•â- •â- â- â- MwMtwirtwi ^5Pf THE rLfeSMfiRtOM ADVANCE eSTABLISnBD -/SS/' riWLIsnRD WEBKLT At tK* OFFIOB, ITD- ENUAJf 8TKEST, FLlflBBBTOH, OMT., BT W. â- . VHURSTON. $1 per aniiam,9trlctl]' In advance Adrertisin^ Bates: Ona Coloma, 1 year, tSO ; baU col., 1 jreur, $27 quarter col., on* jear, tlS. TranaleDt adrertisemeal charged at the rate 8 centa per liDe for first laeertiou and 'i cents each subsequent iDsertiou. TOPICS OF THE WEEK The pait veek hu been one of cold raiu and chill; wirather, aud vegeta- tion is thereby rendered very baok- ward. An immense quantity of raiu liai fallen, and grkin on low lying lands is badly drowned out. What is death to one township, however, is life to another. The township of Frotou is the greatest sufferer in this respect, while GUnelg and some of the other rolling and sandy towueiiips are largely benefited. With wbrm weather from this on, growth would be reuiarkablly rapid aud luxuriant .throughont the count}. The most important event in the Dominion Parliament duriug the past week was the loyal address to tlic Queen introdactid in the Senate and concurred iu by thcHoasc of Commons. Both leaders in the commons viod in ihcir efforts to heap eulogy npon hor majesty, and at the conclusion all members rose to their feet, and led by Col. Prior, made the "welkin"ring with Ood Have the Queen. It was an inspiring moment. There are such things as genuine and spurious loyalty, and tiicro wore members present, who joined' in that ovation, wlio, judging by Iheir past deeds, would wish the Queen and her dominions at the very antipodes of heaven â€" or at least that she aud they might become part and parcel of the ^reat American republic â€" and these gentlemen shouted with the rest. But (hen there is bcuod to be a lot of epurious enthnsiaam worked off with the genuine thing during the prcnent month. It cannot bo otherwise and it is not worth trying to prevent, and possibly not worth referring to. Juno is the month of convenlions and coufercucca. The Toronto Con- ference is in session at Toronto this week. In this connection we notice that an effort is being made to stum the tide of new recruits offering fur the ministry. The profession is bn- coming overcrowded. Tliia word "profeseioii" may be taken txcepliou to, but should it not now suporcede the word "calling?" This latter word came into use from the fact that every candidate who tutercd the ministry believed himself to have been directly called of God, ami still has to submit evidence of such call- ing, when, if the evidence isgnfticient, he is admitted. The great difficulty which confeience will have to face iu stopping the supply is the sifting of this evidence aud deciding who arc and who are not called. If the word "profeasion" and « standard of ability were adopted^the diffioulty would bo overcome in a trice. The word "calling" misleads no one in these days, for the people are as just jiidgca in inch mattera as the clergy, aud they recognize the fact that great abuses have been worked through misoonoeptioD and erratic jndgiuent on the pirt of those who have kept the gates. The ohuich has been aad- Ij bampered bjr incompeteut people who liare, no doobt honestly, mis- ||ikea their ambitioa for a call. •sprey Conncil The council of Osprey met as a Ci<urt iif Ruvisiim in Mnxwell un Muy Slxt last. The iiienibors all pruseiit and having serefHlly autiacribed to the statuary oath procuoded to huar appeals as follows : \Ym. Uo4lgBon, lots 16 and 17, C(>n. 13, as being ssseiiHed too high, the ap- pellant did not appear and the Hbsuss- iiient was gustaiued ; Enoch Silley was H880H8fd as tenant of lots 31) au'l 40, con. 2, N. D. R.; The name of James Keid wan takuii oU'Saud 9 WeUingt'ia Street, Fevetsham, also 950 axsessud as i>t-)re goods and transfered to lot pt. 31, cou. 4 ; John Douglas wag asgeased for lots 8 and V Wellingt')n Stre.t West, Fever- shain ; \T. J. llubertson was added as owner lot N. P. 58, con. 3, S. D. R.; Donald and Hec'or AJcLeau was taken oiriotSO, cou. 3, S. D. R., »nd James C»lt! added instead ; John Sinclair was added as owner lot 32, con. 3, S. D. R. ; Lot 38, con. 3, S. D. R. was changed from Thoa, Tansley to Benj. Patterson ; Isaac Uaniihon was added as tenant lots 70, 77, 78 and 79, con. 2, N. D. R.; Lots 18, 19 and 20 Wellinaton Street, Fererbhani, was assessed to Geo. Sayen as tenant ; Alex. Stevenson was a»8ess- ed for lots 5(5, 67, con. 2, N. D. R. ; John Ferguson, was aOded to h>t GG, con. 1, N. D. R. ; James Coutts was added as tenant lot 17 and IS, cun 3, N. D. 11.; Donald Cameron's iianie was taken off lot P. 11, cou. 6. A number of names were adilud a^t Farmer's Sons and M. F. und the roll thus revised. The council then preceedud to gonoral business. Minutes of la.st nieeting read and ciiiitirmed. Conitnuoicatioiui were read fr-un W. U. Thurston, bill §32.46, election stationery, municipal stationery and priutins; ; C. \V. Rutltdj!e, hill ^17.1)0, printina 300 copies Minutes and Rt-ports of IS'Jd ; Petition of R. T. Adair and 118 othon> asking to have40(ii aideroad suuth opened. Mr. Kdw. Roiko, of Thornbury, and Mr. Emflish, of Hamilton, interviewe:) the ci'Uiicil regarding the puruliase of a roikd niiichiiie and rock cniehcr, but the reeve iofoimed lhe»e uentUnien that they would nut purchase this year. (*ri!»'rs were i.s.sued on tiie treasurer to pay Tlios. Uuy £1, flour supidied Mrs. Sti.ckH ; W. 11. Thurston per bill, ^2'Ab ; The meoiWrs of this council, iii- ctudint; theclurk and assessor ^2 pcivice on aaxessment committee ; Robt. Realty $3, charity ; Samuel Taylor, s^ilary as assessor. $75 ; M. MeKenzie $o, cliaiity ; 0. W. Rutlodije $17, printini^ ; The Treasurer 83, oveiplus pa\d by him re Le;{i>lativ« school giant ; W.J. Monngh- an ^1.20, investigating^ road in divi>ioii No. 5 ; Dr. Scott $15, medicine and at- tendance on Mrs. Stocks re diphtheria. The clerk wns instiucted to notify the county treasurer to eraio the taxes of IH'M) charged uitauist lot 20, con. 7 ; l"t S. \V. P. 21, cou. 13 ; lot 2, eon. 14, the same having since been paid to the collector. The coniuiisrtioners of div. No. 1 and 5 were iiistrucKul to exandiie the 40th sideroad between the 3rd line north to the towiilino of Mulaiicthou iu iiUHwer to the pr.iyer of 119 ratepayers with power to expend tflW upon caid road. Council adjourned to meet at Badjcros oil J uly 6th next. TiioUAS Scott, clerk. ArtemcHin Council The Municipal Council uf tho township of Artemosia met in the Town Hall, Klesherton, on Sat unlay, Juno 6, 1897. The members were all present, the reeve iu llie chair. The minutes of session held on the lat of May, 1897, were road and coiitirmcd. The followint^ com- munications were rend : Tlio police truHltes of Flesliertou, their estimates for 1897 ; J. E, WiliianiSotnl, petition for a l^inntof money for improvements, on the V'Hlley Road ; Joseph Watson et el, ask- ing a {{rant of imuiey Incomplete part of south line near lotH IU), 37, ele. This petition was laid on the tabic for future consideration, James Fi.sher waited up- on council iu icgard to an error iu open- ing up base bno ea.-it, iifnr concession 4. OJtorgp Ludli'W waited upr)n the council askirij.' a (iratit to gnulo part of l!)(l aide road in ciince.ision 1, N. E Solnniaii Turner wanted a ginnt for road leading from Kuscenia to his farm; Mr. KobioMon leproRcnlioB tlie Copp Rros.' Mfs.'. Co., spoke to the council In rofor- euou to purclia.io of a road grador from said company and Mr. En^jliHh roprcsont- in/ths Sawyer & Massuy company, urged u])oii the council the merits of the We.stern Road Qiader, manufactured Ky the Knid comi)aiiy. HyUw No. 637 to coiimienco the statute labor in the villnga of Piicevillo, was iutruduoed and read a lirst time. Bestâ€" Thompsonâ€" That Mrs, Smith, an indixent, he granted four dollars a mot.th out of the fund<t of the township until further orders. Carried. Thompson â€" McMillsu â€" That the assuRHor bo paid hisiialnry for 1897, viz.: the Rum of eighty dtdltrs. Carried. Kellsâ€" Thompson â€" Thatttio timber bo cut off that part of the Valley Road from the Davis duvulion north to the town line uf Euphrasia on lot No. 26. con, 14, under the nrovisiun of bylaw No. of this townalup, ns the owner of the property nftur due notice' has neglected tocutsaid timber. Carried. Kells â€" Thompson â€" That the petition of J. E. Williaini, ct al, re improving Vidley road, I'e ontortaiued, and thafc oommiasiouers Kells and Thompson examine (he rood named in said petition with a view of making a practicable winter road, and report to this oouiioil at it^ next sessinn. Carried Thompson â€" Best â€" Th«t twenty-five dollars be granted nnd expended in grad- irg part of 100 side road iii Qon. 1, N. Q,' Btaaefiry-JieCHJ _X 'iw» Cnmiriissioiier Best to attend same. Car- ried. Kellsâ€" McSIillanâ€" That the reeve and Mr. Thompson are hereby appointed a couitnittee to examine that part of bare line in rear of 101, 102, 163, in con. 3,N, E,, cumplained of by Jxmes Fi8her as not being on the pr<rper line with a view of ascertainitu; what compeiisa'ion.ifany, Mr. Fisher is entitled to, said road bcin^ represented as beiu<! in the wrong place. Said committee to report to this cuuucit at its next meetint;. Carried. Thompson â€" Bestâ€" That the clerk notify F. T. Carr to remove at once the timber pisced by him on the roadoppo.'-i^e his let 33, con. 11, as tliure in ri.sk iu passing along said road witti said timber there and complaint has been uiade tu this council of thn t,usati?e. Carried. McMillan â€" Thompson â€" That this Council attend in a body the case at the court bourse in Owen Sound, should the case of Mrs. W'a'.terson vs. Artemesia be set down for trial. Carried. The council adjourned to meet on the firat Saturday iu July, 1897. 11 lyiii y/i the matter of the Csiate of i^andolph J^fenry 'J^iddauffA, late of the Village of SPr/ce- ville, in the County of Sret/, iProuince of Ontario, Sentie- man, deceased. NOTICK is hereby given parsnart to K. B O. 1887, CRp. 110, fee. 3e (ami anieiirtiuK actfl tlmt all per.3<jDS liaviup kny cluiius or li.uis Kpiicisl or otiierwisc) asaiost lljo rai<l llanilol|ih Hoiiijr Mlilflanch. who died on ^r about the lath day of Muri^li, 16CT, or aBaliist his fsnte or any part or share thereof or li!t<i>ett th«r<.iii are lequiri'd tj BciK* bv post (preuairt) or to uu- livtr to Conleiia iliildauKh, of the Town of Uuihnin. in theConuty ofiiroy, (Unthnni V.O.\ woov,- (f the (ixdcuciii of the lait »ill a':J tuatHOient of the said li.iRimsud or to U Ijsfroy McCaul, of the said Town of Durham, tile solicitor tor the said f.\.'niitrix, oti or before the I2tli day of June. 1S!>7, their cliriHtinn and buriiaiuea, ttd1rc« ,.•». and desiripli vn!. the full particular!! of their eliity», a •tuteuieiit of their account or clsiinii. auj th« nature of cho sitcuretio* (if any) hell by thetu anil tlmt at- ti r the mid day the haiit ex"tiitrix will p oeec'd tu di-liihiito the acstts of the eaid deceai^ej aniouK the parties entitled thereto, h.ivirc rei>.*rrt only to the oh inu of which notice shall havo beeu f;ivon a* ahovo is reijuiioil. Aud the iiaid eiecutiix i.hu',1 not be reKponslbU :or the absutsv any part thereof to any porFun rr purnous of wlioso claim* notice thall not h.ive been received ai aforenald. . atcl at Durbam thia Cth day of U*y A. U. 18U7. tl. I.KFHOT McCACr, Soliuitor fur said Executrix. COUDELIA MIDOAL'CUI, Executrix. PHI IP. WM COACH STALLION " Wild Jfarri/ " No. 12fl.->, Vol. ij, Y. C. H. 8. H. cf Kuulaui. No. 49, Vol. 1, C. H. B. B. of Canada PRIZES WON IN CANADA . Second a« a two year old at Toronto, IBfiH; llmtaii a two year old at Hamilton, IKSH; llrHt at 'J'oronto In a clafis of twenty nnd Meda! over all others in iwio ; first and RweepitnkeR at Toronto spring Ktnlllon show, iwjl ; flrnt at hiMistrial. IStU : -luoouil at Torouto fpting btalliou show, ISUU. I M. Richardson & Co LOOKING AHEAD! The Summer Holiday Season is rapidly approaching. Jubilee Celebration June 22 D'>minion Dtiy July 1 The "Glori..u8 Twelfth" July 12 With these events so close at hand the question of Seasonabl.i Clothing is an all important one. Our June Clothing Sales are always encour .sjing, and this «ea.s,>a wo have nutile special propar-ati..ii8 to meet the demands on our Koady-nuulo Clothing stock (or this month and quote special cash prices to intending purchasers. All our gannents are we'l tailored and trimmed and we &in ht any..ne a-j our assortment 01 Kiaes is vtry full and complete. It will repay y.,u tocmenmi look over our stock. Wo shall bo pleased to see you whethtryou decide to i.ur- chase or not. All linos cdvertiscd are in stock. SPECIAL PRICES FORJUiNE Men's Navy Serge Suits M.iVs Diii£>omil Stiipo, gray and brown mixture suits .Men's Dark Cray Ciitck Suit-s, square cut or K&rk Meu'a Heavy All-wool Tweu3 Suits, lifrht or dark cohirs ". " Men 8 Heavy All-wool Tweed Suit.s, square cut, excellent value .... McnV Black Worstwl Suits. Venetian tiuish ^ ,«^ Men's Dark Gray Summer Weight Worstetl Suit.s, extra value ana qu.-iii y 12 00 .. 4.9r, .. 4.3.5 .. 8.00 8 1V) Ready=nade Pants Our stiock will surpriie youâ€" all sJKea, all prices, ah colors, all weights. Nice All-wool Pants, assorted colors, ?1 .00. Heavy All-wool Pants, $1.25. Black Worsted Panti, heavy weights. from ?1.95. Boots & Shoes Our sales of summer stock have been highly gmtifj-ing-tho stock Is go- ing do-.m, but the splendid as.s.irtaient is there still. We tin show you ten styles in Ladies' Oxfords to select from, and our ni'isjo in Ladies', Men's and Chil- dren's Boots is equally complete. Special figures for June in this department. Boys' Clothing We haven't sufticcnt space to »aya!l wo would like about Boys' Clothingâ€" ' (^ /a •• 4- »^ our stock is larger and better a««orted ^CIll 3 than over. Come in aud inspect itâ€" it will speak for itself. Boys' Tweed Suits, from 93.00. Children's Suits, nice summer weights and good colors. 82.00, $2.60, 82.76. $3 00 and 83.50. Furnishings Summer stock new and complete. FeltH.tta, Straw Hats, Caps. Sweatets, Ties, White Shirts, Colond Shirts, Top Shirts, Light Underwear, Summer Hosi- ery, etc., etc. DESCRIPTION AND PEDIQREE WILD IIAHRY i8 a beanlifnl dark bay with hlnek lc({«, no white. alitMda 10* li»n'l« hlqh, wciRhs 1100 pounds, foaled in iSsfl, has Krnnd netlon. au oxcollent temper aud >iaa proven liimHelf a sure foal (jotter, nnd heliiK aiich a fashionably brod Iku-hu, traosiuitH hU Nupurior (inalitleii lo his proReny aud will (.'nt liureeB that are in Hoeli ureat demand in both th« KiiKliBh aud Aiuerioan maricets ai<cl briug hixh priccH. WILD HAKUY. No. 1265, Vol. 2, Yorknhire Coaoli riei-so Btud Hook of Mnijland, No. 41), Vol. 1, Coach Horeo Stud Hook of Canada, bay color, foaled in IKtfl, bred by Henry Covordftlo. Hhh Farm, Kiiby Mooresldo, Yorh hhiro ; property of Hnines JlroB., flrlorHvilla, Out. Kne Kinperor I23H ; lio by I'Iniporor 7^2; ho by l.'iniierorH.J; he l)y 'Jeneral llenetit 17U; ho by Itayloek 07:) j ho hv Havl.»ck :i.H; ho by liayliick M; ho by Champion SI, (who waa foaled in IBM.) Hire of Dom Hnllot, S. H.; ho by Underhund, H. H , out of Aflolaldo, S. B.; by Melbonrne, S. H.; O. Dnni bv I'urtondrof, B. ».; out of KKiiierolda. 8. 11.; by Cana.la Hall, H. n.; O. O. nam by nodlaiulto S. 11 ; out ot I<ady of the Lake, 8. B. ROUTE FOR THE SEASON OP IB97 .MONDAY, May ;ird-Will leave hl» own stsble, lot 1, cou. ;i, Ht. Vincent, and proceed by wa.\ of Third I;lneand !l and 4 fido road to Itevere Hotel, Thoriibniy, for noon ; thence by wav ot ('laikHbutgand Ibth Line to !•', Siueluur'a for night. TUKSDAY-Wlll proceed alone IDth T.lno to lleU Wing, thencu west to S, (ioodfullowH for noon ; thunoe by way of Duncan Sideroad and .3rd Line tf> anct 7 Hiileroad, theuoe to J. M. ThurHlon's. Kluibuiley. for nluht. WKDNIOSD.iYâ€" Will ptoooed by way of 4th IJne Routh to P. MuushawV hotel, KuBcula, for noon ; thnnce to U. Hoy't*. Morov corners*, for one hour ; thence to .4, Munehaw'ii hotel, I'loshurtou, (or night. THUUHDAYâ€" Will proceed bv way of Vande. lenr to OaoiKo PIuto<.iusou'H, 8uveutU iiino Enohratia, foi' noon ; thence north al(iu« HovenUi tiiue to Jaa, Scott's boat Uucklyn, for night. FIIIDAY-Win procoecl along 7lh Lino to Town Lino, thence west to Rd. Clark's lor noon ; theueo west along Town Lino to MlHventh Lino, Ht. Vincent, thence north to Jlobt. Korr'e lot W, con. 11, for niiiht. BATUUDAYâ€" Will nroseod by way of 15 and 16 to Koyal notol. Jleaford, for noon, tbeuce b]r way of Font th Line and the .Mall Uoai to hia own xtable. where he will romaiu until the following Monday morning. The above route will be for (eu weeke, health and weather permitliug. Summer 9/fiiiinen/ Summer season in full swing Ladies should onler their millinery now while the stock is well assorted. Another mouth will wind up a most successful aeasun. Specialties in Summer Goods, Shirt Waists, Parasola, Light Underwear, etc., etc. i^i^RDinz^ARE: i>ef»artm:ent •"'""' n To inanre, %%, alnglo leap 40 cash. luaurscl marea must be returned royularly to the bona or they will k>e charged the insurance whether iu foal or not. Fentoue trying tuaree and not returning them regularly to the horae will be oharKud for «a>ue. Pariieii disposing of Idieir mares before fouling time must pay the iu- suruioe whether Iu foal or not. All aooirtents at tbe rltik oi livuerg. Vo aecosd prices. Oreom's lees SOo tliu* ol sanloa, W. X * J. A. HAINBI, Praprietora J. A. HAIH^, naaafM- Diamond Jubilee... We only have a JUBILEE once in a long while. Lot us have a good tune. To help the thing along wo are g'j;«g~to ^ave money to everyone who deah With us, by giving them "great values." Cut Nails, base price per 100 pounds §2.00 Wire Nails, Imsu price por 100 pounds , '...".*.'.'.". 2105 Oiled and Anncallud Wire, per 100 jjounds 2.20 4-Point U»rb Wire, por 100 pounds .."..".".".'.'.' 2.76 ' Screen Doors, with spring hiiigoa, only .'..'.'. l!oO Potato Parors, a duiidy, only !!."!'.!!!".! !o5 SPECULATING That is what wo are always doing for you. POLES on the fly. Wa caught a lot of CURTAIN CJierry Poles, with wood ring and brackets, only 30c sett. Oak Poles, with wowl ring aud brackets, only 36o sett. Any CidorPolo, with liraaa fi.\turo8 complete only 26c sett. Snajis in Window Shades along with them. WE HAVE GOT Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Bedroom Setts, Glass Table Setts and Fruit Setts, which we will sell very cheap for the rest of the month. The right place t<» bwy any kind ot HARDWARE, TINWARE op CROCKERY is at Richardson's Haulware. M. Richardson & Co |