I TRUTH BEFOKE FAVOR." â€" " tRINClPLEfci NOT lIEN. ' I -n# 'i: VOL. XVI, NO. 845 Flcstierton, Ont., Thiursday, Nlay 13, 1897 W. H. THURSTON, peopbietor Nobby Thins* lor Ladws and QtnU. A ^iG stock: of... ...Jewellery On h.ind all tlie time to cbooae from at the Fleshertoii Jewullery Store. Eye* Tested FrM for Defective Vlaloa. Engenin. W. A. ARHSTRONQ Jeweller and Optician, Flesherton, Ontario Undisputed Leadership Markdale, May 13th, 1897. It is now an understood matter by all who know the values of different kinds of merchandise, and have had the advantage of comparing our GOODS, and PRICJBS9 with what they kave been accustomed to pay elsewhere, that we are •...^cacZers in ^oxo prices Our present system of buying in large quantities, pa)'ing spot cash, for every purchase, and selling^ only for cash or farm produce, justly protects the interest of every customer, and makes such values as these possible. Double fold Dress Goods in Serges, Fancy Tweed* lii;ht or dark cclvrM, ill checke, tiuurex, stripes, etc , Kt ISJi, ICJ, 19, 23, 25, per yard. Dress Patterns K coiitpU-te ossiirtmoiit (if Till tliat is ffcshioiiabJe in aliiiciit erery shade and coloring, no t»o alike at from ♦'i.SOto $6.76 por drcsa. Black Dress Goods In Ca^hmora, Series, Cropons, French Satiiiettr» Henrielaa, Figures, etc., at 18i. 23, 25, 35, <4, 45, 49, 50, 60, 75,78, S5, 90 per yard. Fancy chambrays Floral pattoriis, colors fast, worth 10c. COO yards at per yaid, 6c Parasols Our assortment of Pnrascls never be- fore woa <o coinplole and ai tho.-te prices iiovi-r so uoud, 4S<.-, 75c, 91.00, $1.15, ei 75, $1.95 each. Laces Id White, Cream, and Butter color, from out.- to Ivn inches wide, at from 2o to 10c per yard. Gloves & Hosiery Our stock of Gloresand Lnce Mitts is iieccssraily l»rge, silk, Tatfela etc. in HIack, Tan, Cream, White, etc., at from 13u to 50c per pair. Hosiery Black or Tan in perfectly fast dya at 5c to 50c per pair. Table Linens Dress GooJh (clearing lot) worth from 15c to 25c. All Humnier weights'at per yard 10c. Cottons Grey Cottoa at 3c, 4c, 6c, Cjc, 8c. 10c. W hitc Cottuu 87 inches wide ut 5o per yard. Better qualities at 6c, 7c, 8c, lOo, and 12ic. 47 inches wide at 14 cents. 48 inches wide at 16 centa. 54 inches wide at 24 cents. bS inches wide at 29 cents. CO' inches wide at 33 cents. 64 inches wide aL 38 cents. 4 pairs men's cotton hnse, 26 cents. 3 pairs men's Union Hcse, 25 csnts. Men's wool or black C'ashuiero Huso 20 cei'ts. Men's Sweaters, 19 and 98 coutj. From our oim Correspotulenl. It is our sad dutythisweek to chronicle •he d»ath uf Mrs. Jaa. Carson of Salem at the early age of 33 year?. She le«\'fs a husband and six Kiiiall children, the youngest a, baby only five months old. tihe was a devoted wife and loving mother. The large number who came to sympathize and attend the funeral was a testimony to the hieh esteem in which deceased was held in the community. The funeral on Sunday was one of the laruest ever held it Salem. Rev. Mr. Tlioin preached the fuoeral sermon after iuterineiit in the cemetery to a larsie and attentive audience. Referriiia to dece:ia- ed, he said she trusted in her Redeemer's love, and not one doubt disturbed her last hour. Come, mourn sm. Hit. the bell Hab to.U d agaiu ouce more . A friend beloved bat] ifone to dwell On Cauaan'a peaceful bUoro. btae stands before tbo (treat wUite throng And elDgs her toufj of l<>ve At JeauB feet ' she casts bor crown Aod praises bim aboru. Alttao' the dear beloved voice Besponda not to your paJo, l^ memory in aoul bball dwell Uutil you meetacaiu. By livicR faithful to tbe Lord You'll soon cross Jordan's fiord. And reap with ber your gi-eat reward Before tbetbioucu ofOod. Seeding is pretty •rell advanced iu this locidity. Mr. Thos. Feiiwick has gone to work in Uweu Sound for the summer. The youn^ peopla will soon be all gone from around Eu);enis. Mr. John .'^rmstron^ is very sick at present with hemorrhage i>f the Iudkh and |{enerul weakness. Mr. Joh n A. Jainiesoii met with a ritber serious aocdient. Wbila working iu Mr. Sloan's saw nulla Hlio-t time ago he got three of his fingers very .-ieverely cut There is a rumor that one of 'jur nioHt popular young men has joined the army of benedicts. More particulars Inter on. Mr. Joseph Henry Fcnwick of .'Minn- ford is visiting his uncle, Mr. Henry Fenwiuk. Feversban. A FEW MORE GOOD VALUES Heavy Cottonaile (special) 18c. Men's Suits, $2 60 up. Ladies' Glove Grain Lacod Boots, standard acrow (.special) 9Bo. Gent's Fine Sliot'H, Koit^if <'i' l^ccd, $l.l.'{. Lace Curtains per pair, 25c up. Heavy Tweeds, 25c up. Azure Silks, lOcy.inl. KoUer Blinds, ctmiplete with pulls, 25c up. Nice Prints, 5 and Cc. Giniihaiiis, pretty patterns, 6c. Oatmeal and Castile Twin-bar.Soap, 6c. Sewing Machine Oil, extra large bottles, 10c. Light Sugar,28 lbs. for fl.OO. Best Granulated Sugar, 22 Iba. for |1.00. Glass Tumblers, largo size, 45c per d<)zeii. Kiukora Black Tea, 25o lb. 3-lb. b.sr Si'ap, 10c. ilice, 4c lb. from our oiim Correspoudent SeediiiK in the order of the day with the farmers around hero. Miss Lottie Krrton of Maxwell wa8 viititing friends here hist week. Thi- prayer meetinu' was largely attend ed last Thursday evening at Mr. A. J. Conrou's. A very largo s;at hcri rg attended q imrtcr- ly meeting Sunday nioriiiii^ at Bethel. Mr. T. WiHjds of Keversham and Mi'K Kollingtou of Collinuttoixl wore united in the holy b<iiid8 of niauiinnny last Wednesday. Mi^s Millie Linlcy acted »« bridesmaid and Mr. Al.Wuods as glooms- man Wo wi.-<h the yoitng couple every success in life. Mr. Janie.s Reid sold lii^ slnro and residence to Mr. John Douglas, sr. He has moved to Mclniyru where he iutends to run a large busiiiesK. Mr K T. Mctjiir spent last week at home here. Scott Act here ! No hotel. The farmers arc smiling. F'dl wheat looking wdl, Mfii waiitetl â€" Potatoes bu<^s are offer- ing $2^ a day for men to plant potatoes. Flesbertoa Statioa From otir own Cin-rexijuM'teiit Mr. U. Oliver, who has been «|>ending a few diiys at his home, returned 1 1» Tuesday t<. Lis mince in' Algoms. Mr. O. thinks th« prospects are briKbl Miss Jones and Mins Wnrliag vieited frieinh nn the MenUrd Uond. The Inspector of L^ye Stock from Oneii S.>und was down l«.stn'eok inapccting fnur car loads of atyck which wore sliipped by MesiirH. Psbiffibn and Hawk to BulTido. Mr, Sergnnt movod into his new house last week. Mr. Madill moved inbo the one vftcat<jd by Mr. S. Mr. Thomptwn moved into tiie reaidiMiM vacated by Mr, . Strobell. Mr. Hawk raovea into the ly cauvassod during the past week with house vacated by Mr. Tliompson, and both shoddy, jewlery, and clolhmeii. Mrs. Sinclair into Mr. Purdy's residence. We understand that they roped in many Mr. J. Cairns, proprietor of the victims, although they were well warned Queen's hotel, has complied with the tliroui^h the Advance before band, but did license rules from the word "go" by not lake heed in time, closing bis house at the punctual hour. Mr. Joseph Fenwick of Bruce Co., whv We hope others will follow suit. is iu poor health, is spending a couple of Miss Lawson of the Sault has been weeks in this neighborhood with bis' spending a few days with her cousin, sister, Mrs. John McNally. &liBS Cairnfl. Mr. Phillip Barnbouse of Fleshertnii spent Sunday with friends in this locality. Swtaton Park From ottr utmCorrespinuient. Farmers are all very busy with the seeding, and a numler are eipecting lu fiuish in a few days. Wedding bells are again sounding, but we must not lot the oat out of the bag yet. Mr. Chas Deruaha has moved inUi the house lately occupied by Mr. Jas. Bower- man, on Mr. W. Armstrong's farm. Prieeville Prom mir own Corrttpondeut { Arbor day was eothusiaaiically observed , by the pupils «( our putiiio school. k» % A very s ^d a' c'dentoccuned a few days ^ result, their fine sohcol grounds present an ago. While Mrs. Dean, a few miles south exceedingly neat and attractive appearance, of here, was visiting at Mr. C. Jacks ; '""^ boya and girls have uo reason to com- across the road, Mrs. Dean and two Miss ' P'»'Uof uuuliwr amusements, aa they have Jacks were in the house alone, and look- 1 '"o croquet sets, basket ball aod football, ing at a revolver it was discharged, shoot- | '-^^ Monday norning Dougal MoLwm,. ing Mra. Dean below the heart, killine \ *'"'" "^'â- " fi«b-rman, yaoked out a trout her instantly. It U very sad. She had T^"'"'' '* P"""'^ ^1'" *"""" "" ^, , • 1 t J rriL finest specimene tl the filmy tribe «e have the revolver m her own hands. The' , , . . ,. . ,. , ,L *^*' •*''°- 'â- ^ *" '••arly eixteea incbts family have the deep sympathy of the , „ i _ j â- • i â- ' r i I t , icng and measured nine niches :n oiioum- commuiiity. I f.rence. So to say that Dan feels " big" is Miss Lizzie Ferrif of Toronto is visit ing friends here at present. Miss Mary Bell of Toronto also return- ed home last week. A public picnic will be held on May 24, in Mr. John Richardson's bush. A pleasant time is expected. Come one come all. Meaford Koa<I From Our Uxcii Corre$poiulent Mr. A. Johu&ton iu working his valley farm this year himself. Mr. .r. Wiirliiig is home for a fow days. putting it very mildly. Master Arthur Fatten narrowly escaped drowning on Monday morning: By soma, •neans be loet hu {ooting and fell into deep water near the milldam. Oarry Paiton who was fishing near by, instantly plunged In after his brother and succeeded in bring- ! ing the boy safe to i bora. Uarry is only 1*2 years old but he knows how to swim and to that faot young Arthur probably owes his life. Mis. Robertson and Misses Jcaoia and Lottie have moved to Priccville ttoiu the l^ueen City. Wm. Watson, sr., ia moving i to the Arbor day w.-u duly kept here by the j residence lately oconpied by James '.VaUou teacher and pupils by a general cleaning up of the sch(H)l promises, which present a neat and tidy appearance. The lecture on the ' 'rea8<ins why I left ihe church of Rome," delivered in the church here by the llev. C Langford, was highly appreciated by those present. Mr. A.Patterson, agent for the Syden- ham Life Insurance Co., paid this part a busiuc&s visit la»t week. Vandclcur busy with of fiom our 0ICI4 Corrtapondeut. The farmers in this vicinity are seeding between showers. Mr. Thos. Knight is laid up rhcuinaiisni. Mr. Geo. W light has an attack sciatica. Mrs. Will. Hutchinson has been laid up with a severe cold, but is able to be aruuiid a'.4ain. Mr William Carson has sold his farm tiMr. E. Brodie and has purchased a farm fi-iui .Mr. Jacob Thompson of the Eatt Unck Line. TlitTB 18 a now baby at Mr. Buchanan's and another at R Warlings, both girls. . , nn il ^ R. Last Saturday afternoon Wm. Patlon's little boy got one of his fioKera cuifht in some part of a seed drill. The member was so badiy crushed that Dr. Button had to ampniate it at the first joiot. Bev. Mr. and Mrs. Humphreys visiteil friends in Uueipb last week. The rev. gen- tleman preached in one of the city churches' on -Sunday. Our boys are fast leavin).' na. D. Tryou left this week for the township of Whitby, wticre be iias secured work. Tne pulpit of the Methodist church was occupied by Mr, M. Richardson Inst Sun- day. Mr. Bicbardson pieached a very helpful and ibou){ht(ul sermon The Electric Railway Port From our ort Law oitn Currrsfnuidmt Mr Henry Down, who rocently-atpved to Homing's Mills, has returned onca- more to the old homestead iu this vicinity. Wo are Sorry to nito that Mr. Walter SiininoiiR had iliu misfortune to h'su a vnluiiblu marc with inflauiation duiiug the prut wcfk. A youth, by the name of Allen Mc- Lean, whose nidthor lives in this neigh- borhood, ran away from hi-ino ubout two weeks »Ro,and haa not yet been heijrd of. Wo think whoever is h:irb''riag this lad would do both him and his poor widowol mother a goo I turn if tlioy would take the horse whip to him and soiid him home. L:>st Fiiday being Aibor Pay, the taachersnd children turned o^t in full foitiu, and luado a very marked \inprove- (acnt on both tlie school hoUsj and }^iut Is, for which they deserve ctedit. This neighborhood haa been tho(ougb- Thure is every reason to believe that the cimtract for the construction of the Huron and Ontario Electric railway will be let at an early date. Mr. A. McK. Cameron, the secretary, is con- stant'.y receiving asstirancea from tho- eiiief promoters that the road will bo built.â€" Meaford Minor. Mr. McJJaiuaia, president of tl:o <moi> promising Huron a:id Ontario railway, came home last week from a director's mecti'ig iu Toronto " well pleased," ac- cording to the Telescope. An agent of Miller Bros, is-ei^cted here in a few days to examine the i'oii3~T»tt4^foim an opiaion of its iKiesiUililies. If~~1»{t!Jr a peri<onal osaminatioii of the roul be ~" convinced there is any money in if, it will be bnilt forthwith, if not, then that is the end of it. â€" Grey Review. Died Lkvebâ€" .At bor rusideuco, Flosborton.on Tburs~ dny. May 0, 1M>7, Hcbooia lever, reluct of tbe late Boger l^vor. aged OS year*. Caiisonâ€" In Artoniosia, on May 7, ITOT Mary K., beloved wife cf Jas. Carsoa, asod 3* years. Mr. Arthur H. Jackscm, one of our most, popular young towiisaion, staitod (111 his jjicyclo on Friday hmt to visit his parents in Greensboro', North Carolinii. lie will pass through Niagara Falls, 'ochesti-r, Elihira, Bal'inioro, Wa.sliing- ti/ii, Richmond. Mr. Jack.son is goiiia tor pleasure aiid doesn't intend to make big runs choosing rather to take his time iiiid get the full l)euetit of the beaut ful .Hceiitry through which he will pass ou his route of over a thousand uiiles, -~ Durham Chronjeje, m