T T M lULY 22 1897 THE FLESHERTON A D V A N C K ESTABU5HBD -/88I- rDBLI»nKD WBKKLT AT TBB OrriCB, 8YD KNUAM 8TKBET, rLKKHBKTOM, O.NT., BY W. U. THURSTON. tl per annHm,strictlr In advance AdvextiBine Kates: One Column, 1 year, tSO ; half col., 1 year, $27 quarter ool., 00% year, (19. Tranaiont advertisement cbargel at tbe rate 8 centa per lino for flrat insertion and 3 cents each subaequunt innertioo. Despatches from the East are ex- ciedingly conflicting these dajrs. Those of Tuesday announced that the powers are not liarinonionn and Turkey is likely to reap tlie advant- age. Great Britain would lilic to adopt coersive measures, but Russia and Garmany say the time is not yet cum.; for that. The result is that urgoUatious are tempotarily broken oil and Turkey still camps in Tlicssaly. E^ A correspondent writing to th* Globe asks if there is uot in this country " a pent np universal desire for a great non-party expression " on the occasion of the premier's return 'horn England. There is nothing of that nature pent np in this district. The people of England lionized Sir Wilfrid because be was a French premier. Thw peopls of Ontario do not feel justified in going into ocstacics over Lim simply because England did. It would add nothing to liis honors to let our feelings loose lu a big non-partisan dominion jubilation over the new knight in the raanner suggested, and we propose that lie be allowed to return quietly home without having his baugagc ecat'ched. His potato patch rcqiiiies attention. There are a few bugs to be looked aftei , and his time is too valuable just now to bo frittered away. * Wo are now informed that Can- ada possesses the richest gold fields that the world has ever aeeu. These arc situated in the Yukon district of Briiiali Columbia, in the fur north. Slid were only discovered in August of ittiit year. It is a placer mining district, and the stories told of its riches appear almost fabulous. Iiu meuse numbers will flock into the new district this summer, Some who went up last fall and have now returned bi ought with them thou sands of dollars taken out in a few months work. The government ap- . pears to be alert to the immenso ad- 'i} vantages that this new field opens / np to Canada. They should place ) heavy financial restrictions upou out- ' sidcrs and preserve the riches for our own people, li is our mines that we must look to for our wealth, and oar placer mines especially should be preseived for home developmcut. The Kincardine Hevic tfr says : " Poutronstcr-Gcneral Mulock has at last met his match. He wrote to a postmaster named Lefehvro in I'ona- venture county telling him that he was discharged from his office bc- oanse of his offensive partisanship during the last Dominion election campaign. The postmaster paid no Wed to the letter â€" not through any desire to be diaoourteuus to Mr. Mulock. but aioiply and solely because he was dead. The (act that lie died Uiiee months before the e\aotion took P'^»«» makes his conduct during t le *^mpalg^ »ll tl,e more reprehensible. Postmaatera have no right â€" they have absolutely no right we say â€" to take an active part in politics even when they are Uving. It is infinitely worse to keep up their offensive partizanEliip after they are dead We are not informed just what part Mr. Lefebvre took in the last election, but we snrmif.e that he marHlialled the graveyard vote for the Con- servative party. Mr. Mulock did perfectly right in dismissing the late Mr. Lafebvre from bis office. A man whose post-mortem partizanship is offensive ought uot to hold office after be is dead." Notes on the New License Act Sect. 1â€" III citieu.town and incorporat- ed TJlUgea respectivbly : (11) For the linit 250 of the population, oiin tavoni license, (b) For each full 250 abovn tlie first 250, one license, but not more timii three for the lirst 1000 of the populHtion. (c) For each full 600 over the first 1000 of tliH |>opul:iiion, one tavern licoiiso. (il) But the foregoing does not app'y to county towns liuviii^ a populut'on of 2500. Ill this case there may be one for eve y 250 up to 1000, and one for euch 400 i.f tlie popiilRtioii nflerwHrd. Ill no exiatiii); miiiiicipality cun there be an incioaso to the present iiunih'.r of liuenses until it be shown by census ilie increiiHu of population wnrrsiits it, and tliai the .same is neces.«iiry. Tliuie seems to bu no chui.ge in iinni- bors or procedure in rural municipHlitits Src. 5 oiiHcts that dnigi{isl8 may kee}i lifjuors for sale and sell llioiii in paok.iL'tw of Hix ounces only f.ir strictly inodioinKl purpowia, and may sell it in persoriptioiis ill pjkckuges of not more th.tii one pint, but all such are only told under a physi- cian's cerlibcalu and iiro to be recorded, wiih particulars, in a book kept fur that purpose. .Sub-sec. 5 of sec 7 further limits such sales as follows : "A clieiiiiat or diu2gist who i.s also a duly qualified medical priiu- titiuiier, may in a township himself give uch certificate pMridud for in this hi-c- iuii, and may also give such certificate III any villat;e or police village where there is no other medical practitioner resident and practising therein, but nut otherwise." Sec. â€" No licensu holder can sell any li(|uor after 10 o'clock in the evening or before six o'clock in the morning, except for inedicial purposes, by certificate (if u l>hyNiciaii, or justice of the peace ; but in such a case it c«nii>>t be drunk on the pretv.ises. In cities and towns, the time limited is from 11 o'clock p. m. to G a. m. This does not affect the regula- tion for early ch>Hing on Saturday and for prohibition un Sundays. Sec. 10 â€" Prohibits the sale of all liquors, whatever, to either sex,Rp|>arent- ly to the kiiowled(;e of the licensed person or the person supplying such li<|Uors, under the a^e of 21 years. The license holder, as well as the oue who sells, thus otfending. is liable to a penalty of not less than 810 or mure than $50 be- sides cohti, for every such offence. It also provides, lliat no one of either sex, under the age of 21, unless ncoomp<kniud by his or her parents or guardian, except a bonafidu lodger or boarder, without jusi and sutlicient roasim, shall linger or or loiter in or about any bar room, or Q'her room on such proiitisuM in which li(|u<ir is dispensed, under a penalty of not less than 92 or more' than $10 and coatA. This nppltos, as well tu the loiterer as to the licunse holder. In conviction for an offence under this act, the niagistnite who convicts, or the judge, if an ap)ieal is had, will report to the Board of License Commissioners, and throe several convictions within a period of two years, if information wore made in different days and the certificate aforesaid given, the license is to bu cancelled and the holder disqualified for U years. ' -• <9» « . â€" ^ General News Ooo. Lyoi'S, of .lessopville hal his leg broken while logging by being struck with a log. Mr. W. W. Buchanan of Hamilton has resigned the office of Giaitral Miinaueruf th ) Itoyal Templam of Temperance and editor of The Templar. LieuB. Col. White, Deputy Postmaster- General, has been placed on the retired list after 61 years' service. Dr. R. ftb Oonlt,er of Aurora succeeds hiili. Aiigu'tand Alex Hammer, .two young men in Wellesley Town<»hip, wei^ arrest- ed for cattle-stfaling. They cni^esRed to the stealing ef tv steers n4r Platts- viJIe. RUCTION 5ALE Property Valuable â€" OFâ€" Freehold lu tbe Townsbip of Artomesla in the Coan.y of(iro> Unrt^r and by virtue of tbe*i>owerof dale con- tained in a certain iiiortt^ui^e to tlie V«odors whicli will l>epi'oiluc*)d at tite time of kiiIu, tbere wii. bo olTured fur aule by public auc- tion ou leMay, lith lagiist; II9I At tbo boiir of twoo'clocl: it: ttitjafternoon at ^unshaw's Jfotol -IN THE- VILLAGE OF FLESHERTON Bt Robert J. Pproiilf). auctioneer, the f ol*- lowiuft vulutible freehold proi.<urty: All and Bingiilar tliotte certain pa'cein or tractts of land au<) prutnitiea iiitnaie lyiiiff and being ill the Township of Artuinefia In the County r)f (iroy, and province of t)D!.ario. be- ing composed of bits unniberti 124 and 12.0 in tliu t-ecund ran^r wer>t <A the Toronto and Syden- ham road, in the sail townttblp. contaiaing 100 acres more or less. Ou this propnrtvi^ Bald to be orocted a log dwelling and stab e. Tbo property Is said to bo in good conditiun. The propfrty will be nlTured for sale in ooe parcel Bubject to a renerved bid. ThepurcbaHor t-hall at tho time of sale pay te.r per ceui of hU purchase money *n caah. Tho tcrtiia of paytnont of llie balance and all other conditioiiH ut Kale will be made known at the tinio of aale or ou application to Kobert J. Bproulo, Kiiq , Fieaheiton. or to the uadereiga ed HOWLAXD, AKSOLDI & JOHNHT<^N. Veil "ors* Sol icituid, 103â€" ay St. Toronto pxecutors' 3a I p Valuable Farm & Village Property I'lnler and by virtue of the powers veatod In the uxocntitrs of tlie last will and tentanieiit of Alfred Ward, late of the villaguof Dnndalk in *.1m» ('oi nty of Orey, farmer, <ltceaapd. there will bn Hold by public auction by K. N.ilundui^ 8 '», auctioneer, at ^^unshaw's J^otoi -IS THK- VILLAGE OF FLESHEBTON In lilt! (N)uuty of Grey on 1.. i. 1 i. I m At the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, tbe following propei-tiea : Parcel number one â€" fxita numbers one hundred and eighty-firo and oue hnndrmt and ciglity-Hix in thu flrHt concei'fiion north u'lat of the Toronto and Sydenham Hoad. in the town- Hhipof ArtemrKia, ill the County of Ciroy. cou- tainiuft one hundred actec, bu the same more or lest* Parcel number two--Part of lot unnibor one hundred and flfty-one in the flrst concraKion Houth weat of the Toronto and Sydenhaui road in ti<e Townahip of Art<'muMta in tlie CuuDty of (}r(>y. containing bv admeafiureinent one and one fifth acrt'H, betbePHine mor4t or lena. The property deacrilH^d as parcel number one in Hituated rbout four mites from tbo village of Klu>4l)ertou and aoout 1^ uiilea from Proton HtHtion. There are abouc 7i> acroH olrared.well funded and in agoodfttato of cultivation. Up- on th • proniiHuu are aai 1 to be a good log house and frame barn with etone foundation and Mtdbht underneath: Pa eel number two is In the village of Floah* erton. L*pou tho prtmiaes are said tu be a frame houBo 1^ atnreys high, a*BQ a frame Htable. The property will be sold suhjuct to a renei'Tod bill. * 10 per cent, of the purchafio monev to be paid at the day of Hale and tbe balance iu 30 days thereafter without interest. For further pa ticnla*^s aud conditions of aalc apply to Alfred Harrisou, Flesburtou, oue of the executor*, or to LUCAS 6l WUIOnr. VendorV Rolicitnrs, Owen Bound aud Kletbertou. Dated Juuo 30th, A D. 1897. T WP WANT ^"^>"**')>f* oblabltshed trade in nJJ nniil this county. Canadian stock oii%i AGisNTS guaranteed to live, Permanent poititiun. wboln or part time Liberal toriiin. Voii ca*> make ton dollars a weekor bettor with lit. for every week yon work. No experience iiPCosHary. l^rown Brotherj^ Company, Continoutai Nurseries, TUHONTO, ONT 15 Mcb. i f^OR SALC .^•a^aa^a^^a^^^a^i^i^a^-^^ll^^aj^^ M. Richardson & Co :^i^&&; Fles}s.er>to]n. A quantity of fihinKlKH for tale at my mill, Tot 8H, con. S, Artunit'Hia. AIao Hbluglonciit ou Hliar»H, would exubaiiKe a' span of borses for Hbiuijlu timber. J. HIOKLINO, Maxwell P. O. Stock for Service To All wbo are interefited in good atock I would aay tbiit my KtocK bull, Lord llalco, la an sure kB over. I liavo klfto a bcavy boned Yorkshire bog for service. at 7.'> cuiitd. A. JOHNSTON Vandelour, June 18, 'VI., Im Cattle S|;rayed. Rtravcd fiom tho niMURil. one buife ho prcnii I >J vi^aia jnet of the radar' old, flome wlii.«< on facH, and Ave reAiliug hoi *r oalvoa, one nearly all white, three red with Vonie nhitoanduia rod and white. Iiifnrination as to tbeir wberC' abouts will bo thankfully received br «'HA8. STAFFORD. Floaberton, July gl. IBOT, Wanted Puminer buKiiiess li«8 bBcn particul.-irly gnotl this S'.asim. We coinmeucetl with a Bplendid stock of aeawiiifchle gootlsâ€" tlie best selection ot summer lines we over offered to the publicâ€" and now, iii)lwithat;i!iJiiig our many repeat orders, numbers of seasonable lines are sold out or nearly so. These broken lin,^» wo do u 't iiitena to carry in stock any longer and have reduced prices to eu.siiie tlieir speeily clear- anco. We are not trying t'» dispose of lULSt-asfiiMbh' goods. Evury lino is »ii talile fur ihe present siinimcr weather. Reail over the lin.a in whiuh we have made giib- Htautial reductions. Specials in Summer Dress Goods You fhould come and HOC these s]>ecially reduced lines. Full justice cannot b« ^'iven by mere description. Thi-y ao all seasonable goods : 42-inch Double Width Figured Dress GcimLi, three new sbadt-s, rauu!ar .')0c, selling at 15c 42-icich Figure<l Costume giMids, rcgtilnr 48c 25c 42-inch Sl^ot Fancy Dress (joods, regular ;}5c 25c 40iiich Fancy Check Dress Goods, regular 30c 20c â- lO-inch Figured Mohair Dress GoikIs, reguliir ilSc 26u 42-iiich Black Figured Dre.-is Goo<l«, rogu ar 40c 25e Dlack Hduclc Dre.ss Good", very |irotty line, regular 35c 18 j Black Figured single width Dre^s Goods, regular 17c lOj SPECIALS IN PRINTS AND WASMI^Q GOODS Woi.l Delaines to clear sel'ing at 15c 27-inch J tiMinese Crepe, regular 7c, selling at 6o .\niaiantli I'rii.ts, fast colois . 80 Double Width Percales, n.** colors lOo Crejioiis, Grass Linen«, Musliii.i, A7.ur«j Silks, Sateens, Prints All tdlii g ;.t iidudd |ii(iN. t^p;ce foib.de riitcial ineiitioii STAPLE \$l^ STAPLE SPECIALS IJP^ SPECIALS Heavy Crash Towellings, extra widlhs, 4, 5 and 4 ccntH 52-incli Heavy Figured Table Duniask, 20 cents 58-iiicli Extra Fine and Heavy Damask, 30 cents Blankets, size lOtjuarter, %\ per jKiir Grey Flannels, special values from 8 cents a yai«I Clearing" Sale of IVIillincry^^^B^fc-^^ Millinery at 40 cents on the d'>llar. The bulanci* of stock remaining a 'tor tho close of a most successful Heaaun must be cicaretl thi4 month Gary purchaserw will secure great bargains. Hhiu«e silks selling at I5c, 20c and 25c a yard. Ladiea' Shirt Waists clearing at 25c. I,,a'liu8' Belts clearin.' at ciMt price and under. Bur- gain.< in Kibbons, Shajies, Sailors, etc., etc Ladies' 1'ara.sols, rcgnlar 7oc, selling at 50c. Ladies' Paras-ils. reuular 81. selling at 85c. Lad'cs' Paiasola, roi;uUr 91.25, selling at tl. Veiliiig.s, re^uUr 26c, selling at 5o. Speoials in Sunr&xner* Foo't^iiirea.x* Prices of Ladies' Oxford Shoes subs'antially reduced. Four lines of extra Doiigola Shoes, regular 91-50, clearing at $1.25. Two lines polished Butf Oxfords, regular 91.33, clearing at 91' We have some very special lines in Men's and Boys' Readymade Clothing on sale just now. Come in and see I hem and compare them with value* otfered alse- whcre. It will be a pleasure for ui to show you the goods. I preserving j^ugars Another car load to arrive this month. We mak* our Grocery Department • special feature iu our business. h;ari>iware: i>epartm:e:i^t Men and women wlio cau work hard ta'Uinu and writing nix bouia daily, for six divi^a woeli, and will be content with ten doiara weekly. Addreea, NKW lUI'A CO., Medical building, Tonnto, Out. a r~i.T:;^lvT'Tnci ' Beoona editron J^K.srIZ^ r\ -i- »-->..â- Q„een Victor' â- ' exhausted. Jiiblli-e Kdilion on press, lleit biatary ot the Queen and Viotorlan Kra puhli>n- rd. Tlie only Canadian wAk accepted by >!' r Maj><)ty. Sales unpreoedentudâ€" knock th 1 bot n out of all recoids. , ( anvasiers sroi' - inn iu money. Kven boys and girls nellit a t. Higoominlsaion orslralei t we alv salary alter I trUl trip. BKADLGT-OAUKijTBOM. CO , • l,td., Toronto, Oflt. WE ARE ANXIOUS About you, for although prices of live stock have gone up, yet if you don't know where to spend your money sn as to get the most for it, you will be as badly off as over. SiWer <^xoina Is what wo want to hit particularly. Agenta are travellini; over the country and are selling twine at from |o to Jc a pound more than wo are. Why not have that in your piK-ket / You can if you buy from us. Pure Sisal Twine at h\c Sttndard at 60. Dominion Twine at 6|o Rod Tag, runs farther than Red Cap or Blue Star, only 6Jc. Blue Tag, pure Manilla, much bettor than Red Star or Blue Ribbon, 7c. Puro Manilla, tinely spun, our price, 7^c. Grain Cradles, Binding Mitts, Rakes, Oil Cans and Machine Oil. Wo lead with best qualities and lowest prioea. HOW ABOUT ? Pre.scrving Ket'le», Fruit Jems, extra rubbers, or anything in Tinware, Granite^ ware Hardware or Crockery. ANOTHER CAR Of Windsor FIXE SALT, direct from England. Also a large crate of lovely white Crockery 41. M. Richardson & Co | i ^:.'«,i