Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Jun 1897, p. 1

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f sb^rtun Jlhirana. ' TRUTH BEFOEE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEti NOT MEN." VOL XVI, NO 850 Flcslierton, Ont., Thursday, June IT, 1897 Â¥. H. THUBSTON, EDITOR & PBOPKIETOR •^.H,, Wedding Presents... Tlia selection of a wa'i.linq prfient U Mtcn a ciiiiicult task, btit all that will be overc. me when you txaniine our large and eit-tiisive stock. Here you will fifld evirj thing that is usually ktpt in an np- t<Mlale Jewellery Store. June is a monih f.l wedJiiigs ard we arc prepared fur it with a tieaultful difipl.-.y of Wedding Gifts. 'Purchasers wi!l find our prices very low. Everj-- loily ia going to make their selection at W. A. ARflSTRONG^S Jev.eller and Optician, Fleshertcn, Ontario YESTERDAY'S SUCCESS TO=DAY'S INSPIRATION 1 OAoes upeci'a/s Od L;i:!U;d' Don-jola Kid Gait- iirs, Bize* 3 to 8, every j„ir irar- rar.tml, ^1.25. Misses' Buff Oxfords, patent IciUl'.tr tip, tizos U to 2, value ex- ceptional, Too. I^ftdieu' or Lace Shoeii, dongola kid. siics 3 lo 7, very Bliecial, tl.35. MB, â- ifiiCi. [Id. C;;king Powder, pound liiia, loo. Best Prunes, 5 lb."!, for 2oc. Frc-h H^^>ck Touuvtu'S, Go c-tn. Best Yellow Su^tar. 28 lbs. for $1.00. («n\nul"ted Sugar. 25 U>8. for gl.CO. Dinitman's Kk'ctrio Stmp, 4o-b;>r. Extra largo siand battle Sewiii;; Mach'iiu Oil, lOo. Oiimiud Black B-rrics, Red Currants, Goo:ieborrie3, and UnMi^o (Jiiinces, 2 for -'iio. ^ Highest Marivet Prices Always Paitl for Batter, Eggs, Etc. F. T. H!LL & Markdale p. S. â€" Wo want to ole\r out the balance during the noxt TWO WEEKS and thii ii how a discount of 25 ji?r csnt. ou every purijhiw-. Eogcnla. From our oxmi Corrtapondtnt Mr. Thompson Wilson hi>s erected a fine drying kiln at hia factory. Mr. Walker Sloau has put up a hand- some fence in front of bis residence. Mr. Thomas Sug;jitt it miproving the appearance of his home by painting it out side. It l^ a pity s<jme dou't follow hia example. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pedlar, sr., are viaitiiii; friends at Woodford and Owen Sound at present. The spi-cial meetings held here by the Rev. Iboin and Mr. Ro<:er3 are now clostd for the present. It is to be hoped much good will result frnm them. Mr. Uulgers bas proinjsed to return soun again on condition tnat the Pieabyterian | pcujila commence to finish their church. | Besides workins so hard for three weeks i amoui; ihein free he also gave tbem a di-narion to assist with the work. Let; US hope the coiiLnv^atiou will now show what fide they betong to and put out some etfott to tfaiih it as s>u)u as (xiasiMe. We are fl.'kd to wolconio Mr. F. E. Fen wrick biwk from (1w«'n Soui.d Mrs. Feuwick and Mrs. Jo». Williams pjid a vi>it to friends at P.iisley Litely. A large picnic from PrtceTillo and vicinity spent a very pleaaaut d.-iy at Euaenia on Satuid:iy week. We are stdl ^ad to welcome such a rcsptctjible and Well couduo'-ud assbiublyof people to Qurtavorito picie groumls. Swintoa Park And applies very poin'e<lly to evoiy week's increasing bu.siness here. Our ciAtomers m:iny of wht.m drive tifteen to twenty miles lo do their «luip- piiig, expect ua to do better for them thnn all others .ind our reputation is to never disappoint them. With the enormous atock of gL'odt of every des- cription noct.ssary, bought for snot ciiih and nuirkcd .it Kpecially clo-»e p ioes there is no rciaou why we uhould not maintain the load we have already dst-ibtished and as usual c.>ntinuo doing the trade. Our advertisements are rtad with interest and profit by hundreds of customers and there is never the smallest shade of exaggeration in cither quality, tpiantity or price. Seldom or never is a customer di&tppointed, and we partiottlarly specify if lines if yoods are broken or quai tity limited. '•"^ UO^^^ totAo ^arrnQTS Wa want al'. the WOOL you will have for sale tlJs season and are prepared to pay the, highest cash or ti-ado price.s. FLANNELS AND YARNS Grsy Twilleil Fl.-innel Sheet'.ng, 72-'n wide, ox^ra heavy, 57i<'. White Ttviiknl Flannel Shoetinsf, 72-in wide, exli^ hoasy, S7ic. Grey or White Twilletl Flaimfl Sheetintr. 36-in wide, exti-a Heavy, 29c. Factory Flannels, heavy, ail-wooU splendid quality, 2'ic. Grey Flsnnelt, plain or twilled, wide wid h.s, lie, 12Jc, 14c, 15c, 18c, 20..'. Factory Ynriis, pure wool, in grsiy, black, white aiicf gray, navy, whitr, royal blue, cunlinul, etc., at pur lb., 32jc. Corseis, Corsets We p!a'-e in f tnck this week l-?0 pjurs corsets which are undoubredly the best values we have ever hanJled. The "Alasen," a regular oOo corsets for 40e. Tho " Dora," a regular 75c cor- set for 00c. Tho " P. C." a regular C-1 25 ct.r- set for Ooo. Frommir own corrfspoiui'^it. We bid a lie&rty welcome to the Wauti- lul weitther of the iusi few days and hope It it will reiiiaiu. « )n Tu"sd.ty. Juno l»t. Miss M.-iggi*" Camp'oell and Eider McGregor weic united in Uid holy bonds of luatrtmony. The ceremony look place m the Latter Diiy Saint church ai'd was performed by Ehlor Evans. The bride was dref.sed in green cash mer.», tninmi-d with black, and HR:.iHteil by Miss Ma Wil.S' n. while the vroom was assisted by .Mr. Thomas Cunipbcil. Aflerwfrds a luunber of frifuds proceeded to the house, when a suinpf uoi s waJdiiii; supper was served. Mi^s Emma Lawler is visiting; at her p.irenlal home ai present. Mi.-is !Ma<jg<e McDonald of the Soulh Lin«, Artoiuesi.i, is the guest of MLis L>. OougUs at pre.sint. Mr. iii'.d Mr«. W. .1. Bl.Tkesfon and Derby of Piiceville speut Sunday with fiieiius h<*ru. We aie glt.d to K,<irn thai Mr;. Alcorn, who received a bnd hiut by a fall, is now up and .".ronnd iijjaiii. Mr \Vm. Stewart is wtsriiig a ihr'je- c irnert'd snide since his wi.e presented him Willi a eon. Mr. Hei'ty Fowler one of his finest C >ws by l)eingii >ttd in the swamp. Miss M.>gj;ie Foriis of Inistoge is visit i'lg friends here at present. SSarkdalft CO. Ontario of our WALL PAPERS we'll do it: Give vou fc... ' gM>imi'^w.!T.w If <-rn~tqaâ€" â-  «« â- â-  .» «. ^ .y . , ^ ; yyâ€" Fiom our ou-u Currcsi>oiiJeiit. Mr. Manly SIi>rden is vi>i'in;r in Mark ddi-. the tcu..stof Mr. Will McFarland Mr 0. W. Hutledire and Rev. J. M Siiiipson were in Tot'/n'o Uwt week ns I d>'le^ateB to the Methodist c< nfererce. Mrs. Caswell hn% moved back to Mark- dale ai.d is ri s diog in th,« old teinpiT- I Hiico houst». Wo are g'ad to welcome i Mr-". C. back to our town agdn. I Our jiiuior fo- tbnil tea-n intend going j to Uundalk on tho 22iid. It wid b.- I " Maiki^ale .ifja'ii.'t Dundalk" that djiy. j We think our I crosse boys will stand ; a .;ood chance for v. inniiii; th<» piimnt. I Mr. W. L. Slid sis'.i'r. Miss Amelia Mc- Failand, spent Sur;d;.y in i'U sh rton. I All eiror appeared in li^sf. week's bndg't, ill the i.ama â-ºf Harry Watt. It shoidd of rtacl Waikins. Mr. D. B. Ncilv (K-cupied the pulpit in the Miliiodist cliurch herela'>t Sunday pieachi'ii! two very insttuciivo and in- terest iiiij sermons, tho pastor being in Toron'o. Mr. Will Bell of Eugcu'a g;iVO us a call on Tursdny. Mr, J. E. Trelford tsiiiifroVin,' ll-.eap- pearanc-* oi his heautifid dwelling by j levellirg the gronrd. Ho intends pmit- j ill!.' a iii-at fri;ci' ail arounvl it. ! Mr. S, J. Halbett isthis we«k in Belle- ville as dolecnto for the lodge of Mnrk , i!a!e Oddfellows. Prlcevillc Fiom onr on^i Con-eiii>oii(lriit. I A phrenoU'gist arrived in town week and is holding forth in Wiit.-! ^n's ha'd. His lecture.s arc quite iiit^TiKting, : but his "hemi reading" is perlmps tho iiia'jnst which draws the crowd. Our P. â- S. pliy.siology say:* that "tho shape of the head artord-s bo guide to the character or : mental ciidowoients, and therefore todc- .. fiiu- a pei-son's obaracrof and men;*! abil- jUiesb^ tho outward apptsrtncj of the skull is impossible. Query : Who is right, profesoor or author of aforesaid text book 1. i Mr. John Mathers raised a fine bank bam last Friday. It is an excellent ; frame and reflects creilit on the contrac- tor, Mr. John McDonald. The captains at I he raising were Messrs. Joseph .Mc- donald and Neil McLean. Capt. Mc- Lean and his men came in a few seconds ahead. It was a close race. When rais- ing the second bfnt Mr. Thos. Nicholl got one of his feet under a " .shore," and a very painful wound was the result. I,ast Mond ly Wiis fair day, but not many head changed hhiids A year ago there were plenty of animxls for sale and only a few purchasers. Tliis week a number of buyers put in <in appearance, only to return with their money in their pockets. Mrs Wm McDonald had a cancer re- moved from her lij) this week. Mr and Mrs. Robt. Watson and fam- ! ily visited friends in this vicinity last week. Dr. Mahaffy of Bolton is the gicKt of Mr. C. C. James at present. The Dr. was 87 years idd last Monday, but not- [ wirhstandii g this great age he is as lively ' Aa ever. Mrs. Prinale of Gait is visitins; her i sister, Mrs. McLeod. ' Mr. and Mrs. .Vrniilrong of Parkhead are tliegiie*is of Mr. and Mrs. Uogarlh this week. Died â€" On Friday, June 11, the infatit dausihter, aged about three mouths, of Mr. and Mrs. Bolger. Tlu funeral took place on Sunday to South I'rotoii. We extend our sym^iafhy. f leshcrton Statioa one presented by the boys and one by th giiN. Mr. Thomas Heron from Bufliilo ia visiting friends in tho village and vicinity. Mr. Richard Prvstion of Havelock ao- ctnnpanicd by his wife aaid chdd ara visit- ing at his home. Mr and Mrs. Robert Wilier and child left last week to visit relatives near To- ronto. Mr. Wm, Bemrose leaves town shortly. He is voing as first mate on the Sir. Cartnonii. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kinnear and Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kinuear visited iu To- ronto last week. Quite a number of our citizeus are n jw proud possessors of a number of the Jubilee GUibe and a picture of Her Majesty the Oueen. A young people's society of Christian Ekideaviir w.aa organized in the Presby- terian church Wednesday evening A nuinher from Fevemham society were P'Oscnt and lent their aid to the work of ortsauizing. As most people are aware, the society is purely non-denomination..l and members or followers of any church should unite in this worthy asii^e Great are the prepar.ition3 that are ba- ing niailc for the picnic Jubilee D.ay. The coimni^tes are all hard at work.. B'ever- sham and S.ughampton C O. F. l.'d;^cs have been invited to l)0 pieseut and unite m tho p;iriile. Thj pioirram is s^ill swelluig, fireworks have been pur- chuseil ai.d a football match in btiiig arrans'J. Mr. James Fuckinihaia's sriive been the place selected l-y t'lio co.nnittee. Everybody come and briib; your basket. Frmia onr own Cnrrvxptiudent Mrs. Wadsworih and Mrs. Ryan and .son of Tori'iito are spendint; a few weeks with frie.ids 111 this vicinisjr. Mrs. Cook of Zioii visited her son here I.vst week. Mr. and Mrs. Cairns visited friends io Dune<iin. Miss' Maggio Etnin ii visiting her hroitier, Mr. J. Euan. We are glad to see Miss Egan .xround again. Mr. H Wilkersuu rt turned from Winnipeg last week. Wo are pleased to see Mr. W'. back aiiain. Mrs O'.Melii. who hns been ve'y low with inll.'niniation, but hiul recov. nil somewhat, has taken a relapse and al iLa pic'ent time is very low. MrF. U. Tucker spent a few days tvith her mother at Hoktein. Mis. Sr.rjeiit of Holland epent a r'ay with hiTs u, .Mr. E. Saroeiit, th'sWB k. We have JMst received word that M-. Fnizer VVruhr. sonof Mr. W. Wiiglit, West Back Liue, is dead. Kinil)crlcy Frmn our aire i CorrespuwUut Mrs. Will Harris aud Mr. Bert Arm- â- strons have bo^h | urch;<l tino new bteyclos durin-.! t! e pa.-t week. Mr. aid Mrs. R. P.dlar. of Klesher- toTi, were th"'s «;f Mrs. T. Car- ruihets over Sun.iay. Mr. and Mrs. .lohu BIythe, of Thorn- bury spent Sunday with Mrs. .las. Stewart. Mr. and Mr«. Ed. Baker, of Fiiion, Were the guests of Mrs. StaftVud, Sr. . for a few d-iys last week. Mis. Oe.>. Cornfield. Sr , died Thurs- d.iy, llth .Tune. The r-jii.aiiis wetvv in'.ereil in Fairin 'Unt cemetery on S.itur- . d.ay. Mr. Thurston conducted the ser- viciiat Inme ai^il lajnietery. A memorial service will be held ill Methodist church next •SuncUy nioniii:g. Last mjdiKSkliy evoiuf.g, while Mr. A!. Scald in visitiui' at. the home of Mr. Ed. Ilarbottle, what pro .-ed a nit her sei^oua aeoM III. occurcd. Sir .liin H;vr- bottieai'd Mr. Scanlsn were trilling' with Mr. Kaib' t'le's rifle and ilid not know it was loaded. Mr. Har'oottio took tlie gii 1 from Mr. Scanlaii, and iu fun point- ed it at hnii, but the irtin just then went otr, the bullet entered Me. Scanlan's b g just belo'.v the kupe and shattered ihe bono Laoly. Dis. Shcphotd and Ego set tl'.e bor.e a.';! 1 1.0 patient is puijrestiioi as well as coiiM bi) ext<ected, hut the Dr.s, SA7 it will be at U' a cotr^le of m nibs before the pntiont will be able to be lut. iMr. Tbui-sion occupied tho pulp.t of Ihe Mcth' di-it cl U'.ch on Sunday morn-" t ig, Mr. B.Utour being away to ooufcr- e:ico. - j SSaxwril. ' Frf.m 0\tr (bra Cormpondmt ' Many f ieiids will reprvt to hear of the death of Mi.s* Asrgie S^rachan, which occurred on Tue.sday of last week The tunefal took place tho following Thurs- ; day iVoui tho family residencetoDunodin. : Rev. Mj: Tlioni of Klesherton eonducfed a short "fni'iival servi.-o at tho house. Previous ti^Jtlii.i the childicn marched down from so*>ool, and as th-y circled .aroriid the roui.aii.s on tho lawn two to;!i! wi»aLhs were placed ou the c\ ffin, The anti departmental store cnuaoe goes merrily on. Had tho dei.artmeutato been the great fcononiic marvels they were claimed to be.and bad their uiethi'us of di'ine hnsiness really lieen straightfor- ward, honorable and upright, theciuradj ngaiui-t them would have fallen fiat long ere tins. The forces <.f tho "ai.tis, ' however, are receiving aecei^siona tvrry day ; and the prubabditiusate that they willciMiiiuue to do so iiii<il tho depart mentals, for lack of ::ul!ible nialeriMi will be compelled to go lUt of tho busi^et^s and give honesty a chance auaiu. When P. T. Bamuui, the great sbowman. said the people liked to bn humbugged li<> knew what he was taikini: about. Te-plj do like to bo luunbiuiod. Some a>o ho::gi<h and want to be hiaubugved a whi'le lot of times. These are the oots that wi'l stick to the depnrtincntiai.*, iu search of"bBrgmiis,"unlji tho last woi ileii niitintgis .S'kl. The lUpartmciitals cai-'t fool all of the people all of the time â€" not in the face of the exposures llat are Lu- ina made of their so c-alled bargains, any- way. The only mistake people make when tliej' co to a departmer.tal stote for » "baruain" is in st)p[Kising they, ai-.d net the store pr< piietor, ar« going to get whatever real bargain thcie is in the tr.>n.saction. Acowownod by John S'lloinon, of Rosemi nt, gave birth to a cdf lo Friday Issl -.hat in really a freak of nature ni't ofieu heard of. The body of tho calf is reversed accordiii;^ to the usual crder of lhini!s;all the organs are on iho outride ;:nd thus-kiu is In Mia it stue. The head is the only part of it that is iia- tuval ; the body ii virtii.iUy turned in.siJe our. J. W. B.iily, V. S., of I'useinoet, has tlio body and is preserving ii as a curiosity. â€" ^holhuruo Free Press. m yroctor v^ 'i^ & Jillan d .â- n it, i^ X^j FOR 0/ S Good=Fittinjr ^ I SUIT ^ iJh Latest Style f ThctT \ii \^ im, f\} !rrocior Oi ?Sw .^ /

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