P^R^f mmf ^^ •ymm .a '^' JULY 22 1897 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE \l WVIUafXDIVVVMU VlAIM triiyil VVMMMWIUl lVVM UUVVM^^^ D. ricTavish FLESHERTON KEEPS ON HAND ...REPAIRS Fnr Masipy-HArris, Noxon, Floury and Wilkiinon f«rm implements. Flaury and A^rity pluWH on hand. all the time, also all kinda uf repairs for the naiii'^' VVb inaniiracture AVagDns, Uuggivs, Cutters, Slei){ha, etc. Horscalvcieiiii; promptly attended to. 8p«ci<il attention to tender cc^- tractvd fcft. Lunging and Plow CIminii cunstaiitly on hand. # Iff f Mo ^^il G Diiggies, Carts, WajronB, Harrows, Plows of the best kinds and repairs. Binders, Mowers, Horse Bakes and Corn Sciifllerg and repairs. Cbaius of all kinds. UorscsLoeiag a specialty at •St*- ll John H. Heard d Son's Warerooms || Jjfc Atfe *r«. i>»^ »M<. M ^«. »M«. i4l«. j>& ^t& .^t«. •Ht, Alfe^«. -M*. *!«. ^ vMfc .»»«. â- *»«. ^4 vM«. ^'i. ^«- v% Vi5 Ow'en Sound, Ontario IS THE VERY BEST PLACE IN C.\NADA TO OKT A THOROUGH HUSINESS EDUCATION. Take a Round Trip ^^.^..L'srm.'Ji â€" ColIeffeB aud CoiiniK' roial Di'partinont. io Canada, then vIbU Ui.i NorHifrn HuslnesB Colleife ; exaniiiie •Tont iP)K thorouiilily. If we fail to produce tile inritt thorouKli. complete, practical aud extuiiMxd coiine u( tctidy ; the bent colluf;. preiiii '" aii't t)iu hent aad ftioBt cam|)lat« aud moat KiiilAiMe (uniiture atirl anpliancea, we will uiv- von a full oourae FKEK. For aunual auDauni.'.iiiieuta, givlDg full iMtrtieulara, fre« i ddrasa C. A. FLEMING, Principal Summer = = Fruits, Plants Garden seeds Flour, Feed and Orcjcerics of all kindH. t^" Hrcakfast bacon, Roll bacon, Purk aides. Everything Nice in season BoolH and Slioea attended to promptly and in the ueaiest niauncr. f EUGENIA â- - - Mills and Carriage Works Caniagea mado and ropnirod, Also Planing and Matching, iSurul Sawing, Wood Turning of every ties- icriptiun. Planing and Urain Chop ping done while you wait, for iln.' i3eaTer turns tlio wheel. T. W. WILSON, Manager t : I^OGS : : WANTED ! In nnlinaitod qnaiititiei at tb« Ili^licst Cusii Prices. only oc r-^er Ba^ Ueecroft & Talbot Photos â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery | Cu are done in fint-clasa atyle nrid at IT % lowest rates. Siiccinl alti-iiti<iu 1^ ^ Kiv<Mi tn cnpyiii'j. Haliiea' photos. ^ alty. Pictures fiamed. Lu MRS. BULMER | Pr*opex*ties FOE - SALE â€"BYâ€" fl. J. SPBODIE, FIESHEBTOH ir YOU WIHIl TO BUY PBOPEBTY COXHUIT Tins 81-ACE. FOR RALE clicap and on i*(y tonus, iiiu: niilu frimi FkMlierton, '.Ij iicieH luiid iin<l on wliio!) ih a gixnl 7 H'oiiik franu' dnclliiig. ui'll luid conifoiUhly tinihiiul Htiiiic' celltr uii.lcriii.'Uth, nnci ({iioil well :\M piiiuii in Kitclien, giiixl fiiinic Htiihli' anil drivii'j: lionse, also hrick lined hen hniisu, Niuiill 'ircliiuxl coMimei ciiiKto bear. Apjily to It. .1. SPRorLE, Flesherton. .\ DEAD liAIUiAIN if sold during jiriisent inoiilh Two ini|»rovod fanns, 'iiii! a mill' from Pricuville and tho other saino (li-fc.neo from Wareliaiii. .Small payment down, balance on VEUV easy terms. Al.-o a hiiiidrutl and tifty acre farm and mill site one mile from FleKber- lon, princi|mlly li.irdwood imsli, 25 acres cleareil ami fiamt> dwidbliK and Ktable. Any person waiiling a deeide<l bargain apply quick to above. •0 VIAM' IXPlffilllOI. Mms TRADI MAMKSp ^rVVNT*' DKSlAiS, '^Wmr*^ OOPYttlQHTS AA Anyona â- «n(t1n(t apketrh and <lpficrU>f ><^n mnf ^nlokly «sc«rtaln, free, whvttior an luTunttou la protwbly pAtenUblo. roiniiuinlcalkons atrtctly •oofldentlal. OMut ajreucy forBecurtng patenta Id America. Wu have a WuhiriKUm ufflce. TfttHnta tiiken t))ruui:h Muiin A Co. 7*C4i1t« •iwclal rioitco In thtt SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Mkdtlfullr lilustraliKl, Inrseit olrculatloa of aiijr •cleiitlflo liiiirniil, weekly. t«rmi 13.01) a /.art IlJOalx mtpiithi, Spectmen cuplea and UAJifl luoK OM I'ATKNTS leul fre*. Addreaa MUNN A CO., SOI Broadway, Maw Vark. Cash : for : HidesI Sheepskins and all kinds of futn pur, •hailed, for which highest market pric will be paid. Hoinctnada tauanges on hand, alae all kind* of nieati, Bff. IVIILfSON^, Fl^plicrtoD Meat Emporit m Pea-Fed vs. Corn-Fed Hogs The Montreal Trudo Bulletin : It ia to be regretted that sn attempt ia being madb to induce Oi.tario farmers to fu<^d their hogi oa coin instead of peas and other suitable coarse grains, by the false atatement that as hik;h pricea were biinfi paid for corn fed as peafed hogs, when the facts of the case are that Canadian packers are p.iying 91.60 to 82 per 100 lbs. more for peu-fed liogs in Chlca^'n, This proves conclusively what the Trade Bullethi has repeatedly stated, namely : that Caniiilian bacon brings 10s to 12c per cwt. more that the Ainuricnn coin fed bacon. Nothing can be clearer or morn convincing tlian this, and if the friends of American packers can only pursuadu Canadian farmera to feed their ho.'s on cheap American corn, they know perfectly well that the rapidly increa-ing exp'irt trade in Canadian bacon would ut once bo cliC'-keil, the piestitte which it *huN won in the English market would be lost, and we should then have to come down to tho Kv< 1 ot values paid f^r .American bacon on ths other side, which would compel our ptckers to pay ahojt 2c per lb. less foe their live hoys. This is a very series question for our farmeis to coiisiilcr. Wc have already built up an export trade Mttli England which promises Io develop iiito the millions and tens of millions annually, as our bacim lias btc«mu noted on tlie other aide for its hi<;h quality, and the well known brands of Canadian pra fed bacon and liuniH are bein'.{ emjuired fi<r :ind even preferred to Irish and Danish biands ; and are we ^>iiig Io risk the loH.soflhir important new trade, by fattening our hogs upon cheap American corn, njiich pri>due«a oily and flabby kind of pork in contradistinction to the nice solid pea- fell Canadian meat / It is to be hu^ed noC. , . ",••>) :. â- V The Marvellous Clondykc Evidence accumulates that Canada will become best known to the world ai a mineral field, not that the grcttest amount of her wedth will come from that source, but liecjiuse of iho ulaniur that the yellow metal possenses for all sorts and condi- tioliHofmcn. Thu discoveries in soulh- ern I'riti-h Columbia and in Western On- tari I caused con.siderablu excitement, hut it i.s likely to bo vastly exceeded by tho sensrtti'ii to be cjtusid among foitnne- liunti r.« by the ftories that reach us from tl.o Yukon country. Miners have bein at Work tin ro fir .some years, but it was not till the discoveries wore made at Clomlykn that men felt that here at Icii^jth the fabled I'act.ilus was revealed to their eyes. One returned miner de- .srr:l>es the sands r.s saturated with scales and iiugj^iits of tho uniariiished me'al. There is sometliinj! attiactivo about placer dig)(irgN. It needs no expensive machinery to >{et at the nuich-busou|>ht metal. A shovel and a tin pan supplies what in <|n:ii'tz mining demands steam- driven machintry and yiant powder, niak- inj{ great hides iiiid tunnels in the ever- lasting rock, and finally firvent heat t^) reducu it to a fluid state. This fjold-con- sumiui; process is not needed in the jilacer minoB. The miner carries all his machin- ery on his shoulder. By these simple ineaiiH it is stated that si^nio lucky cl aps have in two or three months Hifte<l out over ahundnd thousand dollars from tho eohlen sand. It sounds Munuhausen- liko and there is possibly some exaggera- tion, hut that extraordinary deposits of tlio yellow metal have been discovered cannot he doubted. What has given substantiality to the t.iloH that have boen coming from tho Clondyke is the arrival of tho steamer Portland at Seattle from St. Michael's Hay, Alaska. She had on board (>8 niin- era returning from tho dii;gini;R, each carryinu fiimi $70004(1 $100,000 in ijold duat obtained during the p^ist winter. There i-t, of course, another side to the picture. The di^'gings are on the arctic cirolM. and the colil in winter ia of course intuiise. The dilticulty of reaching tho flo'ds is enormous. Provisi.-ns are scaice and correnpondirgly dear. A barrel of flour is aoinetinioa worth $43, O.ily men inured to hardshiiis could en- dure the privations which are incident to I fe in the frozen north. It has boon ssid, however, that if it wore corlnin that god could be found at the north polo the long-sougtit-f .r axle of the earth would long ago have been laid out in mining clainiH, and t'lo statoniont, is n< t alto- gether extrav.igant. Tho Clondyke, we may be sure, wdl become a well-known name the world over.â€" Globe. Mr. Prtcr MoDiainiidof Pickering «x* cutiinx hay with a mower whtn his team rail away and he was killed. Mr. Tiios. Phiiit, of the Baiteau, has (11 exhibition at hia place the tsKly i>f a bi){ snake he killed Thursday last. The snake when just killed measured three and a half feet in length, and tix inches in circumference. Its back is if an oaithy c<j|or, and its belly white. It is covered with scales, and has a very large and wide mouth. The snake was advanc- ing on Mr. Plant's baby when he saw it and killed it, and it showed fight uijtil it was put out. â€" Cidliiigwo'id Eoierjiribe. A short time a;;o a man called at Mr. Copeland Trelfords and asked pcrniissiun lolea\o a piano there,Btalin<; that l^ie firm intended seiidiu'j a music teacher Io the neighborhood to give ldas.s >us free, and they wanted a safe place for the piano He alsoproini.sed that if the firm succeed- ed in selling f-'Ur pianos in that vicinity, .Mr. T. should be given one for his kii:d- ness in tho matter. In erdui however to ({et the iiiAtruoieiit insured, it would be necessary for Mr. Trelford to rign a document. Unfortunately he consented. In a few days a second man appeared with the piano which ho claimid Mr. T. had ordered, t4-llin;{ him the "order" was binding. Seeintc no way out of the difficulty, Mr. Trelford kigned two notes. one for $00, tho other for $3C0, both due in four months. He realized he has been duped, and it ia likely action will b« taken to stop payment i.f the njtes. A tthotiiun or a bull dog viould be a good thing to huve near by as a d,-fence from auch scoundrels. Tara Leader. TiiTie Tabic OOISO .SOUTH. Markdalcâ€" 7 .iO a. in. 4.40 p. m. Flesherton â€" 7. 48 a. m. 4.i>2 p. di. aOINO NOBTH. Fleshertonâ€" 12.07 p. in. 9.18 p m. Markdulo-i2.'-'0 p. m. 9.30 p. m. The Markets. CarefuUv Corrected Enrli Ifcck Flour $3 80 to 85 20 O.its 18 to 20 Wheat 80 to 85 hirley ... 20 tu 30 Peas 37 to 37 Butter 10 â-º.0 10 Eigs, fresh. 8 to 8 Potatoes hag 25 to 25 Pork 4 00 to 4 75 Hay per ton 7 00 to 8 00 Hides 4 00 to 5 (X) Sheepskins 25 to 50 (leese 6 to G Turkeys 7 to 7 Chickens per pair.. . . 20 to 25 Ducks per pair 40 to 50 Wool 17 t» 20 FIESBESTOII SOlVimi PABLOB ^ jCeyard - - iProprietor Hairdressing: in the Latest Style Scissors Sharpened and Razois Honed in first class Style. ^"* -*^A>I JL -dA#rto„ar» weekly to a laey of iiiiituiii a;;u. rtitliwiiunt and tact to uiieua lior tune iu a (;ood caime. T. H. UNSCOTT, Toio nto, Out. dolivui'iiiy. TKACHKKSaiii' other brldlit moil for vucutlons or pt^nuaneut- Iv, to aolicit (or •• Canada, an ijii«> I'CloiieiMa of the Cuunty, iu llvn voynl quarto voUiiiioB. No Cniniiiiaston iiniil weekly. THK L,I.NbCOTt COIU'ANY, Torouto, Out. TEACHERS If youwaut tomakd 9IJO.OO during July and Angnst, Iu a good caase, write or wire me q uickly. T. H. lilNSCOTT. Toronto, Ont FAEM TO RENT OR SELL Lot 176,2H(icon. N. E. T. & 8. K., Wl acrea. Bood frumo house ; 50 acrea clearpd. Easy toiina. W. A. ARMsrnoNO, FleHbertou. Farm and Mill Site lor Sale For sale vory cheap and on very easy terms. Tiiolier farm, IJO acres, two mllcH frorti PlcaU erton, kuown ad tlie Wm. Hokk sawuilll pro- perty, sudoii which is an oxcclloiii water power, (nundatiou of aaw mill, dam aud pond and water wheel In place and all ready for putting mill on. AliQut 15 acrea olonred, DO ncioB timber, moat off, Vinlance well timbered, mixed timber. This fai-m will bo sold at a bargain if sold at once. Rmnll payment dowu, balance ou very e.^8y terms. Apply to R.J. BPROtlLC, Flesherton. Ont Miss Jeanlngelow, ihenuthnr, is' dead. Karm for ©ale Farm for Hale cheap. 91 aorea. well watered t\ mMea eaal at this village, kuowu ae tho Veu wick larDi. Apply to If. Biohardion, aasigoas giwlnrjifl (lusxU M CULLOUOH Si YOt;NO Babkera, ilaikdala A 8 VASDOHEM. J p ** Cleilj Sth Div Court, Co Grey IsEuer of Man i age Liocuaes, Couveyancrr ^•? VV'^",'""'' Auctioneer. Money ?ofo.n at /lom o to C pdr oout. Chargca modorato FLESHEKTON P O TJKBTS COI-LECTED The undarmgned is Drenared to undertake the collection'! of all kiu!!«^?"obl. ^otes bought, accounts col'ectod, etc. """" R N HENDERSON, Floaliartou. T CHISLETT â- *• t'lwBherton Station Tn^e^^'n^I^'Hi^''-"''"''?'*'""-'' '" " *-' J' Convey. warda. Lcbts collected. Charyoa uioneiate. D J SPROULE *â- " Postmaator, Flcaharton rommie.ioncr in B R, LIcenred Auctioneer. Coi.v<ivar,cer, AppraiBer aud Money L°Cdrr Real kstate and luturaiice Agei t. DeedJ movtgaiioa, Itakes and wills drawn ur and valuations made ou thortest iictico Auction sales attended to in any ,,„t of thcloSuty n..?i^ '" '."/" "'"«">" "tes of inteiost. Col- dly. :;'.h r .'"'"'' ^ ""." l-'-fn'P^C'Xs and despatch. Chiovts low. Agc.u for Dcminiou s eam^lnp <;oi„pauy. Ch-ap tickets 10," Hc«herton to Liverpool, Ula^gow, l.tudou or ?o *vl" r 't" »•".""' !"»,'»• l-anies inteSdi,^ f u„ " •â- â- ''«'»";'• Keotlaud or Ireland, wi 1 tickeu „r;where\" "'""• P""'"*-'"* '»>-'' c^onrtins A O U W meets every Urat and third Mondav " in each month, in their lo.:Ke rooni SiraliiH block, Flcnorton. »t 8 p ui p, ,'« Teeter, \V M ; AM C.v^^m. Rpco.cor; W " nellamy.tmauciar. Visiting brulhiuu iuvii«<]. pRINOE ARTHTR LCDUE, No .1M. A P A 11 t .,, •,°'*'"' '" â- ''" Mawnic hall. Strain's block, tlohhertou, every Krtriay on or before the full mooo. R MoCill. W .M ; W J Rollamy, Secretary. ifMti^tvii r P MARSHALL " M U S, D D S. r, D S, Viaita Flesherton tba 1st aud Srd Friday of each mouth. t 6 CAMPBELL " L D It, D D 8, Cental Surgeon. Markdals Odico over McCallough & Youmja bank Hou.aâ€" 8 30 a m toa p ui. Vixits Kieaheif-n the accoud and fourth Thursday of eueh uioutb. Office u'. UunbhawB hotel •p HENDKRSON ••• - D D S, M D S, Dentist of Toronto (Gold Medalist) will visit Flesherton pr fesBionallv the first Wcdnc«d,»y ot eaci: mott and Duudalk the following day (Thursday.) %m\ JOHN W FROST. L L B " Hanister, Solicitor. Conveyancer, etc omceâ€" Next to poslolHce. Sprcu'u'a blotk FIcKhort.iu, every Baturlay and court daya. .> n-Owon Sound oHice, Fri tfa block. U) Poulett street east. T UCAS & WRIGHT •" llaniBters, Solicitors, Conveyanean, ato ,17 d".v'!.H°!\^''' °''' Warkdale, Out W H \MUl.HT 1 11 LUCAS N li- HoshtMlon ofQco; Mitchell's Bouk. every Wednesday. TUCKER <& PATTERSON *â- Rajvistcrs, Solicitors, eto Moibon's liuuk, Owen Sound HARRY G TUCKER GEO \V PATTERSON UACKAY A HATTON â- *"• Itarristers, Solicitors, etc Ollicoeâ€" 30 I'tuktt street, Oweu Sound ; and .Main street. Uundalk, j very Satuniay. N 1! Always in atteudauco at Fleaberton aqil Duudalk Division Courts. A O MACKAY, U A W J HATTON CoHuty Ciowu Attorney grtnlical D« HUTTON MDOM, MCPA 8 Ont, Priceville. OHice next door to Rrowu'a store; residenou opposite at the old post otlico, residence of late Alex Urowu. Office day sâ€"l'uusdaya and Salui- da>s. rvR CARTER y , M C P & S Ont, Physician, Surgeon, elo rleahortou otBcoâ€" strain's block. KvUdeue*â€" Muushawa Hotel. JOHN A SCOTT, M B «♦ Member College Fbyaic. A Sargeona, Ontario Graduate iu Medicine of Toronto University. Fellowship Diploma, Post Gradu- ate Medical School aud Hospital, Chicago. Discasea ot eye, ear, nose and throat â- peciolly treated. ResidcLce, Maxwell, visits Fevarsbaiu 'i'hursdyaa 1â€"8 JP Ot'TEWELL Yotcrinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. [tcside>ceâ€" Second door south ou west alS» Marv street. This streets runs south (lonji Presbyterian church. pRICEVILLE AND DURHAM STAOB Durham stage leaves Flosherton Station ak T.l.'> a.m., returns 4.i6 p.m. Priceville staea loaves tlie same place at 12.30, returning at 4.45. Fare to Priceville and return, 50 cents ; Durham, »1.D0 for return. 750. sinplo fare. Livery in oon- uection. Orders may be loft at either hotel. A. MoCAULEY Fi«y I A ArilTn ''*y* 'o' y°'"' Nam« on \% II MLIIIV' Xeantitul HIDDEN NAMR II l.rll I \ f^ABDS. lovely pictures, or m 11 III ilifl Handsome Calling Cards. Caah U ULIllUwith order. Stamps takes. Address, CANADA CARD HOUSE, Ingenoll Ootaiie. ^ •# V K^\ "<H 'â- 'm