Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Feb 1897, p. 8

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mmmmmm mmm ..â- >^. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE D. ricTavish FL B S H E l^TO N KEEPS ON HAND rs For Ma930jr-FI.\rriH,«tid Noxon, Flotiry and Wilkinson farm implcmente. Fleiii-y and Verity plows on hand all the time, also all kinds of repairs ffir llie aim*. We laiiiiifautiire Wagons. Bnggics, Ciuters, Sluighs, etc. IIoi;3o*ii:)oiiii» pr<)'ni)ily attended to. Special attention to tender, con- triicted ffc.t. IJ^:,'i,'ill^' aiir] I'low CliainH constantly on hand. r 'Q/«^W%^%%«'«^»^^^^%^%^^a«%^^«^«/%^%'%1k^^'% WINTER 5ALES NOW RUSHING! Tlii.s is tho season of year when you want to buy & cutter or sleigh. 1 have thoiu â€" beauties â€" and will hoII on your own terms â€" if they are not All one-sided. Painting and re-triinmini; done to order. Don't buy without looking in upon my samples and getting prices. R. T. WHITTEN * «^ka/tt/o/» w%'«ft/«^'%%'«^'%^ «^%^«/%'%^«^«/%^»'%%4 tu'm- r» ,1m. ^'»^?S^SfS^fm^^iiSj!^ Come and see! Heard's Cutters and Sleighs . . . OF THE BEST QUALITY We have some fine Cutters and Slcij^Iis to Bell or e^cliaugo for fj^l Wood, Luinbrr, Sawio-,'."* or youn>{ Cattle. "^' J. H. HiARD & SON, FLESbERfON ^*BCii' BARNHOUSE The Flour and Fruit Man \ ^ Winht's to draw the Attention of the public to the f'dlowiug spHcialtiei : ^>^)^ Photos ^i -TAKEN Daa.SKIN MITTS «nd LEOGINGS jiiadt* to 'irder, or « ill sell out of Stock. FIIUITS AND CONFECTIONERY OYSTERS IN SEASON Try o!irbr«»kfi«t CEHSALS. Flour />f all i>r»di-siii stuck. Root and Shoe buHinuss <>lso Attended to HH usual. W. Barnhouse, Fleshsrton Eugenia Mills AND Carriage Works. O i-'-i V'^OB raarle and. Kopalred. al- < Pi i:ii'j J and Matching, B.ancl Saw- lax, V )od Puriiinij of every das or.pM "> I. Pla.'iint; and Grain Chof. \)la.; i ine v/lilla you wait, for tli'- 'i )i,vor turua the wneel. T. IV. WilSOS «nims:«'r so YEARS' KICNCB - AT THE I Flesherton I Photograph I Gallery 2 are dune in (irstclnKA olyle and al % l.iweBt riili'N. Speeinl Hitentioii a (jivoii to copying. Raliien' photos. ^ a 4j>ecialty. Pictures fiHined. I MRS, BULMER anil Lot For sale. For Rale clisap aiul on eaiiy tnrnin hi FloHhnr- tun. H|ilonili<l lAiRn, Kolid brl* k (Iwe)tliig, with 1,'noil Ntino cellar, Hiiiiniiur kitrhoii and wood- houtio, alt^o (food f^^anm RtHblu, brick lined. V oMii«(-<« contaitm twolatge Inti* atiduood yoiinR nrtdiard. l>naiinK. Hihiko and ouMtnlldiiiMH are Mxroptiotinlly wt-ll t1ni^lu<d and vory coitvuul^ fciitly laid out. Apply to U.J. BpnoLMt. FU^harton. Cash : for : Hides! Slierp.ikiiiH mill nil hinds of fiiis pur (•lia!ii-d, fur which liijlje.>t imirket pncu Will li.< paid. TRADE MARKS, DtlSldWs, COPVHICMTS Slo. Anvonc^rnrtlryj n Rtirl'h am! (lrKr"l|.tinn mij t,r.\' i.iv iu.i:iTluln, free, ti l.clliiT i iveiiiinn la iirtii.altly p.'iKi-itable. ('(niniiuiiifrallmiB »lrlctly rniif'.dontlal. (»!<IOBt npem-y fnrHerurtiHniiili'iili In Ain-rlca. Wn hiivo u \Vu»hlni:tiiii ofBco. I>iil"nt« nirou;:U Muliu & Co -eoolT* iHKic-iul iiotico lit llio SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, â- (.•i.. firully inil."tr:ili-i1. brci'st pliiLiliilliin of nnv 6*^.nnllC.c tiMH-nal. weekly, 1 crtri.i iK'.C*! n voar; S!..^,Uiiix mniifhs. HimrltnrMi coplefi ftiHl Uawo l!ou;i un Patehti! sciil/ros. Addrsu MUNN A. CO., 861 Urondwav, New York. niMMcuiiiilc cftubmjis on liriiul, n'ro i\ll liHid" of ini'iit-i. Flt't^liprtiOii M(?r;l Fj^itpoiium piticr.viLM: AND DUiUiAM s'lAriM. niiibain 6tn(( loavefl Flcvhtrton Rtntinn fit 7.15 am., vctinn'i 4. 45 p ni. Pricovillr Btaco Mmvcrt tho saTi.H plaim nt. 12.:k\ rrtntninr nt 1 4ft. l-'nrn fo PricHviiJf and v<'tnrn..'iOcf>nt(«; Diirhaui. ^l.V) ft)r it'turn 7>t.. Klnple fiiro. I.ivtnv lit con- â- lection. (Jrdi»is ma be left Ht eiOirr liotcl. A. MflCADLKY Tro FMI3E! FREE!! Vwuuty unit District OWEN SOUKD.ONTAniO, \-s3, ililie -srojpy J3e©ti VX.KVM. IM C.\N.\I1.\ TO r.l'.T A Tli3[3"j.]!i \m\\\ Eiijcaliaii. T^ilio a ll'jiind Trip *;••?„, ^Ir.:,,.";: â€" . â€" -- â€" â€" ^ ('iil'iiUtii* ftn'l >-o narcittl noi>iiilni«'it' in (lanp'in.timn vUlt tit N' dilMi"! llM '111 !«« Oiil)ii>?(' ; "'XHiuiiio ()V( ry. 1 iiii j tr!i >.'i>auUly. If w« fall ti) |ir„i|iii'" tliu ii» til '.li.iro.i^Ii.omnlnt.!. nrai'tli III ami rxtnn- »j*i 'joi.'iio if t-i-Iv : flic li(»«*t c:j1Ioku p!-L*inHcK s^ 1 ttiJ hfiit all') ii>o9' (^'ininliit.c aii'l niont Hult- afilsfui'iiitiirniinil HI I li'iiova. Vfi will iilrn roii % full •oiir^ifi dlttK. Kor Aiinnsl .\nnoiin«e- ui*ot .tlfiiif full iitrtlciiUm friio. aililre C. A. FLEMINO, Prlnripal Prc.mTve y 'Ur cyi-sicht by having them )iro|iirly luhttd by W. k. AIlMSTliONG, Optician BOAR FOR SERVICE t li>T* k vrII lirrd llarkihiro boar for urvluB <iii lut 179, T. S. K., ArUliimla. Txriiis 7.i aaulii. OUY OHll F. S Cressmsn, iiiorch.tnc nf Hano»cr, has coinproiMised with riis creditors at 36 ctmta un the dol'ar. Forty-five nuc'ioneor's licenses were issued ill Giey Cnumy during tha past year, iiflTordinu a revenue nf (640. Mr R. J. Mornaiii of Cha'»worth had several Hncers badly lacemted. It was the buzz »aw nu'iiin. Tho Ki ore and rt^sidencK of M. Hihs. NYdhaiiisfoid, was burned nne day Isst week. The slock wns valued iit 84000 and nii'hina was i>avi d. Mr. Hiles aUo loMi $200 in iiiont'y. Insurance on stock, $2000 : on . mxi On Weilnnsday Rolit Thompson whs coming d >wii ilie niountuin tvest of Colliiiuwdod with a l<<ad of w>iod, when his horses became unmanageHble and ran Ht bieskoeck speed down the steep r>>iul Tliey meet Mrs. J. A. Castor in a cutter uoing up th« nioun aiu. Her hor«e wa.i killed instantly und the cut'er sma.ihed to utoiiis, Mmugh straiigH to say Mrs. Cantor escaped cttiii{miaiively unhurt. Before tho stuck of F, X. Mon»ner, of Formosa, was nold Friday at Walkerton, tlie insolvent addreKsed the audience and anked then:, and particularly Messrs SchwHrlz lit Feity, not to bid ausinst him By iidoptini; tbia vourKC he «rMu!d get a cliaiice to earn noiiieihini; to pay the preuiiuniH on bin policies and linslly pay hU his ilebta. The biildin;> stalled at 40 cents and iidvunced rapidly imo cent at A tune. After a while the bids diopp ed to II quarter of a ciiit idvince Ui.t I 75 Ct-iiis WHS bid when Mr. Schwartz who was the opposirjoii biid'-r, swid, "Let him have it," ami it wii* kni>cked down to the Messrs. Mevsiier. C. D. Ballard, one of the .tlloL'ed Mcl- ancchon coiispirntors, has written a let ler to lh« pii-Hs. After adviaii.n news- paper reporti-rs to keep better h'nirs the the leiter rends : " And there \» lots of diccut, honest men in Melancthmi, and 'here is plenty mure that is neither decent or honest. But ineu thnt I will stiike my last dollsr on when it came to swaiiiij.', wiiuld sware crucked to scrt-on themselves It seems th« rule to load a mule for all he csn dravr. Well, there i.4 danver that that mule uiight make up Ins miiid not to he diivcii any further. Then Mr. Driver would conic in for a Hinad pMi-tioii (if the load." Ton.nto, Out., Feb. Llâ€"Sainuel tiantlojr, a insiried loan wiih three chihlri-n.livin;; at No. 227 LsmJ's avenue, WHS killed at McDonnell's rolling iiiilU, Sunnyfide, near Toronto, in a iims! hiiriihio nnniier. Ha was wuiking at tho rolls when a bar of red hot iron was thrown oui. Itstiuck biin shore the the kiiee and passed entirely through tbe lei;, burning hint terribly. Doctors were huriiudly suniinont'd, but he dim) in half sn hour. He fainted when the iron entered his leg, und never recovered coi' At the adjourned inquest on the body of EiJwsrd Feuti'li the only evidence .;?iven was by Dr. Harr, who held the p"St mortem exaiiiiiinlion. The dncloi's e»i- ilencu ilid not tlimtv niiy light upon the CiiUfO of Fc'iituii'.i JuHtli. The body »iis cliaiud beyond ricoynitioii, nothing 1 ui thetiunU rtniaiiiing, the lumt and legs liiiviiigboeii buriit otf. The hiain, Iuiil-s, .stoiiiiicli and luor wore sc utt'.iiied by i|ii: lire that not iiiuuli could be It' inicd fi< in iliein II Eihrsid Fuiit.un met hisduat'i by loiil play, tliin the lire must ell'ootu- idly CuVirod up the tiiicks iniulf by I lie atroclnus tiend.i. The iiii|iiesi uus uL'ain udj'anned at ibo icqiieat of the Ciukvn un il the 2Srd iiial. Pmlmbly the oldest woman in Ciinada (lied riulil lier« in Arthur tp., only a few miles from Mt. l<'i>reHt, on Sat ui day last, ill tlie person of Mrs. Ouslien, of the Kerry saitli iiieiil, ou the Oili con. Slie wuH 116 years old and she lived with her son, who XA now uu ohl mail of over 70. Ill order tn inakH sure of the old lady's oxHCt Hi{o hor fiiciuls wri.te rocontly to tho pli<'0 whole slio was born in Ireland iukI I lie great aue of 11.5 year.i isg.voii as tlmriiiigiily roiialile. Bbo was blind for Hcoirplo of y«aai8 previous to hor death, but liefote losing her siitlit, it is said, .i»w her fifth jieiiuraiion â€" a moat remark- sbl.Mcc'ird. llerlmieral took place on Monday. â€" .Mt. Forest Hop. Akxnudpr McLpiin, a iina about 80 yeauH of Hije, li\ingiii lis hmise alone in Oarrifinxa, not fur from Monklntid mills, Fiuniis, was siitfocated. .\ lu-igh- biir on eiiter:ii'4 tho found the kitchen floor burned a'l round the stove, the oron of which bad fallen through tho burtipil hole. The firo wns still burning slowly, the liouio was full of smoke and the old man was lying uiicunscinus in Ins Vied. A docUr was sent foran.l every elTorl w.iH madi« to resu-citHte him, but witl.our aval, a<i he die I without having recovered sufht:ieiiily to tell anything about what hud happHiied. He whs h Bitthlaiid Scotchman, and allhouuh ho lived in FeruO.H for over forry year.», Gselic was the language that he could speak most readily. Hin wife died s few inontliH wio. 8:nee which time he has lived slone. Tho f dl'.wiritj f.-iMgraoh form the pen of "D- n" in SitU'dav Nii/h' nuins up the sitiimioii as eorrec'ly ,-v« c>u'd any human. "The Csnadim Press Ass"ciation is in se^si'ii in Toronto ihia ivck, mi'I if hax ociurred to nm that these men. th^se edit'Ti, ma.'i'etiz-d by direct contact with the whoh- people, could give exoillent lest'mony on many a knotty point There is no man in a coinniuni'y so intimately informe.) ,if the wmkiiigof its social nmchii'cry and so fiee to rend the m. lives that underlie men's actions, as the editor. Il has often been said that sn edit'ir deserves credit, nnf sn irnch for that which be priets as for that which herefu.^es lo print. Only those in hu«inesa know how true this is, and how often it is necessary for ibe editor to nay '"No" to men of cinsiderable locsj in fluence. There is no i>ne ihiig, piTliap«, that coiitribte^ so iiuinli to 'he success of a newspaper insn as the ability to nay "Yes" or "No" in the proper plici' and with the kindl{neri< that ninken or re'ains a friend. Indeed, this applies to snv line of business. It is said that iiinetv-Kvc percent of those wliofiointo busioeKn prove t'l be failures, and it has long been held that a great many of those who fail d • so )M>CKUse they are unable to ssy "No," either craei u*ly or at all. We are all xwaiethat socia'ly, profensionnlly and in business life the inability to say •'No"has wrecked many a brilliant future and it applies to women us well ai to men." A Great Offer. Those who suffer frimi catarrh can try the most successful remedy in the wor'd without paying one cent in advance. Cdl on our representative in Flesherton and you will he eiveii a Germicide Inhaler. Give it a fair trial at ynnr homo and if succoi-sful you can p.iy $3 for same, if not no charge will be made. This grand remedy is prompt, ple.«.aiit and p<<riiia tient, and cures catarrh where all else fails. For remedy on above liberal terms call at Richardson's drug store, Flesherton, Saturday, Feb. 20, and you will be given the remedy on trial without haviuL' to t ayanythinc in advsnco. Re meinhrr the date. Thoce who cannot eall, address Medical Inhalation Co., Ltd. Toronto, Out. Qrey's Warden Mr. James Allan, the newly elected "•at den of Grey, is one of five brothers who, witli their parents, settled in Egre- inoiit away back in the 60's. Tlie fathei wan lor niHiiy years a jusiice of the peace. Ill elder in the Presbyterian cliuich, and a most Worthy citizen Four of the aon», John, James, Daviil und Thomas became leacbeis, tho three former after several >eHr« at ibe dcpk, beeoiniui! farmns. Thomas, the well known principal of DiiriiHii) Model School, la still in har iiesB. William never tiaik lo teacluug Old never a^plrvd to any public â-  fticu till his friends forced him to the front as a Patron candidate in tho last elecin'n Ni't BO Janu-.s. Back ill the 70'a, marly 26 ye (IS ai;", ho began tot. ike iin inter est 111 inuiiicipHi ati'airs, and his ability, natural and acquired, led to his clectiuM to the municipal council of E^iemoet, nf which we siippi'so ho was a member longer than any one man. His election wan always noted for an oveiwhelmiiig Vote in his own ward, and only once was ho defeated for a year, and that by n small majority. The p lailion of deputy reeve gave him Cnun y Council experi eiice, and as ch liriiiaii of the Couiity Property Cominilteo and in' other ways ho proved a most useful imniber. His new position is a tribute to his ability. In politics ho has always been a Conser- vative, if wo cscejit iho Kupport ho yave Ilia bro'liHr as Patrnii. In religion ho is claaaed as a Piesbyteriaii, Ho takes n warm interest in Fanners' Institute and Auricultuiid Society meetiiiga, aiid is in demand an a plalforni dpeakur. "Jim" is line of the iinmt »< ciable of men, and has never taken the stron:,' ground on temperaiico and other questions that his bri.tluTs have done. In the late election his large vote in his own township proves his popularity.â€" Qrey Review. The Markeis. Varei'allY Corrected i;««'h W«eh Flour 44 60 to 85 4* Oats ... 16 M) 17 Wheal ... 80 to ^ Barley 20 t« ai Peas Sg to ^ Butter . 1» i:i, 1ft Rsiiis, fresh 12 .,o ji Potatoes hag 25 .n 96 P"rk .. 4 00 to 4 7S Hay per ton . .. 7 00 to 8 Ofr Hides 4 00 to 5 f • .sheepskins 25 t-o eO Geese ...... 5 to ft Turkeys 7 t, 7 Clockens per pair iO ^o 95 Ducks per pair .... 40 t.i 5* ^^'""1 17 to ::» Hi Syrop 0f Bill ^ For Cough."?, Colds, Bron- chitis, Sore throat, etc. Kcnnr, w*tooi« a eo , rsora MoN'.ng*!.. WANTED Young woiiirn niul men, or oUIcr ouiw if Mtill yoinij,' in ipi it. of iinduubted chttiHCtrr t^ooti talker aiiibitioiiH and imliistrioii'*, eaa (lii.l enipioyuiiiiit in a i;ot,il caiisu. with ?lki lie.- niui.tb aiil ii|>war)!>. arcoriliiij! to nlilitv lluv.T b.LiuBcutt, Tort iito, t'lit. Pavs for voar Name on 18 KuKUtilul 'HlDni'..N N\Uli: • AifUrt, lovoly piotmeii. ores HHnilsomuCallnmruril.". Cauli . _ _ with order. Htaniiis talceti. A.ldresH, CANAD.V C.VKD HOLSli, tiigoriKjll, Ontario Farm and Mill Site for Sale For sale very cheap anil on very easy tcrnm. Tinitwrfarin, 150 acr»K, two miles from I'lenlj ertoM, kuowr km tlie \Vm. HocKxawuiill pro- perty, and on which is an excclleut »v«ter power. fouiKlatioii of taw miU, dam and pond and water wheel in place and all ready for pul.tiii«e mill on. Alioutl.'iacrea cleared, WscrcBtiiiibM, most off, balance well tiiubored, mixed timber. This farm will be Held at a bai'iiaiii if told at once. Small paynieot down, balance ou v»»t e.*ay turuia. Apply to B.J. Srnoti.E. Flesh erton,Owi /Vow is The Winter Of Our Discontent Says Shakespeare. There wilt be no discontent if you ueal with me, and Shakeitpcaro won't \m ill it. XIMELY GOODS NOW ON HAND : Sleigh Rubes, BellB,Blankels,CircinglM, Whips, Curry Combs, Brushes, Cow Chains, and everything in hariiessuiaksrs' goods. An elegant GOAT ROBE from $7 60 to 89, other robes higher if yon want theiu. Coir.e and look at my ihiiiiis, anywiy. Always glad to )(uwl« pi ices. Dry cordwood and stove wood take in exchange. Harnessmaker - - - Flcsliertcn. : : ILiOGS WANTED ! In unlimited qnautities at the Highest Cash Prices. oiAly 5o Per LBagf BEICEOFT 4 TILBOT ^ ; :_::t~ . " HCo^ for Servlo© For servloo on lotLH, T, andR B,. Artemaaia, a tboroiiRhbrad reelaterad Uerkshlra boar. Tsrin»-»1 »» time «f "•rvics. „, .__ JOS. QLABK. ^ 1

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