HiHiirri(r'i7r ssas THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE eSTABLlAfBD '/SSA PUBUHIIED WEEKLY AT THB OFFICE. SYD- ENUAM STREET, FLEHIIBKToN, OST., BY W. H. THURSTOK. â- '^1 per annnniiStrlctly in adrancc Advertising Bates: Oaa Colama, 1 year, t60 ; halt col., 1 joar, $37 quarter ool., ooe year, SIS. Tranalent advertisement charged at the rate 8 oeuls par line for first Insertion and 3 couts each subAequeut ioRortioo. The bcs' advertised man of to-day i 3 Rudyai d Kipliug, the British poet. 11 udyani had the misfortuao to make an nntinii'ly reference to Canada as the " Lady of the Snows," in a re- cent poem. That poem Las actually Lronght into being in Canada the long looked for national literature, nnd now that wo have it the expres- sion is one of surprise that we did not recognize its existence before. Nearly every city, town and Tillage lias produced its poet during the past two weeks, and one and all iling with free hand their anathemas upon the cnl;8;^py Lead of Mr. Kipling, and in rnauy instances tiie parodies are quite as good as the original. Poor Greece I Turkey has whip- ped her. 8he must abandon all that she Las fought for, and perhaps pay a heavy war indemnity. Crete is lost lo her. Her power on land or sea is shattered. While she may retain Lcr name, tier monarch and lior former borders intact, she is a king- dom only in name Lcncoiortli. tilie as a financial wreck and a physical ruin. She undertook to chastise the vulture of Asia siiiglo handed, and leceivod not cvi-n the moral Buppoit bf Christian nations in her struggle. Jhissia ei{gtd on the Turk, GiMmany loTiied Lcr generald and publicly de- nounced the contentions of Greece, while England, Franco and Italy acquiesced in the nefarious sta'.u quo. Kings and cabinets appear to ic- iTOgnize uothing but pLysical forco and commercial intercHts. There ivas uo doubt also a ghoulish desire to witnees the testing of modern iiu- plc'incnis of warfare, and the op- porlnuit} was timely. This is a coldblooded statement, but there ia more truth than poetry in it. What tho outcome of iho war will be is the veriest conjecture, but tho fact re- mains thai Greece is irretrievably loHl, and the powers can do with Ler as tliey will. It is scarcely concriv- nblo that those powers will allow Turkey lo reap any ma'.oiia! benfCit from tlio war, iliid strongthen herself fit the expense 'of Greece or any other coniilry. Their expressed wish liaB been for years that Tuikey may grow weaker insti ad of stronger, and according to that desiro they now Lave the opportunity of calling this feud a draw and of forcing both Greece and Turkey to bear their own financial loss. Is this their aim ? That Entertainment To the ICiliUir of Th4- Adrixnce. In BccoidAnco with tliu prKinptiii,; of my mind on ih« inimicnt, I RildiesH ymi » fi.>w of my HuiiliiiiunlH ill rnuanl to tliu pivni'iitfttioii of " Tlia Lint l^iif," on Kridny I'voninif lust, uiulpr llie iiim|)iof8 «f Ihi) Yiiiirij/ I'i'ople'H KpwDitli LoHgiiH of Fli'slierloii. Doing pioaant, I kimw whereof I 8pnRk. 1 take very much ploasuit! ill ciiii);mfuUlinj{ nil tliusiu con- corned in tho cast of oharacturi) on tho vory oirelltiiit success of tliu pre^onl- Dtliiii. of rii lungtliy, iiitrioxto Biir) dilliciilt II iIi'Hina to render. One feittiiru caino to lliu front At once, that wim the very Imiinpt, (oiifidunl, •!««)', (jrnci'ful do- ivi ry of ouch cliaracter iw they ih thoir turn t<K>k part in the gmiid dinl<'g>io, voice and gesture beinK jus*, thn right pilch and attitude to lit ui h»riuoiiy with the progrraa of tho act and the surround- ing circuiustancuH brought out. It wm very ajirtieably apparent that there was a toail abainue of any superfluou8,affectalion or show. The naturuliiesx, the vivid lifaliku representation of the ac^ne iu hand, either by voice or approprile gesture, at one* arrested attentiun, and carried one away into the sense of for- getfulneia nf all else, and cauHod one to consider that he was actually beholding the facts occurriuu in reality in some homo of the land. I could not help but think that all this very clearly indicated the painstaking toil, the choice tiisie of the diroctorate, whoever tlioy may have been, and alxo the unremittini.', ch>Be, precise application to study and portrayal, of each of the characters in the drama. Oh, what labor ! And all for what ? Thu best exprctision of Christian sentiinetit, viz : to make others happy, and do good. And the intervals were improved by the orchestra. Tho music, my ! it made one youni;. The rendering in ho artistic a manner of such liijih cloiwi music by our own boya and girls would be dithcult to surpaKs by profcssioiiaU, of much more pretentions, or ill towiiu or cities for that matter. I know what I upeak about. And here comes in tho point I want to mnke. This on'ertninment was prepared by tliB young pooplo for puriioses of Christian charity and qoud. But alas ! such effort, ho spariiiuly recognized, palronizud and appieciutud by the con- eriil public of the surrounding coin- iiiuniiy. Shame, I marvel that the lea'^ue could have the patience nnd L'reat good nature to catry out so faithfully so rich a pro^iram, being greeted with so sparse a crowd. It but deepens nijr conlidence in Christian craces. I ment- ally anked niyKelf the question, what's Iho matter with Ibe people anyway? Well, 1 know .Slime said, times are hard. Yea, but thank goodness we're not in fnmine stricken India. I would save two meals some day t<> " help encouriige " so eiiterpriHing, philanlhropic nn elTort of our boys and girls of the church. Then others tay, '.hoy have particular ob- jections to such things in cennection with the church work. Well, poor, mock modesty, over sanctimoniously cloaked self. Do stop aiid think soberly a momrnc, and I think you'll coinn to a sense of rehHou, and open that great, large, lump of a heart and determine to be more broiidmindcd and hulpfully dis- po.sed at a future lime. Then there are those who had not their attention drawn to the fact that ho good a mor.il and in- tullectuvl treat w»» to be presented. To those nnd all others lam plunsed to con- vey the good iieWH lliut thvy can atill have an opportunity to enjoy the pU'U'uro of hunriii'.; and seeiim »o enter- taining a draiiin, thoHo friends of go<>d, huviiii: consented ti give it in full in Kiigenia on tho evening of the 24th Miiy. Then ciine, enc'iatHi.'e and prove your appreciation of the eflTurts of the youin; people. I niii sure the unlettered will find iiiuuli that is iiiHtructivo. entcr- tuiniiig and anuiHing, in quaint speech, 111 vivid portrayal, in quick impasHioned cimllonue, and pointnl repartee and mirth provokic.' fii.i ; in real life, pictnr- ini; Koenes of diHuenee ch:ini;eil in a few shij't years to those of abject wretched- nrnn, misery, woe and want, nnd denpair, calliii); out the Kyiiipalhies bi ought ntiout by indulgence in that lirey liquid which deiitroyH peace, happinesii, home, com- fort, pioperty, body, houI, In the sequel ipf thiH case, eM'iitunlly roscutd nnd re- deomud by a |ile.iiiiiiL' chain of circiini- Htance«, the culiiired mind can revel in the nii-Khes of enclinnted thought, calling out dainty diidieH for mind's as.Hiiiiilating. Now, let mo Mvv, if there ia Hiill some who, wrapped iq> in their litlie bit of Helf, coiiie and see thiH drnnia, nnd if you auiiloleit nny \ulgarity as you charge, nny base wicked thini;, by word or token, or anything unbeeomiiig, uiichi-i.-itinii, or anylhinu' lens than a beautiful object I' HMOii. tlioii wii will coimiderately, jratioiit' ly, H8k you to point out the wrong nnd liatun to your reasoning. F. T. C. FARM TO RENT OR SELL I,nt ns.and con. N. K. T. & B. U., M acres . pooil (laiuu liuime ; flo acres clearod. Ka?.y terms. W. A. AIlMsrKONn. Fleiherton. IB ii y^ //# matter of the Estate of i^andoiph Jfenty T^iddauqh, iate of tho T^tHayo of tPrtco" vi'iia, in the County of Sroy, iProvinco of Ontario, ycntio- docoased. man. NOTICK In hereby ^ilvon pursuant to R. R. O lflH7. <'ap. 110, Rfo. Mt't (ftiirl ftiiienriiiiB acts) that atl iM'i'M M)B having any (ihUiiiHor Uviih (itiiucial or olhoi wIhh) at^'iiiiitt tho aultt Ittiridolph lluiiry MithhiitKli, whd iliuil oti or iihoiit the \'.\X\\ day nf Murch, lKii7, or acaliiHt h)« etitatM or any part or Hharu thereof or interest therein are loqnircr) to Rend hy pout (prepaid) or to lU- liviir to Cor^Uiia Miitilaiiifh, of tho Town of Uiirh UI. in tha County nf (trev (Ourhaui i\ O.) willow of the oxticutrlx of tho lattt will and tHstainunl of the iaid decaased or to {\. liofroy >.ci;au). of the said Town of Durham, tho KOlieitiir ft>r the ^v.\^ oxeoutiix, on nr before tlin i2th (lay ol June, I8q7, their christian and 6Ht nanit ft, oddret^fies, nnu dttvvrlptiouf*, the full partiouUrri of their olaluM, a btatiuueut of their arcouiitM or olaiinn, and the nature of the suouriitiea (if nny) h**id hv tliem and that af ttn tlie iin,l<l day iho raid executrix will proeeed todi.it ihute the atsots of the aaid de(*eaHU(l uniftuK tho partlL-a entitled thnreio, t\,aviris regard ouly to tliu olaUnt of whieh uotiuu Hhall hava heeit fjivon aH above is rt'quirrd. And the Baidoxti«ut)ix ahall not be retiponaible for the aBvelsorany part thoit^ot to any person or perinua of whoHo claltna notiue bhalt not, baTo buL<u reocivot' at afore»4uid. Dated at Durham thiv 6th day of May A. O. I»a7. O. T.KFROT McCAUIi BoUvlWr for «ald exeoutrlx. COIIDICLU MiDDAUOn Kidoutrli. Bff Everybody READ THIS CHANGE IN BUSINESS The undersigned wish to announce to the {leople of this section that they have purchiiHod the tailor- ing business conducted by Mr. C J. Leitch m Pleslierton. We trust the very liberal patron- age Ijostowed up<in our predecessor in the past will be extended to us in the future. We Don't... Occupy this space tn do a little blow- ing, but to introduce ourselves to the public. We will make our work do all the talking, and thereby hope to gain the giMxl-will and patronage of the people of this section. We guarantee you a jjcr- fcct tit in the latest styles of the art. BAKER'S OLD STAND, FLESHERTON ^Procter & ^ilan frOOD'S PHOMPBODTNZl Tk« Qrest BB»Ilali Bemedr. Six FaektiaM Ouarantttd to promt'tljr and permauentlf cure aU forms of AVrvow* Wtatntm, t:mUtion;Sptrm' otorrhea, Impoteney andaO tffcctM of Atnu6 or Kxctnet, Mt»tital Worrv, tzcea^ve UM !>.«.««_ J JA„ of Tobacco, Opivmor Stimw Befort and After. ^^„ „ma «»» j«d to /â-º /trmtty, Imantlu, CMummplion and an early gratu, Bas been preecrlbed orer 3.^ jcars la thousands of cases; Is tbo only IXiab'e and Ilontgt Mettictn* knovm, A«k druKglitt fur Wood's l*lioapbo41n«j If bo often some worlhleos medicine la pUce of thli, tncloM price tn letter, and we will send by reCom mnlL Price, one package, tl; •Ix. t*. On» vUt ^kaae, 9im viO •urt. Pampb>tftfree toanyaddrcM. Tk* ^'ooii CkimpaMT, Windsor, Ont., Canada. 8uld ill FloNherton and everywhere in Canada by sJl reepuosiblu drugKists. t COACH STALLION '' Wild Jfarry " No. 12«», Vol. 2, Y. C. H. 8. H. of Knglaui!. No. 40, Vol. 1, C. H. B. B. of Canada. PRIZES WON IN CANADA Hucoml as a two roar old at Toronto, 1MI8; rtintai a two year old at Hsiiiilton, ISMS; flist St Turoiito In a clan, of twenty aiitl M.r.al orer all others In isni ; ArHt and Sweep^takeH at Toronto s|>riiii; etiillion show. 1891 ; llrst at Im iistrial, IHUI ; second at Toronto ruriui; htalllou show, IHIU. DESCRIPTION AND PEDIQREB WILD IIAIiltY ia a beaiitifnl dark bay with blnck It'Ks, uo white, Htands 10) liands tiiRh, weighs MUO pounds, foaled in IHSC. has Risnil iK'tion. an exoalleiit tuinper and has proven liiniflelf A sure foal getter, and Itelng such a faHhioiiably bred horse, transniitn liin siipeiior qualilles to his proiicny and will get horses tliut are In such ijivat deinaml in both the KiiKlisli and American markets ana brine hii:li prices, Wll.l) HAUUY. No. 1205. Vol. 9, Y-ork»hlre Coach ib'rsa btud Hook of Lnijland, No, 19, Vol, 1, Coach Horse Stud IlofDk ol Canada, bay color, foaled in IS(*, biod bv Henry Covordale, Hat; Kami, Kiiby Muorsside, York- sliiiu ; property of Haines llroa., (IriersTlll., Ont, hire Kinporor l'j;is ; he by Kniperor 7M; he by Kmt>orort45; he bv 'ienural lleuedt ITU; ho bv Ilaylock 6;.'i ; he by liavlock U; ha by Kaylock .IU; he by Champion HI, (wh* was foaled in lU.'Ki.) Hire of Dam llallot, H. H.; ha by Underhand, 11. n., nut of Adelaide, B, ».; bv Melbourne, 8. B ; (J. flam by Iturtondrof, U. H.; ont of Ksniorelilit. B K.; by Canada Ball, H. 11.; U. (). Doin by lleOlamite 8. B.; out of Lady of tlie Lake, 8. II ROUTE FOR THB SEASON OP 1897 MONDAY, May .Ird-WiU leave his own stalile, lot 1, con. H, Ht. Vincent, and proceed by way of Third Line and ;i and 4 Hide road to Hevere Hotel, 'riuiinbnrv, for noon ; thenee by way nf ClarkHburgand IClh Line to P, Buielaer's for nlKlit TUKHDAY-Wlll proceed alone lOth Line to Itod WiiiR. thence west to B, (loiulfel low's for noon ; thence by way of Duncan Sideroad nnd Srd Line to R Hnif 7 sideroad, thcuoa to J. M. Thurston's. Kiuibeiioy. for uiglit. WRDSKSD >Y-W1I1 proceed by way of 4th Line south to I'. Miiiishaw'i' hotel, KuKenia, for noon ; thence to A. MunsUaw'a Iiotsl, I'loshertoii, for niRlit. THUKHDAYâ€" Will iirooaod by way of Vande. lenr to (leorffe Ilutivdnson's, Seventh Line Kui'hraHla, for iioou ; thence north aloni{ heveuMi Lino to Jan. iicott'e near Itocklyn, for iiitjht. KUtllAYâ€" Will proceed alons ith Line to Town Line, thenee west to ltd. Clark's for noon ; thence we>.t alunK Town Lino to Kleventh Line, ht. Vincent, thunoe north tu Uobt. Kerr's lot 15, con. II, for nlRbtl BATIJUD.VYâ€" Will iMocewl by way of l.'i and IS to lioyal Glutei, slialord, for noon, theuce by way of Konith Line and the Mail Koa.l to his own stable, where be will reiuaiu until the followinii Monday morning. The aboTo route will bo for ten weeks, health and wettber persDitling. TERMSj To insure, AS, sluglo leap tl) cash. Inanred mares nuibt be returned rutjUlarly Wi th. horau or lliey wiit bucharK'-d ^be iiiHurance whutlior In foal Ol not, i'oreona tryiua innras and not reluruiUH tlieui regularly to the horse will be eharijed for same. I'urtiaa disposing of their iiiaros before fnuliiiK tinia must pay the in- surance wliwiher iu loal oc not. All acoidenls at the risk of cwncia. No seooud priced. Uroum'a feus fide time of service. W. J. * J. A. HAINES, Praprlator* J. A. HAINES, nanager with fiiroo of character, nseJ- ing \,<i .arn ti.onay, e a n laurubow to du Si* lu a uuot oaktae. Adnr.aH I ' JABUZflALLiiWAT, TorOBto.Oat, if M. Richardson & Co special J^illiner'y Announcement ! ! Friday & 5aturday, flay 14 and I5 STORE OPEN TO NINE P. M. E.VCII EVENING On account of the steadily increasing flow of business in this department, we have decided upon a new departure this season, and have made special arrangements for a Second Millinery Opening. V)iamond jubilee ^iilineri/ Opening Miss Kline and stafT are busily engaged in preparing for the occasion and our Millinery Show Room will be replete willi the sea- son's novelties and appropriately decorated ju keeping with the year of the Diamond Jubilee. We shall show an artistic colhction of the very latest ideas in Trimmed Hats, the prettiest flowers procurable and a selection of the newest styles of trimmings in the most fashionable colors , A cordial invitation is extended to our lady custom- ers to be present. Thinking' of a New Suit ? ? ? Then come and soo the values we are offering in Reaily-Ma'Jv Clothing for men, youths and Ix^ys. We have a splendid u-ssortiuont of seasun.Hblo goods in the newest styles and colorings, well triiumeU and well tailured. We cau fit anyone. Our range of sizes is perfect. Men's liluo Serge Suits, well mmlo and triiiiniod, 83.73. Men's (Jrey Tweeil Suit.s, R<[uure "'r sack cojt, 9'4.9o. Men's l>iagonal Tweed Suits, light or dark colors, 95 00. Mcu'h Fancy Tweed Suits, any fitshionable color or pattern, from 93.00. tlen's lilack Worsted Suits, venetiitn finish. |8,o0. Also Ready- Made Suit.s in Fine Grey Woi-stetls, Black Diagoiul Worsteds and Black Serges in men's and youths' sizes. Dollar Pants A line of TWEED I'ANTS, good colors and patterns, all sizes. $1.00 Ordered Clothing Leave your onlur with us. We guarantee satisfaction. Kuliable goud^, good triminiugs and work- manship. Special jCines in Seasonable Soods Ijidies' Linen Hem Stitched Handkerchiefs, Oc each. Crash Roller Towelling, heavy, 4o, Heavy Crash Towelling, extra wide, 5o yard." Turkish Bath Towels, 54x27, extra quality, 25c each. Cream and White Laces, 3, 6 and 7 inches wide, 5, 7 and 10c yard. Job liino Wonien's Hose, heavy iihl>etl, cotton, 4 pairs 25c. Men's Summer rnderwear. 46c the suit. Men's Printed Cambric Shirts, with two detachable <»Uars, 90c. Amaranth Prints, very pretty goods, %\c. Japanese Fibre Crepes, 64c and 7c. , K-/. ui-e Silks, very stylish and haiulHomo, 12o. Oral's Linens, the correct thing for the coming soa.son, 16c. Prints, CreiH>ns, Muslins, Lawns and Zephyrs in all the new uliades and pattjm.*. HiLiu>inriLRE: dcpartaiesnt ^LWAYS AFTER BARGAINS Competition has been very keen among the manufacturers this spring. Some of them are harilup. One of those kind came along last week selling TINWARE and we bought at nearly our own prices. 12 dozen Tin Pails, 10 quart, yours for 10c each. 12 dozen Milk Pans, G quart, yours for 7o each. 6 dozen (Jood l)ip{)ei-a, 1 quart, yours for 2 for 5c. 1 (H)und S«iuare Butter Moulds, yours for 25c each. Nice Flue Stoppers, regular 15c, yours for 10c. ANOTHER MAN Came along selling WINDOW SHADES. We bought. There is such a difTerenco in Window Shades, some are oil stnineil, others water stained. Water stained shades will fade with the sun and ciknnot be wa.shed. They ar« usually sold at 25o. The sun has no etlect on oil stained shades aud they cjtn bo wash jd with soap and water. Moral â€" don't btiy water stains when you can buy gosd oil stained shades from us for 38 and 40o, Still Another Man On the CROCKERY * GLASSWARE businc.s.s. Wo bought and bought cheap. 7-inch Cut Glass Fruit Dishes, yours for 10c. Lovely Tall Glass Pitchers, worth 60c, yours for 23o, Jubilee Glass Table Setts, worth 50c, yours for 26c. CutGlsHii Berry Sett.s, 7 pi ece.s, yours for SOo, 10-piooed largo sized Be<lroom Sotts, yours for $2i_26. Dinner and Tea S«tts at e<]ually low prices. All aUive goods will be reaily on Friday. CHANGE IN TARIFF has cflfectetl a big oliange iu Wire Nails, Cut Nails, Building Hardware and all kinds of Fence Wire. Get our reduced prices. Get your Wall Papers, Alabitstiiio and Paint from us. M. Richardson & Ca â- i