this week. Mr. Edwin CuUis raised a line frame barn, week before last. Mr. .Tuiuos W<u)da of Euphrasia is the contractor. The harvest sround here will be about all in this week if tho liuo weather con- tinues. Several prominent citizens of Thorn- bury weru Gned lost week for fuiious driving. Hunis Bros., Griersville, lost their valuable carriage stallion, '• Wild Harry, " last week. Rupture of the stomach caused deulb. The man who does business without advertisitig is compared to the man who winked at a pretty girl in the dark ; he knew what he was doing but nobody else did. fOR SALf: Aquantity of ahiniilus (or sale At mv mill, lot ;)H, coil. S, Artenitmia. Also HtliliplBSO lit oil share:. wuiiM uscli«iii;e a apaii of linrsus (or Hhiu^jlo tiiuber. J. HICKLINO. Maswetl 1'. O. FARM TO RENT OR SELL Lot 176, ami con. N. K. T. & 8. M.. i« Bom8. t^ouil framu Uoubu; QU acreR clrarail. Ka.- y tm-ni8. \V. A. AllMSrHONCJ, FluHhertoti. ITpf\ SrIlcitor« for "Canada, an iLII I'^t'^^'^'^P^*]!'^ uf tlio Coiiiitrv. ' irii '" '^^'' ''^>^' iiu&rin volninew. I I I I No (lolivoririK. CoininiHsInu I Li/ paid wuvkly. A canvABi^t*r r«- IinrtH hiH :'iMt tiiakiiig ovor sovouiy dolluif' vru-ftt. THl-; MNSCOTT COMPANY. Toronto. Parinor's sons orutlior inilnKtiioiis persirm of fair o'lticatioi) to whom dt»0 a month \von1<l 1)0 an iiiitnn niont. Could also oiit;iiK«i a fuvr ladius atthu^rown bnnioK. T. H. LINSCOTT, Toronto. Ont. Fai'iTL for Sa.lfe Karu) for snlo dicap. 91 acret». wfll wntor»'<1 34 ni'lHR (uist uf thjft village, known at th» Ken â- wick faun. Apply to M. Itic'har.lson, ast.i^;i.('0 !rrocior • The Tailor Will .'iipidy yim with a nobby suit for fall. VV(nk- iiiaii!>hip and tit guaran- teed. St.niidâ€" 111 Clayton's Brick Block, FleJiheiton. . . • . !rroctor The Tailor y

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