Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Feb 1897, p. 5

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THE KLESMERTON ADVANCE f f Vicinity Chips â- Mfti C »nr:ictcris»ics of the Past W4>ek t'iir«rul(y CHilctl for tbc JJ» iatss Notices tcmtnig IvcaU will bi f lAirtftd at the rale of ten c^fits + per 'ine for eark (ii«#»tU)H. A f ^eilti-iiim will be miu/e on con- tracts fur lUO litus <ir over. Cutler inr "« e â€" n bHruuiiiâ€" new. Apply t«iF. Coif, Fl.»hert..n. Bslinniy *n<l Mrs. Grahnitiv Regrets go d [iluce. On Sunday nearly uvfryone Were leecivad from Mr. and Mra. J. W. g »s lo cliuroh. PtirliHp.s snine i;o wIk'H, Ilendurson and Misa Uunnuli Bellamy cf as the lati- C. H. Spurauoii Uhed to suy, Toronto. After dinner muKic and ((iinies , 'To church, to cliurcU the pnrson cricH, Msistud in putting in n vi-ry pleasant | ond ovrry'<jdy k"ie», the oldi<r ones to evening Tlia jig'id mother was tho Veeipiant of much congratulation. Site m halo and he irty and given evidence of pow.r whio'i will no doubt sustan* lii-r for Some yoarsyut. Mrs. Bellainv was horn in Yorkshire, Biigland, and ciinu toCanadi sisty years ajjo, setti nj near Colborne. It is 28 years since the family removud'to Arteme.sia. Uer partner in life died here a<.»>ut two years ago. Divi-<ir);i 'U.t wi i b« i%\i lo-morr.ivr. Friday. h^iii ill Duu- Mesers. Ciecroft ifc Talbot's mill yard ha< not saen su tiiany 1(1^.1 fiT years as it n-iw i-oi.taiin. A nainWer of our skuttr* attended a tnkrniv;il in Diindalk on Fiiday evening and ri port liaving had ivo iod tone. Sunday wus whnt u.'iml to bu St. Valeiitiiie's Day, bnt S.". Vunlenline li'i.tii't ^i.t a day now, or at iraat it ,a n^t "bsurved. TUe A (). U. W tr.ii.d 1. dte is in>u ill T'Tiiiilo this woilf. Mr. W. U. Waikur in reprusuutiug the Flesher- ton tud;.'0 Oats ch"P|ied in live bne l<<t.< and up- wardR at 4 cenia per bau for 60 days. A ifUHi tity of dry maple flooiing cheiip for t»:h at Wdson'i planing mill, Eujjeni*. Rennie's Ne'w 5ced Catal42:ue We are in receipt of a copy of Win. Reiiiiiu's »M-d cataloKUe f^'f 1897, and inuiitsay it is rery taHty in i's "(jet- up." Si-v«ral new tiiioL-s fur the fariniT and ija-dv>iier arn iiiuludrd in t' o list of noveltiea otft-red, among tliu most proni'iient being a new Hold pea culled '• Odd cil'W." It IS vciy odd and distinc hi shaj)t», claimed to bo entirely bua-proo', as well as hiiiisr a splendid jield^jr of good quality. One of the novelties of sp cial intureHC t<» dairyii.en is the "Danish IinijroVBd Sui<ar Boei,'' the variety ^rowii by the world's famous buttermakurs in Donniark. A new early potato, "R(>s»- of the North," urigmated with Mr. Nai.scniih, the Canadian potato expert, fields at an eniirino,is rate. We would rec niinend our readers lo secure Mr neriiiie's ca'aloguu for 1807, which t> lis al' abimt tbo novelties of the sea- sou. Address, Win Rennie, Toronto. Slock for sale â€" Niuete^n cow8,»ap»*rior aniiuaU, four of tliem half Jersey; alto liveyoui'g bulls, thoroughbred Durham, f irtt comes first served. Jaiues Bell, Lsuiiston. Mr. F. T. Ildl of Markdale was a cftller on Mr. Rdl oame over to make acoiitract for advert is- iiig in ihuse column, and for the next year F T. Hdl 4 Co will occupy a nice block of space ou tho first page In order to keep the public posted on their bargains. Tlie ftiljourned meeting of the Royal Starlet Chapter of the district of Aituuiesi'i will be held in the Orange Uall, Markdale, on Friday, Feb. 19. at S p. m. When ihe exaltation of candi datis is over buiiiioss of the Chapter and the election of otficers will be proceeded with. S. Slitardo*n,W. C. in C; J. A. Doddo, Scribe. Mrs. Buliner has just completed a very handsome uroup picture of Beven een littlo Vaiideluur girls, representing a •ketch, " The May Queen," which was recently uiven at a S.ibliath scboid eiitert^intnuiit of the Menford Road Methodist appoiutnient. Altogether it is one of (he prettiest child groups that we have seen, and gives added lustre to Mrs. Buliiier's already well known art Mr. 8 Buchanan of Recdville.Oregon, returned home a few days aao. Mr. Buchanan took sick and was obliged to aell out his business in Reedville. Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan arc at present living with the former's brother, Mr. W. Buchanan, ^fcafold Uoad. Mr. Buchanan has nothing to siy against Oregon, which treated him fairly well financially, and a failure if health was all that caused him to return to Ontario. PER30NAL5 Mr. and Mrn. W. P. Crostley are visitini; friends in Collingwoud. Mr. J. D. Brown, Merrhant, Price- ville and Dundalk, was a caller im Mon- dxy. Mr. Brown is doiiiit a large busi- ne8« in his DiindHlk branch. Mr Jacob Parliament, Paiuley, is the guest of friends in town. Miss Kent, Toronto, who haa been the guest >'f her coQsin, Mr. F. Bunt, has returned to her home in the city. Obituary BiiKiaBowâ€" At HsxwbII. oq Thuisday, Fab. 11, 18117, Ssiuual Badgerow, aged 70 yesra. Mr. Baduerow wa.s born iu Campbell County, Kentucky, and came to Canada with hia fatlior wh<>n only three years old, settling iu Markhain township. After havinii reached manhood's estate he minied a Miss Ferrier, and the young people took up land in Artetiiesi't in 1853, an the 4ih concession, where they prosperetl and raised a large family, fourteen children and the widow surviv- ingâ€" ciuht buys and six girls. Mr. Bailgerow's falher was a soldier in the war of 1812 Deceased was a nicmlKr of the Eugenia Presbyterian church. The funeral i^n Sunday to Fleahertoii was largely attended. closo ilioir eycH, 'he young to eye their oloihes." Never! helo'ss it is a pa^^sably good place â€" alihouijli sOme improve" iiients niiglit bx ui,iile. SomctimeH it is well lo sisk oursil-es some (juistioiw. The merchant or maiiu facturer who never stops to think of the future will b« sure lo couiu to luin. Is Grand Valley to itay any bettor off as a huMiiOHS centre than it was two, three or live years ago ? Are tho people AS prosperous ? Are ihe luitrchaiits and manufacturers running their bt.ores and factories at a pnjtit t Are the employees receiving steady work, and when th^ y Work are they receiving a livini; wa^e 1 Do the farmers round about come to this place, iir do they drive t<i Orangeville, Shelburtie, Arthur or Uillahurit to do their shojiping ? Are the faimer'a inter- ests looked after at ihe market the way they should be ? Are the lowu.^liip c luncil runnin'4 mat- te in to the very bent advanbiije to buih township and villngu 70r is ono gertin<r the fat and the other whatever is left ? W.iuld our expenses In; any or much hiiihor if iooiM|)orated ? Or Would ihoie not be may advantmos ill setting up in business for ouraelvos 1 Will we ever b3 able to uet fire proieo tioii while tied to the maternal apion suing of the township ? Wiil woever got it anyway until, like a<< many tonus wo could all name, we ire called »otiiu day to look upon the smouldei iiig ruins of our fair village 7 Because there has been no serious lire isthaiasiun that there uevor will boany I Have the Grits beeu ia power hmg enough til have br<iu|.ht good times if they were ever coming 7 Or are we en> joying them and loFi't knoar it 7 With plenty in the lana U nut the hard times and stagnation in traJe on'y a self-inllict- ed evil 7 Or ia the wealth of the t'lwn being sliutup in mining stock? Will those who iiiv( s> drcp theic cold canh, or will the mine:! I'.'iy laruo divideiid.i 7 Will the hiatoricat good tune return with the swallows ? Will Eomu people ever loam ^o pay in advance for their local paper 7 It is easy to ask iiuestious but hard to answer them. We can tackle nimple problems, but wo would not like to an swer the above. But they are worth thiakiiiK about." Our Stock is Going Fast I There was a largo represeutilion of East Grey Conservatives at Rocklyn uti Tuesday, but the meeting thou^.hi it best not to nominate a man at the prose, t juncture. Mr. Maywood, M. P. for Norih Perth, wiis present and addressed the meetiiw as did also Dr. Sproule, M RichHrdsoii, I. B. Lucas, N. McColuian andT. Oilray. Tho patty in this r ding appears bo ready and willing for the fray. WrxTTâ€" In Artenienia, ou Wotlnosday, I'«b. 10. 1896,Marv Wyalt. aead OS. Mrs. Wyalt Was the mother-in-law of Mr John Chard, sr., and Kisndniother of Missri. Jas , John, Frank and Tlioni. s Cliard. She »aa a native of Dovonshire, England, and came to this country about 1!) years auo. The funeral took place to Fle.ilierton cetnetTy on Fridsy last, her Ofith birthday. Five years ago deceased buticd her only daughter, the late Mrs. J Chard, which was a very severe blow, and caused her to long to go and be with htr loved ones. A social will 'oe held on Friday evening at the residence <»f Mr. W. C. Parker, WoHt back lino, under the auspices of the ladies of the Methodist church. T^^anis will leave Clayton's corner at 7 o'clock sharp. Admission 15 and 10 cents. â- WOOD'S PHOHPHOOINE. The Great Bncliah Reinedr. Six Packagts Guamnfeed to promptly and pormanimtly euro all forms ot A'erroii* TTcal-neM, Emissioru.Sptrtn- otorrhea, ImtHttcncyand att rffr^aof Abxise or Kxcessea, JiScntttl Worry, excessive use •»% -tf J J .isj of Tobacco, Opiumur titimu' Before and After. ,„„„ „,,,„., ^^„ ,„d ,„ j^. firmitv, Insanitu, Consumption and an early grave. Bob been iircacrltwd over 3S j-uani In Uiousamls of cases; 1» tho only reUable and Ilorust Hcdlctne inotvn. Ask druggist tor Wood's Ptiosphodlne; If (10 otters BomoworttilBSS moitlclno In placo ot till.". Inclose price Id letter, aud wn will siind by return mall. Price, ono pookago, tl; sl.t, $6. One will please, six wiU cure. PamphloiB f reo to any address, Tlie IVoud Company, Windsor. Oat.. Canada. Sold i'l Flotiheiton and eveiywliere in Canada by all roipi'iisible drugnists. Lamiiâ€" In Markdalo, on Tiie?dav, IBtli Inst, after a short llluoss, Isabella S , beloved wife of Joseph Lamb, blackaiiiitb, aged 3S years. Some Pointed Questions A Birthday Party A very plc.iaant aoc al function took |ilnco on Monday evening at the residence of 'Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bellamy, the occasion being tho 73 h annivcraikry of tho birth of Mrs. Robert Bellamy, mother of our ostcemcd township clerk, who resides witl) her son. Mrs. W. J. Bellamy had prepared a tempting dinner to which tho following t;"«>st.8 (all children pf this aged lady, with their wives) did ample justice. Mrs. and Mrs. C. W. Bellamy, Mr. and Mrs. John Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. W. Sharp, Mrs. Jaoob Parlia- ment, Paisley ; Mr. aud Mrs. John Bjjllamjr, Mr*. F. Bulmer^ Miu Kate Grand Valley is an unincorporated village on tho C. P. R. between Orange ville and .\rthur. It has a neat little newspaper conducted ou good lines. In the last i'lSUB of tho Tribune tho editor asks a few pertinent ipieat ons, every one of which would ap|.ly heio eipially well, and for the bc.iefit of our leador.i wo quote tho article enlii'O. Every lino of the following iii'ght have boeii written f.r Fle.-heiton insteail of Gaud Valloy : '• C.tizeii of (!ra>id Valley liavo rea smi lo be proud â-  f the pi ceâ€" o'ine rea sons at It doesn't possess soino of the ad van tag. 8 of lamer cities, such as street rail*ay!i, hir'ue sombre factories, atiuabbling aldermen and gaols. But it's young. Abour a d<izon years ago when most of the surrounding towns were of about the same dimensions as to-day. Grand Valley wore the swaddling clothes. Waldrmarwas in the meridian of it's glory and bade f a r to outstrip us, but it didn't, ]Proi>©rties FOE - SALE â€"BY- a. J. mm, flesheetoi But our Qreat Bargains are Still with ua On/j/ Sijc Weeks 7/Jore During that time we will give extra special prices. Large Milk Pans,20c special for lOo Y2x\ cts special 8 cts 4 Gal. Cream Crock, 40c for 25c Butter Crock, 25c for 17c China Tc^a Sett. $7 for $4.50 Pitchers, 25c now 15c Glass Lamps, 55c now 30c Curtain Poles complete, 30c now 20c T. HILL, FLESHERTON^ HAS ON HAND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Rubbers, Overshoes Boots, Slippers ar.d Seasonable Gontlci 5alllnK very Cheap. Of " Jriler. tended Cuktoni Woi Kepa'lrinb Promptly to. IF YOC WI8U TO BUY PROPKIITY CONSULT THIS 8PACB FOR SALE cheap and on oaey tcrins, one iiiilo from FleHhorton, !U iicos lainl and on which is a good 7 rooms frame dwelling, woll and comfortably flninlieil .stoiic collor uiidcirncath, and good well and 1)11111]) in liitchon, good frame stablx and diiving Iiouho, also brick lined hen house, small orchard coinino' cingto bear. Apply to R. J. SPROULE, Fleshorton. A DEAD BARGAIN if sold during present month Two improved fami.s, ono ft mile from Pricoville and tho other same diKtanco from Wnrohani. Small payment down, balance on VERY easy terms. Also a hundred and lifty acre farm an.l mill site one mile from Fleslier- ton, principally hardwood bush, 26 acres cluarwl and fiami- dwelling and stable Ms. ,»'«. Jtii •>"- ^Stt. <««. •»'<- -M*" >»'<• •&"â- â€¢ -V* •*'<• â- Â»"• â- Â»"-• *'«• •*'*• •*!<• A'* •»?<< Ms.^'' -"''-' 0-' i % ^.'â- - £"i ^«:^j£2j£^?W' '/tv'vi?'rti?^i*^'»j'^ 'IS" %iv vii* '/!<• •{!«• w •*»«• •VK- '»i«- "Sj^ w^is* ir^ vi^ •»*? -^iv 5T0CK=.TAKINQ - - =» 5ale of Furniture SIXTEEN (i6i DAYS' SLAUQHTERINQ OF PRICES %l ^fft previous to STOfK-T/VKINtj. During this sale wo have cut oil' II prolits. Think what this means to yon. ur largo and well assorted stock of EVERYTHING in -/If Ifii' •NT. ^? ^^ PICTURES. BLINDS. CURTAIN POLES. In fact everything ^'§ noodid in tho homo of rich or poor, fnnu tho kitchen to the most at absolute cost for 10 days or till Furniture . . ^le. artistic drawing-room roipiisdcs, at alisoluto cost for Hi c ^i'? February 1st when wo comnionce to take stock. or. E. IVIOORE ^? The Peop:e's Houfe Purnlsher, Picture Framer and Undertaker ^4i^!&vV>v%KVto^\V-At&:ii&^&:J«&^y^^fc%^^fe^^fe^gi% ^i*';!^^/;? Ww vt?^l?^i? v»«- w^w w^-fft- "a?* •«PwW'>i*' w"'i?''»«^w "ijf -«iv- •»»• ^Mm Any ]iersoii wanting a deciUud bargain MoreoTor. Grand V^loy it a fairljr ' apply «|uicU to abova. Public Notice NOTtCK is hovoby Rivon fort.idcliug f.ny pemou or purHoiin trospassiiif; on or ciittinf), liitovfnriiii! witli or ronioviiig any tirabor oft lotB itl, on tho 9tU ami 10th ooDoeamoii, .Xrtemouls, Riid lotB 1*1. 144 and 145 an any anil a'l pi-riions doiuK BO will bo prosooutod ncoording to law. u. J. srBOui.n. A«eut, VleiliMrtoD. Ocaomtor, 15, '90. mil Opru TaoMlay, Tbnradaj' and Saturday aToa- ing. tlckotboMers and learnerson Fridkyr" (roinSto ip. m. , ^Y. J. HOWAKD. PMipiv biitii^ iiHi

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