Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Jun 1897, p. 1

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V Xiiiana, <s "TRUTH BEFOEE FAVOR." â€" " PEINCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL. XVI, NO m Fleslaerton, Ont., Xliursday, June lO, 18G'7 W. H. THURSTON, ^^^-b^o^pSietok Sr I A J- We resents... Tlie selection of .a wecUliiig present is oflca a t itlicult tjibir, but ull Uiut will bo overciiiue when jou examiiio pur large iiiid cxtei.aivo Ktuck. Here you will tiiid evi'i-jtliiiig tl'.it i» UKUttlly kipt in au up- to-daie Joffellery Store. June is ft month ef weddings and we iire {irejiHrt'd for it v.itli a beautiful disp!«y ot We-liting Gifts. Purcliiisc'm will find our iTioes very low. Krery- Lody VA giiiiig tu Uiuko their .>!ulecti<jli ut W. A. ARnSTRONQ'5 JcwefJer and Optician, - - . - Flesherton, Ontario WELL DONE HAYi â- S<4 Not-.vith.siandi'ig tho univeraal " hnnl times " bumnosH with ua in;)nth jint ciul'd i'l iiwjiy abend ot eoi-rcsp(mdin<; ni mth of pr-iviom years. for the This iaor ia very i^ratifyiu'.; inasmuch u.s wo know ihiit our ttfoiti in pUtiUL' worthy toodc «t clo'B prieei b;;for,) thj buyiug public are bjnii; iipiireciatcil. No rea.son why .Juuo Khould not be just «B good a business iiiontli as May and wo intend it shuU. We're never without special:* in every depaitiiient. Sometimes we buy clearing lotJt at bi;; diw â- ountn and 8onietune» when lines got broken and only fraclional parts remain we put clearing pi ices on tlio balunco. Tl' apply very particularly to this week's uffurini's. oo6s CLTxd. ^lioos Lot No. I For Infanta, Boys .and Girls, Men and Woiucn, nbout 60 pair in all. We clean th'j lot at from 2.'5c to i)5c per pair which nie.ins about half JeguUr price. Lot No. 2 29 pair Mcu'.s Fine Shoes, Gaittjr or Laceil. nairow toe, are good nearers ^nd sliMuld be worth ?1.50, but our price whild ih.-y list will be $1.13. Lot No. 3 21 pair Mifrse&' Laco and ISutton Slioe.s KizcK 11 to 2, odd linos, woitb variously up to $1 50. Wo clear the lot at 85c and 95.; per )iair. No pos- sible requirement in footwear is over- looked in our largo aisortment and prices nowhere else so low. MEN'S = = - CLOTHING No young man or older man will do justice to himself either tii'.incially or otherwise who purohases a. suit of cMhes without tirst seeing our magnitjccnt as- sortiiient. dur stock ciiniprises aljout twenty-live di(ferent kinds in light or dark Scotch, Ei^gU^b and Caiiiwlian Tweeds, Serges, Cheviots, Y- noliaii find Clay Worsted.s, etc , etc. Prices rang- ing from §2.50 to $11.00 per suit. Hera are two lines of special meutiin : Gniy lialifix Tweed Suit*, sizes 36 to 42, farmer's satin lined, perfect titters, woith i^O.OO, but go at $3.85. Dark Brown Scotch Tweed Stiitn, square or louiid corners, bciit trimmiugs, worth regularly $10.00, our price while they last $7.90. .Haplc Grove From our aire i CorrcSpuwknt It may be of to your many readers to know tliat the f mners of the Grove are in no way behind iheir iiuigb- bors. Seeding in over and a few days of fine weather will enable ihem to get potatoes; turnips, coin, etc., put in. of our fanners will then bo at liberty for a sliori time, but htiying will s<jou be on hind and ll'.e i:rospecta for a good er"(( are exeellimt. Sir. .Jiiuies ilwnry has been on the sick list this past weeU. We are pleased to hear that lie is recuveiing. Mr. McAuley uf Flcsherton St-itioii vibitou the Grove last wiuk aiid purthas- cd a iiUiu'uer of young catUu for ship- uiC'it. Mr. George Elawk in buying iambs in ^his vieiniiy and oS^'s good prices. ilr. .John Cumplell IS si k at ijn-sjnt. H'.pe ho will soon got nmnd ngain. Mr. \. C. McLean utidLrfo"k to at- tend ti 5fr. John lIi;Arl!lur'a cort;i, while John a'teniKd his ."isier's woddiii:; The cciw ku;ked. tlio uiiiit was lost and McL'jau i-i iniialiii an ii kneo lie had better l«eep clear of CO. V stibles and pij; p- ns. lirf was just r^'c'ivcriuu from a p evious i c.iuOJ:t t! at h.p;o:ndniim wliil" l;ui'<.'i"g a p'l.' pun fi r a neiehbor. Mr. R'cbaid Park and wife, from Euguuia, wi-iu tisitinu tliu lattci'o parents htra lest Sunday. ile-.Ts. J.;onaM and J. iin Mc.Vrlhur of PiicL-ville, MusHrs. .McGiU and CroKshy of Fie^hoitoi; .Stati'.n and I'lcshcrtott. h'gldy distii I'uisI.ed tluMn- aeivtsiit t!ie big wedding I'oty in Price- villi; on Wi,Ji;o-.iJay* eiciiing last- at di.iicing Scotch recl^: 'I'liey took th.' cike. llissrMnni that v.e aio trtatid to such an excelli'i.t proforuiaiice. Mr. Fred McAnhur of the Grove i tniiidiiK Mr. Sarjnnt'shor!!) for the cum iiig raciBon July Ut at Dundalk. If the horsij la right Frod will pm him to tlia front ou that I'at,'. His h'li^io trainin is cm'y odip ed by his slitiep shuating iibilitie.". Wi) unib>rst«nd that a well known rcsideiit of Flesbeirc.ii Sialiin illtltlld^ visitiiiL! tlia ' lirovo " at an enrly dale for tho purpiiso of oi^aniziiii.' a branch id tho celebrated Limekiln t'lub i>{ Chicnco. We fail t'l ht-o bow he can sucoeeJ here. Colored gentlriiien :iru joarca in vicinity. W» tbiiik ihut lie must be sli'ihily c^dor-ldind or he w-ould noi think of oriiaiiii'.ing hero. The well known Mr. ThomdS Morrow of the Grove, has yne into the c^iitle business. Ho has put i:i a lar;,'e nuiiit or of, ptockers and will folow suick ^f.irm iiiSif'^elinL' salii!i<.-d that this branch n i I be easirr tor him ih.iii niain raisina. We think Mr. Mtjrrow shows coimI judj;- ineiil in this and trust ho may meet with euceoss. Miss Mary Conkeyif the Grove, at- tended the big wedihn'.< at Prioevillo on Wi-diiesday last. l*rl«;evitle 3OO Pairs Ladies' Fast Black Hose Sizes &i, 9, 9J, value at 15c for 10c. Another .'urge lot of Black Hosiery bouglit very clieap, tiizes from 4 to 9J, your choice for 4e and o; pair Misses' and ladies' Tan Hosiery, fast dyes, light or chirk culors, at 12c and I60 pair. I V iiui. av.1 I V w, < A nice line of fancy summer Dress Goo<ls, double fold, excellent value at per yard 12Jc. Anotlicr bettor I'ne in Tweed Ef- fect."!, pretty imtterns and colors, will bo fast sellers at 16^0. A splendid assortment of Plaid Dress Gooils, all the newest colorinK."", at per yard 25o. A clearing lot of Dress Goods, worth up to 25r a yard for 10c. Ill Dress Patterns we are sliowing by Fronj Mir own Currtspondeiit On Wednesday, Juno 2, our pictur- e8<|U0 little burg was the scene of the most fa.dlionablo wedding that ever graced its precincts. The contracting parties were Kate McArthur, third d.oightir ol Mr. Donald McArthur of this village, and Mr. M. Calder of Underwood, Bruce Co Tho bride was magniiicently gowned in oremii brocaded satin triiiinied with siik She was assisted by her sister, Maggie McAitlinr, who wore wUit^ cashmere. Tho giooiii was supportml by Mr. Ar liibald Galbniitli of Cndorwo«d Tho uiipti.d knot wtia tied by tho Rev Mr. Thoinof Flesl-.eitoii, in tho Picaby terian churcli, which wa.s croVAled to tin doors. After t.h« ceremony the guests nunibiring about two liundred, adjourned totho resid ncoof Mr. D naid McArthur wb.'re a i-uinptnous w«ddin.:{ supper was 8or\ed. To yive a list of tho ijreseui" would oc(U]iy all tho spaee allotted to ynur t ity wo.u very numerous. va.-< aptni in tiipping the fan- and o her pastimis Pipei MoK.ini;on enlivened the evtning w.ih patriotic Stoich a. is on the The biido and gruoni have wishes of the eomni.unity. The 8. O. T. of FrioeviUe held their annual picnic to Kngenia Falls last Sat- uid.iy and it proved to bo an unqualitied sucjess. The eatublcs provided wore of Mr. Robert Riley, who was iu Hamil' James Watt, in tlio employ of Aim- ton for a few days lately, says that it is stronjj Bros , bad his hand liadly cut on imposBible to securH work ot any kind in Satui-diiy last, which nearly caused tlio- the Ambitious City fit present. aniputa<,ion of two tingera. Dr. Ego The Rev. Mr. and Mrs Humphreys are dressed the wounds, in Toronto this week attending conference Uuch Marieii and A. Proust were iu Grasshoppers are a minusquaiitity. Wo town Friday, June 4, ])urcliasiuic, have not seen a solitary specimen this but only si.x were bought. F.iiriy good season. The cool weather and steady prices weiu paid. Mr. H. Mercer got} rains have completely banished the pest a $100 for his driver. for this year, and we are thankful for i». ' Armstrong Bros, aro erecting a fino A very interesting discussion totik place residence in Markdalo for rental pur- tliis week in our burg ovei tho exact moan- poses, thi^y say, but there are rumors, in^; of s certain Gaelic idiom, ks might Miis Miilio ilutledgo left last week fjr~ be inferred, Mr. D. McLean claims to an nxtt'iided visit with friends iu Fort '. have the proper interpretation of the dis- : Vv'illiam. pulud word. However, he has an able. Mi-s (Rev.) Goldberg, accompanied by oppniicnt in l!ie person :f Mr. D. Bla- , her dauuhl or and Mioa JIuulio Lucas, lei t Coriiiack, who, in our liutnble opinion, la«t Tbur.sdriy for a visit with friends uW seems to have the best cf lhn argument. Nova Scotia. The matter will bo settled this week, »s ! We hear that ono ttf our liarber.s in- acoiupetout Gaelic sclioltr, in tho person j tends leaviii-rtown. Jimmy will have iC of Mr. M. McDonald, is investiyating the ' all to hiiiiKeltnf)W., Jimmy. e'hniuoi;y of tiie term. Full particulars Mr. W. R. Burnett's infant diet! last i.ext week. week. Vandelenr .Fi cm oiir own Corrcf^mulait. Mr. Philip Smitli of Toronto visited old iicquaititHiicos here last week. Mi^io Annie Summers hat bad a sevcte alfciek of pleuroay. On Monday nt last week, while Mr. J. Bnvres and Mr.Philip Smith were driving dnwii the mountain, tho horse kickui'., turning the bugcy upside down, damag- ing It eoiisideiablo. Both parties escap- ed with H bad scare. Mr. .lames Patersim hnd the misfortune 10 h.ivo bis ankle put out of joint whilo logging at Mr. Bennetts last week. Liist Friday while Mr. Tims. Kells was The mouths old. babe was only a uouplu o^ ill Markdale, he slipped and fell with his | |;is,f. week. SaaTwciL b'ri.m Oiir Own Vorietjiotident -A.bout oO, 00 11)8. of niilk is received at! tho O^proy cheese factory. Tho Ktv. Mr. Fcrricr is in Lt.udou writing on his tinal ex.imiiiation. Sir. Andiew Stracliim arrived homo week fiom California, wbero ho has risidtd for the lust few years. Maxv.ellites are sorry to have to loftj their genial and acconimoditin:; mail diivur, Mr. Muldium, Mr. Bruce, who bus secuied Uia contract, coniiuences 1st July. Dr. Seottpaid a flying visit i« Toronto wliolu weiuht on the siilewalk. It gave him a pretty bad shaking up as he is a ho.ivywe'ght. .Mr. .Samuel Buchanan passed peace- fully away Sunday morning at one o'clock. The fuiiuial took pl.ico 'L'uesUay after- burying ground, nour noon to Irwin's Markdalo. Latly U:ink From our own CorrexjyntiJenl. the hole Miss Liiu'.io Storlintr is visiting Toronto. Will ai;d Charlie have suctt.'eded in learning to ride tho bike. b'or some time past the people of 5Iax- woU have been discubsiiig ways and means of eolebrsting Her Mi<jesiy'.i D.anii>nd Jubilee on Juno 22nd. Last Thursday evening a"tneeting was luld in the bull to decide what cimrso should bo followed. It was decided to hold a monster picnic in the urovo near the village. It was also decided to procure suitable badu'es for tho occasion ami havo a panide of the school chiidron, Foresters A ulooin was cast over neigliborlio'ul on Woiliusday of last week ind Oian;;e lodges and the gejiorsl publ.'o when the sad news was circulated that ffom the viljaije to the grove. Tho Nelstiii CNbi.nio, son of Mr. John I badges aro to", ho furnislud fi'eo to the (Jslmrnn (>f this place, had been drowned I sehoid children and others can procure at Meslord while fishin:;. Deceased was 1 'ho same f nun the coniniittea at an rely a young man of 1:1 year.i, 4 months and I nominal price. Committees were appoint- 19 diiy.s. lit) was Well known .and highly ed to look sftcr each depurtmeiit of the respected. Ilo loft homo in the inorniug of Juno 2nd, stroi g and well. The remains were hi-ou^^ht home on tho following niortiiiii;. The funoial took place to Ivock Udl cemelrry wu Friday uf last week and was very largely altemied. It was an occasion never to be forgotten bysll who Were there. The service was condiietod by Rev. Mr. Balfour of Kimberley, A very touching sermon was pre:kc!icd frum tho words found in Jlntihew VI 1-25, Tha bereaved parents anil family are almost districted with grief. Tiiey havo tho sympathy cf tho whole noigliborhood and best of all liavo the sNsuranoo i>f a heavenly I'atiier's lovo and card . Tlia nioruhic flowors dloplar tkfiir sweets \\n\ ijay tlioir Bill^eu leavuti uiifolil, As uat'Hti'HA of iliu uoonttdn liuaid \6 fearless ot the eveiiiuij cold. Nipt bv Uia wiuds nnkliKlly lilast ruretiud by tho huii'h ditvctor ray Tile luumentHry giorioM jmst, 'iliu sbort-livcd boautioi ilie away So li'onius tliti tinman face divine Wiietl voiitli ilH priilo of iMjinity hIiowp ii'aiiir ilian spiititj ttte ce!oi'»F.t'>ititi And swtititur tlian tliu viigiu rose. Our popular timber man, Mr. John Linley, to(d< out a car loud of soft aim to ; t^ Ett'-eiiia last week. i iji Tho Sunday Scliool picnic was p 'sIpoB- : •Jj.i cd till Moiulay, Juno tho 14tii, owing to! tho had weather. ' I Mr. Ed. Hanliy issomewhat recovered. ! Ml'. Thus. Conper, near here, is on the sick list at present Ml-, and Mrs. J. GrilVin of Fevcrsham vioit<;d tho lutter's home on Sunday. work and all steps taken to insure the coinpleto success of tho undertakiiig. This will be Maxwell's bigday and every one is expected to unite in this matter of common mtirest. After reaching the urovo a suitable program of patriotic soims, addressrs, etc., will bo engaged ill as well .as games of various kinds, af I or «hich tea "ill be [lartakenof. A cordial invitaiio.iis ijiven to everybodyand every- body's friend* to attend, each of course, remcinljerinu to make am]ilo provisions in the way of well tilled baskets for the need of the inner man. A young lady in Owen Sound is makit g a botanical collection of Canadian wild- llowers and has .secured forty-liye varieties since tlie snow went away. (?> jf^roctor m d Jilian OigpiptS^ the bcsi We want all the Butter and Eggi you will have lo sell, and about 60,000 pounds Wool and are prepared to pa^ the very higliest piico. R T. HILL & CO. Markdale : : , Ontario far the and best a.s8ort,nioiir in excellent quality and suthcieiii quantity, town and as usual at lower prices than and the appetites of tho eaters wero oijuhI can bo found elsewhere. tu 'ho occasion. A number of tho pic; nickors explored tho vuboy of the river below the falls, and aithouglr they had a toilsome and ditlicuh excursion over boul- ders and slippery logs, yet they felt amply Apaid for (heir trouble. Mr. -\. Wuts<jn of Cheboygan, Mich., who has bonn spoutiing a tew days umoug friends in ciiis vicinity, left for his homo this week. Ue is accompanied by his ni>)ce. Miss Manba Watsnn. Miss Wat- son will he greatly missed in the choir, Loiigue and Sunday school. Ularktlalc Fiom our oicii Corrrsiiotnlcnf: A rather amusing drama was en.acled ill magistrate Rao's oHico on Friday evoiiing la^t. Your scribe is afroid to givs partio'iliirs lost h*} ihiirht he called upon as a wi'iies* in I he event of possible litigation. Aiijlwdy desiring particulars niiuht conmiuiiiiato with Mr. Rao, who will not iu his eajiacity of magistrate, possess tho. ssmo I might say, howevcr,^th.Tt the diama partook of a belltgorint iiHturo. A eoiivention of the Woman's Mis.sion- «ry .\'ixilinrv was held in Markdalo on Thursday Juno 3. There wore ipiito a number from dilierent parts pie.ent and a very interesting and profitable litno wa« spent. ii, i^ ^ FOK 5g Qood=Fitting SUIT Latest Style XI>^Y jrroctor m M mm

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